Exemplo n.º 1
    Glyph::Glyph(const glm::vec4& destRect, const glm::vec4& uvRect, GLuint Texture, float Depth, const ColorRGBA8& color, float angle) :
        depth(Depth) {

        glm::vec2 halfDims(destRect.z / 2.0f, destRect.w / 2.0f);

        // Get points centered at origin
        glm::vec2 tl(-halfDims.x, halfDims.y);
        glm::vec2 bl(-halfDims.x, -halfDims.y);
        glm::vec2 br(halfDims.x, -halfDims.y);
        glm::vec2 tr(halfDims.x, halfDims.y);

        // Rotate the points
        tl = rotatePoint(tl, angle) + halfDims;
        bl = rotatePoint(bl, angle) + halfDims;
        br = rotatePoint(br, angle) + halfDims;
        tr = rotatePoint(tr, angle) + halfDims;

        topLeft.color = color;
        topLeft.setPosition(destRect.x + tl.x, destRect.y + tl.y);
        topLeft.setUV(uvRect.x, uvRect.y + uvRect.w);

        bottomLeft.color = color;
        bottomLeft.setPosition(destRect.x + bl.x, destRect.y + bl.y);
        bottomLeft.setUV(uvRect.x, uvRect.y);

        bottomRight.color = color;
        bottomRight.setPosition(destRect.x + br.x, destRect.y + br.y);
        bottomRight.setUV(uvRect.x + uvRect.z, uvRect.y);

        topRight.color = color;
        topRight.setPosition(destRect.x + tr.x, destRect.y + tr.y);
        topRight.setUV(uvRect.x + uvRect.z, uvRect.y + uvRect.w);
Exemplo n.º 2
Draw a rectangle outline on the current screen.
@function linedRectangle
@tparam integer x rectangle origin horizontal coordinate, in pixels
@tparam integer y rectangle origin vertical coordinate, in pixels
@tparam integer width rectangle width, in pixels
@tparam integer height rectangle height, in pixels
@tparam[opt=1] integer lineWidth line's thickness, in pixels
@tparam[opt=0] number angle rectangle rotation, in radians
@tparam[opt=default color] integer color drawing color
static int gfx_linedRectangle(lua_State *L) {
	int x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
	int y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
	int width = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
	int height = luaL_checkinteger(L, 4);
	float lineWidth = luaL_optnumber(L, 5, 1.0f);

	float angle = luaL_optnumber(L, 6, 0);
	u32 color = luaL_optinteger(L, 7, color_default);

	// Corner coordinates
	int x2 = x + width, y2 = y;
	int x3 = x2, y3 = y + height;
	int x4 = x, y4 = y3;

	// Rotate corners
	if (angle != 0) {
		int cx = x + width/2, cy = y + height/2;
		rotatePoint(x,  y,  cx, cy, angle, &x,  &y );
		rotatePoint(x2, y2, cx, cy, angle, &x2, &y2);
		rotatePoint(x3, y3, cx, cy, angle, &x3, &y3);
		rotatePoint(x4, y4, cx, cy, angle, &x4, &y4);

	// Draw lines
	sf2d_draw_line(x,  y,  x2, y2, lineWidth, color);
	sf2d_draw_line(x2, y2, x3, y3, lineWidth, color);
	sf2d_draw_line(x3, y3, x4, y4, lineWidth, color);
	sf2d_draw_line(x4, y4, x,  y,  lineWidth, color);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
	Glyph::Glyph(const glm::vec4 &destRect, const glm::vec4 &uvRect, const GLuint &Texture, const float &Depth, const ColorRGBA8 &color, const float &angle)
		: texture(Texture), depth(Depth)
		const glm::vec2 halfDims(destRect.z / 2.0f, destRect.w / 2.0f);

		glm::vec2 tl(-halfDims.x, halfDims.y);
		glm::vec2 bl(-halfDims.x, -halfDims.y);
		glm::vec2 br(halfDims.x, -halfDims.y);
		glm::vec2 tr(halfDims.x, halfDims.y);

		// rotate the points
		tl = rotatePoint(tl, angle) + halfDims;
		bl = rotatePoint(bl, angle) + halfDims;
		br = rotatePoint(br, angle) + halfDims;
		tr = rotatePoint(tr, angle) + halfDims;

		topLeft.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
		topLeft.setPosition(destRect.x + tl.x, destRect.y + tl.y);
		topLeft.setUV(uvRect.x, uvRect.y + uvRect.w);

		topLeft.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
		bottomLeft.setPosition(destRect.x + bl.x, destRect.y + bl.y);
		bottomLeft.setUV(uvRect.x, uvRect.y);

		topLeft.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
		bottomRight.setPosition(destRect.x + br.x, destRect.y + br.y);
		bottomRight.setUV(uvRect.x + uvRect.z, uvRect.y);

		topLeft.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
		topRight.setPosition(destRect.x + tr.x, destRect.y + tr.y);
		topRight.setUV(uvRect.x + uvRect.z, uvRect.y + uvRect.w);
Exemplo n.º 4
Glyph::Glyph(OShader *shader, const maths::vec2 &position, const maths::vec2 &dimensions, const maths::vec4 &uvRect, GLuint texture, unsigned int color, float zOrder, float angle)
:textureID(texture), a_zOrder(zOrder), currentShader(shader) {
    maths::vec2 halfDims(dimensions.x * 0.5f, dimensions.y * 0.5f);
    // Get points centered at origin
    maths::vec2 tl(-halfDims.x, halfDims.y);
    maths::vec2 bl(-halfDims.x, -halfDims.y);
    maths::vec2 br(halfDims.x, -halfDims.y);
    maths::vec2 tr(halfDims.x, halfDims.y);
    // Rotate the points
    tl = rotatePoint(tl, angle) + halfDims;
    bl = rotatePoint(bl, angle) + halfDims;
    br = rotatePoint(br, angle) + halfDims;
    tr = rotatePoint(tr, angle) + halfDims;
    topLeft.setPosition(position.x + tl.x, position.y + tl.y);
    topLeft.setUV(uvRect.x, uvRect.y + uvRect.w);
    bottomLeft.setPosition(position.x + bl.x, position.y + bl.y);
    bottomLeft.setUV(uvRect.x, uvRect.y);
    bottomRight.setPosition(position.x + br.x, position.y + br.y);
    bottomRight.setUV(uvRect.x + uvRect.z, uvRect.y);
    topRight.setPosition(position.x + tr.x, position.y + tr.y);
    topRight.setUV(uvRect.x + uvRect.z, uvRect.y + uvRect.w);
Exemplo n.º 5
int BoxIntoBox(camBox* a, camBox* b){//check if a has points in b
  glm::vec3 aCenter =  rotatePoint(glm::vec3(a->x,a->y,a->z),a->amt,a->ax);//rotate to a-box space
  glm::vec3 testPoint = aCenter;
  int ret = 0;//box starts with assumed no collision
  testPoint.x+=a->w;//add width
  testPoint = rotatePoint(glm::vec3(a->x,a->y,a->z),-a->amt,a->ax);//return to world space +++
  ret |= pointBox(testPoint,b);//test against b OR in the result, if any return true then box corner is colliding
  testPoint = aCenter;
  testPoint.x+=a->w;//add width
  testPoint = rotatePoint(glm::vec3(a->x,a->y,a->z),-a->amt,a->ax);//return to world space ++-
  ret |= pointBox(testPoint,b);//test against b
  testPoint = aCenter;
  testPoint.x+=a->w;//add width
  testPoint = rotatePoint(glm::vec3(a->x,a->y,a->z),-a->amt,a->ax);//return to world space +-+
  ret |= pointBox(testPoint,b);//test against b
  testPoint = aCenter;
  testPoint.x+=a->w;//add width
  testPoint = rotatePoint(glm::vec3(a->x,a->y,a->z),-a->amt,a->ax);//return to world space +--
  ret |= pointBox(testPoint,b);//test against b
  testPoint = aCenter;
  testPoint.x-=a->w;//add width
  testPoint = rotatePoint(glm::vec3(a->x,a->y,a->z),-a->amt,a->ax);//return to world space -++
  ret |= pointBox(testPoint,b);//test against b
  testPoint = aCenter;
  testPoint.x-=a->w;//add width
  testPoint = rotatePoint(glm::vec3(a->x,a->y,a->z),-a->amt,a->ax);//return to world space -+-
  ret |= pointBox(testPoint,b);//test against b
  testPoint = aCenter;
  testPoint.x-=a->w;//add width
  testPoint = rotatePoint(glm::vec3(a->x,a->y,a->z),-a->amt,a->ax);//return to world space --+
  ret |= pointBox(testPoint,b);//test against b
  testPoint = aCenter;
  testPoint.x-=a->w;//add width
  testPoint = rotatePoint(glm::vec3(a->x,a->y,a->z),-a->amt,a->ax);//return to world space ---
  ret |= pointBox(testPoint,b);//test against b
Exemplo n.º 6
//generate the locus of pure pursuit
static std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> generateTrajectoryCircle(geometry_msgs::Point target)
  std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> traj_circle_array;
  double radius = calcRadius(target);

  for (double i = 0; i < M_PI / 2; i += 0.1)
    //calc a point of circumference
    geometry_msgs::Point p;
    p.x = radius * cos(i);
    p.y = radius * sin(i);

    //transform to (radius,0)
    geometry_msgs::Point relative_p;
    relative_p.x = p.x - radius;
    relative_p.y = p.y;

    //rotate -90°
    geometry_msgs::Point rotate_p = rotatePoint(relative_p,-90);

    //transform to vehicle plane
    geometry_msgs::Point tf_p = calcAbsoluteCoordinate(rotate_p, _current_pose.pose);


  //reverse vector
  std::reverse(traj_circle_array.begin(), traj_circle_array.end());

  for (double i = 0; i > (-1) * M_PI / 2; i -= 0.1)
    //calc a point of circumference
    geometry_msgs::Point p;
    p.x = radius * cos(i);
    p.y = radius * sin(i);

    //transform to (radius,0)
    geometry_msgs::Point relative_p;
    relative_p.x = p.x - radius;
    relative_p.y = p.y;

    //rotate -90°
    geometry_msgs::Point rotate_p = rotatePoint(relative_p,-90);

    //transform to vehicle plane
    geometry_msgs::Point tf_p = calcAbsoluteCoordinate(rotate_p, _current_pose.pose);


  return traj_circle_array;

Exemplo n.º 7
void GeoParticle::setTriangles()
	for (int i = 0; i < m_numTriangles; ++i)
		m_triangles[i].verts[0] = rotatePoint(m_originalVerts[0], m_triangles[i].center, m_triangles[i].angle) + ofNoise(m_noiseOffsets[0]) * 0.2f;
		m_triangles[i].verts[1] = rotatePoint(m_originalVerts[i + 1], m_triangles[i].center, m_triangles[i].angle) + ofNoise(m_noiseOffsets[i + 1]) * 0.2f;
		if (i == m_numTriangles - 1)
			m_triangles[i].verts[2] = rotatePoint(m_originalVerts[1], m_triangles[i].center, m_triangles[i].angle) + ofNoise(m_noiseOffsets[1]) * 0.2f;
			m_triangles[i].verts[2] = rotatePoint(m_originalVerts[i + 2], m_triangles[i].center, m_triangles[i].angle) + ofNoise(m_noiseOffsets[i + 2]) * 0.2f;
Exemplo n.º 8
void rotatePoly( tmatrix mo, short p)
{   // rotates (permanently) the 4 points of poligon of index p 
    point pa, pb, pc, pd, pt;
    // check if not rotated already (as part of previous poly)
    if ( !flaglist[ pylist[p][0]]++)
        rotatePoint( mo, pylist[p][0]);
    if ( !flaglist[pylist[p][1]]++)
        rotatePoint( mo, pylist[p][1]);
    if ( !flaglist[pylist[p][2]]++)
        rotatePoint( mo, pylist[p][2]);
    if ( !flaglist[pylist[p][3]]++)
        rotatePoint( mo, pylist[p][3]);
} // rotatePoly
Exemplo n.º 9
IWORKPathPtr_t makeStarPath(const IWORKSize &size, const unsigned points, const double innerRadius)
  // user space canvas: [-1:1] x [-1:1]

  // create outer points
  const deque<Point> outerPoints = rotatePoint(Point(0, -1), points);

  // create inner points
  const double angle = etonyek_two_pi / points;
  deque<Point> innerPoints(outerPoints);
  transform(innerPoints, scale(innerRadius, innerRadius) * rotate(angle / 2));

  // merge them together
  deque<Point> pathPoints;
  assert(outerPoints.size() == innerPoints.size());
  for (deque<Point>::const_iterator itO = outerPoints.begin(), itI = innerPoints.begin();
       (itO != outerPoints.end()) && (itI != innerPoints.end());
       ++itO, ++itI)

  // create the path
  transform(pathPoints, scale(size.m_width, size.m_height) * scale(0.5, 0.5) * translate(1, 1));
  const IWORKPathPtr_t path = makePolyLine(pathPoints);

  return path;
Exemplo n.º 10
void rotatePoints(Point *ps, Point* pd, double angle, int np)
    double sina = sin(angle);
    double cosa = cos(angle);
    for (int i=0; i<np; i++)
        rotatePoint(&ps[i], &pd[i], sina, cosa);
Exemplo n.º 11
	void DebugRenderer::drawBox(const glm::vec4& destRect, const Color& color, float angle){
		int i = _verts.size();
		_verts.resize(_verts.size() + 4);
		glm::vec2 halfDims(destRect.z / 2.0f, destRect.w / 2.0f);

		//Get points centered at origin
		glm::vec2 TL(-halfDims.x, halfDims.y);
		glm::vec2 BL(-halfDims.x, -halfDims.y);
		glm::vec2 BR(halfDims.x, -halfDims.y);
		glm::vec2 TR(halfDims.x, halfDims.y);

		glm::vec2 positionOffset(destRect.x, destRect.y);

		//Rotate the points
		_verts[i].position = rotatePoint(TL, angle) + halfDims + positionOffset;
		_verts[i + 1].position = rotatePoint(BL, angle) + halfDims + positionOffset;
		_verts[i + 2].position = rotatePoint(BR, angle) + halfDims + positionOffset;
		_verts[i + 3].position = rotatePoint(TR, angle) + halfDims + positionOffset;

		for (int j = i; j < i + 4; j++){
			_verts[j].color = color;

		_indices.reserve(_indices.size() + 8);

		//Line 1
		_indices.push_back(i + 1);

		//Line 2
		_indices.push_back(i + 1);
		_indices.push_back(i + 2);
		//Line 3
		_indices.push_back(i + 2);
		_indices.push_back(i + 3);

		//Line 4
		_indices.push_back(i + 3);

Exemplo n.º 12
void displayFcn(){
	Point ejeX1; ejeX1.x = 20; ejeX1.y = 300;
	Point ejeX2; ejeX2.x = 580; ejeX2.y = 300;
	Point ejeY1; ejeY1.x = 300; ejeY1.y = 20;
	Point ejeY2; ejeY2.x = 300; ejeY2.y = 580;
	drawLineXnpio(ejeX1, ejeX2, window);
	drawLineXnpio(ejeY1, ejeY2, window);
		glVertex2f(origen.x, origen.y);
	Point A; A.x = 5; A.y = 6;
	Point B; B.x = 7; B.y = 8;
	Point C; C.x = 3; C.y = 7;
	Point A_2 = convertirPunto(A);
	Point B_2 = convertirPunto(B);
	Point C_2 = convertirPunto(C);
	drawTriangle(A_2, B_2, C_2, window);
	Point eje; eje.x = 2; eje.y = 2;
	A.x += eje.x; A.y += eje.y;
	B.x += eje.x; B.y += eje.y;
	C.x += eje.x; B.y += eje.y;
	A_2 = convertirPunto(A);
	B_2 = convertirPunto(B);
	C_2 = convertirPunto(C);
	drawTriangle(A_2, B_2, C_2, window);
	A = rotatePoint(A, eje, 90);
	B = rotatePoint(B, eje, 90);
	C = rotatePoint(C, eje, 90);
	A_2 = convertirPunto(A);
	B_2 = convertirPunto(B);
	C_2 = convertirPunto(C);
	drawTriangle(A_2, B_2, C_2, window);
	A.y = -A.y;
	B.y = -B.y;
	C.y = -C.y;
	A_2 = convertirPunto(A);
	B_2 = convertirPunto(B);
	C_2 = convertirPunto(C);
	drawTriangle(A_2, B_2, C_2, window);
Exemplo n.º 13
QPair<Vector2,Vector2> Cloth::rotateTriangle(float _w,int angle) {
    float h = (sqrt(3)/2.0) * _w;
    float w = _w;


    Vector2 p1 = Vector2(0,(2.0/3.0)*h);
    Vector2 p2 = Vector2(-.5*w,-(1.0/3.0)*h);
    Vector2 p3 = Vector2(.5*w,-(1.0/3.0)*h);

    Vector2 v1 = rotatePoint(p1,angle);
    Vector2 v2 = rotatePoint(p2,angle);
    Vector2 v3 = rotatePoint(p3,angle);

    Vector2 width = v3-v2;
    Vector2 height = v1-((v2+v3)*.5f);

    return QPair<Vector2,Vector2>(width,height);
Exemplo n.º 14
// Rotate all points in a vector (more or less the same as rotating the image)
// This is in Pixels since it uses the width and height of an image
void Pixels::rotateVector(std::vector<Coord>& v, const Coord& point, double rad) const
    const double sin_rad = std::sin(rad);
    const double cos_rad = std::cos(rad);

    for (Coord& m : v)
        const Coord c = rotatePoint(point, m, sin_rad, cos_rad);

        if (c != default_coord)
            m = c;
Exemplo n.º 15
bool getTriangleFromSegmentSize(double _szA, double _szB, double _szC, double x0, double y0, double _angle, double _scale, ofVec2f & _ptA, ofVec2f & _ptB, ofVec2f & _ptC) {

    double r0 = _szB * _scale;
    double x1 = 0 + _szA * _scale;
    double y1 = 0;
    double r1 = _szC * _scale;

    vector<ofVec2f> _points;

    circlesIntersection(0, 0, r0, x1, y1, r1, _points);

    if(_points.size() == 0) return false; // dont intersect --- sides dont make a triangle

    _ptA.set(0, 0);
    _ptB.set(x1, y1);
    _ptC.set(_points[1].x, _points[1].y);

    _ptC.x = _ptB.x + (_ptA.x - _ptC.x);
    _ptC.y = _ptB.y + (_ptA.y - _ptC.y);

    double _sin = sin(ofDegToRad(_angle));
    double _cos = cos(ofDegToRad(_angle));

    ofVec2f _pivot = (_ptA + _ptB + _ptC) / 3.0;

    _ptA -= _pivot;
    _ptB -= _pivot;
    _ptC -= _pivot;

    _ptA = rotatePoint(_ptA.x, _ptA.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, _sin, _cos);
    _ptB = rotatePoint(_ptB.x, _ptB.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, _sin, _cos);
    _ptC = rotatePoint(_ptC.x, _ptC.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, _sin, _cos);

    _ptA += ofVec2f(x0,y0);
    _ptB += ofVec2f(x0,y0);
    _ptC += ofVec2f(x0,y0);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 16
IWORKPathPtr_t makePolygonPath(const IWORKSize &size, const unsigned edges)
  // user space canvas: [-1:1] x [-1:1]

  deque<Point> points = rotatePoint(Point(0, -1), edges);

  // FIXME: the shape should probably be scaled to whole width/height.
  // Check.
  transform(points, scale(size.m_width, size.m_height) * scale(0.5, 0.5) * translate(1, 1));
  const IWORKPathPtr_t path = makePolyLine(points);

  return path;
Exemplo n.º 17
void Adina::DebugRenderer::drawBox(const glm::vec4& destRect, const ColorRGBA8& color, float angle) {

	int i = m_verts.size();
	m_verts.resize(m_verts.size() + 4);

	glm::vec2 halfDims(destRect.z / 2.0f, destRect.w / 2.0f);

	// Get points centered at origin
	glm::vec2 tl(-halfDims.x, halfDims.y);
	glm::vec2 bl(-halfDims.x, -halfDims.y);
	glm::vec2 br(halfDims.x, -halfDims.y);
	glm::vec2 tr(halfDims.x, halfDims.y);

	glm::vec2 positionOffset(destRect.x, destRect.y);

	// Rotate the points
	m_verts[i].position = rotatePoint(tl, angle) + halfDims + positionOffset;
	m_verts[i + 1].position = rotatePoint(bl, angle) + halfDims + positionOffset;
	m_verts[i + 2].position = rotatePoint(br, angle) + halfDims + positionOffset;
	m_verts[i + 3].position = rotatePoint(tr, angle) + halfDims + positionOffset;

	for (int j = i; j < i + 4; j++) {
		m_verts[j].color = color;

	m_indices.reserve(m_indices.size() + 8);

	m_indices.push_back(i + 1);

	m_indices.push_back(i + 1);
	m_indices.push_back(i + 2);

	m_indices.push_back(i + 2);
	m_indices.push_back(i + 3);

	m_indices.push_back(i + 3);
Exemplo n.º 18
IWORKPathPtr_t makeRoundedRectanglePath(const IWORKSize &size, const double radius)
  // user space canvas: [-1:1] x [-1:1]

  // TODO: draw rounded corners
  (void) radius;

  deque<Point> points = rotatePoint(Point(1, 1), 4);

  transform(points, scale(size.m_width, size.m_height) * scale(0.5, 0.5) * translate(1, 1));
  const IWORKPathPtr_t path = makePolyLine(points);

  return path;
Exemplo n.º 19
    OdbFeatureFile& file, QString polarity,
    QPointF location, Xform *xform)
  Contour surface;
  QPointF p(0, 0.5 * m_length.inch());
  for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
    p = rotatePoint(p, 60);
  surface.odbOutputLayerFeature(file, polarity, location, xform);
Exemplo n.º 20
// In the future, it may be a good idea to implement something like the "Rotation by
// Area Mapping" talked about on http://www.leptonica.com/rotation.html
void Pixels::rotate(double rad, const Coord& point)
    // Right size, default to white (255 or 1111 1111)
    std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>> copy(h, std::vector<unsigned char>(w, 0xff));

    // -rad because we're calculating the rotation to get from the new rotated
    // image to the original image. We're walking the new image instead of the
    // original so as to not get blank spots from rounding.
    const double sin_rad = std::sin(-rad);
    const double cos_rad = std::cos(-rad);

    for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
        for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
            const Coord c = rotatePoint(point, Coord(x,y), sin_rad, cos_rad);

            if (c != default_coord)
                copy[y][x] = p[c.y][c.x];

    p = copy;

    // Rotate marks as well. This time we'll rotate to the new image, calculating the new
    // point instead of looking for what goes at every pixel in the new image.
    const double mark_sin_rad = std::sin(rad);
    const double mark_cos_rad = std::cos(rad);

    for (Mark& m : marks)
        const Coord c = rotatePoint(point, m.coord, mark_sin_rad, mark_cos_rad);

        if (c != default_coord)
            m.coord = c;
Exemplo n.º 21
	void DebugRenderer::drawTriangle(const glm::vec4& destRect, const Color& color, float angle){
		int i = _verts.size();
		_verts.resize(_verts.size() + 3);

		glm::vec2 halfDims(destRect.z / 2.0f, destRect.w / 2.0f);

		glm::vec2 Top(0, halfDims.y);
		glm::vec2 BL(-halfDims.x, -halfDims.y);
		glm::vec2 BR(halfDims.x, -halfDims.y);

		glm::vec2 positionOffset(destRect.x, destRect.y);

		_verts[i].position = rotatePoint(Top, angle) + halfDims + positionOffset;
		_verts[i + 1].position = rotatePoint(BL, angle) + halfDims + positionOffset;
		_verts[i + 2].position = rotatePoint(BR, angle) + halfDims + positionOffset;

		for (int j = i; j < i + 3; j++){
			_verts[j].color = color;

		_indices.reserve(_indices.size() + 6);

		//First line
		_indices.push_back(i + 1);

		//Second line
		_indices.push_back(i + 1);
		_indices.push_back(i + 2);

		//Third line
		_indices.push_back(i + 2);

Exemplo n.º 22
void Transformation::displacePivotTo(const Point& newPivot)
  // Calculate the rotated corners
  Corners corners;

  // Rotate-back (-angle) the position of the rotated origin (corners[0])
  // using the new pivot.
  PointT<double> newBoundsOrigin =
                PointT<double>(newPivot.x, newPivot.y),

  // Change the new pivot.
  m_pivot = newPivot;
  m_bounds = Rect(Point(newBoundsOrigin), m_bounds.getSize());
std::vector<float>& SpaceOrientation:: getNaoPositionInRobotFrame()
#ifdef __linux__
        AL::ALMotionProxy motion(robotIp);
        bool useSensors = true;
        std::vector<float> sensorsPosition =
        //        std::cout << "sensors: " << sensorsPosition << std::endl;
        cv::Point2d position(sensorsPosition[1], sensorsPosition[0]);
        position = rotatePoint(position, naoPositionOnStartInSpace[2]);
        //        if (! naoPreviousPositionInSpace.size())
        //        {
        //            naoPreviousPositionInSpace.push_back(0);
        //            naoPreviousPositionInSpace.push_back(0);
        //            naoPreviousPositionInSpace.push_back(0);
        //        }
        //        std::cout << "Position after rotation: " <<
//        position << std::endl;
        naoPositionInSpace[0] = position.y - naoPositionOnStartInSpace[0];
        naoPositionInSpace[1] = position.x - naoPositionOnStartInSpace[1];
        // - naoPositionOnStartInSpace[1];
        naoPositionInSpace[2] = sensorsPosition[2] -
        //        cv::Point2d naoPoint(naoPositionInSpace[1],
//        naoPositionInSpace[0]);
    catch (const AL::ALError& e)
        std::cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "getNaoPositionInRobotFrame() not on Linux." << std::endl;
    return naoPositionInSpace;
Exemplo n.º 24
IWORKPathPtr_t makeCalloutPath(const IWORKSize &size, const double radius, const double tailSize, const double tailX, const double tailY)
  // user space canvas: [-1:1] x [-1:1]

  // TODO: draw correctly instead of just approximating
  (void) radius;
  (void) tailSize;
  (void) tailX;
  (void) tailY;

  deque<Point> points = rotatePoint(Point(-1, -1), 4);
  points.push_back(Point(-1, 0.5));
  points.push_back(Point(-2, 0));
  points.push_back(Point(-1, -0.5));

  // create the path
  transform(points, scale(size.m_width, size.m_height) * scale(0.5, 0.5) * translate(1, 1));
  const IWORKPathPtr_t path = makePolyLine(points);

  return path;
void SpaceOrientation:: initializePosition()
#ifdef __linux__
        AL::ALMotionProxy motion(robotIp);
        bool useSensors = true;
        naoPositionOnStartInSpace = motion.getRobotPosition(useSensors);
//        std::cout << "sensors: " << naoPositionOnStartInSpace << std::endl;
        cv::Point2d startPosition(naoPositionOnStartInSpace[1],
        startPosition = rotatePoint(startPosition,
//        std::cout << "rotation: " << rotatePoint(cv::Point2d(1,1), -M_PI/2);
        naoPositionOnStartInSpace[0] = startPosition.y;
        naoPositionOnStartInSpace[1] = startPosition.x;

//        std::cout << "Start position: " << startPosition << std::endl;

        naoPreviousPositionInSpace = naoPositionInSpace;

    catch (const AL::ALError& e)
        std::cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "initializePosition() not on Linux." << std::endl;
    naoPreviousPositionInSpace = naoPositionInSpace;
    naoPositionOnStartInSpace = naoPositionInSpace;

Exemplo n.º 26
template<> RotBox<3>& RotBox<3>::rotateCenter(const Quaternion& q)
  rotatePoint(q, getCenter()); return *this;
Exemplo n.º 27
template<> RotBox<3>& RotBox<3>::rotateCorner(const Quaternion& q, int corner)
  rotatePoint(q, getCorner(corner)); return *this;
Exemplo n.º 28
//Set up the scale Gui
void Collider::setUpScaleGui()
    mUniformScalePoint = boundingRect().center();

    QRectF tmpRect = QRectF(mUniformScalePoint-QPointF(5,5),mUniformScalePoint+QPointF(5,5));
    mScaleUniformPoly.append(rotatePoint(tmpRect.topLeft(), mRotation));
    mScaleUniformPoly.append(rotatePoint(tmpRect.topRight(), mRotation));
    mScaleUniformPoly.append(rotatePoint(tmpRect.bottomRight(), mRotation));
    mScaleUniformPoly.append(rotatePoint(tmpRect.bottomLeft(), mRotation));

    mXScalePoint = mUniformScalePoint;
    mXScalePoint.setX(mUniformScalePoint.x() + 50);
    tmpRect = QRectF(mXScalePoint-QPointF(5,5),mXScalePoint+QPointF(5,5));
    mScaleXPoly.append(rotatePoint(tmpRect.topLeft(), mRotation));
    mScaleXPoly.append(rotatePoint(tmpRect.topRight(), mRotation));
    mScaleXPoly.append(rotatePoint(tmpRect.bottomRight(), mRotation));
    mScaleXPoly.append(rotatePoint(tmpRect.bottomLeft(), mRotation));
    mXScalePoint = rotatePoint(mXScalePoint, mRotation);

    mYScalePoint = mUniformScalePoint;
    mYScalePoint.setY(mUniformScalePoint.y() - 50);
    tmpRect = QRectF(mYScalePoint-QPointF(5,5),mYScalePoint+QPointF(5,5));
    mScaleYPoly.append(rotatePoint(tmpRect.topLeft(), mRotation));
    mScaleYPoly.append(rotatePoint(tmpRect.topRight(), mRotation));
    mScaleYPoly.append(rotatePoint(tmpRect.bottomRight(), mRotation));
    mScaleYPoly.append(rotatePoint(tmpRect.bottomLeft(), mRotation));
    mYScalePoint = rotatePoint(mYScalePoint, mRotation);

    mUniformScalePoint = rotatePoint(mUniformScalePoint, mRotation);

    mScaleXAxis = QVector2D(mXScalePoint - mUniformScalePoint);
    mScaleYAxis = QVector2D(mYScalePoint - mUniformScalePoint);

Exemplo n.º 29
template<> Segment<3>& Segment<3>::rotateCenter(const Quaternion& q)
  rotatePoint(q, getCenter());
  return *this;
Exemplo n.º 30
void world_getPushBack(float boundingBox[3], vect3_t velocity, vect3_t pushback) {
	float triangle[3][3] = {{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0}},
	int i, j, k, collided = 0, collisions = 0;
	vect_t **triPtr = triangleList,
	vect3_t triangleNormal;

	// Reset the pushback value
	pushback[0] = 0;
	pushback[1] = 0;
	pushback[2] = 0;

	// Setup the rotation matrix
//	setFlipMatrix(matrix);

	for (i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++, triPtr++) {
		// Copy triangle into correct format
		// and translate by camera position
		tri = *triPtr;
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				triangle[j][k] = tri[k + 3*j] - camera.position[k];

		// Apply camera rotation to each vertex
		for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
			rotatePoint(triangle[k], matrix);

		// If if collides, get pushback vector
		if (doesCollide(boundingBox, triangle)) {
			collided = 1;
			if (math_absF(pushback[1]) < math_absF(triangleNormal[1]))
				 pushback[1] = triangleNormal[1];
			pushback[0] += triangleNormal[0];
			pushback[2] += triangleNormal[2];
			math_triangleNormal(&triangle[0][0], triangleNormal);
			VectorDot(triangleNormal, velocity, force);
//			printf("Collided with normal %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n",
//					triangleNormal[0], triangleNormal[1], triangleNormal[2]);

			if (force > 0) {
	//			printf("Force = %6.2f\n", force);
				VectorScale(triangleNormal, -1);
				// Scale the triangleNormal by the force
				// to get the amount pushed back

				// Set the maximum pushback amount
				for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
					if (math_absF(pushback[j]) < math_absF(triangleNormal[j]))
						pushback[j] = triangleNormal[j];
//	if (collided) {
//		printf("Pushback = (%6.2f, %6.2f, %6.2f)\n",
//				pushback[0], pushback[1], pushback[2]);
//	}