Exemplo n.º 1
inline void set_ellipse_axes(Point2 &semimajor, Point2 &semiminor, float alpha, float eccentricity, float angle)
    semimajor.x = alpha;
    semimajor.y = 0.f;
    semiminor.x = 0.f;
    semiminor.y = semimajor.x * sqrtf(1.f-eccentricity*eccentricity);

    // rotate ellipse
    rotate_2D(semimajor, angle);
    rotate_2D(semiminor, angle);
Exemplo n.º 2
/* shift vector to origin, rotate in yz plane and shift back */
Vec v_shift_rotate_yz(Vec *v1, Vec *shift, float phi)
	Vec v2;

	v_dif(&v2, v1, shift);
	rotate_2D(&(v2.y), &(v2.z), phi);
	v_sum(&v2, shift, &v2);

	return v2;
Exemplo n.º 3
void estLocation(void)
	static int8_t cog_previous = 64;
	static int16_t sog_previous = 0;
	static int16_t climb_rate_previous = 0;
	static uint16_t velocity_previous = 0;
	static int16_t location_previous[] = { 0, 0, 0 };

	union longbbbb accum;
	union longww accum_velocity;
	int8_t cog_circular;
	int8_t cog_delta;
	int16_t sog_delta;
	int16_t climb_rate_delta;
	int32_t location[3];
	int16_t location[3];
	int16_t location_deltaZ;
	struct relative2D location_deltaXY;
	struct relative2D velocity_thru_air;
	int16_t velocity_thru_airz;


		// convert GPS course of 360 degrees to a binary model with 256
		accum.WW = __builtin_muluu(COURSEDEG_2_BYTECIR, cog_gps.BB) + 0x00008000;
		// re-orientate from compass (clockwise) to maths (anti-clockwise) with 0 degrees in East
		cog_circular = -accum.__.B2 + 64;

		// compensate for GPS reporting latency.
		// The dynamic model of the EM406 and uBlox is not well known.
		// However, it seems likely much of it is simply reporting latency.
		// This section of the code compensates for reporting latency.
		// markw: what is the latency? It doesn't appear numerically or as a comment
		// in the following code. Since this method is called at the GPS reporting rate
		// it must be assumed to be one reporting interval?

		if (dcm_flags._.gps_history_valid)
			cog_delta = cog_circular - cog_previous;
			sog_delta = sog_gps.BB - sog_previous;
			climb_rate_delta = climb_gps.BB - climb_rate_previous;

			location_deltaXY.x = location[0] - location_previous[0];
			location_deltaXY.y = location[1] - location_previous[1];
			location_deltaZ    = location[2] - location_previous[2];
			cog_delta = 0;
			sog_delta = 0;
			climb_rate_delta = 0;
			location_deltaXY.x = location_deltaXY.y = location_deltaZ = 0;
		dcm_flags._.gps_history_valid = 1;
		actual_dir = cog_circular + cog_delta;
		cog_previous = cog_circular;

		// Note that all these velocities are in centimeters / second

		ground_velocity_magnitudeXY = sog_gps.BB + sog_delta;
		sog_previous = sog_gps.BB;

		GPSvelocity.z = climb_gps.BB + climb_rate_delta;
		climb_rate_previous = climb_gps.BB;

		accum_velocity.WW = (__builtin_mulss(cosine(actual_dir), ground_velocity_magnitudeXY) << 2) + 0x00008000;
		GPSvelocity.x = accum_velocity._.W1;

		accum_velocity.WW = (__builtin_mulss(sine(actual_dir), ground_velocity_magnitudeXY) << 2) + 0x00008000;
		GPSvelocity.y = accum_velocity._.W1;

		rotate_2D(&location_deltaXY, cog_delta); // this is a key step to account for rotation effects!!

		GPSlocation.x = location[0] + location_deltaXY.x;
		GPSlocation.y = location[1] + location_deltaXY.y;
		GPSlocation.z = location[2] + location_deltaZ;

		location_previous[0] = location[0];
		location_previous[1] = location[1];
		location_previous[2] = location[2];

		velocity_thru_air.y = GPSvelocity.y - estimatedWind[1];
		velocity_thru_air.x = GPSvelocity.x - estimatedWind[0];
		velocity_thru_airz  = GPSvelocity.z - estimatedWind[2];

#if (HILSIM == 1)
		air_speed_3DGPS = hilsim_airspeed.BB; // use Xplane as a pitot
		air_speed_3DGPS = vector3_mag(velocity_thru_air.x, velocity_thru_air.y, velocity_thru_airz);

		calculated_heading  = rect_to_polar(&velocity_thru_air);
		// veclocity_thru_air.x becomes XY air speed as a by product of CORDIC routine in rect_to_polar()
		air_speed_magnitudeXY = velocity_thru_air.x; // in cm / sec

#if (GPS_RATE == 4)
		forward_acceleration = (air_speed_3DGPS - velocity_previous) << 2; // Ublox enters code 4 times per second
#elif (GPS_RATE == 2)
		forward_acceleration = (air_speed_3DGPS - velocity_previous) << 1; // Ublox enters code 2 times per second
		forward_acceleration = (air_speed_3DGPS - velocity_previous);      // EM406 standard GPS enters code once per second

		velocity_previous = air_speed_3DGPS;