static void loop_through_files(int filetag, void (*fileaction)(char *filename, int fileref)) { int count = 0; while (rpm_getstr(filetag, count)) { char* filename = xasprintf("%s%s", rpm_getstr(TAG_DIRNAMES, rpm_getint(TAG_DIRINDEXES, count)), rpm_getstr(TAG_BASENAMES, count)); fileaction(filename, count++); free(filename); } }
void fileaction_dobackup(char *filename, int fileref) { struct stat oldfile; int stat_res; char *newname; if (rpm_getint(RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS, fileref) & RPMFILE_CONFIG) { /* Only need to backup config files */ stat_res = lstat (filename, &oldfile); if (stat_res == 0 && S_ISREG(oldfile.st_mode)) { /* File already exists - really should check MD5's etc to see if different */ newname = bb_xstrdup(filename); newname = strcat(newname, ".rpmorig"); copy_file(filename, newname, FILEUTILS_RECUR | FILEUTILS_PRESERVE_STATUS); remove_file(filename, FILEUTILS_RECUR | FILEUTILS_FORCE); free(newname); } } }
int rpm_main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt, func = 0; INIT_G(); G.pagesize = getpagesize(); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "iqpldc")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': /* First arg: Install mode, with q: Information */ if (!func) func = rpm_install; else func |= rpm_query_info; break; case 'q': /* First arg: Query mode */ if (func) bb_show_usage(); func = rpm_query; break; case 'p': /* Query a package (IOW: .rpm file, we are not querying RPMDB) */ func |= rpm_query_package; break; case 'l': /* List files in a package */ func |= rpm_query_list; break; case 'd': /* List doc files in a package (implies -l) */ func |= rpm_query_list; func |= rpm_query_list_doc; break; case 'c': /* List config files in a package (implies -l) */ func |= rpm_query_list; func |= rpm_query_list_config; break; default: bb_show_usage(); } } argv += optind; //argc -= optind; if (!argv[0]) { bb_show_usage(); } for (;;) { int rpm_fd; const char *source_rpm; rpm_fd = rpm_gettags(*argv); print_all_tags(); source_rpm = rpm_getstr0(TAG_SOURCERPM); if (func & rpm_install) { /* -i (and not -qi) */ /* Backup any config files */ loop_through_files(TAG_BASENAMES, fileaction_dobackup); /* Extact the archive */ extract_cpio(rpm_fd, source_rpm); /* Set the correct file uid/gid's */ loop_through_files(TAG_BASENAMES, fileaction_setowngrp); } else if ((func & (rpm_query|rpm_query_package)) == (rpm_query|rpm_query_package)) { /* -qp */ if (!(func & (rpm_query_info|rpm_query_list))) { /* If just a straight query, just give package name */ printf("%s-%s-%s\n", rpm_getstr0(TAG_NAME), rpm_getstr0(TAG_VERSION), rpm_getstr0(TAG_RELEASE)); } if (func & rpm_query_info) { /* Do the nice printout */ time_t bdate_time; struct tm *bdate_ptm; char bdatestring[50]; const char *p; printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Name" , rpm_getstr0(TAG_NAME)); /* TODO compat: add "Epoch" here */ printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Version" , rpm_getstr0(TAG_VERSION)); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Release" , rpm_getstr0(TAG_RELEASE)); /* add "Architecture" */ /* printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Install Date", "(not installed)"); - we don't know */ printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Group" , rpm_getstr0(TAG_GROUP)); printf("%-12s: %d\n", "Size" , rpm_getint(TAG_SIZE, 0)); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "License" , rpm_getstr0(TAG_LICENSE)); /* add "Signature" */ printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Source RPM" , source_rpm ? source_rpm : "(none)"); bdate_time = rpm_getint(TAG_BUILDTIME, 0); bdate_ptm = localtime(&bdate_time); strftime(bdatestring, 50, "%a %d %b %Y %T %Z", bdate_ptm); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Build Date" , bdatestring); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Build Host" , rpm_getstr0(TAG_BUILDHOST)); p = rpm_getstr0(TAG_PREFIXS); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Relocations" , p ? p : "(not relocatable)"); /* add "Packager" */ p = rpm_getstr0(TAG_VENDOR); if (p) /* rpm does not show "(none)" for Vendor: */ printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Vendor" , p); p = rpm_getstr0(TAG_URL); if (p) /* rpm does not show "(none)"/"(null)" for URL: */ printf("%-12s: %s\n", "URL" , p); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Summary" , rpm_getstr0(TAG_SUMMARY)); printf("Description :\n%s\n", rpm_getstr0(TAG_DESCRIPTION)); } if (func & rpm_query_list) { int count, it, flags; count = rpm_getcount(TAG_BASENAMES); for (it = 0; it < count; it++) { flags = rpm_getint(TAG_FILEFLAGS, it); switch (func & (rpm_query_list_doc|rpm_query_list_config)) { case rpm_query_list_doc: if (!(flags & RPMFILE_DOC)) continue; break; case rpm_query_list_config: if (!(flags & RPMFILE_CONFIG)) continue; break; case rpm_query_list_doc|rpm_query_list_config: if (!(flags & (RPMFILE_CONFIG|RPMFILE_DOC))) continue; break; } printf("%s%s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_DIRNAMES, rpm_getint(TAG_DIRINDEXES, it)), rpm_getstr(TAG_BASENAMES, it)); } } } else { /* Unsupported (help text shows what we support) */ bb_show_usage(); } if (!*++argv) break; munmap(, G.mapsize); free(G.mytags); close(rpm_fd); } return 0; }
int rpm_main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt = 0, func = 0, rpm_fd, offset; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "iqpldc")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': // First arg: Install mode, with q: Information if (!func) func |= rpm_install; else func |= rpm_query_info; break; case 'q': // First arg: Query mode if (!func) func |= rpm_query; else bb_show_usage(); break; case 'p': // Query a package func |= rpm_query_package; break; case 'l': // List files in a package func |= rpm_query_list; break; case 'd': // List doc files in a package (implies list) func |= rpm_query_list; func |= rpm_query_list_doc; break; case 'c': // List config files in a package (implies list) func |= rpm_query_list; func |= rpm_query_list_config; break; default: bb_show_usage(); } } if (optind == argc) bb_show_usage(); while (optind < argc) { rpm_fd = bb_xopen(argv[optind], O_RDONLY); mytags = rpm_gettags(rpm_fd, (int *) &tagcount); offset = lseek(rpm_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); if (!mytags) { printf("Error reading rpm header\n"); exit(-1); } map = mmap(0, offset > getpagesize() ? (offset + offset % getpagesize()) : getpagesize(), PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, rpm_fd, 0); // Mimimum is one page if (func & rpm_install) { loop_through_files(RPMTAG_BASENAMES, fileaction_dobackup); /* Backup any config files */ extract_cpio_gz(rpm_fd); // Extact the archive loop_through_files(RPMTAG_BASENAMES, fileaction_setowngrp); /* Set the correct file uid/gid's */ } else if (func & rpm_query && func & rpm_query_package) { if (!((func & rpm_query_info) || (func & rpm_query_list))) { // If just a straight query, just give package name printf("%s-%s-%s\n", rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_NAME, 0), rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_VERSION, 0), rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_RELEASE, 0)); } if (func & rpm_query_info) { /* Do the nice printout */ time_t bdate_time; struct tm *bdate; char bdatestring[50]; printf("Name : %-29sRelocations: %s\n", rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_NAME, 0), rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_PREFIXS, 0) ? rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_PREFIXS, 0) : "(not relocateable)"); printf("Version : %-34sVendor: %s\n", rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_VERSION, 0), rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_VENDOR, 0) ? rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_VENDOR, 0) : "(none)"); bdate_time = rpm_getint(RPMTAG_BUILDTIME, 0); bdate = localtime((time_t *) &bdate_time); strftime(bdatestring, 50, "%a %d %b %Y %T %Z", bdate); printf("Release : %-30sBuild Date: %s\n", rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_RELEASE, 0), bdatestring); printf("Install date: %-30sBuild Host: %s\n", "(not installed)", rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_BUILDHOST, 0)); printf("Group : %-30sSource RPM: %s\n", rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_GROUP, 0), rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_SOURCERPM, 0)); printf("Size : %-33dLicense: %s\n", rpm_getint(RPMTAG_SIZE, 0), rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_LICENSE, 0)); printf("URL : %s\n", rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_URL, 0)); printf("Summary : %s\n", rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_SUMMARY, 0)); printf("Description :\n%s\n", rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION, 0)); } if (func & rpm_query_list) { int count, it, flags; count = rpm_getcount(RPMTAG_BASENAMES); for (it = 0; it < count; it++) { flags = rpm_getint(RPMTAG_FILEFLAGS, it); switch ((func & rpm_query_list_doc) + (func & rpm_query_list_config)) { case rpm_query_list_doc: if (!(flags & RPMFILE_DOC)) continue; break; case rpm_query_list_config: if (!(flags & RPMFILE_CONFIG)) continue; break; case rpm_query_list_doc + rpm_query_list_config: if (!((flags & RPMFILE_CONFIG) || (flags & RPMFILE_DOC))) continue; break; } printf("%s%s\n", rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_DIRNAMES, rpm_getint(RPMTAG_DIRINDEXES, it)), rpm_getstring(RPMTAG_BASENAMES, it)); } } } optind++; free (mytags); } return 0; }
int rpm_main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt = 0, func = 0, rpm_fd, offset; const int pagesize = getpagesize(); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "iqpldc")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': /* First arg: Install mode, with q: Information */ if (!func) func = rpm_install; else func |= rpm_query_info; break; case 'q': /* First arg: Query mode */ if (func) bb_show_usage(); func = rpm_query; break; case 'p': /* Query a package */ func |= rpm_query_package; break; case 'l': /* List files in a package */ func |= rpm_query_list; break; case 'd': /* List doc files in a package (implies list) */ func |= rpm_query_list; func |= rpm_query_list_doc; break; case 'c': /* List config files in a package (implies list) */ func |= rpm_query_list; func |= rpm_query_list_config; break; default: bb_show_usage(); } } argv += optind; //argc -= optind; if (!argv[0]) { bb_show_usage(); } while (*argv) { const char *source_rpm; rpm_fd = xopen(*argv++, O_RDONLY); mytags = rpm_gettags(rpm_fd, &tagcount); if (!mytags) bb_error_msg_and_die("error reading rpm header"); offset = xlseek(rpm_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); /* Mimimum is one page */ map = mmap(0, offset > pagesize ? (offset + offset % pagesize) : pagesize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, rpm_fd, 0); source_rpm = rpm_getstr(TAG_SOURCERPM, 0); if (func & rpm_install) { /* Backup any config files */ loop_through_files(TAG_BASENAMES, fileaction_dobackup); /* Extact the archive */ extract_cpio(rpm_fd, source_rpm); /* Set the correct file uid/gid's */ loop_through_files(TAG_BASENAMES, fileaction_setowngrp); } else if ((func & (rpm_query|rpm_query_package)) == (rpm_query|rpm_query_package)) { if (!(func & (rpm_query_info|rpm_query_list))) { /* If just a straight query, just give package name */ printf("%s-%s-%s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_NAME, 0), rpm_getstr(TAG_VERSION, 0), rpm_getstr(TAG_RELEASE, 0)); } if (func & rpm_query_info) { /* Do the nice printout */ time_t bdate_time; struct tm *bdate_ptm; char bdatestring[50]; const char *p; p = rpm_getstr(TAG_PREFIXS, 0); if (!p) p = "(not relocateable)"; printf("Name : %-29sRelocations: %s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_NAME, 0), p); p = rpm_getstr(TAG_VENDOR, 0); if (!p) p = "(none)"; printf("Version : %-34sVendor: %s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_VERSION, 0), p); bdate_time = rpm_getint(TAG_BUILDTIME, 0); bdate_ptm = localtime(&bdate_time); strftime(bdatestring, 50, "%a %d %b %Y %T %Z", bdate_ptm); printf("Release : %-30sBuild Date: %s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_RELEASE, 0), bdatestring); printf("Install date: %-30sBuild Host: %s\n", "(not installed)", rpm_getstr(TAG_BUILDHOST, 0)); printf("Group : %-30sSource RPM: %s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_GROUP, 0), source_rpm); printf("Size : %-33dLicense: %s\n", rpm_getint(TAG_SIZE, 0), rpm_getstr(TAG_LICENSE, 0)); printf("URL : %s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_URL, 0)); printf("Summary : %s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_SUMMARY, 0)); printf("Description :\n%s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_DESCRIPTION, 0)); } if (func & rpm_query_list) { int count, it, flags; count = rpm_getcount(TAG_BASENAMES); for (it = 0; it < count; it++) { flags = rpm_getint(TAG_FILEFLAGS, it); switch (func & (rpm_query_list_doc|rpm_query_list_config)) { case rpm_query_list_doc: if (!(flags & RPMFILE_DOC)) continue; break; case rpm_query_list_config: if (!(flags & RPMFILE_CONFIG)) continue; break; case rpm_query_list_doc|rpm_query_list_config: if (!(flags & (RPMFILE_CONFIG|RPMFILE_DOC))) continue; break; } printf("%s%s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_DIRNAMES, rpm_getint(TAG_DIRINDEXES, it)), rpm_getstr(TAG_BASENAMES, it)); } } } free(mytags); } return 0; }
int rpm_main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt, func = 0; const unsigned pagesize = getpagesize(); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "iqpldc")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': /* First arg: Install mode, with q: Information */ if (!func) func = rpm_install; else func |= rpm_query_info; break; case 'q': /* First arg: Query mode */ if (func) bb_show_usage(); func = rpm_query; break; case 'p': /* Query a package */ func |= rpm_query_package; break; case 'l': /* List files in a package */ func |= rpm_query_list; break; case 'd': /* List doc files in a package (implies list) */ func |= rpm_query_list; func |= rpm_query_list_doc; break; case 'c': /* List config files in a package (implies list) */ func |= rpm_query_list; func |= rpm_query_list_config; break; default: bb_show_usage(); } } argv += optind; //argc -= optind; if (!argv[0]) { bb_show_usage(); } while (*argv) { int rpm_fd; unsigned mapsize; const char *source_rpm; rpm_fd = xopen(*argv++, O_RDONLY); G.mytags = rpm_gettags(rpm_fd, &G.tagcount); if (!G.mytags) bb_error_msg_and_die("error reading rpm header"); mapsize = xlseek(rpm_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); mapsize = (mapsize + pagesize) & -(int)pagesize; /* Some NOMMU systems prefer MAP_PRIVATE over MAP_SHARED */ = mmap(0, mapsize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, rpm_fd, 0); //FIXME: error check? source_rpm = rpm_getstr(TAG_SOURCERPM, 0); if (func & rpm_install) { /* Backup any config files */ loop_through_files(TAG_BASENAMES, fileaction_dobackup); /* Extact the archive */ extract_cpio(rpm_fd, source_rpm); /* Set the correct file uid/gid's */ loop_through_files(TAG_BASENAMES, fileaction_setowngrp); } else if ((func & (rpm_query|rpm_query_package)) == (rpm_query|rpm_query_package)) { if (!(func & (rpm_query_info|rpm_query_list))) { /* If just a straight query, just give package name */ printf("%s-%s-%s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_NAME, 0), rpm_getstr(TAG_VERSION, 0), rpm_getstr(TAG_RELEASE, 0)); } if (func & rpm_query_info) { /* Do the nice printout */ time_t bdate_time; struct tm *bdate_ptm; char bdatestring[50]; const char *p; printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Name" , rpm_getstr(TAG_NAME, 0)); /* TODO compat: add "Epoch" here */ printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Version" , rpm_getstr(TAG_VERSION, 0)); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Release" , rpm_getstr(TAG_RELEASE, 0)); /* add "Architecture" */ printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Install Date", "(not installed)"); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Group" , rpm_getstr(TAG_GROUP, 0)); printf("%-12s: %d\n", "Size" , rpm_getint(TAG_SIZE, 0)); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "License" , rpm_getstr(TAG_LICENSE, 0)); /* add "Signature" */ printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Source RPM" , source_rpm ? source_rpm : "(none)"); bdate_time = rpm_getint(TAG_BUILDTIME, 0); bdate_ptm = localtime(&bdate_time); strftime(bdatestring, 50, "%a %d %b %Y %T %Z", bdate_ptm); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Build Date" , bdatestring); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Build Host" , rpm_getstr(TAG_BUILDHOST, 0)); p = rpm_getstr(TAG_PREFIXS, 0); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Relocations" , p ? p : "(not relocatable)"); /* add "Packager" */ p = rpm_getstr(TAG_VENDOR, 0); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Vendor" , p ? p : "(none)"); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "URL" , rpm_getstr(TAG_URL, 0)); printf("%-12s: %s\n", "Summary" , rpm_getstr(TAG_SUMMARY, 0)); printf("Description :\n%s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_DESCRIPTION, 0)); } if (func & rpm_query_list) { int count, it, flags; count = rpm_getcount(TAG_BASENAMES); for (it = 0; it < count; it++) { flags = rpm_getint(TAG_FILEFLAGS, it); switch (func & (rpm_query_list_doc|rpm_query_list_config)) { case rpm_query_list_doc: if (!(flags & RPMFILE_DOC)) continue; break; case rpm_query_list_config: if (!(flags & RPMFILE_CONFIG)) continue; break; case rpm_query_list_doc|rpm_query_list_config: if (!(flags & (RPMFILE_CONFIG|RPMFILE_DOC))) continue; break; } printf("%s%s\n", rpm_getstr(TAG_DIRNAMES, rpm_getint(TAG_DIRINDEXES, it)), rpm_getstr(TAG_BASENAMES, it)); } } } munmap(, mapsize); free(G.mytags); close(rpm_fd); } return 0; }