/// Execute the algorithm.
void EstimateFitParameters::execConcrete() {
  auto costFunction = getCostFunctionInitialized();
  auto func = costFunction->getFittingFunction();

  // Use additional constraints on parameters tied in some way
  // to the varied parameters to exculde unwanted results.
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IConstraint>> constraints;
  std::string constraintStr = getProperty("Constraints");
  if (!constraintStr.empty()) {
    Expression expr;
    for (auto &term : expr.terms()) {
      IConstraint *c =
          ConstraintFactory::Instance().createInitialized(func.get(), term);

  // Ranges to use with random number generators: one for each free parameter.
  std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> ranges;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < func->nParams(); ++i) {
    if (!func->isActive(i)) {
    auto constraint = func->getConstraint(i);
    if (constraint == nullptr) {
    auto boundary = dynamic_cast<Constraints::BoundaryConstraint *>(constraint);
    if (boundary == nullptr) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Parameter " + func->parameterName(i) +
                               " must have a boundary constraint. ");
    if (!boundary->hasLower()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Constraint of " + func->parameterName(i) +
                               " must have a lower bound.");
    if (!boundary->hasUpper()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Constraint of " + func->parameterName(i) +
                               " must have an upper bound.");
    // Use the lower and upper bounds of the constraint to set the range
    // of a generator with uniform distribution.
    ranges.push_back(std::make_pair(boundary->lower(), boundary->upper()));
  // Number of parameters could have changed
  if (costFunction->nParams() == 0) {
    throw std::runtime_error("No parameters are given for which to estimate "
                             "initial values. Set boundary constraints to "
                             "parameters that need to be estimated.");

  size_t nSamples = static_cast<int>(getProperty("NSamples"));
  unsigned int seed = static_cast<int>(getProperty("Seed"));

  if (getPropertyValue("Type") == "Monte Carlo") {
    int nOutput = getProperty("NOutputs");
    auto outputWorkspaceProp = getPointerToProperty("OutputWorkspace");
    if (outputWorkspaceProp->isDefault() || nOutput <= 0) {
      nOutput = 1;
    auto output = runMonteCarlo(*costFunction, ranges, constraints, nSamples,
                                static_cast<size_t>(nOutput), seed);

    if (!outputWorkspaceProp->isDefault()) {
      auto table = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().createTable();
      auto column = table->addColumn("str", "Name");
      for (size_t i = 0; i < output.size(); ++i) {
        column = table->addColumn("double", std::to_string(i + 1));

      for (size_t i = 0, ia = 0; i < m_function->nParams(); ++i) {
        if (m_function->isActive(i)) {
          TableRow row = table->appendRow();
          row << m_function->parameterName(i);
          for (auto &j : output) {
            row << j[ia];
      setProperty("OutputWorkspace", table);
  } else {
    size_t nSelection = static_cast<int>(getProperty("Selection"));
    size_t nIterations = static_cast<int>(getProperty("NIterations"));
    runCrossEntropy(*costFunction, ranges, constraints, nSamples, nSelection,
                    nIterations, seed);
  bool fixBad = getProperty("FixBadParameters");
  if (fixBad) {
    fixBadParameters(*costFunction, ranges);
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    ros::init(argc, argv, "mcl_node");
    ros::NodeHandle n("/mcl_node");;

    n.param<std::string>("map_frame", mapFrame, "map");
    n.param<std::string>("robot_base_link", baseFrame, "base_link");
    n.param<double>("map_offset_x", coords.x0, 0.0);
    n.param<double>("map_offset_y", coords.y0, 0.0);
    n.param<int>("map_occupied_min_threshold", minOccupied, 10);

    double odom_a1, odom_a2, odom_a3, odom_a4;
    n.param<std::string>("odometry_frame", odomFrame, "odom");
    n.param<double>("odometry_model_a1", odom_a1, 0.05);
    n.param<double>("odometry_model_a2", odom_a2, 0.01);
    n.param<double>("odometry_model_a3", odom_a3, 0.02);
    n.param<double>("odometry_model_a4", odom_a4, 0.01);

    //TODO: setup these IR constants more properly.
    double irZhit, irZrm;
    n.param<double>("ir_model_sigma_hit", irSigma, 0.1);
    n.param<double>("ir_model_z_hit", irZhit, 0.95);
    n.param<double>("ir_model_z_random_over_z_max", irZrm, 0.05);

    int nParticles, mcl_rate;
    double minDelta, aslow, afast;
    double crashRadius, crashYaw, stdXY, stdYaw, locStdXY, locStdYaw;
    n.param<int>("mcl_particles", nParticles, 200);
    n.param<int>("mcl_rate", mcl_rate, 5);
    n.param<double>("mcl_init_cone_radius", initConeRadius, 0.2);
    n.param<double>("mcl_init_yaw_variance", initYawVar, 0.3);
    n.param<double>("mcl_min_position_delta", minDelta, 0.001);
    n.param<double>("mcl_aslow", aslow, 0.01);
    n.param<double>("mcl_afast", afast, 0.2);
    n.param<double>("mcl_crash_radius", crashRadius, 0.1);
    n.param<double>("mcl_crash_yaw", crashYaw, 0.2);
    n.param<double>("mcl_good_std_xy", stdXY, 0.05);
    n.param<double>("mcl_good_std_yaw", stdYaw, 0.6);
    n.param<double>("mcl_localized_std_xy", locStdXY, 0.05);
    n.param<double>("mcl_localized_std_yaw", locStdYaw, 0.6);

    tf::TransformBroadcaster broadcaster_obj;
    tf_broadcaster = &broadcaster_obj;
    tf::TransformListener listener_obj;
    tf_listener = &listener_obj;

    odom2map = new tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>;

    message_filters::Subscriber<nav_msgs::Odometry> odom_sub(n, "/odom", 1);
    message_filters::Subscriber<ir_sensors::RangeArray> range_sub(n,"/ir_publish/sensors", 1);
    message_filters::Synchronizer<SyncPolicy> sync(SyncPolicy(10), odom_sub, range_sub);
    sync.registerCallback(boost::bind(&odomRangeUpdate, _1, _2));

    ros::Subscriber map_version_sub = n.subscribe<std_msgs::Int32>("/map_node/version", 2, mapVersionCB);

    ros::Publisher particle_pub_obj = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseArray>("/mcl/particles", 5);
    ros::Publisher localized_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>("/mcl/is_localized", 5);
    geometry_msgs::PoseArray poseArray;
    poseArray.header.frame_id = mapFrame;

    //Wait 8 s for the map service.
    if(!ros::service::waitForService("/map_node/get_map", 8000)) {
        ROS_ERROR("Map service unreachable.");
        return -1;
    mapInflated = new nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid();
    mapDistance = new nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid();
    ros::ServiceClient map_client_obj = n.serviceClient<map_tools::GetMap>("/map_node/get_map");
    map_client  = &map_client_obj;

    if(!updateMap()) {
        return -1;

    struct PoseState pose, goodStd, locStd;
    goodStd.yaw = stdYaw;
    locStd.yaw = locStdYaw;
    pose.x += coords.x0;
    pose.y += coords.y0;
    om = new OdometryModel(odom_a1, odom_a2, odom_a3, odom_a4);

    mclEnabled = false;
    coords.x = coords.x0;
    coords.y = coords.y0;
    coords.th = 0.0;

    mc = new MonteCarlo(om, &isPointFree, nParticles, minDelta,
                        aslow, afast, crashRadius, crashYaw, goodStd);
    irm = new RangeModel(&getDist, irZhit, irZrm);

    double csz = mapInflated->info.resolution;
    double wc = ((double)mapInflated->info.width);
    double hc = ((double)mapInflated->info.height);
    assert(csz > 0.00001);

    mc->init(pose, initConeRadius, initYawVar, wc*csz, hc*csz);
    //mc->init(wc*csz, hc*csz);

    mclEnabled = true;

    current_time = ros::Time::now();
    int rate = 40, counter = 0;
    ros::Rate loop_rate(rate);

        return -1;

    *odom2map = mclTransform();
    struct PoseState odom0;
    bool firstMcl = true;
    double dx = 0, dy = 0, dyaw = 0, dx1 = 0, dy1 = 0, dyaw1 = 0;

    std_msgs::Bool isLocalizedMsg;
    isLocalizedMsg.data = isLocalized;

    ros::Subscriber init_mcl_sub = n.subscribe<geometry_msgs::Pose>("/mcl/initial_pose", 2, initMcl);

    while (ros::ok())
        if(!firstMcl) {
            dx = odomState.x - odom0.x;
            dy = odomState.y - odom0.y;
            dyaw = odomState.yaw - odom0.yaw;

            dx1 = dx;
            dy1 = dy;
            dyaw1 = dyaw;

        if(counter % (rate/mcl_rate) == 0) {
            if(mclEnabled) {
                if(firstMcl) {
                    odom0 = odomState;
                    firstMcl = false;

                odom0 = odomState;
                if(runMonteCarlo()) {
                    dx = 0;
                    dy = 0;
                    dyaw = 0;
                particles2PoseArray(mc->getParticles(), poseArray);

                struct PoseState std = mc->getStd();
                if(std.x > locStd.x || std.y > locStd.y || std.yaw > locStd.yaw) {
                    isLocalized = false;
                } else {
                    isLocalized = true;
            isLocalizedMsg.data = isLocalized;
            counter = 0;


        if(!firstMcl) {
            struct PoseState avg = mc->getState();
            coords.x = avg.x + dx;
            coords.y = avg.y + dy;
            coords.th = avg.yaw + dyaw;
            //Do not update transform when rotating quickly on spot.
            if((std::sqrt(dx1*dx1 + dy1*dy1) > 0.03/(double)mcl_rate)
                    && isLocalized)
                *odom2map = mclTransform();


        ros::Duration last_update = ros::Time::now() - current_time;
        if(last_update > ros::Duration(1.2/(double)rate))
            current_time = ros::Time::now();


    return 0;
/// Execute the algorithm.
void EstimateFitParameters::execConcrete() {
  auto costFunction = getCostFunctionProperty();
  auto func = costFunction->getFittingFunction();

  // Use additional constraints on parameters tied in some way
  // to the varied parameters to exculde unwanted results.
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IConstraint>> constraints;
  std::string constraintStr = getProperty("Constraints");
  if (!constraintStr.empty()) {
    Expression expr;
    for (auto &term : expr.terms()) {
      IConstraint *c =
          ConstraintFactory::Instance().createInitialized(func.get(), term);

  // Ranges to use with random number generators: one for each free parameter.
  std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> ranges;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < func->nParams(); ++i) {
    if (func->isFixed(i)) {
    auto constraint = func->getConstraint(i);
    if (constraint == nullptr) {
    auto boundary = dynamic_cast<Constraints::BoundaryConstraint *>(constraint);
    if (boundary == nullptr) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Parameter " + func->parameterName(i) +
                               " must have a boundary constraint. ");
    if (!boundary->hasLower()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Constraint of " + func->parameterName(i) +
                               " must have a lower bound.");
    if (!boundary->hasUpper()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Constraint of " + func->parameterName(i) +
                               " must have an upper bound.");
    // Use the lower and upper bounds of the constraint to set the range
    // of a generator with uniform distribution.
    ranges.push_back(std::make_pair(boundary->lower(), boundary->upper()));
  // Number of parameters could have changed
  if (costFunction->nParams() == 0) {
    throw std::runtime_error("No parameters are given for which to estimate "
                             "initial values. Set boundary constraints to "
                             "parameters that need to be estimated.");

  size_t nSamples = static_cast<int>(getProperty("NSamples"));
  size_t seed = static_cast<int>(getProperty("Seed"));

  if (getPropertyValue("Type") == "Monte Carlo") {
    runMonteCarlo(*costFunction, ranges, constraints, nSamples, seed);
  } else {
    size_t nSelection = static_cast<int>(getProperty("Selection"));
    size_t nIterations = static_cast<int>(getProperty("NIterations"));
    runCrossEntropy(*costFunction, ranges, constraints, nSamples, nSelection,
                    nIterations, seed);
  bool fixBad = getProperty("FixBadParameters");
  if (fixBad) {
    fixBadParameters(*costFunction, ranges);