Exemplo n.º 1
/* x,y in pixels */
void screen_put_iconxy(struct screen * display,
                       int xpos, int ypos, enum themable_icons icon)
    const void *data;
    const int screen = display->screen_type;
    const int width = ICON_WIDTH(screen);
    const int height = ICON_HEIGHT(screen);
    const int is_rtl = lang_is_rtl();
    int stride;
    const struct bitmap *iconset;
    screen_bitmap_part_func *draw_func = NULL;
    if (icon == Icon_NOICON)
        if (is_rtl)
            xpos = display->getwidth() - xpos - width;
        screen_clear_area(display, xpos, ypos, width, height);
    else if (icon >= Icon_Last_Themeable)
        iconset = &iconsets[Iconset_viewers][screen].bmp;
        icon -= Icon_Last_Themeable;
        if (!iconsets[Iconset_viewers][screen].loaded || 
           (global_status.viewer_icon_count * height > iconset->height) ||
           (icon * height + height > iconset->height))
            screen_put_iconxy(display, xpos, ypos, Icon_Questionmark);
    else if (iconsets[Iconset_user][screen].loaded)
        iconset = &iconsets[Iconset_user][screen].bmp;
        iconset = &inbuilt_iconset[screen];
    data = iconset->data;
    stride = STRIDE(display->screen_type, iconset->width, iconset->height);

    /* add some left padding to the icons if they are on the edge */
    if (xpos == 0)

    if (is_rtl)
        xpos = display->getwidth() - xpos - width;

#if (LCD_DEPTH == 16) || defined(LCD_REMOTE_DEPTH) && (LCD_REMOTE_DEPTH == 16)
    if (display->depth == 16)
        draw_func   = display->transparent_bitmap_part;
        draw_func   = display->bitmap_part;

    draw_func(data, 0, height * icon, stride, xpos, ypos, width, height);
Exemplo n.º 2
void screen_put_icon_with_offset(struct screen * display, 
                       int x, int y, int off_x, int off_y,
                       enum themable_icons icon)
    const int screen = display->screen_type;
    const int icon_width = ICON_WIDTH(screen);
    const int icon_height = ICON_HEIGHT(screen);
    int xpos, ypos;
    int width, height;
    display->getstringsize((unsigned char *)"M", &width, &height);
    xpos = x*icon_width + off_x;
    ypos = y*height + off_y;

    if ( height > icon_height )/* center the cursor */
        ypos += (height - icon_height) / 2;
    screen_put_iconxy(display, xpos, ypos, icon);
Exemplo n.º 3
/* x,y in pixels */
void screen_put_iconxy(struct screen * display,
                       int xpos, int ypos, enum themable_icons icon)
    const int screen = display->screen_type;
    const int width = ICON_WIDTH(screen);
    const int height = ICON_HEIGHT(screen);
    const int is_rtl = lang_is_rtl();
    const struct bitmap *iconset;
    if (icon == Icon_NOICON)
        if (is_rtl)
            xpos = display->getwidth() - xpos - width;
        screen_clear_area(display, xpos, ypos, width, height);
    else if (icon >= Icon_Last_Themeable)
        iconset = &iconsets[Iconset_viewers][screen].bmp;
        icon -= Icon_Last_Themeable;
        if (!iconsets[Iconset_viewers][screen].loaded || 
           (global_status.viewer_icon_count * height > iconset->height) ||
           (icon * height + height > iconset->height))
            screen_put_iconxy(display, xpos, ypos, Icon_Questionmark);
    else if (iconsets[Iconset_user][screen].loaded)
        iconset = &iconsets[Iconset_user][screen].bmp;
        iconset = inbuilt_iconset[screen];
    /* add some left padding to the icons if they are on the edge */
    if (xpos == 0)

    if (is_rtl)
        xpos = display->getwidth() - xpos - width;

    display->bmp_part(iconset, 0, height * icon, xpos, ypos, width, height);
static void draw_screen(struct screen *display, char *title,
                        struct rgb_pick *rgb, int row)
    unsigned  text_color       = LCD_BLACK;
    unsigned  background_color = LCD_WHITE;
    char      buf[32];
    int       i, char_height, line_height;
    int       max_label_width;
    int       text_x, text_top;
    int       slider_x, slider_width;
    bool      display_three_rows;
    struct viewport vp;

    viewport_set_defaults(&vp, display->screen_type);


    if (display->depth > 1)
        text_color       = display->get_foreground();
        background_color = display->get_background();

    /* Draw title string */
    set_drawinfo(display, DRMODE_SOLID, text_color, background_color);
    vp.flags |= VP_FLAG_ALIGN_CENTER;
    display->putsxy(0, MARGIN_TOP, title);

    /* Get slider positions and top starting position */
    max_label_width = label_get_max_width(display);
    char_height  = display->getcharheight();
    text_top     = MARGIN_TOP + char_height +
    text_x       = SELECTOR_WIDTH;
    slider_x     = text_x + max_label_width + SLIDER_TEXT_MARGIN;
    slider_width = vp.width - slider_x*2 - max_label_width;
    line_height  = char_height + 2*SELECTOR_TB_MARGIN;

    /* Find out if there's enough room for three sliders or just
       enough to display the selected slider - calculate total height
       of display with three sliders present */
    display_three_rows =
        vp.height >=
            text_top + line_height*3  + /* Title + 3 sliders     */
            SWATCH_TOP_MARGIN         + /* at least 2 lines      */
            char_height*2             + /*  + margins for bottom */
            MARGIN_BOTTOM;              /* colored rectangle     */

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        unsigned sb_flags = HORIZONTAL;
        int      mode     = DRMODE_SOLID;
        unsigned fg       = text_color;
        unsigned bg       = background_color;

        if (i == row)
            set_drawinfo(display, DRMODE_SOLID, text_color, background_color);

            if (global_settings.cursor_style != 0)
                /* Draw solid bar selection bar */
                                  text_top - SELECTOR_TB_MARGIN,
                                  char_height + SELECTOR_TB_MARGIN*2);

                if (display->depth < 16)
                    sb_flags |= FOREGROUND | INNER_FILL;
                    mode     |= DRMODE_INVERSEVID;
            else if (display_three_rows)
                /* Draw ">    <" around sliders */
                int top = text_top + (char_height - SELECTOR_HEIGHT) / 2;
                screen_put_iconxy(display, 0, top, Icon_Cursor);
                                  vp.width - SELECTOR_WIDTH,
                                  top, Icon_Cursor);

            if (display->depth >= 16)
                sb_flags |= FOREGROUND | INNER_BGFILL;
                mode      = DRMODE_FG;
                fg        = prim_rgb[SB_PRIM][i];
                bg        = prim_rgb[SB_FILL][i];
        else if (!display_three_rows)

        set_drawinfo(display, mode, fg, bg);

        /* Draw label */
        buf[0] = str(LANG_COLOR_RGB_LABELS)[i];
        buf[1] = '\0';
        vp.flags &= ~VP_FLAG_ALIGNMENT_MASK;
        display->putsxy(text_x, text_top, buf);
        /* Draw color value */
        snprintf(buf, 3, "%02d", rgb->rgb_val[i]);
        vp.flags |= VP_FLAG_ALIGN_RIGHT;
        display->putsxy(text_x, text_top, buf);

        /* Draw scrollbar */
        gui_scrollbar_draw(display,                     /* screen */
                           slider_x,                    /* x */
                           text_top + char_height / 4,  /* y */
                           slider_width,                /* width */
                           char_height / 2,             /* height */
                           rgb_max[i],                  /* items */
                           0,                           /* min_shown */
                           rgb->rgb_val[i],             /* max_shown */
                           sb_flags);                   /* flags */

        /* Advance to next line */
        text_top += line_height;
    } /* end for */

    /* Format RGB: #rrggbb */
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), str(LANG_COLOR_RGB_VALUE),
                               rgb->red, rgb->green, rgb->blue);
    vp.flags |= VP_FLAG_ALIGN_CENTER;
    if (display->depth >= 16)
        /* Display color swatch on color screens only */
        int top    = text_top + SWATCH_TOP_MARGIN;
        int width  = vp.width - text_x*2;
        int height = vp.height - top - MARGIN_BOTTOM;

        /* Only draw if room */
        if (height >= char_height + 2)
            /* draw the big rectangle */
            display->fillrect(text_x, top, width, height);

            /* Draw RGB: #rrggbb in middle of swatch */
            set_drawinfo(display, DRMODE_FG, get_black_or_white(rgb),

            display->putsxy(0, top + (height - char_height) / 2, buf);

            /* Draw border around the rect */
            set_drawinfo(display, DRMODE_SOLID, text_color, background_color);
            display->drawrect(text_x, top, width, height);
        /* Display RGB value only centered on remaining display if room */
        int top = text_top + SWATCH_TOP_MARGIN;
        int height = vp.height - top - MARGIN_BOTTOM;

        if (height >= char_height)
            set_drawinfo(display, DRMODE_SOLID, text_color, background_color);
            display->putsxy(0, top + (height - char_height) / 2, buf);
