Exemplo n.º 1
 * Add required SimpleDB parameters to the array
 * @param sdb the SimpleDB handle
 * @param params the parameter array
int sdb_params_add_required(struct SDB* sdb, struct sdb_params* params)
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "SignatureVersion", sdb->sdb_signature_ver_str));
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "Version", "2007-11-07"));
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", sdb->sdb_key));
	return SDB_OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Deep copy the parameters
 * @param params the parameter array
 * @return the deep copy
struct sdb_params* sdb_params_deep_copy(struct sdb_params* params)
	if (params == NULL) return NULL;
	int i;
	struct sdb_params* p = sdb_params_alloc(params->capacity);
	for (i = 0; i < params->size; i++) sdb_params_add(p, params->params[i].key, params->params[i].value);
	return p;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Add required SimpleDB parameters to the array
 * @param sdb the SimpleDB handle
 * @param params the parameter array
int sdb_params_add_required(struct SDB* sdb, struct sdb_params* params)
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "SignatureVersion", sdb->sdb_signature_ver_str));
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "SignatureMethod", "HmacSHA256"));
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", sdb->sdb_key));
	// Version 2007-11-07 deprecated Aug 24, 2010 
	size_t i = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < params->size; i++) {
		if (strcmp(params->params[i].key, "Action") == 0) {
			if (strcmp(params->params[i].value, "Query") == 0 ||
			strcmp(params->params[i].value, "QueryWithAttributes") == 0) {
				SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "Version", "2007-11-07"));
			} else {
				SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "Version", "2009-04-15"));
	return SDB_OK;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Create the URL-encoded parameters string
 * @param sdb the SimpleDB handle
 * @param params the parameter array
 * @param pbuffer the variable for the output buffer (will be allocated by the routine, but has to be freed by caller)
 * @return SDB_OK if no errors occurred
int sdb_params_export(struct SDB* sdb, struct sdb_params* params, char** pbuffer)
	// Sign the parameters
	char signature[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE * 2];
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_sign(sdb, params, signature, NULL));
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "Signature", signature));
	// Determine the appropriate size
	size_t i, l = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < params->size; i++) {
		l += strlen(params->params[i].key) + 1;
		l += strlen(params->params[i].value) * 3 + 1;
	// Allocate buffer
	*pbuffer = (char*) malloc(l + 4);
	char* b = *pbuffer;
	*b = '\0';
	// Build the string
	for (i = 0; i < params->size; i++) {
		if (i > 0) strcat(b, "&");
		strcat(b, params->params[i].key);
		strcat(b, "=");
		char* e = curl_easy_escape(sdb->curl_handle, params->params[i].value, strlen(params->params[i].value));
		if (e == NULL) {
			*pbuffer = NULL;
		strcat(b, e);
	return SDB_OK;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Execute a command using Curl's multi interface
 * @param sdb the SimpleDB handle
 * @param cmd the command name
 * @param _params the parameters
 * @param next_token the next token (optional)
 * @param user_data the user data (optional)
 * @param user_data_2 the user data (optional)
 * @return the handle to the deferred call, or SDB_MULTI_ERROR on error 
sdb_multi sdb_execute_multi(struct SDB* sdb, const char* cmd, struct sdb_params* _params, char* next_token, void* user_data, void* user_data_2)
	// Prepare the command execution
	struct sdb_params* params = sdb_params_alloc(_params->size + 8);
	if (SDB_FAILED(sdb_params_add(params, "Action", cmd))) return SDB_MULTI_ERROR;
	char timestamp[32]; sdb_timestamp(timestamp);
	if (SDB_FAILED(sdb_params_add(params, "Timestamp", timestamp))) return SDB_MULTI_ERROR;
	// Add the command parameters
	if (SDB_FAILED(sdb_params_add_all(params, _params))) return SDB_MULTI_ERROR;
	// Add the next token
	if (next_token != NULL) {
		if (SDB_FAILED(sdb_params_add(params, "NextToken", next_token))) return SDB_MULTI_ERROR;
	// Add the required parameters
	if (SDB_FAILED(sdb_params_add_required(sdb, params))) return SDB_MULTI_ERROR;
	char* post = sdb_post(sdb, params);
	long postsize = strlen(post);
	// Allocate a multi-data structure
	struct sdb_multi_data* m = sdb_multi_alloc(sdb);
	m->post = post;
	strncpy(m->command, cmd, SDB_LEN_COMMAND - 1);
	m->command[SDB_LEN_COMMAND - 1] = '\0';
	m->params = sdb_params_deep_copy(_params);
	m->user_data = user_data;
	m->user_data_2 = user_data_2;
	m->post_size = postsize;
	// Create a Curl handle and defer it
	sdb->rec.size = 0;
	curl_easy_setopt(m->curl, CURLOPT_URL, AWS_URL);
	curl_easy_setopt(m->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &m->rec);
	curl_easy_setopt(m->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1L);
	curl_easy_setopt(m->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, post);
	CURLMcode cr = curl_multi_add_handle(sdb->curl_multi, m->curl);
	// Handle Curl errors
	if (cr != CURLM_OK) {
		sdb_multi_free_one(sdb, m);
	// Statistics (the size statistics would be updated when the response is received)
	if (strncmp(cmd, "Put", 3) == 0) sdb->stat.num_puts++;
	return m->curl;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Execute a command
 * @param sdb the SimpleDB handle
 * @param cmd the command name
 * @param params the parameters
 * @param response the pointer to the result-set
 * @return the result
int sdb_execute_rs(struct SDB* sdb, const char* cmd, struct sdb_params* _params, struct sdb_response** response)
	// Prepare the command execution
	struct sdb_params* params = sdb_params_alloc(_params->size + 8);
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "Action", cmd));
	char timestamp[32]; sdb_timestamp(timestamp);
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "Timestamp", timestamp));
	// Add the command parameters
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add_all(params, _params));
	// Add the next token
	if (*response != NULL) {
		if ((*response)->has_more) {
			SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "NextToken", (const char*) (*response)->internal->next_token));
	// Add the required parameters
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add_required(sdb, params));
	char* post = sdb_post(sdb, params);
	long postsize = strlen(post);
	// Configure Curl and execute the command
	CURL* curl = sdb->curl_handle;
	sdb->rec.size = 0;
	curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, AWS_URL);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &sdb->rec);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1L);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, post);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
	CURLcode cr = curl_easy_perform(curl);
	// Statistics
	if (cr == CURLE_OK) {
		if (strncmp(cmd, "Put", 3) == 0) sdb->stat.num_puts++;
		sdb_update_size_stats(sdb, curl, postsize, sdb->rec.size);
	// Handle Curl errors and internal AWS errors
	if (cr != CURLE_OK) return SDB_CURL_ERROR(cr);
	if (strncmp(sdb->rec.buffer, "<html", 5) == 0) return SDB_E_AWS_INTERNAL_ERROR_2;
	sdb->rec.buffer[sdb->rec.size] = '\0';
	printf("\n%s\n\n", sdb->rec.buffer);
	// Parse the response and check for errors
	if (*response == NULL) {
		*response = sdb_response_allocate();
	else {
	(*response)->internal->errout = sdb->errout;
	int __ret = sdb_response_parse(*response, sdb->rec.buffer, sdb->rec.size);
	if (SDB_FAILED(__ret)) {
		return __ret;
	sdb->stat.box_usage += (*response)->box_usage;
	if ((*response)->error != 0) {
		__ret = (*response)->error;
		if (SDB_AWS_ERROR(__ret) != SDB_E_AWS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) sdb_free(response);
		return SDB_AWS_ERROR(__ret);
	// Save the parameters in the case manual NEXT handling is allowed
	if (!sdb->auto_next && (*response)->has_more) {
		if ((*response)->internal->next == NULL) {
			(*response)->internal->params = sdb_params_deep_copy(_params);
			(*response)->internal->command = (char*) malloc(strlen(cmd) + 4);
			strcpy((*response)->internal->command, cmd);
		else if ((*response)->internal->params == NULL) {
			(*response)->internal->params = (*response)->internal->next->params;
			(*response)->internal->command = (*response)->internal->next->command;
			(*response)->internal->next->params = NULL;
			(*response)->internal->next->command = NULL;
	return SDB_OK;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Execute a command and ignore the result-set
 * @param sdb the SimpleDB handle
 * @param cmd the command name
 * @param _params the parameters
 * @return the result
int sdb_execute(struct SDB* sdb, const char* cmd, struct sdb_params* _params)
	// Prepare the command execution
	struct sdb_params* params = sdb_params_alloc(_params->size + 8);
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "Action", cmd));
	char timestamp[32]; sdb_timestamp(timestamp);
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add(params, "Timestamp", timestamp));
	// Add the command parameters
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add_all(params, _params));
	// Add the required parameters
	SDB_SAFE(sdb_params_add_required(sdb, params));
	char* post = sdb_post(sdb, params);
	long postsize = strlen(post);
	// Configure Curl and execute the command
	CURL* curl = sdb->curl_handle;
	sdb->rec.size = 0;
	curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, AWS_URL);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &sdb->rec);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1L);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, post);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
	CURLcode cr = curl_easy_perform(curl);
	// Statistics
	if (cr == CURLE_OK) {
		if (strncmp(cmd, "Put", 3) == 0) sdb->stat.num_puts++;
		sdb_update_size_stats(sdb, curl, postsize, sdb->rec.size);
	// Handle Curl errors and internal AWS errors
	if (cr != CURLE_OK) return SDB_CURL_ERROR(cr);
	if (strncmp(sdb->rec.buffer, "<html", 5) == 0) return SDB_E_AWS_INTERNAL_ERROR_2;
	sdb->rec.buffer[sdb->rec.size] = '\0';
	printf("\n%s\n\n", sdb->rec.buffer);
	// Parse the response and check for errors
	struct sdb_response response; sdb_response_init(&response);
	response.internal->errout = sdb->errout;
	int __ret = sdb_response_parse(&response, sdb->rec.buffer, sdb->rec.size);
	if (SDB_FAILED(__ret)) {
		return __ret;
	sdb->stat.box_usage += response.box_usage;
	if (response.error != 0) {
		__ret = response.error;
		return SDB_AWS_ERROR(__ret);
	// Cleanup
	return SDB_OK;