const char *get_sname(int socknumber, const char *proto, int numeric) { static char buffer[64], init = 0; struct service *item; if (socknumber == 0) return ("*"); if (numeric) goto do_ntohs; if (!init) { (void) read_services(); init = 1; } buffer[0] = '\0'; if (!strcmp(proto, "tcp")) item = searchlist(tcp_name, socknumber); else if (!strcmp(proto, "udp")) item = searchlist(udp_name, socknumber); else if (!strcmp(proto, "raw")) item = searchlist(raw_name, socknumber); else item = NULL; if (item) { strncpy(buffer, item->name, sizeof(buffer)); buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; } if (!buffer[0]) { do_ntohs: sprintf(buffer, "%d", ntohs(socknumber)); } return (buffer); }
char *get_sname(int socknumber, char *proto, int numeric) { static char buffer[64], init = 0; struct service *item; if (socknumber == 0) return ("*"); if (numeric) { sprintf(buffer, "%d", ntohs(socknumber)); return (buffer); } if (!init) { (void) read_services(); init = 1; } buffer[0] = '\0'; if (!strcmp(proto, "tcp")) { if ((item = searchlist(tcp_name, socknumber)) != NULL) sprintf(buffer, "%s", item->name); } else if (!strcmp(proto, "udp")) { if ((item = searchlist(udp_name, socknumber)) != NULL) sprintf(buffer, "%s", item->name); } else if (!strcmp(proto, "raw")) { if ((item = searchlist(raw_name, socknumber)) != NULL) sprintf(buffer, "%s", item->name); } if (!buffer[0]) sprintf(buffer, "%d", ntohs(socknumber)); return (buffer); }
/* Testing correctness of tree * Result : SUCCESSFUL SO FAR */ int main() { addDOMNode(NULL, PARENT, "html"); dom_node *n = addDOMNode(root, PARENT, "body"); dom_node *k = addDOMNode(n, PARENT, "head"); addDOMNode(n, SIBLING, "noooo"); searchlist("test"); printf("%p has %s\n",searchlist("head"), searchlist("head")->id ); delgloballist(list); }
struct Elem *searchlist(struct Elem *list, int k) { for (; list; list = list->tail) { if ((list->tag == 2) && (searchlist(list->value.list, k))) return searchlist(list->value.list, k); if (list->tag || (list->value.i != k)) continue; return list; } return 0; }
int fgettra(FILE *fp, segy *tp, int itr) { int nread; if(lastfp != fp) searchlist(fp); /* search for match */ if(infoptr == (struct insegyinfo *) NULL) { /* get first trace */ if(0 >= fgettr(fp, tp)) return(0); /* error return */ switch(infoptr->ftype) { case TTY: warn("stdin not redirected"); break; case DISK: /* correct */ break; default: err("%s: input must be disk file",__FILE__); } efseeko(fp,(off_t) 0LL,SEEK_END); if( in_line_hdr ){ infoptr->ntr = (off_t)((eftello(fp)-3600)/infoptr->nsegy); efseeko(fp, (off_t) 3600+infoptr->nsegy,SEEK_SET); }else{ infoptr->ntr = (off_t)(eftello(fp)/infoptr->nsegy); efseeko(fp, (off_t) infoptr->nsegy,SEEK_SET); } } /* end first entry initialization */ /* Check on requested trace number */ if(itr >= infoptr->ntr) err("%s: trying to read off end of file",__FILE__); /* Position file pointer at start of requested trace */ if( in_line_hdr ){ efseeko(fp, (off_t) 3600+itr*infoptr->nsegy,SEEK_SET); }else{ efseeko(fp, (off_t) itr*infoptr->nsegy,SEEK_SET); } nread=fgettr(fp, tp); /* let fgettr do the work */ if(nread != infoptr->nsegy) err("%s: read %d bytes in trace of %d bytes", __FILE__,nread,infoptr->nsegy); if(tp->ns != infoptr->nsfirst) warn("%s: header ns field = %d differs from first trace = %d", __FILE__,tp->ns,infoptr->nsfirst); return(infoptr->ntr); }
/* Inputs: A pointer to a priority table and a user. Outputs: Zero if user found, else 1, and priority table is modified. Effects: All occurences of <user> in the priority table will be removed. (There should only be one at most.) */ int del_user ( struct user_priority * ppri_tbl, char * user ) { int limit; for (limit = PRI_MIN; limit <= PRI_MAX; limit++) if (searchlist(user, ppri_tbl->users[limit - PRI_MIN])) { dellist (&(ppri_tbl->users[limit - PRI_MIN]), user); return (0); } return (1); }
head searchlist(head listhead,int searchitem) { if(listhead == NULL) //No further nodes exist { printf("Item not found\n"); return 0; } else if(listhead->item == searchitem) //Item found at current node { printf("Item found at index location %d\n", listhead->index); return listhead; } else //Item not found in current node, recursively search next nodes searchlist(listhead->next, searchitem); }
void fputtr_internal(FILE *fp, segy *tp, cwp_Bool fixed_length) { /* search linked list for possible alternative */ if(fp != lastfp) searchlist(fp); if (infoptr == ((struct outsegyinfo *) NULL)) { /* initialize new segy output stream */ /* allocate new segy output information table */ *oldinfoptr = (struct outsegyinfo *) malloc(sizeof(struct outsegyinfo)); infoptr = *oldinfoptr; infoptr->nextinfo = (struct outsegyinfo *) NULL; /* save FILE * ptr */ infoptr->outfp = fp; infoptr->itr = 0; switch (infoptr->ftype = filestat(fileno(fp))) { case DIRECTORY: suerr("%s: segy output can't be a directory", __FILE__); case TTY: suerr("%s: segy output can't be tty", __FILE__); default: /* the rest are ok */ break; } /* Sanity check the segy header */ infoptr->nsfirst = tp->ns; if (infoptr->nsfirst > SU_NFLTS) suerr("%s: unable to handle %d > %d samples per trace", __FILE__, infoptr->nsfirst, SU_NFLTS); switch(tp->trid) { case CHARPACK: infoptr->bytesper = sizeof(char); break; case SHORTPACK: infoptr->bytesper = 2*sizeof(char); break; default: infoptr->bytesper = sizeof(float); break; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*\ Write out a line header if it has been set as the default or has requested on the caommandline. Commandline takes precedence over the default in all cases. Reginald H. Beardsley [email protected] \*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* commented out 15.05.09 WWS getparint( "lheader" ,&out_line_hdr ); if( out_line_hdr ){ if( in_line_hdr ){ (void) efwrite(&(su_text_hdr[0]), 1 ,3200 ,infoptr->outfp); }else{ memset( su_text_hdr ,0 ,sizeof(su_text_hdr) ); sprintf( hdr_str ,"%-80s" ,"C 1 CLIENT CWP/SU default text header " ); strncat( su_text_hdr ,hdr_str ,80 ); for( i=1; i<40; i++ ){ sprintf( hdr_str ,"%-80s" ,"C" ); strncat( su_text_hdr ,hdr_str ,80 ); } (void) efwrite(&(su_text_hdr[0]), 1 ,3200 ,infoptr->outfp); } memset( &su_binary_hdr ,0 ,sizeof(su_binary_hdr) ); su_binary_hdr.format = 1; su_binary_hdr.hns = tp->ns; su_binary_hdr.hdt = tp->dt; (void) efwrite(&su_binary_hdr, 1 ,sizeof(su_binary_hdr), infoptr->outfp); } */ } if (tp->ns != infoptr->nsfirst && fixed_length) suerr("%s: on trace #%ld, number of samples in header (%d) " "differs from number for first trace (%d)", __FILE__, (infoptr->itr)+1, tp->ns, infoptr->nsfirst); (void) efwrite(tp, 1,HDRBYTES, infoptr->outfp); datawrite(tp, infoptr, fixed_length); ++infoptr->itr; lastfp = infoptr->outfp; }
void fputtr_internal(FILE *fp, segy *tp, cwp_Bool fixed_length) { unsigned int databytes; /* bytes from nsfirst */ int nwritten; /* bytes seen by fwrite calls */ /* search linked list for possible alternative */ if(fp != lastfp) searchlist(fp); if (infoptr == ((struct outsegyinfo *) NULL)) { /* initialize new segy output stream */ /* allocate new segy output information table */ *oldinfoptr = (struct outsegyinfo *) malloc(sizeof(struct outsegyinfo)); infoptr = *oldinfoptr; infoptr->nextinfo = (struct outsegyinfo *) NULL; /* save FILE * ptr */ infoptr->outfp = fp; infoptr->itr = 0; /* allocate XDR struct and associate FILE * ptr */ infoptr->segy_xdr = (XDR *) malloc(sizeof(XDR)); switch (infoptr->ftype = filestat(fileno(fp))) { case DIRECTORY: suerr("%s: segy output can't be a directory", __FILE__); case TTY: suerr("%s: segy output can't be tty", __FILE__); break; default: /* the rest are ok */ break; } xdrstdio_create(infoptr->segy_xdr,fp,XDR_ENCODE); /* Sanity check the segy header */ infoptr->nsfirst = tp->ns; if (infoptr->nsfirst > SU_NFLTS) suerr("%s: unable to handle %d > %d samples per trace", __FILE__, infoptr->nsfirst, SU_NFLTS); switch(tp->trid) { case CHARPACK: infoptr->bytesper = sizeof(char); break; case SHORTPACK: infoptr->bytesper = 2*sizeof(char); break; default: infoptr->bytesper = BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT; break; } } databytes = infoptr->bytesper * (fixed_length?infoptr->nsfirst:tp->ns); if(FALSE == xdrhdrsub(infoptr->segy_xdr,tp)) suerr("%s: unable to write header on trace #%ld", __FILE__, (infoptr->itr)+1); nwritten = datawrite(infoptr, tp, fixed_length); if (nwritten != databytes) suerr("%s: on trace #%ld, tried to write %d bytes, " "wrote %d bytes", __FILE__, (infoptr->itr)+1, databytes, nwritten); ++infoptr->itr; lastfp = infoptr->outfp; }
int main() {"/Users/robinmalhotra2/Desktop/csl201check.txt",std::ios::in|std::ios::out); f1.getline(s, 80, ' '); while (f1.good()) { std::cout<<"addasd"; if ((strlen(s)==1) && (s[0])<'9' && (s[0])>'0') { switch ((s[0])) { case '1': createandprintlist(); break; case '2': sortlist(); break; case '3': nextinsert(); break; case '4': searchlist(); break; case '5': deletenext(); break; case '6': deduplicate(); break; case '7': mergesortthing(); break; case '8': credits(); break; default: break; } } } f1.close(); }
static int fgettr_internal(FILE *fp, segy *tp, cwp_Bool fixed_length) { int nread; /* bytes seen by fread calls */ unsigned char buf[240]; /* buffer for test for line header */ /* search linked list for possible alternative */ if(fp != lastfp) searchlist(fp); if (infoptr == ((struct insegyinfo *) NULL)) { /* initialize new segy input stream */ unsigned int databytes; /* bytes from nsfirst */ /* allocate new segy input information table */ *oldinfoptr = (struct insegyinfo *) malloc(sizeof(struct insegyinfo)); infoptr = *oldinfoptr; infoptr->nextinfo = (struct insegyinfo *) NULL; infoptr->infp = fp; /* save FILE * ptr */ infoptr->itr = 0; infoptr->ntr = -1; switch (infoptr->ftype = filestat(fileno(fp))) { case DIRECTORY: err("%s: segy input can't be a directory", __FILE__); case TTY: err("%s: segy input can't be tty", __FILE__); default: /* all others are ok */ break; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*\ Check for the presence of a line header and set a flag if one is found. The decision of what to do will be delayed until the call to fputtr(). This allows us to accept data w/ or w/o a line header. Reginald H. Beardsley [email protected] \*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Attempt to get a text header */ nread=efread(buf ,1 ,HDRBYTES ,infoptr->infp); switch( nread ){ case 0: return 0; /* no traces; trap in mains */ default: if (nread < HDRBYTES ){ return 0; }else if( isascii_txt( buf ,HDRBYTES ) || isebcdic_txt( buf ,HDRBYTES ) ){ in_line_hdr = 1; memcpy( su_text_hdr ,buf ,HDRBYTES ); nread += efread(&(su_text_hdr[HDRBYTES]) ,1 ,3200-HDRBYTES ,infoptr->infp); }else{ in_line_hdr=0; memcpy( tp ,buf ,HDRBYTES ); } } if( in_line_hdr ){ /* Get the binary header */ nread = efread(&su_binary_hdr, 1, sizeof(bhed), infoptr->infp); switch( nread ){ case 0: return 0; /* no traces; trap in mains */ default: if (nread != sizeof(su_binary_hdr)){ err("%s:%d bad binary header" , __FILE__ ,__LINE__ ); } } /* Get the first trace header */ nread = efread(tp, 1, HDRBYTES, infoptr->infp); switch( nread ){ case 0: return 0; /* no traces; trap in mains */ default: if (nread != HDRBYTES){ err("%s: bad first header", __FILE__); } } } /* Have the header, now for the data */ infoptr->nsfirst = tp->ns; if (infoptr->nsfirst > SU_NFLTS){ err("%s: unable to handle %d > %d samples per trace", __FILE__, infoptr->nsfirst, SU_NFLTS); } switch (tp->trid) { case CHARPACK: infoptr->bytesper = sizeof(char); break; case SHORTPACK: infoptr->bytesper = 2*sizeof(char); break; default: infoptr->bytesper = sizeof(float); break; } databytes = infoptr->bytesper * tp->ns; infoptr->nsegy = HDRBYTES + databytes; /* Inconvenient to bump nread here; do it in the switch */ nread = dataread(tp, infoptr, fixed_length); switch (nread) { case 0: err("%s: no data on first trace", __FILE__); default: if (nread != databytes){ err("%s: first trace: " "read only %d bytes of %u", __FILE__, nread, databytes); }else{ nread += HDRBYTES; } } if (infoptr->ftype == DISK) { /* compute ntr */ efseeko(fp, (off_t) 0LL,SEEK_END); if( in_line_hdr ){ infoptr->ntr = (eftello(fp)-3600)/infoptr->nsegy; efseeko(fp, (off_t) 3600+infoptr->nsegy,SEEK_SET); }else{ infoptr->ntr = eftello(fp)/infoptr->nsegy; efseeko(fp, (off_t) infoptr->nsegy ,SEEK_SET); } } }else{ /* not first trace */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*\ A number of programs seek on the input file using either fseek(3c) or rewind(3c) and then expect to read trace data. As a consequence we need to check and offset the filepointer if needed. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if( in_line_hdr && ftello( infoptr->infp ) == 0 ){ fseeko( infoptr->infp ,(off_t)3600L ,SEEK_SET ); } nread = (int) efread(tp, 1, HDRBYTES, infoptr->infp); switch( nread ){ case 0: lastfp = infoptr->infp; return 0; /* finished */ default: if (nread != HDRBYTES){ err("%s: on trace #%ld read %d bytes expected %d bytes", __FILE__,(infoptr->itr)+1,nread,HDRBYTES); } } nread += dataread(tp, infoptr, fixed_length); if (fixed_length && (tp->ns != infoptr->nsfirst)){ err("%s: on trace #%ld number of samples in header (%d) differs from number for first trace (%d)" ,__FILE__, (infoptr->itr)+1, tp->ns, infoptr->nsfirst); } } ++(infoptr->itr); lastfp = infoptr->infp; return (nread); }
static int fgettr_internal(FILE *fp, segy *tp, cwp_Bool fixed_length) { int nread; /* bytes seen by fread calls */ off_t curoff; if(fp != lastfp) /* search linked list for possible alternative */ searchlist(fp); if (infoptr == ((struct insegyinfo *) NULL)) { /* initialize new segy input stream */ unsigned int databytes; /* bytes from nsfirst */ /* allocate new segy input information table */ *oldinfoptr = (struct insegyinfo *) malloc(sizeof(struct insegyinfo)); infoptr = *oldinfoptr; infoptr->nextinfo = (struct insegyinfo *) NULL; /* save FILE * ptr */ infoptr->infp = fp; infoptr->itr = 0; infoptr->ntr = -1; /* allocate XDR struct and associate FILE * ptr */ infoptr->segy_xdr = (XDR *) malloc(sizeof(XDR)); switch (infoptr->ftype = filestat(fileno(fp))) { case DIRECTORY: err("%s: segy input can't be a directory", __FILE__); case TTY: err("%s: segy input can't be tty", __FILE__); break; default: /* the rest are ok */ break; } /* xdrstdio_create(infoptr->segy_xdr,fp,XDR_DECODE); */ infoptr->buf = ealloc1(sizeof(segy),sizeof(char)); xdrmem_create(infoptr->segy_xdr, infoptr->buf, sizeof(segy), XDR_DECODE); infoptr->bufstart = xdr_getpos(infoptr->segy_xdr); /* retrieve segy trace header */ nread = efread(infoptr->buf ,1 ,HDRBYTES ,infoptr->infp); if(nread != HDRBYTES || FALSE == xdrhdrsub(infoptr->segy_xdr,tp)) err("%s: bad first header", __FILE__); /* Have the header, now for the data */ infoptr->nsfirst = tp->ns; if (infoptr->nsfirst > SU_NFLTS) err("%s: unable to handle %d > %d samples per trace", __FILE__, infoptr->nsfirst, SU_NFLTS); switch(tp->trid) { case CHARPACK: infoptr->bytesper = sizeof(char); break; case SHORTPACK: infoptr->bytesper = 2*sizeof(char); break; default: infoptr->bytesper = BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT; break; } databytes = infoptr->bytesper * tp->ns; infoptr->nsegy = databytes + HDRBYTES; nread = dataread(infoptr, tp, fixed_length); switch (nread) { case 0: err("%s: no data on first trace", __FILE__); default: if (nread != databytes) err("%s: first trace: tried to read %d bytes " "read %d bytes", __FILE__, databytes, nread); else nread += HDRBYTES; } if(infoptr->ftype == DISK) { /* compute ntr */ curoff = eftello(fp); efseeko(fp,(off_t) 0,SEEK_END); infoptr->ntr = eftello(fp)/infoptr->nsegy; efseeko(fp, curoff, SEEK_SET); /* restore location */ } } else { /* Not first entry */ xdr_setpos(infoptr->segy_xdr, infoptr->bufstart); nread = efread(infoptr->buf ,1 ,HDRBYTES ,infoptr->infp); if ( nread != HDRBYTES || FALSE == xdrhdrsub(infoptr->segy_xdr,tp)) nread=0; if(nread == HDRBYTES) nread += dataread(infoptr, tp, fixed_length); if (nread <= 0) { lastfp = infoptr->infp; return 0; } if (fixed_length && (tp->ns != infoptr->nsfirst)) err("%s: on trace #%ld, " "number of samples in header (%d) " "differs from number for first trace (%d)", __FILE__, infoptr->itr, tp->ns, infoptr->nsfirst); } ++(infoptr->itr); lastfp = infoptr->infp; return (nread); }
int pickfilter(RSTATUS *prs, CANDIDATE *pc, FSTATUS *pfs) { register char ** pp; register char ** pl; register PSTATUS * pps = pc->pps; char * pipes[2] = { 0 , 0 }; char * cp; char * output_type; char ** modes = 0; char ** parms = 0; char ** valid_printer_types; char ** p_cpi = 0; char ** p_lpi = 0; char ** p_pwid = 0; char ** p_plen = 0; FILTERTYPE ret = fl_none; int got_cpi = 0; int got_lpi = 0; int got_plen = 0; int got_pwid = 0; int must_have_filter= 0; unsigned long chk; /* fix for bugid 1097387 */ output_type = (char *) NULL; /* * The bulk of the code below is building a parameter list "parms" * to send to "insfilter()". */ if (prs->request->modes) { cp = Strdup(prs->request->modes); transform_WS_to_SEP(cp); modes = getlist(cp, "", LP_SEP); Free (cp); } pp = parms = (char **)Malloc( 2 * (NPARM_SPEC + lenlist(modes) + 1) * sizeof(char *) ); /* * Add to the parameter list the appropriate cpi/lpi/etc. * characteristics (aka ``stuff'') that will be used for * this job. The printer defaults are questionable. * Take this opportunity to also save the ``stuff'' in * the request structure. */ unload_str (&(prs->cpi)); unload_str (&(prs->lpi)); unload_str (&(prs->plen)); unload_str (&(prs->pwid)); /* * If a form is involved, pick up its page size and print * spacing requirements. */ if (pfs) { if (pfs->cpi) { *pp++ = PARM_CPI; *pp++ = prs->cpi = pfs->cpi; got_cpi = 1; } if (pfs->lpi) { *pp++ = PARM_LPI; *pp++ = prs->lpi = pfs->lpi; got_lpi = 1; } if (pfs->plen) { *pp++ = PARM_LENGTH; *pp++ = prs->plen = pfs->plen; got_plen = 1; } if (pfs->pwid) { *pp++ = PARM_WIDTH; *pp++ = prs->pwid = pfs->pwid; got_pwid = 1; } /* * If no form is involved, pick up whatever page size and print * spacing requirements were given by the user. */ } else { if (o_cpi) { *pp++ = PARM_CPI; *pp++ = prs->cpi = o_cpi; got_cpi = 1; } if (o_lpi) { *pp++ = PARM_LPI; *pp++ = prs->lpi = o_lpi; got_lpi = 1; } if (o_length) { *pp++ = PARM_LENGTH; *pp++ = prs->plen = o_length; got_plen = 1; } if (o_width) { *pp++ = PARM_WIDTH; *pp++ = prs->pwid = o_width; got_pwid = 1; } } /* * Pick up whatever page size and print spacing requirements * haven't been specified yet from the printer defaults. * * Note: The following cpi/lpi/etc are guaranteed to work * for at least one type of the printer at hand, but not * necessarily all types. Once we pick a type that works * we'll verify that the cpi/lpi/etc stuff works, too. * The code that does that assumes that we do the following last, * after picking up the form and/or user stuff. If this changes, * then the later code will have to be changed, too. */ if (!got_cpi && pps->cpi) { *pp++ = PARM_CPI; *(p_cpi = pp++) = prs->cpi = pps->cpi; } if (!got_lpi && pps->lpi) { *pp++ = PARM_LPI; *(p_lpi = pp++) = prs->lpi = pps->lpi; } if (!got_plen && pps->plen) { *pp++ = PARM_LENGTH; *(p_plen = pp++) = prs->plen = pps->plen; } if (!got_pwid && pps->pwid) { *pp++ = PARM_WIDTH; *(p_pwid = pp++) = prs->pwid = pps->pwid; } /* * Pick up the number of pages, character set (the form's * or the user's), the form name, the number of copies, * and the modes. */ if (prs->request->pages) { *pp++ = PARM_PAGES; *pp++ = prs->request->pages; must_have_filter = 1; } if (prs->request->charset) { *pp++ = PARM_CHARSET; *pp++ = prs->request->charset; } else if (pfs && pfs->form->chset) { *pp++ = PARM_CHARSET; *pp++ = pfs->form->chset; } if (prs->request->form) { *pp++ = PARM_FORM; *pp++ = prs->request->form; } if (prs->request->copies > 1) { *pp++ = PARM_COPIES; sprintf ((*pp++ = BIGGEST_NUMBER_S), "%d", prs->request->copies); } if (modes) { for (pl = modes; *pl; pl++) { *pp++ = PARM_MODES; *pp++ = *pl; } must_have_filter = 1; } *pp = 0; /* null terminated list! */ /* * If the printer type(s) are not ``unknown'', then include * them as possible ``output'' type(s) to match * with the user's input type (directly, or through a filter). */ if (!STREQU(*(pps->printer->printer_types), NAME_UNKNOWN)) valid_printer_types = pc->printer_types; else { valid_printer_types = 0; must_have_filter = 0; } pc->fast = 0; pc->slow = 0; pc->output_type = 0; pc->flags = 0; ret = fl_none; /* * If we don't really need a filter and the types match, * then that's good enough. Some ``broadly defined'' * filters might match our needs, but if the printer * can do what we need, then why pull in a filter? * Besides, Section 3.40 in the requirements imply * that we don't use a filter if the printer can handle * the file. */ if (!must_have_filter ) { if ( valid_printer_types && searchlist_with_terminfo( prs->request->input_type, valid_printer_types ) ) { ret = fl_both; /* not really, but ok */ pc->printer_type = Strdup(prs->request->input_type); } else if ( pps->printer->input_types && searchlist_with_terminfo( prs->request->input_type, pps->printer->input_types ) ) { ret = fl_both; /* not really, but ok */ /* * (1) There is one printer type, might even * be ``unknown''; * (2) There are several printer types, but that * means only one input type, ``simple'', * which any of the printer types can handle. */ pc->printer_type = Strdup(*(pc->printer_types)); } } /* * Don't try using a filter if the user doesn't want * a filter to be used! He or she would rather see an * error message than (heaven forbid!) a filter being * used. */ if (ret == fl_none && !(prs->request->actions & ACT_RAW)) { /* * For each printer type, and each input type the printer * accepts, see if we have a filter that matches the * request to the printer. Each time we try, save the * output type we use in case of success; we just might * need that value later.... */ for ( pl = valid_printer_types; pl && *pl && ret == fl_none; pl++ ) ret = insfilter( pipes, prs->request->input_type, (output_type = *pl), *pl, pps->printer->name, parms, &(pc->flags) ); if (ret != fl_none) pc->printer_type = Strdup(*pl); for ( pl = pps->printer->input_types; pl && *pl && ret == fl_none; pl++ ) /* * Don't waste time with check we've already made. */ if ((must_have_filter == 1) || !valid_printer_types || !searchlist(*pl, valid_printer_types) ) /* * Either we have one (or less) printer * types and many input types, or we have * one input type, ``simple''; regardless, * using the first printer type is OK. */ ret = insfilter( pipes, prs->request->input_type, (output_type = *pl), *(pc->printer_types), pps->printer->name, parms, &(pc->flags) ); if (ret != fl_none) pc->printer_type = Strdup(*(pc->printer_types)); } /* * If we were successful, check that the printer type * we picked can handle the PRINTER'S cpi/lpi/etc. defaults. * (We know that ALL the printer's types can handle the stuff * the user gave or the stuff in the form.) * Each printer's default that doesn't pass muster gets dropped. * This may mean re-instantiating the filter(s) (if any). */ if (ret != fl_none && (p_cpi || p_lpi || p_pwid || p_plen)) { #define NZ(X) ((X)? *(X) : (char *)0) chk = chkprinter( pc->printer_type, NZ(p_cpi), NZ(p_lpi), NZ(p_plen), NZ(p_pwid), (char *)0 ); if (chk) { register char ** _pp; char * hole = ""; /* * Remove the offending printer defaults from the * request list of cpi/lpi/etc. stuff, and punch * (non-null!) holes in the parameter list. */ #define DROP(P,R) if (P) {P[-1] = P[0] = hole; R = 0;} else/*EMPTY*/ if (chk & PCK_CPI) DROP (p_cpi, prs->cpi); if (chk & PCK_LPI) DROP (p_lpi, prs->lpi); if (chk & PCK_WIDTH) DROP (p_pwid, prs->pwid); if (chk & PCK_LENGTH) DROP (p_plen, prs->plen); /* * If there are filters, we have to re-instantiate * them. (Can't check "ret" here, because it may * be misleading.) */ if (pipes[0] || pipes[1]) { /* * First, close up the gaps we punched in * the parameter list. */ for (pp = _pp = parms; *pp; pp++) if (*pp != hole) *_pp++ = *pp; *_pp = 0; /* * Re-instantiate the filter(s). This * CAN'T fail, because it is not mandatory * that filters handle cpi/lpi/etc. stuff. */ ret = insfilter( pipes, prs->request->input_type, output_type, pc->printer_type, pps->printer->name, parms, &(pc->flags) ); } } } /* * Save the filters, if any. Note: although "ret" can be * misleading, i.e. set to "fl_both" when there really aren't * any filters, the declaration of "pipes" ensured they'd be * zero if not set. */ if (ret == fl_both || ret == fl_slow) pc->slow = pipes[0]; if (ret == fl_both || ret == fl_fast) pc->fast = pipes[1]; if (ret != fl_none) pc->output_type = Strdup (output_type); /* * Wait until now to allocate storage for the cpi/etc. * stuff, to make life easier above. */ if (prs->cpi) prs->cpi = Strdup(prs->cpi); if (prs->lpi) prs->lpi = Strdup(prs->lpi); if (prs->plen) prs->plen = Strdup(prs->plen); if (prs->pwid) prs->pwid = Strdup(prs->pwid); if (parms) Free ((char *)parms); if (modes) freelist (modes); return ((ret != fl_none)); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int sockfd, clientfd,status,yes=1,fdmax,p,fd,j; unsigned int port; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *servinfo; struct sockaddr_in* clientinfo; // will point to the results fd_set master,read_fd; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); // make sure the struct is empty FD_ZERO(&master); FD_ZERO(&read_fd); if (argc != 4) { printf("usage: ./server ip port clientcount\n"); return 1; } port =atoi(argv[2]); printf("IP Entered,%s\n",argv[1]); servinfo= (struct addrinfo*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct addrinfo)); InitAddress (argv[1], port, servinfo); MAX_COUNT = atoi(argv[3]); //Max number of clients // create userlist userlist = initlist(); // make a socket: if ((sockfd = socket(servinfo->ai_family, servinfo->ai_socktype,servinfo->ai_protocol)) == -1) { perror("server: socket"); exit(0); } // local addresses are reused if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes,sizeof(int)) == -1) { perror("setsockopt"); exit(1); } // binding to a port if (bind(sockfd, servinfo->ai_addr, servinfo->ai_addrlen) == -1) { close(sockfd); perror("server: bind"); } //listen if(listen(sockfd,MAX_COUNT)==-1){ close(sockfd); perror("server:listen"); } FD_SET(sockfd,&master); fdmax = sockfd; while(1){ read_fd = master; if( select(fdmax+1,&read_fd,NULL,NULL,NULL) == -1){ perror("server:select"); exit(0); } for(p=0;p<=fdmax;p++) { if(FD_ISSET(p,&read_fd)){ if(p==sockfd){ // New connection int clientfd = handle_new_cnt(p,master,&fdmax); if(clientfd) FD_SET(clientfd,&master); } else {// received some msg from old connection if(!handle_old_cnt(p,master,fdmax,sockfd)) { char usrname[17]; if(searchlist(p,userlist,usrname)) userlist=deletelist(p,userlist);; //closing the user incase he has quit printf("\nNumber of valid users\t:%d\n",list_size(userlist)); close(p); FD_CLR(p,&master); } } } //data handling done }//data for particular p over }// infinite loop close(sockfd); //printsockaddr((struct sockaddr_in*)servinfo->ai_addr); freeaddrinfo(servinfo); // free the linked-list }