Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	InitVars(argc, argv, "../heh.cfg");

	// Read image
	ImageRGB<byte> imagergb;
	ImageF image;
	ReadImage(argv[1], imagergb);
	ImageCopy(imagergb, image);

	// Run segmentation
	MatI seg(image.GetHeight(), image.GetWidth());
	if (argc >= 3) {
		ReadMatrix(argv[2], seg);
	} else {
		FHSegmenter segmenter(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight());
		segmenter.Compute(image, seg, 1, 50, 150);

	// Compute features
	HehFeatureGen gen;
	gen.Compute(imagergb, image, seg);

	for (int i = 0; i < gen.features.size(); i++) {
		const HehFeature& f = gen.features[i];
		DLOG << f;

	return 0;
static inline void innerColMultiply( const BlockT* blocks, const IndexT &index,
								const typename IndexT::Index outerIdx, const RhsT& rhs, ResT& res, ScalarT alpha )
	typedef Segmenter< BlockDims< BlockT, Transpose >::Rows, ResT, typename IndexT::Index > ResSegmenter ;
	ResSegmenter segmenter( res, index.innerOffsetsData() ) ;

	for( typename IndexT::InnerIterator it( index, outerIdx ) ; it ; ++ it )
		typename ResSegmenter::ReturnType res_seg(segmenter[ it.inner() ] ) ;
		mv_add< Transpose >( blocks[ it.ptr() ], rhs, res_seg, alpha ) ;
int main( int argc, const char* argv[])
	if (argc <= 1 || std::strcmp( argv[1], "-h") == 0 || std::strcmp( argv[1], "--help") == 0)
		printUsage( argc, argv);
		return 0;
	else if (argc < 2)
		std::cerr << "ERROR too few parameters" << std::endl;
		printUsage( argc, argv);
		return 1;
	else if (argc > 2)
		std::cerr << "ERROR too many parameters" << std::endl;
		printUsage( argc, argv);
		return 1;
		g_errorhnd = strus::createErrorBuffer_standard( 0, 2);
		if (!g_errorhnd)
			throw std::runtime_error("failed to create error buffer object");
		char rulefile[ 256];
		snprintf( rulefile, sizeof(rulefile), "%s%c%s", argv[1], strus::dirSeparator(), "rules.txt");
		char inputfile[ 256];
		snprintf( inputfile, sizeof(inputfile), "%s%c%s", argv[1], strus::dirSeparator(), "input.tsv");
		char expectedfile[ 256];
		snprintf( expectedfile, sizeof(expectedfile), "%s%c%s", argv[1], strus::dirSeparator(), "expected.txt");
		char outputfile[ 256];
		snprintf( outputfile, sizeof(outputfile), "%s%c%s", argv[1], strus::dirSeparator(), "output.txt");

		std::auto_ptr<strus::SegmenterInterface> segmenter( strus::createSegmenter_tsv( g_errorhnd));
		if (!segmenter.get()) throw std::runtime_error("failed to create segmenter");
		std::auto_ptr<strus::SegmenterInstanceInterface> segmenterInstance( segmenter->createInstance());
		if (!segmenterInstance.get()) throw std::runtime_error("failed to create segmenter instance");
		strus::analyzer::DocumentClass dclass( segmenter->mimeType(), "UTF-8");

		std::string rulesrc;
		unsigned int ec = strus::readFile( rulefile, rulesrc);
		if (ec) throw std::runtime_error( std::string("error reading rule file ") + rulefile + ": " + ::strerror(ec));
		std::vector<RuleDescription> rulear = parseRuleDescriptions( rulesrc);
		std::vector<RuleDescription>::const_iterator ri = rulear.begin(), re = rulear.end();
		for (; ri != re; ++ri)
			if (ri->endIdx)
				segmenterInstance->defineSubSection( ri->startIdx, ri->endIdx, ri->expression);
				std::cout << "SECTION " << ri->startIdx << ":" << ri->endIdx << " " << ri->expression << std::endl;
				segmenterInstance->defineSelectorExpression( ri->startIdx, ri->expression);
				std::cout << "MATCH " << ri->startIdx << " " << ri->expression << std::endl;
		std::auto_ptr<strus::SegmenterContextInterface> segmenterContext( segmenterInstance->createContext( dclass));
		if (!segmenterContext.get()) throw std::runtime_error("failed to create segmenter context");

		std::string inputsrc;
		ec = strus::readFile( inputfile, inputsrc);
		if (ec) throw std::runtime_error( std::string("error reading input file ") + inputfile + ": " + ::strerror(ec));
		std::cout << "INPUT" << std::endl << inputsrc << std::endl;
		std::size_t chunksize = 100;
		std::size_t chunkpos = 0;
		for (; chunkpos + chunksize < inputsrc.size(); chunkpos += chunksize)
			segmenterContext->putInput( inputsrc.c_str() + chunkpos, chunksize, false);
			std::cout << "PUT INPUT" << std::endl << std::string( inputsrc.c_str() + chunkpos, chunksize) << std::endl;
		chunksize = inputsrc.size() - chunkpos;
		segmenterContext->putInput( inputsrc.c_str() + chunkpos, chunksize, true);
		std::cout << "PUT INPUT" << std::endl << std::string( inputsrc.c_str() + chunkpos, chunksize) << std::endl;
		int id = 0;
		strus::SegmenterPosition pos;
		const char* segment;
		std::size_t segmentsize;
		std::ostringstream out;
		while (segmenterContext->getNext( id, pos, segment, segmentsize))
			out << "[" << id << "] " << std::string(segment,segmentsize) << std::endl;
		std::cout << out.str();
		if (g_errorhnd->hasError())
			throw std::runtime_error( g_errorhnd->fetchError());

		ec = strus::writeFile( outputfile, out.str());
		if (ec) throw std::runtime_error( std::string("error writing output file ") + outputfile + ": " + ::strerror(ec));

		std::string expectedsrc;
		ec = strus::readFile( expectedfile, expectedsrc);
		if (ec) throw std::runtime_error( std::string("error reading expected file ") + expectedfile + ": " + ::strerror(ec));

		if (out.str() != expectedsrc)
			throw std::runtime_error("output not as expected");
		std::cerr << "OK" << std::endl;

		delete g_errorhnd;
		return 0;
	catch (const std::bad_alloc&)
		std::cerr << "ERROR memory allocation error" << std::endl;
	catch (const std::runtime_error& e)
		std::cerr << "ERROR " << e.what() << std::endl;
	catch (const std::exception& e)
		std::cerr << "EXCEPTION " << e.what() << std::endl;
	if (g_errorhnd)
		delete g_errorhnd;
	return -1;
int main( int argc, const char* argv[])
	if (argc <= 1 || std::strcmp( argv[1], "-h") == 0 || std::strcmp( argv[1], "--help") == 0)
		printUsage( argc, argv);
		return 0;
	else if (argc < 5)
		std::cerr << "ERROR too few parameters" << std::endl;
		printUsage( argc, argv);
		return 1;
	else if (argc > 5)
		std::cerr << "ERROR too many parameters" << std::endl;
		printUsage( argc, argv);
		return 1;
		g_errorhnd = strus::createErrorBuffer_standard( 0, 2);
		if (!g_errorhnd)
			throw std::runtime_error("failed to create error buffer object");
		std::string inpfile( argv[1]);
		std::string tagfile( argv[2]);
		std::string outfile( argv[3]);
		std::string expfile( argv[4]);

		std::auto_ptr<strus::SegmenterInterface> segmenter( strus::createSegmenter_textwolf( g_errorhnd));
		if (!segmenter.get()) throw std::runtime_error("failed to create segmenter");
		std::auto_ptr<strus::SegmenterInstanceInterface> segmenterInstance( segmenter->createInstance());
		if (!segmenterInstance.get()) throw std::runtime_error("failed to create segmenter instance");

		std::string tagsrc;
		unsigned int ec;
		ec = strus::readFile( tagfile, tagsrc);
		if (ec) throw std::runtime_error( std::string("error reading markup file ") + tagfile + ": " + ::strerror(ec));
		std::vector<MarkupDescription> markups = parseMarkupDescriptions( tagsrc);

		std::string inpsrc;
		ec = strus::readFile( inpfile, inpsrc);
		if (ec) throw std::runtime_error( std::string("error reading markup file ") + inpfile + ": " + ::strerror(ec));
		std::auto_ptr<strus::DocumentClassDetectorInterface> detector( strus::createDetector_std( g_errorhnd));
		if (!detector.get()) throw std::runtime_error("failed to create document class detector");
		strus::analyzer::DocumentClass dclass;
		if (!detector->detect( dclass, inpsrc.c_str(), inpsrc.size())) throw std::runtime_error("failed to detect document class of input source");

		std::ostringstream outstr;
		std::auto_ptr<strus::SegmenterMarkupContextInterface> segmenterMarkupContext( segmenterInstance->createMarkupContext( dclass, inpsrc));
		if (!segmenterMarkupContext.get()) throw std::runtime_error("failed to create markup segmenter context");
		strus::SegmenterPosition segpos = 0;
		const char* segment;
		std::size_t segmentsize;
		outstr << "Input document:" << std::endl;
		while (segmenterMarkupContext->getNext( segpos, segment, segmentsize))
			outstr << segpos << ": " << segmenterMarkupContext->tagName( segpos) << " " << segmenterMarkupContext->tagLevel( segpos) << std::endl;
		std::vector<MarkupDescription>::const_iterator mi = markups.begin(), me = markups.end();
		for (; mi != me; ++mi)
			std::cout << "MARKUP " << mi->position << ": " << mi->type << " " << mi->name << "'" << mi->value << "'" << std::endl;
			if (mi->type == '>')
				segmenterMarkupContext->putOpenTag( mi->position, mi->offset, mi->name);
			else if (mi->type == '<')
				segmenterMarkupContext->putCloseTag( mi->position, mi->offset, mi->name);
			else if (mi->type == '@')
				segmenterMarkupContext->putAttribute( mi->position, mi->offset, mi->name, mi->value);
				throw std::runtime_error("unknown type in markup description");
		outstr << std::endl << "Output document:" << std::endl;
		outstr << segmenterMarkupContext->getContent() << std::endl;

		if (g_errorhnd->hasError())
			throw std::runtime_error( g_errorhnd->fetchError());
		std::cout << outstr.str();

		ec = strus::writeFile( outfile, outstr.str());
		if (ec) throw std::runtime_error( std::string("error writing output file ") + outfile + ": " + ::strerror(ec));

		std::string expsrc;
		ec = strus::readFile( expfile, expsrc);
		if (ec) throw std::runtime_error( std::string("error reading expected file ") + expfile + ": " + ::strerror(ec));

		if (outstr.str() != expsrc)
			throw std::runtime_error("output not as expected");
		std::cerr << "OK" << std::endl;

		delete g_errorhnd;
		return 0;
	catch (const std::bad_alloc&)
		std::ostringstream msg;
		if (g_errorhnd->hasError())
			msg << "(" << g_errorhnd->fetchError() << ")";
		std::cerr << "ERROR memory allocation error" << msg.str() << std::endl;
	catch (const std::runtime_error& e)
		std::ostringstream msg;
		if (g_errorhnd->hasError())
			msg << "(" << g_errorhnd->fetchError() << ")";
		std::cerr << "ERROR " << e.what() << msg.str() << std::endl;
	catch (const std::exception& e)
		std::ostringstream msg;
		if (g_errorhnd->hasError())
			msg << "(" << g_errorhnd->fetchError() << ")";
		std::cerr << "EXCEPTION " << e.what() << msg.str() << std::endl;
	if (g_errorhnd)
		delete g_errorhnd;
	return -1;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(const int argc, const char **argv)

  // instantiate a model manager:
  ModelManager manager("Frame Grabber Tester");

  // Instantiate our various ModelComponents:
    gbc(new FrameGrabberConfigurator(manager));

    camera(new CameraControl(manager, "Camera Controller", "CameraControl",
                             0, true, 0, 1, 1));

  // Parse command-line:
  if (manager.parseCommandLine(argc, argv, "", 0, 0) == false) return(1);

  // do post-command-line configs:
  nub::soft_ref<FrameIstream> gb = gbc->getFrameGrabber();
  if (gb.isInvalid())
    LFATAL("You need to select a frame grabber type via the "
           "--fg-type=XX command-line option for this program "
           "to be useful");
  int width = gb->getWidth(), height = gb->getHeight();
  float delay = 0;

  // let's get all our ModelComponent instances started:
  XWindow wini(Dims(width, height), 0, 0, "test-input window");
  XWindow wino1(Dims(width/4, height/4), 0, 0, "test-output window 1");
  XWindow wino2(Dims(width/4, height/4), 0, 0, "test-output window 2");
  XWindow winAux1(Dims(100, 450), 0, 0, "HSV levels 1");
  XWindow winAux2(Dims(100, 450), 0, 0, "HSV levels 2");
  Timer tim; Image< PixRGB<byte> > ima; Image< PixRGB<float> > fima;
  Image< PixRGB<byte> > display;
  Timer camPause;       // to pause the move command
  uint64 t[NAVG]; int frame = 0;
  segmentImageMerge segmenter(2);
  // set up tracking parameters


  while(1) {
    ima = gb->readRGB();
    uint64 t0 = tim.get();  // to measure display time

    Image<PixRGB<byte> > Aux1;
    Image<PixRGB<byte> > Aux2;

    Image<byte> outputI1;
    Image<byte> outputI2;

    display = ima;

    if(camPause.get() > delay)
      int modi,modj;
      modi = modi*8;
      modj = 480-modj*8;
      if(modi > 0 && modi < 640 && modj > 0 && modj < 480)
        if(segmenter.returnLOT(0) == false)
          delay = camera->moveCamXYFrame(modi,modj);

    Image<byte> temp1 = segmenter.returnCandidateImage(0);
    Image<byte> temp2 = segmenter.returnCandidateImage(1);
    t[frame % NAVG] = tim.get();
    t0 = t[frame % NAVG] - t0;
    if (t0 > 28) LINFO("Display took %llums", t0);

    // compute and show framerate over the last NAVG frames:
    if (frame % NAVG == 0 && frame > 0)
      uint64 avg = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NAVG; i ++) avg += t[i];
      float avg2 = 1000.0 / (float)avg * NAVG;
      printf("Framerate: %.1f fps\n", avg2);
    frame ++;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
  void TesseractOcr::segment(PipelineData* pipeline_data) {

    CharacterSegmenter segmenter(pipeline_data);
Exemplo n.º 7
/* Main tracking function - gets called by MT_TrackerFrameBase every
 * time step when the application is not paused. */
void DanceTracker::doTracking(IplImage* frame)
    /* time-keeping, if necessary
     * NOTE this is not necessary for keeping track of frame rate */
    static double t_prev = MT_getTimeSec();
    double t_now = MT_getTimeSec();
    m_dDt = t_now - t_prev;
    t_prev = t_now;

    /* keeping track of the frame number, if necessary */

    /* This checks every time step to see if the UKF parameters have
       changed and modifies the UKF structures accordingly.  This will
       also get called the first time through b/c the "Prev" values get
       set to zero initially.   There may be a more efficient way to do
       this, but because the values need to be embedded into the CvMat
       objects I'm not sure how else to do it. */ 
        m_dSigmaPosition != m_dPrevSigmaPosition ||
        m_dSigmaSpeed != m_dPrevSigmaSpeed ||
        m_dSigmaPositionMeas != m_dPrevSigmaPositionMeas
        /* these are the diagonal entries of the "Q" matrix, which
           represents the variances of the process noise.  They're
           modeled here as being independent and uncorrellated. */
        cvSetReal2D(m_pQ, 0, 0, m_dSigmaPosition*m_dSigmaPosition);
        cvSetReal2D(m_pQ, 1, 1, m_dSigmaPosition*m_dSigmaPosition);
        cvSetReal2D(m_pQ, 2, 2, m_dSigmaHeading*m_dSigmaSpeed);
        cvSetReal2D(m_pQ, 3, 3, m_dSigmaSpeed*m_dSigmaSpeed);        

        /* these are the diagonal entries of the "R matrix, also
           assumed to be uncorrellated. */
        cvSetReal2D(m_pR, 0, 0, m_dSigmaPositionMeas*m_dSigmaPositionMeas);
        cvSetReal2D(m_pR, 1, 1, m_dSigmaPositionMeas*m_dSigmaPositionMeas);

        /* this step actually copies the Q and R matrices to the UKF
           and makes sure that it's internals are properly initialized -
           it's set up to handle the fact that the sizes of these
           matrices could have changed. */
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_iNObj; i++)
            MT_UKFCopyQR(m_vpUKF[i], m_pQ, m_pR);


    cvThreshold(m_pHFrame, m_pThreshFrame, m_iHThresh_Low, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
    cvThreshold(m_pHFrame, m_pTempFrame1, m_iHThresh_High, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);
    cvAnd(m_pThreshFrame, m_pTempFrame1, m_pThreshFrame);

    cvThreshold(m_pSFrame, m_pTempFrame1, m_iSThresh_Low, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
    cvThreshold(m_pSFrame, m_pTempFrame2, m_iSThresh_High, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);
    cvAnd(m_pTempFrame1, m_pTempFrame2, m_pTempFrame1);
    cvAnd(m_pThreshFrame, m_pTempFrame1, m_pThreshFrame);

    cvThreshold(m_pVFrame, m_pTempFrame1, m_iVThresh_Low, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
    cvThreshold(m_pVFrame, m_pTempFrame2, m_iVThresh_High, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);
    cvAnd(m_pTempFrame1, m_pTempFrame2, m_pTempFrame1);
    cvAnd(m_pThreshFrame, m_pTempFrame1, m_pTempFrame1);

    cvSub(BG_frame, m_pVFrame, m_pTempFrame2);
    cvThreshold(m_pTempFrame2, m_pTempFrame2, m_iBGThresh, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);

    cvOr(m_pTempFrame1, m_pTempFrame2, m_pThreshFrame);
    cvSmooth(m_pThreshFrame, m_pThreshFrame, CV_MEDIAN, 3);
        cvAnd(m_pThreshFrame, ROI_frame, m_pThreshFrame);

/*    std::vector<YABlob> yblobs = m_YABlobber.FindBlobs(m_pThreshFrame,

    int ny = yblobs.size();
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < yblobs.size(); i++)
        m_vdBlobs_X[i] = yblobs[i].COMx;
        m_vdBlobs_Y[i] = yblobs[i].COMy;
        m_vdBlobs_Orientation[i] = 0;

    m_vbNoMeasurement.assign(m_iNObj, false);
    Dance_Segmenter segmenter(this);
    segmenter.m_iMinBlobPerimeter = 1;
    segmenter.m_iMinBlobArea = m_iBlobAreaThreshLow;
    segmenter.m_iMaxBlobArea = m_iBlobAreaThreshHigh;
    segmenter.m_dOverlapFactor = m_dOverlapFactor;

    if(m_iFrameCounter <= 1)
        std::ifstream in_file;
        double x, y;

        m_vBlobs = MT_readDSGYABlobsFromFile("initials.dat");


/*        m_vBlobs = segmenter.segmentFirstFrame(m_pThreshFrame,
          m_iNObj); */
        MT_writeDSGYABlobsToFile(m_vBlobs, "blobs-in.dat");
        MT_writeDSGYABlobsToFile(m_vPredictedBlobs, "predicted-in.dat");
        bool use_prediction = true;
        m_vBlobs = segmenter.doSegmentation(m_pThreshFrame,
                                            use_prediction ? m_vPredictedBlobs : m_vBlobs);

        m_viAssignments = segmenter.getAssignmentVector(&m_iAssignmentRows, &m_iAssignmentCols);
        m_vInitBlobs = segmenter.getInitialBlobs();

    /* prediction is done below - this makes sure the predicted blobs
       are OK no matter what */
    m_vPredictedBlobs = m_vBlobs;
    unsigned int sc = 0;
    bool same_frame = false;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vBlobs.size(); i++)
        if(m_vdBlobs_X[i] == m_vBlobs[i].m_dXCenter)
        m_vdBlobs_X[i] = m_vBlobs[i].m_dXCenter;
        m_vdBlobs_Y[i] = m_vBlobs[i].m_dYCenter;
        m_vdBlobs_Orientation[i] = m_vBlobs[i].m_dOrientation;

    same_frame = (sc >= m_iNObj - 2);

    /* Tracking / UKF / State Estimation
     * Now that we've got the mapping of which measurement goes with
     * which object, we need to feed the measurements into the UKF in
     * order to obtain a state estimate.
     * This is a loop over each object we're tracking. 

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i< m_iNObj; i++)
        /* we could throw out a measurement and use the blob
           state as an estimate for various reasons.  On the first
           frame we want to set the initial state, so we flag the
           measurement as invalid */
        bool invalid_meas =  m_vbNoMeasurement[i];
        bool need_state = m_iFrameCounter == 1;
        /* if any state is NaN, reset the UKF
         * This shouldn't happen anymore, but it's a decent safety
         * check.  It could probably be omitted if we want to
         * optimize for speed... */
        if(m_iFrameCounter > 1 &&
           (!CvMatIsOk(m_vpUKF[i]->x) ||
            m_vpUKF[i] = MT_UKFInit(4, 2, 0.1);
            MT_UKFCopyQR(m_vpUKF[i], m_pQ, m_pR);
            need_state = true;

            cvSetReal2D(m_px0, 0, 0, m_vdBlobs_X[i]);
            cvSetReal2D(m_px0, 1, 0, m_vdBlobs_Y[i]);
            cvSetReal2D(m_px0, 2, 0, 0);
            cvSetReal2D(m_px0, 3, 0, 0);
            MT_UKFSetState(m_vpUKF[i], m_px0);
        /* if we're going to accept this measurement */
            /* UKF prediction step, note we use function pointers to
               the fish_dynamics and fish_measurement functions defined
               above.  The final parameter would be for the control input
               vector, which we don't use here so we pass a NULL pointer */
            /* finally, set the measurement vector z */
            cvSetReal2D(m_pz, 0, 0, m_vdBlobs_X[i]);
            cvSetReal2D(m_pz, 1, 0, m_vdBlobs_Y[i]);

            MT_UKFSetMeasurement(m_vpUKF[i], m_pz);
            /* then do the UKF correction step, which accounts for the
               measurement */
            /* use the predicted state */
            CvMat* xp = m_vpUKF[i]->x1;
            MT_UKFSetState(m_vpUKF[i], xp);
        /* then constrain the state if necessary - see function
         * definition above */
        constrain_state(m_vpUKF[i]->x, m_vpUKF[i]->x1, frame);            
        /* grab the state estimate and store it in variables that will
           make it convenient to save it to a file. */
        CvMat* x = m_vpUKF[i]->x;
        m_vdTracked_X[i] = cvGetReal2D(x, 0, 0);
        m_vdTracked_Y[i] = cvGetReal2D(x, 1, 0);
        m_vdTracked_Vx[i] = cvGetReal2D(x, 2, 0);
        m_vdTracked_Vy[i] = cvGetReal2D(x, 3, 0);

        /* take the tracked positions as the blob centers */
        m_vBlobs[i].m_dXCenter = m_vdTracked_X[i];
        m_vBlobs[i].m_dYCenter = m_vdTracked_Y[i];

        /* predict blob locations */
        CvMat* xp = m_vpUKF[i]->x1;
        m_vPredictedBlobs[i].m_dXCenter = cvGetReal2D(xp, 0, 0);
        m_vPredictedBlobs[i].m_dYCenter = cvGetReal2D(xp, 1, 0);        
        /* If we wanted the predicted state, this would be how to get
           it */
        /* CvMat* xp = m_vpUKF[i]->x1; */

    MT_writeDSGYABlobsToFile(m_vBlobs, "blobs-out.dat");
    MT_writeDSGYABlobsToFile(m_vPredictedBlobs, "predicted-out.dat");
    /* write data to file */

Exemplo n.º 8
void ParseTreeLablerForm::splitButtonClicked()
    //get the text of the selected item
    const QModelIndex index = widget.treeView->selectionModel()->currentIndex();
    QString selectedText = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
    string name = getCppString(selectedText);
    std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> clusters;
    Node nd(name);
    cout<<"in split seg"<<endl;
    if (nd.type == "Terminal")
        double radT=getValueOfType<double>(widget.radEdit->text());
        double angleT=getValueOfType<double>(widget.angleEdit->text());
        double colorT=getValueOfType<double>(widget.colorT->text());
        int numNbr=getValueOfType<int>(widget.nbrEdit->text());
        int segId = nd.id;
        pcl::PointCloud<PointT> segCloud;
        segCloud.header = cloud_orig.header;
        vector<int> originalIndices;
        undoAvl = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)cloud_orig.points.size(); i++)
            if ((int)cloud_orig.points[i].segment == segId)
        cout<<"oversegmenting this seg whihch had "<<segCloud.size()<<"with params"<<radT<<","<<angleT<<","<<numNbr<<endl;
    //    segment(segCloud, clusters,radT,angleT,numNbr,true,colorT);
        SegmentPCDGraph<PointT> segmenter(angleT,radT,numNbr,colorT,100);
        sort(clusters.begin(), clusters.end(), compareSegsDecreasing);

        // the old segment now contains the largest segment after splitting
        cout<<clusters.size()<<" oversegments found"<<endl;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
            cout<<"cluster "<<i<<"has "<<clusters[i].indices.size()<<" points\n";
            int newSegId;
            for (size_t j = 0; j < clusters[i].indices.size(); j++)
                cloud_orig.points[originalIndices.at(clusters[i].indices[j])].segment = newSegId;
            string name="Terminal__"+lexical_cast<string>(newSegId)+"__split"+lexical_cast<string>(segId);
                QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(name.data());
                nameToTreeNode[name] = item;
    colorSegs(segNumToColor, true);

              QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Parse Tree Labaler"),
                                tr("IMPORTANT: undo operation should not be done after merging any newly created segments"
                                   "It will cause inconsistency"),

Exemplo n.º 9
visit_handle Simulation:: get_curve( const string &name ) const
    visit_handle h = VISIT_INVALID_HANDLE;
    if( strncmp(name.c_str(),"bubble",6) == 0 )
        const size_t  id = strconv::to_size( name.c_str()+6, "bubble id");
        const Bubble *b  = bubbles.first();
        for(size_t iter=1;iter<id;++iter) b=b->next;
        if( VisIt_CurveData_alloc(&h) == VISIT_OKAY )
            // copy bubble spots coordinates
            const size_t bn = b->size+1;
            vector<Real> bx(bn,0);
            vector<Real> by(bn,0);
            const Tracer *p = b->root;
            for( size_t i=1; i <= bn; ++i,p=p->next)
                bx[i] = p->vertex.x;
                by[i] = p->vertex.y;
            // make a curve
            visit_handle hcx,hcy;
            VisIt_VariableData_alloc( &hcx );
            VisIt_VariableData_alloc( &hcy );
            VisIt_VariableData_setDataD(hcx, VISIT_OWNER_COPY, 1, bn, bx());
            VisIt_VariableData_setDataD(hcy, VISIT_OWNER_COPY, 1, bn, by());
            VisIt_CurveData_setCoordsXY(h, hcx, hcy);
    if( name == "junctions" )
        if( VisIt_CurveData_alloc(&h) == VISIT_OKAY )
            // copy juntions coordinates
            const size_t nj = segmenter.num_junctions();
            vector<Real> jx(nj,0);
            vector<Real> jy(nj,0);
            const Segments &segments = segmenter();
            for( size_t i=segments.size(),j=1;i>0;--i)
                const Segment &seg = *segments[i];
                for( const Junction *J = seg.head;J;J=J->next)
                    jx[j] = J->vertex.x;
                    jy[j] = J->vertex.y;
            // make a curve
            visit_handle hcx,hcy;
            VisIt_VariableData_alloc( &hcx );
            VisIt_VariableData_alloc( &hcy );
            VisIt_VariableData_setDataD(hcx, VISIT_OWNER_COPY, 1, nj, jx());
            VisIt_VariableData_setDataD(hcy, VISIT_OWNER_COPY, 1, nj, jy());
            VisIt_CurveData_setCoordsXY(h, hcx, hcy);


    return h;