Exemplo n.º 1
/* Set Date/Time to Epoch 0 (Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT) */
void HAL_RTC_Initialize_UnixTime()
    RTC_TimeTypeDef RTC_TimeStructure;
    RTC_DateTypeDef RTC_DateStructure;

    /* Get calendar_time time struct values */
    RTC_TimeStructure.RTC_Hours = 0;
    RTC_TimeStructure.RTC_Minutes = 0;
    RTC_TimeStructure.RTC_Seconds = 0;

    /* Get calendar_time date struct values */
    RTC_DateStructure.RTC_WeekDay = 4;
    RTC_DateStructure.RTC_Date = 1;
    RTC_DateStructure.RTC_Month = 0;
    RTC_DateStructure.RTC_Year = 70;

    setRTCTime(&RTC_TimeStructure, &RTC_DateStructure);
Exemplo n.º 2
void HAL_RTC_Set_UnixTime(time_t value)
	RTC_TimeTypeDef RTC_TimeStructure;
	RTC_DateTypeDef RTC_DateStructure;

	struct tm *calendar_time;
	calendar_time = localtime(&value);

	/* Get calendar_time time struct values */
	RTC_TimeStructure.RTC_Hours = calendar_time->tm_hour;
	RTC_TimeStructure.RTC_Minutes = calendar_time->tm_min;
	RTC_TimeStructure.RTC_Seconds = calendar_time->tm_sec;

	/* Get calendar_time date struct values */
	RTC_DateStructure.RTC_WeekDay = calendar_time->tm_wday;
	RTC_DateStructure.RTC_Date = calendar_time->tm_mday;
	RTC_DateStructure.RTC_Month = calendar_time->tm_mon+1;
	RTC_DateStructure.RTC_Year = calendar_time->tm_year;

        setRTCTime(&RTC_TimeStructure, &RTC_DateStructure);
Exemplo n.º 3
// 0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7
// 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012
//    0     1       2    3    4     5    6   7     8      9     10  11 12
void parseGPSdata(char *gpsBuffer) {  
	time_t tNow;
	tmElements_t tm;
	uint8_t gpsCheck1, gpsCheck2;  // checksums
//	char gpsTime[10];  // time including fraction hhmmss.fff
	char gpsFixStat;  // fix status
//	char gpsLat[7];  // ddmm.ff  (with decimal point)
//	char gpsLatH;  // hemisphere 
//	char gpsLong[8];  // dddmm.ff  (with decimal point)
//	char gpsLongH;  // hemisphere 
//	char gpsSpeed[5];  // speed over ground
//	char gpsCourse[5];  // Course
//	char gpsDate[6];  // Date
//	char gpsMagV[5];  // Magnetic variation 
//	char gpsMagD;  // Mag var E/W
//	char gpsCKS[2];  // Checksum without asterisk
	char *ptr;
  uint32_t tmp;
	if ( strncmp( gpsBuffer, "$GPRMC,", 7 ) == 0 ) {  

		//beep(1000, 1);
		//Calculate checksum from the received data
		ptr = &gpsBuffer[1];  // start at the "G"
		gpsCheck1 = 0;  // init collector
		 /* Loop through entire string, XORing each character to the next */
		while (*ptr != '*') // count all the bytes up to the asterisk
			gpsCheck1 ^= *ptr;
			if (ptr>(gpsBuffer+GPSBUFFERSIZE)) goto GPSerror1;  // extra sanity check, can't hurt...
		// now get the checksum from the string itself, which is in hex
    gpsCheck2 = atoh(*(ptr+1)) * 16 + atoh(*(ptr+2));
		if (gpsCheck1 == gpsCheck2) {  // if checksums match, process the data
			//beep(1000, 1);
			ptr = strtok(gpsBuffer, ",*\r");  // parse $GPRMC
			if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
			ptr = strtok(NULL, ",*\r");  // Time including fraction hhmmss.fff
			if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
			if ((strlen(ptr) < 6) || (strlen(ptr) > 10)) goto GPSerror1;  // check time length
//			strncpy(gpsTime, ptr, 10);  // copy time string hhmmss
			tmp = parsedecimal(ptr);   // parse integer portion
			tm.Hour = tmp / 10000;
			tm.Minute = (tmp / 100) % 100;
			tm.Second = tmp % 100;
			ptr = strtok(NULL, ",*\r");  // Status
			if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
			gpsFixStat = ptr[0];
			if (gpsFixStat == 'A') {  // if data valid, parse time & date
				gpsTimeout = 0;  // reset gps timeout counter
				ptr = strtok(NULL, ",*\r");  // Latitude including fraction
				if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
//				strncpy(gpsLat, ptr, 7);  // copy Latitude ddmm.ff
				ptr = strtok(NULL, ",*\r");  // Latitude N/S
				if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
//				gpsLatH = ptr[0];
				ptr = strtok(NULL, ",*\r");  // Longitude including fraction hhmm.ff
				if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
//				strncpy(gpsLong, ptr, 7);
				ptr = strtok(NULL, ",*\r");  // Longitude Hemisphere
				if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
//				gpsLongH = ptr[0];
				ptr = strtok(NULL, ",*\r");  // Ground speed 000.5
				if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
//				strncpy(gpsSpeed, ptr, 5);
				ptr = strtok(NULL, ",*\r");  // Track angle (course) 054.7
				if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
//				strncpy(gpsCourse, ptr, 5);
				ptr = strtok(NULL, ",*\r");  // Date ddmmyy
				if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
//				strncpy(gpsDate, ptr, 6);
				if (strlen(ptr) != 6) goto GPSerror1;  // check date length
				tmp = parsedecimal(ptr); 
				tm.Day = tmp / 10000;
				tm.Month = (tmp / 100) % 100;
				tm.Year = tmp % 100;
				ptr = strtok(NULL, "*\r");  // magnetic variation & dir
				if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
				if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
				ptr = strtok(NULL, ",*\r");  // Checksum
				if (ptr == NULL) goto GPSerror1;
//				strncpy(gpsCKS, ptr, 2);  // save checksum chars
				tm.Year = y2kYearToTm(tm.Year);  // convert yy year to (yyyy-1970) (add 30)
				tNow = makeTime(&tm);  // convert to time_t
				if ((tGPSupdate>0) && (abs(tNow-tGPSupdate)>SECS_PER_DAY))  goto GPSerror2;  // GPS time jumped more than 1 day

				if ((tm.Second == 0) || ((tNow - tGPSupdate)>=60)) {  // update RTC once/minute or if it's been 60 seconds
					//beep(1000, 1);  // debugging
					g_gps_updating = true;
					tGPSupdate = tNow;  // remember time of this update
					tNow = tNow + (long)(g_TZ_hour + g_DST_offset) * SECS_PER_HOUR;  // add time zone hour offset & DST offset
					if (g_TZ_hour < 0)  // add or subtract time zone minute offset
						tNow = tNow - (long)g_TZ_minute * SECS_PER_HOUR;
						tNow = tNow + (long)g_TZ_minute * SECS_PER_HOUR;
					setRTCTime(tNow);  // set RTC from adjusted GPS time & date
					g_gps_updating = false;

			} // if fix status is A
		} // if checksums match
		else  // checksums do not match
			g_gps_cks_errors++;  // increment error count
		g_gps_parse_errors++;  // increment error count
		goto GPSerror2a;
		g_gps_time_errors++;  // increment error count
		//beep(2093,1);  // error signal - I'm leaving this in for now /wm
		//flash_display(200);  // flash display to show GPS error
		strcpy(gpsBuffer, "");  // wipe GPS buffer
	}  // if "$GPRMC"