bool rs::jsapi::Object::Set(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, JS::HandleId id, bool strict, JS::MutableHandleValue vp) { JSAutoRequest ar(cx); auto state = Object::GetState(cx, obj); if (state != nullptr && state->setter != nullptr) { Value value(cx, vp); char nameBuffer[256]; auto name = JSID_TO_STRING(id); auto nameLength = JS_EncodeStringToBuffer(cx, name, nameBuffer, sizeof(nameBuffer) - 1); try { if (nameLength < sizeof(nameBuffer)) { nameBuffer[nameLength] = '\0'; state->setter(nameBuffer, value); } else { std::vector<char> nameVector(nameLength + 1); nameLength = JS_EncodeStringToBuffer(cx, name, &nameVector[0], nameVector.size() - 1); nameVector[nameLength] = '\0'; state->setter(&nameVector[0], value); } return true; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { JS_ReportError(cx, ex.what()); return false; } } else { // TODO: what will this do to the JS? vp.setUndefined(); return true; } }
MeshesTab::MeshesTab(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { warnDisabledPickingCheck.setChecked(true); warnDisabledPickingCheck.setToolTip(tr("Mesh picking is disabled if your graphics driver does not at least support OpenGL 3.0.")); visibilityGroupLayout.addWidget(&meshInOrthoVPsCheck); visibilityGroupLayout.addWidget(&meshIn3DVPCheck); visibilityGroup.setLayout(&visibilityGroupLayout); static auto opacityControls = [this/* required for GCC8*/](auto & label, auto & slider, auto & spin, auto & layout, auto setter){ slider.setRange(0, 100); slider.setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); spin.setRange(0, 1); spin.setSingleStep(0.01); spin.setPrefix("×"); layout.addWidget(&label); layout.addWidget(&slider); layout.addWidget(&spin); QObject::connect(&spin, static_cast<void(QDoubleSpinBox::*)(double)>(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged), [&slider, setter](const double value) { { QSignalBlocker blocker{slider}; slider.setValue(value * 100); } setter(value); }); QObject::connect(&slider, static_cast<void(QSlider::*)(int)>(&QSlider::valueChanged), [&spin, setter](const int value) { { QSignalBlocker blocker{spin}; spin.setValue(value/100.); } setter(spin.value()); }); }; opacityControls(alphaLabel3d, alphaSlider3d, alphaSpin3d, alphaLayout, [](auto val){state->viewer->setMesh3dAlphaFactor(val);}); opacityControls(alphaLabelSlicing, alphaSliderSlicing, alphaSpinSlicing, alphaLayout, [](auto val){state->viewer->setMeshSlicingAlphaFactor(val);}); mainLayout.addWidget(&visibilityGroup); for (auto * sep : {&separator1, &separator2}) { sep->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); sep->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); } mainLayout.addWidget(&separator1); mainLayout.addLayout(&alphaLayout); mainLayout.addWidget(&separator2); mainLayout.addWidget(&warnDisabledPickingCheck); mainLayout.setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); setLayout(&mainLayout); QObject::connect(&meshInOrthoVPsCheck, &QCheckBox::clicked, [](const bool checked) { state->viewerState->meshDisplay.setFlag(TreeDisplay::ShowInOrthoVPs, checked); }); QObject::connect(&meshIn3DVPCheck, &QCheckBox::clicked, [](const bool checked) { state->viewerState->meshDisplay.setFlag(TreeDisplay::ShowIn3DVP, checked); }); QObject::connect(state->viewer, &Viewer::mesh3dAlphaFactorChanged, &alphaSpin3d, &QDoubleSpinBox::setValue); QObject::connect(state->viewer, &Viewer::meshSlicingAlphaFactorChanged, &alphaSpinSlicing, &QDoubleSpinBox::setValue); }
static int KSI_CTX_setUri(KSI_CTX *ctx, const char *uri, const char *loginId, const char *key, int (*setter)(KSI_NetworkClient*, const char*, const char *, const char *)){ int res = KSI_UNKNOWN_ERROR; KSI_ERR_clearErrors(ctx); if (ctx == NULL || uri == NULL) { KSI_pushError(ctx, res = KSI_INVALID_ARGUMENT, NULL); goto cleanup; } if (ctx->isCustomNetProvider){ KSI_pushError(ctx, res = KSI_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unable to set url after initial network provider replacement."); goto cleanup; } res = setter(ctx->netProvider, uri, loginId, key); if (res != KSI_OK) { KSI_pushError(ctx,res, NULL); goto cleanup; } res = KSI_OK; cleanup: return res; }
void brute_nearest(DistanceCallback& dcb, const node<P>* query, v_array<d_node<P> > zero_set, ScalarType* upper_bound, v_array<v_array<P> > &results, v_array<v_array<d_node<P> > > &spare_zero_sets) { if (query->num_children > 0) { v_array<d_node<P> > new_zero_set = pop(spare_zero_sets); node<P> * query_chi = query->children; brute_nearest(dcb, query_chi, zero_set, upper_bound, results, spare_zero_sets); ScalarType* new_upper_bound = alloc_upper(); node<P> *child_end = query->children + query->num_children; for (query_chi++;query_chi != child_end; query_chi++) { setter(new_upper_bound,*upper_bound + query_chi->parent_dist); copy_zero_set(dcb, query_chi, new_upper_bound, zero_set, new_zero_set); brute_nearest(dcb, query_chi, new_zero_set, new_upper_bound, results, spare_zero_sets); } free (new_upper_bound); new_zero_set.index = 0; push(spare_zero_sets, new_zero_set); } else { v_array<P> temp; push(temp, query->p); d_node<P> *end = zero_set.elements + zero_set.index; for (d_node<P> *ele = zero_set.elements; ele != end ; ele++) if (ele->dist <= *upper_bound) push(temp, ele->n->p); push(results,temp); } }
nsresult PeerConnectionMedia::UpdateMediaPipelines() { // The GMP code is all the way on the other side of, and it is not // feasible to plumb error information all the way back. So, we set up a // handle to the PC (for the duration of this call) in a global variable. // This allows the GMP code to report errors to the PC. WebrtcGmpPCHandleSetter setter(mParentHandle); for (RefPtr<TransceiverImpl>& transceiver : mTransceivers) { nsresult rv = transceiver->UpdateConduit(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } if (!transceiver->IsVideo()) { rv = transceiver->SyncWithMatchingVideoConduits(mTransceivers); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } // TODO: If there is no audio, we should probably de-sync. However, this // has never been done before, and it is unclear whether it is safe... } } return NS_OK; }
void raw_match(Expr ptree, Expr arg, Env* env, Expr*(*setter)(Symbol,Env*)) { switch(ptree.type) { case IGNORE: break; case SYMBOL: *setter(ptree.sym, env) = arg; break; case NIL: if(arg.type != NIL) error(L"Unmatched nil in parameter tree"); break; case PAIR: if(arg.type != PAIR) error(L"Unmatched pair in parameter tree"); raw_match(ptree.pair[0], arg.pair[0], env, setter); raw_match(ptree.pair[1], arg.pair[1], env, setter); break; default: error(L"Unexpected type in parameter tree"); break; } }
void StringPropertyHandler::setValue(QString value) { if (QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_target, setter().constData(), QGenericArgument("QString", &value))) { _changed = true; } }
static int lqtL_newindexfunc (lua_State *L) { if (!lua_isuserdata(L, 1) && lua_islightuserdata(L, 1)) return 0; lua_getmetatable(L, 1); lua_pushliteral(L, "__set"); lua_rawget(L, -2); if (lua_istable(L, -1)) { lua_pushvalue(L, 2); lua_gettable(L, -2); if (lua_isfunction(L, -1)) { lua_CFunction setter = lua_tocfunction(L, -1); if (!setter) return luaL_error(L, "Invalid setter %s", lua_tostring(L, 2)); return setter(L); } } lua_settop(L, 3); // (=3) lua_getfenv(L, 1); // (+1) if (!lua_istable(L, -1)) { lua_pop(L, 1); // (+0) return 0; } lua_remove(L, 1); // (+0) lua_insert(L, 1); // (+0) lua_rawset(L, 1); // (-2) return 0; }
size_t TSimpleLemmer::CopyFromMystem(MystemAnalysesHandle* analyses, const Wtroka& src, TWLemmaArray& out) { size_t count = GET_FUNC(Lib, MystemAnalysesCount)(analyses); out.clear(); out.resize(count); for (size_t i = 0; i != count; ++i) { MystemLemmaHandle* lemma = GET_FUNC(Lib, MystemLemma)(analyses, i); NLemmerAux::TSimpleLemmaSetter setter(out[i]); setter.SetLemma(GET_FUNC(Lib, MystemLemmaText)(lemma), GET_FUNC(Lib, MystemLemmaTextLen)(lemma), GET_FUNC(Lib, MystemLemmaForm)(lemma), GET_FUNC(Lib, MystemLemmaFormLen)(lemma), GET_FUNC(Lib, MystemLemmaStemGram)(lemma), GET_FUNC(Lib, MystemLemmaFlexGram)(lemma), GET_FUNC(Lib, MystemLemmaFlexGramNum)(lemma), GET_FUNC(Lib, MystemLemmaFlexLen)(lemma), GET_FUNC(Lib, MystemLemmaRuleId)(lemma), GET_FUNC(Lib, MystemLemmaQuality)(lemma), src); } DeleteAnalyses(analyses); return count; }
static int KSI_CTX_setTimeoutSeconds(KSI_CTX *ctx, int timeout, int (*setter)(KSI_NetworkClient*, int)){ int res = KSI_UNKNOWN_ERROR; KSI_NetworkClient *client = NULL; KSI_ERR_clearErrors(ctx); if (ctx == NULL || ctx->netProvider == NULL) { KSI_pushError(ctx, res = KSI_INVALID_ARGUMENT, NULL); goto cleanup; } if (ctx->isCustomNetProvider){ KSI_pushError(ctx, res = KSI_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unable to set timeout after initial network provider replacement."); goto cleanup; } client = ctx->netProvider; res = setter(client, timeout); if (res != KSI_OK) { KSI_pushError(ctx,res, NULL); goto cleanup; } res = KSI_OK; cleanup: return res; }
void getAndSetIf(bool conditionalValue, Function&& setter, Keys&&... keys) { auto current = get<DataType, Traits>(keys...); if (current == conditionalValue) { current = not conditionalValue; setter(); set<DataType, Traits>(current, std::forward<Keys>(keys)...); } }
void setCouponPricer( const Leg& leg, const boost::shared_ptr<FloatingRateCouponPricer>& pricer) { PricerSetter setter(pricer); for (Size i=0; i<leg.size(); ++i) { leg[i]->accept(setter); } }
static int set_ttymode(int fd, conmode *t, void (*setter)(conmode *, void *), void *arg) { conmode r; if (!getattr(fd, t)) return 0; r = *t; setter(&r, arg); return setattr(fd, &r); }
void playsingle_controller::linger() { LOG_NG << "beginning end-of-scenario linger\n"; browse_ = true; linger_ = true; // If we need to set the status depending on the completion state // the key to it is here. gui_->set_game_mode(game_display::LINGER_SP); // this is actually for after linger mode is over -- we don't // want to stay stuck in linger state when the *next* scenario // is over. set_completion setter(gamestate_,"running"); // change the end-turn button text to its alternate label gui_->get_theme().refresh_title2("button-endturn", "title2"); gui_->invalidate_theme(); gui_->redraw_everything(); // End all unit moves for (unit_map::iterator u = units_.begin(); u != units_.end(); ++u) { u->set_user_end_turn(true); } start_pass_scenario_anim(get_end_level_data().result); try { // Same logic as single-player human turn, but // *not* the same as multiplayer human turn. gui_->enable_menu("endturn", true); while(!end_turn_) { // Reset the team number to make sure we're the right team. player_number_ = first_player_; play_slice(); gui_->draw(); } } catch(game::load_game_exception& lge) { // Loading a new game is effectively a quit. if ( != "") { gamestate_ = game_state(); } throw lge; } if (gui_->pass_scenario_anim_id() != -1) { gui_->erase_screen_anim(gui_->pass_scenario_anim_id()); } // revert the end-turn button text to its normal label gui_->get_theme().refresh_title2("button-endturn", "title"); gui_->invalidate_theme(); gui_->redraw_everything(); gui_->set_game_mode(game_display::RUNNING); LOG_NG << "ending end-of-scenario linger\n"; }
void addTag(const char *tag, const QString& value) { GstTagSetter *s = setter(); if (!s) { return; } gst_tag_setter_add_tags(s, GST_TAG_MERGE_REPLACE, tag, value.toUtf8().data(), NULL); gst_object_unref(s); }
void addTag(const char *tag, GstDateTime *value) { GstTagSetter *s = setter(); if (!s) { return; } gst_tag_setter_add_tags(s, GST_TAG_MERGE_REPLACE, tag, value, NULL); gst_object_unref(s); }
void playsingle_controller::linger() { mouse_handler_.do_right_click(false); browse_ = true; linger_ = true; // If we need to set the status depending on the completion state // the key to it is here. gui_->set_game_mode(game_display::LINGER_SP); // this is actually for after linger mode is over -- we don't // want to stay stuck in linger state when the *next* scenario // is over. set_completion setter(gamestate_,"running"); // change the end-turn button text to its alternate label gui_->redraw_everything(); // button be reconstruct. if (lobby->chat.ready()) { refresh_chat_button(*gui_, "misc/network-disconnected.png"); } start_pass_scenario_anim(get_end_level_data().result); try { // Same logic as single-player human turn, but // *not* the same as multiplayer human turn. gui_->set_theme_object_active("endturn", true); while(!end_turn_) { // Reset the team number to make sure we're the right team. player_number_ = first_player_; play_slice(); gui_->draw(); } } catch(game::load_game_exception& lge) { // Loading a new game is effectively a quit. if ( != "") { gamestate_ = game_state(); } throw lge; } if (gui_->pass_scenario_anim_id() != -1) { gui_->erase_area_anim(gui_->pass_scenario_anim_id()); } // revert the end-turn button text to its normal label gui_->redraw_everything(); gui_->set_game_mode(game_display::RUNNING); LOG_NG << "ending end-of-scenario linger\n"; }
void FunctionKeyframeNavigator::toggle() { if (!m_curve) return; int frame = getCurrentFrame(); double value = m_curve->getValue(frame); if (m_curve->isKeyframe(frame)) KeyframeSetter::removeKeyframeAt(m_curve.getPointer(), frame); else { KeyframeSetter setter(m_curve.getPointer()); setter.createKeyframe(frame); } }
static void set_random(Tox *m, bool (*setter)(Tox *, const uint8_t *, size_t, TOX_ERR_SET_INFO *), size_t length) { VLA(uint8_t, text, length); uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { text[i] = rand(); } setter(m, text, SIZEOF_VLA(text), 0); }
static void set_random(Tox *m, bool (*setter)(Tox *, const uint8_t *, size_t, Tox_Err_Set_Info *), size_t length) { VLA(uint8_t, text, length); uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { text[i] = random_u08(); } setter(m, text, SIZEOF_VLA(text), nullptr); }
GetterSetter* GetterSetter::withGetter(VM& vm, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSObject* newGetter) { if (isGetterNull()) { setGetter(vm, globalObject, newGetter); return this; } GetterSetter* result = GetterSetter::create(vm, globalObject); result->setGetter(vm, globalObject, newGetter); result->setSetter(vm, globalObject, setter()); return result; }
void CModelViewRender::LoadModel() { ASSERT(GetDocument() != NULL); CString strPath = GetDocument()->GetPathName(); LPCTSTR szPath = strPath; TCHAR extStr[_MAX_EXT]; TCHAR fileName[_MAX_FNAME]; _tsplitpath(szPath, NULL, NULL, fileName, extStr); if (strPath.IsEmpty()) { m_ToolBox->Log(LOGWARNING, _T("%s(%i):LoadModel shouldn't have been called with NULL path\n"), __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } StdString szFilename = fileName; szFilename += extStr; m_hszModelName = szFilename; CFileVersionSetter setter( _T("2.5") ); if (0 == _tcsicmp(extStr, _T(".cfg"))) { IArchive *pArchive = CreateMemoryArchive(); if (pArchive != NULL) { pArchive->Write(szPath, _T("Filepath")); pArchive->SetIsWriting(false); static CHashString hszCal3DRenderObject(_T("Cal3DRenderObject")); CreateEEObject(&m_hszEntityName, &hszCal3DRenderObject, m_hszModelName, pArchive); FillAnimationList(); pArchive->Close(); } } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(extStr, _T(".hrc"))) { IArchive *pArchive = CreateMemoryArchive(); if (pArchive != NULL) { pArchive->Write(szPath); pArchive->SetIsWriting(false); static CHashString hszCal3DRenderObject(_T("CHierarchicalModel")); CreateEEObject(&m_hszEntityName, &hszCal3DRenderObject, m_hszModelName, pArchive); pArchive->Close(); } } else { m_ToolBox->Log(LOGWARNING, _T("%s(%i):LoadModel was passed %s extension, which is not recognized\n"), __FILE__, __LINE__, extStr); } }
void LLOcclusionCullingGroup::setOcclusionState(eOcclusionState state, S32 mode) { if (mode > STATE_MODE_SINGLE) { if (mode == STATE_MODE_DIFF) { LLSpatialSetOcclusionStateDiff setter(state); setter.traverse(mOctreeNode); } else if (mode == STATE_MODE_BRANCH) { LLSpatialSetOcclusionState setter(state); setter.traverse(mOctreeNode); } else { for (U32 i = 0; i < LLViewerCamera::NUM_CAMERAS; i++) { mOcclusionState[i] |= state; if ((state & DISCARD_QUERY) && mOcclusionQuery[i]) { releaseOcclusionQueryObjectName(mOcclusionQuery[i]); mOcclusionQuery[i] = 0; } } } } else { mOcclusionState[LLViewerCamera::sCurCameraID] |= state; if ((state & DISCARD_QUERY) && mOcclusionQuery[LLViewerCamera::sCurCameraID]) { releaseOcclusionQueryObjectName(mOcclusionQuery[LLViewerCamera::sCurCameraID]); mOcclusionQuery[LLViewerCamera::sCurCameraID] = 0; } } }
void internal_batch_nearest_neighbor(DistanceCallback& dcb, const node<P> *query, v_array<v_array<d_node<P> > > &cover_sets, v_array<d_node<P> > &zero_set, int current_scale, int max_scale, ScalarType* upper_bound, v_array<v_array<P> > &results, v_array<v_array<v_array<d_node<P> > > > &spare_cover_sets, v_array<v_array<d_node<P> > > &spare_zero_sets) { if (current_scale > max_scale) // All remaining points are in the zero set. brute_nearest(dcb, query, zero_set, upper_bound, results, spare_zero_sets); else if (query->scale <= current_scale && query->scale != 100) // Our query has too much scale. Reduce. { node<P> *query_chi = query->children; v_array<d_node<P> > new_zero_set = pop(spare_zero_sets); v_array<v_array<d_node<P> > > new_cover_sets = get_cover_sets(spare_cover_sets); ScalarType* new_upper_bound = alloc_upper(); node<P> *child_end = query->children + query->num_children; for (query_chi++; query_chi != child_end; query_chi++) { setter(new_upper_bound,*upper_bound + query_chi->parent_dist); copy_zero_set(dcb, query_chi, new_upper_bound, zero_set, new_zero_set); copy_cover_sets(dcb, query_chi, new_upper_bound, cover_sets, new_cover_sets, current_scale, max_scale); internal_batch_nearest_neighbor(dcb, query_chi, new_cover_sets, new_zero_set, current_scale, max_scale, new_upper_bound, results, spare_cover_sets, spare_zero_sets); } free (new_upper_bound); new_zero_set.index = 0; push(spare_zero_sets, new_zero_set); push(spare_cover_sets, new_cover_sets); internal_batch_nearest_neighbor(dcb, query->children, cover_sets, zero_set, current_scale, max_scale, upper_bound, results, spare_cover_sets, spare_zero_sets); } else // reduce cover set scale { halfsort(cover_sets[current_scale]); descend(dcb, query, upper_bound, current_scale, max_scale,cover_sets, zero_set); cover_sets[current_scale++].index = 0; internal_batch_nearest_neighbor(dcb, query, cover_sets, zero_set, current_scale, max_scale, upper_bound, results, spare_cover_sets, spare_zero_sets); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPinyinInputMethod::CPinyinInputMethod() { HanziModel.clear(); QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QSettings setter(":/pinyin/pinyinEx.ini", QSettings::IniFormat); key = setter.value("pyKey", key).toStringList(); val = setter.value("pyVal", val).toStringList(); if (key.size() <= 1) { QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr("pinyin"), tr("Can't load!") ); return; } }
void playsingle_controller::linger() { LOG_NG << "beginning end-of-scenario linger\n"; browse_ = true; linger_ = true; // If we need to set the status depending on the completion state // the key to it is here. gui_->set_game_mode(game_display::LINGER_SP); // this is actually for after linger mode is over -- we don't // want to stay stuck in linger state when the *next* scenario // is over. set_completion setter(saved_game_,"running"); // change the end-turn button text to its alternate label gui_->get_theme().refresh_title2("button-endturn", "title2"); gui_->invalidate_theme(); gui_->redraw_everything(); // End all unit moves gamestate_.board_.set_all_units_user_end_turn(); try { // Same logic as single-player human turn, but // *not* the same as multiplayer human turn. end_turn_enable(true); end_turn_ = false; while(!end_turn_) { // Reset the team number to make sure we're the right team. player_number_ = first_player_; play_slice(); gui_->draw(); } } catch(const game::load_game_exception &) { // Loading a new game is effectively a quit. if ( game::load_game_exception::game != "" ) { saved_game_ = saved_game(); } throw; } // revert the end-turn button text to its normal label gui_->get_theme().refresh_title2("button-endturn", "title"); gui_->invalidate_theme(); gui_->redraw_everything(); gui_->set_game_mode(game_display::RUNNING); LOG_NG << "ending end-of-scenario linger\n"; }
int main() { setter(); saver(); clearer(); start_counter(); loader(); stop_counter(); dumper(); clearer(); start_counter(); loader_mem(); stop_counter(); dumper(); }
pdb_class *try_to_find_from_rt(ea_t ea, char **name, bool *free_name) { pdb_class *res = NULL; if ( !ea || ea == BADADDR ) return NULL; // check for ref to const parent CRunTime class from DLL ea_t rt = check_for_cruntimeclass2(ea); if ( rt ) { res = try_find_by_name(rt, name, free_name, false); if ( res ) return res; } // check for ref to base CRunTime class rt = check_for_cruntimeclass(ea); if ( rt ) { res = try_find_by_name(rt, name, free_name); if ( res ) return res; } size_t len; // check for name from static CRunTime class if ( !rt ) { len = check_for_RTStruct(ea); rt = ea; } else len = check_for_RTStruct(rt); if ( len ) { *name = (char *)qalloc(len + 1); get_many_bytes(get_long(rt), *name, len); (*name)[len] = 0; setter(*name, rt, 0, true); res = p_pool->find_class(*name); if ( res ) { *free_name = true; return res; } qfree(*name); // lets check all hierarchy res = try_to_find_from_rt(get_long(rt + 0x10), name, free_name); } return res; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GetBoundingMetrics // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ nsresult nsATSUIToolkit::GetBoundingMetrics( const PRUnichar *aCharPt, PRUint32 aLen, nsBoundingMetrics &oBoundingMetrics, short aSize, short aFontNum, PRBool aBold, PRBool aItalic, nscolor aColor) { if(!nsATSUIUtils::IsAvailable()) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; StPortSetter setter(mPort); ATSUTextLayout aTxtLayout; StartDraw(aCharPt, aLen, aSize, aFontNum, aBold, aItalic, aColor, aTxtLayout); if(nsnull == aTxtLayout) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; OSStatus err = noErr; Rect rect; ATSUTextMeasurement width; if((err = ATSUMeasureTextImage(aTxtLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, 0, 0, &rect)) != noErr) { NS_WARNING("ATSUMeasureTextImage failed"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // return the values in points, the caller will convert them into twips oBoundingMetrics.leftBearing = rect.left; oBoundingMetrics.rightBearing = rect.right; oBoundingMetrics.ascent =; oBoundingMetrics.descent = rect.bottom; err = ::ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds(aTxtLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, NULL, &width, NULL, NULL); if (err != noErr) { oBoundingMetrics.width = oBoundingMetrics.rightBearing; } else oBoundingMetrics.width = FixRound(width); return NS_OK; }
void setCouponPricers( const Leg& leg, const std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<FloatingRateCouponPricer> >& pricers) { Size nCashFlows = leg.size(); QL_REQUIRE(nCashFlows>0, "no cashflows"); Size nPricers = pricers.size(); QL_REQUIRE(nCashFlows >= nPricers, "mismatch between leg size (" << nCashFlows << ") and number of pricers (" << nPricers << ")"); for (Size i=0; i<nCashFlows; ++i) { PricerSetter setter(i<nPricers ? pricers[i] : pricers[nPricers-1]); leg[i]->accept(setter); } }