Exemplo n.º 1
    void grouped_node_base<A>::unlink_nodes(bucket& b,
        node_ptr begin, node_ptr end)
        node_ptr* pos = &next_group(begin);

        if(*pos != begin) {
            // The node is at the beginning of a group.

            // Find the previous node pointer:
            pos = &b.next_;
            while(*pos != begin) pos = &next_group(*pos);

            // Remove from group
            if(BOOST_UNORDERED_BORLAND_BOOL(end)) split_group(end);
        else {
            node_ptr group1 = split_group(begin);
            if(BOOST_UNORDERED_BORLAND_BOOL(end)) {
                node_ptr group2 = split_group(end);

                if(begin == group2) {
                    node_ptr end1 = get(group1).group_prev_;
                    node_ptr end2 = get(group2).group_prev_;
                    get(group1).group_prev_ = end2;
                    get(group2).group_prev_ = end1;
        *pos = end;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void edit_index(int natoms, t_atoms *atoms, rvec *x, t_blocka *block, char ***gn, gmx_bool bVerbose)
    static char   **atnames, *ostring;
    static gmx_bool bFirst = TRUE;
    char            inp_string[STRLEN], *string;
    char            gname[STRLEN], gname1[STRLEN], gname2[STRLEN];
    int             i, i0, i1, sel_nr, sel_nr2, newgroup;
    atom_id         nr, nr1, nr2, *index, *index1, *index2;
    gmx_bool        bAnd, bOr, bPrintOnce;

    if (bFirst)
        bFirst = FALSE;
        snew(atnames, MAXNAMES);
        for (i = 0; i < MAXNAMES; i++)
            snew(atnames[i], NAME_LEN+1);

    string = NULL;

    snew(index, natoms);
    snew(index1, natoms);
    snew(index2, natoms);

    newgroup   = NOTSET;
    bPrintOnce = TRUE;
        gname1[0] = '\0';
        if (bVerbose || bPrintOnce || newgroup != NOTSET)
            if (bVerbose || bPrintOnce || newgroup == NOTSET)
                i0 = 0;
                i1 = block->nr;
                i0 = newgroup;
                i1 = newgroup+1;
            for (i = i0; i < i1; i++)
                printf("%3d %-20s: %5d atoms\n", i, (*gn)[i],
            newgroup = NOTSET;
        if (bVerbose || bPrintOnce)
            printf(" nr : group       !   'name' nr name   'splitch' nr    Enter: list groups\n");
            printf(" 'a': atom        &   'del' nr         'splitres' nr   'l': list residues\n");
            printf(" 't': atom type   |   'keep' nr        'splitat' nr    'h': help\n");
            printf(" 'r': residue         'res' nr         'chain' char\n");
            printf(" \"name\": group        'case': case %s         'q': save and quit\n",
                   bCase ? "insensitive" : "sensitive  ");
            printf(" 'ri': residue index\n");
            bPrintOnce = FALSE;
        printf("> ");
        if (NULL == fgets(inp_string, STRLEN, stdin))
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Error reading user input");
        inp_string[strlen(inp_string)-1] = 0;
        string = inp_string;
        while (string[0] == ' ')

        ostring = string;
        nr      = 0;
        if (string[0] == 'h')
            printf(" nr                : selects an index group by number or quoted string.\n");
            printf("                     The string is first matched against the whole group name,\n");
            printf("                     then against the beginning and finally against an\n");
            printf("                     arbitrary substring. A multiple match is an error.\n");

            printf(" 'a' nr1 [nr2 ...] : selects atoms, atom numbering starts at 1.\n");
            printf(" 'a' nr1 - nr2     : selects atoms in the range from nr1 to nr2.\n");
            printf(" 'a' name1[*] [name2[*] ...] : selects atoms by name(s), '?' matches any char,\n");
            printf("                               wildcard '*' allowed at the end of a name.\n");
            printf(" 't' type1[*] [type2[*] ...] : as 'a', but for type, run input file required.\n");
            printf(" 'r' nr1[ic1] [nr2[ic2] ...] : selects residues by number and insertion code.\n");
            printf(" 'r' nr1 - nr2               : selects residues in the range from nr1 to nr2.\n");
            printf(" 'r' name1[*] [name2[*] ...] : as 'a', but for residue names.\n");
            printf(" 'ri' nr1 - nr2              : selects residue indices, 1-indexed, (as opposed to numbers) in the range from nr1 to nr2.\n");
            printf(" 'chain' ch1 [ch2 ...]       : selects atoms by chain identifier(s),\n");
            printf("                               not available with a .gro file as input.\n");
            printf(" !                 : takes the complement of a group with respect to all\n");
            printf("                     the atoms in the input file.\n");
            printf(" & |               : AND and OR, can be placed between any of the options\n");
            printf("                     above, the input is processed from left to right.\n");
            printf(" 'name' nr name    : rename group nr to name.\n");
            printf(" 'del' nr1 [- nr2] : deletes one group or groups in the range from nr1 to nr2.\n");
            printf(" 'keep' nr         : deletes all groups except nr.\n");
            printf(" 'case'            : make all name compares case (in)sensitive.\n");
            printf(" 'splitch' nr      : split group into chains using CA distances.\n");
            printf(" 'splitres' nr     : split group into residues.\n");
            printf(" 'splitat' nr      : split group into atoms.\n");
            printf(" 'res' nr          : interpret numbers in group as residue numbers\n");
            printf(" Enter             : list the currently defined groups and commands\n");
            printf(" 'l'               : list the residues.\n");
            printf(" 'h'               : show this help.\n");
            printf(" 'q'               : save and quit.\n");
            printf(" Examples:\n");
            printf(" > 2 | 4 & r 3-5\n");
            printf(" selects all atoms from group 2 and 4 that have residue numbers 3, 4 or 5\n");
            printf(" > a C* & !a C CA\n");
            printf(" selects all atoms starting with 'C' but not the atoms 'C' and 'CA'\n");
            printf(" > \"protein\" & ! \"backb\"\n");
            printf(" selects all atoms that are in group 'protein' and not in group 'backbone'\n");
            if (bVerbose)
                printf("\npress Enter ");
        else if (strncmp(string, "del", 3) == 0)
            string += 3;
            if (parse_int(&string, &sel_nr))
                while (string[0] == ' ')
                if (string[0] == '-')
                    parse_int(&string, &sel_nr2);
                    sel_nr2 = NOTSET;
                while (string[0] == ' ')
                if (string[0] == '\0')
                    remove_group(sel_nr, sel_nr2, block, gn);
                    printf("\nSyntax error: \"%s\"\n", string);
        else if (strncmp(string, "keep", 4) == 0)
            string += 4;
            if (parse_int(&string, &sel_nr))
                remove_group(sel_nr+1, block->nr-1, block, gn);
                remove_group(0, sel_nr-1, block, gn);
        else if (strncmp(string, "name", 4) == 0)
            string += 4;
            if (parse_int(&string, &sel_nr))
                if ((sel_nr >= 0) && (sel_nr < block->nr))
                    sscanf(string, "%s", gname);
                    (*gn)[sel_nr] = strdup(gname);
        else if (strncmp(string, "case", 4) == 0)
            bCase = !bCase;
            printf("Switched to case %s\n", bCase ? "sensitive" : "insensitive");
        else if (string[0] == 'v')
            bVerbose = !bVerbose;
            printf("Turned verbose %s\n", bVerbose ? "on" : "off");
        else if (string[0] == 'l')
            if (check_have_atoms(atoms, ostring) )
        else if (strncmp(string, "splitch", 7) == 0)
            string += 7;
            if (check_have_atoms(atoms, ostring) &&
                parse_int(&string, &sel_nr) &&
                (sel_nr >= 0) && (sel_nr < block->nr))
                split_chain(atoms, x, sel_nr, block, gn);
        else if (strncmp(string, "splitres", 8) == 0)
            string += 8;
            if (check_have_atoms(atoms, ostring) &&
                parse_int(&string, &sel_nr) &&
                (sel_nr >= 0) && (sel_nr < block->nr))
                split_group(atoms, sel_nr, block, gn, FALSE);
        else if (strncmp(string, "splitat", 7) == 0)
            string += 7;
            if (check_have_atoms(atoms, ostring) &&
                parse_int(&string, &sel_nr) &&
                (sel_nr >= 0) && (sel_nr < block->nr))
                split_group(atoms, sel_nr, block, gn, TRUE);
        else if (string[0] == '\0')
            bPrintOnce = TRUE;
        else if (string[0] != 'q')
            nr1 = -1;
            nr2 = -1;
            if (parse_entry(&string, natoms, atoms, block, gn, &nr, index, gname))
                    while (string[0] == ' ')

                    bAnd = FALSE;
                    bOr  = FALSE;
                    if (string[0] == '&')
                        bAnd = TRUE;
                    else if (string[0] == '|')
                        bOr = TRUE;

                    if (bAnd || bOr)
                        nr1 = nr;
                        for (i = 0; i < nr; i++)
                            index1[i] = index[i];
                        strcpy(gname1, gname);
                        if (parse_entry(&string, natoms, atoms, block, gn, &nr2, index2, gname2))
                            if (bOr)
                                or_groups(nr1, index1, nr2, index2, &nr, index);
                                sprintf(gname, "%s_%s", gname1, gname2);
                                and_groups(nr1, index1, nr2, index2, &nr, index);
                                sprintf(gname, "%s_&_%s", gname1, gname2);
                while (bAnd || bOr);
            while (string[0] == ' ')
            if (string[0])
                printf("\nSyntax error: \"%s\"\n", string);
            else if (nr > 0)
                copy2block(nr, index, block);
                srenew(*gn, block->nr);
                newgroup        = block->nr-1;
                (*gn)[newgroup] = strdup(gname);
                printf("Group is empty\n");
    while (string[0] != 'q');

Exemplo n.º 3
 void grouped_node_base<A>::unlink_nodes(bucket& b, node_ptr end)
     b.next_ = end;
Exemplo n.º 4
/* *****************************************************************
   This procedure sort the strings a[0] ... a[n-1] with the help of an
   anchor. The real sorting is done by the procedure
   anchor_sort(). Here we choose the anchor.  The parameter depth is
   the number of chars that a[0] ... a[n-1] are known to have in
   common (thus a direct comparison among a[i] and a[j] should start
   from position depth) Note that a[] is a subsection of the sa therefore
   a[0] ... a[n-1] are starting position of suffixes
   For every a[i] we look at the anchor a[i]/Anchor_dist and the one 
   after that. This justifies the definition of Anchor_num (the size of
   Anchor_ofset[] and Anchor_rank[] defined in ds_sort()) as
     Anchor_num = 2 + (n-1)/Anchor_dist    
   ***************************************************************** */
void helped_sort(Int32 *a, int n, int depth)
  Int32 i, curr_sb, diff, toffset, aoffset;
  Int32 text_pos, anchor_pos, anchor, anchor_rank;
  Int32 min_forw_offset, min_forw_offset_buc, max_back_offset;
  Int32 best_forw_anchor, best_forw_anchor_buc, best_back_anchor; 
  Int32 forw_anchor_index, forw_anchor_index_buc, back_anchor_index;

  Calls_helped_sort++;          // update count
  if(n==1) goto done_sorting;    // simplest case: only one string

  // if there are no anchors use pseudo-anchors or deep_sort
  if(Anchor_dist==0) {
    pseudo_or_deep_sort(a, n, depth);

  // compute the current bucket 
  curr_sb = Get_small_bucket(a[0]);

  // init best anchor variables with illegal values
  min_forw_offset = min_forw_offset_buc = INT_MAX;
  max_back_offset = INT_MIN;
  best_forw_anchor = best_forw_anchor_buc = best_back_anchor = -1; 
  forw_anchor_index = forw_anchor_index_buc = back_anchor_index = -1;
  // look at the anchor preceeding each a[i]
  for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
    text_pos = a[i];
    // get anchor preceeding text_pos=a[i]
    anchor = text_pos/Anchor_dist;
    toffset = text_pos % Anchor_dist;  // distance of a[i] from anchor
    aoffset = Anchor_offset[anchor];   // distance of sorted suf from anchor 
    if(aoffset<Anchor_dist) {          // check if it is a "sorted" anchor
      diff = aoffset - toffset;
      if(diff>0) {     // anchor <=  a[i] < (sorted suffix)
	if(curr_sb!=Get_small_bucket(text_pos+diff)) {
	  if(diff<min_forw_offset) {
	    min_forw_offset = diff;
	    best_forw_anchor = anchor;
	    forw_anchor_index = i;
	else {  // the sorted suffix belongs to the same bucket of a[0]..a[n-1]
	  if(diff<min_forw_offset_buc) {
	    min_forw_offset_buc = diff;
	    best_forw_anchor_buc = anchor;
	    forw_anchor_index_buc = i;
      else {          // diff<0 =>  anchor <= (sorted suffix) < a[i]
	if(diff>max_back_offset) {
	  max_back_offset = diff;
	  best_back_anchor = anchor;
	  back_anchor_index = i;
	// try to find a sorted suffix > a[i] by looking at next anchor
	aoffset = Anchor_offset[++anchor];
	if(aoffset<Anchor_dist) {
	  diff = Anchor_dist + aoffset - toffset;
	  if(curr_sb!=Get_small_bucket(text_pos+diff)) {
	    if(diff<min_forw_offset) {
	      min_forw_offset = diff;
	      best_forw_anchor = anchor;
	      forw_anchor_index = i;
	  } else {
	    if(diff<min_forw_offset_buc) {
	      min_forw_offset_buc = diff;
	      best_forw_anchor_buc = anchor;
	      forw_anchor_index_buc = i;
  // ------ if forward anchor_sort is possible, do it! --------	    
  if(best_forw_anchor>=0 && min_forw_offset<depth-1) {
    anchor_pos = a[forw_anchor_index] + min_forw_offset;
    anchor_rank = Anchor_rank[best_forw_anchor];
    goto done_sorting;
  // ------ if backward anchor_sort is possible do it! ---------
  if(best_back_anchor>=0) {
    UChar *T0, *Ti; int j;

    assert(max_back_offset>-Anchor_dist && max_back_offset<0);
    // make sure that the offset is legal for all a[i]
    for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
	goto fail;                    // illegal offset, give up
    // make sure that a[0] .. a[n-1] are preceded by the same substring
    T0 = Text + a[0];
    for(i=1;i<n;i++) {
      Ti = Text + a[i];
      for(j=max_back_offset; j<= -1; j++)
	if(T0[j]!=Ti[j]) goto fail;   // mismatch, give up
    // backward anchor sorting is possible
    anchor_pos = a[back_anchor_index] + max_back_offset;
    anchor_rank = Anchor_rank[best_back_anchor];
    goto done_sorting;
  // ----- try forward anchor_sort with anchor in the same bucket
  if(best_forw_anchor_buc>=0 && min_forw_offset_buc<depth-1) {
    int equal,lower,upper;

    anchor_pos = a[forw_anchor_index_buc] + min_forw_offset_buc;
    anchor_rank = Anchor_rank[best_forw_anchor_buc];

    // establish how many suffixes can be sorted using anchor_sort()
    if(equal==n) {
    else {
      //  -- a[0] ... a[n-1] are split into 3 groups: lower, equal, upper
      upper = n-equal-lower;
      // printf("Warning! lo=%d eq=%d up=%d a=%x\n",lower,equal,upper,(int)a);
      // sort the equal group 

      // sort upper and lower groups using deep_sort
      if(lower>1) pseudo_or_deep_sort(a,lower,depth);
      if(upper>1) pseudo_or_deep_sort(a+lower+equal,upper,depth);
    }       // end if(equal==n) ... else
    goto done_sorting;
  }         // end hard case

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
  // If we get here it means that everything failed
  // In this case we simply deep_sort a[0] ... a[n-1]
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
  pseudo_or_deep_sort(a, n, depth);
  // -------- update Anchor_rank[], Anchor_offset[] ------- 
  if(Anchor_dist>0) update_anchors(a, n);