Exemplo n.º 1
void veh_interact::do_rename(int reason)
std::string name = string_input_popup("Enter new vehicle name", 20);
(veh->name = name);
    display_stats ();
    display_veh   ();
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Handles renaming a vehicle.
 * @param reason Unused.
void veh_interact::do_rename(int reason)
    std::string name = string_input_popup(_("Enter new vehicle name:"), 20);
    if(name.length() > 0) {
        (veh->name = name);
    display_stats ();
    display_veh   ();
Exemplo n.º 3
void zone_manager::zone_data::set_name()
    const std::string new_name = string_input_popup()
                                 .title( _( "Zone name:" ) )
                                 .width( 55 )
                                 .text( name )
                                 .max_length( 15 )

    name = ( new_name.empty() ) ? _( "<no name>" ) : new_name;
Exemplo n.º 4
int query_int(const char *mes, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, mes);
    const std::string text = vstring_format(mes, ap);

    std::string raw_input = string_input_popup(text);

    //Note that atoi returns 0 for anything it doesn't like.
    return atoi(raw_input.c_str());
Exemplo n.º 5
void construct::done_vehicle(game *g, point p)
    std::string name = string_input_popup("Enter new vehicle name", 20);
    vehicle *veh = g->m.add_vehicle (g, veh_custom, p.x, p.y, 270, 0, 0);
    if (!veh)
        debugmsg ("error constructing vehicle");
    veh->name = name;
    veh->install_part (0, 0, vp_frame_v2);
Exemplo n.º 6
void game::wishitem( player *p, int x, int y)
    if ( p == NULL && x <= 0 ) {
        debugmsg("game::wishitem(): invalid parameters");
    int amount = 1;
    uimenu wmenu;
    wmenu.w_x = 0;
    wmenu.w_width = TERMX;
    wmenu.pad_right = ( TERMX / 2 > 40 ? TERMX - 40 : TERMX / 2 );
    wmenu.return_invalid = true;
    wmenu.selected = uistate.wishitem_selected;
    wish_item_callback *cb = new wish_item_callback();
    wmenu.callback = cb;

    for (int i = 0; i < standard_itype_ids.size(); i++) {
        itype *ity = item_controller->find_template(standard_itype_ids[i]);
        wmenu.addentry( i, true, 0, string_format(_("%s"), ity->name.c_str()) );
        wmenu.entries[i].extratxt.txt = string_format("%c", ity->sym);
        wmenu.entries[i].extratxt.color = ity->color;
        wmenu.entries[i].extratxt.left = 1;
    do {
        if ( wmenu.ret >= 0 ) {
            item granted = item_controller->create(standard_itype_ids[wmenu.ret], turn);
            if (p != NULL) {
                amount = helper::to_int(
                         string_input_popup(_("How many?"), 20, helper::to_string_int( amount ),
            if (dynamic_cast<wish_item_callback *>(wmenu.callback)->incontainer) {
                granted = granted.in_its_container(&itypes);
            if ( p != NULL ) {
                for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
            } else if ( x >= 0 && y >= 0 ) {
                m.add_item_or_charges(x, y, granted);
                wmenu.keypress = 'q';
            dynamic_cast<wish_item_callback *>(wmenu.callback)->msg =
                _("Item granted, choose another or 'q' to quit.");
            uistate.wishitem_selected = wmenu.ret;
    } while ( wmenu.keypress != 'q' && wmenu.keypress != KEY_ESCAPE && wmenu.keypress != ' ' );
    delete wmenu.callback;
    wmenu.callback = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 7
int query_int(const char *mes, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, mes);
    char buff[1024];
    vsprintf(buff, mes, ap);

    std::string raw_input = string_input_popup(std::string(buff));

    //Note that atoi returns 0 for anything it doesn't like.
    return atoi(raw_input.c_str());
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Handles renaming a vehicle.
 * @param reason Unused.
void veh_interact::do_rename(task_reason reason)
    std::string name = string_input_popup(_("Enter new vehicle name:"), 20);
    if(name.length() > 0) {
        (veh->name = name);
        if (veh->tracking_on) {
            g->cur_om->vehicles[veh->om_id].name = name;
    display_stats ();
    display_veh   ();
Exemplo n.º 9
 bool key( const input_context &, const input_event &event, int /*entnum*/,
           uimenu * /*menu*/ ) override {
     if( event.get_first_input() == 'f' ) {
         incontainer = !incontainer;
         return true;
     if( event.get_first_input() == 'F' ) {
         flag = string_input_popup()
                .title( _( "Add which flag?  Use UPPERCASE letters without quotes" ) )
         if( flag.length() > 0 ) {
             has_flag = true;
         return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 10
void construct::done_vehicle(game *g, point p)
    std::string name = string_input_popup(_("Enter new vehicle name:"), 20);
        name = _("Car");

    vehicle *veh = g->m.add_vehicle (g, "custom", p.x, p.y, 270, 0, 0);
    if (!veh)
        debugmsg ("error constructing vehicle");
    veh->name = name;

    //Update the vehicle cache immediately, or the vehicle will be invisible for the first couple of turns.
    g->m.update_vehicle_cache(veh, true);

Exemplo n.º 11
void construct::done_vehicle( const tripoint &p )
    std::string name = string_input_popup( _( "Enter new vehicle name:" ), 20 );
    if( name.empty() ) {
        name = _( "Car" );

    vehicle *veh = g->m.add_vehicle( vproto_id( "none" ), p, 270, 0, 0 );

    if( !veh ) {
        debugmsg( "error constructing vehicle" );
    veh->name = name;
    veh->install_part( 0, 0, vpart_from_item( g->u.lastconsumed ) );

    // Update the vehicle cache immediately,
    // or the vehicle will be invisible for the first couple of turns.
    g->m.add_vehicle_to_cache( veh );
Exemplo n.º 12
void show_auto_pickup()

    const int iHeaderHeight = 4;
    const int iContentHeight = FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT-2-iHeaderHeight;

    const int iOffsetX = (TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) ? (TERMX-FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH)/2 : 0;
    const int iOffsetY = (TERMY > FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) ? (TERMY-FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT)/2 : 0;

    std::map<int, bool> mapLines;
    mapLines[3] = true;
    mapLines[50] = true;
    mapLines[54] = true;

    const int iTotalCols = mapLines.size()-1;

    WINDOW* w_auto_pickup_options = newwin(FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT/2, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH/2, iOffsetY + (FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT/2)/2, iOffsetX + (FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH/2)/2);
    WINDOW* w_auto_pickup_help = newwin((FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT/2)-2, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 3/4, 8 + iOffsetY + (FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT/2)/2, iOffsetX + 19/2);

    WINDOW* w_auto_pickup_border = newwin(FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH, iOffsetY, iOffsetX);
    WINDOW* w_auto_pickup_header = newwin(iHeaderHeight, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, 1 + iOffsetY, 1 + iOffsetX);
    WINDOW* w_auto_pickup = newwin(iContentHeight, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, iHeaderHeight + 1 + iOffsetY, 1 + iOffsetX);

    mvwputch(w_auto_pickup_border, 3,  0, c_ltgray, LINE_XXXO); // |-
    mvwputch(w_auto_pickup_border, 3, 79, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXX); // -|

    for (std::map<int, bool>::iterator iter = mapLines.begin(); iter != mapLines.end(); ++iter) {
        mvwputch(w_auto_pickup_border, FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT-1, iter->first + 1, c_ltgray, LINE_XXOX); // _|_

    mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup_border, 0, 29, c_ltred, _(" AUTO PICKUP MANAGER "));

    int tmpx = 0;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<A>dd"))+2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<R>emove"))+2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<C>opy"))+2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<M>ove"))+2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<E>nable"))+2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<D>isable"))+2;
    shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<T>est"));
    tmpx = 0;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<+-> Move up/down"))+2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<Enter>-Edit"))+2;
    shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<Tab>-Switch Page"));

    for (int i = 0; i < 78; i++) {
        if (mapLines[i]) {
            mvwputch(w_auto_pickup_header, 2, i, c_ltgray, LINE_OXXX);
            mvwputch(w_auto_pickup_header, 3, i, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXO);
        } else {
            mvwputch(w_auto_pickup_header, 2, i, c_ltgray, LINE_OXOX); // Draw line under header

    mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup_header, 3, 0, c_white, "#");
    mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup_header, 3, 7, c_white, _("Rules"));
    mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup_header, 3, 51, c_white, _("I/E"));


    int iCurrentPage = 1;
    int iCurrentLine = 0;
    int iCurrentCol = 1;
    int iStartPos = 0;
    bool bStuffChanged = false;
    char ch = ' ';

    std::stringstream sTemp;

    do {
        int locx = 17;
        locx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 2, locx, c_white, (iCurrentPage == 1) ? hilite(c_white) : c_white, _("[<Global>]"))+1;
        shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 2, locx, c_white, (iCurrentPage == 2) ? hilite(c_white) : c_white, _("[<Character>]"));


        // Clear the lines
        for (int i = 0; i < iContentHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 79; j++) {
                if (mapLines[j]) {
                    mvwputch(w_auto_pickup, i, j, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXO);
                } else {
                    mvwputch(w_auto_pickup, i, j, c_black, ' ');

        if (iCurrentPage == 1 || iCurrentPage == 2) {
            if (iCurrentPage == 2 && g->u.name == "") {
                mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup, 8, 15, c_white, _("Please load a character first to use this page!"));

            //Draw Scrollbar
            draw_scrollbar(w_auto_pickup_border, iCurrentLine, iContentHeight, vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size(), 5);

            calcStartPos(iStartPos, iCurrentLine, iContentHeight, vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size());

            // display auto pickup
            for (int i = iStartPos; i < vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size(); i++) {
                if (i >= iStartPos && i < iStartPos + ((iContentHeight > vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size()) ? vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size() : iContentHeight)) {
                    nc_color cLineColor = (vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][i].bActive) ? c_white : c_ltgray;

                    sTemp << i + 1;
                    mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup, i - iStartPos, 0, cLineColor, sTemp.str().c_str());
                    mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup, i - iStartPos, 4, cLineColor, "");

                    if (iCurrentLine == i) {
                        wprintz(w_auto_pickup, c_yellow, ">> ");
                    } else {
                        wprintz(w_auto_pickup, c_yellow, "   ");

                    wprintz(w_auto_pickup, (iCurrentLine == i && iCurrentCol == 1) ? hilite(cLineColor) : cLineColor, "%s", ((vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][i].sRule == "") ? _("<empty rule>") : vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][i].sRule).c_str());

                    mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup, i - iStartPos, 52, (iCurrentLine == i && iCurrentCol == 2) ? hilite(cLineColor) : cLineColor, "%s", ((vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][i].bExclude) ? rm_prefix(_("<Exclude>E")).c_str() : rm_prefix(_("<Include>I")).c_str()));


        } else if (iCurrentPage == 3) {
            wborder(w_auto_pickup_options, LINE_XOXO, LINE_XOXO, LINE_OXOX, LINE_OXOX, LINE_OXXO, LINE_OOXX, LINE_XXOO, LINE_XOOX);

            mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup_options, 5, 10, c_white, _("Under construction!"));


        ch = (char)input();

        if (iCurrentPage == 3) {
            switch(ch) {
                case '\t': //Switch to next Page
                    if (iCurrentPage > 3) {
                        iCurrentPage = 1;
                        iCurrentLine = 0;
        } else if (iCurrentPage == 1 || iCurrentPage == 2) {
            if (iCurrentPage == 2 && g->u.name == "" && ch != '\t') {
                //Only allow loaded games to use the char sheet
            } else if (vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size() > 0 || ch == 'a' || ch == '\t') {
                switch(ch) {
                    case 'j': //move down
                        iCurrentCol = 1;
                        if (iCurrentLine >= vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size()) {
                            iCurrentLine = 0;
                    case 'k': //move up
                        iCurrentCol = 1;
                        if (iCurrentLine < 0) {
                            iCurrentLine = vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size()-1;
                    case 'a': //add new rule
                    case 'A':
                        bStuffChanged = true;
                        vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].push_back(cPickupRules("", true, false));
                        iCurrentLine = vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size()-1;
                    case 'r': //remove rule
                    case 'R':
                        bStuffChanged = true;
                        vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].erase(vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].begin() + iCurrentLine);
                        if (iCurrentLine > vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size()-1) {
                    case 'c': //copy rule
                    case 'C':
                        bStuffChanged = true;
                        vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].push_back(cPickupRules(vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].sRule, vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bActive, vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bExclude));
                        iCurrentLine = vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size()-1;
                    case 'm': //move rule global <-> character
                    case 'M':
                        if ((iCurrentPage == 1 && g->u.name != "") || iCurrentPage == 2) {
                            bStuffChanged = true;
                            //copy over
                            vAutoPickupRules[(iCurrentPage == 1) ? 2 : 1].push_back(cPickupRules(vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].sRule, vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bActive, vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bExclude));

                            //remove old
                            vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].erase(vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].begin() + iCurrentLine);
                            iCurrentLine = vAutoPickupRules[(iCurrentPage == 1) ? 2 : 1].size()-1;
                            iCurrentPage = (iCurrentPage == 1) ? 2 : 1;
                    case '\t': //Switch to next Page
                        if (iCurrentPage > 2) {
                            iCurrentPage = 1;
                            iCurrentLine = 0;
                    case '\n': //Edit Col in current line
                        bStuffChanged = true;
                        if (iCurrentCol == 1) {
                            fold_and_print(w_auto_pickup_help, 1, 1, 999, c_white,
                                "* is used as a Wildcard. A few Examples:\n"
                                "wood arrow    matches the itemname exactly\n"
                                "wood ar*      matches items beginning with wood ar\n"
                                "*rrow         matches items ending with rrow\n"
                                "*avy fle*fi*arrow     multible * are allowed\n"
                                "heAVY*woOD*arrOW      case insesitive search\n"

                            wborder(w_auto_pickup_help, LINE_XOXO, LINE_XOXO, LINE_OXOX, LINE_OXOX, LINE_OXXO, LINE_OOXX, LINE_XXOO, LINE_XOOX);
                            vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].sRule = trim_rule(string_input_popup(_("Pickup Rule:"), 30, vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].sRule));
                        } else if (iCurrentCol == 2) {
                            vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bExclude = !vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bExclude;
                    case 'e': //enable rule
                    case 'E':
                        bStuffChanged = true;
                        vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bActive = true;
                    case 'd': //disable rule
                    case 'D':
                        bStuffChanged = true;
                        vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bActive = false;
                    case 'h': //move left
                        if (iCurrentCol < 1) {
                            iCurrentCol = iTotalCols;
                    case 'l': //move right
                        if (iCurrentCol > iTotalCols) {
                            iCurrentCol = 1;
                    case '+': //move rule up
                        bStuffChanged = true;
                        if (iCurrentLine < vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size()-1) {
                            std::swap(vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine], vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine+1]);
                            iCurrentCol = 1;
                    case '-': //move rule down
                        bStuffChanged = true;
                        if (iCurrentLine > 0) {
                            std::swap(vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine], vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine-1]);
                            iCurrentCol = 1;
                    case 't': //test rule
                    case 'T':
                        test_pattern(iCurrentPage, iCurrentLine);
    } while(ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && ch != KEY_ESCAPE);

    if (bStuffChanged) {
        if(query_yn(_("Save changes?"))) {

            if (g->u.name != "") {
        } else {

Exemplo n.º 13
int main()

  cuss::interface i_editor;
  Window w_editor(0, 0, 80, 24);
  if (!i_editor.load_from_file("cuss/i_terrain.cuss")) {
    debugmsg("Couldn't load cuss/i_terrain.cuss!");
    return 1;

  std::vector<std::string> type_names;
  std::vector<std::string> flags;
  std::vector<std::string> transformations;
  i_editor.ref_data("list_types", &type_names);
  i_editor.ref_data("list_flags", &flags);
  i_editor.ref_data("list_transformations", &transformations);

  for (int i = 0; i < TER_MAX; i++) {
    if (i >= TERRAIN_POOL.size() || TERRAIN_POOL[i] == NULL) {
      TERRAIN_POOL.push_back( new terrain_type );
      TERRAIN_POOL[i]->name = default_terrain_name( terrain_id(i) );

// Main loop
  bool quit = false;
  do {
    type_names = get_names();
    cuss::element* selected = i_editor.selected();
    int ter_num = i_editor.get_int("list_types");
    terrain_type* current_ter = NULL;

    if (ter_num < TERRAIN_POOL.size()) {
      current_ter = TERRAIN_POOL[ i_editor.get_int("list_types") ];
      flags = get_flag_names(current_ter);
      transformations = get_transformation_names(current_ter);
      i_editor.ref_data("num_move", &(current_ter->move_cost));
      i_editor.ref_data("num_sight", &(current_ter->sight_cost));
      i_editor.ref_data("text_name", &(current_ter->name));

    long ch = getch();
    if (selected->name == "text_name" &&
        ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == ' ')) {
      current_ter->name += ch;
    } else if (selected->name == "text_name" && is_backspace(ch) &&
               !current_ter->name.empty()) {
      current_ter->name =
        current_ter->name.substr(0, current_ter->name.length() - 1);
    } else if (ch == 's' || ch == 'S') {
      quit = true;
    } else if (ch == 'c' || ch == 'C') {
    } else if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'A') {
      if (selected->name == "list_types") {
        terrain_type *tmp = new terrain_type;
        tmp->move_cost = 10;
        tmp->name = string_input_popup("Name:");
        i_editor.set_data("list_types", 999);
      } else if (selected->name == "list_flags") {
        i_editor.set_data("list_flags", 0);
      } else if (selected->name == "list_transformations") {
        i_editor.set_data("list_transformations", 0);
    } else if (ch == 'd' || ch == 'D') {
      if (selected->name == "list_flags") {
        int index = i_editor.get_int("list_flags");
        if (index < flags.size()) {
          remove_flag(current_ter, index);
          i_editor.set_data("list_flags", 0);
      } else if (selected->name == "list_transformations") {
        int index = i_editor.get_int("list_transformations");
        if (index < transformations.size()) {
          remove_transformation(current_ter, index);
          i_editor.set_data("list_transformations", 0);
    } else if (ch == '?') {
      debugmsg("%d of %d", i_editor.get_int("list_transformations"),
      debugmsg("%d (\\n = %d", TERRAIN_POOL[1]->name[0], '\n');
    } else {
  } while (!quit);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
void debug_menu::wishitem( player *p, int x, int y, int z )
    if( p == NULL && x <= 0 ) {
        debugmsg( "game::wishitem(): invalid parameters" );
    const auto opts = item_controller->all();

    int prev_amount, amount = 1;
    uimenu wmenu;
    wmenu.w_x = 0;
    wmenu.w_width = TERMX;
    wmenu.pad_right = ( TERMX / 2 > 40 ? TERMX - 40 : TERMX / 2 );
    wmenu.return_invalid = true;
    wmenu.selected = uistate.wishitem_selected;
    wish_item_callback cb( opts );
    wmenu.callback = &cb;

    for( size_t i = 0; i < opts.size(); i++ ) {
        item ity( opts[i], 0 );
        wmenu.addentry( i, true, 0, string_format( _( "%.*s" ), wmenu.pad_right - 5,
                        ity.tname( 1, false ).c_str() ) );
        wmenu.entries[i].extratxt.txt = ity.symbol();
        wmenu.entries[i].extratxt.color = ity.color();
        wmenu.entries[i].extratxt.left = 1;

    do {
        if( wmenu.ret >= 0 ) {
            item granted( opts[wmenu.ret] );
            prev_amount = amount;
            if( p != NULL ) {
                .title( _( "How many?" ) )
                .width( 20 )
                .description( granted.tname() )
                .edit( amount );
            if( dynamic_cast<wish_item_callback *>( wmenu.callback )->incontainer ) {
                granted = granted.in_its_container();
            if( p != NULL ) {
                for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++ ) {
                    p->i_add( granted );
            } else if( x >= 0 && y >= 0 ) {
                g->m.add_item_or_charges( tripoint( x, y, z ), granted );
                wmenu.keypress = 'q';
            if( amount > 0 ) {
                dynamic_cast<wish_item_callback *>( wmenu.callback )->msg =
                    _( "Wish granted. Wish for more or hit 'q' to quit." );
            uistate.wishitem_selected = wmenu.ret;
            if( !amount ) {
                amount = prev_amount;
    } while( wmenu.keypress != 'q' && wmenu.keypress != KEY_ESCAPE && wmenu.keypress != ' ' );
Exemplo n.º 15
// Pick up items at (pos).
void Pickup::pick_up( const tripoint &pos, int min )
    int veh_root_part = 0;
    int cargo_part = -1;

    vehicle *veh = g->m.veh_at( pos, veh_root_part );
    bool from_vehicle = false;

    if( min != -1 ) {
        switch( interact_with_vehicle( veh, pos, veh_root_part ) ) {
            case DONE:
            case ITEMS_FROM_CARGO:
                cargo_part = veh->part_with_feature( veh_root_part, "CARGO", false );
                from_vehicle = cargo_part >= 0;
            case ITEMS_FROM_GROUND:
                // Nothing to change, default is to pick from ground anyway.
                if( g->m.has_flag( "SEALED", pos ) ) {


    if( !from_vehicle ) {
        bool isEmpty = ( g->m.i_at( pos ).empty() );

        // Hide the pickup window if this is a toilet and there's nothing here
        // but water.
        if( ( !isEmpty ) && g->m.furn( pos ) == f_toilet ) {
            isEmpty = true;
            for( auto maybe_water : g->m.i_at( pos ) ) {
                if( maybe_water.typeId() != "water" ) {
                    isEmpty = false;

        if( isEmpty && ( min != -1 || !OPTIONS["AUTO_PICKUP_ADJACENT"] ) ) {

    // which items are we grabbing?
    std::vector<item> here;
    if( from_vehicle ) {
        auto vehitems = veh->get_items( cargo_part );
        here.resize( vehitems.size() );
        std::copy( vehitems.rbegin(), vehitems.rend(), here.begin() );
    } else {
        auto mapitems = g->m.i_at( pos );
        here.resize( mapitems.size() );
        std::copy( mapitems.rbegin(), mapitems.rend(), here.begin() );

    if( min == -1 ) {
        if( g->check_zone( "NO_AUTO_PICKUP", pos ) ) {

        // Recursively pick up adjacent items if that option is on.
        if( OPTIONS["AUTO_PICKUP_ADJACENT"] && g->u.pos() == pos ) {
            //Autopickup adjacent
            direction adjacentDir[8] = {NORTH, NORTHEAST, EAST, SOUTHEAST, SOUTH, SOUTHWEST, WEST, NORTHWEST};
            for( auto &elem : adjacentDir ) {

                tripoint apos = tripoint( direction_XY( elem ), 0 );
                apos += pos;

                if( g->m.has_flag( "SEALED", apos ) ) {
                if( g->check_zone( "NO_AUTO_PICKUP", apos ) ) {
                pick_up( apos, min );

    // Not many items, just grab them
    if( ( int )here.size() <= min && min != -1 ) {
        g->u.assign_activity( ACT_PICKUP, 0 );
        g->u.activity.placement = pos - g->u.pos();
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( from_vehicle );
        // Only one item means index is 0.
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( 0 );
        // auto-pickup means pick up all.
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( 0 );

    if( min != -1 ) { // don't bother if we're just autopickup-ing
    bool sideStyle = use_narrow_sidebar();

    // Otherwise, we have Autopickup, 2 or more items and should list them, etc.
    int maxmaxitems = sideStyle ? TERMY : getmaxy( g->w_messages ) - 3;

    int itemsH = std::min( 25, TERMY / 2 );
    int pickupBorderRows = 3;

    // The pickup list may consume the entire terminal, minus space needed for its
    // header/footer and the item info window.
    int minleftover = itemsH + pickupBorderRows;
    if( maxmaxitems > TERMY - minleftover ) {
        maxmaxitems = TERMY - minleftover;

    const int minmaxitems = sideStyle ? 6 : 9;

    std::vector<pickup_count> getitem( here.size() );

    int maxitems = here.size();
    maxitems = ( maxitems < minmaxitems ? minmaxitems : ( maxitems > maxmaxitems ? maxmaxitems :
                 maxitems ) );

    int itemcount = 0;

    if( min == -1 ) { //Auto Pickup, select matching items
        if( !select_autopickup_items( here, getitem ) ) {
            // If we didn't find anything, bail out now.
    } else {
        int pickupH = maxitems + pickupBorderRows;
        int pickupW = getmaxx( g->w_messages );
        int pickupY = VIEW_OFFSET_Y;
        int pickupX = getbegx( g->w_messages );

        int itemsW = pickupW;
        int itemsY = sideStyle ? pickupY + pickupH : TERMY - itemsH;
        int itemsX = pickupX;

        WINDOW *w_pickup    = newwin( pickupH, pickupW, pickupY, pickupX );
        WINDOW *w_item_info = newwin( itemsH,  itemsW,  itemsY,  itemsX );
        WINDOW_PTR w_pickupptr( w_pickup );
        WINDOW_PTR w_item_infoptr( w_item_info );

        std::string action;
        long raw_input_char = ' ';
        input_context ctxt( "PICKUP" );
        ctxt.register_action( "UP" );
        ctxt.register_action( "DOWN" );
        ctxt.register_action( "RIGHT" );
        ctxt.register_action( "LEFT" );
        ctxt.register_action( "NEXT_TAB", _( "Next page" ) );
        ctxt.register_action( "PREV_TAB", _( "Previous page" ) );
        ctxt.register_action( "SCROLL_UP" );
        ctxt.register_action( "SCROLL_DOWN" );
        ctxt.register_action( "CONFIRM" );
        ctxt.register_action( "SELECT_ALL" );
        ctxt.register_action( "QUIT", _( "Cancel" ) );
        ctxt.register_action( "ANY_INPUT" );
        ctxt.register_action( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" );

        int start = 0, cur_it;
        player pl_copy = g->u;
        pl_copy.set_fake( true );
        bool update = true;
        mvwprintw( w_pickup, 0, 0, _( "PICK UP" ) );
        int selected = 0;
        int iScrollPos = 0;

        if( g->was_fullscreen ) {
        // Now print the two lists; those on the ground and about to be added to inv
        // Continue until we hit return or space
        do {
            const std::string pickup_chars =
                ctxt.get_available_single_char_hotkeys( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:;" );
            int idx = -1;
            for( int i = 1; i < pickupH; i++ ) {
                mvwprintw( w_pickup, i, 0,
                           "                                                " );
            if( action == "ANY_INPUT" &&
                raw_input_char >= '0' && raw_input_char <= '9' ) {
                int raw_input_char_value = ( char )raw_input_char - '0';
                itemcount *= 10;
                itemcount += raw_input_char_value;
                if( itemcount < 0 ) {
                    itemcount = 0;
            } else if( action == "SCROLL_UP" ) {
            } else if( action == "SCROLL_DOWN" ) {
            } else if( action == "PREV_TAB" ) {
                if( start > 0 ) {
                    start -= maxitems;
                } else {
                    start = ( int )( ( here.size() - 1 ) / maxitems ) * maxitems;
                selected = start;
                mvwprintw( w_pickup, maxitems + 2, 0, "         " );
            } else if( action == "NEXT_TAB" ) {
                if( start + maxitems < ( int )here.size() ) {
                    start += maxitems;
                } else {
                    start = 0;
                iScrollPos = 0;
                selected = start;
                mvwprintw( w_pickup, maxitems + 2, pickupH, "            " );
            } else if( action == "UP" ) {
                iScrollPos = 0;
                if( selected < 0 ) {
                    selected = here.size() - 1;
                    start = ( int )( here.size() / maxitems ) * maxitems;
                    if( start >= ( int )here.size() ) {
                        start -= maxitems;
                } else if( selected < start ) {
                    start -= maxitems;
            } else if( action == "DOWN" ) {
                iScrollPos = 0;
                if( selected >= ( int )here.size() ) {
                    selected = 0;
                    start = 0;
                } else if( selected >= start + maxitems ) {
                    start += maxitems;
            } else if( selected >= 0 && (
                           ( action == "RIGHT" && !getitem[selected] ) ||
                           ( action == "LEFT" && getitem[selected] )
                       ) ) {
                idx = selected;
            } else if( action == "ANY_INPUT" && raw_input_char == '`' ) {
                std::string ext = string_input_popup(
                                      _( "Enter 2 letters (case sensitive):" ), 3, "", "", "", 2 );
                if( ext.size() == 2 ) {
                    int p1 = pickup_chars.find( ext.at( 0 ) );
                    int p2 = pickup_chars.find( ext.at( 1 ) );
                    if( p1 != -1 && p2 != -1 ) {
                        idx = pickup_chars.size() + ( p1 * pickup_chars.size() ) + p2;
            } else if( action == "ANY_INPUT" ) {
                idx = ( raw_input_char <= 127 ) ? pickup_chars.find( raw_input_char ) : -1;
                iScrollPos = 0;

            if( idx >= 0 && idx < ( int )here.size() ) {
                if( getitem[idx] ) {
                    if( here[idx].count_by_charges() ) {
                        if( getitem[idx].count == 0 ) {
                            pl_copy.inv.find_item( getitem[idx].position ).charges -= here[idx].charges;
                        } else {
                            pl_copy.inv.find_item( getitem[idx].position ).charges -= getitem[idx].count;
                    } else {
                        unsigned stack_size = pl_copy.inv.const_stack( getitem[idx].position ).size();
                        pl_copy.i_rem( getitem[idx].position );
                        //if the stack_was emptied, removing the item invalidated later positions- fix them
                        if( stack_size == 1 ) {
                            for( unsigned i = 0; i < here.size(); i++ ) {
                                if( getitem[i] && getitem[i].position > getitem[idx].position ) {
                } //end if getitem[idx]

                if( itemcount != 0 || getitem[idx].count == 0 ) {
                    if( itemcount >= here[idx].charges || !here[idx].count_by_charges() ) {
                        // Ignore the count if we pickup the whole stack anyway
                        // or something that is not counted by charges (tools)
                        itemcount = 0;
                    getitem[idx].count = itemcount;
                    itemcount = 0;

                // Note: this might not change the value of getitem[idx] at all!
                getitem[idx].pick = ( action == "RIGHT" ? true : ( action == "LEFT" ? false : !getitem[idx] ) );
                if( action != "RIGHT" && action != "LEFT" ) {
                    selected = idx;
                    start = ( int )( idx / maxitems ) * maxitems;

                if( getitem[idx] ) {
                    item temp = here[idx];
                    if( getitem[idx].count != 0 &&
                        getitem[idx].count < here[idx].charges ) {
                        temp.charges = getitem[idx].count;
                    item *added = &( pl_copy.i_add( temp ) );
                    getitem[idx].position = pl_copy.inv.position_by_item( added );
                } else {
                    getitem[idx].count = 0;
                update = true;

            werase( w_item_info );
            if( selected >= 0 && selected <= ( int )here.size() - 1 ) {
                std::vector<iteminfo> vThisItem, vDummy;
                here[selected].info( true, vThisItem );

                draw_item_info( w_item_info, "", "", vThisItem, vDummy, iScrollPos, true, true );
            draw_custom_border( w_item_info, false );
            mvwprintw( w_item_info, 0, 2, "< " );
            trim_and_print( w_item_info, 0, 4, itemsW - 8, c_white, "%s >",
                            here[selected].display_name().c_str() );
            wrefresh( w_item_info );

            if( action == "SELECT_ALL" ) {
                int count = 0;
                for( size_t i = 0; i < here.size(); i++ ) {
                    if( getitem[i] ) {
                    } else {
                        item *added = &( pl_copy.i_add( here[i] ) );
                        getitem[i].position = pl_copy.inv.position_by_item( added );
                    getitem[i].pick = true;
                if( count == ( int )here.size() ) {
                    for( size_t i = 0; i < here.size(); i++ ) {
                        getitem[i].pick = false;
                    pl_copy = g->u;
                    pl_copy.set_fake( true );
                update = true;

            for( cur_it = start; cur_it < start + maxitems; cur_it++ ) {
                mvwprintw( w_pickup, 1 + ( cur_it % maxitems ), 0,
                           "                                        " );
                if( cur_it < ( int )here.size() ) {
                    nc_color icolor = here[cur_it].color_in_inventory();
                    if( cur_it == selected ) {
                        icolor = hilite( icolor );

                    if( cur_it < ( int )pickup_chars.size() ) {
                        mvwputch( w_pickup, 1 + ( cur_it % maxitems ), 0, icolor,
                                  char( pickup_chars[cur_it] ) );
                    } else if( cur_it < ( int )pickup_chars.size() + ( int )pickup_chars.size() *
                               ( int )pickup_chars.size() ) {
                        int p = cur_it - pickup_chars.size();
                        int p1 = p / pickup_chars.size();
                        int p2 = p % pickup_chars.size();
                        mvwprintz( w_pickup, 1 + ( cur_it % maxitems ), 0, icolor, "`%c%c",
                                   char( pickup_chars[p1] ), char( pickup_chars[p2] ) );
                    } else {
                        mvwputch( w_pickup, 1 + ( cur_it % maxitems ), 0, icolor, ' ' );
                    if( getitem[cur_it] ) {
                        if( getitem[cur_it].count == 0 ) {
                            wprintz( w_pickup, c_ltblue, " + " );
                        } else {
                            wprintz( w_pickup, c_ltblue, " # " );
                    } else {
                        wprintw( w_pickup, " - " );
                    std::string item_name = here[cur_it].display_name();
                    if( OPTIONS["ITEM_SYMBOLS"] ) {
                        item_name = string_format( "%s %s", here[cur_it].symbol().c_str(),
                                                   item_name.c_str() );
                    trim_and_print( w_pickup, 1 + ( cur_it % maxitems ), 6, pickupW - 4, icolor,
                                    "%s", item_name.c_str() );

            mvwprintw( w_pickup, maxitems + 1, 0, _( "[%s] Unmark" ),
                       ctxt.get_desc( "LEFT", 1 ).c_str() );

            center_print( w_pickup, maxitems + 1, c_ltgray, _( "[%s] Help" ),
                          ctxt.get_desc( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS", 1 ).c_str() );

            right_print( w_pickup, maxitems + 1, 0, c_ltgray, _( "[%s] Mark" ),
                         ctxt.get_desc( "RIGHT", 1 ).c_str() );

            mvwprintw( w_pickup, maxitems + 2, 0, _( "[%s] Prev" ),
                       ctxt.get_desc( "PREV_TAB", 1 ).c_str() );

            center_print( w_pickup, maxitems + 2, c_ltgray, _( "[%s] All" ),
                          ctxt.get_desc( "SELECT_ALL", 1 ).c_str() );

            right_print( w_pickup, maxitems + 2, 0, c_ltgray, _( "[%s] Next" ),
                         ctxt.get_desc( "NEXT_TAB", 1 ).c_str() );

            if( update ) { // Update weight & volume information
                update = false;
                for( int i = 9; i < pickupW; ++i ) {
                    mvwaddch( w_pickup, 0, i, ' ' );
                mvwprintz( w_pickup, 0,  9,
                           ( pl_copy.weight_carried() > g->u.weight_capacity() ? c_red : c_white ),
                           _( "Wgt %.1f" ), convert_weight( pl_copy.weight_carried() ) + 0.05 ); // +0.05 to round up
                wprintz( w_pickup, c_white, "/%.1f", convert_weight( g->u.weight_capacity() ) );
                mvwprintz( w_pickup, 0, 24,
                           ( pl_copy.volume_carried() > g->u.volume_capacity() ? c_red : c_white ),
                           _( "Vol %d" ), pl_copy.volume_carried() );
                wprintz( w_pickup, c_white, "/%d", g->u.volume_capacity() );
            wrefresh( w_pickup );

            action = ctxt.handle_input();
            raw_input_char = ctxt.get_raw_input().get_first_input();

        } while( action != "QUIT" && action != "CONFIRM" );

        bool item_selected = false;
        // Check if we have selected an item.
        for( auto selection : getitem ) {
            if( selection ) {
                item_selected = true;
        if( action != "CONFIRM" || !item_selected ) {
            add_msg( _( "Never mind." ) );

    // At this point we've selected our items, register an activity to pick them up.
    g->u.assign_activity( ACT_PICKUP, 0 );
    g->u.activity.placement = pos - g->u.pos();
    g->u.activity.values.push_back( from_vehicle );
    if( min == -1 ) {
        // Auto pickup will need to auto resume since there can be several of them on the stack.
        g->u.activity.auto_resume = true;
    std::reverse( getitem.begin(), getitem.end() );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < here.size(); i++ ) {
        if( getitem[i] ) {
            g->u.activity.values.push_back( i );
            g->u.activity.values.push_back( getitem[i].count );

Exemplo n.º 16
// Pick up items at (pos).
void Pickup::pick_up( const tripoint &pos, int min )
    int veh_root_part = 0;
    int cargo_part = -1;

    vehicle *veh = g->m.veh_at (pos, veh_root_part);
    bool from_vehicle = false;

    if( min != -1 ) {
        switch( interact_with_vehicle( veh, pos, veh_root_part ) ) {
        case DONE:
        case ITEMS_FROM_CARGO:
            cargo_part = veh->part_with_feature( veh_root_part, "CARGO", false );
            from_vehicle = cargo_part >= 0;
        case ITEMS_FROM_GROUND:
            // Nothing to change, default is to pick from ground anyway.

    if (g->m.has_flag("SEALED", pos)) {

    //min == -1 is Autopickup
    if (!g->u.can_pickup(min != -1)) { // no message on autopickup (-1)

    if( !from_vehicle ) {
        bool isEmpty = (g->m.i_at(pos).empty());

        // Hide the pickup window if this is a toilet and there's nothing here
        // but water.
        if ((!isEmpty) && g->m.furn(pos) == f_toilet) {
            isEmpty = true;
            for( auto maybe_water : g->m.i_at(pos) ) {
                if( maybe_water.typeId() != "water") {
                    isEmpty = false;

        if (isEmpty && (min != -1 || !OPTIONS["AUTO_PICKUP_ADJACENT"] )) {

    // which items are we grabbing?
    std::vector<item> here;
    if( from_vehicle ) {
        auto vehitems = veh->get_items(cargo_part);
        here.resize( vehitems.size() );
        std::copy( vehitems.begin(), vehitems.end(), here.begin() );
    } else {
        auto mapitems = g->m.i_at(pos);
        here.resize( mapitems.size() );
        std::copy( mapitems.begin(), mapitems.end(), here.begin() );

    if (min == -1) {
        if( g->check_zone( "NO_AUTO_PICKUP", pos ) ) {

        // Recursively pick up adjacent items if that option is on.
        if( OPTIONS["AUTO_PICKUP_ADJACENT"] && g->u.pos() == pos ) {
            //Autopickup adjacent
            direction adjacentDir[8] = {NORTH, NORTHEAST, EAST, SOUTHEAST, SOUTH, SOUTHWEST, WEST, NORTHWEST};
            for( auto &elem : adjacentDir ) {

                tripoint apos = tripoint( direction_XY( elem ), 0 );
                apos += pos;

                if( g->m.has_flag( "SEALED", apos ) ) {
                if( g->check_zone( "NO_AUTO_PICKUP", apos ) ) {
                pick_up( apos, min );

    // Not many items, just grab them
    if ((int)here.size() <= min && min != -1) {
        g->u.assign_activity( ACT_PICKUP, 0 );
        g->u.activity.placement = pos - g->u.pos();
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( from_vehicle );
        // Only one item means index is 0.
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( 0 );
        // auto-pickup means pick up all.
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( 0 );

    if(min != -1) { // don't bother if we're just autopickup-ing
    bool sideStyle = use_narrow_sidebar();

    // Otherwise, we have Autopickup, 2 or more items and should list them, etc.
    int maxmaxitems = sideStyle ? TERMY : getmaxy(g->w_messages) - 3;

    int itemsH = std::min(25, TERMY / 2);
    int pickupBorderRows = 3;

    // The pickup list may consume the entire terminal, minus space needed for its
    // header/footer and the item info window.
    int minleftover = itemsH + pickupBorderRows;
    if(maxmaxitems > TERMY - minleftover) {
        maxmaxitems = TERMY - minleftover;

    const int minmaxitems = sideStyle ? 6 : 9;

    std::vector<bool> getitem;
    getitem.resize(here.size(), false);

    int maxitems = here.size();
    maxitems = (maxitems < minmaxitems ? minmaxitems : (maxitems > maxmaxitems ? maxmaxitems :
                maxitems ));

    int itemcount = 0;
    std::map<int, unsigned int> pickup_count; // Count of how many we'll pick up from each stack

    if (min == -1) { //Auto Pickup, select matching items
        if( !select_autopickup_items( here, getitem) ) {
            // If we didn't find anything, bail out now.
    } else {
        int pickupH = maxitems + pickupBorderRows;
        int pickupW = getmaxx(g->w_messages);
        int pickupY = VIEW_OFFSET_Y;
        int pickupX = getbegx(g->w_messages);

        int itemsW = pickupW;
        int itemsY = sideStyle ? pickupY + pickupH : TERMY - itemsH;
        int itemsX = pickupX;

        WINDOW *w_pickup    = newwin(pickupH, pickupW, pickupY, pickupX);
        WINDOW *w_item_info = newwin(itemsH,  itemsW,  itemsY,  itemsX);
        WINDOW_PTR w_pickupptr( w_pickup );
        WINDOW_PTR w_item_infoptr( w_item_info );

        int ch = ' ';
        int start = 0, cur_it;
        int new_weight = g->u.weight_carried(), new_volume = g->u.volume_carried();
        bool update = true;
        mvwprintw(w_pickup, 0, 0, _("PICK UP"));
        int selected = 0;
        int iScrollPos = 0;

        if(g->was_fullscreen) {
        // Now print the two lists; those on the ground and about to be added to inv
        // Continue until we hit return or space
        do {
            static const std::string pickup_chars =
            int idx = -1;
            for (int i = 1; i < pickupH; i++) {
                mvwprintw(w_pickup, i, 0,
                          "                                                ");
            if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
                ch = (char)ch - '0';
                itemcount *= 10;
                itemcount += ch;
                if( itemcount < 0 ) {
                    itemcount = 0;
            } else if ( ch == KEY_PPAGE) {
            } else if ( ch == KEY_NPAGE) {
            } else if ( ch == '<' ) {
                if ( start > 0 ) {
                    start -= maxitems;
                } else {
                    start = (int)( (here.size()-1) / maxitems ) * maxitems;
                selected = start;
                mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 2, 0, "         ");
            } else if ( ch == '>' ) {
                if ( start + maxitems < (int)here.size() ) {
                    start += maxitems;
                } else {
                    start = 0;
                iScrollPos = 0;
                selected = start;
                mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 2, pickupH, "            ");
            } else if ( ch == KEY_UP ) {
                iScrollPos = 0;
                if ( selected < 0 ) {
                    selected = here.size() - 1;
                    start = (int)( here.size() / maxitems ) * maxitems;
                    if (start >= (int)here.size()) {
                        start -= maxitems;
                } else if ( selected < start ) {
                    start -= maxitems;
            } else if ( ch == KEY_DOWN ) {
                iScrollPos = 0;
                if ( selected >= (int)here.size() ) {
                    selected = 0;
                    start = 0;
                } else if ( selected >= start + maxitems ) {
                    start += maxitems;
            } else if ( selected >= 0 && (
                            ( ch == KEY_RIGHT && !getitem[selected]) ||
                            ( ch == KEY_LEFT && getitem[selected] )
                        ) ) {
                idx = selected;
            } else if ( ch == '`' ) {
                std::string ext = string_input_popup(
                                      _("Enter 2 letters (case sensitive):"), 3, "", "", "", 2);
                if(ext.size() == 2) {
                    int p1 = pickup_chars.find(ext.at(0));
                    int p2 = pickup_chars.find(ext.at(1));
                    if ( p1 != -1 && p2 != -1 ) {
                        idx = pickup_chars.size() + ( p1 * pickup_chars.size() ) + p2;
            } else {
                idx = ( ch <= 127 ) ? pickup_chars.find(ch) : -1;
                iScrollPos = 0;

            if( idx >= 0 && idx < (int)here.size()) {
                if( getitem[idx] ) {
                    if( pickup_count[idx] != 0 && (int)pickup_count[idx] < here[idx].charges ) {
                        item temp = here[idx];
                        temp.charges = pickup_count[idx];
                        new_weight -= temp.weight();
                        new_volume -= temp.volume();
                    } else {
                        new_weight -= here[idx].weight();
                        new_volume -= here[idx].volume();
                if (itemcount != 0 || pickup_count[idx] == 0) {
                    if (itemcount >= here[idx].charges || !here[idx].count_by_charges()) {
                        // Ignore the count if we pickup the whole stack anyway
                        // or something that is not counted by charges (tools)
                        itemcount = 0;
                    pickup_count[idx] = itemcount;
                    itemcount = 0;

                // Note: this might not change the value of getitem[idx] at all!
                getitem[idx] = ( ch == KEY_RIGHT ? true : ( ch == KEY_LEFT ? false : !getitem[idx] ) );
                if ( ch != KEY_RIGHT && ch != KEY_LEFT) {
                    selected = idx;
                    start = (int)( idx / maxitems ) * maxitems;

                if (getitem[idx]) {
                    if (pickup_count[idx] != 0 &&
                        (int)pickup_count[idx] < here[idx].charges) {
                        item temp = here[idx];
                        temp.charges = pickup_count[idx];
                        new_weight += temp.weight();
                        new_volume += temp.volume();
                    } else {
                        new_weight += here[idx].weight();
                        new_volume += here[idx].volume();
                } else {
                    pickup_count[idx] = 0;
                update = true;

            if ( selected >= 0 && selected <= (int)here.size() - 1 ) {
                std::vector<iteminfo> vThisItem, vDummy;
                here[selected].info(true, vThisItem);

                draw_item_info(w_item_info, "", "", vThisItem, vDummy, iScrollPos, true, true);
            draw_custom_border(w_item_info, false);
            mvwprintw(w_item_info, 0, 2, "< ");
            trim_and_print(w_item_info, 0, 4, itemsW - 8, c_white, "%s >", here[selected].display_name().c_str());

            if (ch == ',') {
                int count = 0;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < here.size(); i++) {
                    if (getitem[i]) {
                    } else {
                        new_weight += here[i].weight();
                        new_volume += here[i].volume();
                    getitem[i] = true;
                if (count == (int)here.size()) {
                    for (size_t i = 0; i < here.size(); i++) {
                        getitem[i] = false;
                    new_weight = g->u.weight_carried();
                    new_volume = g->u.volume_carried();
                update = true;

            for (cur_it = start; cur_it < start + maxitems; cur_it++) {
                mvwprintw(w_pickup, 1 + (cur_it % maxitems), 0,
                          "                                        ");
                if (cur_it < (int)here.size()) {
                    nc_color icolor = here[cur_it].color_in_inventory();
                    if (cur_it == selected) {
                        icolor = hilite(icolor);

                    if (cur_it < (int)pickup_chars.size() ) {
                        mvwputch(w_pickup, 1 + (cur_it % maxitems), 0, icolor,
                    } else {
                        int p = cur_it - pickup_chars.size();
                        int p1 = p / pickup_chars.size();
                        int p2 = p % pickup_chars.size();
                        mvwprintz(w_pickup, 1 + (cur_it % maxitems), 0, icolor, "`%c%c",
                                  char(pickup_chars[p1]), char(pickup_chars[p2]));
                    if (getitem[cur_it]) {
                        if (pickup_count[cur_it] == 0) {
                            wprintz(w_pickup, c_ltblue, " + ");
                        } else {
                            wprintz(w_pickup, c_ltblue, " # ");
                    } else {
                        wprintw(w_pickup, " - ");
                    std::string item_name = here[cur_it].display_name();
                    if (OPTIONS["ITEM_SYMBOLS"]) {
                        item_name = string_format("%c %s", here[cur_it].symbol(), item_name.c_str());
                    trim_and_print(w_pickup, 1 + (cur_it % maxitems), 6, pickupW - 4, icolor,
                                   "%s", item_name.c_str());

            int pw = pickupW;
            const char *unmark = _("[left] Unmark");
            const char *scroll = _("[up/dn] Scroll");
            const char *mark   = _("[right] Mark");
            mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 1, 0,                         unmark);
            mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 1, (pw - std::strlen(scroll)) / 2, scroll);
            mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 1,  pw - std::strlen(mark),        mark);
            const char *prev = _("[<] Prev");
            const char *all = _("[,] All");
            const char *next   = _("[>] Next");
            mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 2, 0, prev);
            mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 2, (pw - std::strlen(all)) / 2, all);
            mvwprintw(w_pickup, maxitems + 2, pw - std::strlen(next), next);

            if (update) { // Update weight & volume information
                update = false;
                for (int i = 9; i < pickupW; ++i) {
                    mvwaddch(w_pickup, 0, i, ' ');
                mvwprintz(w_pickup, 0,  9,
                          (new_weight > g->u.weight_capacity() ? c_red : c_white),
                          _("Wgt %.1f"), g->u.convert_weight(new_weight) + 0.05); // +0.05 to round up
                wprintz(w_pickup, c_white, "/%.1f", g->u.convert_weight(g->u.weight_capacity()));
                mvwprintz(w_pickup, 0, 24,
                          (new_volume > g->u.volume_capacity() ? c_red : c_white),
                          _("Vol %d"), new_volume);
                wprintz(w_pickup, c_white, "/%d", g->u.volume_capacity());

            ch = (int)getch();

        } while (ch != ' ' && ch != '\n' && ch != KEY_ENTER && ch != KEY_ESCAPE);

        bool item_selected = false;
        // Check if we have selected an item.
        for( auto selection : getitem ) {
            if( selection ) {
                item_selected = true;
        if( (ch != '\n' && ch != KEY_ENTER) || !item_selected ) {
            add_msg(_("Never mind."));

    // At this point we've selected our items, register an activity to pick them up.
    g->u.assign_activity( ACT_PICKUP, 0 );
    g->u.activity.placement = pos - g->u.pos();
    g->u.activity.values.push_back( from_vehicle );
    if( min == -1 ) {
        // Auto pickup will need to auto resume since there can be several of them on the stack.
        g->u.activity.auto_resume = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < here.size(); i++) {
        if( getitem[i] ) {
            g->u.activity.values.push_back( i );
            g->u.activity.values.push_back( pickup_count[i] );

Exemplo n.º 17
void construction_menu()
    static bool hide_unconstructable = false;
    // only display constructions the player can theoretically perform
    std::vector<std::string> available;
    std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> cat_available;
    load_available_constructions( available, cat_available, hide_unconstructable );

    if( available.empty() ) {
        popup( _( "You can not construct anything here." ) );

    int w_height = TERMY;
    if( ( int )available.size() + 2 < w_height ) {
        w_height = available.size() + 2;
    if( w_height < FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT ) {
        w_height = FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT;

    const int w_width = std::max( FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH, TERMX * 2 / 3);
    const int w_y0 = ( TERMY > w_height ) ? ( TERMY - w_height ) / 2 : 0;
    const int w_x0 = ( TERMX > w_width ) ? ( TERMX - w_width ) / 2 : 0;
    WINDOW_PTR w_con_ptr {newwin( w_height, w_width, w_y0, w_x0 )};
    WINDOW *const w_con = w_con_ptr.get();

    const int w_list_width = int( .375 * w_width );
    const int w_list_height = w_height - 4;
    const int w_list_x0 = 1;
    WINDOW_PTR w_list_ptr {newwin( w_list_height, w_list_width, w_y0 + 3, w_x0 + w_list_x0 )};
    WINDOW *const w_list = w_list_ptr.get();

    draw_grid( w_con, w_list_width + w_list_x0 );

    //tabcount needs to be increased to add more categories
    int tabcount = 10;
    std::string construct_cat[] = {_( "All" ), _( "Constructions" ), _( "Furniture" ),
                                   _( "Digging and Mining" ), _( "Repairing" ),
                                   _( "Reinforcing" ), _( "Decorative" ),
                                   _( "Farming and Woodcutting" ), _( "Others" ),
                                   _( "Filter" )

    bool update_info = true;
    bool update_cat = true;
    bool isnew = true;
    int tabindex = 0;
    int select = 0;
    int offset = 0;
    bool exit = false;
    std::string category_name = "";
    std::vector<std::string> constructs;
    //storage for the color text so it can be scrolled
    std::vector< std::vector < std::string > > construct_buffers;
    std::vector<std::string> full_construct_buffer;
    std::vector<int> construct_buffer_breakpoints;
    int total_project_breakpoints = 0;
    int current_construct_breakpoint = 0;
    bool previous_hide_unconstructable = false;
    //track the cursor to determine when to refresh the list of construction recipes
    int previous_tabindex = -1;
    int previous_select = -1;

    const inventory &total_inv = g->u.crafting_inventory();

    input_context ctxt( "CONSTRUCTION" );
    ctxt.register_action( "UP", _( "Move cursor up" ) );
    ctxt.register_action( "DOWN", _( "Move cursor down" ) );
    ctxt.register_action( "RIGHT", _( "Move tab right" ) );
    ctxt.register_action( "LEFT", _( "Move tab left" ) );
    ctxt.register_action( "PAGE_UP" );
    ctxt.register_action( "PAGE_DOWN" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CONFIRM" );
    ctxt.register_action( "TOGGLE_UNAVAILABLE_CONSTRUCTIONS" );
    ctxt.register_action( "QUIT" );
    ctxt.register_action( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" );
    ctxt.register_action( "FILTER" );

    std::string filter;
    int previous_index = 0;
    do {
        if( update_cat ) {
            update_cat = false;
            switch( tabindex ) {
                case 0:
                    category_name = "ALL";
                case 1:
                    category_name = "CONSTRUCT";
                case 2:
                    category_name = "FURN";
                case 3:
                    category_name = "DIG";
                case 4:
                    category_name = "REPAIR";
                case 5:
                    category_name = "REINFORCE";
                case 6:
                    category_name = "DECORATE";
                case 7:
                    category_name = "FARM_WOOD";
                case 8:
                    category_name = "OTHER";
                case 9:
                    category_name = "FILTER";

            if( category_name == "ALL" ) {
                constructs = available;
                previous_index = tabindex;
            } else if( category_name == "FILTER" ) {
                std::copy_if( available.begin(), available.end(),
                    std::back_inserter( constructs ),
                    [&](const std::string &a){
                        return lcmatch(a, filter);
                    } );
            } else {
                constructs = cat_available[category_name];
                previous_index = tabindex;
            if( isnew ){
                if( !uistate.last_construction.empty() ){
                    select = std::distance(constructs.begin(),
                                            std::find( constructs.begin(),
                                                        uistate.last_construction ));
                filter = uistate.construction_filter;
        // Erase existing tab selection & list of constructions
        mvwhline( w_con, 1, 1, ' ', w_list_width );
        werase( w_list );
        // Print new tab listing
        mvwprintz( w_con, 1, 1, c_yellow, "<< %s >>", construct_cat[tabindex].c_str() );
        // Determine where in the master list to start printing
        calcStartPos( offset, select, w_list_height, constructs.size() );
        // Print the constructions between offset and max (or how many will fit)
        for( size_t i = 0; ( int )i < w_list_height && ( i + offset ) < constructs.size(); i++ ) {
            int current = i + offset;
            std::string con_name = constructs[current];
            bool highlight = ( current == select );

            trim_and_print( w_list, i, 0, w_list_width,
                            construction_color( con_name, highlight ), "%s",
                            con_name.c_str() );

        if( update_info ) {
            update_info = false;
            // Clear out lines for tools & materials
            const int pos_x = w_list_width + w_list_x0 + 2;
            const int available_window_width = w_width - pos_x - 1;
            for( int i = 1; i < w_height - 1; i++ ) {
                mvwhline( w_con, i, pos_x, ' ', available_window_width );

            nc_color color_stage = c_white;
            std::vector<std::string> notes;
            notes.push_back( string_format( _( "Press %s or %s to tab." ),
                             ctxt.get_desc( "LEFT" ).c_str(), ctxt.get_desc( "RIGHT" ).c_str() ) );
            notes.push_back( string_format( _( "Press %s to search." ),
                             ctxt.get_desc( "FILTER" ).c_str() ) );
            notes.push_back( string_format( _( "Press %s to toggle unavailable constructions." ),
                            ctxt.get_desc( "TOGGLE_UNAVAILABLE_CONSTRUCTIONS" ).c_str() ) );
            notes.push_back( string_format( _( "Press %s to view and edit key-bindings." ),
                            ctxt.get_desc( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" ).c_str() ) );

            //leave room for top and bottom UI text
            const int available_buffer_height = w_height - 3 - 3 - (int)notes.size();

            // print the hotkeys regardless of if there are constructions
            for( size_t i = 0; i < notes.size(); ++i ) {
                trim_and_print( w_con, w_height - 1 - (int)notes.size() + (int)i, pos_x,
                                available_window_width, c_white, "%s", notes[i].c_str() );

            if( !constructs.empty() ) {
                if( select >= (int) constructs.size() ){
                    select = 0;
                std::string current_desc = constructs[select];
                // Print construction name
                trim_and_print( w_con, 1, pos_x, available_window_width, c_white,
                                "%s", current_desc.c_str() );

                //only reconstruct the project list when moving away from the current item, or when changing the display mode
                if( previous_select != select || previous_tabindex != tabindex ||
                    previous_hide_unconstructable != hide_unconstructable ) {
                    previous_select = select;
                    previous_tabindex = tabindex;
                    previous_hide_unconstructable = hide_unconstructable;

                    //construct the project list buffer

                    // Print stages and their requirement.
                    std::vector<construction *> options = constructions_by_desc( current_desc );

                    total_project_breakpoints = 0;
                    current_construct_breakpoint = 0;
                    int stage_counter = 0;
                    for( std::vector<construction *>::iterator it = options.begin();
                         it != options.end(); ++it ) {
                        construction *current_con = *it;
                        if( hide_unconstructable && !can_construct( *current_con ) ) {
                        // Update the cached availability of components and tools in the requirement object
                        current_con->requirements->can_make_with_inventory( total_inv );

                        std::vector<std::string> current_buffer;
                        std::ostringstream current_line;

                        // display result only if more than one step.
                        // Assume single stage constructions should be clear
                        // in their description what their result is.
                        if( current_con->post_terrain != "" && options.size() > 1 ) {
                            //also print out stage number when multiple stages are available
                            current_line << _( "Stage #" ) << stage_counter;
                            current_buffer.push_back( current_line.str() );
                            current_line.str( "" );

                            std::string result_string;
                            if( current_con->post_is_furniture ) {
                                result_string = furn_str_id( current_con->post_terrain ).obj().name;
                            } else {
                                result_string = ter_str_id( current_con->post_terrain ).obj().name;
                            current_line << "<color_" << string_from_color( color_stage ) << ">" << string_format(
                                             _( "Result: %s" ), result_string.c_str() ) << "</color>";
                            std::vector<std::string> folded_result_string = foldstring( current_line.str(),
                                    available_window_width );
                            current_buffer.insert( current_buffer.end(), folded_result_string.begin(),
                                                   folded_result_string.end() );

                        current_line.str( "" );
                        // display required skill and difficulty
                        int pskill = g->u.get_skill_level( current_con->skill );
                        int diff = ( current_con->difficulty > 0 ) ? current_con->difficulty : 0;

                        current_line << "<color_" << string_from_color( ( pskill >= diff ? c_white : c_red ) ) << ">" <<
                                     string_format( _( "Skill Req: %d (%s)" ), diff,
                                                    current_con->skill.obj().name().c_str() ) << "</color>";
                        current_buffer.push_back( current_line.str() );
                        // TODO: Textify pre_flags to provide a bit more information.
                        // Example: First step of dig pit could say something about
                        // requiring diggable ground.
                        current_line.str( "" );
                        if( current_con->pre_terrain != "" ) {
                            std::string require_string;
                            if( current_con->pre_is_furniture ) {
                                require_string = furn_str_id( current_con->pre_terrain ).obj().name;
                            } else {
                                require_string = ter_str_id( current_con->pre_terrain ).obj().name;
                            current_line << "<color_" << string_from_color( color_stage ) << ">" << string_format(
                                             _( "Requires: %s" ), require_string.c_str() ) << "</color>";
                            std::vector<std::string> folded_result_string = foldstring( current_line.str(),
                                    available_window_width );
                            current_buffer.insert( current_buffer.end(), folded_result_string.begin(),
                                                   folded_result_string.end() );
                        // get pre-folded versions of the rest of the construction project to be displayed later

                        // get time needed
                        std::vector<std::string> folded_time = current_con->get_folded_time_string(
                                available_window_width );
                        current_buffer.insert( current_buffer.end(), folded_time.begin(), folded_time.end() );

                        std::vector<std::string> folded_tools = current_con->requirements->get_folded_tools_list(
                                available_window_width, color_stage, total_inv );
                        current_buffer.insert( current_buffer.end(), folded_tools.begin(), folded_tools.end() );

                        std::vector<std::string> folded_components = current_con->requirements->get_folded_components_list(
                                    available_window_width, color_stage, total_inv );
                        current_buffer.insert( current_buffer.end(), folded_components.begin(), folded_components.end() );

                        construct_buffers.push_back( current_buffer );

                    //determine where the printing starts for each project, so it can be scrolled to those points
                    size_t current_buffer_location = 0;
                    for( size_t i = 0; i < construct_buffers.size(); i++ ) {
                        construct_buffer_breakpoints.push_back( static_cast<int>( current_buffer_location ) );
                        full_construct_buffer.insert( full_construct_buffer.end(), construct_buffers[i].begin(),
                                                      construct_buffers[i].end() );

                        //handle text too large for one screen
                        if( construct_buffers[i].size() > static_cast<size_t>( available_buffer_height ) ) {
                            construct_buffer_breakpoints.push_back( static_cast<int>( current_buffer_location +
                                                                    static_cast<size_t>( available_buffer_height ) ) );
                        current_buffer_location += construct_buffers[i].size();
                        if( i < construct_buffers.size() - 1 ) {
                            full_construct_buffer.push_back( std::string( "" ) );
                    total_project_breakpoints = static_cast<int>( construct_buffer_breakpoints.size() );
                if( current_construct_breakpoint > 0 ) {
                    // Print previous stage indicator if breakpoint is past the beginning
                    trim_and_print( w_con, 2, pos_x, available_window_width, c_white,
                                    _( "Press %s to show previous stage(s)." ),
                                    ctxt.get_desc( "PAGE_UP" ).c_str() );
                if( static_cast<size_t>( construct_buffer_breakpoints[current_construct_breakpoint] +
                                         available_buffer_height ) < full_construct_buffer.size() ) {
                    // Print next stage indicator if more breakpoints are remaining after screen height
                    trim_and_print( w_con, w_height - 2 - (int)notes.size(), pos_x, available_window_width,
                                    c_white, _( "Press %s to show next stage(s)." ),
                                    ctxt.get_desc( "PAGE_DOWN" ).c_str() );
                // Leave room for above/below indicators
                int ypos = 3;
                nc_color stored_color = color_stage;
                for( size_t i = static_cast<size_t>( construct_buffer_breakpoints[current_construct_breakpoint] );
                     i < full_construct_buffer.size(); i++ ) {
                    //the value of 3 is from leaving room at the top of window
                    if( ypos > available_buffer_height + 3 ) {
                    print_colored_text( w_con, ypos++, ( w_list_width + w_list_x0 + 2 ), stored_color, color_stage, full_construct_buffer[i] );
        } // Finished updating

        draw_scrollbar( w_con, select, w_list_height, constructs.size(), 3 );
        wrefresh( w_con );
        wrefresh( w_list );

        const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input();
        if( action == "FILTER" ){
            filter = string_input_popup( _( "Search" ), 50, filter, "", _( "Filter" ), 100, false );
            if( !filter.empty() ){
                update_info = true;
                update_cat = true;
                tabindex = 9;
                select = 0;
            }else if( previous_index !=9 ){
                tabindex = previous_index;
                update_info = true;
                update_cat = true;
                select = 0;
            uistate.construction_filter = filter;
        } else if( action == "DOWN" ) {
            update_info = true;
            if( select < ( int )constructs.size() - 1 ) {
            } else {
                select = 0;
        } else if( action == "UP" ) {
            update_info = true;
            if( select > 0 ) {
            } else {
                select = constructs.size() - 1;
        } else if( action == "LEFT" ) {
            update_info = true;
            update_cat = true;
            select = 0;
            if( tabindex < 0 ) {
                tabindex = tabcount - 1;
        } else if( action == "RIGHT" ) {
            update_info = true;
            update_cat = true;
            select = 0;
            tabindex = ( tabindex + 1 ) % tabcount;
        } else if( action == "PAGE_UP" ) {
            update_info = true;
            if( current_construct_breakpoint > 0 ) {
            if( current_construct_breakpoint < 0 ) {
                current_construct_breakpoint = 0;
        } else if( action == "PAGE_DOWN" ) {
            update_info = true;
            if( current_construct_breakpoint < total_project_breakpoints - 1 ) {
            if( current_construct_breakpoint >= total_project_breakpoints ) {
                current_construct_breakpoint = total_project_breakpoints - 1;
        } else if( action == "QUIT" ) {
            exit = true;
        } else if( action == "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" ) {
            draw_grid( w_con, w_list_width + w_list_x0 );
        } else if( action == "TOGGLE_UNAVAILABLE_CONSTRUCTIONS" ) {
            update_info = true;
            update_cat = true;
            hide_unconstructable = !hide_unconstructable;
            select = 0;
            offset = 0;
            load_available_constructions( available, cat_available, hide_unconstructable );
        } else if( action == "CONFIRM" ) {
            if( constructs.empty() || select >= (int) constructs.size() ){
                continue;// Nothing to be done here
            if( player_can_build( g->u, total_inv, constructs[select] ) ) {
                place_construction( constructs[select] );
                uistate.last_construction = constructs[select];
                exit = true;
            } else {
                popup( _( "You can't build that!" ) );
                draw_grid( w_con, w_list_width + w_list_x0 );
                update_info = true;
    } while( !exit );

Exemplo n.º 18
void show_auto_pickup()

    const int iHeaderHeight = 4;
    const int iContentHeight = FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2 - iHeaderHeight;

    const int iOffsetX = (TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) ? (TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2 : 0;
    const int iOffsetY = (TERMY > FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) ? (TERMY - FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 2 : 0;

    std::map<int, bool> mapLines;
    mapLines[4] = true;
    mapLines[50] = true;
    mapLines[54] = true;

    const int iTotalCols = mapLines.size() - 1;

    WINDOW *w_auto_pickup_help = newwin((FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) - 2, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 3 / 4,
                                        7 + iOffsetY + (FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) / 2, iOffsetX + 19 / 2);
    WINDOW_PTR w_auto_pickup_helpptr( w_auto_pickup_help );

    WINDOW *w_auto_pickup_border = newwin(FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH, iOffsetY, iOffsetX);
    WINDOW_PTR w_auto_pickup_borderptr( w_auto_pickup_border );
    WINDOW *w_auto_pickup_header = newwin(iHeaderHeight, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, 1 + iOffsetY,
                                          1 + iOffsetX);
    WINDOW_PTR w_auto_pickup_headerptr( w_auto_pickup_header );
    WINDOW *w_auto_pickup = newwin(iContentHeight, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, iHeaderHeight + 1 + iOffsetY,
                                   1 + iOffsetX);
    WINDOW_PTR w_auto_pickupptr( w_auto_pickup );

    mvwputch(w_auto_pickup_border, 3,  0, c_ltgray, LINE_XXXO); // |-
    mvwputch(w_auto_pickup_border, 3, 79, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXX); // -|

    for( auto &mapLine : mapLines ) {
        mvwputch( w_auto_pickup_border, FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, mapLine.first + 1, c_ltgray,
                  LINE_XXOX ); // _|_

    mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup_border, 0, 29, c_ltred, _(" AUTO PICKUP MANAGER "));

    int tmpx = 0;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<A>dd")) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<R>emove")) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<C>opy")) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<M>ove")) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<E>nable")) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<D>isable")) + 2;
    shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<T>est"));
    tmpx = 0;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen,
                           _("<+-> Move up/down")) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<Enter>-Edit")) + 2;
    shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<Tab>-Switch Page"));

    for (int i = 0; i < 78; i++) {
        if (mapLines[i]) {
            mvwputch(w_auto_pickup_header, 2, i, c_ltgray, LINE_OXXX);
            mvwputch(w_auto_pickup_header, 3, i, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXO);
        } else {
            mvwputch(w_auto_pickup_header, 2, i, c_ltgray, LINE_OXOX); // Draw line under header

    mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup_header, 3, 1, c_white, "#");
    mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup_header, 3, 8, c_white, _("Rules"));
    mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup_header, 3, 51, c_white, _("I/E"));


    int iCurrentPage = 1;
    int iCurrentLine = 0;
    int iCurrentCol = 1;
    int iStartPos = 0;
    bool bStuffChanged = false;
    input_context ctxt("AUTO_PICKUP");

    std::stringstream sTemp;

    while(true) {
        int locx = 17;
        locx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 2, locx, c_white,
                               (iCurrentPage == 1) ? hilite(c_white) : c_white, _("[<Global>]")) + 1;
        shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 2, locx, c_white,
                       (iCurrentPage == 2) ? hilite(c_white) : c_white, _("[<Character>]"));

        locx = 55;
        mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup_header, 0, locx, c_white, _("Auto pickup enabled:"));
        locx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 1, locx,
                               ((OPTIONS["AUTO_PICKUP"]) ? c_ltgreen : c_ltred), c_white,
                               ((OPTIONS["AUTO_PICKUP"]) ? _("True") : _("False")));
        locx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 1, locx, c_white, c_ltgreen, "  ");
        locx += shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 1, locx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _("<S>witch"));
        shortcut_print(w_auto_pickup_header, 1, locx, c_white, c_ltgreen, "  ");


        // Clear the lines
        for (int i = 0; i < iContentHeight; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 79; j++) {
                if (mapLines[j]) {
                    mvwputch(w_auto_pickup, i, j, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXO);
                } else {
                    mvwputch(w_auto_pickup, i, j, c_black, ' ');

        const bool currentPageNonEmpty = !vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].empty();

        if (iCurrentPage == 2 && g->u.name == "") {
            mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup, 8, 15, c_white,
                      _("Please load a character first to use this page!"));

        //Draw Scrollbar
        draw_scrollbar(w_auto_pickup_border, iCurrentLine, iContentHeight,
                       vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size(), 5);

        calcStartPos(iStartPos, iCurrentLine, iContentHeight,

        // display auto pickup
        for (int i = iStartPos; i < (int)vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size(); i++) {
            if (i >= iStartPos &&
                i < iStartPos + ((iContentHeight > (int)vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size()) ?
                                 (int)vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size() : iContentHeight)) {
                nc_color cLineColor = (vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][i].bActive) ?
                                      c_white : c_ltgray;

                sTemp << i + 1;
                mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup, i - iStartPos, 1, cLineColor, "%s", sTemp.str().c_str());
                mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup, i - iStartPos, 5, cLineColor, "");

                if (iCurrentLine == i) {
                    wprintz(w_auto_pickup, c_yellow, ">> ");
                } else {
                    wprintz(w_auto_pickup, c_yellow, "   ");

                wprintz(w_auto_pickup, (iCurrentLine == i &&
                                        iCurrentCol == 1) ? hilite(cLineColor) : cLineColor, "%s",
                        ((vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][i].sRule == "") ? _("<empty rule>") :

                mvwprintz(w_auto_pickup, i - iStartPos, 52, (iCurrentLine == i &&
                          iCurrentCol == 2) ? hilite(cLineColor) : cLineColor, "%s",
                          ((vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][i].bExclude) ? rm_prefix(_("<Exclude>E")).c_str() : rm_prefix(


        const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input();

        if (action == "NEXT_TAB") {
            if (iCurrentPage > 2) {
                iCurrentPage = 1;
                iCurrentLine = 0;
        } else if (action == "PREV_TAB") {
            if (iCurrentPage < 1) {
                iCurrentPage = 2;
                iCurrentLine = 0;
        } else if (action == "QUIT") {
        } else if (iCurrentPage == 2 && g->u.name.empty()) {
            //Only allow loaded games to use the char sheet
        } else if (action == "DOWN") {
            iCurrentCol = 1;
            if (iCurrentLine >= (int)vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size()) {
                iCurrentLine = 0;
        } else if (action == "UP") {
            iCurrentCol = 1;
            if (iCurrentLine < 0) {
                iCurrentLine = vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size() - 1;
        } else if (action == "ADD_RULE") {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].push_back(cPickupRules("", true, false));
            iCurrentLine = vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size() - 1;
        } else if (action == "REMOVE_RULE" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].erase(vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].begin() + iCurrentLine);
            if (iCurrentLine > (int)vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size() - 1) {
            if(iCurrentLine < 0){
                iCurrentLine = 0;
        } else if (action == "COPY_RULE" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            iCurrentLine = vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size() - 1;
        } else if (action == "SWAP_RULE_GLOBAL_CHAR" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            if ((iCurrentPage == 1 && g->u.name != "") || iCurrentPage == 2) {
                bStuffChanged = true;
                //copy over
                vAutoPickupRules[(iCurrentPage == 1) ? 2 : 1].push_back(cPickupRules(

                //remove old
                vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].erase(vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].begin() + iCurrentLine);
                iCurrentLine = vAutoPickupRules[(iCurrentPage == 1) ? 2 : 1].size() - 1;
                iCurrentPage = (iCurrentPage == 1) ? 2 : 1;
        } else if (action == "CONFIRM" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            if (iCurrentCol == 1) {
                fold_and_print(w_auto_pickup_help, 1, 1, 999, c_white,
                                   "* is used as a Wildcard. A few Examples:\n"
                                   "wooden arrow    matches the itemname exactly\n"
                                   "wooden ar*      matches items beginning with wood ar\n"
                                   "*rrow           matches items ending with rrow\n"
                                   "*avy fle*fi*arrow     multiple * are allowed\n"
                                   "heAVY*woOD*arrOW      case insensitive search\n"

                vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].sRule = trim_rule(string_input_popup(_("Pickup Rule:"),
                        30, vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].sRule));
            } else if (iCurrentCol == 2) {
                vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bExclude =
        } else if (action == "ENABLE_RULE" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bActive = true;
        } else if (action == "DISABLE_RULE" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine].bActive = false;
        } else if (action == "LEFT") {
            if (iCurrentCol < 1) {
                iCurrentCol = iTotalCols;
        } else if (action == "RIGHT") {
            if (iCurrentCol > iTotalCols) {
                iCurrentCol = 1;
        } else if (action == "MOVE_RULE_UP" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            if (iCurrentLine < (int)vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage].size() - 1) {
                          vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine + 1]);
                iCurrentCol = 1;
        } else if (action == "MOVE_RULE_DOWN" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            bStuffChanged = true;
            if (iCurrentLine > 0) {
                          vAutoPickupRules[iCurrentPage][iCurrentLine - 1]);
                iCurrentCol = 1;
        } else if (action == "TEST_RULE" && currentPageNonEmpty) {
            test_pattern(iCurrentPage, iCurrentLine);
        } else if (action == "SWITCH_AUTO_PICKUP_OPTION") {
            save_options((g->u.name != ""));

    if (bStuffChanged) {
        if(query_yn(_("Save changes?"))) {

            if (g->u.name != "") {
        } else {
Exemplo n.º 19
const recipe *select_crafting_recipe( int &batch_size )
    if( normalized_names.empty() ) {

    const int headHeight = 3;
    const int subHeadHeight = 2;
    const int freeWidth = TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH;
    bool isWide = ( TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH && freeWidth > 15 );

    const int width = isWide ? ( freeWidth > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH ? FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 : TERMX ) :
    const int wStart = ( TERMX - width ) / 2;
    const int tailHeight = isWide ? 3 : 4;
    const int dataLines = TERMY - ( headHeight + subHeadHeight ) - tailHeight;
    const int dataHalfLines = dataLines / 2;
    const int dataHeight = TERMY - ( headHeight + subHeadHeight );
    const int infoWidth = width - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 1;

    const recipe *last_recipe = nullptr;

    catacurses::window w_head = catacurses::newwin( headHeight, width, 0, wStart );
    catacurses::window w_subhead = catacurses::newwin( subHeadHeight, width, 3, wStart );
    catacurses::window w_data = catacurses::newwin( dataHeight, width, headHeight + subHeadHeight,
                                wStart );

    int item_info_x = infoWidth;
    int item_info_y = dataHeight - 3;
    int item_info_width = wStart + width - infoWidth;
    int item_info_height = headHeight + subHeadHeight;

    if( !isWide ) {
        item_info_x = 1;
        item_info_y = 1;
        item_info_width = 1;
        item_info_height = 1;

    catacurses::window w_iteminfo = catacurses::newwin( item_info_y, item_info_x, item_info_height,
                                    item_info_width );

    list_circularizer<std::string> tab( craft_cat_list );
    list_circularizer<std::string> subtab( craft_subcat_list[tab.cur()] );
    std::vector<const recipe *> current;
    std::vector<bool> available;
    const int componentPrintHeight = dataHeight - tailHeight - 1;
    //preserves component color printout between mode rotations
    nc_color rotated_color = c_white;
    int previous_item_line = -1;
    std::string previous_tab = "";
    std::string previous_subtab = "";
    item tmp;
    int line = 0, ypos, scroll_pos = 0;
    bool redraw = true;
    bool keepline = false;
    bool done = false;
    bool batch = false;
    int batch_line = 0;
    int display_mode = 0;
    const recipe *chosen = NULL;
    std::vector<iteminfo> thisItem, dummy;

    input_context ctxt( "CRAFTING" );
    ctxt.register_action( "QUIT" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CONFIRM" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CYCLE_MODE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "SCROLL_UP" );
    ctxt.register_action( "SCROLL_DOWN" );
    ctxt.register_action( "PREV_TAB" );
    ctxt.register_action( "NEXT_TAB" );
    ctxt.register_action( "FILTER" );
    ctxt.register_action( "RESET_FILTER" );
    ctxt.register_action( "HELP_RECIPE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CYCLE_BATCH" );

    const inventory &crafting_inv = g->u.crafting_inventory();
    const std::vector<npc *> helpers = g->u.get_crafting_helpers();
    std::string filterstring = "";

    const auto &available_recipes = g->u.get_available_recipes( crafting_inv, &helpers );
    std::map<const recipe *, bool> availability_cache;

    do {
        if( redraw ) {
            // When we switch tabs, redraw the header
            redraw = false;
            if( ! keepline ) {
                line = 0;
            } else {
                keepline = false;

            if( display_mode > 2 ) {
                display_mode = 2;

            TAB_MODE m = ( batch ) ? BATCH : ( filterstring.empty() ) ? NORMAL : FILTERED;
            draw_recipe_tabs( w_head, tab.cur(), m );
            draw_recipe_subtabs( w_subhead, tab.cur(), subtab.cur(), available_recipes, m );


            if( batch ) {
                for( int i = 1; i <= 20; i++ ) {
                    current.push_back( chosen );
                    available.push_back( chosen->requirements().can_make_with_inventory( crafting_inv, i ) );
            } else {
                if( filterstring.empty() ) {
                    current = available_recipes.in_category( tab.cur(), subtab.cur() != "CSC_ALL" ? subtab.cur() : "" );
                } else {
                    auto qry = trim( filterstring );
                    if( qry.size() > 2 && qry[1] == ':' ) {
                        switch( qry[0] ) {
                            case 't':
                                current = available_recipes.search( qry.substr( 2 ), recipe_subset::search_type::tool );

                            case 'c':
                                current = available_recipes.search( qry.substr( 2 ), recipe_subset::search_type::component );

                            case 's':
                                current = available_recipes.search( qry.substr( 2 ), recipe_subset::search_type::skill );

                            case 'q':
                                current = available_recipes.search( qry.substr( 2 ), recipe_subset::search_type::quality );

                            case 'Q':
                                current = available_recipes.search( qry.substr( 2 ), recipe_subset::search_type::quality_result );

                            case 'm': {
                                auto &learned = g->u.get_learned_recipes();
                                if( ( qry.substr( 2 ) == "yes" ) || ( qry.substr( 2 ) == "y" ) || ( qry.substr( 2 ) == "1" ) ||
                                    ( qry.substr( 2 ) == "true" ) || ( qry.substr( 2 ) == "t" ) || ( qry.substr( 2 ) == "on" ) ) {
                                    std::set_intersection( available_recipes.begin(), available_recipes.end(), learned.begin(),
                                                           learned.end(), std::back_inserter( current ) );
                                } else {
                                    std::set_difference( available_recipes.begin(), available_recipes.end(), learned.begin(),
                                                         std::back_inserter( current ) );

                    } else {
                        current = available_recipes.search( qry );
                available.reserve( current.size() );
                // cache recipe availability on first display
                for( const auto e : current ) {
                    if( !availability_cache.count( e ) ) {
                        availability_cache.emplace( e, e->requirements().can_make_with_inventory( crafting_inv ) );

                std::stable_sort( current.begin(), current.end(), []( const recipe * a, const recipe * b ) {
                    return b->difficulty < a->difficulty;
                } );

                std::stable_sort( current.begin(), current.end(), [&]( const recipe * a, const recipe * b ) {
                    return availability_cache[a] && !availability_cache[b];
                } );

                std::transform( current.begin(), current.end(),
                std::back_inserter( available ), [&]( const recipe * e ) {
                    return availability_cache[e];
                } );

            // current/available have been rebuilt, make sure our cursor is still in range
            if( current.empty() ) {
                line = 0;
            } else {
                line = std::min( line, ( int )current.size() - 1 );

        // Clear the screen of recipe data, and draw it anew
        werase( w_data );

        if( isWide ) {
            werase( w_iteminfo );

        if( isWide ) {
            mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 1, 5, c_white,
                       _( "Press <ENTER> to attempt to craft object." ) );
            wprintz( w_data, c_white, "  " );
            if( !filterstring.empty() ) {
                wprintz( w_data, c_white, _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [R]eset, [m]ode, %s [?] keybindings" ),
                         ( batch ) ? _( "cancel [b]atch" ) : _( "[b]atch" ) );
            } else {
                wprintz( w_data, c_white, _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [m]ode, %s [?] keybindings" ),
                         ( batch ) ? _( "cancel [b]atch" ) : _( "[b]atch" ) );
        } else {
            if( !filterstring.empty() ) {
                mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 1, 5, c_white,
                           _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [R]eset, [m]ode, [b]atch [?] keybindings" ) );
            } else {
                mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 1, 5, c_white,
                           _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [m]ode, [b]atch [?] keybindings" ) );
            mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 2, 5, c_white,
                       _( "Press <ENTER> to attempt to craft object." ) );
        // Draw borders
        for( int i = 1; i < width - 1; ++i ) { // _
            mvwputch( w_data, dataHeight - 1, i, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_OXOX );
        for( int i = 0; i < dataHeight - 1; ++i ) { // |
            mvwputch( w_data, i, 0, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOXO );
            mvwputch( w_data, i, width - 1, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOXO );
        mvwputch( w_data, dataHeight - 1,  0, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XXOO ); // _|
        mvwputch( w_data, dataHeight - 1, width - 1, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOOX ); // |_

        int recmin = 0, recmax = current.size();
        if( recmax > dataLines ) {
            if( line <= recmin + dataHalfLines ) {
                for( int i = recmin; i < recmin + dataLines; ++i ) {
                    std::string tmp_name = current[i]->result_name();
                    if( batch ) {
                        tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() );
                    mvwprintz( w_data, i - recmin, 2, c_dark_gray, "" ); // Clear the line
                    if( i == line ) {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, i - recmin, 2, ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dark_gray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
                    } else {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, i - recmin, 2, ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dark_gray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
            } else if( line >= recmax - dataHalfLines ) {
                for( int i = recmax - dataLines; i < recmax; ++i ) {
                    std::string tmp_name = current[i]->result_name();
                    if( batch ) {
                        tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() );
                    mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + i - recmax, 2, c_light_gray, "" ); // Clear the line
                    if( i == line ) {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + i - recmax, 2,
                                   ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dark_gray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
                    } else {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + i - recmax, 2,
                                   ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dark_gray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
            } else {
                for( int i = line - dataHalfLines; i < line - dataHalfLines + dataLines; ++i ) {
                    std::string tmp_name = current[i]->result_name();
                    if( batch ) {
                        tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() );
                    mvwprintz( w_data, dataHalfLines + i - line, 2, c_light_gray, "" ); // Clear the line
                    if( i == line ) {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, dataHalfLines + i - line, 2,
                                   ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dark_gray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
                    } else {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, dataHalfLines + i - line, 2,
                                   ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dark_gray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
        } else {
            for( size_t i = 0; i < current.size() && i < ( size_t )dataHeight + 1; ++i ) {
                std::string tmp_name = current[i]->result_name();
                if( batch ) {
                    tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), ( int )i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() );
                if( ( int )i == line ) {
                    mvwprintz( w_data, i, 2, ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dark_gray ),
                               utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
                } else {
                    mvwprintz( w_data, i, 2, ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dark_gray ),
                               utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );

        if( !current.empty() ) {
            int pane = FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 30 - 1;
            int count = batch ? line + 1 : 1; // batch size
            nc_color col = available[ line ] ? c_white : c_light_gray;

            const auto &req = current[ line ]->requirements();

            draw_can_craft_indicator( w_head, 0, *current[line] );
            wrefresh( w_head );

            ypos = 0;

            auto qry = trim( filterstring );
            std::string qry_comps;
            if( qry.compare( 0, 2, "c:" ) == 0 ) {
                qry_comps = qry.substr( 2 );

            std::vector<std::string> component_print_buffer;
            auto tools = req.get_folded_tools_list( pane, col, crafting_inv, count );
            auto comps = req.get_folded_components_list( pane, col, crafting_inv, count, qry_comps );
            component_print_buffer.insert( component_print_buffer.end(), tools.begin(), tools.end() );
            component_print_buffer.insert( component_print_buffer.end(), comps.begin(), comps.end() );

            if( !g->u.knows_recipe( current[line] ) ) {
                component_print_buffer.push_back( _( "Recipe not memorized yet" ) );
                auto books_with_recipe = g->u.get_books_for_recipe( crafting_inv, current[line] );
                std::string enumerated_books =
                    enumerate_as_string( books_with_recipe.begin(), books_with_recipe.end(),
                []( itype_id type_id ) {
                    return item::find_type( type_id )->nname( 1 );
                } );
                const std::string text = string_format( _( "Written in: %s" ), enumerated_books.c_str() );
                std::vector<std::string> folded_lines = foldstring( text, pane );
                    component_print_buffer.end(), folded_lines.begin(), folded_lines.end() );

            //handle positioning of component list if it needed to be scrolled
            int componentPrintOffset = 0;
            if( display_mode > 2 ) {
                componentPrintOffset = ( display_mode - 2 ) * componentPrintHeight;
            if( component_print_buffer.size() < static_cast<size_t>( componentPrintOffset ) ) {
                componentPrintOffset = 0;
                if( previous_tab != tab.cur() || previous_subtab != subtab.cur() || previous_item_line != line ) {
                    display_mode = 2;
                } else {
                    display_mode = 0;

            //only used to preserve mode position on components when
            //moving to another item and the view is already scrolled
            previous_tab = tab.cur();
            previous_subtab = subtab.cur();
            previous_item_line = line;
            const int xpos = 30;

            if( display_mode == 0 ) {
                const int width = getmaxx( w_data ) - xpos - item_info_x;
                mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, xpos, col, _( "Skills used: %s" ),
                           ( !current[line]->skill_used ? _( "N/A" ) :
                             current[line]->skill_used.obj().name().c_str() ) );
                ypos += fold_and_print( w_data, ypos, xpos, width, col, _( "Required skills: %s" ),
                                        current[line]->required_skills_string().c_str() );
                mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, xpos, col, _( "Difficulty: %d" ),
                           current[ line ]->difficulty );
                if( !current[line]->skill_used ) {
                    mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, xpos, col, _( "Your skill level: N/A" ) );
                } else {
                    mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, xpos, col, _( "Your skill level: %d" ),
                               g->u.get_skill_level( current[line]->skill_used ) );

                const int expected_turns = g->u.expected_time_to_craft( *current[line], count ) / MOVES( 1 );
                ypos += fold_and_print( w_data, ypos, xpos, pane, col, _( "Time to complete: %s" ),
                                        to_string( time_duration::from_turns( expected_turns ) ) );

                mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, xpos, col, _( "Dark craftable? %s" ),
                           current[line]->has_flag( "BLIND_EASY" ) ? _( "Easy" ) :
                           current[line]->has_flag( "BLIND_HARD" ) ? _( "Hard" ) :
                           _( "Impossible" ) );
                ypos += print_items( *current[line], w_data, ypos, xpos, col, batch ? line + 1 : 1 );

            //color needs to be preserved in case part of the previous page was cut off
            nc_color stored_color = col;
            if( display_mode > 2 ) {
                stored_color = rotated_color;
            } else {
                rotated_color = col;
            int components_printed = 0;
            for( size_t i = static_cast<size_t>( componentPrintOffset );
                 i < component_print_buffer.size(); i++ ) {
                if( ypos >= componentPrintHeight ) {

                print_colored_text( w_data, ypos++, xpos, stored_color, col, component_print_buffer[i] );

            if( ypos >= componentPrintHeight &&
                component_print_buffer.size() > static_cast<size_t>( components_printed ) ) {
                mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, xpos, col, _( "v (more)" ) );
                rotated_color = stored_color;

            if( isWide ) {
                if( last_recipe != current[line] ) {
                    last_recipe = current[line];
                    tmp = current[line]->create_result();
                tmp.info( true, thisItem, count );
                draw_item_info( w_iteminfo, tmp.tname(), tmp.type_name(), thisItem, dummy,
                                scroll_pos, true, true, true, false, true );

        draw_scrollbar( w_data, line, dataLines, recmax, 0 );
        wrefresh( w_data );

        if( isWide ) {
            wrefresh( w_iteminfo );

        const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input();
        if( action == "CYCLE_MODE" ) {
            display_mode = display_mode + 1;
            if( display_mode <= 0 ) {
                display_mode = 0;
        } else if( action == "LEFT" ) {
            std::string start = subtab.cur();
            do {
            } while( subtab.cur() != start && available_recipes.empty_category( tab.cur(),
                     subtab.cur() != "CSC_ALL" ? subtab.cur() : "" ) );
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "SCROLL_UP" ) {
        } else if( action == "SCROLL_DOWN" ) {
        } else if( action == "PREV_TAB" ) {
            subtab = list_circularizer<std::string>( craft_subcat_list[tab.cur()] );//default ALL
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "RIGHT" ) {
            std::string start = subtab.cur();
            do {
            } while( subtab.cur() != start && available_recipes.empty_category( tab.cur(),
                     subtab.cur() != "CSC_ALL" ? subtab.cur() : "" ) );
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "NEXT_TAB" ) {
            subtab = list_circularizer<std::string>( craft_subcat_list[tab.cur()] );//default ALL
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "DOWN" ) {
        } else if( action == "UP" ) {
        } else if( action == "CONFIRM" ) {
            if( available.empty() || !available[line] ) {
                popup( _( "You can't do that!" ) );
            } else if( !g->u.check_eligible_containers_for_crafting( *current[line],
                       ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1 ) ) {
                ; // popup is already inside check
            } else {
                chosen = current[line];
                batch_size = ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1;
                done = true;
        } else if( action == "HELP_RECIPE" ) {
            if( current.empty() ) {
                popup( _( "Nothing selected!" ) );
                redraw = true;
            tmp = current[line]->create_result();

            full_screen_popup( "%s\n%s", tmp.type_name( 1 ).c_str(),  tmp.info( true ).c_str() );
            redraw = true;
            keepline = true;
        } else if( action == "FILTER" ) {
            .title( _( "Search:" ) )
            .width( 85 )
            .description( _( "Special prefixes for requirements:\n"
                             "  [t] search tools\n"
                             "  [c] search components\n"
                             "  [q] search qualities\n"
                             "  [s] search skills\n"
                             "Special prefixes for results:\n"
                             "  [Q] search qualities\n"
                             "  [m] search for memorized or not\n"
                             "  t:soldering iron\n"
                             "  c:two by four\n"
                             "  q:metal sawing\n"
                             "  s:cooking\n"
                             "  Q:fine bolt turning\n"
                             "  m:no"
                           ) )
            .edit( filterstring );
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "QUIT" ) {
            chosen = nullptr;
            done = true;
        } else if( action == "RESET_FILTER" ) {
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "CYCLE_BATCH" ) {
            if( current.empty() ) {
                popup( _( "Nothing selected!" ) );
                redraw = true;
            batch = !batch;
            if( batch ) {
                batch_line = line;
                chosen = current[batch_line];
            } else {
                line = batch_line;
                keepline = true;
            redraw = true;
        if( line < 0 ) {
            line = current.size() - 1;
        } else if( line >= ( int )current.size() ) {
            line = 0;
    } while( !done );

    return chosen;
Exemplo n.º 20
const recipe *select_crafting_recipe( int &batch_size )
    if( normalized_names.empty() ) {

    const int headHeight = 3;
    const int subHeadHeight = 2;
    const int freeWidth = TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH;
    bool isWide = ( TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH && freeWidth > 15 );

    const int width = isWide ? ( freeWidth > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH ? FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 : TERMX ) :
    const int wStart = ( TERMX - width ) / 2;
    const int tailHeight = isWide ? 3 : 4;
    const int dataLines = TERMY - ( headHeight + subHeadHeight ) - tailHeight;
    const int dataHalfLines = dataLines / 2;
    const int dataHeight = TERMY - ( headHeight + subHeadHeight );
    const int infoWidth = width - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 1;

    const recipe *last_recipe = nullptr;

    catacurses::window w_head = catacurses::newwin( headHeight, width, 0, wStart );
    catacurses::window w_subhead = catacurses::newwin( subHeadHeight, width, 3, wStart );
    catacurses::window w_data = catacurses::newwin( dataHeight, width, headHeight + subHeadHeight,
                                wStart );

    int item_info_x = infoWidth;
    int item_info_y = dataHeight - 3;
    int item_info_width = wStart + width - infoWidth;
    int item_info_height = headHeight + subHeadHeight;

    if( !isWide ) {
        item_info_x = 1;
        item_info_y = 1;
        item_info_width = 1;
        item_info_height = 1;

    catacurses::window w_iteminfo = catacurses::newwin( item_info_y, item_info_x, item_info_height,
                                    item_info_width );

    list_circularizer<std::string> tab( craft_cat_list );
    list_circularizer<std::string> subtab( craft_subcat_list[tab.cur()] );
    std::vector<const recipe *> current;
    std::vector<bool> available;
    const int componentPrintHeight = dataHeight - tailHeight - 1;
    //preserves component color printout between mode rotations
    nc_color rotated_color = c_white;
    int previous_item_line = -1;
    std::string previous_tab;
    std::string previous_subtab;
    item tmp;
    int line = 0;
    int ypos = 0;
    int scroll_pos = 0;
    bool redraw = true;
    bool keepline = false;
    bool done = false;
    bool batch = false;
    bool show_hidden = false;
    int batch_line = 0;
    int display_mode = 0;
    const recipe *chosen = nullptr;
    std::vector<iteminfo> thisItem;
    std::vector<iteminfo> dummy;

    input_context ctxt( "CRAFTING" );
    ctxt.register_action( "QUIT" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CONFIRM" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CYCLE_MODE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "SCROLL_UP" );
    ctxt.register_action( "SCROLL_DOWN" );
    ctxt.register_action( "PREV_TAB" );
    ctxt.register_action( "NEXT_TAB" );
    ctxt.register_action( "FILTER" );
    ctxt.register_action( "RESET_FILTER" );
    ctxt.register_action( "TOGGLE_FAVORITE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "HELP_RECIPE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CYCLE_BATCH" );
    ctxt.register_action( "RELATED_RECIPES" );
    ctxt.register_action( "HIDE_SHOW_RECIPE" );

    const inventory &crafting_inv = g->u.crafting_inventory();
    const std::vector<npc *> helpers = g->u.get_crafting_helpers();
    std::string filterstring;

    const auto &available_recipes = g->u.get_available_recipes( crafting_inv, &helpers );
    std::map<const recipe *, bool> availability_cache;

    do {
        if( redraw ) {
            // When we switch tabs, redraw the header
            redraw = false;
            if( ! keepline ) {
                line = 0;
            } else {
                keepline = false;

            if( display_mode > 2 ) {
                display_mode = 2;

            TAB_MODE m = ( batch ) ? BATCH : ( filterstring.empty() ) ? NORMAL : FILTERED;
            draw_recipe_tabs( w_head, tab.cur(), m );
            draw_recipe_subtabs( w_subhead, tab.cur(), subtab.cur(), available_recipes, m );

            show_hidden = false;

            if( batch ) {
                for( int i = 1; i <= 20; i++ ) {
                    current.push_back( chosen );
                    available.push_back( chosen->requirements().can_make_with_inventory( crafting_inv, i ) );
            } else {
                std::vector<const recipe *> picking;
                if( !filterstring.empty() ) {
                    auto qry = trim( filterstring );
                    if( qry.size() > 2 && qry[1] == ':' ) {
                        switch( qry[0] ) {
                            case 't':
                                picking = available_recipes.search( qry.substr( 2 ), recipe_subset::search_type::tool );

                            case 'c':
                                picking = available_recipes.search( qry.substr( 2 ), recipe_subset::search_type::component );

                            case 's':
                                picking = available_recipes.search( qry.substr( 2 ), recipe_subset::search_type::skill );

                            case 'p':
                                picking = available_recipes.search( qry.substr( 2 ), recipe_subset::search_type::primary_skill );

                            case 'Q':
                                picking = available_recipes.search( qry.substr( 2 ), recipe_subset::search_type::quality );

                            case 'q':
                                picking = available_recipes.search( qry.substr( 2 ), recipe_subset::search_type::quality_result );

                            case 'd':
                                picking = available_recipes.search( qry.substr( 2 ),
                                                                    recipe_subset::search_type::description_result );

                            case 'm': {
                                auto &learned = g->u.get_learned_recipes();
                                if( query_is_yes( qry ) ) {
                                    std::set_intersection( available_recipes.begin(), available_recipes.end(), learned.begin(),
                                                           learned.end(), std::back_inserter( picking ) );
                                } else {
                                    std::set_difference( available_recipes.begin(), available_recipes.end(), learned.begin(),
                                                         std::back_inserter( picking ) );

                            case 'h': {
                                std::copy( available_recipes.begin(), available_recipes.end(), std::back_inserter( picking ) );
                                if( query_is_yes( qry ) ) {
                                    show_hidden = true;

                    } else {
                        picking = available_recipes.search( qry );
                } else if( subtab.cur() == "CSC_*_FAVORITE" ) {
                    picking = available_recipes.favorite();
                } else if( subtab.cur() == "CSC_*_RECENT" ) {
                    picking = available_recipes.recent();
                } else {
                    picking = available_recipes.in_category( tab.cur(), subtab.cur() != "CSC_ALL" ? subtab.cur() : "" );

                for( auto i : picking ) {
                    if( ( uistate.hidden_recipes.find( i->ident() ) != uistate.hidden_recipes.end() ) == show_hidden ) {
                        current.push_back( i );
                if( !show_hidden ) {
                    draw_hidden_amount( w_head, 0, picking.size() - current.size() );

                available.reserve( current.size() );
                // cache recipe availability on first display
                for( const auto e : current ) {
                    if( !availability_cache.count( e ) ) {
                        availability_cache.emplace( e, e->requirements().can_make_with_inventory( crafting_inv ) );

                if( subtab.cur() != "CSC_*_RECENT" ) {
                    std::stable_sort( current.begin(), current.end(), []( const recipe * a, const recipe * b ) {
                        return b->difficulty < a->difficulty;
                    } );

                    std::stable_sort( current.begin(), current.end(), [&]( const recipe * a, const recipe * b ) {
                        return availability_cache[a] && !availability_cache[b];
                    } );

                std::transform( current.begin(), current.end(),
                std::back_inserter( available ), [&]( const recipe * e ) {
                    return availability_cache[e];
                } );

            // current/available have been rebuilt, make sure our cursor is still in range
            if( current.empty() ) {
                line = 0;
            } else {
                line = std::min( line, static_cast<int>( current.size() ) - 1 );

        // Clear the screen of recipe data, and draw it anew
        werase( w_data );

        if( isWide ) {
            werase( w_iteminfo );

        if( isWide ) {
            mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 1, 5, c_white,
                       _( "Press <ENTER> to attempt to craft object." ) );
            wprintz( w_data, c_white, "  " );
            if( !filterstring.empty() ) {
                wprintz( w_data, c_white,
                         _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [R]eset, [m]ode, [s]how/hide, Re[L]ated, [*]Favorite, %s [?] keybindings" ),
                         ( batch ) ? _( "cancel [b]atch" ) : _( "[b]atch" ) );
            } else {
                wprintz( w_data, c_white,
                         _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [m]ode, [s]how/hide, Re[L]ated, [*]Favorite, %s [?] keybindings" ),
                         ( batch ) ? _( "cancel [b]atch" ) : _( "[b]atch" ) );
        } else {
            if( !filterstring.empty() ) {
                mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 1, 5, c_white,
                           _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [R]eset, [m]ode, [s]how/hide, Re[L]ated, [*]Favorite, [b]atch [?] keybindings" ) );
            } else {
                mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 1, 5, c_white,
                           _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [m]ode, [s]how/hide, Re[L]ated, [*]Favorite, [b]atch [?] keybindings" ) );
            mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 2, 5, c_white,
                       _( "Press <ENTER> to attempt to craft object." ) );
        // Draw borders
        for( int i = 1; i < width - 1; ++i ) { // _
            mvwputch( w_data, dataHeight - 1, i, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_OXOX );
        for( int i = 0; i < dataHeight - 1; ++i ) { // |
            mvwputch( w_data, i, 0, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOXO );
            mvwputch( w_data, i, width - 1, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOXO );
        mvwputch( w_data, dataHeight - 1,  0, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XXOO ); // _|
        mvwputch( w_data, dataHeight - 1, width - 1, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOOX ); // |_

        int recmin = 0, recmax = current.size();
        if( recmax > dataLines ) {
            if( line <= recmin + dataHalfLines ) {
                for( int i = recmin; i < recmin + dataLines; ++i ) {
                    std::string tmp_name = current[i]->result_name();
                    if( batch ) {
                        tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() );
                    mvwprintz( w_data, i - recmin, 2, c_dark_gray, "" ); // Clear the line
                    if( i == line ) {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, i - recmin, 2, ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dark_gray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
                    } else {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, i - recmin, 2, ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dark_gray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
            } else if( line >= recmax - dataHalfLines ) {
                for( int i = recmax - dataLines; i < recmax; ++i ) {
                    std::string tmp_name = current[i]->result_name();
                    if( batch ) {
                        tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() );
                    mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + i - recmax, 2, c_light_gray, "" ); // Clear the line
                    if( i == line ) {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + i - recmax, 2,
                                   ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dark_gray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
                    } else {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + i - recmax, 2,
                                   ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dark_gray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
            } else {
                for( int i = line - dataHalfLines; i < line - dataHalfLines + dataLines; ++i ) {
                    std::string tmp_name = current[i]->result_name();
                    if( batch ) {
                        tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() );
                    mvwprintz( w_data, dataHalfLines + i - line, 2, c_light_gray, "" ); // Clear the line
                    if( i == line ) {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, dataHalfLines + i - line, 2,
                                   ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dark_gray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
                    } else {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, dataHalfLines + i - line, 2,
                                   ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dark_gray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
        } else {
            for( size_t i = 0; i < current.size() && i < static_cast<size_t>( dataHeight ) + 1; ++i ) {
                std::string tmp_name = current[i]->result_name();
                if( batch ) {
                    tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), static_cast<int>( i ) + 1, tmp_name.c_str() );
                if( static_cast<int>( i ) == line ) {
                    mvwprintz( w_data, i, 2, ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dark_gray ),
                               utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
                } else {
                    mvwprintz( w_data, i, 2, ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dark_gray ),
                               utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );

        if( !current.empty() ) {
            int pane = FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 30 - 1;
            int count = batch ? line + 1 : 1; // batch size
            nc_color col = available[ line ] ? c_white : c_light_gray;

            const auto &req = current[ line ]->requirements();

            draw_can_craft_indicator( w_head, 0, *current[line] );
            wrefresh( w_head );

            ypos = 0;

            auto qry = trim( filterstring );
            std::string qry_comps;
            if( qry.compare( 0, 2, "c:" ) == 0 ) {
                qry_comps = qry.substr( 2 );

            std::vector<std::string> component_print_buffer;
            auto tools = req.get_folded_tools_list( pane, col, crafting_inv, count );
            auto comps = req.get_folded_components_list( pane, col, crafting_inv, count, qry_comps );
            component_print_buffer.insert( component_print_buffer.end(), tools.begin(), tools.end() );
            component_print_buffer.insert( component_print_buffer.end(), comps.begin(), comps.end() );

            if( !g->u.knows_recipe( current[line] ) ) {
                component_print_buffer.push_back( _( "Recipe not memorized yet" ) );
                auto books_with_recipe = g->u.get_books_for_recipe( crafting_inv, current[line] );
                std::string enumerated_books =
                    enumerate_as_string( books_with_recipe.begin(), books_with_recipe.end(),
                []( itype_id type_id ) {
                    return item::find_type( type_id )->nname( 1 );
                } );
                const std::string text = string_format( _( "Written in: %s" ), enumerated_books.c_str() );
                std::vector<std::string> folded_lines = foldstring( text, pane );
                    component_print_buffer.end(), folded_lines.begin(), folded_lines.end() );

            //handle positioning of component list if it needed to be scrolled
            int componentPrintOffset = 0;
            if( display_mode > 2 ) {
                componentPrintOffset = ( display_mode - 2 ) * componentPrintHeight;
            if( component_print_buffer.size() < static_cast<size_t>( componentPrintOffset ) ) {
                componentPrintOffset = 0;
                if( previous_tab != tab.cur() || previous_subtab != subtab.cur() || previous_item_line != line ) {
                    display_mode = 2;
                } else {
                    display_mode = 0;

            //only used to preserve mode position on components when
            //moving to another item and the view is already scrolled
            previous_tab = tab.cur();
            previous_subtab = subtab.cur();
            previous_item_line = line;
            const int xpos = 30;

            if( display_mode == 0 ) {
                const int width = getmaxx( w_data ) - xpos - item_info_x;
                    w_data, ypos++, xpos, col, col,
                    string_format( _( "Primary skill used: <color_cyan>%s</color>" ),
                                   ( !current[line]->skill_used ? _( "N/A" ) :
                                     current[line]->skill_used.obj().name() ) ) );
                auto player_skill = g->u.get_skill_level( current[line]->skill_used );
                std::string difficulty_color =
                    current[ line ]->difficulty > player_skill ? "yellow" : "green";
                    w_data, ypos++, xpos, col, col,
                    string_format( _( "Difficulty: <color_%s>%d</color>" ),
                                   difficulty_color, current[ line ]->difficulty ) );
                std::string skill_level_string =
                    current[line]->skill_used ?
                    string_format( _( "Your skill level: <color_%s>%d</color>" ),
                                   difficulty_color, player_skill ) :
                    _( "Your skill level: <color_yellow>N/A</color>" );
                print_colored_text( w_data, ypos++, xpos, col, col, skill_level_string );
                ypos += fold_and_print( w_data, ypos, xpos, width, col,
                                        _( "Other skills used: %s" ),
                                        current[line]->required_skills_string( &g->u ) );

                const int expected_turns = g->u.expected_time_to_craft( *current[line],
                                           count ) / to_moves<int>( 1_turns );
                ypos += fold_and_print( w_data, ypos, xpos, pane, col,
                                        _( "Time to complete: <color_cyan>%s</color>" ),
                                        to_string( time_duration::from_turns( expected_turns ) ) );

                    w_data, ypos++, xpos, col, col,
                    string_format( _( "Dark craftable? <color_cyan>%s</color>" ),
                                   current[line]->has_flag( "BLIND_EASY" ) ? _( "Easy" ) :
                                   current[line]->has_flag( "BLIND_HARD" ) ? _( "Hard" ) :
                                   _( "Impossible" ) ) );
                ypos += print_items( *current[line], w_data, ypos, xpos, col, batch ? line + 1 : 1 );

            //color needs to be preserved in case part of the previous page was cut off
            nc_color stored_color = col;
            if( display_mode > 2 ) {
                stored_color = rotated_color;
            } else {
                rotated_color = col;
            int components_printed = 0;
            for( size_t i = static_cast<size_t>( componentPrintOffset );
                 i < component_print_buffer.size(); i++ ) {
                if( ypos >= componentPrintHeight ) {

                print_colored_text( w_data, ypos++, xpos, stored_color, col, component_print_buffer[i] );

            if( ypos >= componentPrintHeight &&
                component_print_buffer.size() > static_cast<size_t>( components_printed ) ) {
                mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, xpos, col, _( "v (more)" ) );
                rotated_color = stored_color;

            if( isWide ) {
                if( last_recipe != current[line] ) {
                    last_recipe = current[line];
                    tmp = current[line]->create_result();
                tmp.info( true, thisItem, count );
                draw_item_info( w_iteminfo, tmp.tname(), tmp.type_name(), thisItem, dummy,
                                scroll_pos, true, true, true, false, true );

        draw_scrollbar( w_data, line, dataLines, recmax, 0 );
        wrefresh( w_data );

        if( isWide ) {
            wrefresh( w_iteminfo );

        const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input();
        if( action == "CYCLE_MODE" ) {
            display_mode = display_mode + 1;
            if( display_mode <= 0 ) {
                display_mode = 0;
        } else if( action == "LEFT" ) {
            std::string start = subtab.cur();
            do {
            } while( subtab.cur() != start && available_recipes.empty_category( tab.cur(),
                     subtab.cur() != "CSC_ALL" ? subtab.cur() : "" ) );
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "SCROLL_UP" ) {
        } else if( action == "SCROLL_DOWN" ) {
        } else if( action == "PREV_TAB" ) {
            subtab = list_circularizer<std::string>( craft_subcat_list[tab.cur()] );//default ALL
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "RIGHT" ) {
            std::string start = subtab.cur();
            do {
            } while( subtab.cur() != start && available_recipes.empty_category( tab.cur(),
                     subtab.cur() != "CSC_ALL" ? subtab.cur() : "" ) );
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "NEXT_TAB" ) {
            subtab = list_circularizer<std::string>( craft_subcat_list[tab.cur()] );//default ALL
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "DOWN" ) {
        } else if( action == "UP" ) {
        } else if( action == "CONFIRM" ) {
            if( available.empty() || !available[line] ) {
                popup( _( "You can't do that!" ) );
            } else if( !g->u.check_eligible_containers_for_crafting( *current[line],
                       ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1 ) ) {
                // popup is already inside check
            } else {
                chosen = current[line];
                batch_size = ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1;
                done = true;
        } else if( action == "HELP_RECIPE" ) {
            if( current.empty() ) {
                popup( _( "Nothing selected!" ) );
                redraw = true;
            tmp = current[line]->create_result();

            full_screen_popup( "%s\n%s", tmp.type_name( 1 ).c_str(),  tmp.info( true ).c_str() );
            redraw = true;
            keepline = true;
        } else if( action == "FILTER" ) {
            struct SearchPrefix {
                char key;
                std::string example;
                std::string description;
            std::vector<SearchPrefix> prefixes = {
                { 'q', _( "metal sawing" ), _( "<color_cyan>quality</color> of resulting item" ) },
                //~ Example result description search term
                { 'd', _( "reach attack" ), _( "<color_cyan>full description</color> of resulting item (slow)" ) },
                { 'c', _( "two by four" ), _( "<color_cyan>component</color> required to craft" ) },
                { 'p', _( "tailoring" ), _( "<color_cyan>primary skill</color> used to craft" ) },
                { 's', _( "cooking" ), _( "<color_cyan>any skill</color> used to craft" ) },
                { 'Q', _( "fine bolt turning" ), _( "<color_cyan>quality</color> required to craft" ) },
                { 't', _( "soldering iron" ), _( "<color_cyan>tool</color> required to craft" ) },
                { 'h', _( "yes" ), _( "recipes which are <color_cyan>hidden</color> or not" ) },
                { 'm', _( "no" ), _( "recipes which are <color_cyan>memorized</color> or not" ) },
            int max_example_length = 0;
            for( const auto &prefix : prefixes ) {
                max_example_length = std::max( max_example_length, utf8_width( prefix.example ) );
            std::string spaces( max_example_length, ' ' );

            std::string description =
                _( "The default is to search result names.  Some single-character prefixes "
                   "can be used with a colon (:) to search in other ways.\n"
                   "<color_white>Examples:</color>\n" );

                std::string example_name = _( "shirt" );
                auto padding = max_example_length - utf8_width( example_name );
                description += string_format(
                                   _( "  <color_white>%s</color>%.*s    %s\n" ),
                                   example_name, padding, spaces,
                                   _( "<color_cyan>name</color> of resulting item" ) );

            for( const auto &prefix : prefixes ) {
                auto padding = max_example_length - utf8_width( prefix.example );
                description += string_format(
                                   _( "  <color_yellow>%c</color><color_white>:%s</color>%.*s  %s\n" ),
                                   prefix.key, prefix.example, padding, spaces, prefix.description );

            .title( _( "Search:" ) )
            .width( 85 )
            .description( description )
            .desc_color( c_light_gray )
            .edit( filterstring );
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "QUIT" ) {
            chosen = nullptr;
            done = true;
        } else if( action == "RESET_FILTER" ) {
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "CYCLE_BATCH" ) {
            if( current.empty() ) {
                popup( _( "Nothing selected!" ) );
                redraw = true;
            batch = !batch;
            if( batch ) {
                batch_line = line;
                chosen = current[batch_line];
            } else {
                line = batch_line;
                keepline = true;
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "TOGGLE_FAVORITE" ) {
            keepline = true;
            redraw = true;
            if( current.empty() ) {
                popup( _( "Nothing selected!" ) );
            if( uistate.favorite_recipes.find( current[line]->ident() ) != uistate.favorite_recipes.end() ) {
                uistate.favorite_recipes.erase( current[line]->ident() );
            } else {
                uistate.favorite_recipes.insert( current[line]->ident() );
        } else if( action == "HIDE_SHOW_RECIPE" ) {
            if( current.empty() ) {
                popup( _( "Nothing selected!" ) );
                redraw = true;
            if( show_hidden ) {
                uistate.hidden_recipes.erase( current[line]->ident() );
            } else {
                uistate.hidden_recipes.insert( current[line]->ident() );

            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "RELATED_RECIPES" ) {
            if( current.empty() ) {
                popup( _( "Nothing selected!" ) );
                redraw = true;
            std::string recipe_name = peek_related_recipe( current[ line ], available_recipes );
            if( recipe_name.empty() ) {
                keepline = true;
            } else {
                filterstring = recipe_name;

            redraw = true;
        if( line < 0 ) {
            line = current.size() - 1;
        } else if( line >= static_cast<int>( current.size() ) ) {
            line = 0;
    } while( !done );

    return chosen;
Exemplo n.º 21
int editmap::edit_itm(point coords)
    int ret = 0;
    uimenu ilmenu;
    ilmenu.w_y = 0;
    ilmenu.w_width = width;
    ilmenu.w_height = TERRAIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT - infoHeight - 1;
    ilmenu.return_invalid = true;
    std::vector<item>& items = g->m.i_at(target.x , target.y );
    for(int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
        ilmenu.addentry(i, true, 0, "%s%s", items[i].tname(g).c_str(), items[i].light.luminance > 0 ? " L" : "" );
    // todo; ilmenu.addentry(ilmenu.entries.size(), true, 'a', "Add item");
    ilmenu.addentry(-10, true, 'q', "Cancel");
    do {
        if ( ilmenu.ret >= 0 && ilmenu.ret < items.size() ) {
            item *it = &items[ilmenu.ret];
            uimenu imenu;
            imenu.w_x = ilmenu.w_x;
            imenu.w_y = ilmenu.w_height;
            imenu.w_height = TERMX - ilmenu.w_height;
            imenu.w_width = ilmenu.w_width;
            imenu.addentry(imenu_bday, true, -1, "bday: %d", (int)it->bday);
            imenu.addentry(imenu_damage, true, -1, "damage: %d", (int)it->damage);
            imenu.addentry(imenu_burnt, true, -1, "burnt: %d", (int)it->burnt);
            imenu.addentry(imenu_sep, false, 0, "-[ light emission ]-");
            imenu.addentry(imenu_luminance, true, -1, "lum: %f", (float)it->light.luminance);
            imenu.addentry(imenu_direction, true, -1, "dir: %d", (int)it->light.direction);
            imenu.addentry(imenu_width, true, -1, "width: %d", (int)it->light.width);

            imenu.addentry(imenu_exit, true, -1, "exit");
            do {
                if ( imenu.ret >= 0 && imenu.ret < imenu_exit ) {
                    int intval = -1;
                    switch(imenu.ret) {
                        case imenu_bday:
                            intval = (int)it->bday;
                        case imenu_damage:
                            intval = (int)it->damage;
                        case imenu_burnt:
                            intval = (int)it->burnt;
                        case imenu_luminance:
                            intval = (int)it->light.luminance;
                        case imenu_direction:
                            intval = (int)it->light.direction;
                        case imenu_width:
                            intval = (int)it->light.width;
                    int retval = helper::to_int (
                                     string_input_popup( "set: ", 20, helper::to_string(  intval ) )
                    if ( intval != retval ) {
                        if (imenu.ret == imenu_bday ) {
                            it->bday = retval;
                            imenu.entries[imenu_bday].txt = string_format("bday: %d", it->bday);
                        } else if (imenu.ret == imenu_damage ) {
                            it->damage = retval;
                            imenu.entries[imenu_damage].txt = string_format("damage: %d", it->damage);
                        } else if (imenu.ret == imenu_burnt ) {
                            it->burnt = retval;
                            imenu.entries[imenu_burnt].txt = string_format("burnt: %d", it->burnt);
                        } else if (imenu.ret == imenu_luminance ) {
                            it->light.luminance = (unsigned short)retval;
                            imenu.entries[imenu_luminance].txt = string_format("lum: %f", (float)it->light.luminance);
                        } else if (imenu.ret == imenu_direction ) {
                            it->light.direction = (short)retval;
                            imenu.entries[imenu_direction].txt = string_format("dir: %d", (int)it->light.direction);
                        } else if (imenu.ret == imenu_width ) {
                            it->light.width = (short)retval;
                            imenu.entries[imenu_width].txt = string_format("width: %d", (int)it->light.width);
                        g->draw_ter(target.x, target.y);
            } while(imenu.ret != imenu_exit);
    } while (ilmenu.ret >= 0 || ilmenu.ret == UIMENU_INVALID);
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 22
const recipe *select_crafting_recipe( int &batch_size )
    if( normalized_names.empty() ) {

    const int headHeight = 3;
    const int subHeadHeight = 2;
    const int freeWidth = TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH;
    bool isWide = ( TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH && freeWidth > 15 );

    const int width = isWide ? ( freeWidth > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH ? FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 : TERMX ) :
    const int wStart = ( TERMX - width ) / 2;
    const int tailHeight = isWide ? 3 : 4;
    const int dataLines = TERMY - ( headHeight + subHeadHeight ) - tailHeight;
    const int dataHalfLines = dataLines / 2;
    const int dataHeight = TERMY - ( headHeight + subHeadHeight );
    const int infoWidth = width - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 1;

    const recipe *last_recipe = nullptr;

    WINDOW *w_head = newwin( headHeight, width, 0, wStart );
    WINDOW_PTR w_head_ptr( w_head );
    WINDOW *w_subhead = newwin( subHeadHeight, width, 3, wStart );
    WINDOW_PTR w_subhead_ptr( w_subhead );
    WINDOW *w_data = newwin( dataHeight, width, headHeight + subHeadHeight, wStart );
    WINDOW_PTR w_data_ptr( w_data );

    int item_info_x = infoWidth;
    int item_info_y = dataHeight - 3;
    int item_info_width = wStart + width - infoWidth;
    int item_info_height = headHeight + subHeadHeight;

    if( !isWide ) {
        item_info_x = 1;
        item_info_y = 1;
        item_info_width = 1;
        item_info_height = 1;

    WINDOW *w_iteminfo = newwin( item_info_y, item_info_x, item_info_height, item_info_width );
    WINDOW_PTR w_iteminfo_ptr( w_iteminfo );

    list_circularizer<std::string> tab( craft_cat_list );
    list_circularizer<std::string> subtab( craft_subcat_list[tab.cur()] );
    std::vector<const recipe *> current;
    std::vector<bool> available;
    const int componentPrintHeight = dataHeight - tailHeight - 1;
    //preserves component color printout between mode rotations
    nc_color rotated_color = c_white;
    int previous_item_line = -1;
    std::string previous_tab = "";
    std::string previous_subtab = "";
    item tmp;
    int line = 0, ypos, scroll_pos = 0;
    bool redraw = true;
    bool keepline = false;
    bool done = false;
    bool batch = false;
    int batch_line = 0;
    int display_mode = 0;
    const recipe *chosen = NULL;
    std::vector<iteminfo> thisItem, dummy;

    input_context ctxt( "CRAFTING" );
    ctxt.register_action( "QUIT" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CONFIRM" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CYCLE_MODE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "SCROLL_UP" );
    ctxt.register_action( "SCROLL_DOWN" );
    ctxt.register_action( "PREV_TAB" );
    ctxt.register_action( "NEXT_TAB" );
    ctxt.register_action( "FILTER" );
    ctxt.register_action( "RESET_FILTER" );
    ctxt.register_action( "HELP_RECIPE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CYCLE_BATCH" );

    const inventory &crafting_inv = g->u.crafting_inventory();
    const std::vector<npc *> helpers = g->u.get_crafting_helpers();
    std::string filterstring = "";
    do {
        if( redraw ) {
            // When we switch tabs, redraw the header
            redraw = false;
            if( ! keepline ) {
                line = 0;
            } else {
                keepline = false;

            if( display_mode > 2 ) {
                display_mode = 2;

            TAB_MODE m = ( batch ) ? BATCH : ( filterstring == "" ) ? NORMAL : FILTERED;
            draw_recipe_tabs( w_head, tab.cur(), m );
            draw_recipe_subtabs( w_subhead, tab.cur(), subtab.cur(), m );
            if( batch ) {
                batch_recipes( crafting_inv, helpers, current, available, chosen );
            } else {
                // Set current to all recipes in the current tab; available are possible to make
                pick_recipes( crafting_inv, helpers, current, available,
                              tab.cur(), subtab.cur(), filterstring );

        // Clear the screen of recipe data, and draw it anew
        werase( w_data );

        if( isWide ) {
            werase( w_iteminfo );

        if( isWide ) {
            mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 1, 5, c_white,
                       _( "Press <ENTER> to attempt to craft object." ) );
            wprintz( w_data, c_white, "  " );
            if( filterstring != "" ) {
                wprintz( w_data, c_white, _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [R]eset, [m]ode, %s [?] keybindings" ),
                         ( batch ) ? _( "cancel [b]atch" ) : _( "[b]atch" ) );
            } else {
                wprintz( w_data, c_white, _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [m]ode, %s [?] keybindings" ),
                         ( batch ) ? _( "cancel [b]atch" ) : _( "[b]atch" ) );
        } else {
            if( filterstring != "" ) {
                mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 1, 5, c_white,
                           _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [R]eset, [m]ode, [b]atch [?] keybindings" ) );
            } else {
                mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 1, 5, c_white,
                           _( "[E]: Describe, [F]ind, [m]ode, [b]atch [?] keybindings" ) );
            mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + 2, 5, c_white,
                       _( "Press <ENTER> to attempt to craft object." ) );
        // Draw borders
        for( int i = 1; i < width - 1; ++i ) { // _
            mvwputch( w_data, dataHeight - 1, i, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_OXOX );
        for( int i = 0; i < dataHeight - 1; ++i ) { // |
            mvwputch( w_data, i, 0, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOXO );
            mvwputch( w_data, i, width - 1, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOXO );
        mvwputch( w_data, dataHeight - 1,  0, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XXOO ); // _|
        mvwputch( w_data, dataHeight - 1, width - 1, BORDER_COLOR, LINE_XOOX ); // |_

        int recmin = 0, recmax = current.size();
        if( recmax > dataLines ) {
            if( line <= recmin + dataHalfLines ) {
                for( int i = recmin; i < recmin + dataLines; ++i ) {
                    std::string tmp_name = item::nname( current[i]->result );
                    if( batch ) {
                        tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() );
                    mvwprintz( w_data, i - recmin, 2, c_dkgray, "" ); // Clear the line
                    if( i == line ) {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, i - recmin, 2, ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dkgray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
                    } else {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, i - recmin, 2, ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dkgray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
            } else if( line >= recmax - dataHalfLines ) {
                for( int i = recmax - dataLines; i < recmax; ++i ) {
                    std::string tmp_name = item::nname( current[i]->result );
                    if( batch ) {
                        tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() );
                    mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + i - recmax, 2, c_ltgray, "" ); // Clear the line
                    if( i == line ) {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + i - recmax, 2,
                                   ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dkgray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
                    } else {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, dataLines + i - recmax, 2,
                                   ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dkgray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
            } else {
                for( int i = line - dataHalfLines; i < line - dataHalfLines + dataLines; ++i ) {
                    std::string tmp_name = item::nname( current[i]->result );
                    if( batch ) {
                        tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() );
                    mvwprintz( w_data, dataHalfLines + i - line, 2, c_ltgray, "" ); // Clear the line
                    if( i == line ) {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, dataHalfLines + i - line, 2,
                                   ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dkgray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
                    } else {
                        mvwprintz( w_data, dataHalfLines + i - line, 2,
                                   ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dkgray ),
                                   utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
        } else {
            for( size_t i = 0; i < current.size() && i < ( size_t )dataHeight + 1; ++i ) {
                std::string tmp_name = item::nname( current[i]->result );
                if( batch ) {
                    tmp_name = string_format( _( "%2dx %s" ), ( int )i + 1, tmp_name.c_str() );
                if( ( int )i == line ) {
                    mvwprintz( w_data, i, 2, ( available[i] ? h_white : h_dkgray ),
                               utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );
                } else {
                    mvwprintz( w_data, i, 2, ( available[i] ? c_white : c_dkgray ),
                               utf8_truncate( tmp_name, 28 ).c_str() );

        if( !current.empty() ) {
            int pane = FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 30 - 1;
            int count = batch ? line + 1 : 1; // batch size
            nc_color col = available[ line ] ? c_white : c_ltgray;

            const auto &req = current[ line ]->requirements();

            draw_can_craft_indicator( w_head, 0, *current[line] );
            wrefresh( w_head );

            ypos = 0;

            std::vector<std::string> component_print_buffer;
            auto tools = req.get_folded_tools_list( pane, col, crafting_inv, count );
            auto comps = req.get_folded_components_list( pane, col, crafting_inv, count );
            component_print_buffer.insert( component_print_buffer.end(), tools.begin(), tools.end() );
            component_print_buffer.insert( component_print_buffer.end(), comps.begin(), comps.end() );

            if( !g->u.knows_recipe( current[line] ) ) {
                component_print_buffer.push_back( _( "Recipe not memorized yet" ) );

            //handle positioning of component list if it needed to be scrolled
            int componentPrintOffset = 0;
            if( display_mode > 2 ) {
                componentPrintOffset = ( display_mode - 2 ) * componentPrintHeight;
            if( component_print_buffer.size() < static_cast<size_t>( componentPrintOffset ) ) {
                componentPrintOffset = 0;
                if( previous_tab != tab.cur() || previous_subtab != subtab.cur() || previous_item_line != line ) {
                    display_mode = 2;
                } else {
                    display_mode = 0;

            //only used to preserve mode position on components when
            //moving to another item and the view is already scrolled
            previous_tab = tab.cur();
            previous_subtab = subtab.cur();
            previous_item_line = line;

            if( display_mode == 0 ) {
                mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "Skills used: %s" ),
                           ( !current[line]->skill_used ? _( "N/A" ) :
                             current[line]->skill_used.obj().name().c_str() ) );

                mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "Required skills: %s" ),
                           ( current[line]->required_skills_string().c_str() ) );
                mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "Difficulty: %d" ), current[line]->difficulty );
                if( !current[line]->skill_used ) {
                    mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "Your skill level: N/A" ) );
                } else {
                    mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "Your skill level: %d" ),
                               // Macs don't seem to like passing this as a class, so force it to int
                               ( int )g->u.get_skill_level( current[line]->skill_used ) );
                ypos += current[line]->print_time( w_data, ypos, 30, pane, col, count );
                mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "Dark craftable? %s" ),
                           current[line]->has_flag( "BLIND_EASY" ) ? _( "Easy" ) :
                           current[line]->has_flag( "BLIND_HARD" ) ? _( "Hard" ) :
                           _( "Impossible" ) );
                ypos += current[line]->print_items( w_data, ypos, 30, col, ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1 );

            //color needs to be preserved in case part of the previous page was cut off
            nc_color stored_color = col;
            if( display_mode > 2 ) {
                stored_color = rotated_color;
            } else {
                rotated_color = col;
            int components_printed = 0;
            for( size_t i = static_cast<size_t>( componentPrintOffset );
                 i < component_print_buffer.size(); i++ ) {
                if( ypos >= componentPrintHeight ) {

                print_colored_text( w_data, ypos++, 30, stored_color, col, component_print_buffer[i] );

            if( ypos >= componentPrintHeight &&
                component_print_buffer.size() > static_cast<size_t>( components_printed ) ) {
                mvwprintz( w_data, ypos++, 30, col, _( "v (more)" ) );
                rotated_color = stored_color;

            if( isWide ) {
                if( last_recipe != current[line] ) {
                    last_recipe = current[line];
                    tmp = current[line]->create_result();
                    tmp.info( true, thisItem );
                draw_item_info( w_iteminfo, tmp.tname(), tmp.type_name(), thisItem, dummy,
                                scroll_pos, true, true, true, false, true );

        draw_scrollbar( w_data, line, dataLines, recmax, 0 );
        wrefresh( w_data );

        if( isWide ) {
            wrefresh( w_iteminfo );

        const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input();
        if( action == "CYCLE_MODE" ) {
            display_mode = display_mode + 1;
            if( display_mode <= 0 ) {
                display_mode = 0;
        } else if( action == "LEFT" ) {
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "SCROLL_UP" ) {
        } else if( action == "SCROLL_DOWN" ) {
        } else if( action == "PREV_TAB" ) {
            subtab = list_circularizer<std::string>( craft_subcat_list[tab.cur()] );//default ALL
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "RIGHT" ) {
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "NEXT_TAB" ) {
            subtab = list_circularizer<std::string>( craft_subcat_list[tab.cur()] );//default ALL
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "DOWN" ) {
        } else if( action == "UP" ) {
        } else if( action == "CONFIRM" ) {
            if( available.empty() || !available[line] ) {
                popup( _( "You can't do that!" ) );
            } else if( !current[line]->check_eligible_containers_for_crafting( ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1 ) ) {
                ; // popup is already inside check
            } else {
                chosen = current[line];
                batch_size = ( batch ) ? line + 1 : 1;
                done = true;
        } else if( action == "HELP_RECIPE" ) {
            if( current.empty() ) {
                popup( _( "Nothing selected!" ) );
                redraw = true;
            tmp = current[line]->create_result();

            full_screen_popup( "%s\n%s", tmp.type_name( 1 ).c_str(),  tmp.info( true ).c_str() );
            redraw = true;
            keepline = true;
        } else if( action == "FILTER" ) {
            filterstring = string_input_popup( _( "Search:" ), 85, filterstring,
                                               _( "Special prefixes for requirements:\n"
                                                  "  [t] search tools\n"
                                                  "  [c] search components\n"
                                                  "  [q] search qualities\n"
                                                  "  [s] search skills\n"
                                                  "  [S] search skill used only\n"
                                                  "Special prefixes for results:\n"
                                                  "  [Q] search qualities\n"
                                                  "  t:soldering iron\n"
                                                  "  c:two by four\n"
                                                  "  q:metal sawing\n"
                                                  "  s:cooking\n"
                                                  "  Q:fine bolt turning"
                                                ) );
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "QUIT" ) {
            chosen = nullptr;
            done = true;
        } else if( action == "RESET_FILTER" ) {
            filterstring = "";
            redraw = true;
        } else if( action == "CYCLE_BATCH" ) {
            if( current.empty() ) {
                popup( _( "Nothing selected!" ) );
                redraw = true;
            batch = !batch;
            if( batch ) {
                batch_line = line;
                chosen = current[batch_line];
            } else {
                line = batch_line;
                keepline = true;
            redraw = true;
        if( line < 0 ) {
            line = current.size() - 1;
        } else if( line >= ( int )current.size() ) {
            line = 0;
    } while( !done );

    return chosen;
Exemplo n.º 23
// Pick up items at (pos).
void Pickup::pick_up( const tripoint &pos, int min )
    int cargo_part = -1;

    const optional_vpart_position vp = g->m.veh_at( pos );
    vehicle *const veh = veh_pointer_or_null( vp );
    bool from_vehicle = false;

    if( min != -1 ) {
        switch( interact_with_vehicle( veh, pos, vp ? vp->part_index() : -1 ) ) {
            case DONE:
            case ITEMS_FROM_CARGO: {
                const cata::optional<vpart_reference> carg = vp.part_with_feature( "CARGO", false );
                cargo_part = carg ? carg->part_index() : -1;
            from_vehicle = cargo_part >= 0;
            case ITEMS_FROM_GROUND:
                // Nothing to change, default is to pick from ground anyway.
                if( g->m.has_flag( "SEALED", pos ) ) {


    if( !from_vehicle ) {
        bool isEmpty = ( g->m.i_at( pos ).empty() );

        // Hide the pickup window if this is a toilet and there's nothing here
        // but water.
        if( ( !isEmpty ) && g->m.furn( pos ) == f_toilet ) {
            isEmpty = true;
            for( auto maybe_water : g->m.i_at( pos ) ) {
                if( maybe_water.typeId() != "water" ) {
                    isEmpty = false;

        if( isEmpty && ( min != -1 || !get_option<bool>( "AUTO_PICKUP_ADJACENT" ) ) ) {

    // which items are we grabbing?
    std::vector<item> here;
    if( from_vehicle ) {
        auto vehitems = veh->get_items( cargo_part );
        here.resize( vehitems.size() );
        std::copy( vehitems.begin(), vehitems.end(), here.begin() );
    } else {
        auto mapitems = g->m.i_at( pos );
        here.resize( mapitems.size() );
        std::copy( mapitems.begin(), mapitems.end(), here.begin() );

    if( min == -1 ) {
        // Recursively pick up adjacent items if that option is on.
        if( get_option<bool>( "AUTO_PICKUP_ADJACENT" ) && g->u.pos() == pos ) {
            //Autopickup adjacent
            direction adjacentDir[8] = {NORTH, NORTHEAST, EAST, SOUTHEAST, SOUTH, SOUTHWEST, WEST, NORTHWEST};
            for( auto &elem : adjacentDir ) {

                tripoint apos = tripoint( direction_XY( elem ), 0 );
                apos += pos;

                pick_up( apos, min );

        // Bail out if this square cannot be auto-picked-up
        if( g->check_zone( zone_type_id( "NO_AUTO_PICKUP" ), pos ) ) {
        } else if( g->m.has_flag( "SEALED", pos ) ) {

    // Not many items, just grab them
    if( ( int )here.size() <= min && min != -1 ) {
        g->u.assign_activity( activity_id( "ACT_PICKUP" ) );
        g->u.activity.placement = pos - g->u.pos();
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( from_vehicle );
        // Only one item means index is 0.
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( 0 );
        // auto-pickup means pick up all.
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( 0 );

    std::vector<std::list<item_idx>> stacked_here;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < here.size(); i++ ) {
        item &it = here[i];
        bool found_stack = false;
        for( auto &stack : stacked_here ) {
            if( stack.begin()->_item.stacks_with( it ) ) {
                item_idx el = { it, i };
                stack.push_back( el );
                found_stack = true;
        if( !found_stack ) {
            std::list<item_idx> newstack;
            newstack.push_back( { it, i } );
            stacked_here.push_back( newstack );
    std::reverse( stacked_here.begin(), stacked_here.end() );

    if( min != -1 ) { // don't bother if we're just autopickuping
    bool sideStyle = use_narrow_sidebar();

    // Otherwise, we have Autopickup, 2 or more items and should list them, etc.
    int maxmaxitems = sideStyle ? TERMY : getmaxy( g->w_messages ) - 3;

    int itemsH = std::min( 25, TERMY / 2 );
    int pickupBorderRows = 3;

    // The pickup list may consume the entire terminal, minus space needed for its
    // header/footer and the item info window.
    int minleftover = itemsH + pickupBorderRows;
    if( maxmaxitems > TERMY - minleftover ) {
        maxmaxitems = TERMY - minleftover;

    const int minmaxitems = sideStyle ? 6 : 9;

    std::vector<pickup_count> getitem( stacked_here.size() );

    int maxitems = stacked_here.size();
    maxitems = ( maxitems < minmaxitems ? minmaxitems : ( maxitems > maxmaxitems ? maxmaxitems :
                 maxitems ) );

    int itemcount = 0;

    if( min == -1 ) { //Auto Pickup, select matching items
        if( !select_autopickup_items( stacked_here, getitem ) ) {
            // If we didn't find anything, bail out now.
    } else {
        int pickupH = maxitems + pickupBorderRows;
        int pickupW = getmaxx( g->w_messages );
        int pickupY = VIEW_OFFSET_Y;
        int pickupX = getbegx( g->w_messages );

        int itemsW = pickupW;
        int itemsY = sideStyle ? pickupY + pickupH : TERMY - itemsH;
        int itemsX = pickupX;

        catacurses::window w_pickup = catacurses::newwin( pickupH, pickupW, pickupY, pickupX );
        catacurses::window w_item_info = catacurses::newwin( itemsH,  itemsW,  itemsY,  itemsX );

        std::string action;
        long raw_input_char = ' ';
        input_context ctxt( "PICKUP" );
        ctxt.register_action( "UP" );
        ctxt.register_action( "DOWN" );
        ctxt.register_action( "RIGHT" );
        ctxt.register_action( "LEFT" );
        ctxt.register_action( "NEXT_TAB", _( "Next page" ) );
        ctxt.register_action( "PREV_TAB", _( "Previous page" ) );
        ctxt.register_action( "SCROLL_UP" );
        ctxt.register_action( "SCROLL_DOWN" );
        ctxt.register_action( "CONFIRM" );
        ctxt.register_action( "SELECT_ALL" );
        ctxt.register_action( "QUIT", _( "Cancel" ) );
        ctxt.register_action( "ANY_INPUT" );
        ctxt.register_action( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" );
        ctxt.register_action( "FILTER" );

        int start = 0;
        int cur_it = 0;
        bool update = true;
        mvwprintw( w_pickup, 0, 0, _( "PICK UP" ) );
        int selected = 0;
        int iScrollPos = 0;

        std::string filter;
        std::string new_filter;
        std::vector<int> matches;//Indexes of items that match the filter
        bool filter_changed = true;
        if( g->was_fullscreen ) {
        // Now print the two lists; those on the ground and about to be added to inv
        // Continue until we hit return or space
        do {
            const std::string pickup_chars =
                ctxt.get_available_single_char_hotkeys( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:;" );
            int idx = -1;
            for( int i = 1; i < pickupH; i++ ) {
                mvwprintw( w_pickup, i, 0,
                           "                                                " );
            if( action == "ANY_INPUT" &&
                raw_input_char >= '0' && raw_input_char <= '9' ) {
                int raw_input_char_value = ( char )raw_input_char - '0';
                itemcount *= 10;
                itemcount += raw_input_char_value;
                if( itemcount < 0 ) {
                    itemcount = 0;
            } else if( action == "SCROLL_UP" ) {
            } else if( action == "SCROLL_DOWN" ) {
            } else if( action == "PREV_TAB" ) {
                if( start > 0 ) {
                    start -= maxitems;
                } else {
                    start = ( int )( ( matches.size() - 1 ) / maxitems ) * maxitems;
                selected = start;
                mvwprintw( w_pickup, maxitems + 2, 0, "         " );
            } else if( action == "NEXT_TAB" ) {
                if( start + maxitems < ( int )matches.size() ) {
                    start += maxitems;
                } else {
                    start = 0;
                iScrollPos = 0;
                selected = start;
                mvwprintw( w_pickup, maxitems + 2, pickupH, "            " );
            } else if( action == "UP" ) {
                iScrollPos = 0;
                if( selected < 0 ) {
                    selected = matches.size() - 1;
                    start = ( int )( matches.size() / maxitems ) * maxitems;
                    if( start >= ( int )matches.size() ) {
                        start -= maxitems;
                } else if( selected < start ) {
                    start -= maxitems;
            } else if( action == "DOWN" ) {
                iScrollPos = 0;
                if( selected >= ( int )matches.size() ) {
                    selected = 0;
                    start = 0;
                } else if( selected >= start + maxitems ) {
                    start += maxitems;
            } else if( selected >= 0 && selected < int( matches.size() ) &&
                       ( ( action == "RIGHT" && !getitem[matches[selected]].pick ) ||
                         ( action == "LEFT" && getitem[matches[selected]].pick ) ) ) {
                idx = selected;
            } else if( action == "FILTER" ) {
                new_filter = filter;
                string_input_popup popup;
                .title( _( "Set filter" ) )
                .width( 30 )
                .edit( new_filter );
                if( !popup.canceled() ) {
                    filter_changed = true;
                } else {
                    wrefresh( g->w_terrain );
            } else if( action == "ANY_INPUT" && raw_input_char == '`' ) {
                std::string ext = string_input_popup()
                                  .title( _( "Enter 2 letters (case sensitive):" ) )
                                  .width( 3 )
                                  .max_length( 2 )
                if( ext.size() == 2 ) {
                    int p1 = pickup_chars.find( ext.at( 0 ) );
                    int p2 = pickup_chars.find( ext.at( 1 ) );
                    if( p1 != -1 && p2 != -1 ) {
                        idx = pickup_chars.size() + ( p1 * pickup_chars.size() ) + p2;
            } else if( action == "ANY_INPUT" ) {
                idx = ( raw_input_char <= 127 ) ? pickup_chars.find( raw_input_char ) : -1;
                iScrollPos = 0;

            if( idx >= 0 && idx < ( int )matches.size() ) {
                size_t true_idx = matches[idx];
                if( itemcount != 0 || getitem[true_idx].count == 0 ) {
                    item &temp = stacked_here[true_idx].begin()->_item;
                    int amount_available = temp.count_by_charges() ? temp.charges : stacked_here[true_idx].size();
                    if( itemcount >= amount_available ) {
                        itemcount = 0;
                    getitem[true_idx].count = itemcount;
                    itemcount = 0;

                // Note: this might not change the value of getitem[idx] at all!
                getitem[true_idx].pick = ( action == "RIGHT" ? true :
                                           ( action == "LEFT" ? false :
                                             !getitem[true_idx].pick ) );
                if( action != "RIGHT" && action != "LEFT" ) {
                    selected = idx;
                    start = ( int )( idx / maxitems ) * maxitems;

                if( !getitem[true_idx].pick ) {
                    getitem[true_idx].count = 0;
                update = true;
            if( filter_changed ) {
                while( matches.empty() ) {
                    auto filter_func = item_filter_from_string( new_filter );
                    for( size_t index = 0; index < stacked_here.size(); index++ ) {
                        if( filter_func( stacked_here[index].begin()->_item ) ) {
                            matches.push_back( index );
                    if( matches.empty() ) {
                        popup( _( "Your filter returned no results" ) );
                        wrefresh( g->w_terrain );
                        // The filter must have results, or simply be emptied or canceled,
                        // as this screen can't be reached without there being
                        // items available
                        string_input_popup popup;
                        .title( _( "Set filter" ) )
                        .width( 30 )
                        .edit( new_filter );
                        if( popup.canceled() ) {
                            new_filter = filter;
                            filter_changed = false;
                if( filter_changed ) {
                    filter = new_filter;
                    filter_changed = false;
                    selected = 0;
                    start = 0;
                    iScrollPos = 0;
                wrefresh( g->w_terrain );
            item &selected_item = stacked_here[matches[selected]].begin()->_item;

            werase( w_item_info );
            if( selected >= 0 && selected <= ( int )stacked_here.size() - 1 ) {
                std::vector<iteminfo> vThisItem;
                std::vector<iteminfo> vDummy;
                selected_item.info( true, vThisItem );

                draw_item_info( w_item_info, "", "", vThisItem, vDummy, iScrollPos, true, true );
            draw_custom_border( w_item_info, false );
            mvwprintw( w_item_info, 0, 2, "< " );
            trim_and_print( w_item_info, 0, 4, itemsW - 8, c_white, "%s >",
                            selected_item.display_name().c_str() );
            wrefresh( w_item_info );

            if( action == "SELECT_ALL" ) {
                int count = 0;
                for( auto i : matches ) {
                    if( getitem[i].pick ) {
                    getitem[i].pick = true;
                if( count == ( int )stacked_here.size() ) {
                    for( size_t i = 0; i < stacked_here.size(); i++ ) {
                        getitem[i].pick = false;
                update = true;
            for( cur_it = start; cur_it < start + maxitems; cur_it++ ) {
                mvwprintw( w_pickup, 1 + ( cur_it % maxitems ), 0,
                           "                                        " );
                if( cur_it < ( int )matches.size() ) {
                    int true_it = matches[cur_it];
                    item &this_item = stacked_here[ true_it ].begin()->_item;
                    nc_color icolor = this_item.color_in_inventory();
                    if( cur_it == selected ) {
                        icolor = hilite( icolor );

                    if( cur_it < ( int )pickup_chars.size() ) {
                        mvwputch( w_pickup, 1 + ( cur_it % maxitems ), 0, icolor,
                                  char( pickup_chars[cur_it] ) );
                    } else if( cur_it < ( int )pickup_chars.size() + ( int )pickup_chars.size() *
                               ( int )pickup_chars.size() ) {
                        int p = cur_it - pickup_chars.size();
                        int p1 = p / pickup_chars.size();
                        int p2 = p % pickup_chars.size();
                        mvwprintz( w_pickup, 1 + ( cur_it % maxitems ), 0, icolor, "`%c%c",
                                   char( pickup_chars[p1] ), char( pickup_chars[p2] ) );
                    } else {
                        mvwputch( w_pickup, 1 + ( cur_it % maxitems ), 0, icolor, ' ' );
                    if( getitem[true_it].pick ) {
                        if( getitem[true_it].count == 0 ) {
                            wprintz( w_pickup, c_light_blue, " + " );
                        } else {
                            wprintz( w_pickup, c_light_blue, " # " );
                    } else {
                        wprintw( w_pickup, " - " );
                    std::string item_name;
                    if( stacked_here[true_it].begin()->_item.ammo_type() == "money" ) {
                        //Count charges
                        //TODO: transition to the item_location system used for the inventory
                        unsigned long charges_total = 0;
                        for( const auto item : stacked_here[true_it] ) {
                            charges_total += item._item.charges;
                        //Picking up none or all the cards in a stack
                        if( !getitem[true_it].pick || getitem[true_it].count == 0 ) {
                            item_name = stacked_here[true_it].begin()->_item.display_money( stacked_here[true_it].size(),
                                        charges_total );
                        } else {
                            unsigned long charges = 0;
                            int c = getitem[true_it].count;
                            for( auto it = stacked_here[true_it].begin(); it != stacked_here[true_it].end() &&
                                 c > 0; ++it, --c ) {
                                charges += it->_item.charges;
                            item_name = string_format( _( "%s of %s" ),
                                                       stacked_here[true_it].begin()->_item.display_money( getitem[true_it].count, charges ),
                                                       format_money( charges_total ) );
                    } else {
                        item_name = this_item.display_name( stacked_here[true_it].size() );
                    if( stacked_here[true_it].size() > 1 ) {
                        item_name = string_format( "%d %s", stacked_here[true_it].size(), item_name.c_str() );
                    if( get_option<bool>( "ITEM_SYMBOLS" ) ) {
                        item_name = string_format( "%s %s", this_item.symbol().c_str(),
                                                   item_name.c_str() );
                    trim_and_print( w_pickup, 1 + ( cur_it % maxitems ), 6, pickupW - 4, icolor,
                                    item_name );

            mvwprintw( w_pickup, maxitems + 1, 0, _( "[%s] Unmark" ),
                       ctxt.get_desc( "LEFT", 1 ).c_str() );

            center_print( w_pickup, maxitems + 1, c_light_gray, string_format( _( "[%s] Help" ),
                          ctxt.get_desc( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS", 1 ).c_str() ) );

            right_print( w_pickup, maxitems + 1, 0, c_light_gray, string_format( _( "[%s] Mark" ),
                         ctxt.get_desc( "RIGHT", 1 ).c_str() ) );

            mvwprintw( w_pickup, maxitems + 2, 0, _( "[%s] Prev" ),
                       ctxt.get_desc( "PREV_TAB", 1 ).c_str() );

            center_print( w_pickup, maxitems + 2, c_light_gray, string_format( _( "[%s] All" ),
                          ctxt.get_desc( "SELECT_ALL", 1 ).c_str() ) );

            right_print( w_pickup, maxitems + 2, 0, c_light_gray, string_format( _( "[%s] Next" ),
                         ctxt.get_desc( "NEXT_TAB", 1 ).c_str() ) );

            if( update ) { // Update weight & volume information
                update = false;
                for( int i = 9; i < pickupW; ++i ) {
                    mvwaddch( w_pickup, 0, i, ' ' );
                units::mass weight_picked_up = 0;
                units::volume volume_picked_up = 0;
                for( size_t i = 0; i < getitem.size(); i++ ) {
                    if( getitem[i].pick ) {
                        item temp = stacked_here[i].begin()->_item;
                        if( temp.count_by_charges() && getitem[i].count < temp.charges && getitem[i].count != 0 ) {
                            temp.charges = getitem[i].count;
                        int num_picked = std::min( stacked_here[i].size(),
                                                   getitem[i].count == 0 ? stacked_here[i].size() : getitem[i].count );
                        weight_picked_up += temp.weight() * num_picked;
                        volume_picked_up += temp.volume() * num_picked;

                auto weight_predict = g->u.weight_carried() + weight_picked_up;
                auto volume_predict = g->u.volume_carried() + volume_picked_up;

                mvwprintz( w_pickup, 0, 9, weight_predict > g->u.weight_capacity() ? c_red : c_white,
                           _( "Wgt %.1f" ), round_up( convert_weight( weight_predict ), 1 ) );

                wprintz( w_pickup, c_white, "/%.1f", round_up( convert_weight( g->u.weight_capacity() ), 1 ) );

                std::string fmted_volume_predict = format_volume( volume_predict );
                mvwprintz( w_pickup, 0, 24, volume_predict > g->u.volume_capacity() ? c_red : c_white,
                           _( "Vol %s" ), fmted_volume_predict.c_str() );

                std::string fmted_volume_capacity = format_volume( g->u.volume_capacity() );
                wprintz( w_pickup, c_white, "/%s", fmted_volume_capacity.c_str() );

            wrefresh( w_pickup );

            action = ctxt.handle_input();
            raw_input_char = ctxt.get_raw_input().get_first_input();

        } while( action != "QUIT" && action != "CONFIRM" );

        bool item_selected = false;
        // Check if we have selected an item.
        for( auto selection : getitem ) {
            if( selection.pick ) {
                item_selected = true;
        if( action != "CONFIRM" || !item_selected ) {
            w_pickup = catacurses::window();
            w_item_info = catacurses::window();
            add_msg( _( "Never mind." ) );

    // At this point we've selected our items, register an activity to pick them up.
    g->u.assign_activity( activity_id( "ACT_PICKUP" ) );
    g->u.activity.placement = pos - g->u.pos();
    g->u.activity.values.push_back( from_vehicle );
    if( min == -1 ) {
        // Auto pickup will need to auto resume since there can be several of them on the stack.
        g->u.activity.auto_resume = true;
    std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> pick_values;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < stacked_here.size(); i++ ) {
        const auto &selection = getitem[i];
        if( !selection.pick ) {

        const auto &stack = stacked_here[i];
        // Note: items can be both charged and stacked
        // For robustness, let's assume they can be both in the same stack
        bool pick_all = selection.count == 0;
        size_t count = selection.count;
        for( const item_idx &it : stack ) {
            if( !pick_all && count == 0 ) {

            if( it._item.count_by_charges() ) {
                size_t num_picked = std::min( ( size_t )it._item.charges, count );
                pick_values.push_back( { static_cast<int>( it.idx ), static_cast<int>( num_picked ) } );
                count -= num_picked;
            } else {
                size_t num_picked = 1;
                pick_values.push_back( { static_cast<int>( it.idx ), 0 } );
                count -= num_picked;
    // The pickup activity picks up items last-to-first from its values list, so make sure the
    // higher indices are at the end.
    std::sort( pick_values.begin(), pick_values.end() );
    for( auto &it : pick_values ) {
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( it.first );
        g->u.activity.values.push_back( it.second );

Exemplo n.º 24
void minesweeper_game::new_level(WINDOW *w_minesweeper)
    iMaxY = getmaxy(w_minesweeper) - 2;
    iMaxX = getmaxx(w_minesweeper) - 2;



    auto set_num = [&](const std::string sType, int &iVal, const int iMin, const int iMax) {
        std::ostringstream ssTemp;
        ssTemp << _("Min:") << iMin << " " << _("Max:") << " " << iMax;

        do {
            if ( iVal < iMin || iVal > iMax ) {
                iVal = iMin;

            iVal = std::atoi(string_input_popup(sType.c_str(), 5, to_string(iVal), ssTemp.str().c_str(), "", -1, true).c_str());
        } while( iVal < iMin || iVal > iMax);

    uimenu difficulty;
    difficulty.text = _("Game Difficulty");
    difficulty.entries.push_back(uimenu_entry(0, true, 'b', _("Beginner")));
    difficulty.entries.push_back(uimenu_entry(1, true, 'i', _("Intermediate")));
    difficulty.entries.push_back(uimenu_entry(2, true, 'e', _("Expert")));
    difficulty.entries.push_back(uimenu_entry(3, true, 'c', _("Custom")));

    switch (difficulty.ret) {
    case 0:
        iLevelY = 8;
        iLevelX = 8;
        iBombs = 10;
    case 1:
        iLevelY = 16;
        iLevelX = 16;
        iBombs = 40;
    case 2:
        iLevelY = 16;
        iLevelX = 30;
        iBombs = 99;
    case 3:
        iLevelY = iMinY;
        iLevelX = iMinX;

        set_num(_("Level width:"), iLevelX, iMinX, iMaxX);
        set_num(_("Level height:"), iLevelY, iMinY, iMaxY);

        iBombs = iLevelX * iLevelY * 0.1;

        set_num(_("Number of bombs:"), iBombs, iBombs, iLevelX * iLevelY * 0.6);

    iOffsetX = ((iMaxX - iLevelX) / 2) + 1;
    iOffsetY = ((iMaxY - iLevelY) / 2) + 1;

    int iRandX;
    int iRandY;
    for ( int i = 0; i < iBombs; i++ ) {
        do {
            iRandX = rng(0, iLevelX - 1);
            iRandY = rng(0, iLevelY - 1);
        } while ( mLevel[iRandY][iRandX] == (int)bomb );

        mLevel[iRandY][iRandX] = (int)bomb;

    for ( int y = 0; y < iLevelY; y++ ) {
        for ( int x = 0; x < iLevelX; x++ ) {
            if (mLevel[y][x] == (int)bomb) {
                const auto circle = closest_tripoints_first( 1, {x, y, 0} );

                for( const auto &p : circle ) {
                    if ( p.x >= 0 && p.x < iLevelX && p.y >= 0 && p.y < iLevelY ) {
                        if ( mLevel[p.y][p.x] != (int)bomb ) {

    for (int y = 0; y < iLevelY; y++) {
        mvwputch(w_minesweeper, iOffsetY + y, iOffsetX, c_white, std::string(iLevelX, '#'));

    mvwputch(w_minesweeper, iOffsetY, iOffsetX, hilite(c_white), "#");

    draw_custom_border(w_minesweeper, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
                       BORDER_COLOR, iOffsetY - 1, iLevelY + 2, iOffsetX - 1, iLevelX + 2);
Exemplo n.º 25
void defense_game::setup()
 WINDOW* w = newwin(25, 80, 0, 0);
 int selection = 1;
 refresh_setup(w, selection);

 while (true) {
  char ch = input();

  if (ch == 'S') {
   if (!zombies && !specials && !spiders && !triffids && !robots && !subspace) {
    popup("You must choose at least one monster group!");
    refresh_setup(w, selection);
   } else
  } else if (ch == '+' || ch == '>' || ch == 'j') {
   if (selection == 19)
    selection = 1;
   refresh_setup(w, selection);
  } else if (ch == '-' || ch == '<' || ch == 'k') {
   if (selection == 1)
    selection = 19;
   refresh_setup(w, selection);
  } else if (ch == '!') {
   std::string name = string_input_popup("Template Name:", 20);
   refresh_setup(w, selection);
  } else if (ch == 'S')

  else {
   switch (selection) {
    case 1:	// Scenario selection
     if (ch == 'l') {
      if (style == defense_style(NUM_DEFENSE_STYLES - 1))
       style = defense_style(1);
       style = defense_style(style + 1);
     if (ch == 'h') {
      if (style == defense_style(1))
       style = defense_style(NUM_DEFENSE_STYLES - 1);
       style = defense_style(style - 1);

    case 2:	// Location selection
     if (ch == 'l') {
      if (location == defense_location(NUM_DEFENSE_LOCATIONS - 1))
       location = defense_location(1);
       location = defense_location(location + 1);
     if (ch == 'h') {
      if (location == defense_location(1))
       location = defense_location(NUM_DEFENSE_LOCATIONS - 1);
       location = defense_location(location - 1);
     mvwprintz(w, 5, 2, c_black, "\
     mvwprintz(w, 5, 2, c_yellow, defense_location_name(location).c_str());
     mvwprintz(w,  5, 28, c_ltgray,

    case 3:	// Difficulty of the first wave
     if (ch == 'h' && initial_difficulty > 10)
      initial_difficulty -= 5;
     if (ch == 'l' && initial_difficulty < 995)
      initial_difficulty += 5;
     mvwprintz(w, 7, 22, c_black, "xxx");
     mvwprintz(w, 7, NUMALIGN(initial_difficulty), c_yellow, "%d",

    case 4:	// Wave Difficulty
     if (ch == 'h' && wave_difficulty > 10)
      wave_difficulty -= 5;
     if (ch == 'l' && wave_difficulty < 995)
      wave_difficulty += 5;
     mvwprintz(w, 8, 22, c_black, "xxx");
     mvwprintz(w, 8, NUMALIGN(wave_difficulty), c_yellow, "%d",

    case 5:
     if (ch == 'h' && time_between_waves > 5)
      time_between_waves -= 5;
     if (ch == 'l' && time_between_waves < 995)
      time_between_waves += 5;
     mvwprintz(w, 10, 22, c_black, "xxx");
     mvwprintz(w, 10, NUMALIGN(time_between_waves), c_yellow, "%d",

    case 6:
     if (ch == 'h' && waves_between_caravans > 1)
      waves_between_caravans -= 1;
     if (ch == 'l' && waves_between_caravans < 50)
      waves_between_caravans += 1;
     mvwprintz(w, 11, 22, c_black, "xxx");
     mvwprintz(w, 11, NUMALIGN(waves_between_caravans), c_yellow, "%d",

    case 7:
     if (ch == 'h' && initial_cash > 0)
      initial_cash -= 100;
     if (ch == 'l' && initial_cash < 99900)
      initial_cash += 100;
     mvwprintz(w, 13, 20, c_black, "xxxxx");
     mvwprintz(w, 13, NUMALIGN(initial_cash), c_yellow, "%d", initial_cash);

    case 8:
     if (ch == 'h' && cash_per_wave > 0)
      cash_per_wave -= 100;
     if (ch == 'l' && cash_per_wave < 9900)
      cash_per_wave += 100;
     mvwprintz(w, 14, 21, c_black, "xxxx");
     mvwprintz(w, 14, NUMALIGN(cash_per_wave), c_yellow, "%d", cash_per_wave);

    case 9:
     if (ch == 'h' && cash_increase > 0)
      cash_increase -= 50;
     if (ch == 'l' && cash_increase < 9950)
      cash_increase += 50;
     mvwprintz(w, 15, 21, c_black, "xxxx");
     mvwprintz(w, 15, NUMALIGN(cash_increase), c_yellow, "%d", cash_increase);

    case 10:
     if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n') {
      zombies = !zombies;
      specials = false;
     mvwprintz(w, 18, 2, (zombies ? c_ltgreen : c_yellow), "Zombies");
     mvwprintz(w, 18, 14, c_yellow, "Special Zombies");

    case 11:
     if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n') {
      specials = !specials;
      zombies = false;
     mvwprintz(w, 18, 2, c_yellow, "Zombies");
     mvwprintz(w, 18, 14, (specials ? c_ltgreen : c_yellow), "Special Zombies");

    case 12:
     if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')
      spiders = !spiders;
     mvwprintz(w, 18, 34, (spiders ? c_ltgreen : c_yellow), "Spiders");

    case 13:
     if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')
      triffids = !triffids;
     mvwprintz(w, 18, 46, (triffids ? c_ltgreen : c_yellow), "Triffids");

    case 14:
     if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')
      robots = !robots;
     mvwprintz(w, 18, 59, (robots ? c_ltgreen : c_yellow), "Robots");

    case 15:
     if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')
      subspace = !subspace;
     mvwprintz(w, 18, 70, (subspace ? c_ltgreen : c_yellow), "Subspace");

    case 16:
     if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')
      hunger = !hunger;
     mvwprintz(w, 21, 2, (hunger ? c_ltgreen : c_yellow), "Food");

    case 17:
     if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')
      thirst = !thirst;
     mvwprintz(w, 21, 16, (thirst ? c_ltgreen : c_yellow), "Water");

    case 18:
     if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')
      sleep = !sleep;
     mvwprintz(w, 21, 31, (sleep ? c_ltgreen : c_yellow), "Sleep");

    case 19:
     if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')
      mercenaries = !mercenaries;
     mvwprintz(w, 21, 46, (mercenaries ? c_ltgreen : c_yellow), "Mercenaries");
  if (ch == 'h' || ch == 'l' || ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')
   refresh_setup(w, selection);
Exemplo n.º 26
void safemode::show( const std::string &custom_name_in, bool is_safemode_in )
    auto global_rules_old = global_rules;
    auto character_rules_old = character_rules;

    const int header_height = 4;
    const int content_height = FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2 - header_height;

    const int offset_x = ( TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH ) ? ( TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH ) / 2 : 0;
    const int offset_y = ( TERMY > FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT ) ? ( TERMY - FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT ) / 2 : 0;

    enum Columns : int {

    std::map<int, int> column_pos;
    column_pos[COLUMN_RULE] = 4;
    column_pos[COLUMN_ATTITUDE] = 48;
    column_pos[COLUMN_PROXIMITY] = 59;
    column_pos[COLUMN_WHITE_BLACKLIST] = 66;

    const int num_columns = column_pos.size();

    WINDOW *w_help = newwin( ( FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 ) - 2, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH * 3 / 4,
                             7 + offset_y + ( FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 ) / 2, offset_x + 19 / 2 );
    WINDOW_PTR w_helpptr( w_help );

    WINDOW *w_border = newwin( FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH, offset_y, offset_x );
    WINDOW_PTR w_borderptr( w_border );
    WINDOW *w_header = newwin( header_height, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, 1 + offset_y,
                               1 + offset_x );
    WINDOW_PTR w_headerptr( w_header );
    WINDOW *w = newwin( content_height, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, header_height + 1 + offset_y,
                        1 + offset_x );
    WINDOW_PTR wptr( w );

    draw_border( w_border, BORDER_COLOR, custom_name_in );

    mvwputch( w_border, 3,  0, c_ltgray, LINE_XXXO ); // |-
    mvwputch( w_border, 3, 79, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXX ); // -|

    for( auto &column : column_pos ) {
        mvwputch( w_border, FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, column.second + 1, c_ltgray,
                  LINE_XXOX ); // _|_

    wrefresh( w_border );

    static const std::vector<std::string> hotkeys = {{
            _( "<A>dd" ), _( "<R>emove" ), _( "<C>opy" ), _( "<M>ove" ),
            _( "<E>nable" ), _( "<D>isable" ), _( "<T>est" )

    int tmpx = 0;
    for( auto &hotkey : hotkeys ) {
        tmpx += shortcut_print( w_header, 0, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, hotkey ) + 2;

    tmpx = 0;
    tmpx += shortcut_print( w_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _( "<+-> Move up/down" ) ) + 2;
    tmpx += shortcut_print( w_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _( "<Enter>-Edit" ) ) + 2;
    shortcut_print( w_header, 1, tmpx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _( "<Tab>-Switch Page" ) );

    for( int i = 0; i < 78; i++ ) {
        mvwputch( w_header, 2, i, c_ltgray, LINE_OXOX ); // Draw line under header

    for( auto &pos : column_pos ) {
        mvwputch( w_header, 2, pos.second, c_ltgray, LINE_OXXX );
        mvwputch( w_header, 3, pos.second, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXO );

    mvwprintz( w_header, 3, 1, c_white, "#" );
    mvwprintz( w_header, 3, column_pos[COLUMN_RULE] + 4, c_white, _( "Rules" ) );
    mvwprintz( w_header, 3, column_pos[COLUMN_ATTITUDE] + 2, c_white, _( "Attitude" ) );
    mvwprintz( w_header, 3, column_pos[COLUMN_PROXIMITY] + 2, c_white, _( "Dist" ) );
    mvwprintz( w_header, 3, column_pos[COLUMN_WHITE_BLACKLIST] + 2, c_white, _( "B/W" ) );

    wrefresh( w_header );

    int tab = GLOBAL_TAB;
    int line = 0;
    int column = 0;
    int start_pos = 0;
    bool changes_made = false;
    input_context ctxt( "SAFEMODE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "CONFIRM" );
    ctxt.register_action( "QUIT" );
    ctxt.register_action( "NEXT_TAB" );
    ctxt.register_action( "PREV_TAB" );
    ctxt.register_action( "ADD_DEFAULT_RULESET" );
    ctxt.register_action( "ADD_RULE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "REMOVE_RULE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "COPY_RULE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "ENABLE_RULE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "DISABLE_RULE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "MOVE_RULE_UP" );
    ctxt.register_action( "MOVE_RULE_DOWN" );
    ctxt.register_action( "TEST_RULE" );
    ctxt.register_action( "HELP_KEYBINDINGS" );

    if( is_safemode_in ) {
        ctxt.register_action( "SWITCH_SAFEMODE_OPTION" );
        ctxt.register_action( "SWAP_RULE_GLOBAL_CHAR" );

    while( true ) {
        int locx = 17;
        locx += shortcut_print( w_header, 2, locx, c_white,
                                ( tab == GLOBAL_TAB ) ? hilite( c_white ) : c_white, _( "[<Global>]" ) ) + 1;
        shortcut_print( w_header, 2, locx, c_white,
                        ( tab == CHARACTER_TAB ) ? hilite( c_white ) : c_white, _( "[<Character>]" ) );

        locx = 55;
        mvwprintz( w_header, 0, locx, c_white, _( "Safe Mode enabled:" ) );
        locx += shortcut_print( w_header, 1, locx,
                                ( ( get_option<bool>( "SAFEMODE" ) ) ? c_ltgreen : c_ltred ), c_white,
                                ( ( get_option<bool>( "SAFEMODE" ) ) ? _( "True" ) : _( "False" ) ) );
        locx += shortcut_print( w_header, 1, locx, c_white, c_ltgreen, "  " );
        locx += shortcut_print( w_header, 1, locx, c_white, c_ltgreen, _( "<S>witch" ) );
        shortcut_print( w_header, 1, locx, c_white, c_ltgreen, "  " );

        wrefresh( w_header );

        // Clear the lines
        for( int i = 0; i < content_height; i++ ) {
            for( int j = 0; j < 79; j++ ) {
                mvwputch( w, i, j, c_black, ' ' );

            for( auto &pos : column_pos ) {
                mvwputch( w, i, pos.second, c_ltgray, LINE_XOXO );

        auto &current_tab = ( tab == GLOBAL_TAB ) ? global_rules : character_rules;

        if( tab == CHARACTER_TAB && g->u.name.empty() ) {
            mvwprintz( w, 8, 15, c_white, _( "Please load a character first to use this page!" ) );
        } else if( empty() ) {
            mvwprintz( w, 8, 15, c_white, _( "Safe Mode manager currently inactive." ) );
            mvwprintz( w, 9, 15, c_white, _( "Default rules are used. Add a rule to activate." ) );
            mvwprintz( w, 10, 15, c_white, _( "Press ~ to add a default ruleset to get started." ) );

        draw_scrollbar( w_border, line, content_height, current_tab.size(), 5 );
        wrefresh( w_border );

        calcStartPos( start_pos, line, content_height, current_tab.size() );

        // display safe mode
        for( int i = start_pos; i < ( int )current_tab.size(); i++ ) {
            if( i >= start_pos &&
                i < start_pos + std::min( content_height, static_cast<int>( current_tab.size() ) ) ) {

                auto rule = current_tab[i];

                nc_color line_color = ( rule.active ) ? c_white : c_ltgray;

                mvwprintz( w, i - start_pos, 1, line_color, "%d", i + 1 );
                mvwprintz( w, i - start_pos, 5, c_yellow, ( line == i ) ? ">> " : "   " );

                auto draw_column = [&]( Columns column_in, std::string text_in ) {
                    mvwprintz( w, i - start_pos, column_pos[column_in] + 2,
                               ( line == i && column == column_in ) ? hilite( line_color ) : line_color,
                               "%s", text_in.c_str()

                draw_column( COLUMN_RULE, ( rule.rule.empty() ) ? _( "<empty rule>" ) : rule.rule );
                draw_column( COLUMN_ATTITUDE, Creature::get_attitude_ui_data( rule.attitude ).first );
                draw_column( COLUMN_PROXIMITY, ( !rule.whitelist ) ? to_string( rule.proximity ).c_str() : "---" );
                draw_column( COLUMN_WHITE_BLACKLIST, ( rule.whitelist ) ? _( "Whitelist" ) : _( "Blacklist" ) );

        wrefresh( w );

        const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input();

        if( action == "NEXT_TAB" ) {
            if( tab >= MAX_TAB ) {
                tab = 0;
                line = 0;
        } else if( action == "PREV_TAB" ) {
            if( tab < 0 ) {
                tab = MAX_TAB - 1;
                line = 0;
        } else if( action == "QUIT" ) {
        } else if( tab == CHARACTER_TAB && g->u.name.empty() ) {
            //Only allow loaded games to use the char sheet
        } else if( action == "DOWN" ) {
            if( line >= ( int )current_tab.size() ) {
                line = 0;
        } else if( action == "UP" ) {
            if( line < 0 ) {
                line = current_tab.size() - 1;
        } else if( action == "ADD_DEFAULT_RULESET" ) {
            changes_made = true;
            current_tab.push_back( rules_class( "*", true, false, Creature::A_HOSTILE, 0 ) );
            line = current_tab.size() - 1;
        } else if( action == "ADD_RULE" ) {
            changes_made = true;
            current_tab.push_back( rules_class( "", true, false, Creature::A_HOSTILE,
                                                get_option<int>( "SAFEMODEPROXIMITY" ) ) );
            line = current_tab.size() - 1;
        } else if( action == "REMOVE_RULE" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            current_tab.erase( current_tab.begin() + line );
            if( line > ( int )current_tab.size() - 1 ) {
            if( line < 0 ) {
                line = 0;
        } else if( action == "COPY_RULE" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            current_tab.push_back( current_tab[line] );
            line = current_tab.size() - 1;
        } else if( action == "SWAP_RULE_GLOBAL_CHAR" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            if( ( tab == GLOBAL_TAB && !g->u.name.empty() ) || tab == CHARACTER_TAB ) {
                changes_made = true;
                //copy over
                auto &temp_rules_from = ( tab == GLOBAL_TAB ) ? global_rules : character_rules;
                auto &temp_rules_to = ( tab == GLOBAL_TAB ) ? character_rules : global_rules;

                temp_rules_to.push_back( temp_rules_from[line] );

                //remove old
                temp_rules_from.erase( temp_rules_from.begin() + line );
                line = temp_rules_from.size() - 1;
                tab = ( tab == GLOBAL_TAB ) ? CHARACTER_TAB : GLOBAL_TAB;
        } else if( action == "CONFIRM" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            if( column == COLUMN_RULE ) {
                fold_and_print( w_help, 1, 1, 999, c_white,
                                    "* is used as a Wildcard. A few Examples:\n"
                                    "human          matches every NPC\n"
                                    "zombie         matches the monster name exactly\n"
                                    "acidic zo*     matches monsters beginning with 'acidic zo'\n"
                                    "*mbie          matches monsters ending with 'mbie'\n"
                                    "*cid*zo*ie     multiple * are allowed\n"
                                    "AcI*zO*iE      case insensitive search" )

                draw_border( w_help );
                wrefresh( w_help );
                current_tab[line].rule = wildcard_trim_rule( string_input_popup()
                                         .title( _( "Safe Mode Rule:" ) )
                                         .width( 30 )
                                         .text( current_tab[line].rule )
                                         .query_string() );
            } else if( column == COLUMN_WHITE_BLACKLIST ) {
                current_tab[line].whitelist = !current_tab[line].whitelist;
            } else if( column == COLUMN_ATTITUDE ) {
                auto &attitude = current_tab[line].attitude;
                switch( attitude ) {
                    case Creature::A_HOSTILE:
                        attitude = Creature::A_NEUTRAL;
                    case Creature::A_NEUTRAL:
                        attitude = Creature::A_FRIENDLY;
                    case Creature::A_FRIENDLY:
                        attitude = Creature::A_ANY;
                    case Creature::A_ANY:
                        attitude = Creature::A_HOSTILE;
            } else if( column == COLUMN_PROXIMITY && !current_tab[line].whitelist ) {
                const auto text = string_input_popup()
                                  .title( _( "Proximity Distance (0=max viewdistance)" ) )
                                  .width( 4 )
                                  .text( to_string( current_tab[line].proximity ) )
                                  .description( _( "Option: " ) + to_string( get_option<int>( "SAFEMODEPROXIMITY" ) ) +
                                                " " + get_options().get_option( "SAFEMODEPROXIMITY" ).getDefaultText() )
                                  .max_length( 3 )
                                  .only_digits( true )
                if( text.empty() ) {
                    current_tab[line].proximity = get_option<int>( "SAFEMODEPROXIMITY" );
                } else {
                    //Let the options class handle the validity of the new value
                    auto temp_option = get_options().get_option( "SAFEMODEPROXIMITY" );
                    temp_option.setValue( text );
                    current_tab[line].proximity = atoi( temp_option.getValue().c_str() );
        } else if( action == "ENABLE_RULE" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            current_tab[line].active = true;
        } else if( action == "DISABLE_RULE" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            current_tab[line].active = false;
        } else if( action == "LEFT" ) {
            if( column < 0 ) {
                column = num_columns - 1;
        } else if( action == "RIGHT" ) {
            if( column >= num_columns ) {
                column = 0;
        } else if( action == "MOVE_RULE_UP" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            if( line < ( int )current_tab.size() - 1 ) {
                std::swap( current_tab[line], current_tab[line + 1] );
                column = 0;
        } else if( action == "MOVE_RULE_DOWN" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            changes_made = true;
            if( line > 0 ) {
                std::swap( current_tab[line],  current_tab[line - 1] );
                column = 0;
        } else if( action == "TEST_RULE" && !current_tab.empty() ) {
            test_pattern( tab, line );
        } else if( action == "SWITCH_SAFEMODE_OPTION" ) {
            get_options().get_option( "SAFEMODE" ).setNext();

    if( !changes_made ) {

    if( query_yn( _( "Save changes?" ) ) ) {
        if( is_safemode_in ) {
            if( !g->u.name.empty() ) {
        } else {
    } else {
        global_rules = global_rules_old;
        character_rules = character_rules_old;
Exemplo n.º 27
void game::wishitem( player *p, int x, int y, int z)
    if ( p == NULL && x <= 0 ) {
        debugmsg("game::wishitem(): invalid parameters");
    const std::vector<std::string> standard_itype_ids = item_controller->get_all_itype_ids();
    int prev_amount, amount = 1;
    uimenu wmenu;
    wmenu.w_x = 0;
    wmenu.w_width = TERMX;
    wmenu.pad_right = ( TERMX / 2 > 40 ? TERMX - 40 : TERMX / 2 );
    wmenu.return_invalid = true;
    wmenu.selected = uistate.wishitem_selected;
    wish_item_callback *cb = new wish_item_callback( standard_itype_ids );
    wmenu.callback = cb;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < standard_itype_ids.size(); i++) {
        item ity( standard_itype_ids[i], 0 );
        wmenu.addentry( i, true, 0, string_format( _( "%.*s" ), wmenu.pad_right - 5,
                                                   ity.tname( 1, false ).c_str() ) );
        wmenu.entries[i].extratxt.txt = string_format("%c", ity.symbol());
        wmenu.entries[i].extratxt.color = ity.color();
        wmenu.entries[i].extratxt.left = 1;
    do {
        if ( wmenu.ret >= 0 ) {
            item granted(standard_itype_ids[wmenu.ret], calendar::turn);
            prev_amount = amount;
            if (p != NULL) {
                amount = std::atoi(
                             string_input_popup(_("How many?"), 20, to_string( amount ),
            if (dynamic_cast<wish_item_callback *>(wmenu.callback)->incontainer) {
                granted = granted.in_its_container();
            if ( p != NULL ) {
                for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
            } else if ( x >= 0 && y >= 0 ) {
                m.add_item_or_charges( tripoint( x, y, z ), granted);
                wmenu.keypress = 'q';
            if ( amount > 0 ) {
                dynamic_cast<wish_item_callback *>(wmenu.callback)->msg =
                    _("Wish granted. Wish for more or hit 'q' to quit.");
            uistate.wishitem_selected = wmenu.ret;
            if ( !amount ) {
                amount = prev_amount;
    } while ( wmenu.keypress != 'q' && wmenu.keypress != KEY_ESCAPE && wmenu.keypress != ' ' );
    delete wmenu.callback;
    wmenu.callback = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 28
int main()

  cuss::interface i_editor;
  Window w_editor(0, 0, 80, 24);
  if (!i_editor.load_from_file("cuss/i_element_ed.cuss")) {
    debugmsg("Can't load cuss/i_element_ed.cuss");
    return 1;
  std::vector<std::string> element_names;
  std::vector<std::string> transform_names;
  std::vector<std::string> damage_names;
  i_editor.ref_data("list_elements", &element_names);
  i_editor.ref_data("list_transformations", &transform_names);
  i_editor.ref_data("list_damagetypes", &damage_names);
  i_editor.select  ("list_elements");

  bool quit = false;
  while (!quit) {
    element_names = get_names();
    cuss::element* selected = i_editor.selected();
    int ele_num = i_editor.get_int("list_elements");
    element* cur_element = NULL;
    if (ele_num < ELEMENTS_POOL.size()) {
      cur_element = &(ELEMENTS_POOL[ele_num]);
      std::stringstream color_data;
      color_data << "<c=" << color_tag_name(cur_element->color) <<
      i_editor.set_data("text_color", color_data.str());
      i_editor.ref_data("entry_name", &(cur_element->name));
    transform_names = get_tra_names(cur_element);
    damage_names    = get_dmg_names(cur_element);

    long ch = getch();
    if (selected->name == "entry_name" &&
        ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == ' ')) {
      cur_element->name += ch;

    } else if (selected->name == "entry_name" && is_backspace(ch) &&
               !cur_element->name.empty()) {
      cur_element->name =
       cur_element->name.substr( 0, cur_element->name.length() - 1);

    } else if (ch == 's' || ch == 'S') {
      quit = true;

    } else if (ch == 'c' || ch == 'C') {

    } else if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'A') {
// Where are we adding an element?
      if (selected->name == "list_elements") {
        element tmp;
        tmp.name = string_input_popup("Name:");
        i_editor.set_data("list_elements", 999);
      } else if (selected->name == "list_transformations") {
        i_editor.set_data("list_transformations", 0);
      } else if (selected->name == "list_damagetypes") {
        i_editor.set_data("list_damagetypes", 0);
    } else if (ch == 'd' || ch == 'D') {
// Where are we deleting an element?
      if (selected->name == "list_elements" && cur_element) {
        i_editor.set_data("list_elements", 0);
      } else if (selected->name == "list_transformations") {
        int index = i_editor.get_int("list_transformations");
        if (cur_element && index >= 0 &&
            index < cur_element->transformations.size()) {
          delete_transformation(cur_element, index);
          i_editor.set_data("list_transformations", 0);
      } else if (selected->name == "list_damagetypes") {
        int index = i_editor.get_int("list_damagetypes");
        if (cur_element && index >= 0 &&
            index < cur_element->damages.size()) {
          delete_damagetype(cur_element, index);
          i_editor.set_data("list_damagetypes", 0);
    } else {
  } // while (!quit)

  return 0;