Exemplo n.º 1
// synchronize one tap with another at a given offset in seconds.
// useful for delays
void buffer_tap_sync(bufferTap* tap, bufferTap* target, fix16 offset) {
  fix32 sampsOff;
  //  time_to_samps(&offset, &sampsOff, tap->buf->sr);
  sec_to_frames_fract(&offset, &sampsOff);
  tap->idx = target->idx;
  sub_fix32(&(tap->idx), &sampsOff);
  fix32_wrap_range(&(tap->idx), tap->loop);
Exemplo n.º 2
// wrap a 32.32 value to a positive integer range
extern void fix32_wrap_range(fix32* a, u32 upperBound) {
  static fix32 upFix;
  upFix.i = upperBound;
  upFix.fr = 0;
  //  u8 wrapCount = 0;
  while (a->i < 0) {
    //a->i += upperBound;
    add_fix32(a, &upFix);
      //    wrapCount++;
  //  if(wrapCount) {
    //    a->fr = sub_fr1x32(FR32_MAX, a->fr);
  //  }
  while(a->i > (upperBound-1)) {
    // a->i -= upperBound;
    sub_fix32(a, &upFix);