Exemplo n.º 1
	struct pf_status	status;
	int			pfdev = -1;
	int			i;

	char		*cnames[] = PFRES_NAMES;
	char		*lnames[] = LCNT_NAMES;
	char		*names[] = { "searches", "inserts", "removals" };

	if ((pfdev = open(pf_device, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
		ERROR("unable to open %s", pf_device);
		return (-1);

	if (ioctl(pfdev, DIOCGETSTATUS, &status) == -1) {
		ERROR("DIOCGETSTATUS: %i", pfdev);
		return (-1);


	for (i = 0; i < PFRES_MAX; i++)
		submit_counter("pf_counters", cnames[i], status.counters[i], 0);
	for (i = 0; i < LCNT_MAX; i++)
		submit_counter("pf_limits", lnames[i], status.lcounters[i], 0);
	for (i = 0; i < FCNT_MAX; i++)
		submit_counter("pf_state", names[i], status.fcounters[i], 0);
	for (i = 0; i < SCNT_MAX; i++)
		submit_counter("pf_source", names[i], status.scounters[i], 0);

	submit_counter("pf_states", "current", status.states, 1);

	return (0);
Exemplo n.º 2
static int apache_read_host (user_data_t *user_data) /* {{{ */
	int i;

	char *ptr;
	char *saveptr;
	char *lines[16];
	int   lines_num = 0;

	char *fields[4];
	int   fields_num;

	apache_t *st;

	st = user_data->data;

	assert (st->url != NULL);
	/* (Assured by `config_add') */

	if (st->curl == NULL)
		int status;

		status = init_host (st);
		if (status != 0)
			return (-1);
	assert (st->curl != NULL);

	st->apache_buffer_fill = 0;
	if (curl_easy_perform (st->curl) != 0)
		ERROR ("apache: curl_easy_perform failed: %s",
		return (-1);

	/* fallback - server_type to apache if not set at this time */
	if (st->server_type == -1)
		WARNING ("apache plugin: Unable to determine server software "
				"automatically. Will assume Apache.");
		st->server_type = APACHE;

	ptr = st->apache_buffer;
	saveptr = NULL;
	while ((lines[lines_num] = strtok_r (ptr, "\n\r", &saveptr)) != NULL)
		ptr = NULL;

		if (lines_num >= 16)

	for (i = 0; i < lines_num; i++)
		fields_num = strsplit (lines[i], fields, 4);

		if (fields_num == 3)
			if ((strcmp (fields[0], "Total") == 0)
					&& (strcmp (fields[1], "Accesses:") == 0))
				submit_counter ("apache_requests", "",
						atoll (fields[2]), st);
			else if ((strcmp (fields[0], "Total") == 0)
					&& (strcmp (fields[1], "kBytes:") == 0))
				submit_counter ("apache_bytes", "",
						1024LL * atoll (fields[2]), st);
		else if (fields_num == 2)
			if (strcmp (fields[0], "Scoreboard:") == 0)
				submit_scoreboard (fields[1], st);
			else if (strcmp (fields[0], "BusyServers:") == 0)
				submit_gauge ("apache_connections", NULL, atol (fields[1]), st);

	st->apache_buffer_fill = 0;

	return (0);
} /* }}} int apache_read_host */
Exemplo n.º 3
static int memcached_read (void) /* {{{ */
	char buf[1024];
	char *fields[3];
	char *ptr;
	char *line;
	char *saveptr;
	int fields_num;

	gauge_t bytes_used = NAN;
	gauge_t bytes_total = NAN;
	gauge_t hits = NAN;
	gauge_t gets = NAN;
	counter_t rusage_user = 0;
	counter_t rusage_syst = 0;
	counter_t octets_rx = 0;
	counter_t octets_tx = 0;

	/* get data from daemon */
	if (memcached_query_daemon (buf, sizeof (buf)) < 0) {
		return -1;

#define FIELD_IS(cnst) \
	(((sizeof(cnst) - 1) == name_len) && (strcmp (cnst, fields[1]) == 0))

	ptr = buf;
	saveptr = NULL;
	while ((line = strtok_r (ptr, "\n\r", &saveptr)) != NULL)
		int name_len;

		ptr = NULL;

		fields_num = strsplit(line, fields, 3);
		if (fields_num != 3)

		name_len = strlen(fields[1]);
		if (name_len == 0)

		 * For an explanation on these fields please refer to
		 * <http://code.sixapart.com/svn/memcached/trunk/server/doc/protocol.txt>

		 * CPU time consumed by the memcached process
		if (FIELD_IS ("rusage_user"))
			rusage_user = atoll (fields[2]);
		else if (FIELD_IS ("rusage_system"))
			rusage_syst = atoll(fields[2]);

		 * Number of threads of this instance
		else if (FIELD_IS ("threads"))
			submit_gauge2 ("ps_count", NULL, NAN, atof (fields[2]));

		 * Number of items stored
		else if (FIELD_IS ("curr_items"))
			submit_gauge ("memcached_items", "current", atof (fields[2]));

		 * Number of bytes used and available (total - used)
		else if (FIELD_IS ("bytes"))
			bytes_used = atof (fields[2]);
		else if (FIELD_IS ("limit_maxbytes"))
			bytes_total = atof(fields[2]);

		 * Connections
		else if (FIELD_IS ("curr_connections"))
			submit_gauge ("memcached_connections", "current", atof (fields[2]));

		 * Commands
		else if ((name_len > 4) && (strncmp (fields[1], "cmd_", 4) == 0))
			const char *name = fields[1] + 4;
			submit_counter ("memcached_command", name, atoll (fields[2]));
			if (strcmp (name, "get") == 0)
				gets = atof (fields[2]);

		 * Operations on the cache, i. e. cache hits, cache misses and evictions of items
		else if (FIELD_IS ("get_hits"))
			submit_counter ("memcached_ops", "hits", atoll (fields[2]));
			hits = atof (fields[2]);
		else if (FIELD_IS ("get_misses"))
			submit_counter ("memcached_ops", "misses", atoll (fields[2]));
		else if (FIELD_IS ("evictions"))
			submit_counter ("memcached_ops", "evictions", atoll (fields[2]));

		 * Network traffic
		else if (FIELD_IS ("bytes_read"))
			octets_rx = atoll (fields[2]);
		else if (FIELD_IS ("bytes_written"))
			octets_tx = atoll (fields[2]);
	} /* while ((line = strtok_r (ptr, "\n\r", &saveptr)) != NULL) */

	if (!isnan (bytes_used) && !isnan (bytes_total) && (bytes_used <= bytes_total))
		submit_gauge2 ("df", "cache", bytes_used, bytes_total - bytes_used);

	if ((rusage_user != 0) || (rusage_syst != 0))
		submit_counter2 ("ps_cputime", NULL, rusage_user, rusage_syst);

	if ((octets_rx != 0) || (octets_tx != 0))
		submit_counter2 ("memcached_octets", NULL, octets_rx, octets_tx);

	if (!isnan (gets) && !isnan (hits))
		gauge_t rate = NAN;

		if (gets != 0.0)
			rate = 100.0 * hits / gets;

		submit_gauge ("percent", "hitratio", rate);

	return 0;