Exemplo n.º 1
Variant f_setlocale(int _argc, int category, CVarRef locale, CArrRef _argv /* = null_array */) {
  Array argv = _argv;
  if (locale.is(KindOfArray)) {
    if (!argv.empty()) throw_invalid_argument("locale: not string)");
    argv = locale; // ignore _argv

  for (int i = -1; i < argv.size(); i++) {
    String slocale;
    if (i == -1) {
      if (locale.is(KindOfArray)) continue;
      slocale = locale.toString();
    } else {
      slocale = argv[i].toString();

    const char *loc = slocale;
    if (slocale.size() >= 255) {
      throw_invalid_argument("locale name is too long: %s", loc);
      return false;
    if (strcmp("0", loc) == 0) {
      loc = NULL;
      Lock lock(s_mutex);
      const char *retval = setlocale(category, loc);
      if (retval) {
        return String(retval, CopyString);
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
Variant ArrayUtil::Range(double low, double high, int64_t step /* = 1 */) {
  Array ret;
  if (low > high) { // Negative steps
    if (low - high < step || step <= 0) {
      throw_invalid_argument("step exceeds the specified range");
      return false;
    rangeCheckAlloc((low - high) / step);
    for (; low >= high; low -= step) {
  } else if (high > low) { // Positive steps
    if (high - low < step || step <= 0) {
      throw_invalid_argument("step exceeds the specified range");
      return false;
    rangeCheckAlloc((high - low) / step);
    for (; low <= high; low += step) {
  } else {
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
Variant f_stream_get_contents(const Resource& handle, int maxlen /* = -1 */,
                              int offset /* = -1 */) {
  if (maxlen < -1) {
    throw_invalid_argument("maxlen: %d", maxlen);
    return false;

  if (maxlen == 0) {
    return init_null();

  File *file = handle.getTyped<File>(false /* nullOkay */,
                                     true /* badTypeOkay */);
  if (!file) {
      "stream_get_contents() expects parameter 1 to be a resource");
    return false;

  if (offset >= 0 && !file->seek(offset, SEEK_SET) ) {
    raise_warning("Failed to seek to position %d in the stream", offset);
    return false;

  String ret;
  if (maxlen != -1) {
    if (maxlen < 0) {
      return false;
    ret = file->read(maxlen);
  } else {
    ret = file->read();
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool validate_dns_arguments(const String& host, const String& type,
                            int& ntype) {
  IOStatusHelper io("dns_check_record", host.data());
  const char *stype;
  if (type.empty()) {
    stype = "MX";
  } else {
    stype = type.data();
  if (host.empty()) {
    throw_invalid_argument("host: [empty]");

  if (!strcasecmp("A", stype)) ntype = DNS_T_A;
  else if (!strcasecmp("NS",    stype)) ntype = DNS_T_NS;
  else if (!strcasecmp("MX",    stype)) ntype = DNS_T_MX;
  else if (!strcasecmp("PTR",   stype)) ntype = DNS_T_PTR;
  else if (!strcasecmp("ANY",   stype)) ntype = DNS_T_ANY;
  else if (!strcasecmp("SOA",   stype)) ntype = DNS_T_SOA;
  else if (!strcasecmp("TXT",   stype)) ntype = DNS_T_TXT;
  else if (!strcasecmp("CNAME", stype)) ntype = DNS_T_CNAME;
  else if (!strcasecmp("AAAA",  stype)) ntype = DNS_T_AAAA;
  else if (!strcasecmp("SRV",   stype)) ntype = DNS_T_SRV;
  else if (!strcasecmp("NAPTR", stype)) ntype = DNS_T_NAPTR;
  else if (!strcasecmp("A6",    stype)) ntype = DNS_T_A6;
  else {
    throw_invalid_argument("type: %s", stype);
    return false;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
Variant f_substr_count(CStrRef haystack, CStrRef needle, int offset /* = 0 */,
                       int length /* = 0x7FFFFFFF */) {
  int lenNeedle = needle.size();
  if (lenNeedle == 0) {
    throw_invalid_argument("needle: (empty)");
    return false;

  if (offset < 0 || offset > haystack.size()) {
    throw_invalid_argument("offset: (out of range)");
    return false;
  if (length == 0x7FFFFFFF) {
    length = haystack.size() - offset;
  } else if (length <= 0 || length > haystack.size() - offset) {
    throw_invalid_argument("length: (out of range)");
    return false;

  int count = 0;
  int posMax = offset + length - lenNeedle;
  for (int pos = haystack.find(needle, offset);
       pos != -1 && pos <= posMax;
       pos = haystack.find(needle, pos + lenNeedle)) {
  return count;
Exemplo n.º 6
Variant ArrayUtil::Range(double low, double high, double step /* = 1.0 */) {
  Array ret;
  double element;
  int64_t i;
  if (low > high) { // Negative steps
    if (low - high < step || step <= 0) {
      throw_invalid_argument("step exceeds the specified range");
      return false;
    rangeCheckAlloc((low - high) / step);
    for (i = 0, element = low; element >= (high - DOUBLE_DRIFT_FIX);
         i++, element = low - (i * step)) {
  } else if (high > low) { // Positive steps
    if (high - low < step || step <= 0) {
      throw_invalid_argument("step exceeds the specified range");
      return false;
    rangeCheckAlloc((high - low) / step);
    for (i = 0, element = low; element <= (high + DOUBLE_DRIFT_FIX);
         i++, element = low + (i * step)) {
  } else {
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
Variant f_apc_exists(CVarRef key, int64_t cache_id /* = 0 */) {
  if (!apcExtension::Enable) return false;

  if (cache_id < 0 || cache_id >= MAX_SHARED_STORE) {
    throw_invalid_argument("cache_id: %" PRId64, cache_id);
    return false;

  if (key.is(KindOfArray)) {
    Array keys = key.toArray();
    ArrayInit init(keys.size());
    for (ArrayIter iter(keys); iter; ++iter) {
      Variant k = iter.second();
      if (!k.isString()) {
        throw_invalid_argument("apc key: (not a string)");
        return false;
      String strKey = k.toString();
      if (s_apc_store[cache_id].exists(strKey)) {
    return init.create();

  return s_apc_store[cache_id].exists(key.toString());
Exemplo n.º 8
Variant f_substr_replace(CVarRef str, CVarRef replacement, CVarRef start,
                         CVarRef length /* = 0x7FFFFFFF */) {
  if (!str.is(KindOfArray)) {
    String repl;
    if (replacement.is(KindOfArray)) {
      repl = replacement[0].toString();
    } else {
      repl = replacement.toString();
    if (start.is(KindOfArray)) {
      if (!length.is(KindOfArray)) {
        throw_invalid_argument("start and length should be of same type - "
                               "numerical or array");
        return str;
      Array startArr = start.toArray();
      Array lengthArr = length.toArray();
      if (startArr.size() != lengthArr.size()) {
        throw_invalid_argument("start and length: (different item count)");
        return str;
      throw_invalid_argument("start and length as arrays not implemented");
      return str;
    return str.toString().replace(start.toInt32(), length.toInt32(), repl);

  Array ret;
  Array strArr = str.toArray();
  Array startArr = start.toArray();
  Array lengthArr = length.toArray();
  ArrayIter startIter(startArr);
  ArrayIter lengthIter(lengthArr);

  if (replacement.is(KindOfArray)) {
    Array replArr = replacement.toArray();
    ArrayIter replIter(replArr);
    for (ArrayIter iter(strArr); iter;
         ++iter, ++startIter, ++lengthIter) {
      int nStart = startIter.second().toInt32();
      int nLength = lengthIter.second().toInt32();
      String repl("");
      if (replIter) {
        repl = replIter.second().toString();
      ret.append(iter.second().toString().replace(nStart, nLength, repl));
  } else {
    String repl = replacement.toString();
    for (ArrayIter iter(strArr); iter;
         ++iter, ++startIter, ++lengthIter) {
      int nStart = startIter.second().toInt32();
      int nLength = lengthIter.second().toInt32();
      ret.append(iter.second().toString().replace(nStart, nLength, repl));
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 9
Variant f_base_convert(CStrRef number, int64_t frombase, int64_t tobase) {
  if (!string_validate_base(frombase)) {
    throw_invalid_argument("Invalid frombase: %d", frombase);
    return false;
  if (!string_validate_base(tobase)) {
    throw_invalid_argument("Invalid tobase: %d", tobase);
    return false;
  Variant v = string_base_to_numeric(number.data(), number.size(), frombase);
  return String(string_numeric_to_base(v, tobase), AttachString);
Exemplo n.º 10
Variant f_stream_get_contents(CObjRef handle, int maxlen /* = 0 */,
                              int offset /* = 0 */) {
  if (maxlen < 0) {
    throw_invalid_argument("maxlen: %d", maxlen);
    return false;

  File *file = handle.getTyped<File>();
  if (offset > 0 && !file->seek(offset, SEEK_SET) ) {
    raise_warning("Failed to seek to position %d in the stream", offset);
    return false;

  String ret;
  if (maxlen) {
    char *buf = (char *)malloc(maxlen + 1);
    maxlen = file->readImpl(buf, maxlen);
    if (maxlen < 0) {
      return false;
    buf[maxlen] = '\0';
    ret = String(buf, maxlen, AttachString);
  } else {
    StringBuffer sb;
    ret = sb.detach();
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 11
Variant ArrayUtil::Range(unsigned char low, unsigned char high,
                         int64_t step /* = 1 */) {
  if (step <= 0) {
    throw_invalid_argument("step exceeds the specified range");
    return false;

  Array ret;
  if (low > high) { // Negative Steps
    for (; low >= high; low -= (unsigned int)step) {
      if (((signed int)low - step) < 0) {
  } else if (high > low) { // Positive Steps
    for (; low <= high; low += (unsigned int)step) {
      if (((signed int)low + step) > 255) {
  } else {
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 12
Variant f_stream_copy_to_stream(const Resource& source, const Resource& dest,
                                int maxlength /* = -1 */,
                                int offset /* = 0 */) {
  if (maxlength == 0) return 0;
  if (maxlength == PHP_STREAM_COPY_ALL) maxlength = 0;

  File *srcFile = source.getTyped<File>();
  File *destFile = dest.getTyped<File>();
  if (maxlength < 0) {
    throw_invalid_argument("maxlength: %d", maxlength);
    return false;
  if (offset > 0 && !srcFile->seek(offset, SEEK_SET) ) {
    raise_warning("Failed to seek to position %d in the stream", offset);
    return false;
  int cbytes = 0;
  if (maxlength == 0) maxlength = INT_MAX;
  while (cbytes < maxlength) {
    int remaining = maxlength - cbytes;
    String buf = srcFile->read(std::min(remaining, File::CHUNK_SIZE));
    if (buf.size() == 0) break;
    if (destFile->write(buf) != buf.size()) {
      return false;
    cbytes += buf.size();

  return cbytes;
Exemplo n.º 13
Variant f_stream_copy_to_stream(CObjRef source, CObjRef dest,
                                int maxlength /* = -1 */,
                                int offset /* = 0 */) {
  if (maxlength == 0) return 0;
  if (maxlength == PHP_STREAM_COPY_ALL) maxlength = 0;

  File *srcFile = source.getTyped<File>();
  File *destFile = dest.getTyped<File>();
  if (maxlength < 0) {
    throw_invalid_argument("maxlength: %d", maxlength);
    return false;
  if (offset > 0 && !srcFile->seek(offset, SEEK_SET) ) {
    raise_warning("Failed to seek to position %ld in the stream", offset);
    return false;
  int cbytes = 0;
  if (maxlength == 0) maxlength = INT_MAX;
  while (cbytes < maxlength) {
    char buf[8193];
    int remaining = maxlength - cbytes;
    int toread =
      ((remaining >= (int)sizeof(buf)) ? sizeof(buf) - 1 : remaining);
    int rbytes = srcFile->readImpl(buf, toread);
    if (rbytes == 0) break;
    if (rbytes < 0) return false;
    buf[rbytes] = '\0';
    if (destFile->write(String(buf, rbytes, AttachLiteral)) != rbytes) {
      return false;
    cbytes += rbytes;
  return cbytes;
Exemplo n.º 14
void StringData::append(const char *s, int len) {
  if (len == 0) return;

  if (len < 0 || (len & IsMask)) {
    throw_invalid_argument("len: %d", len);

  if (!isMalloced()) {
    int newlen;
    m_data = string_concat(data(), size(), s, len, newlen);
    if (isShared()) {
    m_len = newlen;
  } else if (m_data == s) {
    int newlen;
    char *newdata = string_concat(data(), size(), s, len, newlen);
    m_data = newdata;
    m_len = newlen;
  } else {
    int dataLen = size();
    ASSERT((m_data > s && m_data - s > len) ||
           (m_data < s && s - m_data > dataLen)); // no overlapping
    m_len = len + dataLen;
    m_data = (const char*)realloc((void*)m_data, m_len + 1);
    memcpy((void*)(m_data + dataLen), s, len);
    ((char*)m_data)[m_len] = '\0';
Exemplo n.º 15
Variant ArrayUtil::Chunk(CArrRef input, int size,
                         bool preserve_keys /* = false */) {
  if (size < 1) {
    throw_invalid_argument("size: %d", size);
    return uninit_null();

  Array ret = Array::Create();
  Array chunk;
  int current = 0;
  for (ArrayIter iter(input); iter; ++iter) {
    if (preserve_keys) {
      chunk.addLval(iter.first(), true).setWithRef(iter.secondRef());
    } else {
    if ((++current % size) == 0) {

  if (!chunk.empty()) {
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 16
bool HHVM_FUNCTION(time_sleep_until, double timestamp) {
  struct timeval tm;
  if (gettimeofday((struct timeval *)&tm, NULL) != 0) {
    return false;

  double c_ts = (double)(timestamp - tm.tv_sec - tm.tv_usec / 1000000.0);
  if (c_ts < 0) {
      ("timestamp: Sleep until to time is less than current time");
    return false;

  struct timespec req, rem;
  req.tv_sec = (time_t)c_ts;
  req.tv_nsec = (long)((c_ts - req.tv_sec) * 1000000000.0);

  IOStatusHelper io("nanosleep");
  while (nanosleep(&req, &rem)) {
    recordNanosleepTime(req, &rem);
    if (errno != EINTR) return false;
    req.tv_sec = rem.tv_sec;
    req.tv_nsec = rem.tv_nsec;
  recordNanosleepTime(req, nullptr);
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
Variant HHVM_FUNCTION(base_convert,
                      const Variant& number,
                      int64_t frombase,
                      int64_t tobase) {
  if (!string_validate_base(frombase)) {
    throw_invalid_argument("Invalid frombase: %" PRId64, frombase);
    return false;
  if (!string_validate_base(tobase)) {
    throw_invalid_argument("Invalid tobase: %" PRId64, tobase);
    return false;
  String str = number.toString();
  Variant v = string_base_to_numeric(str.data(), str.size(), frombase);
  return string_numeric_to_base(v, tobase);
Exemplo n.º 18
static Variant HHVM_FUNCTION(assert_options,
                             int64_t what, const Variant& value /*=null */) {
  if (what == k_ASSERT_ACTIVE) {
    int oldValue = s_option_data->assertActive;
    if (!value.isNull()) s_option_data->assertActive = value.toInt64();
    return oldValue;
  if (what == k_ASSERT_WARNING) {
    int oldValue = s_option_data->assertWarning;
    if (!value.isNull()) s_option_data->assertWarning = value.toInt64();
    return oldValue;
  if (what == k_ASSERT_BAIL) {
    int oldValue = s_option_data->assertBail;
    if (!value.isNull()) s_option_data->assertBail = value.toInt64();
    return oldValue;
  if (what == k_ASSERT_CALLBACK) {
    Variant oldValue = s_option_data->assertCallback;
    if (!value.isNull()) s_option_data->assertCallback = value;
    return oldValue;
  if (what == k_ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL) {
    bool oldValue = s_option_data->assertQuietEval;
    if (!value.isNull()) s_option_data->assertQuietEval = value.toBoolean();
    return Variant(oldValue);
  if (what == k_ASSERT_EXCEPTION) {
    int oldValue = s_option_data->assertException;
    if (!value.isNull()) s_option_data->assertException = value.toBoolean();
    return Variant(oldValue);
  throw_invalid_argument("assert option %ld is not supported", (long)what);
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 19

device_array_group::device_array_group(const device_array_pool_ptr& pool) :
    if (!_pool) throw_invalid_argument("Pool is null.");
Exemplo n.º 20
Variant f_stream_get_contents(CObjRef handle, int maxlen /* = 0 */,
                              int offset /* = 0 */) {
  if (maxlen < 0) {
    throw_invalid_argument("maxlen: %d", maxlen);
    return false;

  File *file = handle.getTyped<File>();
  if (offset > 0 && !file->seek(offset, SEEK_SET) ) {
    raise_warning("Failed to seek to position %d in the stream", offset);
    return false;

  String ret;
  if (maxlen) {
    ret = String(maxlen, ReserveString);
    char *buf = ret.mutableSlice().ptr;
    maxlen = file->readImpl(buf, maxlen);
    if (maxlen < 0) {
      return false;
  } else {
    StringBuffer sb;
    ret = sb.detach();
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 21
Variant ArrayUtil::Combine(CArrRef keys, CArrRef values) {
  if (keys.size() != values.size()) {
    throw_invalid_argument("keys and values not same count");
    return false;
  if (keys.empty()) {
    throw_invalid_argument("keys and values empty");
    return false;

  Array ret = Array::Create();
  for (ArrayIter iter1(keys), iter2(values); iter1; ++iter1, ++iter2) {
    CVarRef v(iter2.secondRef());
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 22
Variant f_idate(CStrRef format, int64_t timestamp /* = TimeStamp::Current() */) {
  if (format.size() != 1) {
    throw_invalid_argument("format: %s", format.data());
    return false;
  int64_t ret = DateTime(timestamp, false).toInteger(*format.data());
  if (ret == -1) return false;
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 23
static Variant idateImpl(const String& format, int64_t timestamp) {
  if (format.size() != 1) {
    throw_invalid_argument("format: %s", format.data());
    return false;
  int64_t ret = DateTime(timestamp, false).toInteger(*format.data());
  if (ret == -1) return false;
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 24
static Variant HHVM_FUNCTION(idate, const String& fmt, int64_t timestamp) {
  if (fmt.size() != 1) {
    throw_invalid_argument("format: %s", fmt.data());
    return false;
  int64_t ret = req::make<DateTime>(timestamp, false)->toInteger(*fmt.data());
  if (ret == -1) return false;
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 25
bool f_apc_clear_cache(int64_t cache_id /* = 0 */) {
  if (!apcExtension::Enable) return false;

  if (cache_id < 0 || cache_id >= MAX_SHARED_STORE) {
    throw_invalid_argument("cache_id: %" PRId64, cache_id);
    return false;
  return s_apc_store[cache_id].clear();
Exemplo n.º 26
bool Array::MultiSort(std::vector<SortData> &data, bool renumber) {

    int count = -1;
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < data.size(); k++) {
        SortData &opaque = data[k];

        int size = opaque.array->size();
        if (count == -1) {
            count = size;
        } else if (count != size) {
            throw_invalid_argument("arrays: (inconsistent sizes)");
            return false;

        CArrRef arr = *opaque.array;
        if (!arr.empty()) {
            for (ssize_t pos = arr->iter_begin(); pos != ArrayData::invalid_index;
                    pos = arr->iter_advance(pos)) {
    if (count == 0) {
        return true;

    int *indices = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * count);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        indices[i] = i;

    zend_qsort(indices, count, sizeof(int), multi_compare_func, (void *)&data);

    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < data.size(); k++) {
        SortData &opaque = data[k];
        CArrRef arr = *opaque.array;

        Array sorted;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            ssize_t pos = opaque.positions[indices[i]];
            Variant k(arr->getKey(pos));
            if (renumber && k.isInteger()) {
            } else {
                sorted.set(k, arr->getValueRef(pos));
        *opaque.original = sorted;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 27
static Variant HHVM_FUNCTION(mysql_async_fetch_array, const Resource& result,
                                               int result_type /* = 1 */) {
  if ((result_type & PHP_MYSQL_BOTH) == 0) {
    throw_invalid_argument("result_type: %d", result_type);
    return false;

  auto res = php_mysql_extract_result(result);
  if (!res) {
    return false;

  MYSQL_RES* mysql_result = res->get();
  if (!mysql_result) {
    raise_warning("invalid parameter to mysql_async_fetch_array");
    return false;

  MYSQL_ROW mysql_row = nullptr;
  int status = mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking(mysql_result, &mysql_row);
  // Last row, or no row yet available.
  if (status != NET_ASYNC_COMPLETE) {
    return false;
  if (mysql_row == nullptr) {
    return false;

  unsigned long *mysql_row_lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(mysql_result);
  if (!mysql_row_lengths) {
    return false;

  mysql_field_seek(mysql_result, 0);

  Array ret;
  MYSQL_FIELD *mysql_field;
  int i;
  for (mysql_field = mysql_fetch_field(mysql_result), i = 0; mysql_field;
       mysql_field = mysql_fetch_field(mysql_result), i++) {
    Variant data;
    if (mysql_row[i]) {
      data = mysql_makevalue(String(mysql_row[i], mysql_row_lengths[i],
                                    CopyString), mysql_field);
    if (result_type & PHP_MYSQL_NUM) {
      ret.set(i, data);
    if (result_type & PHP_MYSQL_ASSOC) {
      ret.set(String(mysql_field->name, CopyString), data);

  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 28
Variant f_strtr(CStrRef str, CVarRef from, CVarRef to /* = null_variant */) {
  if (str.empty()) {
    return str;

  if (!to.isNull()) {
    return StringUtil::Translate(str, from.toString(), to.toString());

  if (!from.is(KindOfArray)) {
    throw_invalid_argument("2nd argument: (not array)");
    return false;

  int maxlen = 0;
  int minlen = -1;
  Array arr = from.toArray();
  for (ArrayIter iter(arr); iter; ++iter) {
    String search = iter.first();
    int len = search.size();
    if (len < 1) return false;
    if (maxlen < len) maxlen = len;
    if (minlen == -1 || minlen > len) minlen = len;

  const char *s = str.data();
  int slen = str.size();
  char *key = (char *)malloc(maxlen+1);

  StringBuffer result(slen);
  for (int pos = 0; pos < slen; ) {
    if ((pos + maxlen) > slen) {
      maxlen = slen - pos;
    bool found = false;
    memcpy(key, s + pos, maxlen);
    for (int len = maxlen; len >= minlen; len--) {
      key[len] = 0;
      if (arr.exists(key)) {
        String replace = arr[key].toString();
        if (!replace.empty()) {
          result += replace;
        pos += len;
        found = true;
    if (!found) {
      result += s[pos++];

  return result.detach();
Exemplo n.º 29
bool f_apc_cas(const String& key, int64_t old_cas, int64_t new_cas,
               int64_t cache_id /* = 0 */) {
  if (!apcExtension::Enable) return false;

  if (cache_id < 0 || cache_id >= MAX_SHARED_STORE) {
    throw_invalid_argument("cache_id: %" PRId64, cache_id);
    return false;
  return s_apc_store[cache_id].cas(key, old_cas, new_cas);
Exemplo n.º 30
Variant HHVM_FUNCTION(time_nanosleep, int seconds, int nanoseconds) {
  if (seconds < 0) {
    throw_invalid_argument("seconds: cannot be negative");
    return false;
  if (nanoseconds < 0 || nanoseconds > 999999999) {
    throw_invalid_argument("nanoseconds: has to be 0 to 999999999");
    return false;

  struct timespec req, rem;
  req.tv_sec = (time_t)seconds;
  req.tv_nsec = nanoseconds;

  IOStatusHelper io("nanosleep");
  if (!nanosleep(&req, &rem)) {
    recordNanosleepTime(req, nullptr);
    return true;

  recordNanosleepTime(req, &rem);
  if (errno == EINTR) {
    return make_map_array(s_seconds, (int64_t)rem.tv_sec,
                          s_nanoseconds, (int64_t)rem.tv_nsec);
  return false;