Exemplo n.º 1
void handle_png_options(std::string const& type,
                        int * colors,
                        int * compression,
                        int * strategy,
                        int * trans_mode,
                        double * gamma,
                        bool * use_octree)
    if (type == "png" || type == "png24" || type == "png32")
        // Shortcut when the user didn't specify any flags after the colon.
        // Paletted images specify "png8 or png256".
        *colors = -1;
    // TODO - convert to spirit parser
    if (type.length() > 6){
        boost::char_separator<char> sep(":");
        boost::tokenizer< boost::char_separator<char> > tokens(type, sep);
        BOOST_FOREACH(std::string t, tokens)
            if (t == "png" || t == "png24" || t == "png32")
                *colors = -1;
            else if (t == "m=h")
                *use_octree = false;
            else if (t == "m=o")
                *use_octree = true;
            else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(t, "c="))
                if (*colors < 0)
                    throw ImageWriterException("invalid color parameter: unavailable for true color images");

                if (!mapnik::util::string2int(t.substr(2),*colors) || *colors < 0 || *colors > 256)
                    throw ImageWriterException("invalid color parameter: " + t.substr(2));
            else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(t, "t="))
                if (*colors < 0)
                    throw ImageWriterException("invalid trans_mode parameter: unavailable for true color images");

                if (!mapnik::util::string2int(t.substr(2),*trans_mode) || *trans_mode < 0 || *trans_mode > 2)
                    throw ImageWriterException("invalid trans_mode parameter: " + t.substr(2));
            else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(t, "g="))
                if (*colors < 0)
                    throw ImageWriterException("invalid gamma parameter: unavailable for true color images");
                if (!mapnik::util::string2double(t.substr(2),*gamma) || *gamma < 0)
                    throw ImageWriterException("invalid gamma parameter: " + t.substr(2));
            else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(t, "z="))
                  #define Z_NO_COMPRESSION         0
                  #define Z_BEST_SPEED             1
                  #define Z_BEST_COMPRESSION       9
                  #define Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION  (-1)
                if (!mapnik::util::string2int(t.substr(2),*compression)
                    || *compression < Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION
                    || *compression > Z_BEST_COMPRESSION)
                    throw ImageWriterException("invalid compression parameter: " + t.substr(2) + " (only -1 through 9 are valid)");
            else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(t, "s="))
                std::string const& s = t.substr(2);
                if (s == "default")
                    *strategy = Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
                else if (s == "filtered")
                    *strategy = Z_FILTERED;
                else if (s == "huff")
                    *strategy = Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY;
                else if (s == "rle")
                    *strategy = Z_RLE;
                    throw ImageWriterException("invalid compression strategy parameter: " + s);
Exemplo n.º 2
bool Item::LoadFromDB(uint32 guid, uint64 owner_guid, Field* fields, uint32 entry)
    //                                                    0                1      2         3        4      5             6                 7           8           9    10
    //result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT creatorGuid, giftCreatorGuid, count, duration, charges, flags, enchantments, randomPropertyId, durability, playedTime, text FROM item_instance WHERE guid = '%u'", guid);

    // create item before any checks for store correct guid
    // and allow use "FSetState(ITEM_REMOVED); SaveToDB();" for deleting item from DB
    Object::_Create(guid, 0, HIGHGUID_ITEM);

    // Set entry, MUST be before proto check
    SetFloatValue(OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X, 1.0f);

    ItemTemplate const* proto = GetTemplate();
    if (!proto)
        return false;

    // set owner (not if item is only loaded for gbank/auction/mail
    if (owner_guid != 0)

    bool need_save = false;                                 // need explicit save data at load fixes
    SetUInt64Value(ITEM_FIELD_CREATOR, MAKE_NEW_GUID(fields[0].GetUInt32(), 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER));

    uint32 duration = fields[3].GetUInt32();
    SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION, duration);
    // update duration if need, and remove if not need
    if ((proto->Duration == 0) != (duration == 0))
        SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION, abs(proto->Duration));
        need_save = true;

    Tokens tokens(fields[4].GetString(), ' ', MAX_ITEM_PROTO_SPELLS);
    if (tokens.size() == MAX_ITEM_PROTO_SPELLS)
        for (uint8 i = 0; i < MAX_ITEM_PROTO_SPELLS; ++i)
            SetSpellCharges(i, atoi(tokens[i]));

    SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_FLAGS, fields[5].GetUInt32());
    // Remove bind flag for items vs NO_BIND set
    if (IsSoulBound() && proto->Bonding == NO_BIND)
        need_save = true;

    std::string enchants = fields[6].GetString();
    SetInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_RANDOM_PROPERTIES_ID, fields[7].GetInt16());
    // recalculate suffix factor
    if (GetItemRandomPropertyId() < 0)

    uint32 durability = fields[8].GetUInt16();
    SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURABILITY, durability);
    // update max durability (and durability) if need
    SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_MAXDURABILITY, proto->MaxDurability);
    if (durability > proto->MaxDurability)
        SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURABILITY, proto->MaxDurability);
        need_save = true;

    SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_CREATE_PLAYED_TIME, fields[9].GetUInt32());

    if (need_save)                                           // normal item changed state set not work at loading
        PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_UPD_ITEM_INSTANCE_ON_LOAD);
        stmt->setUInt32(0, GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION));
        stmt->setUInt32(1, GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_FLAGS));
        stmt->setUInt32(2, GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURABILITY));
        stmt->setUInt32(3, guid);

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
// BuildArgs
bool CSNode::BuildArgs( Args & fullArgs ) const
	// split into tokens
	Array< AString > tokens( 1024, true );
	m_CompilerArgs.Tokenize( tokens );

	AStackString<> quote( "\"" );

	const AString * const end = tokens.End();
	for ( const AString * it = tokens.Begin(); it!=end; ++it )
		const AString & token = *it;
		if ( token.EndsWith( "%1" ) )
			// handle /Option:%1 -> /Option:A /Option:B /Option:C
			AStackString<> pre;
			if ( token.GetLength() > 2 )
				pre.Assign( token.Get(), token.GetEnd() - 2 );

			// concatenate files, unquoted
			GetInputFiles( fullArgs, pre, AString::GetEmpty() );
		else if ( token.EndsWith( "\"%1\"" ) )
			// handle /Option:"%1" -> /Option:"A" /Option:"B" /Option:"C"
			AStackString<> pre( token.Get(), token.GetEnd() - 3 ); // 3 instead of 4 to include quote

			// concatenate files, quoted
			GetInputFiles( fullArgs, pre, quote );
		else if ( token.EndsWith( "%2" ) )
			// handle /Option:%2 -> /Option:A
			if ( token.GetLength() > 2 )
				fullArgs += AStackString<>( token.Get(), token.GetEnd() - 2 );
			fullArgs += m_Name;
		else if ( token.EndsWith( "\"%2\"" ) )
			// handle /Option:"%2" -> /Option:"A"
			AStackString<> pre( token.Get(), token.GetEnd() - 3 ); // 3 instead of 4 to include quote
			fullArgs += pre;
			fullArgs += m_Name;
			fullArgs += '"'; // post
		else if ( token.EndsWith( "%3" ) )
			// handle /Option:%3 -> /Option:A,B,C
			AStackString<> pre( token.Get(), token.GetEnd() - 2 );
			fullArgs += pre;

			// concatenate files, unquoted
			GetExtraRefs( fullArgs, AString::GetEmpty(), AString::GetEmpty() );
		else if ( token.EndsWith( "\"%3\"" ) )
			// handle /Option:"%3" -> /Option:"A","B","C"
			AStackString<> pre( token.Get(), token.GetEnd() - 4 );
			fullArgs += pre;

			// concatenate files, quoted
			GetExtraRefs( fullArgs, quote, quote );
			fullArgs += token;


	// Handle all the special needs of args
	const bool canUseResponseFile( true );
	if ( fullArgs.Finalize( m_CompilerPath, GetName(), canUseResponseFile ) == false )
		return false; // Finalize will have emitted an error

	return true;
   char* upload_pick(void* data)

   If applicable, brings up a file chooser in which the user selects a file
   to upload for a particular task.  If the file is valid for the given action,
   returns the string to the full path filename, else returns NULL.
   Data is the load filter for the type of file as defined in LLFilePicker.
const std::string upload_pick(void* data)
 	if( gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook() )
		// This doesn't seem necessary. JC
		// display();

	LLFilePicker::ELoadFilter type;
		type = (LLFilePicker::ELoadFilter)((intptr_t)data);
		type = LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_ALL;

	LLFilePicker& picker = LLFilePicker::instance();
	if (!picker.getOpenFile(type))
		llinfos << "Couldn't import objects from file" << llendl;
		return std::string();

	const std::string& filename = picker.getFirstFile();
	std::string ext = gDirUtilp->getExtension(filename);

	//strincmp doesn't like NULL pointers
	if (ext.empty())
		std::string short_name = gDirUtilp->getBaseFileName(filename);
		// No extension
		LLSD args;
		args["FILE"] = short_name;
		LLNotificationsUtil::add("NoFileExtension", args);
		return std::string();
		//so there is an extension
		//loop over the valid extensions and compare to see
		//if the extension is valid

		//now grab the set of valid file extensions
		std::string valid_extensions = build_extensions_string(type);

		BOOL ext_valid = FALSE;
		typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer;
		boost::char_separator<char> sep(" ");
		tokenizer tokens(valid_extensions, sep);
		tokenizer::iterator token_iter;

		//now loop over all valid file extensions
		//and compare them to the extension of the file
		//to be uploaded
		for( token_iter = tokens.begin();
			 token_iter != tokens.end() && ext_valid != TRUE;
			const std::string& cur_token = *token_iter;

			if (cur_token == ext || cur_token == "*.*")
				//valid extension
				//or the acceptable extension is any
				ext_valid = TRUE;
		}//end for (loop over all tokens)

		if (ext_valid == FALSE)
			//should only get here if the extension exists
			//but is invalid
			LLSD args;
			args["EXTENSION"] = ext;
			args["VALIDS"] = valid_extensions;
			LLNotificationsUtil::add("InvalidFileExtension", args);
			return std::string();
	}//end else (non-null extension)

	//valid file extension
	//now we check to see
	//if the file is actually a valid image/sound/etc.
	if (type == LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_WAV)
		// pre-qualify wavs to make sure the format is acceptable
		std::string error_msg;
		if (check_for_invalid_wav_formats(filename,error_msg))
			llinfos << error_msg << ": " << filename << llendl;
			LLSD args;
			args["FILE"] = filename;
			LLNotificationsUtil::add( error_msg, args );
			return std::string();
	}//end if a wave/sound file

	return filename;
Exemplo n.º 5
Modifier::from_string(const std::string& name, const std::string& value)
  if (name == "axismap")
    return AxismapModifier::from_string(value);
  else if (name == "buttonmap" || name == "btnmap")
    return ButtonmapModifier::from_string(value);
    typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer;
    tokenizer tokens(value, boost::char_separator<char>(":", "", boost::keep_empty_tokens));

    std::vector<std::string> args(tokens.begin(), tokens.end());

    if (name == "dpad-rotation" || name == "dpad-rotate")
      return DpadRotationModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "4wayrest" || name == "four-way-restrictor")
      return FourWayRestrictorModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "square" || name == "square-axis")
      return SquareAxisModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "rotate")
      return RotateAxisModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "stat" || name == "statistic")
      return StatisticModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "dpad-restrictor")
      return DpadRestrictorModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "btn2axis" || name == "button2axis")
      return Button2AxisModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "acc2axis")
      return Acc2AxisModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "ir2axis")
      return IR2AxisModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "stickzone")
      return StickZoneModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "split-axis" || name == "splitaxis")
      return SplitAxisModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "join-axis" || name == "joinaxis")
      return JoinAxisModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "sector2btn" || name == "sector2button")
      return Sector2ButtonModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "latency")
      return LatencyModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "copy")
      if (args.size() < 2)
        raise_exception(std::runtime_error, "'copy' modifier requires at least two arguments");
          case EV_REL:
          case EV_ABS:
            raise_exception(std::runtime_error, "not implemented");

          case EV_KEY:
            return KeyCopyModifier::from_string(args);

            raise_exception(std::runtime_error, "'copy' modifier couldn't guess");
    else if (name == "key-copy")
      return KeyCopyModifier::from_string(args);
    else if (name == "log")
      return LogModifier::from_string(value);
    else if (name == "compat")
      return new CompatModifier;
      throw std::runtime_error("unknown modifier: " + name);

  throw std::runtime_error("unknown modifier: " + name);