Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    CURL *curl;
    char curl_error[CURL_ERROR_SIZE];
    char update_path[PATH_MAX]; // path for update download
    char download_path[PATH_MAX]; // path for video download
    // first of all
    if(!optparse(argc, argv))
        return 0;
    // immediately check for paths and copy them
    if(!(pathcpy(update_path, options.update_downdir))) {
            "The path to download the update is not accessible.\n"
            "You entered: %s.\n", options.update_downdir
        return 0;
    if(!(pathcpy(download_path, options.downdir))) {
            "The path to download the videos is not accessible.\n"
            "You entered: %s.\n", options.downdir
        return 0;
    // first you must check if it was specified
    if(options.llist) {
        if(!(check_existance(options.llist))) {
                "The link list file given is not accessible.\n"
                "You entered: %s.\n", options.llist
            return 0;
    //! after all the path parsing and shit, we begin
    if(!(curl = curl_easy_init())) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Something went horribly wrong!\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Aborting...\n");
        return 0;
    // the first thing after initializing, would be to check for updates
    if(options.update) {
        char update_ver[UPDATE_VER_SIZE];
        int new_update_res;
        fprintf(stderr, "Checking for updates...\n");
        new_update_res = new_update(curl, YD_UPDATECHECKLINK, update_ver, UPDATE_VER_SIZE - 1, curl_error);
        if(new_update_res == UPDATE_YES) {
            int tries = 0;
            bool done = true;
            fprintf(stderr, "\nA new update was found!\n"
                            "Current Version: "PROGRAM_VERSION"\n"
                            "New Version:     %s\n\n", update_ver
            fprintf(stderr, "Do you want to download the update? [Y/n]: ");
            do {
                char ans;
                char update_basename[UPDATE_BASENAME_SIZE];
                char *up_url = NULL;
                FILE *fp = NULL;
                scanf("%1s", &ans);
                switch(toupper(ans)) {
                    case 'Y':
                        // prepare the download path, up_url was malloced by update_url
                        if(!(up_url = update_url(curl, YD_UPDATELINK, update_basename, UPDATE_BASENAME_SIZE - 1, curl_error))) { 
                            fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", curl_error);
                            fprintf(stderr, "Update not downloaded successfully.\n");
                        // just cat the base to the path (being careful not to overlap)
                        strncat(update_path, update_basename, PATH_MAX - strlen(update_path) - 1);
                        if(!(fp = fopen(update_path, "wb"))) {
                            fprintf(stderr, "Error Opening file for writing.\n");
                            fprintf(stderr, "Update will not be downloaded.\n");
                        } else {
                            fprintf(stderr, "Downloading update...\n");
                            int perform_update_res = perform_update(curl, up_url, fp, curl_error);
                            if(perform_update_res == UPDATE_OK) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "\n\nUpdate successfully downloaded!\n");
                            } else {
                                fprintf(stderr, "\n\nError: %s\n", curl_error);
                                fprintf(stderr, "Update not downloaded successfully.\n");
                        done = true;
                    case 'N':
                        fprintf(stderr, "Not downloading update...\n");
                        done = true;
                        done = false;
                        if(++tries > 3) // number of tries for a stupid user
                            done = true;
                        else {
                            fprintf(stderr, "That is not a valid option. Enter only [Y/n]: ");
            } while(!done);
        } else if(new_update_res == UPDATE_ERR) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", curl_error);
        } else if(new_update_res == UPDATE_NO) {
            fprintf(stderr, "No update found.\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    // ok, that was all the update process
    // all those stupid vars have finally been destroyed
    // next, we start getting links one by one...
    fprintf(stderr, "Ready for downloading. Waiting for input...\n");
    char input_buffer[URL_PATH_SIZE]; // buffer for each line of url
    char line_buffer[URL_PATH_SIZE];
    int nread;
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    // even though we already checked it, the file might have changed
    // so check it again!
    if(options.llist) {
        if(!(fp = fopen(options.llist, "r"))) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error opening link list for reading.\n");
            return 0;
    // before reading, we might want to flush stdin
    int i, j = 0;
    do {
        //int i, j = 0; this causes a bug... j can be re-initialized ONLY when the string is capped.
            nread = fread(input_buffer, sizeof(char), URL_PATH_SIZE, fp);
            nread = fread(input_buffer, sizeof(char), URL_PATH_SIZE, stdin);
        for(i = 0; i < nread; i++) {
            for(; input_buffer[i] != '\n' && i < nread; i++, j++)
                line_buffer[j] = input_buffer[i];
            // if we haven't finished reading the line, but the buffer filled up...
            if(i == nread && nread == URL_PATH_SIZE) continue;
            // we cap the line, and reinit j
            line_buffer[j] = '\0';
            j = 0;
            // until here, we have successfully gotten all the information
            // into line buffer, now entering actual download phase
                FILE *out_file = NULL;
                char video_link[URL_PATH_SIZE];
                char title[URL_PATH_SIZE];
                // added in 0.2.0a, found a bug in which the download_path would only be catted
                // oh and make errors continue!
                char out_file_path[PATH_MAX];
                memset(out_file_path, '\0', PATH_MAX);
                strncpy(out_file_path, download_path, PATH_MAX - 1);
                fprintf(stderr, "Looking for title...\n");
                if(!(video_title(curl, TITLE_LOOKUP_URL, line_buffer, title, curl_error))) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "\n\nError: %s.\n", curl_error);
                    fprintf(stderr, "Skipping this video..\n\n");
                fprintf(stderr, "Title is \"%s\".\n", title);
                fprintf(stderr, "Looking for a direct link to the video...\n");
                if(!(generate_link(curl, LINK_LOOKUP_URL, line_buffer, video_link, curl_error))) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "\n\nError: %s.\n", curl_error);
                    fprintf(stderr, "Skipping this video...\n\n");
                strncat(out_file_path, title, MAX_PATH - strlen(out_file_path) - 1);
                if(!(out_file = fopen(out_file_path, "wb"))) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error opening video file for writing!\n");
                    fprintf(stderr, "Skipping this video...\n\n");
                fprintf(stderr, "Downloading...\n");
                if(!(download_vid(curl, video_link, out_file, curl_error)))
                    fprintf(stderr, "\n\nError: %s.\n", curl_error);
                    fprintf(stderr, "\nVideo Sucessfully Downloaded!!!\n\n");
    } while(nread == URL_PATH_SIZE);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int     obj_update_object_location(DAL_Context* ctx) {

   return update_url(OS(ctx), &FH(ctx)->info);