int operator () (const schar * src0, const uchar * mask, int * dst, int len, int cn) const
        if (mask || (cn != 1 && cn != 2 && cn != 4))
            return 0;
        len *= cn;

        int x = 0;
        v_int32 v_sum = vx_setzero_s32();

        int len0 = len & -v_int8::nlanes;
        while (x < len0)
            const int len_tmp = min(x + 256*v_int16::nlanes, len0);
            v_int16 v_sum16 = vx_setzero_s16();
            for (; x < len_tmp; x += v_int8::nlanes)
                v_int16 v_src0, v_src1;
                v_expand(vx_load(src0 + x), v_src0, v_src1);
                v_sum16 += v_src0 + v_src1;
            v_int32 v_half0, v_half1;
            v_expand(v_sum16, v_half0, v_half1);
            v_sum += v_half0 + v_half1;
        if (x <= len - v_int16::nlanes)
            v_int32 v_half0, v_half1;
            v_expand(vx_load_expand(src0 + x), v_half0, v_half1);
            v_sum += v_half0 + v_half1;
            x += v_int16::nlanes;
        if (x <= len - v_int32::nlanes)
            v_sum += vx_load_expand_q(src0 + x);
            x += v_int32::nlanes;

        if (cn == 1)
            *dst += v_reduce_sum(v_sum);
            int32_t CV_DECL_ALIGNED(CV_SIMD_WIDTH) ar[v_int32::nlanes];
            v_store_aligned(ar, v_sum);
            for (int i = 0; i < v_int32::nlanes; ++i)
                dst[i % cn] += ar[i];

        return x / cn;
    int operator () (const short * src0, const uchar * mask, int * dst, int len, int cn) const
        if (mask || (cn != 1 && cn != 2 && cn != 4))
            return 0;
        len *= cn;

        int x = 0;
        v_int32 v_sum = vx_setzero_s32();

        for (; x <= len - v_int16::nlanes; x += v_int16::nlanes)
            v_int32 v_src0, v_src1;
            v_expand(vx_load(src0 + x), v_src0, v_src1);
            v_sum += v_src0 + v_src1;
        if (x <= len - v_int32::nlanes)
            v_sum += vx_load_expand(src0 + x);
            x += v_int32::nlanes;

        if (cn == 1)
            *dst += v_reduce_sum(v_sum);
            int32_t CV_DECL_ALIGNED(CV_SIMD_WIDTH) ar[v_int32::nlanes];
            v_store_aligned(ar, v_sum);
            for (int i = 0; i < v_int32::nlanes; ++i)
                dst[i % cn] += ar[i];

        return x / cn;
Exemplo n.º 3
    // v_expand and v_load_expand
    TheTest & test_expand()
        typedef typename V_RegTrait128<LaneType>::w_reg Rx2;
        Data<R> dataA;
        R a = dataA;

        Data<Rx2> resB = v_load_expand(dataA.d);

        Rx2 c, d;
        v_expand(a, c, d);

        Data<Rx2> resC = c, resD = d;
        const int n = Rx2::nlanes;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            EXPECT_EQ(dataA[i], resB[i]);
            EXPECT_EQ(dataA[i], resC[i]);
            EXPECT_EQ(dataA[i + n], resD[i]);

        return *this;
Exemplo n.º 4
void exp64f( const double *_x, double *y, int n )

    const double* const expTab = cv::details::getExpTab64f();

    const double
    A5 = .99999999999999999998285227504999 / EXPPOLY_32F_A0,
    A4 = .69314718055994546743029643825322 / EXPPOLY_32F_A0,
    A3 = .24022650695886477918181338054308 / EXPPOLY_32F_A0,
    A2 = .55504108793649567998466049042729e-1 / EXPPOLY_32F_A0,
    A1 = .96180973140732918010002372686186e-2 / EXPPOLY_32F_A0,
    A0 = .13369713757180123244806654839424e-2 / EXPPOLY_32F_A0;

    int i = 0;
    const Cv64suf* x = (const Cv64suf*)_x;
    double minval = (-exp_max_val/exp_prescale);
    double maxval = (exp_max_val/exp_prescale);

#if CV_SIMD_64F
    const int VECSZ = v_float64::nlanes;
    const v_float64 vprescale = vx_setall_f64(exp_prescale);
    const v_float64 vpostscale = vx_setall_f64(exp_postscale);
    const v_float64 vminval = vx_setall_f64(minval);
    const v_float64 vmaxval = vx_setall_f64(maxval);

    const v_float64 vA1 = vx_setall_f64(A1);
    const v_float64 vA2 = vx_setall_f64(A2);
    const v_float64 vA3 = vx_setall_f64(A3);
    const v_float64 vA4 = vx_setall_f64(A4);
    const v_float64 vA5 = vx_setall_f64(A5);

    const v_int32 vidxmask = vx_setall_s32(EXPTAB_MASK);
    bool y_aligned = (size_t)(void*)y % 32 == 0;

    for( ; i < n; i += VECSZ*2 )
        if( i + VECSZ*2 > n )
            if( i == 0 || _x == y )
            i = n - VECSZ*2;
            y_aligned = false;

        v_float64 xf0 = vx_load(&x[i].f), xf1 = vx_load(&x[i + VECSZ].f);

        xf0 = v_min(v_max(xf0, vminval), vmaxval);
        xf1 = v_min(v_max(xf1, vminval), vmaxval);

        xf0 *= vprescale;
        xf1 *= vprescale;

        v_int32 xi0 = v_round(xf0);
        v_int32 xi1 = v_round(xf1);
        xf0 = (xf0 - v_cvt_f64(xi0))*vpostscale;
        xf1 = (xf1 - v_cvt_f64(xi1))*vpostscale;

        v_float64 yf0 = v_lut(expTab, xi0 & vidxmask);
        v_float64 yf1 = v_lut(expTab, xi1 & vidxmask);

        v_int32 v0 = vx_setzero_s32(), v1023 = vx_setall_s32(1023), v2047 = vx_setall_s32(2047);
        xi0 = v_min(v_max(v_shr<EXPTAB_SCALE>(xi0) + v1023, v0), v2047);
        xi1 = v_min(v_max(v_shr<EXPTAB_SCALE>(xi1) + v1023, v0), v2047);

        v_int64 xq0, xq1, dummy;
        v_expand(xi0, xq0, dummy);
        v_expand(xi1, xq1, dummy);

        yf0 *= v_reinterpret_as_f64(v_shl<52>(xq0));
        yf1 *= v_reinterpret_as_f64(v_shl<52>(xq1));

        v_float64 zf0 = xf0 + vA1;
        v_float64 zf1 = xf1 + vA1;

        zf0 = v_fma(zf0, xf0, vA2);
        zf1 = v_fma(zf1, xf1, vA2);

        zf0 = v_fma(zf0, xf0, vA3);
        zf1 = v_fma(zf1, xf1, vA3);

        zf0 = v_fma(zf0, xf0, vA4);
        zf1 = v_fma(zf1, xf1, vA4);

        zf0 = v_fma(zf0, xf0, vA5);
        zf1 = v_fma(zf1, xf1, vA5);

        zf0 *= yf0;
        zf1 *= yf1;

        if( y_aligned )
            v_store_aligned(y + i, zf0);
            v_store_aligned(y + i + VECSZ, zf1);
            v_store(y + i, zf0);
            v_store(y + i + VECSZ, zf1);

    for( ; i < n; i++ )
        double x0 = x[i].f;
        x0 = std::min(std::max(x0, minval), maxval);
        x0 *= exp_prescale;
        Cv64suf buf;

        int xi = saturate_cast<int>(x0);
        x0 = (x0 - xi)*exp_postscale;

        int t = (xi >> EXPTAB_SCALE) + 1023;
        t = !(t & ~2047) ? t : t < 0 ? 0 : 2047;
        buf.i = (int64)t << 52;

        y[i] = buf.f * expTab[xi & EXPTAB_MASK] * (((((A0*x0 + A1)*x0 + A2)*x0 + A3)*x0 + A4)*x0 + A5);
Exemplo n.º 5
    void operator()(const Range &boundaries) const

        Mat dx, dy;
        AutoBuffer<short> dxMax(0), dyMax(0);
        std::deque<uchar*> stack, borderPeaksLocal;
        const int rowStart = max(0, boundaries.start - 1), rowEnd = min(src.rows, boundaries.end + 1);
        int *_mag_p, *_mag_a, *_mag_n;
        short *_dx, *_dy, *_dx_a = NULL, *_dy_a = NULL, *_dx_n = NULL, *_dy_n = NULL;
        uchar *_pmap;
        double scale = 1.0;

            if (aperture_size == 7)
                scale = 1 / 16.0;
            Sobel(src.rowRange(rowStart, rowEnd), dx, CV_16S, 1, 0, aperture_size, scale, 0, BORDER_REPLICATE);
            Sobel(src.rowRange(rowStart, rowEnd), dy, CV_16S, 0, 1, aperture_size, scale, 0, BORDER_REPLICATE);
            dx = src.rowRange(rowStart, rowEnd);
            dy = src2.rowRange(rowStart, rowEnd);

        if(cn > 1)
            dxMax.allocate(2 * dx.cols);
            dyMax.allocate(2 * dy.cols);
            _dx_a = (short*)dxMax;
            _dx_n = _dx_a + dx.cols;
            _dy_a = (short*)dyMax;
            _dy_n = _dy_a + dy.cols;

        // _mag_p: previous row, _mag_a: actual row, _mag_n: next row
#if CV_SIMD128
        AutoBuffer<int> buffer(3 * (mapstep * cn + CV_MALLOC_SIMD128));
        _mag_p = alignPtr((int*)buffer + 1, CV_MALLOC_SIMD128);
        _mag_a = alignPtr(_mag_p + mapstep * cn, CV_MALLOC_SIMD128);
        _mag_n = alignPtr(_mag_a + mapstep * cn, CV_MALLOC_SIMD128);
        AutoBuffer<int> buffer(3 * (mapstep * cn));
        _mag_p = (int*)buffer + 1;
        _mag_a = _mag_p + mapstep * cn;
        _mag_n = _mag_a + mapstep * cn;

        // For the first time when just 2 rows are filled and for left and right borders
        if(rowStart == boundaries.start)
            memset(_mag_n - 1, 0, mapstep * sizeof(int));
            _mag_n[src.cols] = _mag_n[-1] = 0;

        _mag_a[src.cols] = _mag_a[-1] = _mag_p[src.cols] = _mag_p[-1] = 0;

        // calculate magnitude and angle of gradient, perform non-maxima suppression.
        // fill the map with one of the following values:
        //   0 - the pixel might belong to an edge
        //   1 - the pixel can not belong to an edge
        //   2 - the pixel does belong to an edge
        for (int i = rowStart; i <= boundaries.end; ++i)
            // Scroll the ring buffer
            std::swap(_mag_n, _mag_a);
            std::swap(_mag_n, _mag_p);

            if(i < rowEnd)
                // Next row calculation
                _dx = dx.ptr<short>(i - rowStart);
                _dy = dy.ptr<short>(i - rowStart);

                if (L2gradient)
                    int j = 0, width = src.cols * cn;
#if CV_SIMD128
                    if (haveSIMD)
                       for ( ; j <= width - 8; j += 8)
                            v_int16x8 v_dx = v_load((const short*)(_dx + j));
                            v_int16x8 v_dy = v_load((const short*)(_dy + j));

                            v_int32x4 v_dxp_low, v_dxp_high;
                            v_int32x4 v_dyp_low, v_dyp_high;
                            v_expand(v_dx, v_dxp_low, v_dxp_high);
                            v_expand(v_dy, v_dyp_low, v_dyp_high);

                            v_store_aligned((int *)(_mag_n + j), v_dxp_low*v_dxp_low+v_dyp_low*v_dyp_low);
                            v_store_aligned((int *)(_mag_n + j + 4), v_dxp_high*v_dxp_high+v_dyp_high*v_dyp_high);
                    for ( ; j < width; ++j)
                        _mag_n[j] = int(_dx[j])*_dx[j] + int(_dy[j])*_dy[j];
                    int j = 0, width = src.cols * cn;
#if CV_SIMD128
                    if (haveSIMD)
                        for(; j <= width - 8; j += 8)
                            v_int16x8 v_dx = v_load((const short *)(_dx + j));
                            v_int16x8 v_dy = v_load((const short *)(_dy + j));

                            v_dx = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_abs(v_dx));
                            v_dy = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_abs(v_dy));

                            v_int32x4 v_dx_ml, v_dy_ml, v_dx_mh, v_dy_mh;
                            v_expand(v_dx, v_dx_ml, v_dx_mh);
                            v_expand(v_dy, v_dy_ml, v_dy_mh);

                            v_store_aligned((int *)(_mag_n + j), v_dx_ml + v_dy_ml);
                            v_store_aligned((int *)(_mag_n + j + 4), v_dx_mh + v_dy_mh);
                    for ( ; j < width; ++j)
                        _mag_n[j] = std::abs(int(_dx[j])) + std::abs(int(_dy[j]));

                if(cn > 1)
                    std::swap(_dx_n, _dx_a);
                    std::swap(_dy_n, _dy_a);

                    for(int j = 0, jn = 0; j < src.cols; ++j, jn += cn)
                        int maxIdx = jn;
                        for(int k = 1; k < cn; ++k)
                            if(_mag_n[jn + k] > _mag_n[maxIdx]) maxIdx = jn + k;

                        _mag_n[j] = _mag_n[maxIdx];
                        _dx_n[j] = _dx[maxIdx];
                        _dy_n[j] = _dy[maxIdx];

                    _mag_n[src.cols] = 0;

                // at the very beginning we do not have a complete ring
                // buffer of 3 magnitude rows for non-maxima suppression
                if (i <= boundaries.start)
                memset(_mag_n - 1, 0, mapstep * sizeof(int));

                if(cn > 1)
                    std::swap(_dx_n, _dx_a);
                    std::swap(_dy_n, _dy_a);

            // From here actual src row is (i - 1)
            // Set left and right border to 1
#if CV_SIMD128
                _pmap = map.ptr<uchar>(i) + CV_MALLOC_SIMD128;
                _pmap = map.ptr<uchar>(i) + 1;

            _pmap[src.cols] =_pmap[-1] = 1;

            if(cn == 1)
                _dx = dx.ptr<short>(i - rowStart - 1);
                _dy = dy.ptr<short>(i - rowStart - 1);
                _dx = _dx_a;
                _dy = _dy_a;

            const int TG22 = 13573;
            int j = 0;
#if CV_SIMD128
            if (haveSIMD)
                const v_int32x4 v_low = v_setall_s32(low);
                const v_int8x16 v_one = v_setall_s8(1);

                for (; j <= src.cols - 32; j += 32)
                    v_int32x4 v_m1 = v_load_aligned((const int*)(_mag_a + j));
                    v_int32x4 v_m2 = v_load_aligned((const int*)(_mag_a + j + 4));
                    v_int32x4 v_m3 = v_load_aligned((const int*)(_mag_a + j + 8));
                    v_int32x4 v_m4 = v_load_aligned((const int*)(_mag_a + j + 12));

                    v_int32x4 v_cmp1 = v_m1 > v_low;
                    v_int32x4 v_cmp2 = v_m2 > v_low;
                    v_int32x4 v_cmp3 = v_m3 > v_low;
                    v_int32x4 v_cmp4 = v_m4 > v_low;

                    v_m1 = v_load_aligned((const int*)(_mag_a + j + 16));
                    v_m2 = v_load_aligned((const int*)(_mag_a + j + 20));
                    v_m3 = v_load_aligned((const int*)(_mag_a + j + 24));
                    v_m4 = v_load_aligned((const int*)(_mag_a + j + 28));

                    v_store_aligned((signed char*)(_pmap + j), v_one);
                    v_store_aligned((signed char*)(_pmap + j + 16), v_one);

                    v_int16x8 v_cmp80 = v_pack(v_cmp1, v_cmp2);
                    v_int16x8 v_cmp81 = v_pack(v_cmp3, v_cmp4);

                    v_cmp1 = v_m1 > v_low;
                    v_cmp2 = v_m2 > v_low;
                    v_cmp3 = v_m3 > v_low;
                    v_cmp4 = v_m4 > v_low;

                    v_int8x16 v_cmp = v_pack(v_cmp80, v_cmp81);

                    v_cmp80 = v_pack(v_cmp1, v_cmp2);
                    v_cmp81 = v_pack(v_cmp3, v_cmp4);

                    unsigned int mask = v_signmask(v_cmp);

                    v_cmp = v_pack(v_cmp80, v_cmp81);
                    mask |= v_signmask(v_cmp) << 16;

                    if (mask)
                        int k = j;

                            int l = trailingZeros32(mask);
                            k += l;
                            mask >>= l;

                            int m = _mag_a[k];
                            short xs = _dx[k];
                            short ys = _dy[k];
                            int x = (int)std::abs(xs);
                            int y = (int)std::abs(ys) << 15;

                            int tg22x = x * TG22;

                            if (y < tg22x)
                                if (m > _mag_a[k - 1] && m >= _mag_a[k + 1])
                                    CANNY_CHECK_SIMD(m, high, (_pmap+k), stack);
                                int tg67x = tg22x + (x << 16);
                                if (y > tg67x)
                                    if (m > _mag_p[k] && m >= _mag_n[k])
                                        CANNY_CHECK_SIMD(m, high, (_pmap+k), stack);
                                    int s = (xs ^ ys) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
                                    if(m > _mag_p[k - s] && m > _mag_n[k + s])
                                        CANNY_CHECK_SIMD(m, high, (_pmap+k), stack);
                        } while((mask >>= 1));

                if (j <= src.cols - 16)
                    v_int32x4 v_m1 = v_load_aligned((const int*)(_mag_a + j));
                    v_int32x4 v_m2 = v_load_aligned((const int*)(_mag_a + j + 4));
                    v_int32x4 v_m3 = v_load_aligned((const int*)(_mag_a + j + 8));
                    v_int32x4 v_m4 = v_load_aligned((const int*)(_mag_a + j + 12));

                    v_store_aligned((signed char*)(_pmap + j), v_one);

                    v_int32x4 v_cmp1 = v_m1 > v_low;
                    v_int32x4 v_cmp2 = v_m2 > v_low;
                    v_int32x4 v_cmp3 = v_m3 > v_low;
                    v_int32x4 v_cmp4 = v_m4 > v_low;

                    v_int16x8 v_cmp80 = v_pack(v_cmp1, v_cmp2);
                    v_int16x8 v_cmp81 = v_pack(v_cmp3, v_cmp4);

                    v_int8x16 v_cmp = v_pack(v_cmp80, v_cmp81);
                    unsigned int mask = v_signmask(v_cmp);

                    if (mask)
                        int k = j;

                            int l = trailingZeros32(mask);
                            k += l;
                            mask >>= l;

                            int m = _mag_a[k];
                            short xs = _dx[k];
                            short ys = _dy[k];
                            int x = (int)std::abs(xs);
                            int y = (int)std::abs(ys) << 15;

                            int tg22x = x * TG22;

                            if (y < tg22x)
                                if (m > _mag_a[k - 1] && m >= _mag_a[k + 1])
                                    CANNY_CHECK_SIMD(m, high, (_pmap+k), stack);
                                int tg67x = tg22x + (x << 16);
                                if (y > tg67x)
                                    if (m > _mag_p[k] && m >= _mag_n[k])
                                        CANNY_CHECK_SIMD(m, high, (_pmap+k), stack);
                                    int s = (xs ^ ys) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
                                    if(m > _mag_p[k - s] && m > _mag_n[k + s])
                                        CANNY_CHECK_SIMD(m, high, (_pmap+k), stack);
                        } while((mask >>= 1));
                    j += 16;
            for (; j < src.cols; j++)
                int m = _mag_a[j];

                if (m > low)
                    short xs = _dx[j];
                    short ys = _dy[j];
                    int x = (int)std::abs(xs);
                    int y = (int)std::abs(ys) << 15;

                    int tg22x = x * TG22;

                    if (y < tg22x)
                        if (m > _mag_a[j - 1] && m >= _mag_a[j + 1])
                            CANNY_CHECK(m, high, (_pmap+j), stack);
                        int tg67x = tg22x + (x << 16);
                        if (y > tg67x)
                            if (m > _mag_p[j] && m >= _mag_n[j])
                                CANNY_CHECK(m, high, (_pmap+j), stack);
                            int s = (xs ^ ys) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
                            if(m > _mag_p[j - s] && m > _mag_n[j + s])
                                CANNY_CHECK(m, high, (_pmap+j), stack);
                _pmap[j] = 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
void spatialGradient( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dx, OutputArray _dy,
                      int ksize, int borderType )

    // Prepare InputArray src
    Mat src = _src.getMat();
    CV_Assert( !src.empty() );
    CV_Assert( src.type() == CV_8UC1 );
    CV_Assert( borderType == BORDER_DEFAULT || borderType == BORDER_REPLICATE );

    // Prepare OutputArrays dx, dy
    _dx.create( src.size(), CV_16SC1 );
    _dy.create( src.size(), CV_16SC1 );
    Mat dx = _dx.getMat(),
        dy = _dy.getMat();

    // TODO: Allow for other kernel sizes
    CV_Assert(ksize == 3);

    // Get dimensions
    const int H = src.rows,
              W = src.cols;

    // Row, column indices
    int i = 0,
        j = 0;

    // Handle border types
    int i_top    = 0,     // Case for H == 1 && W == 1 && BORDER_REPLICATE
        i_bottom = H - 1,
        j_offl   = 0,     // j offset from 0th   pixel to reach -1st pixel
        j_offr   = 0;     // j offset from W-1th pixel to reach Wth  pixel

    if ( borderType == BORDER_DEFAULT ) // Equiv. to BORDER_REFLECT_101
        if ( H > 1 )
            i_top    = 1;
            i_bottom = H - 2;
        if ( W > 1 )
            j_offl = 1;
            j_offr = -1;

    // Pointer to row vectors
    uchar *p_src, *c_src, *n_src; // previous, current, next row
    short *c_dx,  *c_dy;

    int i_start = 0;
    int j_start = 0;
#if CV_SIMD128 && CV_SSE2
        uchar *m_src;
        short *n_dx, *n_dy;

        // Characters in variable names have the following meanings:
        // u: unsigned char
        // s: signed int
        // [row][column]
        // m: offset -1
        // n: offset  0
        // p: offset  1
        // Example: umn is offset -1 in row and offset 0 in column
        for ( i = 0; i < H - 1; i += 2 )
            if   ( i == 0 ) p_src = src.ptr<uchar>(i_top);
            else            p_src = src.ptr<uchar>(i-1);

            c_src = src.ptr<uchar>(i);
            n_src = src.ptr<uchar>(i+1);

            if ( i == H - 2 ) m_src = src.ptr<uchar>(i_bottom);
            else              m_src = src.ptr<uchar>(i+2);

            c_dx = dx.ptr<short>(i);
            c_dy = dy.ptr<short>(i);
            n_dx = dx.ptr<short>(i+1);
            n_dy = dy.ptr<short>(i+1);

            v_uint8x16 v_select_m = v_uint8x16(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                               0, 0, 0, 0xFF);

            // Process rest of columns 16-column chunks at a time
            for ( j = 1; j < W - 16; j += 16 )
                // Load top row for 3x3 Sobel filter
                v_uint8x16 v_um = v_load(&p_src[j-1]);
                v_uint8x16 v_up = v_load(&p_src[j+1]);
                // TODO: Replace _mm_slli_si128 with hal method
                v_uint8x16 v_un = v_select(v_select_m, v_uint8x16(_mm_slli_si128(v_up.val, 1)),
                                                       v_uint8x16(_mm_srli_si128(v_um.val, 1)));
                v_uint16x8 v_um1, v_um2, v_un1, v_un2, v_up1, v_up2;
                v_expand(v_um, v_um1, v_um2);
                v_expand(v_un, v_un1, v_un2);
                v_expand(v_up, v_up1, v_up2);
                v_int16x8 v_s1m1 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_um1);
                v_int16x8 v_s1m2 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_um2);
                v_int16x8 v_s1n1 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_un1);
                v_int16x8 v_s1n2 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_un2);
                v_int16x8 v_s1p1 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_up1);
                v_int16x8 v_s1p2 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_up2);

                // Load second row for 3x3 Sobel filter
                v_um = v_load(&c_src[j-1]);
                v_up = v_load(&c_src[j+1]);
                // TODO: Replace _mm_slli_si128 with hal method
                v_un = v_select(v_select_m, v_uint8x16(_mm_slli_si128(v_up.val, 1)),
                                            v_uint8x16(_mm_srli_si128(v_um.val, 1)));
                v_expand(v_um, v_um1, v_um2);
                v_expand(v_un, v_un1, v_un2);
                v_expand(v_up, v_up1, v_up2);
                v_int16x8 v_s2m1 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_um1);
                v_int16x8 v_s2m2 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_um2);
                v_int16x8 v_s2n1 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_un1);
                v_int16x8 v_s2n2 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_un2);
                v_int16x8 v_s2p1 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_up1);
                v_int16x8 v_s2p2 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_up2);

                // Load third row for 3x3 Sobel filter
                v_um = v_load(&n_src[j-1]);
                v_up = v_load(&n_src[j+1]);
                // TODO: Replace _mm_slli_si128 with hal method
                v_un = v_select(v_select_m, v_uint8x16(_mm_slli_si128(v_up.val, 1)),
                                            v_uint8x16(_mm_srli_si128(v_um.val, 1)));
                v_expand(v_um, v_um1, v_um2);
                v_expand(v_un, v_un1, v_un2);
                v_expand(v_up, v_up1, v_up2);
                v_int16x8 v_s3m1 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_um1);
                v_int16x8 v_s3m2 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_um2);
                v_int16x8 v_s3n1 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_un1);
                v_int16x8 v_s3n2 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_un2);
                v_int16x8 v_s3p1 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_up1);
                v_int16x8 v_s3p2 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_up2);

                // dx & dy for rows 1, 2, 3
                v_int16x8 v_sdx1, v_sdy1;
                spatialGradientKernel<v_int16x8>( v_sdx1, v_sdy1,
                                                  v_s1m1, v_s1n1, v_s1p1,
                                                  v_s2m1,         v_s2p1,
                                                  v_s3m1, v_s3n1, v_s3p1 );

                v_int16x8 v_sdx2, v_sdy2;
                spatialGradientKernel<v_int16x8>( v_sdx2, v_sdy2,
                                                  v_s1m2, v_s1n2, v_s1p2,
                                                  v_s2m2,         v_s2p2,
                                                  v_s3m2, v_s3n2, v_s3p2 );

                // Store
                v_store(&c_dx[j],   v_sdx1);
                v_store(&c_dx[j+8], v_sdx2);
                v_store(&c_dy[j],   v_sdy1);
                v_store(&c_dy[j+8], v_sdy2);

                // Load fourth row for 3x3 Sobel filter
                v_um = v_load(&m_src[j-1]);
                v_up = v_load(&m_src[j+1]);
                // TODO: Replace _mm_slli_si128 with hal method
                v_un = v_select(v_select_m, v_uint8x16(_mm_slli_si128(v_up.val, 1)),
                                            v_uint8x16(_mm_srli_si128(v_um.val, 1)));
                v_expand(v_um, v_um1, v_um2);
                v_expand(v_un, v_un1, v_un2);
                v_expand(v_up, v_up1, v_up2);
                v_int16x8 v_s4m1 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_um1);
                v_int16x8 v_s4m2 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_um2);
                v_int16x8 v_s4n1 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_un1);
                v_int16x8 v_s4n2 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_un2);
                v_int16x8 v_s4p1 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_up1);
                v_int16x8 v_s4p2 = v_reinterpret_as_s16(v_up2);

                // dx & dy for rows 2, 3, 4
                spatialGradientKernel<v_int16x8>( v_sdx1, v_sdy1,
                                                  v_s2m1, v_s2n1, v_s2p1,
                                                  v_s3m1,         v_s3p1,
                                                  v_s4m1, v_s4n1, v_s4p1 );

                spatialGradientKernel<v_int16x8>( v_sdx2, v_sdy2,
                                                  v_s2m2, v_s2n2, v_s2p2,
                                                  v_s3m2,         v_s3p2,
                                                  v_s4m2, v_s4n2, v_s4p2 );

                // Store
                v_store(&n_dx[j],   v_sdx1);
                v_store(&n_dx[j+8], v_sdx2);
                v_store(&n_dy[j],   v_sdy1);
                v_store(&n_dy[j+8], v_sdy2);
    i_start = i;
    j_start = j;
    int j_p, j_n;
    uchar v00, v01, v02, v10, v11, v12, v20, v21, v22;
    for ( i = 0; i < H; i++ )
        if   ( i == 0 ) p_src = src.ptr<uchar>(i_top);
        else            p_src = src.ptr<uchar>(i-1);

        c_src = src.ptr<uchar>(i);

        if ( i == H - 1 ) n_src = src.ptr<uchar>(i_bottom);
        else              n_src = src.ptr<uchar>(i+1);

        c_dx = dx.ptr<short>(i);
        c_dy = dy.ptr<short>(i);

        // Process left-most column
        j = 0;
        j_p = j + j_offl;
        j_n = 1;
        if ( j_n >= W ) j_n = j + j_offr;
        v00 = p_src[j_p]; v01 = p_src[j]; v02 = p_src[j_n];
        v10 = c_src[j_p]; v11 = c_src[j]; v12 = c_src[j_n];
        v20 = n_src[j_p]; v21 = n_src[j]; v22 = n_src[j_n];
        spatialGradientKernel<short>( c_dx[0], c_dy[0], v00, v01, v02, v10,
                                      v12, v20, v21, v22 );
        v00 = v01; v10 = v11; v20 = v21;
        v01 = v02; v11 = v12; v21 = v22;

        // Process middle columns
        j = i >= i_start ? 1 : j_start;
        j_p = j - 1;
        v00 = p_src[j_p]; v01 = p_src[j];
        v10 = c_src[j_p]; v11 = c_src[j];
        v20 = n_src[j_p]; v21 = n_src[j];

        for ( ; j < W - 1; j++ )
            // Get values for next column
            j_n = j + 1; v02 = p_src[j_n]; v12 = c_src[j_n]; v22 = n_src[j_n];
            spatialGradientKernel<short>( c_dx[j], c_dy[j], v00, v01, v02, v10,
                                          v12, v20, v21, v22 );

            // Move values back one column for next iteration
            v00 = v01; v10 = v11; v20 = v21;
            v01 = v02; v11 = v12; v21 = v22;

        // Process right-most column
        if ( j < W )
            j_n = j + j_offr; v02 = p_src[j_n]; v12 = c_src[j_n]; v22 = n_src[j_n];
            spatialGradientKernel<short>( c_dx[j], c_dy[j], v00, v01, v02, v10,
                                          v12, v20, v21, v22 );
