Exemplo n.º 1
void EnviroCanvas::OnAfterUpdate()
#ifndef __WXMAC__
	if (m_bFirstPaint)
		VTLOG1("EnviroCanvas: update status bar\n");

	EnviroFrame *frame = (EnviroFrame*) GetParent();

	// update the status bar every 1/10 of a second
	static float last_stat = 0.0f;
	static vtString last_msg;
	vtString current_msg = g_App.GetMessage1() + g_App.GetMessage2();
	float cur = vtGetTime();
	if (cur - last_stat > 0.1f || current_msg != last_msg)
		last_msg = current_msg;
		last_stat = cur;


Exemplo n.º 2
void vtJoystickEngine::Eval()
	if (!m_pStick)

	float fTime = vtGetTime(), fElapsed = fTime - m_fLastTime;

	vtTransform *pTarget = (vtTransform*) GetTarget();
	if (pTarget)
		wxPoint p = m_pStick->GetPosition();
		int buttons = m_pStick->GetButtonState();
		float dx = ((float)p.x / 32768) - 1.0f;
		float dy = ((float)p.y / 32768) - 1.0f;

		// use a small dead zone to avoid drift
		const float dead_zone = 0.04f;

		if (buttons & wxJOY_BUTTON2)
			// move up down left right
			if (fabs(dx) > dead_zone)
				pTarget->TranslateLocal(FPoint3(dx * m_fSpeed * fElapsed, 0.0f, 0.0f));
			if (fabs(dy) > dead_zone)
				pTarget->Translate(FPoint3(0.0f, dy * m_fSpeed * fElapsed, 0.0f));
		else if (buttons & wxJOY_BUTTON3)
			// pitch up down, yaw left right
			if (fabs(dx) > dead_zone)
				pTarget->RotateParent(FPoint3(0,1,0), -dx * fElapsed);
			if (fabs(dy) > dead_zone)
				pTarget->RotateLocal(FPoint3(1,0,0), dy * fElapsed);
			// move forward-backward, turn left-right
			if (fabs(dy) > dead_zone)
				pTarget->TranslateLocal(FPoint3(0.0f, 0.0f, dy * m_fSpeed * fElapsed));
			if (fabs(dx) > dead_zone)
				pTarget->RotateParent(FPoint3(0,1,0), -dx * fElapsed);
	m_fLastTime = fTime;
Exemplo n.º 3
void vtTimeEngine::Eval()
	float time = vtGetTime();

	if (m_last_time == -1.0f)
		m_last_time = time;

	if (m_fSpeed != 0.0f)
		float elapsed = (time - m_last_time);
		m_fSeconds += (elapsed * m_fSpeed);
		if (m_fSeconds > 1.0f)
			int full = (int) m_fSeconds;
			m_fSeconds -= full;
	m_last_time = time;
Exemplo n.º 4
//changes the light colors at a node.
void vtIntersectionEngine::Eval() {
	float t = vtGetTime();
	if (!m_bFirstTime) {
		if (t > m_fNextChange) {
			m_iCurState = m_iCurState % m_iTotalStates;
			//assign new light states.
			for (int i = 0; i < m_pNode->m_iLinks; i++) {
				LightStatus l = m_Lights[i+m_pNode->m_iLinks*m_iCurState];
				m_pNode->SetLightStatus(i, l);
			if (m_iCurState & 0x1) {
				//if curret state is odd:
				//there is a yellow light.  use shorter time
				m_fNextChange = t + LT_SWITCH_TIME2;
			} else {
				//lights are green and red.  using longer time
				m_fNextChange = t + LT_SWITCH_TIME;
	} else {
		m_bFirstTime = false;
		//generate current status randomly.
		m_iCurState = (rand() % m_iTotalStates);

		//generate offset time randomly.
		int offset;
		if (m_iCurState & 0x1) {
			offset = rand() % LT_SWITCH_TIME2;
		} else {
			offset = rand() % LT_SWITCH_TIME;

		//assign new light states.
		for (int i = 0; i < m_pNode->m_iLinks; i++) {
			m_pNode->SetLightStatus(i, m_Lights[i+m_pNode->m_iLinks*m_iCurState]);
		m_fNextChange = t + offset;