Exemplo n.º 1
//* This only mostly works
float Camera::getScreenRadius( const Sphere &sphere, float screenWidth, float screenHeight ) const
	Vec2f screenCenter( worldToScreen( sphere.getCenter(), screenWidth, screenHeight ) );	
	Vec3f orthog = mViewDirection.getOrthogonal().normalized();
	Vec2f screenPerimeter = worldToScreen( sphere.getCenter() + sphere.getRadius() * orthog, screenWidth, screenHeight );
	return screenPerimeter.distance( screenCenter );
Exemplo n.º 2
//* This only mostly works
float Camera::getScreenRadius( const Sphere &sphere, float screenWidth, float screenHeight ) const
	vec2 screenCenter( worldToScreen( sphere.getCenter(), screenWidth, screenHeight ) );	
	vec3 orthog = normalize( orthogonal( mViewDirection ) );
	vec2 screenPerimeter = worldToScreen( sphere.getCenter() + sphere.getRadius() * orthog, screenWidth, screenHeight );
	return distance( screenPerimeter, screenCenter );
 *	Draw the view frustum.
 *  @param dc		The drawing context.
void ChunkWatchControl::drawFrustum(CDC &dc)
	Matrix view	= WorldEditorCamera::instance().currentCamera().view();

	float   fov			= Moo::rc().camera().fov();
	float   clipDist	= Moo::rc().camera().farPlane();
	Vector3 userPos     = view.applyToOrigin();
	Vector3 dir		    = view.applyToUnitAxisVector(2);
	Vector2 ndir		= Vector2(dir.x, dir.z); 
	float   k			= ::tanf(0.5f*fov)*clipDist;

	if (clipDist < SMALL_FRUSTUM)

	float ux, uz;
	worldToScreen(&ux, &uz, userPos.x, userPos.z);

	float x1 = userPos.x + ndir.x*clipDist + k*ndir.y;
	float z1 = userPos.z + ndir.y*clipDist - k*ndir.x;
	float x2 = userPos.x + ndir.x*clipDist - k*ndir.y;
	float z2 = userPos.z + ndir.y*clipDist + k*ndir.x;
	worldToScreen(&x1, &z1, x1, z1);
	worldToScreen(&x2, &z2, x2, z2);

	CPen *oldPen = dc.SelectObject(&pen);
	dc.MoveTo((int)ux, (int)uz);
	dc.LineTo((int)x1, (int)z1);
	dc.LineTo((int)x2, (int)z2);
	dc.LineTo((int)ux, (int)uz);
Exemplo n.º 4
GameScene::GameScene(const World& world)
    : animTicker()
    , portal(new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap(":/portal.png")))
    hover = this->addRect(0, 0,
                          tile_width, tile_height,
                          QColor(255, 64, 255),

    player = this->addEllipse(0,
                               20, 20,
                               QColor(255, 0, 0),
                               QColor(128, 32, 32));

    connect(&animTicker, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(refreshAnimations()));

    portal->setPos(worldToScreen(QPoint(world.landscape.width - 22,
                                        world.landscape.height - 18)));

void InteractiveMarkerControl::moveAxis( const Ogre::Ray& mouse_ray, const ViewportMouseEvent& event )
  // compute control-axis ray based on grab_point_, etc.
  Ogre::Ray control_ray;
  control_ray.setOrigin( grab_point_ );
  control_ray.setDirection( control_frame_node_->getOrientation() * control_orientation_.xAxis() );
  // project control-axis ray onto screen.
  Ogre::Vector2 control_ray_screen_start, control_ray_screen_end;
  worldToScreen( control_ray.getOrigin(), event.viewport, control_ray_screen_start );
  worldToScreen( control_ray.getPoint( 1 ), event.viewport, control_ray_screen_end );

  Ogre::Vector2 mouse_point( event.x, event.y );

  // Find closest point on projected ray to mouse point
  // Math: if P is the start of the ray, v is the direction vector of
  //       the ray (not normalized), and X is the test point, then the
  //       closest point on the line to X is given by:
  //               (X-P).v
  //       P + v * -------
  //                 v.v
  //       where "." is the dot product.
  Ogre::Vector2 control_ray_screen_dir = control_ray_screen_end - control_ray_screen_start;
  double denominator = control_ray_screen_dir.dotProduct( control_ray_screen_dir );
  if( fabs( denominator ) > Ogre::Matrix3::EPSILON ) // If the control ray is not straight in line with the view.
    double factor =
      ( mouse_point - control_ray_screen_start ).dotProduct( control_ray_screen_dir ) / denominator;
    Ogre::Vector2 closest_screen_point = control_ray_screen_start + control_ray_screen_dir * factor;

    // make a new "mouse ray" for the point on the projected ray
    int width = event.viewport->getActualWidth() - 1;
    int height = event.viewport->getActualHeight() - 1;
    Ogre::Ray new_mouse_ray = event.viewport->getCamera()->getCameraToViewportRay( (closest_screen_point.x+.5) / width,
                                                                                   (closest_screen_point.y+.5) / height );
    new_mouse_ray.setOrigin( reference_node_->convertWorldToLocalPosition( new_mouse_ray.getOrigin() ) );
    new_mouse_ray.setDirection( reference_node_->convertWorldToLocalOrientation( Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY ) * new_mouse_ray.getDirection() );

    // find closest point on control-axis ray to new mouse ray (should intersect actually)
    Ogre::Vector3 closest_point;
    if( findClosestPoint( control_ray, new_mouse_ray, closest_point ))
      // set position of parent to closest_point - grab_point_ + parent_position_at_mouse_down_.
      parent_->setPose( closest_point - grab_point_ + parent_position_at_mouse_down_,
                        parent_->getOrientation(), name_ );
Exemplo n.º 6
	void View::update(const InputState &state) {
		if(state.isKeyDown('g')) {
			if(m_is_visible) {
				if(m_cell_size == 3)
					m_cell_size = 6;
				else if(m_cell_size == 6)
					m_cell_size = 9;
				else {
					m_cell_size = 1;
					m_is_visible = false;
			else {
				m_cell_size = 3;
				m_is_visible = true;
		int height_change = state.mouseWheelMove() +
							(state.isKeyDownAuto(InputKey::pagedown)? -1 : 0) +
							(state.isKeyDownAuto(InputKey::pageup)? 1 : 0);
			m_height = clamp(m_height + height_change, 0, (int)Grid::max_height);
			int actions[TileGroup::Group::side_count] = {
			for(int n = 0; n < arraySize(actions); n++)
					m_view_pos += worldToScreen(TileGroup::Group::s_side_offsets[n] * m_cell_size);

		if((state.isKeyPressed(InputKey::lctrl) && state.isMouseButtonPressed(InputButton::left)) ||
			m_view_pos -= state.mouseMove();

		IRect rect = worldToScreen(IBox(int3(0, 0, 0), asXZY(m_tile_map.dimensions(), 256)));
		m_view_pos = clamp(m_view_pos, rect.min, rect.max - m_view_size);
Exemplo n.º 7
	void View::drawGrid(Renderer2D &out) const {

		const int2 tile_map_size = m_tile_map.dimensions();

		int2 p[4] = {
			screenToWorld(m_view_pos + int2(0, 0)),
			screenToWorld(m_view_pos + int2(0, m_view_size.y)),
			screenToWorld(m_view_pos + int2(m_view_size.x, m_view_size.y)),
			screenToWorld(m_view_pos + int2(m_view_size.x, 0)) };
		int2 offset = screenToWorld(worldToScreen(int3(0, m_height, 0)));
		for(int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
			p[n] -= offset;

		int2 tmin = min(min(p[0], p[1]), min(p[2], p[3]));
		int2 tmax = max(max(p[0], p[1]), max(p[2], p[3]));
		IRect box(max(tmin, int2(0, 0)), min(tmax, tile_map_size));

		Color color(255, 255, 255, 64);
		for(int x = box.min.x - box.min.x % m_cell_size; x <= box.max.x; x += m_cell_size)
			drawLine(out, int3(x, m_height, box.min.y), int3(x, m_height, box.max.y), color);
		for(int y = box.min.y - box.min.y % m_cell_size; y <= box.max.y; y += m_cell_size)
			drawLine(out, int3(box.min.x, m_height, y), int3(box.max.x, m_height, y), color);
 *	This draws the user's position.
 *  @param dc		The drawing context.
void ChunkWatchControl::drawArrow(CDC &dc)
	// Draw the user's position:	
	drawPos_ = WorldEditorCamera::instance().currentCamera().view();
	Vector3 userPos   = drawPos_.applyToOrigin();
	Vector3 direction = drawPos_.applyToUnitAxisVector(2);		
	float ux, uz;
	worldToScreen(&ux, &uz, userPos.x, userPos.z);
	float dx = direction.x;
	float dz = -direction.z; // invert y coord to match screen
	float len = std::sqrt(dx*dx + dz*dz);
	if (len != 0.0f)
		dx /= len; dz /= len;
	CPen *oldPen = dc.SelectObject(&pen);
	dc.MoveTo((int)(ux - dx), (int)(uz - dz));
	dc.LineTo((int)(ux + dx), (int)(uz + dz));
	dc.MoveTo((int)(ux + dx), (int)(uz + dz));
	dc.LineTo((int)(ux - dz), (int)(uz + dx));
	dc.MoveTo((int)(ux + dx), (int)(uz + dz));
	dc.LineTo((int)(ux + dz), (int)(uz - dx));
Exemplo n.º 9
Vector SphericalCamera::worldToRaster(const Vector &wsP, const PTime time) const
  Vector ssP = worldToScreen(wsP, time);
  Vector rsP;
  m_screenToRaster.multVecMatrix(ssP, rsP);
  return rsP;
Exemplo n.º 10
	void Entity::addToRender(SceneRenderer &out, Color color) const {
		IRect rect = m_sprite.getRect(m_seq_idx, m_frame_idx, m_dir_idx);
		if(!areOverlapping(out.targetRect(), rect + (int2)worldToScreen(m_pos)))

		FBox bbox = boundingBox() - pos();
		if(shrinkRenderedBBox() && bbox.height() >= 2.0f)
			bbox = {float3(bbox.x(), min(bbox.y() + 1.0f, bbox.ey() - 0.5f), bbox.z()), bbox.max()};

		bool as_overlay = renderAsOverlay();

		FRect tex_rect;
		auto tex = m_sprite.getFrame(m_seq_idx, m_frame_idx, m_dir_idx, tex_rect);
		bool added = out.add(tex, rect, m_pos, bbox, color, tex_rect, as_overlay);
	 	if(added && m_oseq_idx != -1 && m_oframe_idx != -1) {
			//TODO: overlay may be visible, while normal sprite is not!
			rect = m_sprite.getRect(m_oseq_idx, m_oframe_idx, m_dir_idx);
			auto ov_tex = m_sprite.getFrame(m_oseq_idx, m_oframe_idx, m_dir_idx, tex_rect);
			out.add(ov_tex, rect, m_pos, bbox, color, tex_rect, true);

//		if(findAny(boundingBox(), {Flags::all | Flags::colliding, ref()}))
//			out.addBox(bbox + pos(), ColorId::red);
Exemplo n.º 11
	const IRect Entity::currentScreenRect() const {
		IRect rect = m_sprite.getRect(m_seq_idx, m_frame_idx, m_dir_idx);
		if(m_oseq_idx != -1 && m_oframe_idx != -1)
			rect = enclose(rect, m_sprite.getRect(m_oseq_idx, m_oframe_idx, m_dir_idx));

		//TODO: float based results
		return  rect + (int2)worldToScreen(pos());
Exemplo n.º 12
    SoccerPitchData(const Size &size) {
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(0, 0));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(13.85, 0));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(24.85, 0));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(43.15, 0));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(54.15, 0));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(68, 0));

        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(24.85, 5.5));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(43.15, 5.5));

        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(13.85, 16.5));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(26.69, 16.5));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(41.31, 16.5));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(54.15, 16.5));

        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(0, 52.5));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(24.85, 52.5));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(43.15, 52.5));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(68, 52.5));

        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(13.85, 88.5));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(26.69, 88.5));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(41.31, 88.5));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(54.15, 88.5));

        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(24.85, 99.5));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(43.15, 99.5));

        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(0, 105));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(13.85, 105));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(24.85, 105));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(43.15, 105));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(54.15, 105));
        pitchPoints.push_back(Point2f(68, 105));

        pitchOuterPoints.push_back(Point2f(0, 0));
        pitchOuterPoints.push_back(Point2f(0, 105));
        pitchOuterPoints.push_back(Point2f(68, 105));
        pitchOuterPoints.push_back(Point2f(68, 0));

        worldToScreen(size, pitchPoints);
        worldToScreen(size, pitchOuterPoints);
Exemplo n.º 13
void Player::draw(sf::RenderWindow &render) const
    View view(sf::FloatRect(0, 0, m_drawDim.x*(m_zooms[m_controller.getZoom()]), m_drawDim.y*m_zooms[m_controller.getZoom()]));
    view.setViewport(sf::FloatRect(m_drawPos.x/m_resolution.x, m_drawPos.y/m_resolution.y, m_drawDim.x/m_resolution.x, m_drawDim.y/m_resolution.y));
    std::vector<Entity*> toDraw = m_world.getEntitiesInRect(screenToWorld(Vec(0, 0)), screenToWorld(m_drawDim));
    for(int i=0; i<toDraw.size(); i++)
    for(int i=0; i<m_selection.size(); i++)
    draw::drawRect(render, Vec(0, 0), Vec(m_world.getDim()), sf::Color::White);

    for(int i=0; i<toDraw.size(); i++)
        toDraw[i]->drawForeground(render, screenToWorld(mousePos()));
    view.reset(sf::FloatRect(0, 0, m_drawDim.x, m_drawDim.y));
        draw::drawRect(render, worldToScreen(m_A), worldToScreen(m_B)-worldToScreen(m_A), sf::Color(50, 100, 255, 100), 3);
        draw::drawRect(render, worldToScreen(m_A), worldToScreen(m_B)-worldToScreen(m_A), sf::Color(50, 100, 255, 100));
    m_gui->drawChildren(render, Vec(0, 0), m_drawDim);

    draw::drawRect(render, Vec(1, 1), m_drawDim-Vec(1, 1)*2, sf::Color::White);
Exemplo n.º 14
void PlayerShip::cameraMove()
	//Center the camera over the ship
	camera->x = (worldToScreen(body->GetPosition().x) + texture.getWidth() / 2) - SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
	camera->y = (worldToScreen(body->GetPosition().y) + texture.getHeight() / 2) - SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;

	//Keep the camera in bounds
	if (camera->x < 0)
		camera->x = 0;
	if (camera->y < 0)
		camera->y = 0;
	if (camera->x > LEVEL_WIDTH - camera->w)
		camera->x = LEVEL_WIDTH - camera->w;
	if (camera->y > LEVEL_HEIGHT - camera->h)
		camera->y = LEVEL_HEIGHT - camera->h;
Exemplo n.º 15
void Graph::draw(int x, int y) {
	ofTranslate(x, y);
	drawPosition = worldToScreen(ofVec2f(0, 0));
	ofSetColor(ofMap(ofGetElapsedTimef() - lastTrigger, 0, .5, 255, 0, true));
	if(noData) {
	ofRect(0, 0, width, height);
//	if(hoverState) {
//		ofSetHexColor(0xffee00);
//		ofSetLineWidth(2);
//	}
	ofRect(0, 0, width, height);
	ofRectangle region(1, height - 1, width - 2, -(height - 2));
	if(noData) {
	drawBuffer(derivativePolyline, threshold, derivativeBox, region);
	drawBuffer(bufferPolyline, 0, bufferBox, region);
	drawString(name, 5, 10);
	if(!buffer.empty() && !derivative.empty()) {
		ofTranslate(width, 0);
		drawString(ofToString(bufferBox.y, 2) + "<" + (buffer.empty() ? "empty" :  ofToString(buffer.back(), 2)) + "<" + ofToString(bufferBox.y + bufferBox.height, 2), 5, 10);
		drawString(ofToString(derivativeBox.y, 2) + "<" + (derivative.empty() ? "empty" :  ofToString(derivative.back(), 2)) + "<" + ofToString(derivativeBox.y + derivativeBox.height, 2), 5, 18);
		drawString(ofToString(threshold, 2) + ", " + ofToString(buffer.back(), 2) + " (" + ofToString(getNormalized(), 2) + ") " + ofToString(derivative.back(), 2), 5, 26);
Exemplo n.º 16
	const IBox View::computeCursor(const int2 &start, const int2 &end, const int3 &bbox, int height, int offset) const {
		float2 height_off = worldToScreen(float3(0, height, 0));
		int3 gbox(cellSize(), 1, cellSize());

		int3 start_pos = asXZ((int2)( screenToWorld(float2(start + pos()) - height_off) + float2(0.5f, 0.5f)));
		int3 end_pos   = asXZ((int2)( screenToWorld(float2(end   + pos()) - height_off) + float2(0.5f, 0.5f)));

		start_pos.y = end_pos.y = height + offset;
			int apos1 = start_pos.x % gbox.x;
			int apos2 = apos1 - gbox.x + bbox.x;
			start_pos.x -= apos1 < gbox.x - apos1 || bbox.x >= gbox.x? apos1 : apos2;
			int apos1 = start_pos.z % gbox.z;
			int apos2 = apos1 - gbox.z + bbox.z;
			start_pos.z -= apos1 < gbox.z - apos1 || bbox.z >= gbox.z? apos1 : apos2;
		if(end == start)
			end_pos = start_pos;
		int3 dir(end_pos.x >= start_pos.x? 1 : -1, 1, end_pos.z >= start_pos.z? 1 : -1);
		int3 size(::abs(end_pos.x - start_pos.x), 1, ::abs(end_pos.z - start_pos.z));
		size += bbox - int3(1, 1, 1);
		size.x -= size.x % bbox.x;
		size.z -= size.z % bbox.z;
		size = max(bbox, size);

		if(dir.x < 0)
			start_pos.x += bbox.x;
		if(dir.z < 0)
			start_pos.z += bbox.z;
		end_pos = start_pos + dir * size;

		if(start_pos.x > end_pos.x) swap(start_pos.x, end_pos.x);
		if(start_pos.z > end_pos.z) swap(start_pos.z, end_pos.z);
		int2 dims = m_tile_map.dimensions();
		start_pos = asXZY(clamp(start_pos.xz(), int2(0, 0), dims), start_pos.y);
		  end_pos = asXZY(clamp(  end_pos.xz(), int2(0, 0), dims),   end_pos.y);

		return IBox(start_pos, end_pos);

Exemplo n.º 17
	Intersection WorldViewer::pixelIntersect(const int2 &screen_pos, const FindFilter &filter) const {
		Intersection out;
		FBox out_bbox;

		if(filter.flags() & Flags::tile) {
			const TileMap &tile_map = m_world->tileMap();
			vector<int> inds;
			tile_map.findAll(inds, IRect(screen_pos, screen_pos + int2(1, 1)), filter.flags() | Flags::visible);

			for(int i = 0; i < (int)inds.size(); i++) {
				const auto &desc = tile_map[inds[i]];
				FBox bbox = desc.bbox;
				if(out.empty() || drawingOrder(bbox, out_bbox) == 1)
					if(desc.ptr->testPixel(screen_pos - worldToScreen((int3)bbox.min))) {
						out = ObjectRef(inds[i], false);
						out_bbox = bbox;

		if(filter.flags() & Flags::entity) {
			int ignore_index = m_world->filterIgnoreIndex(filter);

			for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_entities.size(); n++) {
				const Entity *entity = refEntity(n);
				if(!entity || !m_occluder_config.isVisible(m_entities[n].occluder_id) || !Flags::test(entity->flags(), filter.flags()) || n == ignore_index)
				FBox bbox = entity->boundingBox();

				//TODO: check this
				if(out.empty() || drawingOrder(bbox, out_bbox) == 1) {
					out = ObjectRef(n, true);
					out_bbox = bbox;

			return Intersection();
		return Intersection(out, intersection(screenRay(screen_pos), out_bbox));
Exemplo n.º 18
	void EntitiesEditor::computeCursor(int2 start, int2 end, bool floor_mode) {
		float2 height_off = worldToScreen(int3(0, 0, 0));

		start += m_view.pos();
		  end += m_view.pos();

		Ray ray = screenRay(start);

		Flags::Type flags = Flags::all;
			flags = flags & ~(Flags::wall_tile | Flags::object_tile);

		auto isect = m_tile_map.trace(ray, -1, flags | Flags::visible);
		float3 pos = isect.first == -1? (float3)asXZ(screenToWorld(start)) : ray.at(isect.second);

		m_cursor_pos = (float3)round(pos);
		m_selection = IRect(min(start, end), max(start, end));
Exemplo n.º 19
 float PerspectiveCamera::evalWe(const Vector3& pCamera,
     const Vector3& pWorld) const {
     if (worldToScreen(pWorld, pCamera) == Camera::sInvalidPixel) {
         return 0.0f;
     Vector4 pView = mView * Vector4(pWorld, 1.0f);
     Vector4 pLensLocal = mView * Vector4(pCamera, 1.0f);
     Vector4 dir(pView - pLensLocal);
     Vector4 pFocus = pLensLocal + (mFocalDistance / dir.z) * dir; 
     Vector3 lensToFilm(
         pFocus.x - pLensLocal.x,
         pFocus.y - pLensLocal.y,
         pFocus.z - pLensLocal.z);
     float lensToFilmDistance2 = lensToFilm.squaredLength();
     float cosTheta = normalize(lensToFilm).z;
     float G = cosTheta * cosTheta / lensToFilmDistance2;
     float lensArea = mLensRadius * mLensRadius * PI; 
     float We = mLensRadius > 0.0f ?
         1.0f / (mFilmArea * lensArea * G) :
         1.0f / (mFilmArea * G);
     return We;
Exemplo n.º 20
void render(SDL_Renderer* renderer)
	//draw draw space
// 	if (input_draw_space) {
// 		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 0, 0, 255);
// 		SDL_Rect rect;
// 		rect.x = 0;
// 		rect.y = 0;
// 		mapToOrtho(worldMap.GetWidth(), worldMap.GetHeight(), rect.w, rect.h);
// 		zoom(rect);
// 		worldToScreen(rect.x, rect.y);
// 		SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &rect);
// 		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
// 	}

	//draw map
	for (int y = 0; y < worldMap.GetHeight(); y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < worldMap.GetWidth(); x++) {
			SDL_Rect rect; //in world coords
			rect.w = tileSizeX;
			rect.h = tileSizeY;
			mapToIso(x, y, rect.x, rect.y);

			rect.y -= (tileSizeY*input_scale - tileWidth*input_scale);

			worldToScreen(rect.x, rect.y);

			SDL_Rect tileRect; //in tileset coords
			tileRect.w = tileSizeX;
			tileRect.h = tileSizeY;

			//layer terrain
			const int tileId = worldMap.Get(x,y).terrainId;
			if (tileId != -1) {
				int tileX; int tileY; getTileXY(tileId, &tileX, &tileY, TILESET_WIDTH);
				tileRect.x = tileX * tileSizeX;
				tileRect.y = tileY * tileSizeY;

				SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, tileset, &tileRect, &rect);
			//layer object
			const int tileId2 = worldMap.Get(x, y).objectId;
			if (tileId2 != -1) {
				int tileObjX; int tileObjY; getTileXY(tileId2, &tileObjX, &tileObjY, TILESET_WIDTH);
				tileRect.x = tileObjX * tileSizeX;
				tileRect.y = tileObjY * tileSizeY;

				SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, tileset, &tileRect, &rect);

// 	//draw debug rect
// 	if (input_show_debug_rect) {
// 		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 255, 0, 255);
// 		for (int y = 0; y < worldMap.GetHeight(); y++) {
// 			for (int x = 0; x < worldMap.GetWidth(); x++) {
// 				SDL_Rect rect;
// 				rect.w = tileSizeX;
// 				rect.h = tileWidth;
// 				mapToOrtho(x,y,rect.x, rect.y);
// 				zoom(rect);
// 				worldToScreen(rect.x, rect.y);
// 				SDL_RenderDrawRect(renderer, &rect);
// 			}
// 		}
// 		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
// 	}

	//show editor bar
	for (int i = 0; i < NB_TILES_EDITOR; i++) {
		SDL_Rect tileRect; //in tileset coords
		tileRect.w = tileSizeX;
		tileRect.h = tileSizeY;
		const int tileId = TILES_EDITOR[i];
		int tileX; int tileY; getTileXY(tileId, &tileX, &tileY, TILESET_WIDTH);
		tileRect.x = tileX * tileSizeX;
		tileRect.y = tileY * tileSizeY;

		SDL_Rect rect; //in world coords
		rect.w = tileSizeX;
		rect.h = tileSizeY;
		rect.x = i * tileSizeX;
		rect.y = WIN_HEIGHT - tileSizeY;
		SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, tileset, &tileRect, &rect);

	if (input_show_debug_rect) {
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 0, 0, 255);
		for (int x = 0; x < worldMap.GetWidth() + 1; x++) {
			int x1 = x;
			int y1 = 0;
			int x2 = x;
			int y2 = worldMap.GetHeight();

			int tx1;
			int tx2;
			int ty1;
			int ty2;
			mapToIso(x1, y1, tx1, ty1);
			mapToIso(x2, y2, tx2, ty2);
			x1 = tx1;
			x2 = tx2;
			y1 = ty1;
			y2 = ty2;

			x1 += tileSizeX / 2;
			x2 += tileSizeX / 2;

			x1 *= input_scale;
			x2 *= input_scale;
			y1 *= input_scale;
			y2 *= input_scale;

			worldToScreen(x1, y1);
			worldToScreen(x2, y2);

			SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer, x1, y1, x2, y2);
		for (int y = 0; y < worldMap.GetHeight() + 1; y++) {
			int x1 = 0;
			int y1 = y;
			int x2 = worldMap.GetWidth();
			int y2 = y;

			int tx1;
			int tx2;
			int ty1;
			int ty2;
			mapToIso(x1, y1, tx1, ty1);
			mapToIso(x2, y2, tx2, ty2);
			x1 = tx1;
			x2 = tx2;
			y1 = ty1;
			y2 = ty2;

			x1 += tileSizeX / 2;
			x2 += tileSizeX / 2;

			x1 *= input_scale;
			x2 *= input_scale;
			y1 *= input_scale;
			y2 *= input_scale;

			worldToScreen(x1, y1);
			worldToScreen(x2, y2);

			SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer, x1, y1, x2, y2);
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
Exemplo n.º 21
	bool Entity::testPixel(const int2 &screen_pos) const {
		return m_sprite.testPixel(screen_pos - (int2)worldToScreen(pos()), m_seq_idx, m_frame_idx, m_dir_idx);
Exemplo n.º 22
void HypercubeScene::update(){
    if (ofGetFrameNum() % 60 == 0){

    if(numPoly < NUM_POLY){
        int newNumPoly = powf((ofGetElapsedTimef() - (float)resetMoment),2) * 2.0;
        if(newNumPoly > NUM_POLY)
            newNumPoly = NUM_POLY;
        if(numPoly != newNumPoly){
            for(int i = numPoly; i < newNumPoly; i++){
                brightnesses[i] = 1;
            numPoly = newNumPoly;
        numPoly = NUM_POLY;
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_POLY; i++){
        brightnesses[i] *= 0.8;

    float SCALE = .002;
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_POLY; i++){
        polychron[i].rotate4DOnly(SCALE * sinf(ofGetElapsedTimef() * rotations[i].x),
                                  SCALE * sinf(ofGetElapsedTimef() * rotations[i].y),
                                  SCALE * sinf(ofGetElapsedTimef() * rotations[i].z) );
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_POLY; i++) {
        // CALCULATE the highlighted vertices
        for(int v = 0; v < polychron[i].getNumVertices(); v++){
            Point4D vertex = polychron[i].vertices[v];
            ofVec3f screenLocation = worldToScreen( ofVec3f(vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z), polyMatrix[i] );
            if(pointInHotspot(hotSpots[0], screenLocation) ||
               pointInHotspot(hotSpots[1], screenLocation) ||
               pointInHotspot(hotSpots[2], screenLocation)){
                // vertex energy
                polychron[i].vertexEnergy[v] += 0.05;
                if(polychron[i].vertexEnergy[ v ] > 1)
                    polychron[i].vertexEnergy[ v ] = 1;
                // edge energy
                vector<unsigned int> adjEdg = polychron[i].allEdgesAdjacentTo(v);
                for(int q = 0; q < adjEdg.size(); q++){
                    polychron[i].edgeEnergy[ adjEdg[q] ] += .05;
                    if(polychron[i].edgeEnergy[ adjEdg[q] ] > 1)
                        polychron[i].edgeEnergy[ adjEdg[q] ] = 1;
    lastFaceNose = faceNose;
    float closeness = 100;
    float xRot = faceCenterSmooth.x * .5;
    float yRot = faceCenterSmooth.y * .5;

    headTiltMatrix.rotate(xRot, 0, 1, 0);
    headTiltMatrix.rotate(-yRot, 1, 0, 0);
    headTiltMatrix.translate(0, 0, closeness);

Exemplo n.º 23
ofVec3f CameraNode::worldToCameraScreen(const ofVec3f& p) {
	ofRectangle rect(0.0f, 0.0f, width, height);
	return worldToScreen(p, rect);
Exemplo n.º 24
bool OccluderConfig::update(const FBox &bbox) {
	//TODO: hiding when close to a door/window
	FBox test_box(bbox.min.x, bbox.min.y + 1.0f, bbox.min.z, bbox.max.x, 256, bbox.max.z);
	float3 mid_point = asXZY(test_box.center().xz(), bbox.min.y + 2.0f);

	bool vis_changed = update();
	vector<int> temp;
	IRect test_rect = (IRect)worldToScreen(bbox);
	const Grid &grid = m_map.m_grid;
	grid.findAll(temp, test_rect);

	vector<int> temp2;

	PodArray<int> overlaps(m_map.size());
	memset(overlaps.data(), 0, m_map.size() * sizeof(int));

	for(int i = 0; i < (int)temp.size(); i++) {
		const auto &object = grid[temp[i]];
		if(object.occluder_id == -1)

		const OccluderMap::Occluder &occluder = m_map[object.occluder_id];
		int order = drawingOrder(object.bbox, bbox);
		if(order == 1)
			overlaps[object.occluder_id] = order;

	for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_states.size(); n++) {
		bool is_overlapping = false;
		const OccluderMap::Occluder &occluder = m_map[n];

		if(overlaps[n] == 1) {
			FBox bbox_around(bbox.min - float3(16, 0, 16), bbox.max + float3(16, 0, 16));
			bbox_around.min.y = 0;
			bbox_around.max.y = Grid::max_height;

			grid.findAll(temp2, bbox_around);
			FBox local_box = FBox();

			for(int i = 0; i < (int)temp2.size(); i++) {
				const auto &object = grid[temp2[i]];
				if(object.occluder_id == n)
					local_box = local_box.empty()? object.bbox : sum(local_box, object.bbox);

			is_overlapping = local_box.min.y > mid_point.y;

		if(is_overlapping != m_states[n].is_overlapping) {
			m_states[n].is_overlapping = is_overlapping;
			vis_changed = true;

		return false;

	for(int n= 0; n < (int)m_states.size(); n++)
		m_states[n].is_visible = !m_states[n].is_overlapping;

//TODO: isUnder can be precomputed
	for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_states.size(); n++) {

		for(int i = 0; i < (int)m_states.size(); i++)
			if(!m_states[i].is_visible && m_map.isUnder(i, n)) {
				m_states[n].is_visible = false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 25
	void GroupEditor::drawContents(Renderer2D &out) const {
		int2 offset = innerOffset();

		for(int n = 0; n < m_tile_group->entryCount(); n++)
		   m_tile_group->entryTile(n)->m_temp = n;

		IRect clip_rect(int2(0, 0), clippedRect().size());

		for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_tile_list.size(); n++) {
			const ui::TileList::Entry &entry = m_tile_list[n];
			entry.is_selected = m_mode == mAddRemove?
				m_tile_group->isValidEntryId(entry.tile->m_temp, entry.tile) :
				entry.group_id == m_selected_group_id;

			IRect tile_rect = entry.tile->rect();
			int2 pos = entry.pos - tile_rect.min - offset;

			if(areOverlapping(clip_rect, tile_rect + pos))
				entry.tile->draw(out, pos);
		for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_tile_list.size(); n++) {
			const ui::TileList::Entry &entry = m_tile_list[n];
			Color col = m_tile_group->isEntryDirty(entry.tile->m_temp)? ColorId::red : ColorId::white;	
			int2 pos = entry.pos - offset;
			out.addRect(IRect(pos, pos + entry.size), col);

		if(m_mode == mModify && m_selected_group_id != -1) {	
			IRect edit_rect(clippedRect().max - int2(280, 250), clippedRect().max - int2(5, 0));
			int2 center = edit_rect.center();

			int2 half_size = edit_rect.size() / 2;
			out.addFilledRect(IRect(-half_size, half_size), FColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f));
			drawBBox(out, IBox({-9, 0, -9}, {9, 1, 9}), ColorId::white);

			auto font = res::getFont(WindowStyle::fonts[0]);

			for(int n = 0; n < TileGroup::Group::side_count; n++) {
				out.setViewPos(-center - worldToScreen(TileGroup::Group::s_side_offsets[n] * 9));
				font->draw(out, float2(0, 0), {ColorId::white}, format("%d", m_tile_group->groupSurface(m_selected_group_id, n)));
			out.setViewPos(-center +edit_rect.size() / 2);
			font->draw(out, float2(0, 0), {ColorId::white}, format("setting surface: %d", m_selected_surface_id));

			const char *names[] = {
				"green goo",

			out.setViewPos(-int2(bottom_rect.max.x - 200, bottom_rect.min.y));
			for(int n = 0; n < arraySize(names); n++)
				font->draw(int2(0, 10), ColorId::white,
						m_selected_surface_id == n? "%d: [%s]\n" : "%d: %s\n", n, names[n]); */

			m_font->draw(out, float2(5, height() - 20), {ColorId::white, ColorId::black},
					format("%s", m_current_entry->tile->resourceName().c_str()));
Exemplo n.º 26
	const IRect Entity::screenRect() const {
		return m_sprite.getMaxRect() + (int2)worldToScreen(pos());
Exemplo n.º 27
 Vector3 Camera::worldToScreen(const Vector3& pWorld,
     const Vector3& pLens) const {
     return worldToScreen(pWorld);