Exemplo n.º 1
void send2DebugPort(unsigned char* protData, unsigned char hilOn){
	unsigned int bufLen,i;
	// add the data to the circular buffer
	for(i = 1; i <= protData[0]; i += 1 )
		writeBack(logBuffer, protData[i] );

	// get the Length of the logBuffer
	bufLen = getLength(logBuffer);

	// if the interrupt catched up with the circularBuffer
	//  then turn on the DMA
	if(!(DMA0CONbits.CHEN) && bufLen> 0){
		// Configure the bytes to send
		DMA0CNT =  bufLen<= (MAXSEND-1)? bufLen-1: MAXSEND-1;		
		// copy the buffer to the DMA channel outgoing buffer	
		copyBufferToDMA((unsigned char) DMA0CNT+1);
		// Enable the DMA
		DMA0CONbits.CHEN = 1;
		// Init the transmission
		DMA0REQbits.FORCE = 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Uart.c Projeto: sdajani/sdp
void UART_putChar(uint8_t id, char ch)
    if(id == UART1_ID){
        if (getLength(transmitBufferUart1) != QUEUESIZE) {
            writeBack(transmitBufferUart1, ch);
            if (U1STAbits.TRMT) {
                IFS0bits.U1TXIF = 1;
    }else if(id == UART2_ID){
        if (getLength(transmitBufferUart2) != QUEUESIZE) {
            writeBack(transmitBufferUart2, ch);
            if (U2STAbits.TRMT) {
                IFS1bits.U2TXIF = 1;
  * Write data to the file.
  * Write from buffer, len bytes to the current seek position.
  * On each invocation to write, the seek position of the file handle
  * is incremented atomically, by the number of bytes returned.
  * The cached filesize in the FD is updated on this call. Also, the
  * FT file size is updated only if a new page(s) has been written too,
  * to reduce the number of FT writes.
  * @param fd File handle
  * @param buffer the buffer from which to write data
  * @param len number of bytes to write
  * @return number of bytes written on success, MICROBIT_NO_RESOURCES if data did
  *         not get written to flash or the file system has not been initialised,
  *         or this file was not opened with the MB_WRITE flag set, MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER
  *         if the given file handle is invalid.
  * @code
  * MicroBitFileSystem f();
  * int fd = f.open("test.txt", MB_WRITE);
  * if(f.write(fd, "hello!", 7) != 7)
  *    print("error writing");
  * @endcode
int MicroBitFileSystem::write(int fd, uint8_t* buffer, int size)
    FileDescriptor *file;
    int bytesCopied = 0;
    int segmentSize;

    // Protect against accidental re-initialisation
    if ((status & MBFS_STATUS_INITIALISED) == 0)

    // Ensure the file is open.
    file = getFileDescriptor(fd);

    if (file == NULL || buffer == NULL || size == 0)

    // Determine how to handle the write. If the buffer size is less than our cache size, 
    // write the data via the cache. Otherwise, a direct write through is likely more efficient.
    // This may take a few iterations if the cache is already quite full.
    if (size < MBFS_CACHE_SIZE)
        while (bytesCopied < size)
            segmentSize = min(size, MBFS_CACHE_SIZE - file->cacheLength);
            memcpy(&file->cache[file->cacheLength], buffer, segmentSize);

            file->cacheLength += segmentSize;
            bytesCopied += segmentSize;
            if (file->cacheLength == MBFS_CACHE_SIZE)


        return bytesCopied;

    // If we have a relatively large block, then write it directly (

    return writeBuffer(file, buffer, size);
Exemplo n.º 4
// Interrupt service routine for SPI1 Slave
void __attribute__((__interrupt__, no_auto_psv)) _SPI1Interrupt(void) {
    // if we received a byte
    if (SPI1STATbits.SPIRBF == 1) {
        // put the received data in the circular buffer
        writeBack(protBuffer, (unsigned char)SPI1BUF);

    // clear the interrupt
    IFS0bits.SPI1IF = 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
void UART2PutChar( char ch )
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: Uart.c Projeto: sdajani/sdp



    Interrupt Handle for the uart. with the PIC32 architecture both send and receive are handled within the same interrupt


 Max Dunne, 2011.11.10
void __ISR(_UART2_VECTOR, ipl4) IntUart2Handler(void)
    if (mU2RXGetIntFlag()) {
        writeBack(receiveBufferUart2, (unsigned char) U2RXREG);
    if (mU2TXGetIntFlag()) {
        if (!(getLength(transmitBufferUart2) == 0)) {
            U2TXREG = readFront(transmitBufferUart2);
Exemplo n.º 7
void first4thread::performAuthAction(QString action, QDomElement e)
    Auth auth;
    QDomDocument doc("first4");
    if(action.section(".", 1, 1) == "Login")
	int answ = auth.loginUser(e.attribute("Username"), e.attribute("Password"));
	QDomElement root = doc.createElement("first4server");
	QDomElement request = doc.createElement("Request");
	request.setAttribute("Action", action);
	request.setAttribute("Answer", answ);
	if(answ == 0)
	    request.setAttribute("Token", token);
	    request.setAttribute("Fullname", fullname);
    else if(action.section(".", 1, 1) == "Logout")
	qDebug() << "Processing Auth action: " << action;
Exemplo n.º 8
void __attribute__((__interrupt__, no_auto_psv)) _U2RXInterrupt(void)
	while(U2STAbits.URXDA == 1){
		writeBack(UART_receiveBuffer, (unsigned char)U2RXREG);
	// If there was an overun error clear it and continue
	if (U2STAbits.OERR == 1){
		U2STAbits.OERR = 0;
	// clear the interrupt
	IFS1bits.U2RXIF = 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
// Interrupt service routine for U2 HIL protocol port
void __attribute__((__interrupt__, no_auto_psv)) _U2RXInterrupt(void){
	// Read the buffer while it has data
	// and add it to the circular buffer
	while(U2STAbits.URXDA == 1){
		writeBack(uartBufferIn, (unsigned char)U2RXREG);
	// If there was an overun error clear it and continue
	if (U2STAbits.OERR == 1){
		U2STAbits.OERR = 0;
	// clear the interrupt
	IFS1bits.U2RXIF = 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
 * @Function PutChar(char ch)
 * @param ch - the char to be sent out the serial port
 * @return None.
 * @brief  adds char to the end of the circular buffer and forces the interrupt flag 
 * high if nothing is currently transmitting
 * @author Max Dunne, 2011.11.10 */
void PutChar(char ch)
    if (getLength(transmitBuffer) != QUEUESIZE) {
        AddingToTransmit = TRUE;
        writeBack(transmitBuffer, ch);
        AddingToTransmit = FALSE;
        if (U1STAbits.TRMT) {
        //re-enter the interrupt if we removed a character while getting another one
        if (TransmitCollisionOccured) {
            TransmitCollisionOccured = FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 11
void SequentialFile::commit()
  record_frame_t* next_to_current_record = (record_frame_t*)offset2record(next_write_offset);

  SequentialFile::Record* current_record = ((Record*)next_to_current_record)->getStartHeader();

  if(current_record->isEndOfTransaction())  // no operations to commit

  if(current_record->isValid()) {
    current_record->setEndOfTransaction( true );
  // else: no operations in database
Exemplo n.º 12
void PutChar(char ch) {
    if (getLength(transmitBuffer) != QUEUESIZE) {
        writeBack(transmitBuffer, ch);

        if (!INTGetEnable(INT_U1TX)) {
            INTEnable(INT_U1TX, INT_ENABLED);
        //        if (U1STAbits.TRMT) {
        //            INTEnable(INT_U1TX, INT_ENABLED);
        //            INTSetFlag(INT_U1TX);
        //        } else if (!INTGetEnable(INT_U1TX)) {
        //            INTEnable(INT_U1TX, INT_ENABLED);
        //            //INTSetFlag(INT_U1TX);
        //        }
  * Writes back all state associated with the given file to FLASH memory, 
  * leaving the file open.
  * @param fd file descriptor - obtained with open().
  * @return MICROBIT_OK on success, MICROBIT_NOT_SUPPORTED if the file system has not
  *         been initialised, MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER if the given file handle
  *         is invalid.
  * @code
  * MicroBitFileSystem f();
  * int fd = f.open("test.txt", MB_READ);
  * ...
  * f.flush(fd);
  * @endcode
int MicroBitFileSystem::flush(int fd)
    // Protect against accidental re-initialisation
    if ((status & MBFS_STATUS_INITIALISED) == 0)

    FileDescriptor *file = getFileDescriptor(fd);

    // Ensure the file is open.
    if(file == NULL)

    // Flush any data in the writeback cache.

    // If the file has changed size, create an updated directory entry for the file, reflecting it's new length.
    if (file->dirent->length != file->length)
        DirectoryEntry d = *file->dirent;
        d.length = file->length;

        // Do some optimising to reduce FLASH churn if this is the first write to a file. No need then to create a new dirent...
        if (file->dirent->flags == MBFS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_NEW)
            d.flags = MBFS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_VALID;
            flash.flash_write(file->dirent, &d, sizeof(DirectoryEntry));

        // Otherwise, replace the dirent with a freshly allocated one, and mark the other as INVALID.
            DirectoryEntry *newDirent;
            uint16_t value = MBFS_DELETED;

            // invalidate the old directory entry and create a new one with the updated data.
            flash.flash_write(&file->dirent->flags, &value, 2);
            newDirent = createDirectoryEntry(file->directory);
            flash.flash_write(newDirent, &d, sizeof(DirectoryEntry));

    return MICROBIT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool Log::BlockBuffer::prepareBlock(uint32_t blockId) {
  // Check valid id.
  if (!isValidBlockId(blockId)) return false;

  // If the block is dirty, write it back.
  if (!writeBack()) return false;

  // If the block is already loaded, just return.
  if (id == blockId && ready) return true;

  // Read in block.
  if (!Disk::diskRead(getBlockOffset(blockId), block, BLOCK_SIZE))
    return false;

  id = blockId;
  ready = true;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
void __attribute__((__interrupt__,__auto_psv__)) _U1RXInterrupt(void)
        _U1RXIF = 0;
    // Read the buffer while it has data
    // and add it to the circular buffer
    while (U1STAbits.URXDA == 1) {
        writeBack(uartMavlinkInBuffer, (unsigned char) U1RXREG);

    // If there was an overun error clear it and continue
    if (U1STAbits.OERR == 1) {
        _U1RXIF = 0;
        U1STAbits.OERR = 0;

    // clear the interrupt
    IFS0bits.U1RXIF = 0;

  * Move the current position of a file handle, to be used for
  * subsequent read/write calls.
  * The offset modifier can be:
  *  - MB_SEEK_SET set the absolute seek position.
  *  - MB_SEEK_CUR set the seek position based on the current offset.
  *  - MB_SEEK_END set the seek position from the end of the file.
  * E.g. to seek to 2nd-to-last byte, use offset=-1.
  * @param fd file handle, obtained with open()
  * @param offset new offset, can be positive/negative.
  * @param flags
  * @return new offset position on success, MICROBIT_NOT_SUPPORTED if the file system
  *         is not intiialised, MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER if the flag given is invalid
  *         or the file handle is invalid.
  * @code
  * MicroBitFileSystem f;
  * int fd = f.open("test.txt", MB_READ);
  * f.seek(fd, -100, MB_SEEK_END); //100 bytes before end of file.
  * @endcode
int MicroBitFileSystem::seek(int fd, int offset, uint8_t flags)
    FileDescriptor *file;
    int position;

    // Protect against accidental re-initialisation
    if ((status & MBFS_STATUS_INITIALISED) == 0)

    // Ensure the file is open.
    file = getFileDescriptor(fd);

    if (file == NULL)
    // Flush any data in the writeback cache.

    position = file->seek;

    if(flags == MB_SEEK_SET)
        position = offset;
    if(flags == MB_SEEK_END)
        position = file->length + offset;
    if (flags == MB_SEEK_CUR)
        position = file->seek + offset;
    if (position < 0 || (uint32_t)position > file->length)

    file->seek = position;
    return position;
Exemplo n.º 17



    Interrupt Handle for the uart. with the PIC32 architecture both send and receive are handled within the same interrupt


 Max Dunne, 2011.11.10
void __ISR(_UART1_VECTOR, ipl4) IntUart1Handler(void)
    if (INTGetFlag(INT_U1RX)) {
        if (!GettingFromReceive) {
            writeBack(receiveBuffer, (unsigned char) U1RXREG);
        } else {
            //acknowledge we have a collision and return
            ReceiveCollisionOccured = TRUE;
    if (INTGetFlag(INT_U1TX)) {
        if (!(getLength(transmitBuffer) == 0)) {
            if (!AddingToTransmit) {
                U1TXREG = readFront(transmitBuffer);
            } else {
                //acknowledge we have a collision and return
                TransmitCollisionOccured = TRUE;

Exemplo n.º 18



    Interrupt Handle for the uart. with the PIC32 architecture both send and receive are handled within the same interrupt


 Max Dunne, 2011.11.10
void __ISR(_UART1_VECTOR, IPL4AUTO) IntUart1Handler(void) {
    static int transmitcount = 0;
    static int clearcount = 0;
    static int stallcount = 0;
    if (INTGetFlag(INT_U1RX)) {
        LATBbits.LATB8 ^= 1;
        writeBack(receiveBuffer, (unsigned char) U1RXREG);
    if (INTGetFlag(INT_U1TX)) {

        if (!(getLength(transmitBuffer) == 0)) {
            U1TXREG = readFront(transmitBuffer);
            stallcount = 0;
        } else {
            //INTEnable(INT_U1TX, 0);
        if (stallcount > 1) {
            INTEnable(INT_U1TX, INT_DISABLED);

  * Read data from the file.
  * Read len bytes from the current seek position in the file, into the
  * buffer. On each invocation to read, the seek position of the file
  * handle is incremented atomically, by the number of bytes returned.
  * @param fd File handle, obtained with open()
  * @param buffer to store data
  * @param size number of bytes to read
  * @return number of bytes read on success, MICROBIT_NOT_SUPPORTED if the file
  *         system is not initialised, or this file was not opened with the
  *         MB_READ flag set, MICROBIT_INVALID_PARAMETER if the given file handle
  *         is invalid.
  * @code
  * MicroBitFileSystem f;
  * int fd = f.open("read.txt", MB_READ);
  * if(f.read(fd, buffer, 100) != 100)
  *    print("read error");
  * @endcode
int MicroBitFileSystem::read(int fd, uint8_t* buffer, int size)
    FileDescriptor *file;
    uint16_t block;
    uint8_t *readPointer;
    uint8_t *writePointer;

    uint32_t offset;
    uint32_t position = 0;
    int bytesCopied = 0;
    int segmentLength;

    // Protect against accidental re-initialisation
    if ((status & MBFS_STATUS_INITIALISED) == 0)

    // Ensure the file is open.
    file = getFileDescriptor(fd);

    if (file == NULL || buffer == NULL || size == 0)

    // Flush any data in the writeback cache before we change the seek pointer.

    // Validate the read length.
    size = min(size, file->length - file->seek);

    // Find the read position.
    block = file->dirent->first_block; 

    // Walk the file table until we reach the start block
    while (file->seek - position > MBFS_BLOCK_SIZE)
        block = getNextFileBlock(block);
        position += MBFS_BLOCK_SIZE;

    // Once we have the correct start block, handle the byte offset.
    offset = file->seek - position;

    // Now, start copying bytes into the requested buffer.
    writePointer = buffer;
    while (bytesCopied < size)
        // First, determine if we need to write a partial block.
        readPointer = (uint8_t *)getBlock(block) + offset;
        segmentLength = min(size - bytesCopied, MBFS_BLOCK_SIZE - offset);

        if(segmentLength > 0)
            memcpy(writePointer, readPointer, segmentLength);

        bytesCopied += segmentLength;
        writePointer += segmentLength;
        offset += segmentLength;

        if (offset == MBFS_BLOCK_SIZE)
            block = getNextFileBlock(block);
            offset = 0;

    file->seek += bytesCopied;

    return bytesCopied;
Exemplo n.º 20
void midgSplit (unsigned char * data) {
	// Static Variables: CAREFUL
	static unsigned char prevBuffer [2*MAXLOGLEN];
	static unsigned char previousComplete =1;
	static unsigned char indexLast = 0;
	static unsigned char incompleteLen = 0;
	// local variables
	unsigned char i;
	unsigned char headerFound=0, noMoreBytes = 1;
    // FIXME: this requires MIDG_CHUNKSIZE < 257.  
    // if data[0] is 255, then i overflows from 255 to 0 and this is infinite
	// Add the received bytes to the protocol parsing circular buffer
    for(i = 1; i <= data[0]; i += 1 )
		writeBack(midgBuffer, data[i]);
	// update the noMoreBytes flag accordingly
    noMoreBytes = (data[0]>0)?0:1;

	while (!noMoreBytes){
		// if the previous message was complete then read from the circular buffer
		// and make sure that you are into the begining of a message
			while (!headerFound && !noMoreBytes) {
				// move along until you find a 0x81 or run out of bytes
				while (getLength(midgBuffer)>3 && peak(midgBuffer)!=0x81){
				// if you found a dollar then make sure the next one is an A1
				// You always make sure to have 4 bytes remaining (including
				// BOF so you can read the ID and the length)
				if(getLength(midgBuffer)>3 && peak(midgBuffer) == 0x81){
					// read it
					prevBuffer[indexLast++] = readFront(midgBuffer);
                    // if next is a 0xA1
					if (peak(midgBuffer) == 0xA1){
						// read the sync
						prevBuffer[indexLast++] = readFront(midgBuffer);
						// read the ID
						prevBuffer[indexLast++] = readFront(midgBuffer);
						// read the count
						prevBuffer[indexLast++] = readFront(midgBuffer);
						// start monitoring the pending count
						incompleteLen = prevBuffer[indexLast -1]; 
						// and signal you found a header
						headerFound = 1;
                         // and set as  incomplete the sentece
                         previousComplete = 0;
				} else {
					noMoreBytes = 1;
				} // else no dollar
			} // while we found header && no more bytes
		} // if previous complete
		// At this point either you found a header from a previous complete
		// or you are reading from a message that was incomplete the last time
		// in any of those two cases, keep reading until you run out of bytes
		// or incompleteLen == 0		
		while ((incompleteLen > 0) && !noMoreBytes){
			while (incompleteLen >0 && getLength(midgBuffer)>2){
				prevBuffer[indexLast++] = readFront(midgBuffer);
				incompleteLen --;
			// if you completed the Length of the payload and you have 
			// at least two bytes to read to get the checksum
			if (incompleteLen == 0 && getLength(midgBuffer)>=2){
				// read the checksum 0
				prevBuffer[indexLast++] = readFront(midgBuffer);
				// read the checksum 1
				prevBuffer[indexLast++] = readFront(midgBuffer);
				// Parse the message. 
				// Note that parse does the checksumming
				// Reset the variables
				previousComplete =1;
				indexLast = 0;
            	headerFound = 0;
            	memset(prevBuffer, 0, sizeof(prevBuffer));

			} else {
				noMoreBytes =1;
	} // big outer loop
Exemplo n.º 21
void logData (unsigned char hilOn, unsigned char* data4SPI){
	unsigned char rawSentence[35];
	// sample period variable
	static unsigned char samplePeriod = 1;
	static unsigned char tmpBuf [37];
	// temp var to store the assembled message
	unsigned char i;
	unsigned char len2SPI=0;
	unsigned char bufLen = 0;
	unsigned char aknSentence[6];

	memset(tmpBuf, 0, sizeof(tmpBuf));
	switch (samplePeriod){
		case 1: //GPS
			rawSentence[0] =  gpsControlData.year	;			
			rawSentence[1] =  gpsControlData.month	;		
			rawSentence[2] =  gpsControlData.day	;			
			rawSentence[3] =  gpsControlData.hour	;			
			rawSentence[4] =  gpsControlData.min	;			
			rawSentence[5] =  gpsControlData.sec	;			
			rawSentence[6] = gpsControlData.lat.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[7] = gpsControlData.lat.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[8] = gpsControlData.lat.chData[2];				
			rawSentence[9] = gpsControlData.lat.chData[3];			
			rawSentence[10] = gpsControlData.lon.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[11] = gpsControlData.lon.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[12] = gpsControlData.lon.chData[2];	
			rawSentence[13] = gpsControlData.lon.chData[3];	
			rawSentence[14] = gpsControlData.height.chData[0];		
			rawSentence[15] = gpsControlData.height.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[16] = gpsControlData.height.chData[2];		
			rawSentence[17] = gpsControlData.height.chData[3];	
			rawSentence[18] = gpsControlData.cog.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[19] = gpsControlData.cog.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[20] = gpsControlData.sog.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[21] = gpsControlData.sog.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[22] = gpsControlData.hdop.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[23] = gpsControlData.hdop.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[24] = gpsControlData.fix			;	
			rawSentence[25] = gpsControlData.sats			;	
			rawSentence[26] = gpsControlData.newValue		;	
			// assemble the GPS data for protocol sending
			assembleMsg(&rawSentence[0], GPSMSG_LEN, GPSMSG_ID, tmpBuf);

			// add it to the circular buffer and SPI queue
			for( i = 0; i < GPSMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){
				data4SPI[i+1] = tmpBuf[i];

			// set the total data out for SPI
			len2SPI = GPSMSG_LEN+7; 

		case 2: // LOAD 
			rawSentence[0] = statusControlData.load		 	;
			rawSentence[1] = statusControlData.vdetect	 	;
			rawSentence[2] = statusControlData.bVolt.chData[0] ;
			rawSentence[3] = statusControlData.bVolt.chData[1] ;

			// assemble the CPU load data for protocol sending	
			assembleMsg(&rawSentence[0], LOADMSG_LEN, LOADMSG_ID, tmpBuf);
			// add it to the circular buffer and SPI queue
			for( i = 0; i < LOADMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){
				data4SPI[i+1] = tmpBuf[i];

			// set the total data out for SPI
			len2SPI = LOADMSG_LEN+7; 	
		case 3:	// RAW or XYZ depending if we are logging raw @ 100		
			#ifdef LOGRAW100 	// If we need to log raw at 100 Hz
				rawSentence[0] = xyzControlData.Xcoord.chData[0];
				rawSentence[1] = xyzControlData.Xcoord.chData[1];
				rawSentence[2] = xyzControlData.Xcoord.chData[2];
				rawSentence[3] = xyzControlData.Xcoord.chData[3];
				rawSentence[4] = xyzControlData.Ycoord.chData[0];	
				rawSentence[5] = xyzControlData.Ycoord.chData[1];	
				rawSentence[6] = xyzControlData.Ycoord.chData[2];	
				rawSentence[7] = xyzControlData.Ycoord.chData[3];	
				rawSentence[8] = xyzControlData.Zcoord.chData[0];
				rawSentence[9] = xyzControlData.Zcoord.chData[1];
				rawSentence[10]= xyzControlData.Zcoord.chData[2];
				rawSentence[11]= xyzControlData.Zcoord.chData[3];
				rawSentence[12]= xyzControlData.VX.chData[0]	;	
				rawSentence[13]= xyzControlData.VX.chData[1]	;	
				rawSentence[14]= xyzControlData.VX.chData[2]	;	
				rawSentence[15]= xyzControlData.VX.chData[3]	;	
				rawSentence[16]= xyzControlData.VY.chData[0]	;	
				rawSentence[17]= xyzControlData.VY.chData[1]	;	
				rawSentence[18]= xyzControlData.VY.chData[2]	;	
				rawSentence[19]= xyzControlData.VY.chData[3]	;	
				rawSentence[20]= xyzControlData.VZ.chData[0]	;	
				rawSentence[21]= xyzControlData.VZ.chData[1]	;	
				rawSentence[22]= xyzControlData.VZ.chData[2]	;	
				rawSentence[23]= xyzControlData.VZ.chData[3]	;	
				// assemble the XYZ data for protocol sending
				assembleMsg(&rawSentence[0], XYZMSG_LEN, XYZMSG_ID, tmpBuf);
				// add it to the circular buffer and SPI queue
				for( i = 0; i < XYZMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){
					data4SPI[i+1+len2SPI] = tmpBuf[i];
		    	// set the total data out for SPI
				len2SPI = XYZMSG_LEN+7;
				rawSentence[0] 	=	rawControlData.gyroX.chData[0];	
				rawSentence[1]  =	rawControlData.gyroX.chData[1];	
				rawSentence[2] 	=	rawControlData.gyroY.chData[0];		 	
				rawSentence[3]  =	rawControlData.gyroY.chData[1];	
				rawSentence[4] 	=	rawControlData.gyroZ.chData[0];	 
				rawSentence[5] 	=	rawControlData.gyroZ.chData[1];	 
				rawSentence[6] =	rawControlData.accelX.chData[0];	 
				rawSentence[7] =	rawControlData.accelX.chData[1];	   
				rawSentence[8] =	rawControlData.accelY.chData[0];	  
				rawSentence[9] =	rawControlData.accelY.chData[1];	  
				rawSentence[10] =	rawControlData.accelZ.chData[0];	  
				rawSentence[11] =	rawControlData.accelZ.chData[1];	  
				rawSentence[12] =	rawControlData.magX.chData[0];	  
				rawSentence[13] =	rawControlData.magX.chData[1];	  
				rawSentence[14] =	rawControlData.magY.chData[0];	  
				rawSentence[15] =	rawControlData.magY.chData[1];	  
				rawSentence[16] =	rawControlData.magZ.chData[0];	  
				rawSentence[17] =	rawControlData.magZ.chData[1];	
				// included in SLUGS MKII
				rawSentence[18] =	rawControlData.baro.chData[0];	  
				rawSentence[19] =	rawControlData.baro.chData[1];	
				rawSentence[20] =	rawControlData.pito.chData[0];	  
				rawSentence[21] =	rawControlData.pito.chData[1];	
				rawSentence[22] =	rawControlData.powr.chData[0];	  
				rawSentence[23] =	rawControlData.powr.chData[1];
				rawSentence[24] =	rawControlData.ther.chData[0];	  
				rawSentence[25] =	rawControlData.ther.chData[1];
		    	// assemble the Raw Sensor data for protocol sending	
				assembleMsg(&rawSentence[0], RAWMSG_LEN, RAWMSG_ID, tmpBuf);

				// add it to the circular buffer and SPI queue
				for( i = 0; i < RAWMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){
					data4SPI[i+1] = tmpBuf[i];

				// set the total data out for SPI			
				len2SPI = RAWMSG_LEN+7; 			
		case 4:	// Dynamic and Reboot (if required)		
			rawSentence[0] = dynTempControlData.dynamic.chData[0];
			rawSentence[1] = dynTempControlData.dynamic.chData[1];
			rawSentence[2] = dynTempControlData.dynamic.chData[2];
			rawSentence[3] = dynTempControlData.dynamic.chData[3];
			rawSentence[4] = dynTempControlData.stat.chData[0]	;	
			rawSentence[5] = dynTempControlData.stat.chData[1]	;	
			rawSentence[6] = dynTempControlData.stat.chData[2]	;	
			rawSentence[7] = dynTempControlData.stat.chData[3]	;	
			rawSentence[8] = dynTempControlData.temp.chData[0]	;
			rawSentence[9] = dynTempControlData.temp.chData[1]	;

			// assemble the Raw Sensor data for protocol sending	
			assembleMsg(&rawSentence[0], DYNMSG_LEN, DYNMSG_ID, tmpBuf);

			// add it to the circular buffer and SPI queue
			for( i = 0; i < DYNMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){
				data4SPI[i+1] = tmpBuf[i];
			// set the total data out for SPI			
			len2SPI = DYNMSG_LEN+7; 			
			// it there has been a reboot
			if(aknControlData.sensorReboot >0){
				// clear tmpBuf
				memset(tmpBuf, 0, sizeof(tmpBuf));
				// configure the akn sentence
				memset(aknSentence,0, 6);
				aknSentence[3] = aknControlData.sensorReboot;
				// assemble the message
				assembleMsg(&aknSentence[0], AKNMSG_LEN, AKNMSG_ID, tmpBuf);
				// add it to the SPI QUEUE
				for( i = 0; i < AKNMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){

					data4SPI[i+1+len2SPI] = tmpBuf[i];
				// clear the flag
				aknControlData.sensorReboot = 0;
				// set the total data out for SPI			
				len2SPI += AKNMSG_LEN+7; 	

		case 5:	// Bias		

			rawSentence[0] = biasControlData.axb.chData[0] ;
			rawSentence[1] = biasControlData.axb.chData[1] ;
			rawSentence[2] = biasControlData.axb.chData[2] ;
			rawSentence[3] = biasControlData.axb.chData[3] ;
			rawSentence[4] = biasControlData.ayb.chData[0] ;	
			rawSentence[5] = biasControlData.ayb.chData[1] ;	
			rawSentence[6] = biasControlData.ayb.chData[2] ;	
			rawSentence[7] = biasControlData.ayb.chData[3] ;	
			rawSentence[8] = biasControlData.azb.chData[0] ;
			rawSentence[9] = biasControlData.azb.chData[1] ;
			rawSentence[10]= biasControlData.azb.chData[2];
			rawSentence[11]= biasControlData.azb.chData[3];
			rawSentence[12]= biasControlData.gxb.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[13]= biasControlData.gxb.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[14]= biasControlData.gxb.chData[2];	
			rawSentence[15]= biasControlData.gxb.chData[3];	
			rawSentence[16]= biasControlData.gyb.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[17]= biasControlData.gyb.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[18]= biasControlData.gyb.chData[2];	
			rawSentence[19]= biasControlData.gyb.chData[3];	
			rawSentence[20]= biasControlData.gzb.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[21]= biasControlData.gzb.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[22]= biasControlData.gzb.chData[2];	
			rawSentence[23]= biasControlData.gzb.chData[3];	
			// assemble the Raw Sensor data for protocol sending	
			assembleMsg(&rawSentence[0], BIAMSG_LEN, BIAMSG_ID, tmpBuf);

			// add it to the circular buffer and SPI queue
			for( i = 0; i < BIAMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){
				data4SPI[i+1] = tmpBuf[i];
			// set the total data out for SPI			
			len2SPI = BIAMSG_LEN+7; 			
		case 6: // Diagnostic
			rawSentence[0]	=	diagControlData.fl1.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[1]	=	diagControlData.fl1.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[2]	=	diagControlData.fl1.chData[2];	
			rawSentence[3]	=	diagControlData.fl1.chData[3];	
			rawSentence[4]	=	diagControlData.fl2.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[5]	=	diagControlData.fl2.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[6]	=	diagControlData.fl2.chData[2];	
			rawSentence[7]	=	diagControlData.fl2.chData[3];	
			rawSentence[8]	=	diagControlData.fl3.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[9]	=	diagControlData.fl3.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[10]=	diagControlData.fl3.chData[2];	
			rawSentence[11]=	diagControlData.fl3.chData[3];	
			rawSentence[12]=	diagControlData.sh1.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[13]=	diagControlData.sh1.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[14]=	diagControlData.sh2.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[15]=	diagControlData.sh2.chData[1];	
			rawSentence[16]=	diagControlData.sh3.chData[0];	
			rawSentence[17]=	diagControlData.sh3.chData[1];
		    // assemble the Diagnostic data for protocol sending	
			assembleMsg(&rawSentence[0], DIAMSG_LEN, DIAMSG_ID, tmpBuf);
			// add it to the circular buffer and SPI queue
			for( i = 0; i < DIAMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){
				data4SPI[i+1] = tmpBuf[i];

			// set the total data out for SPI
			len2SPI = (DIAMSG_LEN+7); 			
		case 7: // Pilot Console Data
			rawSentence[0] = pilControlData.dt.chData[0]	;
			rawSentence[1] = pilControlData.dt.chData[1]	;
			rawSentence[2] = pilControlData.dla.chData[0];
			rawSentence[3] = pilControlData.dla.chData[1];
			rawSentence[4] = pilControlData.dra.chData[0];
			rawSentence[5] = pilControlData.dra.chData[1];
			rawSentence[6] = pilControlData.dr.chData[0]	;
			rawSentence[7] = pilControlData.dr.chData[1]	;
			rawSentence[8] = pilControlData.de.chData[0]	;
			rawSentence[9] = pilControlData.de.chData[1]	;
		    // assemble the Pilot Console data for protocol sending	
			assembleMsg(&rawSentence[0], PILMSG_LEN, PILMSG_ID, tmpBuf);
			// add it to the circular buffer and SPI queue
			for( i = 0; i < PILMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){
				data4SPI[i+1] = tmpBuf[i];

			// set the total data out for SPI
			len2SPI = (PILMSG_LEN+7); 			
		case 8: // Sensor Data in meaningful units
			rawSentence[0] = senControlData.Ax.chData[0];
			rawSentence[1] = senControlData.Ax.chData[1];
			rawSentence[2] = senControlData.Ax.chData[2];
			rawSentence[3] = senControlData.Ax.chData[3];
			rawSentence[4] = senControlData.Ay.chData[0];
			rawSentence[5] = senControlData.Ay.chData[1];
			rawSentence[6] = senControlData.Ay.chData[2];
			rawSentence[7] = senControlData.Ay.chData[3];
			rawSentence[8] = senControlData.Az.chData[0];
			rawSentence[9] = senControlData.Az.chData[1];
			rawSentence[10]= senControlData.Az.chData[2];
			rawSentence[11]= senControlData.Az.chData[3];
			rawSentence[12]= senControlData.Mx.chData[0];
			rawSentence[13]= senControlData.Mx.chData[1];
			rawSentence[14]= senControlData.Mx.chData[2];
			rawSentence[15]= senControlData.Mx.chData[3];
			rawSentence[16]= senControlData.My.chData[0];
			rawSentence[17]= senControlData.My.chData[1];
			rawSentence[18]= senControlData.My.chData[2];
			rawSentence[19]= senControlData.My.chData[3];
			rawSentence[20]= senControlData.Mz.chData[0];
			rawSentence[21]= senControlData.Mz.chData[1];
			rawSentence[22]= senControlData.Mz.chData[2];
			rawSentence[23]= senControlData.Mz.chData[3];
		    // assemble the Pilot Console data for protocol sending	
			assembleMsg(&rawSentence[0], SENMSG_LEN, SENMSG_ID, tmpBuf);
			// add it to the circular buffer and SPI queue
			for( i = 0; i < SENMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){
				data4SPI[i+1] = tmpBuf[i];

			// set the total data out for SPI
			len2SPI = (SENMSG_LEN+7); 			
			data4SPI[0] = 0;
	memset(tmpBuf, 0,  sizeof(tmpBuf));
	// Attitude data. Gets included every sample time
	// ==============================================
	rawSentence[0] = attitudeControlData.roll.chData[0]		;
	rawSentence[1] = attitudeControlData.roll.chData[1]		;
	rawSentence[2] = attitudeControlData.roll.chData[2]		;
	rawSentence[3] = attitudeControlData.roll.chData[3]		;
	rawSentence[4] = attitudeControlData.pitch.chData[0]	;	
	rawSentence[5] = attitudeControlData.pitch.chData[1]	;	
	rawSentence[6] = attitudeControlData.pitch.chData[2]	;	
	rawSentence[7] = attitudeControlData.pitch.chData[3]	;	
	rawSentence[8] = attitudeControlData.yaw.chData[0]		;
	rawSentence[9] = attitudeControlData.yaw.chData[1]		;
	rawSentence[10] =attitudeControlData.yaw.chData[2]		;
	rawSentence[11] =attitudeControlData.yaw.chData[3]		;
	rawSentence[12] =attitudeControlData.p.chData[0]		;	
	rawSentence[13] =attitudeControlData.p.chData[1]		;	
	rawSentence[14] =attitudeControlData.p.chData[2]		;	
	rawSentence[15] =attitudeControlData.p.chData[3]		;	
	rawSentence[16] =attitudeControlData.q.chData[0]		;	
	rawSentence[17] =attitudeControlData.q.chData[1]		;	
	rawSentence[18] =attitudeControlData.q.chData[2]		;	
	rawSentence[19] =attitudeControlData.q.chData[3]		;	
	rawSentence[20] =attitudeControlData.r.chData[0]		;	
	rawSentence[21] =attitudeControlData.r.chData[1]		;	
	rawSentence[22] =attitudeControlData.r.chData[2]		;	
	rawSentence[23] =attitudeControlData.r.chData[3]		;	
	rawSentence[24] =attitudeControlData.timeStamp.chData[0];	
	rawSentence[25] =attitudeControlData.timeStamp.chData[1];					 	
	// assemble the Attitude data for protocol sending
	assembleMsg(&rawSentence[0], ATTMSG_LEN, ATTMSG_ID, tmpBuf);
	// add it to the circular buffer and SPI queue
	for( i = 0; i < ATTMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){
		data4SPI[i+1+len2SPI] = tmpBuf[i];
	// increment the data counter for SPI
	len2SPI += ATTMSG_LEN+7; 
	memset(tmpBuf, 0, sizeof(tmpBuf));
	// XYZ data. Gets included every sample time
	// ==============================================
	#ifdef LOGRAW100
		rawSentence[0] 	=	rawControlData.gyroX.chData[0];	
		rawSentence[1]  =	rawControlData.gyroX.chData[1];	
		rawSentence[2] 	=	rawControlData.gyroY.chData[0];		 	
		rawSentence[3]  =	rawControlData.gyroY.chData[1];	
		rawSentence[4] 	=	rawControlData.gyroZ.chData[0];	 
		rawSentence[5] 	=	rawControlData.gyroZ.chData[1];	 
		rawSentence[6] =	rawControlData.accelX.chData[0];	 
		rawSentence[7] =	rawControlData.accelX.chData[1];	   
		rawSentence[8] =	rawControlData.accelY.chData[0];	  
		rawSentence[9] =	rawControlData.accelY.chData[1];	  
		rawSentence[10] =	rawControlData.accelZ.chData[0];	  
		rawSentence[11] =	rawControlData.accelZ.chData[1];	  
		rawSentence[12] =	rawControlData.magX.chData[0];	  
		rawSentence[13] =	rawControlData.magX.chData[1];	  
		rawSentence[14] =	rawControlData.magY.chData[0];	  
		rawSentence[15] =	rawControlData.magY.chData[1];	  
		rawSentence[16] =	rawControlData.magZ.chData[0];	  
		rawSentence[17] =	rawControlData.magZ.chData[1];	
		// included in SLUGS MKII
		rawSentence[18] =	rawControlData.baro.chData[0];	  
		rawSentence[19] =	rawControlData.baro.chData[1];	
		rawSentence[20] =	rawControlData.pito.chData[0];	  
		rawSentence[21] =	rawControlData.pito.chData[1];	
		rawSentence[22] =	rawControlData.powr.chData[0];	  
		rawSentence[23] =	rawControlData.powr.chData[1];
		rawSentence[24] =	rawControlData.ther.chData[0];	  
		rawSentence[25] =	rawControlData.ther.chData[1];		

		// assemble the Raw Sensor data for protocol sending	
		assembleMsg(&rawSentence[0], RAWMSG_LEN, RAWMSG_ID, tmpBuf);

		// add it to the circular buffer and SPI queue
		for( i = 0; i < RAWMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){
			data4SPI[i+1+len2SPI] = tmpBuf[i];

		// set the total data out for SPI			
		data4SPI[0] = len2SPI + RAWMSG_LEN+7; 	
		rawSentence[0] = xyzControlData.Xcoord.chData[0];
		rawSentence[1] = xyzControlData.Xcoord.chData[1];
		rawSentence[2] = xyzControlData.Xcoord.chData[2];
		rawSentence[3] = xyzControlData.Xcoord.chData[3];
		rawSentence[4] = xyzControlData.Ycoord.chData[0];	
		rawSentence[5] = xyzControlData.Ycoord.chData[1];	
		rawSentence[6] = xyzControlData.Ycoord.chData[2];	
		rawSentence[7] = xyzControlData.Ycoord.chData[3];	
		rawSentence[8] = xyzControlData.Zcoord.chData[0];
		rawSentence[9] = xyzControlData.Zcoord.chData[1];
		rawSentence[10]= xyzControlData.Zcoord.chData[2];
		rawSentence[11]= xyzControlData.Zcoord.chData[3];
		rawSentence[12]= xyzControlData.VX.chData[0]	;	
		rawSentence[13]= xyzControlData.VX.chData[1]	;	
		rawSentence[14]= xyzControlData.VX.chData[2]	;	
		rawSentence[15]= xyzControlData.VX.chData[3]	;	
		rawSentence[16]= xyzControlData.VY.chData[0]	;	
		rawSentence[17]= xyzControlData.VY.chData[1]	;	
		rawSentence[18]= xyzControlData.VY.chData[2]	;	
		rawSentence[19]= xyzControlData.VY.chData[3]	;	
		rawSentence[20]= xyzControlData.VZ.chData[0]	;	
		rawSentence[21]= xyzControlData.VZ.chData[1]	;	
		rawSentence[22]= xyzControlData.VZ.chData[2]	;	
		rawSentence[23]= xyzControlData.VZ.chData[3]	;	
		// assemble the XYZ data for protocol sending
		assembleMsg(&rawSentence[0], XYZMSG_LEN, XYZMSG_ID, tmpBuf);
		// add it to the circular buffer and SPI queue
		for( i = 0; i < XYZMSG_LEN+7; i += 1 ){
			data4SPI[i+1+len2SPI] = tmpBuf[i];
    	// set the total data out for SPI
		data4SPI[0] = len2SPI + XYZMSG_LEN+7; 
	// increment/overflow the samplePeriod counter
	// configured for 10 Hz in non vital messages
	samplePeriod = (samplePeriod >= 8)? 1: samplePeriod + 1;
	// get the Length of the logBuffer
	bufLen = getLength(logBuffer);
	// if HIL is ON do not transmit diagnostic data in the diagnostic port
	// let the circular buffer overwrite itself
	hilOn =1;
	if (hilOn!= 1){		
		// if the interrupt catched up with the circularBuffer
		//  then turn on the DMA
		if(!(DMA0CONbits.CHEN) && bufLen> 0){
			// Configure the bytes to send
			DMA0CNT =  bufLen<= (MAXSEND-1)? bufLen-1: MAXSEND-1;		
			// copy the buffer to the DMA channel outgoing buffer	
			copyBufferToDMA((unsigned char) DMA0CNT+1);
			// Enable the DMA
			DMA0CONbits.CHEN = 1;
			// Init the transmission
			DMA0REQbits.FORCE = 1;

Exemplo n.º 22
// TODO: Include a messaging Mechanism for immediate or once in time messages
// TODO: Include a File option for Archiving checksum fails for debuging
float protParseDecode (unsigned char* fromSPI,  FILE* outFile, unsigned char prevException){
void protParseDecode (unsigned char* fromSPI){
	// Static variables CAREFUL
	static unsigned char prevBuffer[2*MAXLOGLEN];
	static unsigned char previousComplete =1;
	static unsigned char indexLast = 0;
    #ifdef _IN_PC_
         static long long checkSumFail = 0;
         static long long totalPackets = 0;
         static float test = 0.0;
         float alpha = 0.3;

	// local variables
	unsigned char i;
	unsigned char tmpChksum = 0, headerFound=0, noMoreBytes = 1;
	unsigned char trailerFound = 0;

	//unsigned char logSize = 0;

	// Add the received bytes to the protocol parsing circular buffer
    for(i = 1; i <= fromSPI[0]; i += 1 )
    //for(i = 0; i <= 95; i += 1 )
		writeBack(ppBuffer, fromSPI[i]);

	// update the noMoreBytes flag accordingly
   noMoreBytes = (fromSPI[0]>0)?0:1;
   // noMoreBytes = 0;

	while (!noMoreBytes){
		// if the previous message was complete then read from the circular buffer
		// and make sure that you are into the begining of a message
			while (!headerFound && !noMoreBytes) {
				// move along until you find a dollar sign or run out of bytes
				while (getLength(ppBuffer)>1 && peak(ppBuffer)!=DOLLAR){
				// if you found a dollar then make sure the next one is an AT
				if(getLength(ppBuffer)>1 && peak(ppBuffer) == DOLLAR){
					// read it
					prevBuffer[indexLast++] = readFront(ppBuffer);
                    // if next is a at sign
					if (peak(ppBuffer) == AT){
						// read it
						prevBuffer[indexLast++] = readFront(ppBuffer);
						// and signal you found a header
						headerFound = 1;
                         // and set as  incomplete the sentece
                         previousComplete = 0;
				} else {
					noMoreBytes = 1;
				} // else no dollar
			} // while we found header && no more bytes
		}// if previous complete

		// At this point either you found a header from a previous complete
		// or you are reading from a message that was incomplete the last time
		// in any of those two cases, keep reading until you run out of bytes
		// or find a STAR and an AT
		while (!trailerFound && !noMoreBytes){
			while (getLength(ppBuffer)>2 && peak(ppBuffer)!=STAR){
				prevBuffer[indexLast++] = readFront(ppBuffer);
			// if you found a STAR (42) and stil have bytes
			if (getLength(ppBuffer)>2 && peak(ppBuffer)==STAR){
				// read it
				prevBuffer[indexLast++] = readFront(ppBuffer);
				// if you still have 2 bytes
				if (getLength(ppBuffer)>1){
					// and the next byte is an AT sign
					if (peak(ppBuffer)==AT){
						// then you found a trailer
						trailerFound =1;
				} else {
					noMoreBytes =1;
			} else {
				// no more bytes
				noMoreBytes =1;

		// if you found a trailer, then the message is done
			// read the AT and the checksum
			prevBuffer[indexLast++] = readFront(ppBuffer);
			prevBuffer[indexLast] = readFront(ppBuffer);

			// Compute the checksum
			tmpChksum= getChecksum(prevBuffer, indexLast-1);
            #ifdef _IN_PC_

			// if the checksum is valid
			if (tmpChksum ==prevBuffer[indexLast]){
				// update the states depending on the message
				// increment the log size
				//logSize += (indexLast+1);
                #ifdef _IN_PC_
					// if in PC and loggin is enabled
                    if ((outFile != NULL)){
                       printState(outFile, prevException);
                    //test = alpha*test;
                 #ifdef _IN_PC_
                    //test = (1.0-alpha) + alpha*test;
            // get everything ready to start all-over
			previousComplete =1;
			indexLast = 0;
            headerFound = 0;
            trailerFound = 0;
            memset(prevBuffer, 0, sizeof(prevBuffer));

		}else { // you ran out of bytes
			// No More Bytes
			noMoreBytes = 1;
		}// else no star
	} // big outer while (no more bytes)
    #ifdef _IN_PC_
       if (totalPackets>0){
          //test =  ((float)checkSumFail/(float)totalPackets);
          test = (float)checkSumFail;

       } else {
          test = 0.0;
       return test;

unsigned char getFilterOnOff (void){
	return filterControlData;

// ================================
//  hardware in the loop methods
// ================================

void hil_getRawRead(short * rawData){
	rawData[0] =  	rawControlData.gyroX.shData;
	rawData[1] =  	rawControlData.gyroY.shData;
	rawData[2] =  	rawControlData.gyroZ.shData;
	rawData[3] = 	rawControlData.accelX.shData;
	rawData[4] = 	rawControlData.accelY.shData;
	rawData[5] = 	rawControlData.accelZ.shData;
	rawData[6] = 	rawControlData.magX.shData;
	rawData[7] = 	rawControlData.magY.shData;
	rawData[8] = 	rawControlData.magZ.shData;
	rawData[9] = 	rawControlData.baro.shData;
	rawData[10] = 	rawControlData.pito.shData;
	rawData[11] = 	rawControlData.powr.shData;
	rawData[12] = 	rawControlData.ther.shData;
Exemplo n.º 23
int DatagramSocket::writeBack( const char * message)
	size_t length=strlen(message)+1;
	return writeBack(message,length);