Exemplo n.º 1
//FIXME: a lot less map requests (therefore a lot higher map rendering speed) can be made
//if you draw volumes of cells separately. transparency may break
void Map_Render_Debug::drawPlane(int bx1, int by1, int bx2, int by2, int bz) {
	int tx = (int)floor(bx1 / 64.0f);
	int ty = (int)floor(by1 / 64.0f);
	rmp_cityscape* cityscape = Map.cellCityscape(tx,ty); //cityscape to gather data from
	for (int x = bx1; x <= bx2; x++)
		for (int y = by1; y <= by2; y++) {
			int cx = (int)floor(x / 64.0f); //current cityscape
			int cy = (int)floor(y / 64.0f);
			if ((tx != cx)  || (ty != cy)) {
				tx = cx; ty = cy; //precache new one
				cityscape = Map.cellCityscape(tx,ty);

			int kx = x - 64*(x / 64);//abs(x % 64);//x-abs(cx*64);
			int ky = y - 64*(y / 64);//abs(y % 64);//y-abs(cy*64);

			//int texID = 

			if ((cityscape->rmp_city_scape) && (bz < cityscape->maxHeight)) {
				Vertex_Buffer* vBuffer = 0;
				TexID texBase = 0;
				for (uint i = 0; i < VBOEntry.Count; i++) {
					if (strcmp(VBOEntry[i]->GraphicsName,cityscape->GraphicsName[0]) == 0) { 
						vBuffer = &VBOEntry[i]->VBO;
						texBase = VBOEntry[i]->SpriteBase;

				if (vBuffer == 0) {
					//debugrender_vboentry* vboEntry = VBOEntry.Add();
					VBOEntry.Count++; //Add();
					if (VBOEntry.Count >= VBOEntry.AllocCount) {
						logWrite("BAD ERROR: attempting to draw more different VBO's than allocated entries");
					VBOEntry[VBOEntry.Count-1]->GraphicsName = cityscape->GraphicsName[0];
					vBuffer = &VBOEntry[VBOEntry.Count-1]->VBO;

					//Get sprite base TexID to use later to bind texture atlas (also this is offset for blockgeometry)
					char texName[256];
					VBOEntry[VBOEntry.Count-1]->SpriteBase = Graphics.GetTextureID(texName);
					texBase = VBOEntry[VBOEntry.Count-1]->SpriteBase;

				//Block fetched from map:
				rmp_block_info* block = &cityscape->rmp_city_scape[bz*64*64+ky*64+kx];
				//Block with (possibly) animated textures:
				rmp_block_info _block;

				TexID tex_left =	texBase+block->tex_left;
				TexID tex_right =	texBase+block->tex_right;
				TexID tex_top =		texBase+block->tex_top;
				TexID tex_bottom =	texBase+block->tex_bottom;
				TexID tex_lid =		texBase+block->tex_lid;

				AnimSeqID anim_left		= Animations.GetAnimationSeq(tex_left);
				AnimSeqID anim_right	= Animations.GetAnimationSeq(tex_right);
				AnimSeqID anim_top		= Animations.GetAnimationSeq(tex_top);
				AnimSeqID anim_bottom	= Animations.GetAnimationSeq(tex_bottom);
				AnimSeqID anim_lid		= Animations.GetAnimationSeq(tex_lid);

				//Animate faces
				float tgtAnimationTime = 0.0f;
				if (anim_left != BAD_ID) { //HAX
					Animation anim = Animations.GetAnimation(anim_left);
					anim.startTime = 0.0f;

					_block.tex_left = anim.GetTexID()-texBase;
					tgtAnimationTime = Timer.Time() + anim.RemainingTime();
				if (anim_right != BAD_ID) {
					Animation anim = Animations.GetAnimation(anim_right);
					anim.startTime = 0.0f;

					_block.tex_right = anim.GetTexID()-texBase;
					tgtAnimationTime = Timer.Time() + anim.RemainingTime();
				if (anim_top != BAD_ID) {
					Animation anim = Animations.GetAnimation(anim_top);
					anim.startTime = 0.0f;

					_block.tex_top = anim.GetTexID()-texBase;
					tgtAnimationTime = Timer.Time() + anim.RemainingTime();
				if (anim_bottom != BAD_ID) {
					Animation anim = Animations.GetAnimation(anim_bottom);
					anim.startTime = 0.0f;

					_block.tex_bottom = anim.GetTexID()-texBase;
					tgtAnimationTime = Timer.Time() + anim.RemainingTime();
				if (anim_lid != BAD_ID) {
					Animation anim = Animations.GetAnimation(anim_lid);
					anim.startTime = 0.0f;

					_block.tex_lid = anim.GetTexID()-texBase;
					tgtAnimationTime = Timer.Time() + anim.RemainingTime();
				if (tgtAnimationTime > 0.0f) {
					if (nextAnimationTime > 0.0f) {
						nextAnimationTime = min(tgtAnimationTime,nextAnimationTime);
					} else {
						nextAnimationTime = tgtAnimationTime;

				//if ((block->block_type & 0xF) > 0) 
				Map_Vertex_Geometry.blockGeometry(vBuffer, &_block, texBase, Vector3f(x*1.0f,y*1.0f,bz*1.0f-1.0f));