Exemplo n.º 1
void EngineMicrophone::onInputDisconnected(AudioInput input) {
    if (input.getType() != AudioPath::MICROPHONE ||
        AudioInput::channelsNeededForType(input.getType()) != 1) {
        // This is an error!
        qWarning() << "EngineMicrophone connected to AudioInput for a non-Microphone type or a non-mono buffer!";
Exemplo n.º 2
void EngineDeck::onInputUnconfigured(AudioInput input) {
    if (input.getType() != AudioPath::VINYLCONTROL) {
        // This is an error!
        qDebug() << "WARNING: EngineDeck connected to AudioInput for a non-vinylcontrol type!";
    m_sampleBuffer = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 3
void EngineMicrophone::onInputUnconfigured(AudioInput input) {
    if (input.getType() != AudioPath::MICROPHONE) {
        // This is an error!
        qWarning() << "EngineMicrophone connected to AudioInput for a non-Microphone type!";
    m_sampleBuffer = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 4
void EngineAux::onInputUnconfigured(AudioInput input) {
    if (input.getType() != AudioPath::AUXILIARY) {
        // This is an error!
        qDebug() << "WARNING: EngineAux connected to AudioInput for a non-auxiliary type!";
    m_sampleBuffer = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 5
void EngineMicrophone::receiveBuffer(AudioInput input, const CSAMPLE* pBuffer,
                                     unsigned int nFrames) {
    if (!isTalkover()) {

    if (input.getType() != AudioPath::MICROPHONE) {
        // This is an error!
        qWarning() << "EngineMicrophone receieved an AudioInput for a non-Microphone type!";

    const unsigned int iChannels = input.getChannelGroup().getChannelCount();

    // Check that the number of mono frames doesn't exceed MAX_BUFFER_LEN/2
    // because thats our conversion buffer size.
    if (nFrames > MAX_BUFFER_LEN / iChannels) {
        qWarning() << "Dropping microphone samples because the input buffer is too large.";
        nFrames = MAX_BUFFER_LEN / iChannels;

    const CSAMPLE* pWriteBuffer = NULL;
    unsigned int samplesToWrite = 0;

    if (iChannels == 1) {
        // Do mono -> stereo conversion.
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nFrames; ++i) {
            m_pConversionBuffer[i*2 + 0] = pBuffer[i];
            m_pConversionBuffer[i*2 + 1] = pBuffer[i];
        pWriteBuffer = m_pConversionBuffer;
        samplesToWrite = nFrames * 2;
    } else if (iChannels == 2) {
        // Already in stereo. Use pBuffer as-is.
        pWriteBuffer = pBuffer;
        samplesToWrite = nFrames * iChannels;
    } else {
        qWarning() << "EngineMicrophone got greater than stereo input. Not currently handled.";

    if (pWriteBuffer != NULL) {
        // TODO(rryan) do we need to verify the input is the one we asked for?
        // Oh well.
        unsigned int samplesWritten = m_sampleBuffer.write(pWriteBuffer,
        if (samplesWritten < samplesToWrite) {
            // Buffer overflow. We aren't processing samples fast enough. This
            // shouldn't happen since the mic spits out samples just as fast as they
            // come in, right?
            qWarning() << "ERROR: Buffer overflow in EngineMicrophone. Dropping samples on the floor.";
Exemplo n.º 6
void EngineMicrophone::receiveBuffer(AudioInput input, const short* pBuffer, unsigned int nFrames) {

    if (input.getType() != AudioPath::MICROPHONE ||
        AudioInput::channelsNeededForType(input.getType()) != 1) {
        // This is an error!
        qWarning() << "EngineMicrophone receieved an AudioInput for a non-Microphone type or a non-mono buffer!";

    // Use the conversion buffer to both convert from short and double into
    // stereo.

    // Check that the number of mono frames doesn't exceed MAX_BUFFER_LEN/2
    // because thats our conversion buffer size.
    if (nFrames > MAX_BUFFER_LEN / 2) {
        qWarning() << "Dropping microphone samples because the input buffer is too large.";
        nFrames = MAX_BUFFER_LEN / 2;

    // There isn't a suitable SampleUtil method that can do mono->stereo and
    // short->float in one pass.
    // SampleUtil::convert(m_pConversionBuffer, pBuffer, iNumSamples);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nFrames; ++i) {
        m_pConversionBuffer[i*2 + 0] = pBuffer[i];
        m_pConversionBuffer[i*2 + 1] = pBuffer[i];

    // m_pConversionBuffer is now stereo, so double the number of samples
    const unsigned int iNumSamples = nFrames * 2;

    // TODO(rryan) do we need to verify the input is the one we asked for? Oh well.
    unsigned int samplesWritten = m_sampleBuffer.write(m_pConversionBuffer, iNumSamples);
    if (samplesWritten < iNumSamples) {
        // Buffer overflow. We aren't processing samples fast enough. This
        // shouldn't happen since the mic spits out samples just as fast as they
        // come in, right?
        qWarning() << "ERROR: Buffer overflow in EngineMicrophone. Dropping samples on the floor.";
Exemplo n.º 7
void EngineMaster::onInputDisconnected(AudioInput input) {
    switch (input.getType()) {
      case AudioInput::MICROPHONE:
          m_pNumMicsConfigured->set(m_pNumMicsConfigured->get() - 1);
      case AudioInput::AUXILIARY:
          // We don't track enabled auxiliary inputs.
      case AudioInput::VINYLCONTROL:
          // We don't track enabled vinyl control inputs.
      case AudioInput::RECORD_BROADCAST:
          m_bExternalRecordBroadcastInputConnected = false;