Exemplo n.º 1
 float getNextSample(){
   float impact = osc[0]->getNextSample();
   impact += osc[1]->getNextSample();
   impact += osc[2]->getNextSample();
   float body = impact;
   impact = bp->process(impact);
   impact *= eg[0]->getNextSample();
   body = hp->process(body);
   body *= eg[1]->getNextSample();
   return impact + body;
   registerParameter(PARAMETER_A, "Mode");
   registerParameter(PARAMETER_B, "Frequency");
   registerParameter(PARAMETER_C, "Resonance");
   registerParameter(PARAMETER_D, "Gain");
Exemplo n.º 3
    DubDelayPatch() {
        registerParameter(PARAMETER_A, "Time");
        registerParameter(PARAMETER_B, "Feedback");
        registerParameter(PARAMETER_C, "Tone");
        registerParameter(PARAMETER_D, "Wet");
	delayBuffer = CircularBuffer::create(REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE);
	highpass = BiquadFilter::create(1);
	highpass->setHighPass(40/(getSampleRate()/2), FilterStage::BUTTERWORTH_Q); // dc filter
Exemplo n.º 4
  FormantManager::FormantManager(int num_formants) : ProcessorRouter(0, 0) {
    Bypass* audio_input = new Bypass();
    cr::Bypass* reset_input = new cr::Bypass();

    registerInput(audio_input->input(), kAudio);
    registerInput(reset_input->input(), kReset);


    VariableAdd* total = new VariableAdd(num_formants);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_formants; ++i) {
      BiquadFilter* formant = new BiquadFilter();
      formant->plug(audio_input, BiquadFilter::kAudio);
      formant->plug(reset_input, BiquadFilter::kReset);


   registerParameter(PARAMETER_A, "Cutoff");
   registerParameter(PARAMETER_B, "Resonance");
   int stages=3;
   float cutoff=0.2;
   float resonance=2;
   //test setLowPass
   FloatArray coefficients=FloatArray::create(5*stages);
   FloatArray states=FloatArray::create(2*stages);
   FilterStage stage(coefficients, states);
   filter->setLowPass(cutoff, resonance);
   stage.setLowPass(cutoff, resonance);
   for(int k=0; k<stages; k++){ 
     for(int n=0; n<5; n++){
       float filterC=filter->getFilterStage(k).getCoefficients()[n];
       float stageC=stage.getCoefficients()[n];
       ASSERT(filterC==stageC, "Coefficients not initialized"); //check that filter coefficients are properly initialized
   int signalLength=100;
   FloatArray x=FloatArray::create(signalLength);
   FloatArray x1=FloatArray::create(signalLength);
   FloatArray y=FloatArray::create(signalLength);
   FloatArray y1=FloatArray::create(signalLength);
   filter->process(x1, y1, x1.getSize());
   //manually compute the filter
   float b0=filter->getFilterStage(0).getCoefficients()[0];
   float b1=filter->getFilterStage(0).getCoefficients()[1];
   float b2=filter->getFilterStage(0).getCoefficients()[2];
   float a1=filter->getFilterStage(0).getCoefficients()[3];
   float a2=filter->getFilterStage(0).getCoefficients()[4];
   for(int n=0; n<stages; n++){
     float d1=0;
     float d2=0;
     for(int n=0; n<x.getSize(); n++){ //manually apply filter, one stage
       y[n] = b0 * x[n] + d1;
       d1 = b1 * x[n] + a1 * y[n] + d2;
       d2 = b2 * x[n] + a2 * y[n];   
     x.copyFrom(y); //copy the output to the input for the next iteration. INEFFICIENT
   //done with the filter
   for(int n=0; n<x.getSize(); n++){
     // ASSERT(abs(y[n]-y1[n])<0.0001, "");//BiquadFilter.process(FloatArray, FloatArray) result"); //TODO: fails for non-arm
   debugMessage("All tests passed");
  float getNextSample(){
    float vca1 = sine->getNextSample();
    vca1 += chirp->getNextSample();
    vca1 *= env1->getNextSample();

    float vca2 = 0.0f;
    vca2 += impulse->getNextSample();
    // vca2 += filter->process(noise->getNextSample());
    // vca2 *= env2->getNextSample();
    vca2 += noise->getNextSample();
    vca2 = filter->process(vca2);
    vca2 *= env2->getNextSample();
    float sample = vca1*(1.0-balance) + vca2*balance;
    return sample;
 DrumVoice(float sr) : fs(sr) {
   // env = new AdsrEnvelope(sr);
   // env = FloatArray::create(1024);
   // for(int i=0; i<env.getSize(); ++i)
   //   env[i] = expf(-M_E*i/env.getSize());
   snare = 0;
   balance = 0.2;
   sine = new SineOscillator(sr);
   chirp = new ChirpOscillator(sr);
   impulse = new ImpulseOscillator();
   env1 = new ExponentialDecayEnvelope(sr);
   env2 = new ExponentialDecayEnvelope(sr);
   noise = new PinkNoiseOscillator();
   filter = BiquadFilter::create(1);
   filter->setLowPass(0.6, FilterStage::BUTTERWORTH_Q);
Exemplo n.º 8
    void processAudio(AudioBuffer &buffer) {

        float feedback, wet, _delayTime, _tone, delaySamples;

        _delayTime = getParameterValue(PARAMETER_A);
        feedback = 2*getParameterValue(PARAMETER_B)+0.01;
        _tone = getParameterValue(PARAMETER_C);
        wet = getParameterValue(PARAMETER_D);

        tone = 0.05*_tone + 0.95*tone;

        FloatArray buf = buffer.getSamples(LEFT_CHANNEL);
        for (int i = 0 ; i < buffer.getSize(); i++) {
            delayTime = 0.01*_delayTime + 0.99*delayTime;
            delaySamples = delayTime * (delayBuffer->getSize()-1);
            buf[i] = dist(tf.processSample(buf[i] + (wet * delayBuffer->read(delaySamples))));
            // delayBuffer->write(dist(tf.processSample(feedback * buf[i],0)));
            delayBuffer->write(feedback * buf[i]);
 void setSnap(float s){
   snare = s;
   balance = s*0.5;
   filter->setLowPass(0.25+balance, FilterStage::BUTTERWORTH_Q);
  void processAudio(AudioBuffer &buffer){
    int mode = getParameterValue(PARAMETER_A)*ZOELZER_MODES;
    float omega = (M_PI/2 - 0.01)*getParameterValue(PARAMETER_B) + 0.00001; // Frequency
    float K = tan(omega);
    float Q = getParameterValue(PARAMETER_C) * 10 + 0.1; // Resonance
    float gain = getParameterValue(PARAMETER_D);
    float V = abs(gain-0.5)*60 + 1; // Gain
    float norm;
    /* coeffs[b0, b1, b2, a1, a2] */
      norm = 1 / (1 + K / Q + K * K);
      coeffs[0] = K * K * norm;
      coeffs[1] = 2 * coeffs[0];
      coeffs[2] = coeffs[0];
      coeffs[3] = 2 * (K * K - 1) * norm;
      coeffs[4] = (1 - K / Q + K * K) * norm;
      norm = 1 / (1 + K / Q + K * K);
      coeffs[0] = 1 * norm;
      coeffs[1] = -2 * coeffs[0];
      coeffs[2] = coeffs[0];
      coeffs[3] = 2 * (K * K - 1) * norm;
      coeffs[4] = (1 - K / Q + K * K) * norm;
      norm = 1 / (1 + K / Q + K * K);
      coeffs[0] = K / Q * norm;
      coeffs[1] = 0;
      coeffs[2] = -coeffs[0];
      coeffs[3] = 2 * (K * K - 1) * norm;
      coeffs[4] = (1 - K / Q + K * K) * norm;
      norm = 1 / (1 + K / Q + K * K);
      coeffs[0] = (1 + K * K) * norm;
      coeffs[1] = 2 * (K * K - 1) * norm;
      coeffs[2] = coeffs[0];
      coeffs[3] = coeffs[1];
      coeffs[4] = (1 - K / Q + K * K) * norm;
      if (gain >= 0.5) {
	norm = 1 / (1 + 1/Q * K + K * K);
	coeffs[0] = (1 + V/Q * K + K * K) * norm;
	coeffs[1] = 2 * (K * K - 1) * norm;
	coeffs[2] = (1 - V/Q * K + K * K) * norm;
	coeffs[3] = coeffs[1];
	coeffs[4] = (1 - 1/Q * K + K * K) * norm;
      else {
	norm = 1 / (1 + V/Q * K + K * K);
	coeffs[0] = (1 + 1/Q * K + K * K) * norm;
	coeffs[1] = 2 * (K * K - 1) * norm;
	coeffs[2] = (1 - 1/Q * K + K * K) * norm;
	coeffs[3] = coeffs[1];
	coeffs[4] = (1 - V/Q * K + K * K) * norm;
      if (gain >= 0.5) {
	norm = 1 / (1 + M_SQRT2 * K + K * K);
	coeffs[0] = (1 + sqrt(2*V) * K + V * K * K) * norm;
	coeffs[1] = 2 * (V * K * K - 1) * norm;
	coeffs[2] = (1 - sqrt(2*V) * K + V * K * K) * norm;
	coeffs[3] = 2 * (K * K - 1) * norm;
	coeffs[4] = (1 - M_SQRT2 * K + K * K) * norm;
      } else {
	norm = 1 / (1 + sqrt(2*V) * K + V * K * K);
	coeffs[0] = (1 + M_SQRT2 * K + K * K) * norm;
	coeffs[1] = 2 * (K * K - 1) * norm;
	coeffs[2] = (1 - M_SQRT2 * K + K * K) * norm;
	coeffs[3] = 2 * (V * K * K - 1) * norm;
	coeffs[4] = (1 - sqrt(2*V) * K + V * K * K) * norm;
      if (gain >= 0.5) {
	norm = 1 / (1 + M_SQRT2 * K + K * K);
	coeffs[0] = (V + sqrt(2*V) * K + K * K) * norm;
	coeffs[1] = 2 * (K * K - V) * norm;
	coeffs[2] = (V - sqrt(2*V) * K + K * K) * norm;
	coeffs[3] = 2 * (K * K - 1) * norm;
	coeffs[4] = (1 - M_SQRT2 * K + K * K) * norm;
      } else {
	norm = 1 / (V + sqrt(2*V) * K + K * K);
	coeffs[0] = (1 + M_SQRT2 * K + K * K) * norm;
	coeffs[1] = 2 * (K * K - 1) * norm;
	coeffs[2] = (1 - M_SQRT2 * K + K * K) * norm;
	coeffs[3] = 2 * (K * K - V) * norm;
	coeffs[4] = (V - sqrt(2*V) * K + K * K) * norm;
    int size = buffer.getSize();
    float* samples = buffer.getSamples(0);
    float buf[size];
    previous.process(samples, buf, size);
    filter.process(samples, size);
    for(int i=0; i<size; ++i){
      float xfade = (float)i/(float)size;
      samples[i] = buf[i]*(1.0f-xfade) + samples[i]*xfade;
Exemplo n.º 11
 void setFilter(float f){
   bp->setBandPass(f, FilterStage::BUTTERWORTH_Q);
   hp->setHighPass(f, FilterStage::BUTTERWORTH_Q);
Exemplo n.º 12
static void readMaxLevelsFilteringWithColour (AudioFormatReader &reader,
											  BiquadFilter &filterLow, BiquadFilter &filterLowMid, BiquadFilter &filterHighMid, BiquadFilter &filterHigh,
											  int64 startSampleInFile,
											  int64 numSamples,
											  float& lowestLeft, float& highestLeft,
											  float& lowestRight, float& highestRight,
											  Colour &colourLeft, Colour &colourRight)
    if (numSamples <= 0)
        lowestLeft = 0;
        lowestRight = 0;
        highestLeft = 0;
        highestRight = 0;
        colourLeft = Colours::white;
        colourRight = Colours::white;
    const int bufferSize = (int) jmin (numSamples, (int64) 4096);
    HeapBlock<int> tempSpace (bufferSize * 2 + 64);
//    const int heapBlockSize = bufferSize * 2 + 64;
//	int tempSpace[heapBlockSize];
    int* tempBuffer[3];
    tempBuffer[0] = &tempSpace[0];//tempSpace.getData();
    tempBuffer[1] = &tempSpace[bufferSize];//tempSpace.getData() + bufferSize;
    tempBuffer[2] = 0;
//	HeapBlock<int> filteredBlock (bufferSize * 4);
//	int* filteredArray[4] = {filteredBlock.getData(),
//							 filteredBlock.getData()+bufferSize,
//							 filteredBlock.getData()+(bufferSize*2),
//							 filteredBlock.getData()+(bufferSize*3)};
    const int filteredBlockSize = bufferSize * 4;
    HeapBlock<int> filteredBlock (filteredBlockSize);
    //int filteredBlock[filteredBlockSize];
	int* filteredArray[4] = {&filteredBlock[0],
							 &filteredBlock[bufferSize * 2],
							 &filteredBlock[bufferSize * 3]};
    float avgLow = 0.0f, avgMid = 0.0f, avgHigh = 0.0f;

    if (reader.usesFloatingPointData)
        float lmin = 1.0e6f;
        float lmax = -lmin;
        float rmin = lmin;
        float rmax = lmax;
        while (numSamples > 0)
            const int numToDo = (int) jmin (numSamples, (int64) bufferSize);
            reader.read (tempBuffer, 2, startSampleInFile, numToDo, false);
			// copy samples to buffers ready to be filtered
			memcpy(filteredArray[0], tempBuffer[0], sizeof(int)*numToDo);
			memcpy(filteredArray[1], tempBuffer[0], sizeof(int)*numToDo);
			memcpy(filteredArray[2], tempBuffer[0], sizeof(int)*numToDo);
			memcpy(filteredArray[3], tempBuffer[0], sizeof(int)*numToDo);
			// filter buffers
			filterLow.processSamples (reinterpret_cast<float*> (filteredArray[0]), numToDo);
			filterLowMid.processSamples (reinterpret_cast<float*> (filteredArray[1]), numToDo);
			filterHighMid.processSamples (reinterpret_cast<float*> (filteredArray[2]), numToDo);
			filterHigh.processSamples (reinterpret_cast<float*> (filteredArray[3]), numToDo);
			// calculate colour
			for (int i = 0; i < numToDo; i++)
//				avgLow += fabsf((reinterpret_cast<float*>(filteredArray[0]))[i]);
//				avgMid += fabsf((reinterpret_cast<float*>(filteredArray[1]))[i]);
//				avgHigh += fabsf((reinterpret_cast<float*>(filteredArray[2]))[i]);
				float low = fabsf((reinterpret_cast<float*> (filteredArray[0]))[i]);
				float mid = (fabsf((reinterpret_cast<float*> (filteredArray[1]))[i]) + fabsf((reinterpret_cast<float*>(filteredArray[2]))[i]));
				float high = fabsf((reinterpret_cast<float*> (filteredArray[3]))[i]);
				if (low > avgLow) {
					avgLow = low;
				if (mid > avgMid) {
					avgMid = mid;
				if (high > avgHigh) {
					avgHigh = high;
            numSamples -= numToDo;
            startSampleInFile += numToDo;
            float bufMin, bufMax;
            findMinAndMax (reinterpret_cast<float*> (tempBuffer[0]), numToDo, bufMin, bufMax);

            lmin = jmin (lmin, bufMin);
            lmax = jmax (lmax, bufMax);
            if (reader.numChannels > 1)
                findMinAndMax (reinterpret_cast<float*> (tempBuffer[1]), numToDo, bufMin, bufMax);
                rmin = jmin (rmin, bufMin);
                rmax = jmax (rmax, bufMax);
        if (reader.numChannels <= 1)
            rmax = lmax;
            rmin = lmin;
        lowestLeft = lmin;
        highestLeft = lmax;
        lowestRight = rmin;
        highestRight = rmax;
//        avgLow = (avgLow / numToAverage);
//        avgMid = (avgMid / numToAverage);
//        avgHigh = (avgHigh / numToAverage);
        int lmax = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
        int lmin = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        int rmax = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
        int rmin = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        while (numSamples > 0)
            const int numToDo = (int) jmin (numSamples, (int64) bufferSize);
            if (! reader.read (tempBuffer, 2, startSampleInFile, numToDo, false))
            // copy samples to buffers ready to be filtered
			memcpy (filteredArray[0], tempBuffer[0], sizeof (int) * numToDo);
			memcpy (filteredArray[1], tempBuffer[0], sizeof (int) * numToDo);
			memcpy (filteredArray[2], tempBuffer[0], sizeof (int) * numToDo);
			memcpy (filteredArray[3], tempBuffer[0], sizeof (int) * numToDo);
			// filter buffers
			filterLow.processSamples((filteredArray[0]), numToDo);
			filterLowMid.processSamples((filteredArray[1]), numToDo);
			filterHighMid.processSamples((filteredArray[2]), numToDo);
			filterHigh.processSamples((filteredArray[3]), numToDo);
			// calculate colour
			for (int i = 0; i < numToDo; i++)
//				avgLow += abs(((filteredArray[0]))[i]);
//				avgMid += abs(((filteredArray[1]))[i]);
//				avgHigh += abs(((filteredArray[2]))[i]);
				int low = abs(filteredArray[0][i]);
				int mid = (abs(filteredArray[1][i]) + abs(filteredArray[2][i]));
				int high = abs(filteredArray[3][i]);
				if (low > avgLow) {
					avgLow = (float) low;
				if (mid > avgMid) {
					avgMid = (float) mid;
				if (high > avgHigh) {
					avgHigh = (float) high;

            numSamples -= numToDo;
            startSampleInFile += numToDo;
            for (int j = reader.numChannels; --j >= 0;)
                int bufMin, bufMax;
                findMinAndMax (tempBuffer[j], numToDo, bufMin, bufMax);
                if (j == 0)
                    lmax = jmax (lmax, bufMax);
                    lmin = jmin (lmin, bufMin);
                    rmax = jmax (rmax, bufMax);
                    rmin = jmin (rmin, bufMin);
        if (reader.numChannels <= 1)
            rmax = lmax;
            rmin = lmin;
        lowestLeft = lmin / (float) std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        highestLeft = lmax / (float) std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        lowestRight = rmin / (float) std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        highestRight = rmax / (float) std::numeric_limits<int>::max();

//        avgLow = (avgLow / numToAverage) / (float) std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
//        avgMid = (avgMid / numToAverage) / (float) std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
//        avgHigh = (avgHigh / numToAverage) / (float) std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        avgLow = avgLow / (float) ::std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        avgMid = avgMid / (float) ::std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        avgHigh = avgHigh / (float) ::std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    uint8 maxSize = ::std::numeric_limits<uint8>::max();
    colourLeft = Colour::fromRGB((uint8) (avgLow * maxSize), (uint8) (avgMid * maxSize * 0.66f), (uint8) (avgHigh * maxSize * 0.33f));
    colourRight = colourLeft;