Exemplo n.º 1
    void Creature::loadConnectionTransform(const BodyPart& body, const Constraint& constraint, btTransform & trans) {
        if (body.getId() == constraint.getIdBodyA()) {
            Constraint::locateConnectionOrigin(body, constraint.getConnectionA(), trans);
        } else {

            assert(body.getId() == constraint.getIdBodyB());
            Constraint::locateConnectionOrigin(body, constraint.getConnectionB(), trans);
        trans = body.getRigidBody()->getCenterOfMassTransform() * trans;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Body.cpp Projeto: bilwis/RMD
void Body::removePart(std::string part_uuid) {
	//Get shared pointer of the Part to be removed
	boost::shared_ptr<Part> part = getPartByUUID(part_uuid);
	//TODO: Handle removal of root BP or root Organ
	if (part == nullptr || part->getId() == "ROOT" || part->getId() == "UPPER_TORSO")

	debug_print("Removing Part %s...\n", part->getId().c_str());

	//Create a list of all parts to be removed 
	std::vector<string>* rem_list = new std::vector<string>();

	//Add the part given to the function...
	//...and everything that lies downstream of it (Organs and Bodyparts)
	makeDownstreamPartList(part_uuid, rem_list);

	//Remove duplicates from the list
	std::sort(rem_list->begin(), rem_list->end());
	rem_list->erase(std::unique(rem_list->begin(), rem_list->end()), rem_list->end());

#ifdef _DEBUG
	for (auto it = rem_list->begin(); it != rem_list->end(); it++)
		debug_print("UUID %s is Part %s \n", getPartByUUID(*it)->getUUID().c_str(), getPartByUUID(*it)->getId().c_str());

	//Make a temporary list, in which UUIDs of empty bodyparts are stored.
	// Its contents are later added to the rem_list
	std::vector<string>* bp_rem = new std::vector<string>();

	//Iterate over all parts to be removed...
	for (auto it_rl = rem_list->begin(); it_rl != rem_list->end(); it_rl++)
		//...if the part is an Organ, remove it from its connectors connected_organs list
		if (getPartByUUID(*it_rl)->getType() == TYPE_ORGAN)
			Organ *o = static_cast<Organ*>(getPartByUUID(*it_rl).get());
			Organ *con = static_cast<Organ*>(getPartByUUID(o->getConnectorUUID()).get());


		//..for all parts: remove from super part child list.
		// If the super part is found to be empty (removeChild() returns true), add it
		// to the temporary bp_rem list. 
		BodyPart* super = static_cast<BodyPart*>(getPartByUUID(getPartByUUID(*it_rl)->getSuperPartUUID()).get());
		BodyPart* old_super;
		if (super->removeChild(*it_rl))
			debug_print("BodyPart %s is empty, add to unregister\n", super->getId().c_str());
			bool done = false;

			//For every BodyPart that is to be deleted as empty, remove it from its own
			// super BodyPart and check wheter it needs to be removed as well!
			while (!done)
				old_super = super;
				super = static_cast<BodyPart*>(getPartByUUID(super->getSuperPartUUID()).get());
				if (super->removeChild(old_super->getUUID()))
					debug_print("BodyPart %s is empty, add to unregister\n", super->getId().c_str());
				else {
					done = true;

	//Merge the temporary removal list into the rem_list
	rem_list->insert(rem_list->end(), bp_rem->begin(), bp_rem->end());

	//Remove duplicates again
	std::sort(rem_list->begin(), rem_list->end());
	rem_list->erase(std::unique(rem_list->begin(), rem_list->end()), rem_list->end());

	//Unregister the Parts, causing the shared pointers to destroy their references and themselves.

	//Clear the part variable. This should cause the last use of the shared pointer
	// to the part to be freed, therefore destroying the part.
	//Refresh all lists and maps

#ifdef _DEBUG
	printBodyMap("body_mt.gv", root.get());

Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: Body.cpp Projeto: bilwis/RMD
string Body::enter(rapidxml::xml_node<> *node, std::map<string, string>* child_map, std::map<string, string>* organ_link_map) {
	using namespace rapidxml;

	int organ_count, bodyparts, it;
	xml_node<> *temp;
	xml_node<> **organ_node_list;

	char *id = nullptr, *name = nullptr, *_name = nullptr;
	float surface = 0.0f;

	//Make a count of the body_part nodes in this node and parse all standard
	// nodes for the bodypart of this node
	temp = node->first_node();
	bodyparts = 0;
	while (temp != nullptr){
		_name = temp->name();

		if (!strcmp(_name, "body_part")) { bodyparts++; }

		if (!strcmp(_name, "id")) { id = temp->value(); }
		if (!strcmp(_name, "name")) { name = temp->value(); }
		if (!strcmp(_name, "surface")) { surface = atof(temp->value()); }

		temp = temp->next_sibling();

	//if any of the mandatory vars for bodyparts are NULL, ERROR!
	if (id == nullptr || name == nullptr){
		throw new bdef_parse_error("Not all mandatory BodyPart variables defined!", node);

	//make the bodypart, make the pointer to it shared and store it in the part_map
	BodyPart* bp = new BodyPart((string)id, (string)name, surface, this);

	boost::shared_ptr<BodyPart> p (bp);

		std::pair<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<Part>>(
		bp->getUUID(), boost::static_pointer_cast<Part>(p)));

	//reset temporary variables for reuse with the organs
	id = nullptr; name = nullptr;

	//DEBUG: Print new BodyPart
	debug_print("New BodyPart created: \n\tID: %s \n\tName: %s \n\tSurface: %f\n",
			bp->getId().c_str(), bp->getName().c_str(), bp->getSurface());

	//If there are no body_part nodes...
	if (bodyparts == 0){
		//...there must be organs instead!
		// variables
		Organ **organs;
		xml_attribute<> *attr;
		xml_node<> *tdef_node;

		char *connector = nullptr;
		bool symmetrical = false;

		it = 0;

		//  temp vars for tissue definitions
		char *tdef_id, *tdef_custom_id, *tdef_name;
		float tdef_hit_prob;

		tissue_def *tdefs = nullptr;
		int tdef_count = 0, tdef_it = 0;

		//Reset back to the first node in the given node
		temp = node->first_node();

		//scan for organ nodes in the given node
		organ_count = 0;
		while (temp != nullptr){
			if (!strcmp(temp->name(),"organ")) { organ_count++; }
			temp = temp->next_sibling();

		//If there are no organs AND no bodyparts, ERROR!
		if (organ_count == 0){
			throw bdef_parse_error("No body part and no organ definition!", node);

		//compile a list of nodes holding the organ definitions
		//and parse the remaining nodes to make the bodypart
		organ_node_list = new xml_node<>*[organ_count];
		temp = node->first_node();

		while (temp != nullptr){
			_name = temp->name();

			if (!strcmp(_name,"organ")) {
				organ_node_list[it] = temp;

			temp = temp->next_sibling();

		//create temporary organ array
		organs = new Organ*[organ_count];

		//parse each organ definition in the list
		for (int i=0; i < organ_count; i++){
			//Enter into organ node
			temp = organ_node_list[i]->first_node();

			//Iterate through all nodes within the organ node
			while (temp != nullptr){
				_name = temp->name();

				//Parse standard tags
				if (!strcmp(_name,"id")) { id = temp->value(); }
				if (!strcmp(_name,"name")) { name = temp->value(); }
				if (!strcmp(_name,"surface")) { surface = atof(temp->value()); }
				if (!strcmp(_name,"connector")) { connector = temp->value(); }

				//Parse the organ tissue definitions, create (or rather link) them
				// and add to the organs
				if (!strcmp(_name,"organ_tissue")) {
					attr = temp->first_attribute();
					if (attr != nullptr && !strcmp(attr->name(), "symmetrical")){
						symmetrical = true;

					attr = nullptr;

					//Get the count of tissue defs
					tdef_count = 0;
					tdef_node = temp->first_node();

					while (tdef_node != nullptr)
						//If any other node than tissue_def, ERROR!
						if (strcmp(tdef_node->name(), "tissue_def")) {
							throw bdef_parse_error("Invalid node for organ tissue (only tissue_def allowed)!", temp);


						tdef_node = tdef_node->next_sibling();

					//Create organ tissue array, double size if organ is symmetrical
					tdefs = new tissue_def[tdef_count * (symmetrical+1)];

					//Enter the organ_tissue node, create the tissue_def for
					// each tissue_def child and store it in tdefs[] array
					tdef_it = 0;
					tdef_node = temp->first_node();
					while (tdef_node != nullptr){
						//The value of a tissue_def node is the id of the tissue (e.g. M_ARTERY)
						tdef_id = tdef_node->value();

						tdef_hit_prob = 0;
						tdef_name = nullptr;
						tdef_custom_id = nullptr;

						//Get the other parameters
						attr = tdef_node->first_attribute();
						while (attr != nullptr){

							if (!strcmp(attr->name(), "hit_prob")){ tdef_hit_prob = atof(attr->value()); }
							if (!strcmp(attr->name(), "name")) { tdef_name = attr->value(); }
							if (!strcmp(attr->name(), "custom_id")) {
								tdef_custom_id = attr->value();

							attr = attr->next_attribute();

						//Store the parameters in the tissue definition
						if (tdef_custom_id != nullptr) {
							tdefs[tdef_it].custom_id = string(tdef_custom_id);
						else { tdefs[tdef_it].custom_id = ""; }

						if (tdef_name != nullptr) {
							tdefs[tdef_it].name = string(tdef_name);
						else { tdefs[tdef_it].name = ""; }
						tdefs[tdef_it].hit_prob = tdef_hit_prob;

						//Link the tissue definition to it's base tissue
						// NOTE: the tissue_map variable is a POINTER to the
						//  actual tissue map which is defined in the loadBody (super)
						//  function, therefore it must be dereferenced before use.
						//If the base tissue cannot be linked, ERROR!

						std::string key = tdef_id;

						std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<Tissue>>::const_iterator pos
							= tissue_map->find(key);

						if (pos == tissue_map->end()){ throw bdef_parse_error("Tissue not found!", tdef_node); }
						tdefs[tdef_it].tissue = pos->second;

						tdef_node = tdef_node->next_sibling();
				temp = temp->next_sibling();

			//Check whether all necessary data for organ creation has been read
			// if not, ERROR!
			if (id == nullptr || name == nullptr || connector == nullptr || tdefs == nullptr){
				throw bdef_parse_error("Not all necessary data for organ creation found.", organ_node_list[i]);

			//if organ is symmetrical, create the symmetry by duplicating all entries but the last
			// and appending them in reverse order
			int d;
			for (int j=tdef_count-2; j >= 0; j--)
				d = (j - (tdef_count - 1))*-1;
				tdefs[(tdef_count-1)+d] = tdefs[j];

			//Create the organ
			organs[i] = new Organ(string(id), string(name), surface, this, tdefs, tdef_count, connector, !strcmp(connector, "_ROOT"));

			//DEBUG: Print Organ
#ifdef _DEBUG
			debug_print("\tNew Organ created:\n\t\tID: %s \n\t\tName: %s \n\t\tSurface: %f \n\t\tRoot: %s \n\t\tTissues:",
				organs[i]->getId().c_str(), organs[i]->getName().c_str(), organs[i]->getSurface(), connector);

			for (int di = 0; di < (tdef_count * (symmetrical+1))-1; di++){
				debug_print("\n\t\t\tBase Tissue Name: %s \n\t\t\t\tHit Prob.: %f",
					tdefs[di].tissue->getName().c_str(), tdefs[di].hit_prob);

				if (!tdefs[di].name.empty()){ debug_print("\n\t\t\t\tCustom Name: %s", tdefs[di].name.c_str()); }
				if (!tdefs[di].custom_id.empty()){ debug_print("\n\t\t\t\tCustom ID: %s", tdefs[di].custom_id.c_str()); }

			debug_print("\n\tEND Organ.\n");

		//...and add all organs to the part map. Add the "child note"
		// between the organs and the new bodypart to the child_map.
		// Add the "connector note" between the organs and their connectors to 
		// the organ_link_map.
		for (int i = 0; i < organ_count; i++){
				std::pair<string, boost::shared_ptr<Part>>(

				std::pair<string, string>(

			if (organs[i]->getConnectorId() != "_ROOT"){
					std::pair<string, string>(

	} else {
		//...its another BodyPart

		//Go through all nodes and call this function on every
		// node containing a part definition, add the returned BodyPart/Organ
		// to this ones' children (per child_map)
		temp = node->first_node();

		it = 0;
		while (temp != nullptr){
			_name = temp->name();

			if (!strcmp(_name, "body_part")) {
				string child_uuid = enter(temp, child_map, organ_link_map);
					std::pair<string, string>(

			temp = temp->next_sibling();

	//return this bodyparts uuid
	return bp->getUUID();