Exemplo n.º 1
 @Function		FillBatch
 @Modified		batch 			The batch to fill
 @Input			pui32Idx		Input index array for triangle list
 @Input			pVtx			Input vertices
 @Input			nStride			Size of a vertex (in bytes)
 @Input			nOffsetWeight	Offset in bytes to the vertex bone-weights
 @Input			eTypeWeight		Data type of the vertex bone-weights
 @Input			nOffsetIdx		Offset in bytes to the vertex bone-indices
 @Input			eTypeIdx		Data type of the vertex bone-indices
 @Input			nVertexBones	Number of bones affecting each vertex
 @Returns		True if successful
 @Description	Creates a bone batch from a triangle.
static bool FillBatch(
	CBatch					&batch,
	const unsigned int	* const pui32Idx,
	const char				* const pVtx,
	const int				nStride,
	const int				nOffsetWeight,
	EPVRTDataType			eTypeWeight,
	const int				nOffsetIdx,
	EPVRTDataType			eTypeIdx,
	const int				nVertexBones)
	PVRTVECTOR4	vWeight, vIdx;
	const char	*pV;
	int			i;
	bool		bOk;

	bOk = true;
	for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		pV = &pVtx[pui32Idx[i] * nStride];

		memset(&vWeight, 0, sizeof(vWeight));
		PVRTVertexRead(&vWeight, &pV[nOffsetWeight], eTypeWeight, nVertexBones);
		PVRTVertexRead(&vIdx, &pV[nOffsetIdx], eTypeIdx, nVertexBones);

		if(nVertexBones >= 1 && vWeight.x != 0)	bOk &= batch.Add((int)vIdx.x);
		if(nVertexBones >= 2 && vWeight.y != 0)	bOk &= batch.Add((int)vIdx.y);
		if(nVertexBones >= 3 && vWeight.z != 0)	bOk &= batch.Add((int)vIdx.z);
		if(nVertexBones >= 4 && vWeight.w != 0)	bOk &= batch.Add((int)vIdx.w);
	return bOk;
Exemplo n.º 2
* Function Name	: FillBatch
* Inputs		:
* Returns		:
* Description	: Creates a bone batch from a triangle.
static bool FillBatch(
	CBatch					&batch,
	const unsigned short	* const pwIdx,	// input index array for triangle list
	const char				* const pVtx,	// Input vertices
	const int				nStride,		// Size of a vertex (in bytes)
	const int				nOffsetWeight,	// Offset in bytes to the vertex bone-weights
	EPVRTDataType			eTypeWeight,	// Data type of the vertex bone-weights
	const int				nOffsetIdx,		// Offset in bytes to the vertex bone-indices
	EPVRTDataType			eTypeIdx,		// Data type of the vertex bone-indices
	const int				nVertexBones)	// Number of bones affecting each vertex
	PVRTVECTOR4	vWeight, vIdx;
	const char	*pV;
	int			i;
	bool		bOk;

	bOk = true;
	for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		pV = &pVtx[pwIdx[i] * nStride];

		memset(&vWeight, 0, sizeof(vWeight));
		PVRTDataTypeRead(&vWeight, &pV[nOffsetWeight], eTypeWeight, nVertexBones);
		PVRTDataTypeRead(&vIdx, &pV[nOffsetIdx], eTypeIdx, nVertexBones);

		if(nVertexBones >= 1 && vWeight.x != 0)	bOk &= batch.Add((int)vIdx.x);
		if(nVertexBones >= 2 && vWeight.y != 0)	bOk &= batch.Add((int)vIdx.y);
		if(nVertexBones >= 3 && vWeight.z != 0)	bOk &= batch.Add((int)vIdx.z);
		if(nVertexBones >= 4 && vWeight.w != 0)	bOk &= batch.Add((int)vIdx.w);
	return bOk;
Exemplo n.º 3
 @Function		Create
 @Output		pnVtxNumOut		vertex count
 @Output		pVtxOut			Output vertices (program must free() this)
 @Modified		pui32Idx			index array for triangle list
 @Input			nVtxNum			vertex count
 @Input			pVtx			vertices
 @Input			nStride			Size of a vertex (in bytes)
 @Input			nOffsetWeight	Offset in bytes to the vertex bone-weights
 @Input			eTypeWeight		Data type of the vertex bone-weights
 @Input			nOffsetIdx		Offset in bytes to the vertex bone-indices
 @Input			eTypeIdx		Data type of the vertex bone-indices
 @Input			nTriNum			Number of triangles
 @Input			nBatchBoneMax	Number of bones a batch can reference
 @Input			nVertexBones	Number of bones affecting each vertex
 @Returns		PVR_SUCCESS if successful
 @Description	Fills the bone batch structure
EPVRTError CPVRTBoneBatches::Create(
	int					* const pnVtxNumOut,
	char				** const pVtxOut,
	unsigned int		* const pui32Idx,
	const int			nVtxNum,
	const char			* const pVtx,
	const int			nStride,
	const int			nOffsetWeight,
	const EPVRTDataType	eTypeWeight,
	const int			nOffsetIdx,
	const EPVRTDataType	eTypeIdx,
	const int			nTriNum,
	const int			nBatchBoneMax,
	const int			nVertexBones)
	int							i, j, k, nTriCnt;
	CBatch						batch;
	std::list<CBatch>			lBatch;
	std::list<CBatch>::iterator	iBatch, iBatch2;
	CBatch						**ppBatch;
	unsigned int				*pui32IdxNew;
	const char					*pV, *pV2;
	PVRTVECTOR4					vWeight, vIdx;
	PVRTVECTOR4					vWeight2, vIdx2;
	std::vector<int>			*pvDup;
	CGrowableArray				*pVtxBuf;
	unsigned int				ui32SrcIdx;

	memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));

	if(nVertexBones <= 0 || nVertexBones > 4)
		_RPT0(_CRT_WARN, "CPVRTBoneBatching() will only handle 1..4 bones per vertex.\n");
		return PVR_FAIL;

	memset(&vWeight, 0, sizeof(vWeight));
	memset(&vWeight2, 0, sizeof(vWeight2));
	memset(&vIdx, 0, sizeof(vIdx));
	memset(&vIdx2, 0, sizeof(vIdx2));


	// Allocate some working space
	ppBatch		= (CBatch**)malloc(nTriNum * sizeof(*ppBatch));
	pui32IdxNew	= (unsigned int*)malloc(nTriNum * 3 * sizeof(*pui32IdxNew));
	pvDup		= new std::vector<int>[nVtxNum];
	pVtxBuf		= new CGrowableArray(nStride);

	// Check what batches are necessary
	for(i = 0; i < nTriNum; ++i)
		// Build the batch
		if(!FillBatch(batch, &pui32Idx[i * 3], pVtx, nStride, nOffsetWeight, eTypeWeight, nOffsetIdx, eTypeIdx, nVertexBones))
			return PVR_FAIL;

		// Update the batch list
		for(iBatch = lBatch.begin(); iBatch != lBatch.end(); ++iBatch)
			// Do nothing if an existing batch is a superset of this new batch

			// If this new batch is a superset of an existing batch, replace the old with the new
				*iBatch = batch;

		// If no suitable batch exists, create a new one
		if(iBatch == lBatch.end())

	//	Group batches into fewer batches. This simple greedy algorithm could be improved.
		int							nCurrent, nShortest;
		std::list<CBatch>::iterator	iShortest;

		for(iBatch = lBatch.begin(); iBatch != lBatch.end(); ++iBatch)
				nShortest	= nBatchBoneMax;
				iBatch2		= iBatch;
				for(; iBatch2 != lBatch.end(); ++iBatch2)
					nCurrent = iBatch->TestMerge(*iBatch2);

					if(nCurrent >= 0 && nCurrent < nShortest)
						nShortest	= nCurrent;
						iShortest	= iBatch2;

				if(nShortest < nBatchBoneMax)

	// Place each triangle in a batch.
	for(i = 0; i < nTriNum; ++i)
		if(!FillBatch(batch, &pui32Idx[i * 3], pVtx, nStride, nOffsetWeight, eTypeWeight, nOffsetIdx, eTypeIdx, nVertexBones))
			return PVR_FAIL;

		for(iBatch = lBatch.begin(); iBatch != lBatch.end(); ++iBatch)
				ppBatch[i] = &*iBatch;

		_ASSERT(iBatch != lBatch.end());

	// Now that we know how many batches there are, we can allocate the output arrays
	CPVRTBoneBatches::nBatchBoneMax = nBatchBoneMax;
	pnBatches		= (int*) calloc(lBatch.size() * nBatchBoneMax, sizeof(*pnBatches));
	pnBatchBoneCnt	= (int*) calloc(lBatch.size(), sizeof(*pnBatchBoneCnt));
	pnBatchOffset	= (int*) calloc(lBatch.size(), sizeof(*pnBatchOffset));

	// Create the new triangle index list, the new vertex list, and the batch information.
	nTriCnt = 0;
	nBatchCnt = 0;

	for(iBatch = lBatch.begin(); iBatch != lBatch.end(); ++iBatch)
		// Write pnBatches, pnBatchBoneCnt and pnBatchOffset for this batch.
		iBatch->Write(&pnBatches[nBatchCnt * nBatchBoneMax], &pnBatchBoneCnt[nBatchCnt]);
		pnBatchOffset[nBatchCnt] = nTriCnt;

		// Copy any triangle indices for this batch
		for(i = 0; i < nTriNum; ++i)
			if(ppBatch[i] != &*iBatch)

			for(j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
				ui32SrcIdx = pui32Idx[3 * i + j];

				// Get desired bone indices for this vertex/tri
				pV = &pVtx[ui32SrcIdx * nStride];

				PVRTVertexRead(&vWeight, &pV[nOffsetWeight], eTypeWeight, nVertexBones);
				PVRTVertexRead(&vIdx, &pV[nOffsetIdx], eTypeIdx, nVertexBones);

				iBatch->GetVertexBoneIndices(&vIdx.x, &vWeight.x, nVertexBones);
				_ASSERT(vIdx.x == 0 || vIdx.x != vIdx.y);

				// Check the list of copies of this vertex for one with suitable bone indices
				for(k = 0; k < (int)pvDup[ui32SrcIdx].size(); ++k)
					pV2 = pVtxBuf->at(pvDup[ui32SrcIdx][k]);

					PVRTVertexRead(&vWeight2, &pV2[nOffsetWeight], eTypeWeight, nVertexBones);
					PVRTVertexRead(&vIdx2, &pV2[nOffsetIdx], eTypeIdx, nVertexBones);

					if(BonesMatch(&vIdx2.x, &vIdx.x))
						pui32IdxNew[3 * nTriCnt + j] = pvDup[ui32SrcIdx][k];

				if(k != (int)pvDup[ui32SrcIdx].size())

				//	Did not find a suitable duplicate of the vertex, so create one
				pVtxBuf->Append(pV, 1);
				pvDup[ui32SrcIdx].push_back(pVtxBuf->size() - 1);

				PVRTVertexWrite(&pVtxBuf->last()[nOffsetIdx], eTypeIdx, nVertexBones, &vIdx);

				pui32IdxNew[3 * nTriCnt + j] = pVtxBuf->size() - 1;
	_ASSERTE(nTriCnt == nTriNum);
	_ASSERTE(nBatchCnt == (int)lBatch.size());

	//	Copy indices to output
	memcpy(pui32Idx, pui32IdxNew, nTriNum * 3 * sizeof(*pui32IdxNew));

	//	Move vertices to output
	*pnVtxNumOut = pVtxBuf->Surrender(pVtxOut);

	//	Free working memory
	delete [] pvDup;
	delete pVtxBuf;

	return PVR_SUCCESS;