std::string ArrayToString(void *obj, bool /*expandMembers*/, CDebugger *dbg)
	CScriptArray *arr = reinterpret_cast<CScriptArray*>(obj);

	std::stringstream s;
	s << "(len=" << arr->GetSize() << ") [";
	for( asUINT n = 0; n < arr->GetSize(); n++ )
		s << dbg->ToString(arr->At(n), arr->GetElementTypeId(), false, arr->GetArrayObjectType()->GetEngine());
		if( n < arr->GetSize()-1 )
			s << ", ";
	s << "]";

	return s.str();

// This function takes an input string and splits it into parts by looking
// for a specified delimiter. Example:
// string str = "A|B||D";
// array<string>@ array = str.split("|");
// The resulting array has the following elements:
// {"A", "B", "", "D"}
// AngelScript signature:
// array<string>@ string::split(const string &in delim) const
static CScriptArray *StringSplit(const string &delim, const string &str)
	// Obtain a pointer to the engine
	asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();
	asIScriptEngine *engine = ctx->GetEngine();

	// TODO: This should only be done once
	// TODO: This assumes that CScriptArray was already registered
	asIObjectType *arrayType = engine->GetObjectTypeByDecl("array<string>");

	// Create the array object
	CScriptArray *array = CScriptArray::Create(arrayType);

	// Find the existence of the delimiter in the input string
	int pos = 0, prev = 0, count = 0;
	while( (pos = (int)str.find(delim, prev)) != (int)string::npos )
		// Add the part to the array
		((string*)array->At(count))->assign(&str[prev], pos-prev);

		// Find the next part
		prev = pos + (int)delim.length();

	// Add the remaining part

	return array;
// This function takes as input an array of string handles as well as a
// delimiter and concatenates the array elements into one delimited string.
// Example:
// array<string> array = {"A", "B", "", "D"};
// string str = join(array, "|");
// The resulting string is:
// "A|B||D"
// AngelScript signature:
// string join(const array<string> &in array, const string &in delim)
static string StringJoin(const CScriptArray &array, const string &delim)
	// Create the new string
	string str = "";
	if( array.GetSize() )
		int n;
		for( n = 0; n < (int)array.GetSize() - 1; n++ )
			str += *(string*)array.At(n);
			str += delim;

		// Add the last part
		str += *(string*)array.At(n);

	return str;
Exemplo n.º 4
// This function takes an input string and splits it into parts by looking
// for a specified delimiter. Example:
// string str = "A|B||D";
// array<string@>@ array = split(str, "|");
// The resulting array has the following elements:
// {"A", "B", "", "D"}
// AngelScript signature:
// array<string@>@ split(const string &in str, const string &in delim)
void StringSplit_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
    // Obtain a pointer to the engine
    asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();
    asIScriptEngine *engine = ctx->GetEngine();

    // TODO: This should only be done once
	// TODO: This assumes that CScriptArray was already registered
	asIObjectType *arrayType = engine->GetObjectTypeById(engine->GetTypeIdByDecl("array<string@>"));

    // Create the array object
    CScriptArray *array = new CScriptArray(0, arrayType);

    // Get the arguments
    CScriptString *str   = *(CScriptString**)gen->GetAddressOfArg(0);
    CScriptString *delim = *(CScriptString**)gen->GetAddressOfArg(1);

    // Find the existence of the delimiter in the input string
    int pos = 0, prev = 0, count = 0;
    while( (pos = (int)str->buffer.find(delim->buffer, prev)) != (int)std::string::npos )
        // Add the part to the array
        CScriptString *part = new CScriptString();
        part->buffer.assign(&str->buffer[prev], pos-prev);
        *(CScriptString**)array->At(count) = part;

        // Find the next part
        prev = pos + (int)delim->buffer.length();

    // Add the remaining part
    CScriptString *part = new CScriptString();
    *(CScriptString**)array->At(count) = part;

    // Return the array by handle
    *(CScriptArray**)gen->GetAddressOfReturnLocation() = array;
Exemplo n.º 5
CScriptArray *CreateArrayOfStrings()
	asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();
	if( ctx )
		asIScriptEngine* engine = ctx->GetEngine();
		asIObjectType* t = engine->GetObjectTypeById(engine->GetTypeIdByDecl("array<string@>"));
		CScriptArray* arr = new CScriptArray(3, t);
		for( asUINT i = 0; i < arr->GetSize(); i++ )
			CScriptString** p = static_cast<CScriptString**>(arr->At(i));
			*p = new CScriptString("test");
		return arr;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
// This function takes as input an array of string handles as well as a
// delimiter and concatenates the array elements into one delimited string.
// Example:
// array<string@> array = {"A", "B", "", "D"};
// string str = join(array, "|");
// The resulting string is:
// "A|B||D"
// AngelScript signature:
// string@ join(const array<string@> &in array, const string &in delim)
void StringJoin_Generic(asIScriptGeneric *gen)
    // Get the arguments
    CScriptArray  *array = *(CScriptArray**)gen->GetAddressOfArg(0);
    CScriptString *delim = *(CScriptString**)gen->GetAddressOfArg(1);

    // Create the new string
    CScriptString *str = new CScriptString();
    int n;
    for( n = 0; n < (int)array->GetSize() - 1; n++ )
        CScriptString *part = *(CScriptString**)array->At(n);
        str->buffer += part->buffer;
        str->buffer += delim->buffer;

    // Add the last part
    CScriptString *part = *(CScriptString**)array->At(n);
    str->buffer += part->buffer;

    // Return the string
    *(CScriptString**)gen->GetAddressOfReturnLocation() = str;