Exemplo n.º 1
void Mesh_File_Reader::load(
    Meshes & final_meshes,
    const Cell_Target & cells, 
    const URI & circuit_source,
    bool load_vertices,
    bool load_triangles,
    bool load_mapping,
    bool load_triangle_strips)
    Meshes meshes;

    boost::filesystem::path mvd_file = uri_to_filename(circuit_source);
    if (mvd_file == "" || boost::filesystem::extension(mvd_file) != ".mvd2")
        throw_exception(Bad_Data_Source("Loading meshes: circuit_source '" + 
                                        circuit_source + "' "), 
                        FATAL_LEVEL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    MVD_File_Parser mvd_parser(mvd_file);

    for (Cell_Target::iterator cell_gid = cells.begin(); 
         cell_gid != cells.end();
        MVD_Cell_Index index = mvd_parser.cell_index(*cell_gid);
        if (index == UNDEFINED_MVD_CELL_INDEX)
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "Loading meshes: bad cell target, neuron gid " 
                << *cell_gid << " not in mvd file '" << mvd_file << "'";
                            FATAL_LEVEL, __FILE__, __LINE__);

        const Label & label = mvd_parser.morphology_names()[index];
        if (meshes.find(label) == meshes.end())
            insert_new_or_updated(label, final_meshes, meshes, 
                                  load_vertices, load_triangles,
                                  load_triangle_strips, load_mapping);

    // Final insertion from local container to result
    for (Meshes::iterator i = meshes.begin();
         i != meshes.end();
        // This insertion replaces old existing meshes with its updated 
        // version also
        final_meshes.insert(i.label(), i.ptr());
Exemplo n.º 2
void Neurons::load_from_cell_target_and_microcircuit(const Cell_Target & cell_target, Microcircuit & microcircuit)
    _label =cell_target.label();
    Neurons & neurons = microcircuit.neurons();
    _microcircuit = neurons._microcircuit;

    for (Cell_Target::const_iterator i = cell_target.begin(); 
         i != cell_target.end();
        Neurons::iterator neuron = neurons.find(*i);
        /** \bug This situation may happen in user code quite easily, 
                  how do we deal with it? */
        bbp_assert(neuron != neurons.end());
void Compartment_Report_HDF5_File_Reader::update_mapping_and_framesize
(const Cell_Target & target)
    Cell_Index cell_index = 0;
    Report_Frame_Index next_compartment_index = 0;

    Compartment_Report_Mapping_Ptr mapping(new Compartment_Report_Mapping);
    std::vector<std::vector<Report_Frame_Index> > offset_mapping;

    for (Cell_Target::iterator cell_ID = target.begin();
         cell_ID != target.end();
         ++cell_ID, ++cell_index)
        H5ID file, dataset;
            open_data_set(*cell_ID, "mapping", file, dataset);
        catch (File_Open_Error) 

        // Opening the dataspace
        H5ID space(H5Dget_space(dataset), H5Sclose);
        int rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(space);
        if (rank != 2)
            std::string cell_name = 
                "a" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(*cell_ID);
            std::string dataset_name = 
                "/" + cell_name + "/" + (_report_name + "/") + "mapping";
                File_Parse_Error("Compartment_Report_HDF5_File_Reader: "
                                 "Error, not 2 dimensional array on " + 
                FATAL_LEVEL, __FILE__, __LINE__);

        hsize_t dims[2];        
        H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(space, dims, NULL);

        boost::shared_array<float> data(new float[dims[1]]);
        H5Dread(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, 

        // Getting the last section id;
        size_t largest_section_id = 0;
        for(size_t i = 0; i < dims[1]; ++i) 
            if (data[i] > largest_section_id)
                largest_section_id = (size_t) data[i];

        std::vector<Report_Frame_Index> & offsets = offset_mapping[cell_index];
        offsets.resize(largest_section_id + 1, UNDEFINED_REPORT_FRAME_INDEX);

        size_t last_section = UNDEFINED_SECTION_ID;
        for(size_t i = 0; i < dims[1]; ++i, ++next_compartment_index)
            size_t section = (size_t) data[i];
            if (last_section != section)
                last_section = section;
                // Storing the start index of a new section with at 
                // least 1 compartment
                offsets[section] = next_compartment_index;

    // next_compartment_index contains the total number of compartments
    _frame_size = next_compartment_index;

    // Updating internal mapping pointer.
    mapping->swap_mapping(offset_mapping, next_compartment_index);
    _mapping = mapping;

    _current_cell_target = target;