Exemplo n.º 1
void TStamp::applyStamp(int toolX, int toolY, PixelBuffer* buffer, PixelBuffer* stamp, ColorData stampColorAdjust)
    int stampHeight = stamp->getHeight();
    int stampWidth = stamp->getWidth();
    int stampX = 0;
    int stampY = 0;
    for (int x = toolX - (stampWidth/2); x <toolX + (stampWidth/2); x++)
        stampY = 0;
        for (int y = toolY - (stampHeight/2); y<toolY + (stampHeight/2); y++)
            ColorData stampColor = ColorData(0,0,0,0);
            ColorData bufferColor = ColorData(0,0,0,0);
            if (!(x <= 0 || x >= buffer->getWidth() || y <= 0 || y >= buffer->getHeight()))
                stampColor = stamp->getPixel(stampX,stampY);
                bufferColor = buffer ->getPixel(x,y);
                stampColor.setRed(stampColor.getRed() * stampColorAdjust.getRed());
                stampColor.setGreen(stampColor.getGreen() * stampColorAdjust.getGreen());
                stampColor.setBlue(stampColor.getBlue() * stampColorAdjust.getBlue());
                float  stampDifference = stampColor.getAlpha();
                float bufferDifference = (1 - stampDifference);
                stampColor = (stampColor * stampDifference) + (bufferColor * bufferDifference);
                buffer -> setPixel(x,y,stampColor);
ColorData TStamp::processPixel(int maskX, int maskY, ColorData toolColor, PixelBuffer* buffer, int bufferX, int bufferY)
    ColorData stampColor = TStamp::m_stampBuffer->getPixel(maskX, maskY);
    stampColor.setRed(toolColor.getRed() * stampColor.getRed());
    stampColor.setGreen(toolColor.getGreen() * stampColor.getGreen());
    stampColor.setBlue(toolColor.getBlue() * stampColor.getBlue());
    float alpha = stampColor.getAlpha();
    return stampColor*alpha + buffer->getPixel(bufferX, bufferY)*(1-alpha);
Exemplo n.º 3
void Tool::apply(int xCoord, int yCoord, PixelBuffer *pixelbuff, ColorData curColor)
	//creating tool mask offsets for the boundary checking
	int toolHeight = this->getHeight();
	int toolWidth = this->getWidth();
	int x_offset;
	int y_offset;
	int canvas_w = pixelbuff->getWidth();
	int canvas_h = pixelbuff->getHeight();
	ColorData pixel;
	const std::vector<std::vector<float> > &tool_mask = this->mask.get_mask();
	//iterate through 2d vector
	for(int i = 0; i < toolHeight; i++)
		y_offset = yCoord - (toolHeight/2) + i;
		if((y_offset < 0) || (y_offset >= canvas_h)) //Checking to see if mask goes out of bounds
		for(int j = 0; j < toolWidth; j++)
			x_offset = xCoord - (toolWidth/2) + j;
			if ((x_offset < 0) || (x_offset >= canvas_w)) //Checking to see if mask goes out of bounds
			pixel = pixelbuff->getPixel(x_offset, y_offset);
			pixel.setRed((pixel.getRed()*(1 - tool_mask[i][j])) + (curColor.getRed()*tool_mask[i][j]));
			pixel.setBlue((pixel.getBlue()*(1 - tool_mask[i][j])) + (curColor.getBlue()*tool_mask[i][j]));
			pixel.setGreen((pixel.getGreen()*(1 - tool_mask[i][j])) + (curColor.getGreen()*tool_mask[i][j]));
			pixel.setAlpha((pixel.getAlpha()*(1 - tool_mask[i][j])) + tool_mask[i][j]);
			pixelbuff->setPixel(x_offset, y_offset, pixel);
Exemplo n.º 4
void Saturation::applyFilter(PixelBuffer* buffer, float saturation_amount)
	for (int x = 0; x < buffer->getWidth(); x ++)
        for (int y = 0; y < buffer->getHeight(); y++)
            ColorData currentColor = buffer->getPixel(x,y);
            float luminence = currentColor.getLuminance();
            ColorData newColor = ColorData(0,0,0);
            float redChannel = currentColor.getRed();
            float greenChannel = currentColor.getGreen();
            float blueChannel = currentColor.getBlue();
            float redDifference = (redChannel - luminence) * saturation_amount;
            float greenDifference = (greenChannel - luminence) * saturation_amount;
            float blueDifference = (blueChannel - luminence) * saturation_amount;
            newColor.setRed(luminence + redDifference);
            newColor.setGreen(luminence + greenDifference);
            newColor.setBlue(luminence + blueDifference);
Exemplo n.º 5
void Stamp::applyToolOnCanvas(PixelBuffer * canvas){
	int c_width = canvas->getWidth();
	int c_height = canvas->getHeight();
	int s_width = m_stamp->getWidth();
	int s_height = m_stamp->getHeight();
	for(int i = 0; i < s_width; i++){
		for(int j = 0; j < s_height; j++){
			// position on canvas
			int cur_x = m_startPointx + i - s_width / 2;	
			int cur_y = m_startPointy + j - s_height / 2;

			if(cur_x < 0 || cur_y < 0 || cur_x >= canvas->getWidth() || cur_y >= canvas->getHeight()){

			ColorData c = m_stamp->getPixel(i,j);
			c.setRed(c.getRed() * m_r);
			c.setGreen(c.getGreen() * m_g);
			c.setBlue(c.getBlue() * m_b);