Exemplo n.º 1
void BotControl::MaintainBotQuota (void)
   // this function keeps number of bots up to date, and don't allow to maintain bot creation
   // while creation process in process.

   if (!m_creationTab.IsEmpty () && m_maintainTime < engine->GetTime ())
      CreateItem last = m_creationTab.Pop ();
      int resultOfCall = CreateBot (last.name, last.skill, last.personality, last.team, last.member);

      // check the result of creation
      if (resultOfCall == 0)
         m_creationTab.RemoveAll (); // something wrong with waypoints, reset tab of creation
         yb_quota.SetInt (0); // reset quota
      else if (resultOfCall == 2)
         m_creationTab.RemoveAll (); // maximum players reached, so set quota to maximum players
         yb_quota.SetInt (GetBotsNum ());
      m_maintainTime = engine->GetTime () + 0.2f;

   // now keep bot number up to date
   if (m_maintainTime < engine->GetTime ())
      int botNumber = GetBotsNum ();
      int humanNumber = GetHumansNum ();

      if (botNumber > yb_quota.GetInt ())
         RemoveRandom ();

      if (yb_autovacate.GetBool ())
         if (botNumber < yb_quota.GetInt () && botNumber < engine->GetMaxClients () - 1)
            AddRandom ();

         if (humanNumber >= engine->GetMaxClients ())
            RemoveRandom ();
         if (botNumber < yb_quota.GetInt () && botNumber < engine->GetMaxClients ())
            AddRandom ();

      int botQuota = yb_autovacate.GetBool () ? (engine->GetMaxClients () - 1 - (humanNumber + 1)) : engine->GetMaxClients ();

      // check valid range of quota
      if (yb_quota.GetInt () > botQuota)
         yb_quota.SetInt (botQuota);

      else if (yb_quota.GetInt () < 0)
         yb_quota.SetInt (0);

      m_maintainTime = engine->GetTime () + 0.25f;
Exemplo n.º 2
void BotControl::RemoveAll (void)
   // this function drops all bot clients from server (this function removes only yapb's)`q

   CenterPrint ("Bots are removed from server.");

   for (int i = 0; i < engine->GetMaxClients (); i++)
      if (m_bots[i] != null)  // is this slot used?
         m_bots[i]->Kick ();
   m_creationTab.RemoveAll ();

   // reset cvars
   yb_quota.SetInt (0);
   yb_autovacate.SetInt (0);
Exemplo n.º 3
void Bot::Kick (void)
   // this function kick off one bot from the server.

   ServerCommand ("kick #%d", GETPLAYERUSERID (GetEntity ()));
   CenterPrint ("Bot '%s' kicked", STRING (pev->netname));

   // balances quota
   if (g_botManager->GetBotsNum () - 1 < yb_quota.GetInt ())
      yb_quota.SetInt (g_botManager->GetBotsNum () - 1);
Exemplo n.º 4
void BotControl::FillServer (int selection, int personality, int skill, int numToAdd)
   // this function fill server with bots, with specified team & personality

   if (GetBotsNum () >= engine->GetMaxClients () - GetHumansNum ())

   if (selection == 1 || selection == 2)
      CVAR_SET_STRING ("mp_limitteams", "0");
      CVAR_SET_STRING ("mp_autoteambalance", "0");
      selection = 5;

   char teamDescs[6][12] =

   int toAdd = numToAdd == -1 ? engine->GetMaxClients () - (GetHumansNum () + GetBotsNum ()) : numToAdd;

   for (int i = 0; i <= toAdd; i++)
      // since we got constant skill from menu (since creation process call automatic), we need to manually
      // randomize skill here, on given skill there.
      int randomizedSkill = 0;

      if (skill >= 0 && skill <= 20)
         randomizedSkill = engine->RandomInt (0, 20);
      else if (skill >= 20 && skill <= 40)
         randomizedSkill = engine->RandomInt (20, 40);
      else if (skill >= 40 && skill <= 60)
         randomizedSkill = engine->RandomInt (40, 60);
      else if (skill >= 60 && skill <= 80)
         randomizedSkill = engine->RandomInt (60, 80);
      else if (skill >= 80 && skill <= 99)
         randomizedSkill = engine->RandomInt (80, 99);
      else if (skill == 100)
         randomizedSkill = skill;

      AddBot ("", randomizedSkill, personality, selection, -1);

   yb_quota.SetInt (toAdd);
   CenterPrint ("Fill Server with %s bots...", &teamDescs[selection][0]);
Exemplo n.º 5
void BotControl::AddBot (const String &name, const String &skill, const String &personality, const String &team, const String &member)
   // this function is same as the function above, but accept as parameters string instead of integers

   CreateItem queueID;
   const String &any = "*";

   queueID.name = (name.IsEmpty () || (name == any)) ?  String ("\0") : name;
   queueID.skill = (skill.IsEmpty () || (skill == any)) ? -1 : (int)skill;
   queueID.team = (team.IsEmpty () || (team == any)) ? -1 : (int)team;
   queueID.member = (member.IsEmpty () || (member == any)) ? -1 : (int)member;
   queueID.personality = (personality.IsEmpty () || (personality == any)) ? -1 : (int)personality;

   m_creationTab.Push (queueID);

   // keep quota number up to date
   if (GetBotsNum () + 1 > yb_quota.GetInt ())
      yb_quota.SetInt (GetBotsNum () + 1);
Exemplo n.º 6
void BotControl::AddBot (const String &name, int skill, int personality, int team, int member)
   // this function putting bot creation process to queue to prevent engine crashes

   CreateItem queueID;

   // fill the holder
   queueID.name = name;
   queueID.skill = skill;
   queueID.personality = personality;
   queueID.team = team;
   queueID.member = member;

   // put to queue
   m_creationTab.Push (queueID);

   // keep quota number up to date
   if (GetBotsNum () + 1 > yb_quota.GetInt ())
      yb_quota.SetInt (GetBotsNum () + 1);
Exemplo n.º 7
void RoundInit (void)
   // this is called at the start of each round

   g_roundEnded = false;

   // SyPB Pro P.35 - Game Mode Setting
   if (GetGameMod() == 0)
	   // check team economics

   for (int i = 0; i < engine->GetMaxClients (); i++)
      if (g_botManager->GetBot (i))
         g_botManager->GetBot (i)->NewRound ();

      g_radioSelect[i] = 0;
   g_waypoint->SetBombPosition (true);
   g_waypoint->ClearGoalScore ();

   // SyPB Pro P.38 - Zombie Mode Human Camp 

   g_bombSayString = false;
   g_timeBombPlanted = 0.0f;
   g_timeNextBombUpdate = 0.0f;

   g_leaderChoosen[TEAM_COUNTER] = false;
   g_leaderChoosen[TEAM_TERRORIST] =  false;

   g_lastRadioTime[0] = 0.0f;
   g_lastRadioTime[1] = 0.0f;
   g_botsCanPause = false;


   // SyPB Pro P.15
   char *Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-dmkd.ini", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
	   if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("HsK_Deathmatch_Plugin_load_SyPB") == 1)

   // SyPB Pro P.35 - ZP5.0 Fixed
   char *zpGameVersion[] =
	   "plugins-zplague",  // ZP4.3
	   "plugins-zp50_ammopacks", // ZP5.0
	   "plugins-zp50_money" //ZP5.0

   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/%s.ini", GetModName(), zpGameVersion[i]);
	   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
		   float delayTime = CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_delay") + 2.0f;
		   if (i != 0)
			   delayTime = CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_gamemode_delay") + 0.2f;

		   if (delayTime > 0)
			   //g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime() + delayTime + 6.0f;

			   // SyPB Pro P.34 - ZP TIME FIXED
			   g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime() + delayTime;// +1.99f;

   // SyPB Pro P.11
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/zombiehell.cfg", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI) && CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zh_zombie_maxslots") > 0)

	   extern ConVar sypb_quota;
	   sypb_quota.SetInt(static_cast <int> (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zh_zombie_maxslots")));

   // SyPB Pro P.29 - Support CSBTE Final
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/bte_player.ini", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
	   const int Const_GameModes = 13;
	   int bteGameModAi[Const_GameModes] =
		   0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2
	   };//1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13

	   char *bteGameINI[Const_GameModes] =
		   "plugins-none", //1
		   "plugins-td",   //2
		   "plugins-dm",   //3
		   "plugins-dr",   //4
		   "plugins-gd",   //5
		   "plugins-zb1",  //7
		   "plugins-zb3",  //8
		   "plugins-zb4",  //9 
		   "plugins-ze",   //10
		   "plugins-zse",  //11
		   "plugins-npc",  //12
		   "plugins-zb5"   //13

	   for (int i = 0; i < Const_GameModes; i++)
		   if (TryFileOpen(FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/%s.ini", GetModName(), bteGameINI[i])))

			   if (bteGameModAi[i] == 2 && i != 5)
				   g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime() + 20.0f + CVAR_GET_FLOAT("mp_freezetime");

			   ServerPrint("*** CS:BTE [%s] - GameMod Setting [%d] ***", bteGameINI[i], bteGameModAi[i]);
			   ServerPrint("*** CS:BTE [%s] - GameMod Setting [%d] ***", bteGameINI[i], bteGameModAi[i]);
			   ServerPrint("*** CS:BTE [%s] - GameMod Setting [%d] ***", bteGameINI[i], bteGameModAi[i]);
			   if (i == 3 || i == 9)
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");


			   // SyPB Pro P.36 - bte support 
			   g_gameVersion = CSVER_CZERO;


   // SyPB Pro P.38 - Base Change 
   if (GetGameMod() != 0)
	   g_mapType |= MAP_DE;

   // SyPB Pro P.35 - Game Mode Setting
   if (GetGameMod () == 0)
	   g_exp.UpdateGlobalKnowledge (); // update experience data on round start

   // calculate the round mid/end in world time
   g_timeRoundStart = engine->GetTime () + engine->GetFreezeTime ();
   g_timeRoundMid = g_timeRoundStart + engine->GetRoundTime () * 60 / 2;
   g_timeRoundEnd = g_timeRoundStart + engine->GetRoundTime () * 60;
Exemplo n.º 8
void RoundInit (void)
   // this is called at the start of each round

   g_roundEnded = false;

   // check team economics
   g_botManager->CheckTeamEconomics (TEAM_TERRORIST);
   g_botManager->CheckTeamEconomics (TEAM_COUNTER);

   for (int i = 0; i < engine->GetMaxClients (); i++)
      if (g_botManager->GetBot (i))
         g_botManager->GetBot (i)->NewRound ();

      g_radioSelect[i] = 0;
   g_waypoint->SetBombPosition (true);
   g_waypoint->ClearGoalScore ();

   g_bombSayString = false;
   g_timeBombPlanted = 0.0f;
   g_timeNextBombUpdate = 0.0f;

   g_leaderChoosen[TEAM_COUNTER] = false;
   g_leaderChoosen[TEAM_TERRORIST] =  false;

   g_lastRadioTime[0] = 0.0f;
   g_lastRadioTime[1] = 0.0f;
   g_botsCanPause = false;

   // SyPB Pro P.15
   char *Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer ("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-dmkd.ini", GetModName ());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
	   if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("HsK_Deathmatch_Plugin_load_SyPB") == 1)
		   sypb_gamemod.SetInt (1);
		   sypb_gamemod.SetInt (0);

   // SyPB Pro P.2 // SyPB Pro P.15
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer ("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-zplague.ini", GetModName ());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI)) // Getting GameMod
	   float delayTime = (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_delay") >0) ? CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_delay") : CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_gamemode_delay");
   	   if (delayTime > 0)
   	   	   sypb_gamemod.SetInt (2);
   	   	   sypb_walkallow.SetInt (0);
   	   	   g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime () + delayTime + (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("mp_freezetime") / 2);  

   // SyPB Pro P.11
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer ("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/zombiehell.cfg", GetModName ());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI) && CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zh_zombie_maxslots") > 0)
	   sypb_gamemod.SetInt (4);
	   sypb_walkallow.SetInt (0);

	   extern ConVar sypb_quota;
	   sypb_quota.SetInt (static_cast <int> (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zh_zombie_maxslots")));
   // SyPB Pro P.14
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer ("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/bte_wpn.ini", GetModName ());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI)) // This is CS:BTE
   	   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer ("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-ze.ini", GetModName ());
   	   if ((g_mapType & MAP_ZE) && TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
   	   	   sypb_gamemod.SetInt (99);
   	   	   sypb_walkallow.SetInt (0);
   	   	   g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime () + 24.0f;
   	   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer ("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-zb1.ini", GetModName ());
   	   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
   	   	   sypb_gamemod.SetInt (2);
   	   	   sypb_walkallow.SetInt (0);

   g_exp.UpdateGlobalKnowledge (); // update experience data on round start

   // calculate the round mid/end in world time
   g_timeRoundStart = engine->GetTime () + engine->GetFreezeTime ();
   g_timeRoundMid = g_timeRoundStart + engine->GetRoundTime () * 60 / 2;
   g_timeRoundEnd = g_timeRoundStart + engine->GetRoundTime () * 60;
Exemplo n.º 9
void RoundInit (void)
   // this is called at the start of each round

   g_roundEnded = false;

   // check team economics
   g_botManager->CheckTeamEconomics (TEAM_TERRORIST);
   g_botManager->CheckTeamEconomics (TEAM_COUNTER);

   for (int i = 0; i < engine->GetMaxClients (); i++)
      if (g_botManager->GetBot (i))
         g_botManager->GetBot (i)->NewRound ();

      g_radioSelect[i] = 0;
   g_waypoint->SetBombPosition (true);
   g_waypoint->ClearGoalScore ();

   g_bombSayString = false;
   g_timeBombPlanted = 0.0f;
   g_timeNextBombUpdate = 0.0f;

   g_leaderChoosen[TEAM_COUNTER] = false;
   g_leaderChoosen[TEAM_TERRORIST] =  false;

   g_lastRadioTime[0] = 0.0f;
   g_lastRadioTime[1] = 0.0f;
   g_botsCanPause = false;

   // SyPB Pro P.15
   char *Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-dmkd.ini", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
	   if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("HsK_Deathmatch_Plugin_load_SyPB") == 1)

   // SyPB Pro P.2 // SyPB Pro P.15
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins-zplague.ini", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI)) // Getting GameMod
	   float delayTime = (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_delay") >0) ? CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_delay") : CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zp_gamemode_delay");

	   if (delayTime > 0)
		   g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime() + delayTime + (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("mp_freezetime") / 2);

   // SyPB Pro P.11
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/zombiehell.cfg", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI) && CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zh_zombie_maxslots") > 0)

	   extern ConVar sypb_quota;
	   sypb_quota.SetInt(static_cast <int> (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("zh_zombie_maxslots")));

   // SyPB Pro P.29 - Support CSBTE Final
   Plugin_INI = FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/bte_player.ini", GetModName());
   if (TryFileOpen(Plugin_INI))
	   const int Const_GameModes = 12;
	   int bteGameModAi[Const_GameModes] =
		   0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 3
	   };//n, t, d, d, g, g, z, z, z, z, z, n

	   char *bteGameINI[Const_GameModes] =

	   for (int i = 0; i < Const_GameModes; i++)
		   if (TryFileOpen(FormatBuffer("%s/addons/amxmodx/configs/%s.ini", GetModName(), bteGameINI[i])))

			   if (bteGameModAi[i] == 2 && i != 5)
				   g_DelayTimer = engine->GetTime() + 20.0f;

			   ServerPrint("*** CS:BTE [%s] - GameMod Setting [%d] ***", bteGameINI[i], bteGameModAi[i]);
			   ServerPrint("*** CS:BTE [%s] - GameMod Setting [%d] ***", bteGameINI[i], bteGameModAi[i]);
			   ServerPrint("*** CS:BTE [%s] - GameMod Setting [%d] ***", bteGameINI[i], bteGameModAi[i]);
			   if (i == 3 || i == 9 || i == 10)
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");
				   ServerPrint("***** SyPB not support the mode now :( *****");


   // SyPB Pro P.25 - Zombie Ai
   if (GetGameMod() == 2 || GetGameMod() == 4)
	   g_mapType |= MAP_DE;

   g_exp.UpdateGlobalKnowledge (); // update experience data on round start

   // calculate the round mid/end in world time
   g_timeRoundStart = engine->GetTime () + engine->GetFreezeTime ();
   g_timeRoundMid = g_timeRoundStart + engine->GetRoundTime () * 60 / 2;
   g_timeRoundEnd = g_timeRoundStart + engine->GetRoundTime () * 60;