Exemplo n.º 1
void help_augment(char** argv, ConfigurableParser& parser) {
    cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " augment [options] <graph.vg> [alignment.gam] > augmented_graph.vg" << endl
         << "Embed GAM alignments into a graph to facilitate variant calling" << endl
         << endl
         << "general options:" << endl
         << "    -a, --augmentation-mode M   augmentation mode.  M = {pileup, direct} [direct]" << endl
         << "    -i, --include-paths         merge the paths implied by alignments into the graph" << endl
         << "    -B, --label-paths           don't augment with alignments, just use them for labeling the graph" << endl
         << "    -Z, --translation FILE      save translations from augmented back to base graph to FILE" << endl
         << "    -A, --alignment-out FILE    save augmented GAM reads to FILE" << endl
         << "    -h, --help                  print this help message" << endl
         << "    -p, --progress              show progress" << endl
         << "    -v, --verbose               print information and warnings about vcf generation" << endl
         << "    -t, --threads N             number of threads to use" << endl
         << "loci file options:" << endl
         << "    -l, --include-loci FILE     merge all alleles in loci into the graph" << endl       
         << "    -L, --include-gt FILE       merge only the alleles in called genotypes into the graph" << endl
         << "pileup options:" << endl
         << "    -P, --pileup FILE           save pileups to FILE" << endl
         << "    -S, --support FILE          save supports to FILE" << endl                
         << "    -g, --min-aug-support N     minimum support to augment graph ["
         << PileupAugmenter::Default_min_aug_support << "]" << endl
         << "    -U, --subgraph              expect a subgraph and ignore extra pileup entries outside it" << endl
         << "    -q, --min-quality N         ignore bases with PHRED quality < N (default=10)" << endl
         << "    -m, --max-mismatches N      ignore bases with > N mismatches within window centered on read (default=1)" << endl
         << "    -w, --window-size N         size of window to apply -m option (default=0)" << endl
         << "    -M, --ignore-mapq           do not combine mapping qualities with base qualities in pileup" << endl;
     // Then report more options
Exemplo n.º 2
void help_call(char** argv, ConfigurableParser& parser) {
    cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " call [options] <augmented-graph.vg> > output.vcf" << endl
         << "Output variant calls in VCF or Loci format given a graph and pileup" << endl
         << endl
         << "genotyper options:" << endl
         << "general options:" << endl
         << "    -z, --translation FILE      input translation table" << endl
         << "    -b, --base-graph FILE       base graph.  currently needed for XREF tag" << endl
         << "    -h, --help                  print this help message" << endl
         << "    -p, --progress              show progress" << endl
         << "    -v, --verbose               print information and warnings about vcf generation" << endl
         << "    -t, --threads N             number of threads to use" << endl;
     // Then report more options