Exemplo n.º 1
void applyLinPolyLL(Ctxt& ctxt, const vector<P>& encodedC, long d)
  assert(d == lsize(encodedC));

  ctxt.cleanUp();  // not sure, but this may be a good idea

  Ctxt tmp(ctxt);

  for (long j = 1; j < d; j++) {
    Ctxt tmp1(tmp);
    ctxt += tmp1;
Exemplo n.º 2
  static void apply(const EncryptedArrayDerived<type>& ea, 
    Ctxt& ctxt, const PlaintextMatrixBaseInterface& mat) 
    assert(&ea == &mat.getEA().getDerived(type()));
    assert(&ea.getContext() == &ctxt.getContext());

    RBak bak; bak.save(); ea.getTab().restoreContext();

    // Get the derived type
    const PlaintextMatrixInterface<type>& mat1 = 
      dynamic_cast< const PlaintextMatrixInterface<type>& >( mat );

    ctxt.cleanUp(); // not sure, but this may be a good idea

    Ctxt res(ctxt.getPubKey(), ctxt.getPtxtSpace()); // fresh encryption of zero

    long nslots = ea.size();
    long d = ea.getDegree();

    RX entry;
    vector<RX> diag;

    // Process the diagonals one at a time
    for (long i = 0; i < nslots; i++) {  // process diagonal i
      bool zDiag = true; // is this a zero diagonal?
      long nzLast = -1;  // index of last non-zero entry on this diagonal

      // Compute constants for each entry on this diagonal
      for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) { // process entry j
        bool zEntry = mat1.get(entry, mcMod(j-i, nslots), j); // callback
        assert(zEntry || deg(entry) < d);

        if (!zEntry && IsZero(entry)) zEntry = true; // check for zero

        if (!zEntry) { // non-zero diagonal entry

          zDiag = false; // diagonal is non-zero

          // clear entries between last nonzero entry and this one
          for (long jj = nzLast+1; jj < j; jj++) clear(diag[jj]);
          nzLast = j;

          diag[j] = entry;
      if (zDiag) continue; // zero diagonal, continue

      // clear trailing zero entries
      for (long jj = nzLast+1; jj < nslots; jj++) clear(diag[jj]);

      // Now we have the constants for all the diagonal entries, encode the
      // diagonal as a single polynomial with these constants in the slots
      ZZX cpoly;
      ea.encode(cpoly, diag);

      // rotate by i, multiply by the polynomial, then add to the result
      Ctxt shCtxt = ctxt;
      ea.rotate(shCtxt, i); // rotate by i
      res += shCtxt;
    ctxt = res;
Exemplo n.º 3
  static void apply(const EncryptedArrayDerived<type>& ea, Ctxt& ctxt, 
    const PlaintextBlockMatrixBaseInterface& mat) 
    assert(&ea == &mat.getEA().getDerived(type()));
    assert(&ea.getContext() == &ctxt.getContext());

    const PAlgebra& zMStar = ea.getContext().zMStar;
    long p = zMStar.getP(); 
    long m = zMStar.getM();
    const RXModulus& F = ea.getTab().getPhimXMod();

    RBak bak; bak.save(); ea.getTab().restoreContext();

    const PlaintextBlockMatrixInterface<type>& mat1 = 
      dynamic_cast< const PlaintextBlockMatrixInterface<type>& >( mat );

    ctxt.cleanUp(); // not sure, but this may be a good idea

    long nslots = ea.size();
    long d = ea.getDegree();

    Vec< shared_ptr<Ctxt> > acc;
    for (long k = 0; k < d; k++)
      acc[k] = shared_ptr<Ctxt>(new Ctxt(ZeroCtxtLike, ctxt));

    mat_R entry;
    entry.SetDims(d, d);

    vector<RX> entry1;
    vector< vector<RX> > diag;
    for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) diag[j].resize(d);

    for (long i = 0; i < nslots; i++) { // process diagonal i
      bool zDiag = true;
      long nzLast = -1;

      for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) {
        bool zEntry = mat1.get(entry, mcMod(j-i, nslots), j);
        assert(zEntry || (entry.NumRows() == d && entry.NumCols() == d));
        // get(...) returns true if the entry is empty, false otherwise

        if (!zEntry && IsZero(entry)) zEntry=true; // zero is an empty entry too

        if (!zEntry) {    // non-empty entry
          zDiag = false;  // mark diagonal as non-empty

          // clear entries between last nonzero entry and this one
          for (long jj = nzLast+1; jj < j; jj++) {
            for (long k = 0; k < d; k++)
          nzLast = j;

          // recode entry as a vector of polynomials
          for (long k = 0; k < d; k++) conv(entry1[k], entry[k]);

          // compute the lin poly coeffs
          ea.buildLinPolyCoeffs(diag[j], entry1);
      if (zDiag) continue; // zero diagonal, continue

      // clear trailing zero entries    
      for (long jj = nzLast+1; jj < nslots; jj++) {
        for (long k = 0; k < d; k++)

      // now diag[j] contains the lin poly coeffs

      Ctxt shCtxt = ctxt;
      ea.rotate(shCtxt, i); 

      RX cpoly1, cpoly2;
      ZZX cpoly;

      // apply the linearlized polynomial
      for (long k = 0; k < d; k++) {

        // compute the constant
        bool zConst = true;
        vector<RX> cvec;
        for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) {
          cvec[j] = diag[j][k];
          if (!IsZero(cvec[j])) zConst = false;

        if (zConst) continue;

        ea.encode(cpoly, cvec);
        conv(cpoly1, cpoly);

        // apply inverse automorphism to constant
        plaintextAutomorph(cpoly2, cpoly1, PowerMod(p, mcMod(-k, d), m), zMStar, F);
        conv(cpoly, cpoly2);
        Ctxt shCtxt1 = shCtxt;
        *acc[k] += shCtxt1;

    Ctxt res(ZeroCtxtLike, ctxt);

    for (long k = 0; k < d; k++) {
      res += *acc[k];

    ctxt = res;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Extract digits from fully packed slots
void extractDigitsPacked(Ctxt& ctxt, long botHigh, long r, long ePrime,
			 const vector<ZZX>& unpackSlotEncoding)

  // Step 1: unpack the slots of ctxt

  // Apply the d automorphisms and store them in scratch area
  long d = ctxt.getContext().zMStar.getOrdP();

  vector<Ctxt> scratch; // used below 
  vector<Ctxt> unpacked(d, Ctxt(ZeroCtxtLike, ctxt));
  { // explicit scope to force all temporaries to be released
    vector< shared_ptr<DoubleCRT> > coeff_vector;
    for (long i = 0; i < d; i++)
      coeff_vector[i] = shared_ptr<DoubleCRT>(new 
        DoubleCRT(unpackSlotEncoding[i], ctxt.getContext(), ctxt.getPrimeSet()) );
    Ctxt tmp1(ZeroCtxtLike, ctxt);
    Ctxt tmp2(ZeroCtxtLike, ctxt);

    // FIXME: implement using hoisting!
    for (long j = 0; j < d; j++) { // process jth Frobenius 
      tmp1 = ctxt;
      // FIXME: not clear if we should call cleanUp here

      for (long i = 0; i < d; i++) {
        tmp2 = tmp1;
        tmp2.multByConstant(*coeff_vector[mcMod(i+j, d)]);
        unpacked[i] += tmp2;

  // Step 2: extract the digits top-1,...,0 from the slots of unpacked[i]
  long p = ctxt.getContext().zMStar.getP();
  long p2r = power_long(p,r);
  long topHigh = botHigh + r-1;

  cerr << "+ After unpack ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, unpacked[0], *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);
  cerr << "    extracting "<<(topHigh+1)<<" digits\n";

  if (p==2 && r>2)
    topHigh--; // For p==2 we sometime get a bit for free

  for (long i=0; i<(long)unpacked.size(); i++) {
    if (topHigh<=0) { // extracting LSB = no-op
    } else {          // extract digits topHigh...0, store them in scratch
      extractDigits(scratch, unpacked[i], topHigh+1);

    // set upacked[i] = -\sum_{j=botHigh}^{topHigh} scratch[j] * p^{j-botHigh}
    if (topHigh >= (long)scratch.size()) {
      topHigh = scratch.size() -1;
      cerr << " @ suspect: not enough digits in extractDigitsPacked\n";

    unpacked[i] = scratch[topHigh];
    for (long j=topHigh-1; j>=botHigh; --j) {
      unpacked[i] += scratch[j];
    if (p==2 && botHigh>0)   // For p==2, subtract also the previous bit
      unpacked[i] += scratch[botHigh-1];

    if (r>ePrime) {          // Add in digits from the bottom part, if any
      long topLow = r-1 - ePrime;
      Ctxt tmp = scratch[topLow];
      for (long j=topLow-1; j>=0; --j) {
	tmp += scratch[j];
      if (ePrime>0)
	tmp.multByP(ePrime); // multiply by p^e'
      unpacked[i] += tmp;
    unpacked[i].reducePtxtSpace(p2r); // Our plaintext space is now mod p^r

  cerr << "+ Before repack ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, unpacked[0], *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);

  // Step 3: re-pack the slots
  const EncryptedArray& ea2 = *ctxt.getContext().ea;
  ZZX xInSlots;
  vector<ZZX> xVec(ea2.size());
  ctxt = unpacked[0];
  for (long i=1; i<d; i++) {
    x2iInSlots(xInSlots, i, xVec, ea2);
    ctxt += unpacked[i];
Exemplo n.º 5
void EncryptedArrayDerived<type>::mat_mul(Ctxt& ctxt, const PlaintextBlockMatrixBaseInterface& mat) const
  assert(this == &mat.getEA().getDerived(type()));
  assert(&context == &ctxt.getContext());

  RBak bak; bak.save(); tab.restoreContext();

  const PlaintextBlockMatrixInterface<type>& mat1 = 
    dynamic_cast< const PlaintextBlockMatrixInterface<type>& >( mat );

  ctxt.cleanUp(); // not sure, but this may be a good idea

  Ctxt res(ctxt.getPubKey(), ctxt.getPtxtSpace());
  // a new ciphertext, encrypting zero

  long nslots = size();
  long d = getDegree();

  mat_R entry;
  entry.SetDims(d, d);

  vector<RX> entry1;
  vector< vector<RX> > diag;
  for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) diag[j].resize(d);

  for (long i = 0; i < nslots; i++) {
    // process diagonal i

    bool zDiag = true;
    long nzLast = -1;

    for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) {
      bool zEntry = mat1.get(entry, mcMod(j-i, nslots), j);
      assert(zEntry || (entry.NumRows() == d && entry.NumCols() == d));
        // get(...) returns true if the entry is empty, false otherwise

      if (!zEntry && IsZero(entry)) zEntry=true; // zero is an empty entry too

      if (!zEntry) {    // non-empty entry

        zDiag = false;  // mark diagonal as non-empty

        // clear entries between last nonzero entry and this one

        for (long jj = nzLast+1; jj < j; jj++) {
          for (long k = 0; k < d; k++)

        nzLast = j;

        // recode entry as a vector of polynomials
        for (long k = 0; k < d; k++) conv(entry1[k], entry[k]);

        // compute the lin poly coeffs
        buildLinPolyCoeffs(diag[j], entry1);

    if (zDiag) continue; // zero diagonal, continue

    // clear trailing zero entries    
    for (long jj = nzLast+1; jj < nslots; jj++) {
      for (long k = 0; k < d; k++)

    // now diag[j] contains the lin poly coeffs

    Ctxt shCtxt = ctxt;
    rotate(shCtxt, i); 

    // apply the linearlized polynomial
    for (long k = 0; k < d; k++) {

      // compute the constant
      bool zConst = true;
      vector<RX> cvec;
      for (long j = 0; j < nslots; j++) {
        cvec[j] = diag[j][k];
        if (!IsZero(cvec[j])) zConst = false;

      if (zConst) continue;

      ZZX cpoly;
      encode(cpoly, cvec);
      // FIXME: record the encoded polynomial for future use

      Ctxt shCtxt1 = shCtxt;
      res += shCtxt1;
  ctxt = res;