Exemplo n.º 1
int ConstellationSet::loadFileCSV( const std::string filename )
   FILE* inf = fopen(filename.c_str(),"rt");
   if (inf==0) return(0);
   std::string temp;
   DayTime tempDT;
   DayTime testDT = DayTime(2008,1,1,12,0,0.0);
   string whiteSpace = " \t\n\r";
   char comma = ',';
   int lineCount =0;
   int cdCount = 0;
   char fileLine[301];
   ConstellationDefinition cd;

   while (fgets(fileLine, 300, inf))
      // Set a clear starting state
         // Skip first two lines
      if (lineCount<4) continue;

         // Move input from character buffer to string.
      string lineIn = fileLine;

         // strip trailing whitespace
      string::size_type endIndex = lineIn.find_last_not_of(whiteSpace);
      lineIn = lineIn.substr( 0, endIndex+1 );

         // First entry should be date string
      string dateString = lineIn.substr(0,lineIn.find(comma));
      int y,m,d;
      int ntest = sscanf(dateString.c_str(),"%4d-%2d-%2d", &y, &m, &d);
      if (ntest==3) 
            tempDT.setYMDHMS( (short) y, (short)m, (short)d, 12,0,0.0);
            cd.setEffectiveTime( tempDT );
         catch(DayTime::DayTimeException e)
            // Did not successful parse a date, so 
            // reject the line.
      //if (tempDT==testDT)
      //cout << "Parsing date: " << tempDT.printf("%02m/%02d/%04Y") 
      //     << "size(): " << lineIn.size() << "." << endl;
         // Next 32 entries are PRN->NAVSTAR number entries followed
         // by a blank column.
         // Crack out the NAVSTAR numbers and build the PRN->NAVSTAR number
         // table.
      int numItems = 0;
      int PRNID;
      string::size_type nextPos = 0;
      string::size_type cpos = lineIn.find(comma);
      //cout << "Entering the read loop" << endl;
      while (numItems<33)
         PRNID = numItems + 1;
         nextPos = lineIn.find(comma,cpos+1);
         if (PRNID<=gpstk::MAX_PRN)
            string SVNString = lineIn.substr(cpos+1,nextPos-cpos-1);
            if (SVNString.size()>0)
                  int SVNNum = StringUtils::asInt(SVNString);
                  SatID SV( PRNID, SatID::systemGPS );
                  cd.setSVNforPRN( SV, SVNNum );
                     // DEBUG
                  //if (tempDT==testDT)
                  //cout << "PRNID, SVN, cpos, nextPos: " << PRNID << ", "
                  //      << SVNNum << ", " << cpos << ", " << nextPos << "." << endl;
               // If the conversion fails, just move on.....
   	         catch(StringUtils::StringException e)
         cpos = nextPos;
      //cout << "Exiting the read loop" << endl;
         // Next 32 entries contain the by-PRN slot assignments
      PRNID = 1;
      while (PRNID<=gpstk::MAX_PRN && cpos<lineIn.size() )
         nextPos = lineIn.find(comma,cpos+1);
         if (nextPos==string::npos) nextPos = lineIn.size();
         string slotString = lineIn.substr(cpos+1,nextPos-cpos-1);
         //if (tempDT==testDT)
         //cout << "PRN, slotString, cpos,nextPos: " << PRNID << ", '"
         //     << slotString << "', "
         //      << cpos << ", " << nextPos << "." << endl;
            // Zero length means this PRN isn't available
         if (slotString.size()>0)
            char plane;
            int slot;
               plane = slotString[0];
               slot = StringUtils::asInt(slotString.substr(1,1));
               SatID SV( PRNID, SatID::systemGPS );
               cd.setPlaneSlot( SV, plane, slot );
               //if (tempDT==testDT)
               //   cout << " plane, slot: " << plane << ", " << slot << ". " << endl;
               // If the conversion fails, just move on.....
	         catch(StringUtils::StringException e)
         cpos = nextPos;
      cdMap.insert( make_pair( tempDT, cd ) );
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
try {
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------
      // START
   totaltime = clock();
   int iret;
   DayTime CurrEpoch;

      // Title title and version
   Title = PrgmName + ", ARL:UT DD phase estimation processor, Ver " + Version;
      // PrgmDesc description
   PrgmDesc = " Prgm " + PrgmName +
   " will read GPS data from any number of RINEX obs files and process them\n"
   " in a double-differenced carrier phase estimation algorithm to produce precise\n"
   " estimates of relative positions. Input is on the command line, or of the same\n"
   " format in a file (see -f<file> below). DDBase is built on the GPS Toolkit (GPSTk).\n"
   " NB. Input option --DT <data_interval_(seconds)> is optional but recommended.\n"
   " NB. Stations are defined, and many inputs for each are identified, by a label\n"
   "  (called station label or id below), which is case sensitive and must be used\n"
   "  consistently throughout. It cannot be 'X','Y' or 'Z' nor contain '-' or '_';\n"
   "  four characters work best.\n"
   " NB. There must be at least two stations defined, with observation file(s)\n"
   "  provided for each, and at least one station must be fixed.\n"
   " Options may be given in an input file (see -f<file>); the '#' character marks\n"
   " a comment, to EOL. All input options are shown below, followed by a\n"
   " description, and the default value, if there is one, in ().\n";

      // get current time
   time_t timer;
   struct tm *tblock;
   timer = time(NULL);
   tblock = localtime(&timer);
      // print title and current time to screen
   Title += CurrEpoch.printf(", Run %04Y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%02S");
   cout << Title << endl;

   for(;;) {
         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // get command line input; -99 is 'help' return
      if((iret = CI.GetCmdInput(argc, argv))) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // test command input for validity
      if((iret = CI.ValidateCmdInput())) break;

         // dump command input to log
      if(CI.Verbose) {
         cout << "Output is directed to log file " << CI.LogFile << endl;

         // if 'validate' switch is on, quit here
      if(CI.Validate) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Configure #1
      if((iret = Configure(1))) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Open and read all files, compute PR solution, edit and buffer raw data
      if((iret = ReadAndProcessRawData())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Edit buffers
      if((iret = EditRawDataBuffers())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Output raw data buffers
      if((iret = OutputRawDataBuffers())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Configure #2
      if((iret = Configure(2))) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // clock processing
      if((iret = ClockModel())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // synchronization of data to epoch (SolutionEpoch)
      if((iret = Synchronization())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // correct ephemeris range, elevation, and compute phase windup
      if((iret = RecomputeFromEphemeris())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Orbit processing
      if((iret = EphemerisImprovement())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // output 'raw' data here

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Compute or read the timetable
      if((iret = Timetable())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Compute double differences, and buffer
      if((iret = DoubleDifference())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Edit double differences
      if((iret = EditDDs())) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Configure #3 : prepare estimation
      if((iret = Configure(3))) break;

         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Estimation
      if((iret = Estimation())) break;

   }  // end for(;;)

      // END --------------------------------------------------------------
      // error condition?  -99 is 'normal' help return from GetCmdInput
   if(iret != -99) {
      if(iret) {
         cerr << PrgmName << " terminating with error code " << iret << endl;
         oflog << PrgmName << " terminating with error code " << iret << endl;
         // compute run time
      totaltime = clock()-totaltime;
      cout << PrgmName << " timing: " << fixed << setprecision(3)
         << double(totaltime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " seconds." << endl;
      oflog << PrgmName << " timing: " << fixed << setprecision(3)
         << double(totaltime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " seconds." << endl;

   return iret;
catch(Exception& e) {
   cerr << "GPSTk Exception : " << e;
   oflog << "GPSTk Exception : " << e;
catch (...) {
   cerr << "Unknown error in DDBase.  Abort." << endl;
   oflog << "Unknown error in DDBase.  Abort." << endl;

      // close files
   return -1;
}   // end main()
Exemplo n.º 3
int ConstellationSet::loadFileARL( const std::string filename )
   FILE* inf = fopen(filename.c_str(),"rt");
   if (inf==0) return(0);
   std::string temp;
   DayTime tempDT;
   string whiteSpace = " \t\n\r";
   char comma = ',';
   bool inDefinition = false;
   int lineCount =0;
   int cdCount = 0;
   char fileLine[200];
   ConstellationDefinition cd;
   while (fgets(fileLine, 200, inf))
      string lineIn = fileLine;
         // strip trailing whitespace
      string::size_type endIndex = lineIn.find_last_not_of(whiteSpace);
      lineIn = lineIn.substr( 0, endIndex+1 );
      string lead4Chars = lineIn.substr(0,4);
         // Start new CD definition
      if (lead4Chars.compare("DATE")==0)
            // Store any CD currently "in progress" before starting new.
         if (inDefinition) 
            cdMap.insert( make_pair( tempDT, cd ) );
            inDefinition = false;
            // Attempt to crack Date and form an effective date for this CD
         string::size_type start = lineIn.find_first_not_of(whiteSpace,4);
         int y,m,d;
         string t = lineIn.substr(start);
         int ntest = sscanf(t.c_str(),"%4d%2d%2d", &y, &m, &d);
         if (start!=string::npos && ntest==3) 
               tempDT.setYMDHMS( (short) y, (short)m, (short)d, 12,0,0.0);
               cd.setEffectiveTime( tempDT );
               inDefinition = true;
            catch(DayTime::DayTimeException e)
               // do nothing - ACTUALLY the fact that we did NOT
               // set inDefinition is the action.
         // Add to current CD definition
      if (lead4Chars.compare("PLAN")==0 && inDefinition)
            // List should be comma separated value (CSV) list
            // First find plane, then parse list of PRNs 
         string::size_type end = lineIn.find(comma); // Comma after "PLANE"
         end = lineIn.find(comma, end+1);            // Comma after plane character
         char plane = lineIn[end-1];
         string::size_type start = end+1;
         bool done = false;
         int slot = 1;
         while (!done)
            end = lineIn.find(comma,start);
            bool empty = true;
            string::size_type check = lineIn.find_first_not_of(whiteSpace,start);
            if (check<end) empty = false;
            int PRNID = 0;
            if (!empty)
		PRNID = StringUtils::asInt(lineIn.substr(start,(end-start)));
	      catch(StringUtils::StringException e)
               SatID SV( PRNID, SatID::systemGPS );
               cd.setPlaneSlot( SV, plane, slot );
               // If there's a null entry within the first four slots, 
               // we simply want to move to the next item.
               // If the null entry is after the fourth slot, then
               // it's time to stop looking. 
               if (slot>4) done = true;
            start = end +1;
   if (inDefinition)
      cdMap.insert( make_pair( tempDT, cd ) );