Exemplo n.º 1
void OpDragBox::UpdateSolidDragBox(const DocRect& drNewDragBox)
	// Set up four update rectangles.  We will xor none, some, or all of these rectangles to
	// produce the new drag box.
	DocRect drUpdate[4];
	INT32 nHowMany;

	// Find the intersection of the last and new rectangles.  We will exclude this from
	// any xoring as it is already xored.
	DocRect drCommonDragBox = drNewDragBox.Intersection(m_drLastDragBox);

	// Calculate the rectangles that need to be xored to change the last into the new
	// drag box.  This depends on how they overlap.
	if (drCommonDragBox.IsEmpty())
		// There's no intersection between the last drag box and the new drag box, even
		// though they share a common corner.  So xor the full extent of both drag rects.
		drUpdate[0] = m_drLastDragBox;
		drUpdate[1] = drNewDragBox;
		nHowMany = 2;
	else if (drNewDragBox.ContainsRect(m_drLastDragBox))
		// The new drag rect completely contains the last one, so clip out the last.
		nHowMany = ((DocRect&) drNewDragBox).SplitRect(m_drLastDragBox, drUpdate);
	else if (m_drLastDragBox.ContainsRect(drNewDragBox))
		// The last drag rect completely contains the new one, so clip out the new.
		nHowMany = m_drLastDragBox.SplitRect(drNewDragBox, drUpdate);
		// The drag rectangles overlap but neither completely contains the other, so set
		// the xor rectangles to be each drag rectangle less the common drag rectangle.
		nHowMany = m_drLastDragBox.SplitRect(drCommonDragBox, &drUpdate[0]);
		nHowMany += ((DocRect&) drNewDragBox).SplitRect(drCommonDragBox, &drUpdate[nHowMany]);

	// Sanity check.
	ERROR3IF(nHowMany < 0 || nHowMany > 4,
				"Wrong number of split rects in OpDragBox::UpdateSolidDragBox\n");

	// Draw the xor rects.
	for (INT32 i = 0; i < nHowMany; i++)
		DrawXorRect(drUpdate[i], m_pStartSpread, drUpdate[i]);
Exemplo n.º 2
BOOL OpNudge::IsNudgeOK(BOOL dx,BOOL dy)
    // Get the selection
    SelRange* pSel = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
    ERROR2IF(pSel == NULL,FALSE,"Awooga, NULL sel range");

    // Find out the bounding rectangle of the selection
    DocRect BoundingRect = pSel->GetBoundingRect();

    // Find out the Pasteboard rect
    DocRect PasteRect;
    Spread* pSpread = pOurDoc->GetSelectedSpread();
    if (pSpread==NULL)
        PasteRect = BoundingRect;
        // Try to make the pasteboard grow if necessary to include the new object position
        // This is very quick if the pasteboard is large enough already.

        // And re-read the bounding rectangle of the selection, as the pasteboard resize may have
        // caused the origin of our entire coordinate space to have moved! Argh!
        BoundingRect = pSel->GetBoundingRect();
//		BoundingRect.Translate(dx,dy);

        // This is in Document Coords, so we need to convert it
        PasteRect = pSpread->GetPasteboardRect();

    // Assume the nudge will be OK.
    BOOL NudgeOK = TRUE;

    if (PasteRect.ContainsRect(BoundingRect))
        // Untranslated bounds fit inside pasteboard rect, so we must complain if the bounds
        // do not fit *after* translation

        // Translate the bounds by the nudge values

        // Do the translated bounds still fit entirely in the pasteboard rect?
        NudgeOK = PasteRect.ContainsRect(BoundingRect);
        // The original bounds overlap the pasteboard rect, so we must complain if the user
        // nudges the bounds completely out of sight

        if (PasteRect.IsIntersectedWith(BoundingRect))
            // The original bounds intersect with the pasteboard rect

            // Only allow the nudge if the translated bounds still overlap with the spread.
            NudgeOK = PasteRect.IsIntersectedWith(BoundingRect);

    // If the nudge is OK, we may need to scroll the DocView?

    /*	Jim, 12/9/96 - removed this because we don't want to scroll to show opn nudges

    	if (NudgeOK)
    		DocCoord Coord(0,0);

    		// If nudging left or right, pick the min or max X coord
    		if (dx != 0)
    			if (dx < 0)
    				Coord.x = BoundingRect.lox;
    				Coord.x = BoundingRect.hix;

    		// If nudging up or down, pick the max or min Y coord
    		if (dy != 0)
    			if (dy < 0)
    				Coord.y = BoundingRect.loy;
    				Coord.y = BoundingRect.hiy;

    		// If we have picked a coord, ensure that this coord is visible in the selected spread
    		// of the selected DocView
    		if (Coord != DocCoord(0,0))
    			DocView* pDocView = DocView::GetSelected();
    			if (pDocView != NULL)
    return NudgeOK;