void FrameLoaderClientAndroid::dispatchDidReceiveIcon() {
    if (m_frame->tree() && m_frame->tree()->parent())
    WebCore::String url(m_frame->loader()->url().string());
    // Try to obtain the icon image.
    WebCore::Image* icon = WebCore::iconDatabase()->iconForPageURL(
            url, WebCore::IntSize(16, 16));
    // If the request fails, try the original request url.
    if (!icon) {
        DocumentLoader* docLoader = m_frame->loader()->activeDocumentLoader();
        KURL originalURL = docLoader->originalRequest().url();
        icon = WebCore::iconDatabase()->iconForPageURL(
                   originalURL, WebCore::IntSize(16, 16));
    // There is a bug in webkit where cancelling an icon load is treated as a
    // failure. When this is fixed, we can ASSERT again that we have an icon.
    if (icon) {
        LOGV("Received icon (%p) for %s", icon,
    } else {
        LOGV("Icon data for %s unavailable, registering for notification...",
Exemplo n.º 2
PassRefPtr<HistoryItem> HistoryController::createItem(bool useOriginal)
    DocumentLoader* documentLoader = m_frame->loader()->documentLoader();
    KURL unreachableURL = documentLoader ? documentLoader->unreachableURL() : KURL();
    KURL url;
    KURL originalURL;

    if (!unreachableURL.isEmpty()) {
        url = unreachableURL;
        originalURL = unreachableURL;
    } else {
        originalURL = documentLoader ? documentLoader->originalURL() : KURL();
        if (useOriginal)
            url = originalURL;
        else if (documentLoader)
            url = documentLoader->requestURL();

    LOG(History, "WebCoreHistory: Creating item for %s", url.string().ascii().data());
    // Frames that have never successfully loaded any content
    // may have no URL at all. Currently our history code can't
    // deal with such things, so we nip that in the bud here.
    // Later we may want to learn to live with nil for URL.
    // See bug 3368236 and related bugs for more information.
    if (url.isEmpty()) 
        url = blankURL();
    if (originalURL.isEmpty())
        originalURL = blankURL();
    Frame* parentFrame = m_frame->tree()->parent();
    String parent = parentFrame ? parentFrame->tree()->uniqueName() : "";
    String title = documentLoader ? documentLoader->title() : "";

    RefPtr<HistoryItem> item = HistoryItem::create(url, m_frame->tree()->uniqueName(), parent, title);

    if (!unreachableURL.isEmpty() || !documentLoader || documentLoader->response().httpStatusCode() >= 400)

    // Save form state if this is a POST
    if (documentLoader) {
        if (useOriginal)
    // Set the item for which we will save document state
    m_frameLoadComplete = false;
    m_previousItem = m_currentItem;
    m_currentItem = item;
    return item.release();
Exemplo n.º 3
bool XSSAuditor::findInRequest(Frame* frame, const FindTask& task) const

    if (!frame->document()->decoder()) {
        // Note, JavaScript URLs do not have a charset.
        return false;

    if (task.string.isEmpty())
        return false;

    DocumentLoader *documentLoader = frame->loader()->documentLoader();
    if (!documentLoader)
        return false;

    FormData* formDataObj = documentLoader->originalRequest().httpBody();
    const bool hasFormData = formDataObj && !formDataObj->isEmpty();
    String pageURL = frame->document()->url().string();

    if (!hasFormData) {
        // We clear out our form data caches, in case we're holding onto a bunch of memory.

    String canonicalizedString;
    if (!hasFormData && task.string.length() > 2 * pageURL.length()) {
        // Q: Why do we bother to do this check at all?
        // A: Canonicalizing large inline scripts can be expensive.  We want to
        //    reduce the size of the string before we call canonicalize below,
        //    since it could result in an unneeded allocation and memcpy.
        // Q: Why do we multiply by two here?
        // A: We attempt to detect reflected XSS even when the server
        //    transforms the attacker's input with addSlashes.  The best the
        //    attacker can do get the server to inflate his/her input by a
        //    factor of two by sending " characters, which the server
        //    transforms to \".
        canonicalizedString = task.string.substring(0, 2 * pageURL.length());
    } else
        canonicalizedString = task.string;

    if (frame->document()->url().protocolIs("data"))
        return false;

    canonicalizedString = canonicalize(canonicalizedString);
    if (canonicalizedString.isEmpty())
        return false;

    if (!task.context.isEmpty())
        canonicalizedString = task.context + canonicalizedString;

    String decodedPageURL = m_pageURLCache.canonicalizeURL(pageURL, frame->document()->decoder()->encoding(), task.decodeEntities, task.decodeURLEscapeSequencesTwice);

    if (task.allowRequestIfNoIllegalURICharacters && !hasFormData && decodedPageURL.find(&isIllegalURICharacter, 0) == -1)
        return false; // Injection is impossible because the request does not contain any illegal URI characters.

    if (decodedPageURL.find(canonicalizedString, 0, false) != -1)
        return true; // We've found the string in the GET data.

    if (hasFormData) {
        String decodedFormData = m_formDataCache.canonicalizeURL(formDataObj, frame->document()->decoder()->encoding(), task.decodeEntities, task.decodeURLEscapeSequencesTwice);

        if (m_generationOfSuffixTree != m_formDataCache.generation()) {
            m_formDataSuffixTree = new SuffixTree<ASCIICodebook>(decodedFormData, 5);
            m_generationOfSuffixTree = m_formDataCache.generation();

        // Try a fast-reject via the suffixTree.
        if (m_formDataSuffixTree && !m_formDataSuffixTree->mightContain(canonicalizedString))
            return false;

        if (decodedFormData.find(canonicalizedString, 0, false) != -1)
            return true; // We found the string in the POST data.

    return false;