Exemplo n.º 1
void Module::semantic()
    if (semanticstarted)

    //printf("+Module::semantic(this = %p, '%s'): parent = %p\n", this, toChars(), parent);
    semanticstarted = 1;

    // Note that modules get their own scope, from scratch.
    // This is so regardless of where in the syntax a module
    // gets imported, it is unaffected by context.
    Scope *sc = scope;                  // see if already got one from importAll()
    if (!sc)
    {   printf("test2\n");
        Scope::createGlobal(this);      // create root scope

    //printf("Module = %p, linkage = %d\n", sc->scopesym, sc->linkage);

#if 0
    // Add import of "object" if this module isn't "object"
    if (ident != Id::object)
        Import *im = new Import(0, NULL, Id::object, NULL, 0);

    // Add all symbols into module's symbol table
    symtab = new DsymbolTable();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
    {   Dsymbol *s = (Dsymbol *)members->data[i];
        s->addMember(NULL, sc->scopesym, 1);

    /* Set scope for the symbols so that if we forward reference
     * a symbol, it can possibly be resolved on the spot.
     * If this works out well, it can be extended to all modules
     * before any semantic() on any of them.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
    {   Dsymbol *s = (Dsymbol *)members->data[i];

    // Do semantic() on members that don't depend on others
    for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
    {   Dsymbol *s = members->tdata()[i];

        //printf("\tModule('%s'): '%s'.semantic0()\n", toChars(), s->toChars());

    // Pass 1 semantic routines: do public side of the definition
    for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
    {   Dsymbol *s = members->tdata()[i];

        //printf("\tModule('%s'): '%s'.semantic()\n", toChars(), s->toChars());

    if (!scope)
    {   sc = sc->pop();
        sc->pop();              // 2 pops because Scope::createGlobal() created 2
    semanticRun = semanticstarted;
    //printf("-Module::semantic(this = %p, '%s'): parent = %p\n", this, toChars(), parent);
Exemplo n.º 2
Dsymbol *ArrayScopeSymbol::search(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, int flags)
    //printf("ArrayScopeSymbol::search('%s', flags = %d)\n", ident->toChars(), flags);
    if (ident == Id::length || ident == Id::dollar)
    {   VarDeclaration **pvar;
        Expression *ce;

        if (ident == Id::length && !global.params.useDeprecated)
            error("using 'length' inside [ ] is deprecated, use '$' instead");


        if (td)
        {   /* $ gives the number of elements in the tuple
            VarDeclaration *v = new VarDeclaration(loc, Type::tsize_t, Id::dollar, NULL);
            Expression *e = new IntegerExp(0, td->objects->dim, Type::tsize_t);
            v->init = new ExpInitializer(0, e);
            v->storage_class |= STCstatic | STCconst;
            return v;

        if (type)
        {   /* $ gives the number of type entries in the type tuple
            VarDeclaration *v = new VarDeclaration(loc, Type::tsize_t, Id::dollar, NULL);
            Expression *e = new IntegerExp(0, type->arguments->dim, Type::tsize_t);
            v->init = new ExpInitializer(0, e);
            v->storage_class |= STCstatic | STCconst;
            return v;

        if (exp->op == TOKindex)
        {   /* array[index] where index is some function of $
            IndexExp *ie = (IndexExp *)exp;

            pvar = &ie->lengthVar;
            ce = ie->e1;
        else if (exp->op == TOKslice)
        {   /* array[lwr .. upr] where lwr or upr is some function of $
            SliceExp *se = (SliceExp *)exp;

            pvar = &se->lengthVar;
            ce = se->e1;
        else if (exp->op == TOKarray)
        {   /* array[e0, e1, e2, e3] where e0, e1, e2 are some function of $
             * $ is a opDollar!(dim)() where dim is the dimension(0,1,2,...)
            ArrayExp *ae = (ArrayExp *)exp;
            AggregateDeclaration *ad = NULL;

            Type *t = ae->e1->type->toBasetype();
            if (t->ty == Tclass)
                ad = ((TypeClass *)t)->sym;
            else if (t->ty == Tstruct)
                ad = ((TypeStruct *)t)->sym;

            Dsymbol *dsym = search_function(ad, Id::opDollar);
            if (!dsym)  // no dollar exists -- search in higher scope
                return NULL;
            VarDeclaration *v = ae->lengthVar;
            if (!v)
            {   // $ is lazily initialized. Create it now.
                TemplateDeclaration *td = dsym->isTemplateDeclaration();
                if (td)
                {   // Instantiate opDollar!(dim) with the index as a template argument
                    Objects *tdargs = new Objects();

                    Expression *x = new IntegerExp(0, ae->currentDimension, Type::tsize_t);
                    x = x->semantic(sc);
                    tdargs->data[0] = x;

                    //TemplateInstance *ti = new TemplateInstance(loc, td, tdargs);

                    DotTemplateInstanceExp *dte = new DotTemplateInstanceExp(loc, ae->e1, td->ident, tdargs);

                    v = new VarDeclaration(loc, NULL, Id::dollar, new ExpInitializer(0, dte));
                {   /* opDollar exists, but it's a function, not a template.
                     * This is acceptable ONLY for single-dimension indexing.
                     * Note that it's impossible to have both template & function opDollar,
                     * because both take no arguments.
                    if (ae->arguments->dim != 1) {
                        ae->error("%s only defines opDollar for one dimension", ad->toChars());
                        return NULL;
                    FuncDeclaration *fd = dsym->isFuncDeclaration();
                    Expression * x = new DotVarExp(loc, ae->e1, fd);

                    v = new VarDeclaration(loc, NULL, Id::dollar, new ExpInitializer(0, x));
                ae->lengthVar = v;
            return v;
            /* Didn't find $, look in enclosing scope(s).
            return NULL;

        /* If we are indexing into an array that is really a type
         * tuple, rewrite this as an index into a type tuple and
         * try again.
        if (ce->op == TOKtype)
            Type *t = ((TypeExp *)ce)->type;
            if (t->ty == Ttuple)
            {   type = (TypeTuple *)t;
                goto L1;

        /* *pvar is lazily initialized, so if we refer to $
         * multiple times, it gets set only once.
        if (!*pvar)             // if not already initialized
        {   /* Create variable v and set it to the value of $
            VarDeclaration *v = new VarDeclaration(loc, Type::tsize_t, Id::dollar, NULL);
            if (ce->op == TOKtuple)
            {   /* It is for an expression tuple, so the
                 * length will be a const.
                Expression *e = new IntegerExp(0, ((TupleExp *)ce)->exps->dim, Type::tsize_t);
                v->init = new ExpInitializer(0, e);
                v->storage_class |= STCstatic | STCconst;
            {   /* For arrays, $ will either be a compile-time constant
                 * (in which case its value in set during constant-folding),
                 * or a variable (in which case an expression is created in
                 * toir.c).
                VoidInitializer *e = new VoidInitializer(0);
                e->type = Type::tsize_t;
                v->init = e;
            *pvar = v;
        return (*pvar);
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 3
Dsymbol *ScopeDsymbol::search(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, int flags)
    //printf("%s->ScopeDsymbol::search(ident='%s', flags=x%x)\n", toChars(), ident->toChars(), flags);
    //if (strcmp(ident->toChars(),"c") == 0) *(char*)0=0;

    // Look in symbols declared in this module
    Dsymbol *s = symtab ? symtab->lookup(ident) : NULL;
    //printf("\ts = %p, imports = %p, %d\n", s, imports, imports ? imports->dim : 0);
    if (s)
        //printf("\ts = '%s.%s'\n",toChars(),s->toChars());
    else if (imports)
        OverloadSet *a = NULL;

        // Look in imported modules
        for (size_t i = 0; i < imports->dim; i++)
        {   ScopeDsymbol *ss = (*imports)[i];
            Dsymbol *s2;

            // If private import, don't search it
            if (flags & 1 && prots[i] == PROTprivate)

            //printf("\tscanning import '%s', prots = %d, isModule = %p, isImport = %p\n", ss->toChars(), prots[i], ss->isModule(), ss->isImport());
            /* Don't find private members if ss is a module
            s2 = ss->search(loc, ident, ss->isModule() ? 1 : 0);
            if (!s)
                s = s2;
            else if (s2 && s != s2)
                if (s->toAlias() == s2->toAlias())
                    /* After following aliases, we found the same symbol,
                     * so it's not an ambiguity.
                     * But if one alias is deprecated, prefer the other.
                    if (s->isDeprecated())
                        s = s2;
                    /* Two imports of the same module should be regarded as
                     * the same.
                    Import *i1 = s->isImport();
                    Import *i2 = s2->isImport();
                    if (!(i1 && i2 &&
                          (i1->mod == i2->mod ||
                           (!i1->parent->isImport() && !i2->parent->isImport() &&
                        /* If both s2 and s are overloadable (though we only
                         * need to check s once)
                        if (s2->isOverloadable() && (a || s->isOverloadable()))
                        {   if (!a)
                                a = new OverloadSet();
                            /* Don't add to a[] if s2 is alias of previous sym
                            for (size_t j = 0; j < a->a.dim; j++)
                            {   Dsymbol *s3 = a->a[j];
                                if (s2->toAlias() == s3->toAlias())
                                    if (s3->isDeprecated())
                                        a->a[j] = s2;
                                    goto Lcontinue;
                        if (flags & 4)          // if return NULL on ambiguity
                            return NULL;
                        if (!(flags & 2))
                            ss->multiplyDefined(loc, s, s2);

        /* Build special symbol if we had multiple finds
        if (a)
        {   assert(s);
            s = a;

        if (s)
            Declaration *d = s->isDeclaration();
            if (d && d->protection == PROTprivate &&
                !d->parent->isTemplateMixin() &&
                !(flags & 2))
                error(loc, "%s is private", d->toPrettyChars());
    return s;
Exemplo n.º 4
FuncDeclaration *StructDeclaration::buildXopEquals(Scope *sc)
    if (!search_function(this, Id::eq))
        return NULL;

    /* static bool__xopEquals(in void* p, in void* q) {
     *     return ( *cast(const S*)(p) ).opEquals( *cast(const S*)(q) );
     * }

    Parameters *parameters = new Parameters;
    parameters->push(new Parameter(STCin, Type::tvoidptr, Id::p, NULL));
    parameters->push(new Parameter(STCin, Type::tvoidptr, Id::q, NULL));
    TypeFunction *tf = new TypeFunction(parameters, Type::tbool, 0, LINKd);
    tf = (TypeFunction *)tf->semantic(loc, sc);

    Identifier *id = Lexer::idPool("__xopEquals");
    FuncDeclaration *fop = new FuncDeclaration(loc, 0, id, STCstatic, tf);

    Expression *e = new CallExp(0,
        new DotIdExp(0,
            new PtrExp(0, new CastExp(0,
                new IdentifierExp(0, Id::p), type->pointerTo()->constOf())),
        new PtrExp(0, new CastExp(0,
            new IdentifierExp(0, Id::q), type->pointerTo()->constOf())));

    fop->fbody = new ReturnStatement(loc, e);

    size_t index = members->dim;

    sc = sc->push();
    sc->stc = 0;
    sc->linkage = LINKd;

    unsigned errors = global.startGagging();
    if (errors == global.gaggedErrors)
    {   fop->semantic2(sc);
        if (errors == global.gaggedErrors)
        {   fop->semantic3(sc);
            if (errors == global.gaggedErrors)
                fop->addMember(sc, this, 1);
    if (global.endGagging(errors))    // if errors happened

        if (!xerreq)
            Expression *e = new IdentifierExp(loc, Id::empty);
            e = new DotIdExp(loc, e, Id::object);
            e = new DotIdExp(loc, e, Lexer::idPool("_xopEquals"));
            e = e->semantic(sc);
            Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(e);
            FuncDeclaration *fd = s->isFuncDeclaration();

            xerreq = fd;
        fop = xerreq;


    return fop;
Exemplo n.º 5
FuncDeclaration *AggregateDeclaration::buildDtor(Scope *sc)
    //printf("AggregateDeclaration::buildDtor() %s\n", toChars());
    Expression *e = NULL;

#if DMDV2
    for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.dim; i++)
        Dsymbol *s = fields.tdata()[i];
        VarDeclaration *v = s->isVarDeclaration();
        assert(v && v->storage_class & STCfield);
        if (v->storage_class & STCref)
        Type *tv = v->type->toBasetype();
        dinteger_t dim = (tv->ty == Tsarray ? 1 : 0);
        while (tv->ty == Tsarray)
        {   TypeSArray *ta = (TypeSArray *)tv;
            dim *= ((TypeSArray *)tv)->dim->toInteger();
            tv = tv->nextOf()->toBasetype();
        if (tv->ty == Tstruct)
        {   TypeStruct *ts = (TypeStruct *)tv;
            StructDeclaration *sd = ts->sym;
            if (sd->dtor)
            {   Expression *ex;

                // this.v
                ex = new ThisExp(0);
                ex = new DotVarExp(0, ex, v, 0);

                if (dim == 0)
                {   // this.v.dtor()
                    ex = new DotVarExp(0, ex, sd->dtor, 0);
                    ex = new CallExp(0, ex);
                    // Typeinfo.destroy(cast(void*)&this.v);
                    Expression *ea = new AddrExp(0, ex);
                    ea = new CastExp(0, ea, Type::tvoid->pointerTo());

                    Expression *et = v->type->getTypeInfo(sc);
                    et = new DotIdExp(0, et, Id::destroy);

                    ex = new CallExp(0, et, ea);
                e = Expression::combine(ex, e); // combine in reverse order

    /* Build our own "destructor" which executes e
    if (e)
    {   //printf("Building __fieldDtor()\n");
        DtorDeclaration *dd = new DtorDeclaration(loc, 0, Lexer::idPool("__fieldDtor"));
        dd->fbody = new ExpStatement(0, e);

    switch (dtors.dim)
        case 0:
            return NULL;

        case 1:
            return dtors.tdata()[0];

            e = NULL;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < dtors.dim; i++)
            {   FuncDeclaration *fd = dtors.tdata()[i];
                Expression *ex = new ThisExp(0);
                ex = new DotVarExp(0, ex, fd, 0);
                ex = new CallExp(0, ex);
                e = Expression::combine(ex, e);
            DtorDeclaration *dd = new DtorDeclaration(loc, 0, Lexer::idPool("__aggrDtor"));
            dd->fbody = new ExpStatement(0, e);
            return dd;
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: glue.c Projeto: ikd734/dmd
void FuncDeclaration::toObjFile(int multiobj)
    FuncDeclaration *func = this;
    ClassDeclaration *cd = func->parent->isClassDeclaration();
    int reverse;
    int has_arguments;

    //printf("FuncDeclaration::toObjFile(%p, %s.%s)\n", func, parent->toChars(), func->toChars());
    //if (type) printf("type = %s\n", func->type->toChars());
#if 0
    //printf("line = %d\n",func->getWhere() / LINEINC);
    EEcontext *ee = env->getEEcontext();
    if (ee->EEcompile == 2)
        if (ee->EElinnum < (func->getWhere() / LINEINC) ||
            ee->EElinnum > (func->endwhere / LINEINC)
            return;             // don't compile this function
        ee->EEfunc = func->toSymbol();

    if (semanticRun >= PASSobj) // if toObjFile() already run

    // If errors occurred compiling it, such as bugzilla 6118
    if (type && type->ty == Tfunction && ((TypeFunction *)type)->next->ty == Terror)

    if (!func->fbody)
    if (func->isUnitTestDeclaration() && !global.params.useUnitTests)

    if (multiobj && !isStaticDtorDeclaration() && !isStaticCtorDeclaration())
    {   obj_append(this);

    if (semanticRun == PASSsemanticdone)
        /* What happened is this function failed semantic3() with errors,
         * but the errors were gagged.
         * Try to reproduce those errors, and then fail.
        error("errors compiling the function");
    assert(semanticRun == PASSsemantic3done);
    semanticRun = PASSobj;

    if (global.params.verbose)
        printf("function  %s\n",func->toPrettyChars());

    Symbol *s = func->toSymbol();
    func_t *f = s->Sfunc;

    /* This is done so that the 'this' pointer on the stack is the same
     * distance away from the function parameters, so that an overriding
     * function can call the nested fdensure or fdrequire of its overridden function
     * and the stack offsets are the same.
    if (isVirtual() && (fensure || frequire))
        f->Fflags3 |= Ffakeeh;

    s->Sclass = SCcomdat;
    s->Sclass = SCglobal;
    for (Dsymbol *p = parent; p; p = p->parent)
        if (p->isTemplateInstance())
            s->Sclass = SCcomdat;

    /* Vector operations should be comdat's
    if (isArrayOp)
        s->Sclass = SCcomdat;

    if (isNested())
//      if (!(config.flags3 & CFG3pic))
//          s->Sclass = SCstatic;
        f->Fflags3 |= Fnested;

        /* The enclosing function must have its code generated first,
         * so we know things like where its local symbols are stored.
        FuncDeclaration *fdp = toAliasFunc()->toParent2()->isFuncDeclaration();
        // Bug 8016 - only include the function if it is a template instance
        Dsymbol * owner = NULL;
        if (fdp)
        {   owner =  fdp->toParent();
            while (owner && !owner->isTemplateInstance())
                owner = owner->toParent();

        if (owner && fdp && fdp->semanticRun == PASSsemantic3done &&
            /* Can't do unittest's out of order, they are order dependent in that their
             * execution is done in lexical order, and some modules (std.datetime *cough*
             * *cough*) rely on this.
        const char *libname = (global.params.symdebug)
                                ? global.params.debuglibname
                                : global.params.defaultlibname;

        // Pull in RTL startup code (but only once)
        if (func->isMain() && onlyOneMain(loc))
            objmod->ehsections();   // initialize exception handling sections
            if (I64)
                objmod->ehsections();   // initialize exception handling sections
            s->Sclass = SCglobal;
        else if (strcmp(s->Sident, "main") == 0 && linkage == LINKc)
            if (I64)
                objmod->external_def("__acrtused_con");        // bring in C startup code
                objmod->includelib("snn.lib");          // bring in C runtime library
            s->Sclass = SCglobal;
        else if (func->isWinMain() && onlyOneMain(loc))
            if (I64)
                objmod->ehsections();   // initialize exception handling sections
            s->Sclass = SCglobal;

        // Pull in RTL startup code
        else if (func->isDllMain() && onlyOneMain(loc))
            if (I64)
                objmod->ehsections();   // initialize exception handling sections
            s->Sclass = SCglobal;

    cstate.CSpsymtab = &f->Flocsym;

    // Find module m for this function
    Module *m = NULL;
    for (Dsymbol *p = parent; p; p = p->parent)
        m = p->isModule();
        if (m)

    IRState irs(m, func);
    Dsymbols deferToObj;                   // write these to OBJ file later
    irs.deferToObj = &deferToObj;

    TypeFunction *tf;
    enum RET retmethod;
    symbol *shidden = NULL;
    Symbol *sthis = NULL;
    tym_t tyf;

    tyf = tybasic(s->Stype->Tty);
    //printf("linkage = %d, tyf = x%x\n", linkage, tyf);
    reverse = tyrevfunc(s->Stype->Tty);

    assert(func->type->ty == Tfunction);
    tf = (TypeFunction *)(func->type);
    has_arguments = (tf->linkage == LINKd) && (tf->varargs == 1);
    retmethod = tf->retStyle();
    if (retmethod == RETstack)
        // If function returns a struct, put a pointer to that
        // as the first argument
        ::type *thidden = tf->next->pointerTo()->toCtype();
        char hiddenparam[5+4+1];
        static int hiddenparami;    // how many we've generated so far

        shidden = symbol_name(hiddenparam,SCparameter,thidden);
        shidden->Sflags |= SFLtrue | SFLfree;
#if DMDV1
        if (func->nrvo_can && func->nrvo_var && func->nrvo_var->nestedref)
        if (func->nrvo_can && func->nrvo_var && func->nrvo_var->nestedrefs.dim)
            type_setcv(&shidden->Stype, shidden->Stype->Tty | mTYvolatile);
        irs.shidden = shidden;
        this->shidden = shidden;
    {   // Register return style cannot make nrvo.
        // Auto functions keep the nrvo_can flag up to here,
        // so we should eliminate it before entering backend.
        nrvo_can = 0;

    if (vthis)
        sthis = vthis->toSymbol();
        irs.sthis = sthis;
        if (!(f->Fflags3 & Fnested))
            f->Fflags3 |= Fmember;

    // Estimate number of parameters, pi
    size_t pi = (v_arguments != NULL);
    if (parameters)
        pi += parameters->dim;

    // Create a temporary buffer, params[], to hold function parameters
    Symbol *paramsbuf[10];
    Symbol **params = paramsbuf;    // allocate on stack if possible
    if (pi + 2 > 10)                // allow extra 2 for sthis and shidden
    {   params = (Symbol **)malloc((pi + 2) * sizeof(Symbol *));

    // Get the actual number of parameters, pi, and fill in the params[]
    pi = 0;
    if (v_arguments)
        params[pi] = v_arguments->toSymbol();
        pi += 1;
    if (parameters)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters->dim; i++)
        {   VarDeclaration *v = (*parameters)[i];
            if (v->csym)
                error("compiler error, parameter '%s', bugzilla 2962?", v->toChars());
            params[pi + i] = v->toSymbol();
        pi += parameters->dim;

    if (reverse)
    {   // Reverse params[] entries
        for (size_t i = 0; i < pi/2; i++)
            Symbol *sptmp = params[i];
            params[i] = params[pi - 1 - i];
            params[pi - 1 - i] = sptmp;

    if (shidden)
#if 0
        // shidden becomes last parameter
        params[pi] = shidden;
        // shidden becomes first parameter
        memmove(params + 1, params, pi * sizeof(params[0]));
        params[0] = shidden;

    if (sthis)
#if 0
        // sthis becomes last parameter
        params[pi] = sthis;
        // sthis becomes first parameter
        memmove(params + 1, params, pi * sizeof(params[0]));
        params[0] = sthis;

    if ((global.params.isLinux || global.params.isOSX || global.params.isFreeBSD || global.params.isSolaris) &&
         linkage != LINKd && shidden && sthis)
        /* swap shidden and sthis
        Symbol *sp = params[0];
        params[0] = params[1];
        params[1] = sp;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < pi; i++)
    {   Symbol *sp = params[i];
        sp->Sclass = SCparameter;
        sp->Sflags &= ~SFLspill;
        sp->Sfl = FLpara;

    // Determine register assignments
    if (pi)
        FuncParamRegs fpr(tyf);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < pi; i++)
        {   Symbol *sp = params[i];
            if (fpr.alloc(sp->Stype, sp->Stype->Tty, &sp->Spreg, &sp->Spreg2))
                sp->Sclass = (config.exe == EX_WIN64) ? SCshadowreg : SCfastpar;
                sp->Sfl = (sp->Sclass == SCshadowreg) ? FLpara : FLfast;

    // Done with params
    if (params != paramsbuf)
    params = NULL;

    if (func->fbody)
        localgot = NULL;

        Statement *sbody = func->fbody;

        Blockx bx;
        bx.startblock = block_calloc();
        bx.curblock = bx.startblock;
        bx.funcsym = s;
        bx.scope_index = -1;
        bx.classdec = cd;
        bx.member = func;
        bx.module = getModule();
        irs.blx = &bx;

        /* If profiling, insert call to the profiler here.
         *      _c_trace_pro(char* funcname);
        if (global.params.trace)
            dt_t *dt = NULL;

            char *id = s->Sident;
            size_t len = strlen(id);
            dtnbytes(&dt, len + 1, id);

            Symbol *sfuncname = symbol_generate(SCstatic,type_fake(TYchar));
            sfuncname->Sdt = dt;
            sfuncname->Sfl = FLdata;
            elem *efuncname = el_ptr(sfuncname);

            elem *eparam = el_params(efuncname, el_long(TYsize_t, len), NULL);
            elem *e = el_bin(OPcall, TYvoid, el_var(rtlsym[RTLSYM_TRACE_CPRO]), eparam);
            block_appendexp(bx.curblock, e);

#if DMDV2

        if (func->isSynchronized() && cd && config.flags2 & CFG2seh &&
            !func->isStatic() && !sbody->usesEH())
            /* The "jmonitor" hack uses an optimized exception handling frame
             * which is a little shorter than the more general EH frame.
            s->Sfunc->Fflags3 |= Fjmonitor;

        bx.curblock->BC = BCret;

        f->Fstartblock = bx.startblock;
//      einit = el_combine(einit,bx.init);

        if (isCtorDeclaration())
            for (block *b = f->Fstartblock; b; b = b->Bnext)
                if (b->BC == BCret)
                    b->BC = BCretexp;
                    b->Belem = el_combine(b->Belem, el_var(sthis));

    // If static constructor
#if DMDV2
    if (isSharedStaticCtorDeclaration())        // must come first because it derives from StaticCtorDeclaration
    if (isStaticCtorDeclaration())

    // If static destructor
#if DMDV2
    if (isSharedStaticDtorDeclaration())        // must come first because it derives from StaticDtorDeclaration
        SharedStaticDtorDeclaration *f = isSharedStaticDtorDeclaration();
        if (f->vgate)
        {   /* Increment destructor's vgate at construction time

    if (isStaticDtorDeclaration())
        StaticDtorDeclaration *f = isStaticDtorDeclaration();
        if (f->vgate)
        {   /* Increment destructor's vgate at construction time


    // If unit test
    if (isUnitTestDeclaration())

    if (global.errors)

    if (isExport())
        objmod->export_symbol(s, Para.offset);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < irs.deferToObj->dim; i++)
        Dsymbol *s = (*irs.deferToObj)[i];

        FuncDeclaration *fd = s->isFuncDeclaration();
        if (fd)
        {   FuncDeclaration *fdp = fd->toParent2()->isFuncDeclaration();
            if (fdp && fdp->semanticRun < PASSobj)
            {   /* Bugzilla 7595
                 * FuncDeclaration::buildClosure() relies on nested functions
                 * being toObjFile'd after the outer function. Otherwise, the
                 * v->offset's for the closure variables are wrong.
                 * So, defer fd until after fdp is done.


    for (size_t i = 0; i < deferred.dim; i++)
        FuncDeclaration *fd = deferred[i];

    // A hack to get a pointer to this function put in the .dtors segment
    if (ident && memcmp(ident->toChars(), "_STD", 4) == 0)
#if DMDV2
    if (irs.startaddress)
        //printf("Setting start address\n");
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Do access check for member of this class, this class being the
 * type of the 'this' pointer used to access smember.
 * Returns true if the member is not accessible.
bool checkAccess(AggregateDeclaration *ad, Loc loc, Scope *sc, Dsymbol *smember)
    FuncDeclaration *f = sc->func;
    AggregateDeclaration *cdscope = sc->getStructClassScope();

#if LOG
    printf("AggregateDeclaration::checkAccess() for %s.%s in function %s() in scope %s\n",
        ad->toChars(), smember->toChars(),
        f ? f->toChars() : NULL,
        cdscope ? cdscope->toChars() : NULL);

    Dsymbol *smemberparent = smember->toParent();
    if (!smemberparent || !smemberparent->isAggregateDeclaration())
#if LOG
        printf("not an aggregate member\n");
        return false;                   // then it is accessible

    // BUG: should enable this check
    //assert(smember->parent->isBaseOf(this, NULL));

    bool result;
    Prot access;
    if (smemberparent == ad)
        Prot access2 = smember->prot();
        result = access2.kind >= PROTpublic ||
                hasPrivateAccess(ad, f) ||
                isFriendOf(ad, cdscope) ||
                (access2.kind == PROTpackage && hasPackageAccess(sc, ad)) ||
                ad->getAccessModule() == sc->module;
#if LOG
        printf("result1 = %d\n", result);
    else if ((access = getAccess(ad, smember)).kind >= PROTpublic)
        result = true;
#if LOG
        printf("result2 = %d\n", result);
    else if (access.kind == PROTpackage && hasPackageAccess(sc, ad))
        result = true;
#if LOG
        printf("result3 = %d\n", result);
        result = isAccessible(smember, f, ad, cdscope);
#if LOG
        printf("result4 = %d\n", result);
    if (!result)
        ad->error(loc, "member %s is not accessible", smember->toChars());
        //printf("smember = %s %s, prot = %d, semanticRun = %d\n",
        //        smember->kind(), smember->toPrettyChars(), smember->prot(), smember->semanticRun);
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 8
FuncDeclaration *buildXopCmp(StructDeclaration *sd, Scope *sc)
    //printf("StructDeclaration::buildXopCmp() %s\n", toChars());
    if (Dsymbol *cmp = search_function(sd, Id::cmp))
        if (FuncDeclaration *fd = cmp->isFuncDeclaration())
            TypeFunction *tfcmpptr;
                Scope scx;

                /* const int opCmp(ref const S s);
                Parameters *parameters = new Parameters;
                parameters->push(new Parameter(STCref | STCconst, sd->type, NULL, NULL));
                tfcmpptr = new TypeFunction(parameters, Type::tint32, 0, LINKd);
                tfcmpptr->mod = MODconst;
                tfcmpptr = (TypeFunction *)tfcmpptr->semantic(Loc(), &scx);
            fd = fd->overloadExactMatch(tfcmpptr);
            if (fd)
                return fd;
#if 0   // FIXME: doesn't work for recursive alias this
        /* Check opCmp member exists.
         * Consider 'alias this', but except opDispatch.
        Expression *e = new DsymbolExp(sd->loc, sd);
        e = new DotIdExp(sd->loc, e, Id::cmp);
        Scope *sc2 = sc->push();
        e = e->trySemantic(sc2);
        if (e)
            Dsymbol *s = NULL;
            switch (e->op)
                case TOKoverloadset:    s = ((OverExp *)e)->vars;       break;
                case TOKimport:         s = ((ScopeExp *)e)->sds;       break;
                case TOKvar:            s = ((VarExp *)e)->var;         break;
                default:                break;
            if (!s || s->ident != Id::cmp)
                e = NULL;   // there's no valid member 'opCmp'
        if (!e)
            return NULL;    // bitwise comparison would work
        /* Essentially, a struct which does not define opCmp is not comparable.
         * At this time, typeid(S).compare might be correct that throwing "not implement" Error.
         * But implementing it would break existing code, such as:
         * struct S { int value; }  // no opCmp
         * int[S] aa;   // Currently AA key uses bitwise comparison
         *              // (It's default behavior of TypeInfo_Strust.compare).
         * Not sure we should fix this inconsistency, so just keep current behavior.
        return NULL;

    if (!sd->xerrcmp)
        // object._xopCmp
        Identifier *id = Lexer::idPool("_xopCmp");
        Expression *e = new IdentifierExp(sd->loc, Id::empty);
        e = new DotIdExp(sd->loc, e, Id::object);
        e = new DotIdExp(sd->loc, e, id);
        e = e->semantic(sc);
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(e);
        if (!s)
            ::error(Loc(), "ICE: %s not found in object module. You must update druntime", id->toChars());
        sd->xerrcmp = s->isFuncDeclaration();

    Loc declLoc = Loc();    // loc is unnecessary so __xopCmp is never called directly
    Loc loc = Loc();        // loc is unnecessary so errors are gagged

    Parameters *parameters = new Parameters;
    parameters->push(new Parameter(STCref | STCconst, sd->type, Id::p, NULL));
    parameters->push(new Parameter(STCref | STCconst, sd->type, Id::q, NULL));
    TypeFunction *tf = new TypeFunction(parameters, Type::tint32, 0, LINKd);
    tf = (TypeFunction *)tf->semantic(loc, sc);

    Identifier *id = Id::xopCmp;
    FuncDeclaration *fop = new FuncDeclaration(declLoc, Loc(), id, STCstatic, tf);

    Expression *e1 = new IdentifierExp(loc, Id::p);
    Expression *e2 = new IdentifierExp(loc, Id::q);
    Expression *e = new CallExp(loc, new DotIdExp(loc, e1, Id::cmp), e2);

    fop->fbody = new ReturnStatement(loc, e);

    unsigned errors = global.startGagging();    // Do not report errors
    Scope *sc2 = sc->push();
    sc2->stc = 0;
    sc2->linkage = LINKd;


    if (global.endGagging(errors))    // if errors happened
        fop = sd->xerrcmp;

    return fop;
Exemplo n.º 9
void AnonDeclaration::setFieldOffset(AggregateDeclaration *ad, unsigned *poffset, bool isunion)
    //printf("\tAnonDeclaration::setFieldOffset %s %p\n", isunion ? "union" : "struct", this);

    if (decl)
        /* This works by treating an AnonDeclaration as an aggregate 'member',
         * so in order to place that member we need to compute the member's
         * size and alignment.

        size_t fieldstart = ad->fields.dim;

        /* Hackishly hijack ad's structsize and alignsize fields
         * for use in our fake anon aggregate member.
        unsigned savestructsize = ad->structsize;
        unsigned savealignsize  = ad->alignsize;
        ad->structsize = 0;
        ad->alignsize = 0;

        unsigned offset = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < decl->dim; i++)
            Dsymbol *s = (*decl)[i];

            s->setFieldOffset(ad, &offset, this->isunion);
            if (this->isunion)
                offset = 0;

        unsigned anonstructsize = ad->structsize;
        unsigned anonalignsize  = ad->alignsize;
        ad->structsize = savestructsize;
        ad->alignsize  = savealignsize;

        // 0 sized structs are set to 1 byte
        if (anonstructsize == 0)
            anonstructsize = 1;
            anonalignsize = 1;

        /* Given the anon 'member's size and alignment,
         * go ahead and place it.
        unsigned anonoffset = AggregateDeclaration::placeField(
                anonstructsize, anonalignsize, alignment,
                &ad->structsize, &ad->alignsize,

        // Add to the anon fields the base offset of this anonymous aggregate
        //printf("anon fields, anonoffset = %d\n", anonoffset);
        for (size_t i = fieldstart; i < ad->fields.dim; i++)
            VarDeclaration *v = ad->fields[i];
            //printf("\t[%d] %s %d\n", i, v->toChars(), v->offset);
            v->offset += anonoffset;
Exemplo n.º 10
FuncDeclaration *buildOpAssign(StructDeclaration *sd, Scope *sc)
    if (FuncDeclaration *f = hasIdentityOpAssign(sd, sc))
        sd->hasIdentityAssign = true;
        return f;
    // Even if non-identity opAssign is defined, built-in identity opAssign
    // will be defined.

    if (!needOpAssign(sd))
        return NULL;

    //printf("StructDeclaration::buildOpAssign() %s\n", toChars());
    StorageClass stc = STCsafe | STCnothrow | STCpure;
    Loc declLoc = sd->loc;
    Loc loc = Loc();    // internal code should have no loc to prevent coverage

    if (sd->dtor || sd->postblit)
        if (sd->dtor)
            stc = mergeFuncAttrs(stc, sd->dtor);
            if (stc & STCsafe)
                stc = (stc & ~STCsafe) | STCtrusted;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < sd->fields.dim; i++)
            VarDeclaration *v = sd->fields[i];
            if (v->storage_class & STCref)
            Type *tv = v->type->baseElemOf();
            if (tv->ty == Tstruct)
                TypeStruct *ts = (TypeStruct *)tv;
                if (FuncDeclaration *f = hasIdentityOpAssign(ts->sym, sc))
                    stc = mergeFuncAttrs(stc, f);

    Parameters *fparams = new Parameters;
    fparams->push(new Parameter(STCnodtor, sd->type, Id::p, NULL));
    Type *tf = new TypeFunction(fparams, sd->handleType(), 0, LINKd, stc | STCref);

    FuncDeclaration *fop = new FuncDeclaration(declLoc, Loc(), Id::assign, stc, tf);

    Expression *e = NULL;
    if (stc & STCdisable)
    else if (sd->dtor || sd->postblit)
        /* Do swap this and rhs
         *    tmp = this; this = s; tmp.dtor();
        //printf("\tswap copy\n");
        Identifier *idtmp = Lexer::uniqueId("__tmp");
        VarDeclaration *tmp = NULL;
        AssignExp *ec = NULL;
        if (sd->dtor)
            tmp = new VarDeclaration(loc, sd->type, idtmp, new VoidInitializer(loc));
            tmp->noscope = 1;
            tmp->storage_class |= STCtemp | STCctfe;
            e = new DeclarationExp(loc, tmp);
            ec = new BlitExp(loc, new VarExp(loc, tmp), new ThisExp(loc));
            e = Expression::combine(e, ec);
        ec = new BlitExp(loc, new ThisExp(loc), new IdentifierExp(loc, Id::p));
        e = Expression::combine(e, ec);
        if (sd->dtor)
            /* Instead of running the destructor on s, run it
             * on tmp. This avoids needing to copy tmp back in to s.
            Expression *ec2 = new DotVarExp(loc, new VarExp(loc, tmp), sd->dtor, 0);
            ec2 = new CallExp(loc, ec2);
            e = Expression::combine(e, ec2);
        /* Do memberwise copy
        //printf("\tmemberwise copy\n");
        for (size_t i = 0; i < sd->fields.dim; i++)
            VarDeclaration *v = sd->fields[i];
            // this.v = s.v;
            AssignExp *ec = new AssignExp(loc,
                new DotVarExp(loc, new ThisExp(loc), v, 0),
                new DotVarExp(loc, new IdentifierExp(loc, Id::p), v, 0));
            e = Expression::combine(e, ec);
    if (e)
        Statement *s1 = new ExpStatement(loc, e);

        /* Add:
         *   return this;
        e = new ThisExp(loc);
        Statement *s2 = new ReturnStatement(loc, e);

        fop->fbody = new CompoundStatement(loc, s1, s2);

    Dsymbol *s = fop;
#if 1   // workaround until fixing issue 1528
    Dsymbol *assign = search_function(sd, Id::assign);
    if (assign && assign->isTemplateDeclaration())
        // Wrap a template around the function declaration
        TemplateParameters *tpl = new TemplateParameters();
        Dsymbols *decldefs = new Dsymbols();
        TemplateDeclaration *tempdecl =
            new TemplateDeclaration(assign->loc, fop->ident, tpl, NULL, decldefs);
        s = tempdecl;
    s->addMember(sc, sd, 1);
    sd->hasIdentityAssign = true;        // temporary mark identity assignable

    unsigned errors = global.startGagging();    // Do not report errors, even if the
    unsigned oldspec = global.speculativeGag;   // template opAssign fbody makes it.
    global.speculativeGag = global.gag;
    Scope *sc2 = sc->push();
    sc2->stc = 0;
    sc2->linkage = LINKd;
    sc2->speculative = true;


    global.speculativeGag = oldspec;
    if (global.endGagging(errors))    // if errors happened
        // Disable generated opAssign, because some members forbid identity assignment.
        fop->storage_class |= STCdisable;
        fop->fbody = NULL;  // remove fbody which contains the error

    //printf("-StructDeclaration::buildOpAssign() %s %s, errors = %d\n", toChars(), s->kind(), (fop->storage_class & STCdisable) != 0);

    return fop;
Exemplo n.º 11
FuncDeclaration *buildXopEquals(StructDeclaration *sd, Scope *sc)
    if (!needOpEquals(sd))
        return NULL;        // bitwise comparison would work

    //printf("StructDeclaration::buildXopEquals() %s\n", sd->toChars());
    if (Dsymbol *eq = search_function(sd, Id::eq))
        if (FuncDeclaration *fd = eq->isFuncDeclaration())
            TypeFunction *tfeqptr;
                Scope scx;

                /* const bool opEquals(ref const S s);
                Parameters *parameters = new Parameters;
                parameters->push(new Parameter(STCref | STCconst, sd->type, NULL, NULL));
                tfeqptr = new TypeFunction(parameters, Type::tbool, 0, LINKd);
                tfeqptr->mod = MODconst;
                tfeqptr = (TypeFunction *)tfeqptr->semantic(Loc(), &scx);
            fd = fd->overloadExactMatch(tfeqptr);
            if (fd)
                return fd;

    if (!sd->xerreq)
        // object._xopEquals
        Identifier *id = Lexer::idPool("_xopEquals");
        Expression *e = new IdentifierExp(sd->loc, Id::empty);
        e = new DotIdExp(sd->loc, e, Id::object);
        e = new DotIdExp(sd->loc, e, id);
        e = e->semantic(sc);
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(e);
        if (!s)
            ::error(Loc(), "ICE: %s not found in object module. You must update druntime", id->toChars());
        sd->xerreq = s->isFuncDeclaration();

    Loc declLoc = Loc();    // loc is unnecessary so __xopEquals is never called directly
    Loc loc = Loc();        // loc is unnecessary so errors are gagged

    Parameters *parameters = new Parameters;
    parameters->push(new Parameter(STCref | STCconst, sd->type, Id::p, NULL));
    parameters->push(new Parameter(STCref | STCconst, sd->type, Id::q, NULL));
    TypeFunction *tf = new TypeFunction(parameters, Type::tbool, 0, LINKd);
    tf = (TypeFunction *)tf->semantic(loc, sc);

    Identifier *id = Id::xopEquals;
    FuncDeclaration *fop = new FuncDeclaration(declLoc, Loc(), id, STCstatic, tf);

    Expression *e1 = new IdentifierExp(loc, Id::p);
    Expression *e2 = new IdentifierExp(loc, Id::q);
    Expression *e = new EqualExp(TOKequal, loc, e1, e2);

    fop->fbody = new ReturnStatement(loc, e);

    unsigned errors = global.startGagging();    // Do not report errors
    Scope *sc2 = sc->push();
    sc2->stc = 0;
    sc2->linkage = LINKd;


    if (global.endGagging(errors))    // if errors happened
        fop = sd->xerreq;

    return fop;
Exemplo n.º 12
// Put out instance of ModuleInfo for this Module
void Module::genmoduleinfo()
    // resolve ModuleInfo
    if (!moduleinfo)
        error("object.d is missing the ModuleInfo struct");
    // check for patch
        // The base struct should consist only of _flags/_index.
        if (moduleinfo->structsize != 4 + 4)
            error("object.d ModuleInfo class is incorrect");

    // use the RTTIBuilder
    RTTIBuilder b(moduleinfo);

    // some types
    LLType* moduleinfoTy = moduleinfo->type->irtype->getLLType();
    LLType* classinfoTy = Type::typeinfoclass->type->irtype->getLLType();

    // importedModules[]
    std::vector<LLConstant*> importInits;
    LLConstant* importedModules = 0;
    llvm::ArrayType* importedModulesTy = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < aimports.dim; i++)
        Module *m = static_cast<Module *>(aimports.data[i]);
        if (!m->needModuleInfo() || m == this)

        // declare the imported module info
        std::string m_name("_D");
        llvm::GlobalVariable* m_gvar = gIR->module->getGlobalVariable(m_name);
        if (!m_gvar) m_gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(*gIR->module, moduleinfoTy, false, llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, NULL, m_name);
    // has import array?
    if (!importInits.empty())
        importedModulesTy = llvm::ArrayType::get(getPtrToType(moduleinfoTy), importInits.size());
        importedModules = LLConstantArray::get(importedModulesTy, importInits);

    // localClasses[]
    LLConstant* localClasses = 0;
    llvm::ArrayType* localClassesTy = 0;
    ClassDeclarations aclasses;
    //printf("members->dim = %d\n", members->dim);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
        Dsymbol *member;

        member = static_cast<Dsymbol *>(members->data[i]);
        //printf("\tmember '%s'\n", member->toChars());
    // fill inits
    std::vector<LLConstant*> classInits;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < aclasses.dim; i++)
        ClassDeclaration* cd = aclasses[i];

        if (cd->isInterfaceDeclaration())
            IF_LOG Logger::println("skipping interface '%s' in moduleinfo", cd->toPrettyChars());
        else if (cd->sizeok != SIZEOKdone)
            IF_LOG Logger::println("skipping opaque class declaration '%s' in moduleinfo", cd->toPrettyChars());
        IF_LOG Logger::println("class: %s", cd->toPrettyChars());
        LLConstant *c = DtoBitCast(cd->ir.irAggr->getClassInfoSymbol(), classinfoTy);
    // has class array?
    if (!classInits.empty())
        localClassesTy = llvm::ArrayType::get(classinfoTy, classInits.size());
        localClasses = LLConstantArray::get(localClassesTy, classInits);

    // These must match the values in druntime/src/object_.d
    #define MIstandalone      4
    #define MItlsctor         8
    #define MItlsdtor         0x10
    #define MIctor            0x20
    #define MIdtor            0x40
    #define MIxgetMembers     0x80
    #define MIictor           0x100
    #define MIunitTest        0x200
    #define MIimportedModules 0x400
    #define MIlocalClasses    0x800
    #define MInew             0x80000000   // it's the "new" layout

    llvm::Function* fsharedctor = build_module_shared_ctor();
    llvm::Function* fshareddtor = build_module_shared_dtor();
    llvm::Function* funittest = build_module_unittest();
    llvm::Function* fctor = build_module_ctor();
    llvm::Function* fdtor = build_module_dtor();

    unsigned flags = MInew;
    if (fctor)
        flags |= MItlsctor;
    if (fdtor)
        flags |= MItlsdtor;
    if (fsharedctor)
        flags |= MIctor;
    if (fshareddtor)
        flags |= MIdtor;
#if 0
    if (fgetmembers)
        flags |= MIxgetMembers;
    if (fictor)
        flags |= MIictor;
    if (funittest)
        flags |= MIunitTest;
    if (importedModules)
        flags |= MIimportedModules;
    if (localClasses)
        flags |= MIlocalClasses;

    if (!needmoduleinfo)
        flags |= MIstandalone;

    b.push_uint(flags); // flags
    b.push_uint(0);     // index

    if (fctor)
    if (fdtor)
    if (fsharedctor)
    if (fshareddtor)
#if 0
    if (fgetmembers)
    if (fictor)
    if (funittest)
    if (importedModules) {
    if (localClasses) {

    // Put out module name as a 0-terminated string.
    const char *name = toPrettyChars();
    const size_t len = strlen(name) + 1;
    llvm::IntegerType *it = llvm::IntegerType::getInt8Ty(gIR->context());
    llvm::ArrayType *at = llvm::ArrayType::get(it, len);
    b.push(toConstantArray(it, at, name, len, false));

    // create and set initializer
    LLGlobalVariable *moduleInfoSym = moduleInfoSymbol();
    b.finalize(moduleInfoSym->getType()->getPointerElementType(), moduleInfoSym);

    if (global.params.isLinux) {
    } else {
        // build the modulereference and ctor for registering it
        LLFunction* mictor = build_module_reference_and_ctor(moduleInfoSym);
        AppendFunctionToLLVMGlobalCtorsDtors(mictor, 65535, true);
Exemplo n.º 13
Initializer *StructInitializer::semantic(Scope *sc, Type *t, NeedInterpret needInterpret)
    //printf("StructInitializer::semantic(t = %s) %s\n", t->toChars(), toChars());
    t = t->toBasetype();
    if (t->ty == Tsarray && t->nextOf()->toBasetype()->ty == Tstruct)
        t = t->nextOf()->toBasetype();
    if (t->ty == Tstruct)
        StructDeclaration *sd = ((TypeStruct *)t)->sym;
        if (sd->ctor)
            error(loc, "%s %s has constructors, cannot use { initializers }, use %s( initializers ) instead",
                sd->kind(), sd->toChars(), sd->toChars());
            return new ErrorInitializer();
        if (sd->sizeok != SIZEOKdone)
            return new ErrorInitializer();
        size_t nfields = sd->fields.dim - sd->isNested();

        //expandTuples for non-identity arguments?

        Expressions *elements = new Expressions();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++)
            (*elements)[i] = NULL;

        // Run semantic for explicitly given initializers
        // TODO: this part is slightly different from StructLiteralExp::semantic.
        bool errors = false;
        for (size_t fieldi = 0, i = 0; i < field.dim; i++)
            if (Identifier *id = field[i])
                Dsymbol *s = sd->search(loc, id);
                if (!s)
                    s = sd->search_correct(id);
                    if (s)
                        error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s', did you mean '%s %s'?",
                              id->toChars(), sd->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars());
                        error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s'", id->toChars(), sd->toChars());
                    return new ErrorInitializer();
                s = s->toAlias();

                // Find out which field index it is
                for (fieldi = 0; 1; fieldi++)
                    if (fieldi >= nfields)
                        error(loc, "%s.%s is not a per-instance initializable field",
                            sd->toChars(), s->toChars());
                        return new ErrorInitializer();
                    if (s == sd->fields[fieldi])
            else if (fieldi >= nfields)
                error(loc, "too many initializers for %s", sd->toChars());
                return new ErrorInitializer();

            VarDeclaration *vd = sd->fields[fieldi];
            if ((*elements)[fieldi])
                error(loc, "duplicate initializer for field '%s'", vd->toChars());
                errors = true;
            for (size_t j = 0; j < nfields; j++)
                VarDeclaration *v2 = sd->fields[j];
                bool overlap = (vd->offset < v2->offset + v2->type->size() &&
                                v2->offset < vd->offset + vd->type->size());
                if (overlap && (*elements)[j])
                    error(loc, "overlapping initialization for field %s and %s",
                        v2->toChars(), vd->toChars());
                    errors = true;

            Initializer *iz = value[i];
            iz = iz->semantic(sc, vd->type->addMod(t->mod), needInterpret);
            Expression *ex = iz->toExpression();
            if (ex->op == TOKerror)
                errors = true;
            value[i] = iz;
            (*elements)[fieldi] = ex;
        if (errors)
            return new ErrorInitializer();

        StructLiteralExp *sle = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, elements, t);
        if (!sd->fill(loc, elements, false))
            return new ErrorInitializer();
        sle->type = t;

        ExpInitializer *ie = new ExpInitializer(loc, sle);
        return ie->semantic(sc, t, needInterpret);
    else if ((t->ty == Tdelegate || t->ty == Tpointer && t->nextOf()->ty == Tfunction) && value.dim == 0)
        TOK tok = (t->ty == Tdelegate) ? TOKdelegate : TOKfunction;
        /* Rewrite as empty delegate literal { }
        Parameters *parameters = new Parameters;
        Type *tf = new TypeFunction(parameters, NULL, 0, LINKd);
        FuncLiteralDeclaration *fd = new FuncLiteralDeclaration(loc, Loc(), tf, tok, NULL);
        fd->fbody = new CompoundStatement(loc, new Statements());
        fd->endloc = loc;
        Expression *e = new FuncExp(loc, fd);
        ExpInitializer *ie = new ExpInitializer(loc, e);
        return ie->semantic(sc, t, needInterpret);

    error(loc, "a struct is not a valid initializer for a %s", t->toChars());
    return new ErrorInitializer();
Exemplo n.º 14
void StructDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
    //printf("+StructDeclaration::semantic(this=%p, %s '%s', sizeok = %d)\n", this, parent->toChars(), toChars(), sizeok);

    //static int count; if (++count == 20) halt();

    if (semanticRun >= PASSsemanticdone)
    unsigned dprogress_save = Module::dprogress;
    int errors = global.errors;

    Scope *scx = NULL;
    if (scope)
        sc = scope;
        scx = scope;            // save so we don't make redundant copies
        scope = NULL;

    if (!parent)
        assert(sc->parent && sc->func);
        parent = sc->parent;
    assert(parent && !isAnonymous());
    type = type->semantic(loc, sc);

    if (type->ty == Tstruct && ((TypeStruct *)type)->sym != this)
        TemplateInstance *ti = ((TypeStruct *)type)->sym->isInstantiated();
        if (ti && isError(ti))
            ((TypeStruct *)type)->sym = this;

    // Ungag errors when not speculative
    Ungag ungag = ungagSpeculative();

    if (semanticRun == PASSinit)
        protection = sc->protection;

        alignment = sc->structalign;

        storage_class |= sc->stc;
        if (storage_class & STCdeprecated)
            isdeprecated = true;
        if (storage_class & STCabstract)
            error("structs, unions cannot be abstract");
        userAttribDecl = sc->userAttribDecl;
    else if (symtab)
        if (sizeok == SIZEOKdone || !scx)
            semanticRun = PASSsemanticdone;
    semanticRun = PASSsemantic;

    if (!members)               // if opaque declaration
        semanticRun = PASSsemanticdone;
    if (!symtab)
        symtab = new DsymbolTable();

    if (sizeok == SIZEOKnone)            // if not already done the addMember step
        for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
            Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i];
            //printf("adding member '%s' to '%s'\n", s->toChars(), this->toChars());
            s->addMember(sc, this, 1);

    sizeok = SIZEOKnone;
    Scope *sc2 = sc->push(this);
    sc2->stc &= STCsafe | STCtrusted | STCsystem;
    sc2->parent = this;
    if (isUnionDeclaration())
        sc2->inunion = 1;
    sc2->protection = Prot(PROTpublic);
    sc2->explicitProtection = 0;
    sc2->structalign = STRUCTALIGN_DEFAULT;
    sc2->userAttribDecl = NULL;

    /* Set scope so if there are forward references, we still might be able to
     * resolve individual members like enums.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
        Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i];
        //printf("struct: setScope %s %s\n", s->kind(), s->toChars());

    for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
        Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i];

    for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
        Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i];

        /* If this is the last member, see if we can finish setting the size.
         * This could be much better - finish setting the size after the last
         * field was processed. The problem is the chicken-and-egg determination
         * of when that is. See Bugzilla 7426 for more info.
        if (i + 1 == members->dim)
            if (sizeok == SIZEOKnone && s->isAliasDeclaration())

    if (sizeok == SIZEOKfwd)
        // semantic() failed because of forward references.
        // Unwind what we did, and defer it for later
        for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.dim; i++)
            VarDeclaration *vd = fields[i];
            vd->offset = 0;
        structsize = 0;
        alignsize = 0;

        scope = scx ? scx : sc->copy();

        Module::dprogress = dprogress_save;
        //printf("\tdeferring %s\n", toChars());

    semanticRun = PASSsemanticdone;

    //printf("-StructDeclaration::semantic(this=%p, '%s')\n", this, toChars());

    // Determine if struct is all zeros or not
    zeroInit = 1;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.dim; i++)
        VarDeclaration *vd = fields[i];
        if (!vd->isDataseg())
            if (vd->init)
                // Should examine init to see if it is really all 0's
                zeroInit = 0;
                if (!vd->type->isZeroInit(loc))
                    zeroInit = 0;

    dtor = buildDtor(this, sc2);
    postblit = buildPostBlit(this, sc2);
    cpctor = buildCpCtor(this, sc2);

    buildOpAssign(this, sc2);
    buildOpEquals(this, sc2);

    xeq = buildXopEquals(this, sc2);
    xcmp = buildXopCmp(this, sc2);
    xhash = buildXtoHash(this, sc2);

    /* Even if the struct is merely imported and its semantic3 is not run,
     * the TypeInfo object would be speculatively stored in each object
     * files. To set correct function pointer, run semantic3 for xeq and xcmp.
    //if ((xeq && xeq != xerreq || xcmp && xcmp != xerrcmp) && isImportedSym(this))
    //    Module::addDeferredSemantic3(this);
    /* Defer requesting semantic3 until TypeInfo generation is actually invoked.
     * See semanticTypeInfo().
    inv = buildInv(this, sc2);


    /* Look for special member functions.
    ctor = searchCtor();
    aggNew =       (NewDeclaration *)search(Loc(), Id::classNew);
    aggDelete = (DeleteDeclaration *)search(Loc(), Id::classDelete);

    if (ctor)
        Dsymbol *scall = search(Loc(), Id::call);
        if (scall)
            unsigned xerrors = global.startGagging();
            sc = sc->push();
            sc->speculative = true;
            FuncDeclaration *fcall = resolveFuncCall(loc, sc, scall, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);
            sc = sc->pop();

            if (fcall && fcall->isStatic())
                error(fcall->loc, "static opCall is hidden by constructors and can never be called");
                errorSupplemental(fcall->loc, "Please use a factory method instead, or replace all constructors with static opCall.");

    TypeTuple *tup = toArgTypes(type);
    size_t dim = tup->arguments->dim;
    if (dim >= 1)
        assert(dim <= 2);
        arg1type = (*tup->arguments)[0]->type;
        if (dim == 2)
            arg2type = (*tup->arguments)[1]->type;

    if (sc->func)

    if (global.errors != errors)
        // The type is no good.
        type = Type::terror;
        this->errors = true;
        if (deferred)
            deferred->errors = true;

    if (deferred && !global.gag)

#if 0
    if (type->ty == Tstruct && ((TypeStruct *)type)->sym != this)
        printf("this = %p %s\n", this, this->toChars());
        printf("type = %d sym = %p\n", type->ty, ((TypeStruct *)type)->sym);
    assert(type->ty != Tstruct || ((TypeStruct *)type)->sym == this);
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: opover.c Projeto: Nishi/dmd
 * Operator overloading for op=
Expression *BinAssignExp::op_overload(Scope *sc)
    //printf("BinAssignExp::op_overload() (%s)\n", toChars());

#if DMDV2
    if (e1->op == TOKarray)
        ArrayExp *ae = (ArrayExp *)e1;
        ae->e1 = ae->e1->semantic(sc);
        ae->e1 = resolveProperties(sc, ae->e1);

        AggregateDeclaration *ad = isAggregate(ae->e1->type);
        if (ad)
            /* Rewrite a[args]+=e2 as:
             *  a.opIndexOpAssign!("+")(e2, args);
            Dsymbol *fd = search_function(ad, Id::opIndexOpAssign);
            if (fd)
                Expression *e0 = resolveOpDollar(sc, ae);
                Expressions *a = (Expressions *)ae->arguments->copy();
                a->insert(0, e2);

                Objects *tiargs = opToArg(sc, op);
                Expression *e = new DotTemplateInstanceExp(loc, ae->e1, fd->ident, tiargs);
                e = new CallExp(loc, e, a);
                e = combine(e0, e);
                e = e->semantic(sc);
                return e;

            // Didn't find it. Forward to aliasthis
            if (ad->aliasthis && ae->e1->type != att1)
                /* Rewrite a[arguments] op= e2 as:
                 *      a.aliasthis[arguments] op= e2
                Expression *e1 = ae->copy();
                ((ArrayExp *)e1)->e1 = new DotIdExp(loc, ae->e1, ad->aliasthis->ident);
                BinExp *be = (BinExp *)copy();
                if (!be->att1 && ae->e1->type->checkAliasThisRec())
                    be->att1 = ae->e1->type;
                be->e1 = e1;
                if (Expression *e = be->trySemantic(sc))
                    return e;
            att1 = NULL;
    else if (e1->op == TOKslice)
        SliceExp *se = (SliceExp *)e1;
        se->e1 = se->e1->semantic(sc);
        se->e1 = resolveProperties(sc, se->e1);

        AggregateDeclaration *ad = isAggregate(se->e1->type);
        if (ad)
            /* Rewrite a[lwr..upr]+=e2 as:
             *  a.opSliceOpAssign!("+")(e2, lwr, upr);
            Dsymbol *fd = search_function(ad, Id::opSliceOpAssign);
            if (fd)
                Expression *e0 = resolveOpDollar(sc, se);
                Expressions *a = new Expressions();
                assert(!se->lwr || se->upr);
                if (se->lwr)

                Objects *tiargs = opToArg(sc, op);
                Expression *e = new DotTemplateInstanceExp(loc, se->e1, fd->ident, tiargs);
                e = new CallExp(loc, e, a);
                e = combine(e0, e);
                e = e->semantic(sc);
                return e;

            // Didn't find it. Forward to aliasthis
            if (ad->aliasthis && se->e1->type != att1)
                /* Rewrite a[lwr..upr] op= e2 as:
                 *      a.aliasthis[lwr..upr] op= e2
                Expression *e1 = se->copy();
                ((SliceExp *)e1)->e1 = new DotIdExp(loc, se->e1, ad->aliasthis->ident);
                BinExp *be = (BinExp *)copy();
                if (!be->att1 && se->e1->type->checkAliasThisRec())
                    be->att1 = se->e1->type;
                be->e1 = e1;
                if (Expression *e = be->trySemantic(sc))
                    return e;
            att1 = NULL;

    e1 = resolveProperties(sc, e1);
    e2 = resolveProperties(sc, e2);

    // Don't attempt 'alias this' if an error occured
    if (e1->type->ty == Terror || e2->type->ty == Terror)
        return new ErrorExp();

    Identifier *id = opId();

    Expressions args2;

    AggregateDeclaration *ad1 = isAggregate(e1->type);

    Dsymbol *s = NULL;

#if 1 // the old D1 scheme
    if (ad1 && id)
        s = search_function(ad1, id);

    Objects *tiargs = NULL;
#if DMDV2
    if (!s)
    {   /* Try the new D2 scheme, opOpAssign
        if (ad1)
            s = search_function(ad1, Id::opOpAssign);
            if (s && !s->isTemplateDeclaration())
            {   error("%s.opOpAssign isn't a template", e1->toChars());
                return new ErrorExp();

        // Set tiargs, the template argument list, which will be the operator string
        if (s)
            id = Id::opOpAssign;
            tiargs = opToArg(sc, op);

    if (s)
        /* Try:
         *      a.opOpAssign(b)

        args2[0] = e2;

        Match m;
        memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
        m.last = MATCHnomatch;

        if (s)
            overloadResolveX(&m, s, loc, sc, tiargs, e1, &args2);

        if (m.count > 1)
            // Error, ambiguous
            error("overloads %s and %s both match argument list for %s",
        else if (m.last == MATCHnomatch)
            m.lastf = m.anyf;
            if (tiargs)
                goto L1;

        // Rewrite (e1 op e2) as e1.opOpAssign(e2)
        return build_overload(loc, sc, e1, e2, m.lastf ? m.lastf : s);


#if DMDV2
    // Try alias this on first operand
    if (ad1 && ad1->aliasthis)
        /* Rewrite (e1 op e2) as:
         *      (e1.aliasthis op e2)
        if (att1 && this->e1->type == att1)
            return NULL;
        //printf("att %s e1 = %s\n", Token::toChars(op), this->e1->type->toChars());
        Expression *e1 = new DotIdExp(loc, this->e1, ad1->aliasthis->ident);
        BinExp *be = (BinExp *)copy();
        if (!be->att1 && this->e1->type->checkAliasThisRec())
            be->att1 = this->e1->type;
        be->e1 = e1;
        return be->trySemantic(sc);

    // Try alias this on second operand
    AggregateDeclaration *ad2 = isAggregate(e2->type);
    if (ad2 && ad2->aliasthis)
        /* Rewrite (e1 op e2) as:
         *      (e1 op e2.aliasthis)
        if (att2 && this->e2->type == att2)
            return NULL;
        //printf("att %s e2 = %s\n", Token::toChars(op), this->e2->type->toChars());
        Expression *e2 = new DotIdExp(loc, this->e2, ad2->aliasthis->ident);
        BinExp *be = (BinExp *)copy();
        if (!be->att2 && this->e2->type->checkAliasThisRec())
            be->att2 = this->e2->type;
        be->e2 = e2;
        return be->trySemantic(sc);
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 16
void PragmaDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc)
{   // Should be merged with PragmaStatement

    //printf("\tPragmaDeclaration::semantic '%s'\n",toChars());
    if (ident == Id::msg)
        if (args)
            for (size_t i = 0; i < args->dim; i++)
                Expression *e = (*args)[i];

                e = e->semantic(sc);
                e = resolveProperties(sc, e);
                if (e->op != TOKerror && e->op != TOKtype)
                    e = e->ctfeInterpret();
                if (e->op == TOKerror)
                {   errorSupplemental(loc, "while evaluating pragma(msg, %s)", (*args)[i]->toChars());
                StringExp *se = e->toString();
                if (se)
                    fprintf(stdmsg, "%.*s", (int)se->len, (char *)se->string);
                    fprintf(stdmsg, "%s", e->toChars());
            fprintf(stdmsg, "\n");
        goto Lnodecl;
    else if (ident == Id::lib)
        if (!args || args->dim != 1)
            error("string expected for library name");
            Expression *e = (*args)[0];

            e = e->semantic(sc);
            e = resolveProperties(sc, e);
            e = e->ctfeInterpret();
            (*args)[0] = e;
            if (e->op == TOKerror)
                goto Lnodecl;
            StringExp *se = e->toString();
            if (!se)
                error("string expected for library name, not '%s'", e->toChars());
            else if (global.params.verbose)
                char *name = (char *)mem.malloc(se->len + 1);
                memcpy(name, se->string, se->len);
                name[se->len] = 0;
                printf("library   %s\n", name);
        goto Lnodecl;
#ifdef IN_GCC
    else if (ident == Id::GNU_asm)
        if (! args || args->dim != 2)
            error("identifier and string expected for asm name");
            Expression *e;
            Declaration *d = NULL;
            StringExp *s = NULL;

            e = (*args)[0];
            e = e->semantic(sc);
            if (e->op == TOKvar)
                d = ((VarExp *)e)->var;
                if (! d->isFuncDeclaration() && ! d->isVarDeclaration())
                    d = NULL;
            if (!d)
                error("first argument of GNU_asm must be a function or variable declaration");

            e = (*args)[1];
            e = e->semantic(sc);
            e = resolveProperties(sc, e);
            e = e->ctfeInterpret();
            e = e->toString();
            if (e && ((StringExp *)e)->sz == 1)
                s = ((StringExp *)e);
                error("second argument of GNU_asm must be a character string");

            if (d && s)
                d->c_ident = Lexer::idPool((char*) s->string);
        goto Lnodecl;
#if DMDV2
    else if (ident == Id::startaddress)
        if (!args || args->dim != 1)
            error("function name expected for start address");
            Expression *e = (*args)[0];
            e = e->semantic(sc);
            e = resolveProperties(sc, e);
            e = e->ctfeInterpret();
            (*args)[0] = e;
            Dsymbol *sa = getDsymbol(e);
            if (!sa || !sa->isFuncDeclaration())
                error("function name expected for start address, not '%s'", e->toChars());
        goto Lnodecl;
    else if (ident == Lexer::idPool("assembly"))
#endif // TARGET_NET
    else if (global.params.ignoreUnsupportedPragmas)
        if (global.params.verbose)
            /* Print unrecognized pragmas
            printf("pragma    %s", ident->toChars());
            if (args)
                for (size_t i = 0; i < args->dim; i++)
                    Expression *e = (*args)[i];
                    e = e->semantic(sc);
                    e = resolveProperties(sc, e);
                    e = e->ctfeInterpret();
                    if (i == 0)
                        printf(" (");
                    printf("%s", e->toChars());
                if (args->dim)
        goto Lnodecl;
        error("unrecognized pragma(%s)", ident->toChars());

    if (decl)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < decl->dim; i++)
            Dsymbol *s = (*decl)[i];


    if (decl)
        error("pragma is missing closing ';'");
        goto Ldecl; // do them anyway, to avoid segfaults.
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: glue.c Projeto: ikd734/dmd
void Module::genobjfile(int multiobj)
    //EEcontext *ee = env->getEEcontext();

    //printf("Module::genobjfile(multiobj = %d) %s\n", multiobj, toChars());

    lastmname = srcfile->toChars();

    objmod->initfile(lastmname, NULL, toPrettyChars());

    eictor = NULL;
    ictorlocalgot = NULL;
    dtorcount = 0;
    shareddtorcount = 0;

    if (doppelganger)
        /* Generate a reference to the moduleinfo, so the module constructors
         * and destructors get linked in.
        Module *m = aimports[0];
        if (m->sictor || m->sctor || m->sdtor || m->ssharedctor || m->sshareddtor)
            Symbol *s = m->toSymbol();
            //if (!s->Sxtrnnum) objextdef(s->Sident);
            if (!s->Sxtrnnum)
                //printf("%s\n", s->Sident);
#if 0 /* This should work, but causes optlink to fail in common/newlib.asm */
                Symbol *sref = symbol_generate(SCstatic, type_fake(TYnptr));
                sref->Sfl = FLdata;
                dtxoff(&sref->Sdt, s, 0, TYnptr);

    if (global.params.cov)
        /* Create coverage identifier:
         *  private uint[numlines] __coverage;
        cov = symbol_calloc("__coverage");
        cov->Stype = type_fake(TYint);
        cov->Stype->Tmangle = mTYman_c;
        cov->Sclass = SCstatic;
        cov->Sfl = FLdata;
        dtnzeros(&cov->Sdt, 4 * numlines);

        covb = (unsigned *)calloc((numlines + 32) / 32, sizeof(*covb));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
        Dsymbol *member = (*members)[i];
        //printf("toObjFile %s %s\n", member->kind(), member->toChars());

    if (global.params.cov)
        /* Generate
         *      bit[numlines] __bcoverage;
        Symbol *bcov = symbol_calloc("__bcoverage");
        bcov->Stype = type_fake(TYuint);
        bcov->Sclass = SCstatic;
        bcov->Sfl = FLdata;
        dtnbytes(&bcov->Sdt, (numlines + 32) / 32 * sizeof(*covb), (char *)covb);

        covb = NULL;

        /* Generate:
         *  _d_cover_register(uint[] __coverage, BitArray __bcoverage, string filename);
         * and prepend it to the static constructor.

        /* t will be the type of the functions generated:
         *      extern (C) void func();
        type *t = type_function(TYnfunc, NULL, 0, false, tsvoid);
        t->Tmangle = mTYman_c;

        sictor = toSymbolX("__modictor", SCglobal, t, "FZv");
        cstate.CSpsymtab = &sictor->Sfunc->Flocsym;
        localgot = ictorlocalgot;

        elem *ecov  = el_pair(TYdarray, el_long(TYsize_t, numlines), el_ptr(cov));
        elem *ebcov = el_pair(TYdarray, el_long(TYsize_t, numlines), el_ptr(bcov));

        if (config.exe == EX_WIN64)
            ecov  = addressElem(ecov,  Type::tvoid->arrayOf(), false);
            ebcov = addressElem(ebcov, Type::tvoid->arrayOf(), false);

        elem *e = el_params(ecov,
        e = el_bin(OPcall, TYvoid, el_var(rtlsym[RTLSYM_DCOVER]), e);
        eictor = el_combine(e, eictor);
        ictorlocalgot = localgot;

    // If coverage / static constructor / destructor / unittest calls
    if (eictor || sctors.dim || ectorgates.dim || sdtors.dim ||
        ssharedctors.dim || esharedctorgates.dim || sshareddtors.dim || stests.dim)
        if (eictor)
            localgot = ictorlocalgot;

            block *b = block_calloc();
            b->BC = BCret;
            b->Belem = eictor;
            sictor->Sfunc->Fstartline.Sfilename = arg;
            sictor->Sfunc->Fstartblock = b;

        sctor = callFuncsAndGates(this, &sctors, &ectorgates, "__modctor");
        sdtor = callFuncsAndGates(this, &sdtors, NULL, "__moddtor");

#if DMDV2
        ssharedctor = callFuncsAndGates(this, &ssharedctors, (StaticDtorDeclarations *)&esharedctorgates, "__modsharedctor");
        sshareddtor = callFuncsAndGates(this, &sshareddtors, NULL, "__modshareddtor");
        stest = callFuncsAndGates(this, &stests, NULL, "__modtest");

        if (doppelganger)

    if (doppelganger)

    if (global.params.multiobj)
    {   /* This is necessary because the main .obj for this module is written
         * first, but determining whether marray or massert or munittest are needed is done
         * possibly later in the doppelganger modules.
         * Another way to fix it is do the main one last.

    /* Always generate module info, because of templates and -cov.
     * But module info needs the runtime library, so disable it for betterC.
    if (!global.params.betterC /*|| needModuleInfo()*/)

    // If module assert
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        Symbol *ma;
        unsigned rt;
        unsigned bc;
        switch (i)
            case 0:     ma = marray;    rt = RTLSYM_DARRAY;     bc = BCexit; break;
            case 1:     ma = massert;   rt = RTLSYM_DASSERTM;   bc = BCexit; break;
            case 2:     ma = munittest; rt = RTLSYM_DUNITTESTM; bc = BCret;  break;
            default:    assert(0);

        if (ma)
            elem *elinnum;

            localgot = NULL;

            // Call dassert(filename, line)
            // Get sole parameter, linnum
                Symbol *sp = symbol_calloc("linnum");
                sp->Stype = type_fake(TYint);
                sp->Sclass = (config.exe == EX_WIN64) ? SCshadowreg : SCfastpar;

                FuncParamRegs fpr(TYjfunc);
                fpr.alloc(sp->Stype, sp->Stype->Tty, &sp->Spreg, &sp->Spreg2);

                sp->Sflags &= ~SFLspill;
                sp->Sfl = (sp->Sclass == SCshadowreg) ? FLpara : FLfast;
                cstate.CSpsymtab = &ma->Sfunc->Flocsym;

                elinnum = el_var(sp);

            elem *efilename = el_ptr(toSymbol());

            elem *e = el_var(rtlsym[rt]);
            e = el_bin(OPcall, TYvoid, e, el_param(elinnum, efilename));

            block *b = block_calloc();
            b->BC = bc;
            b->Belem = e;
            ma->Sfunc->Fstartline.Sfilename = arg;
            ma->Sfunc->Fstartblock = b;
            ma->Sclass = SCglobal;
            ma->Sfl = 0;
            ma->Sflags |= rtlsym[rt]->Sflags & SFLexit;

Exemplo n.º 18
Expression *StructInitializer::fill(Scope *sc, Type *t, NeedInterpret needInterpret)
    //printf("StructInitializer::fill(sc = %p, '%s')\n", sc, toChars());
    assert(t->ty == Tstruct);
    StructDeclaration *sd = ((TypeStruct *)t)->sym;
    if (sd->sizeok != SIZEOKdone)
        return new ErrorExp();
    size_t nfields = sd->fields.dim - sd->isNested();

    Expressions *elements = new Expressions();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++)
        (*elements)[i] = NULL;

    // Run semantic for explicitly given initializers
    bool errors = false;
    for (size_t fieldi = 0, i = 0; i < field.dim; i++)
        if (Identifier *id = field[i])
            Dsymbol *s = sd->search(loc, id, 0);
            if (!s)
                s = sd->search_correct(id);
                if (s)
                    error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s', did you mean '%s %s'?",
                          id->toChars(), sd->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars());
                    error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s'", id->toChars(), sd->toChars());
                return new ErrorExp();
            s = s->toAlias();

            // Find out which field index it is
            for (fieldi = 0; 1; fieldi++)
                if (fieldi >= nfields)
                    error(loc, "%s.%s is not a per-instance initializable field",
                        sd->toChars(), s->toChars());
                    return new ErrorExp();
                if (s == sd->fields[fieldi])
        else if (fieldi >= nfields)
            error(loc, "too many initializers for %s", sd->toChars());
            return new ErrorExp();

        VarDeclaration *vd = sd->fields[fieldi];
        if ((*elements)[fieldi])
            error(loc, "duplicate initializer for field '%s'", vd->toChars());
            errors = true;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < nfields; j++)
            VarDeclaration *v2 = sd->fields[j];
            bool overlap = (vd->offset < v2->offset + v2->type->size() &&
                            v2->offset < vd->offset + vd->type->size());
            if (overlap && (*elements)[j])
                error(loc, "overlapping initialization for field %s and %s",
                    v2->toChars(), vd->toChars());
                errors = true;

        Initializer *iz = value[i];
        iz = iz->semantic(sc, vd->type->addMod(t->mod), needInterpret);
        Expression *ex = iz->toExpression();
        if (ex->op == TOKerror)
            errors = true;
        value[i] = iz;
        (*elements)[fieldi] = ex;
    if (errors)
        return new ErrorExp();

    // Fill in missing any elements with default initializers
    for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++)
        if ((*elements)[i])
        VarDeclaration *vd = sd->fields[i];
        VarDeclaration *vx = vd;
        if (vd->init && vd->init->isVoidInitializer())
            vx = NULL;
        // Find overlapped fields with the hole [vd->offset .. vd->offset->size()].
        size_t fieldi = i;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < nfields; j++)
            if (i == j)
            VarDeclaration *v2 = sd->fields[j];
            if (v2->init && v2->init->isVoidInitializer())

            bool overlap = (vd->offset < v2->offset + v2->type->size() &&
                            v2->offset < vd->offset + vd->type->size());
            if (!overlap)

            if ((*elements)[j])
                vx = NULL;

    #if 1
            /* Prefer first found non-void-initialized field
             * union U { int a; int b = 2; }
             * U u;    // Error: overlapping initialization for field a and b
            if (!vx)
                vx = v2, fieldi = j;
            else if (v2->init)
                error(loc, "overlapping initialization for field %s and %s",
                    v2->toChars(), vd->toChars());
    #else   // fix Bugzilla 1432
            /* Prefer explicitly initialized field
             * union U { int a; int b = 2; }
             * U u;    // OK (u.b == 2)
            if (!vx || !vx->init && v2->init)
                vx = v2, fieldi = j;
            else if (vx->init && v2->init)
                error(loc, "overlapping default initialization for field %s and %s",
                    v2->toChars(), vd->toChars());
                assert(vx->init || !vx->init && !v2->init);
        if (vx)
            if (vx->init)
                if (vx->scope)
                    // Do deferred semantic analysis
                    Initializer *i2 = vx->init->syntaxCopy();
                    i2 = i2->semantic(vx->scope, vx->type, INITinterpret);
                    (*elements)[fieldi] = i2->toExpression();
                    if (!global.gag)
                        vx->scope = NULL;
                        vx->init = i2;  // save result
                    (*elements)[fieldi] = vx->init->toExpression();
                (*elements)[fieldi] = vx->type->defaultInit();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++)
        Expression *e = (*elements)[i];
        if (e && e->op == TOKerror)
            return e;

    Expression *e = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, elements, t);
    if (sc)
        e = e->semantic(sc);
        e->type = sd->type; // from glue layer
    return e;
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: glue.c Projeto: ikd734/dmd
void obj_write_deferred(Library *library)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < obj_symbols_towrite.dim; i++)
    {   Dsymbol *s = obj_symbols_towrite[i];
        Module *m = s->getModule();

        char *mname;
        if (m)
        {   mname = m->srcfile->toChars();
            lastmname = mname;
            //mname = s->ident->toChars();
            mname = lastmname;


        static int count;
        count++;                // sequence for generating names

        /* Create a module that's a doppelganger of m, with just
         * enough to be able to create the moduleinfo.
        OutBuffer idbuf;
        idbuf.printf("%s.%d", m ? m->ident->toChars() : mname, count);
        char *idstr = idbuf.toChars();
        idbuf.data = NULL;
        Identifier *id = new Identifier(idstr, TOKidentifier);

        Module *md = new Module(mname, id, 0, 0);
        md->members = new Dsymbols();
        md->members->push(s);   // its only 'member' is s
        if (m)
            md->doppelganger = 1;       // identify this module as doppelganger
            md->md = m->md;
            md->aimports.push(m);       // it only 'imports' m
            md->massert = m->massert;
            md->munittest = m->munittest;
            md->marray = m->marray;


        /* Set object file name to be source name with sequence number,
         * as mangled symbol names get way too long.
        const char *fname = FileName::removeExt(mname);
        OutBuffer namebuf;
        unsigned hash = 0;
        for (char *p = s->toChars(); *p; p++)
            hash += *p;
        namebuf.printf("%s_%x_%x.%s", fname, count, hash, global.obj_ext);
        FileName::free((char *)fname);
        fname = (char *)namebuf.extractData();

        //printf("writing '%s'\n", fname);
        File *objfile = new File(fname);
        obj_end(library, objfile);
    obj_symbols_towrite.dim = 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: glue.c Projeto: Enamex/dmd
void FuncDeclaration_toObjFile(FuncDeclaration *fd, bool multiobj)
    ClassDeclaration *cd = fd->parent->isClassDeclaration();
    //printf("FuncDeclaration::toObjFile(%p, %s.%s)\n", fd, fd->parent->toChars(), fd->toChars());

    //if (type) printf("type = %s\n", type->toChars());
#if 0
    //printf("line = %d\n", getWhere() / LINEINC);
    EEcontext *ee = env->getEEcontext();
    if (ee->EEcompile == 2)
        if (ee->EElinnum < (getWhere() / LINEINC) ||
            ee->EElinnum > (endwhere / LINEINC)
            return;             // don't compile this function
        ee->EEfunc = toSymbol(this);

    if (fd->semanticRun >= PASSobj) // if toObjFile() already run

    if (fd->type && fd->type->ty == Tfunction && ((TypeFunction *)fd->type)->next == NULL)

    // If errors occurred compiling it, such as bugzilla 6118
    if (fd->type && fd->type->ty == Tfunction && ((TypeFunction *)fd->type)->next->ty == Terror)

    if (fd->semantic3Errors)

    if (global.errors)

    if (!fd->fbody)

    UnitTestDeclaration *ud = fd->isUnitTestDeclaration();
    if (ud && !global.params.useUnitTests)

    if (multiobj && !fd->isStaticDtorDeclaration() && !fd->isStaticCtorDeclaration())

    if (fd->semanticRun == PASSsemanticdone)
        /* What happened is this function failed semantic3() with errors,
         * but the errors were gagged.
         * Try to reproduce those errors, and then fail.
        fd->error("errors compiling the function");
    assert(fd->semanticRun == PASSsemantic3done);
    assert(fd->ident != Id::empty);

    for (FuncDeclaration *fd2 = fd; fd2; )
        if (fd2->inNonRoot())
        if (fd2->isNested())
            fd2 = fd2->toParent2()->isFuncDeclaration();

    if (UnitTestDeclaration *udp = needsDeferredNested(fd))
        /* Can't do unittest's out of order, they are order dependent in that their
         * execution is done in lexical order.
        //printf("%s @[%s]\n\t--> pushed to unittest @[%s]\n",
        //    fd->toPrettyChars(), fd->loc.toChars(), udp->loc.toChars());

    if (fd->isArrayOp && isDruntimeArrayOp(fd->ident))
        // Implementation is in druntime

    // start code generation
    fd->semanticRun = PASSobj;

    if (global.params.verbose)
        fprintf(global.stdmsg, "function  %s\n", fd->toPrettyChars());

    Symbol *s = toSymbol(fd);
    func_t *f = s->Sfunc;

    // tunnel type of "this" to debug info generation
    if (AggregateDeclaration* ad = fd->parent->isAggregateDeclaration())
        ::type* t = Type_toCtype(ad->getType());
        if (cd)
            t = t->Tnext; // skip reference
        f->Fclass = (Classsym *)t;

    /* This is done so that the 'this' pointer on the stack is the same
     * distance away from the function parameters, so that an overriding
     * function can call the nested fdensure or fdrequire of its overridden function
     * and the stack offsets are the same.
    if (fd->isVirtual() && (fd->fensure || fd->frequire))
        f->Fflags3 |= Ffakeeh;

    s->Sclass = SCcomdat;
    s->Sclass = SCglobal;
    for (Dsymbol *p = fd->parent; p; p = p->parent)
        if (p->isTemplateInstance())
            s->Sclass = SCcomdat;

    /* Vector operations should be comdat's
    if (fd->isArrayOp)
        s->Sclass = SCcomdat;

    if (fd->inlinedNestedCallees)
        /* Bugzilla 15333: If fd contains inlined expressions that come from
         * nested function bodies, the enclosing of the functions must be
         * generated first, in order to calculate correct frame pointer offset.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < fd->inlinedNestedCallees->dim; i++)
            FuncDeclaration *f = (*fd->inlinedNestedCallees)[i];
            FuncDeclaration *fp = f->toParent2()->isFuncDeclaration();;
            if (fp && fp->semanticRun < PASSobj)
                toObjFile(fp, multiobj);

    if (fd->isNested())
        //if (!(config.flags3 & CFG3pic))
        //    s->Sclass = SCstatic;
        f->Fflags3 |= Fnested;

        /* The enclosing function must have its code generated first,
         * in order to calculate correct frame pointer offset.
        FuncDeclaration *fdp = fd->toParent2()->isFuncDeclaration();
        if (fdp && fdp->semanticRun < PASSobj)
            toObjFile(fdp, multiobj);
        const char *libname = (global.params.symdebug)
                                ? global.params.debuglibname
                                : global.params.defaultlibname;

        // Pull in RTL startup code (but only once)
        if (fd->isMain() && onlyOneMain(fd->loc))
            objmod->ehsections();   // initialize exception handling sections
            if (global.params.mscoff)
                objmod->ehsections();   // initialize exception handling sections
            else if (config.exe == EX_WIN32)
            s->Sclass = SCglobal;
        else if (strcmp(s->Sident, "main") == 0 && fd->linkage == LINKc)
            if (global.params.mscoff)
            else if (config.exe == EX_WIN32)
                objmod->external_def("__acrtused_con");        // bring in C startup code
                objmod->includelib("snn.lib");          // bring in C runtime library
            s->Sclass = SCglobal;
        else if (fd->isWinMain() && onlyOneMain(fd->loc))
            if (global.params.mscoff)
                objmod->ehsections();   // initialize exception handling sections
            s->Sclass = SCglobal;

        // Pull in RTL startup code
        else if (fd->isDllMain() && onlyOneMain(fd->loc))
            if (global.params.mscoff)
                objmod->ehsections();   // initialize exception handling sections
            s->Sclass = SCglobal;

    symtab_t *symtabsave = cstate.CSpsymtab;
    cstate.CSpsymtab = &f->Flocsym;

    // Find module m for this function
    Module *m = NULL;
    for (Dsymbol *p = fd->parent; p; p = p->parent)
        m = p->isModule();
        if (m)

    IRState irs(m, fd);
    Dsymbols deferToObj;                   // write these to OBJ file later
    irs.deferToObj = &deferToObj;
    void *labels = NULL;
    irs.labels = &labels;

    symbol *shidden = NULL;
    Symbol *sthis = NULL;
    tym_t tyf = tybasic(s->Stype->Tty);
    //printf("linkage = %d, tyf = x%x\n", linkage, tyf);
    int reverse = tyrevfunc(s->Stype->Tty);

    assert(fd->type->ty == Tfunction);
    TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)fd->type;
    RET retmethod = retStyle(tf);
    if (retmethod == RETstack)
        // If function returns a struct, put a pointer to that
        // as the first argument
        ::type *thidden = Type_toCtype(tf->next->pointerTo());
        char hiddenparam[5+4+1];
        static int hiddenparami;    // how many we've generated so far

        shidden = symbol_name(hiddenparam,SCparameter,thidden);
        shidden->Sflags |= SFLtrue | SFLfree;
        if (fd->nrvo_can && fd->nrvo_var && fd->nrvo_var->nestedrefs.dim)
            type_setcv(&shidden->Stype, shidden->Stype->Tty | mTYvolatile);
        irs.shidden = shidden;
        fd->shidden = shidden;
        // Register return style cannot make nrvo.
        // Auto functions keep the nrvo_can flag up to here,
        // so we should eliminate it before entering backend.
        fd->nrvo_can = 0;

    if (fd->vthis)
        sthis = toSymbol(fd->vthis);
        irs.sthis = sthis;
        if (!(f->Fflags3 & Fnested))
            f->Fflags3 |= Fmember;

    // Estimate number of parameters, pi
    size_t pi = (fd->v_arguments != NULL);
    if (fd->parameters)
        pi += fd->parameters->dim;

    // Create a temporary buffer, params[], to hold function parameters
    Symbol *paramsbuf[10];
    Symbol **params = paramsbuf;    // allocate on stack if possible
    if (pi + 2 > 10)                // allow extra 2 for sthis and shidden
        params = (Symbol **)malloc((pi + 2) * sizeof(Symbol *));

    // Get the actual number of parameters, pi, and fill in the params[]
    pi = 0;
    if (fd->v_arguments)
        params[pi] = toSymbol(fd->v_arguments);
        pi += 1;
    if (fd->parameters)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < fd->parameters->dim; i++)
            VarDeclaration *v = (*fd->parameters)[i];
            //printf("param[%d] = %p, %s\n", i, v, v->toChars());
            params[pi + i] = toSymbol(v);
        pi += fd->parameters->dim;

    if (reverse)
        // Reverse params[] entries
        for (size_t i = 0; i < pi/2; i++)
            Symbol *sptmp = params[i];
            params[i] = params[pi - 1 - i];
            params[pi - 1 - i] = sptmp;

    if (shidden)
#if 0
        // shidden becomes last parameter
        params[pi] = shidden;
        // shidden becomes first parameter
        memmove(params + 1, params, pi * sizeof(params[0]));
        params[0] = shidden;

    if (sthis)
#if 0
        // sthis becomes last parameter
        params[pi] = sthis;
        // sthis becomes first parameter
        memmove(params + 1, params, pi * sizeof(params[0]));
        params[0] = sthis;

    if ((global.params.isLinux || global.params.isOSX || global.params.isFreeBSD || global.params.isSolaris) &&
         fd->linkage != LINKd && shidden && sthis)
        /* swap shidden and sthis
        Symbol *sp = params[0];
        params[0] = params[1];
        params[1] = sp;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < pi; i++)
        Symbol *sp = params[i];
        sp->Sclass = SCparameter;
        sp->Sflags &= ~SFLspill;
        sp->Sfl = FLpara;

    // Determine register assignments
    if (pi)
        FuncParamRegs fpr(tyf);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < pi; i++)
            Symbol *sp = params[i];
            if (fpr.alloc(sp->Stype, sp->Stype->Tty, &sp->Spreg, &sp->Spreg2))
                sp->Sclass = (config.exe == EX_WIN64) ? SCshadowreg : SCfastpar;
                sp->Sfl = (sp->Sclass == SCshadowreg) ? FLpara : FLfast;

    // Done with params
    if (params != paramsbuf)
    params = NULL;

    if (fd->fbody)
        localgot = NULL;

        Statement *sbody = fd->fbody;

        Blockx bx;
        bx.startblock = block_calloc();
        bx.curblock = bx.startblock;
        bx.funcsym = s;
        bx.scope_index = -1;
        bx.classdec = cd;
        bx.member = fd;
        bx.module = fd->getModule();
        irs.blx = &bx;

        // Initialize argptr
        if (fd->v_argptr)
            // Declare va_argsave
            if (global.params.is64bit &&
                type *t = type_struct_class("__va_argsave_t", 16, 8 * 6 + 8 * 16 + 8 * 3, NULL, NULL, false, false, true);
                // The backend will pick this up by name
                Symbol *s = symbol_name("__va_argsave", SCauto, t);
                s->Stype->Tty |= mTYvolatile;

            Symbol *s = toSymbol(fd->v_argptr);
            elem *e = el_una(OPva_start, TYnptr, el_ptr(s));
            block_appendexp(irs.blx->curblock, e);

        /* Doing this in semantic3() caused all kinds of problems:
         * 1. couldn't reliably get the final mangling of the function name due to fwd refs
         * 2. impact on function inlining
         * 3. what to do when writing out .di files, or other pretty printing
        if (global.params.trace && !fd->isCMain())
            /* The profiler requires TLS, and TLS may not be set up yet when C main()
             * gets control (i.e. OSX), leading to a crash.
            /* Wrap the entire function body in:
             *   trace_pro("funcname");
             *   try
             *     body;
             *   finally
             *     _c_trace_epi();
            StringExp *se = StringExp::create(Loc(), s->Sident);
            se->type = Type::tstring;
            se->type = se->type->semantic(Loc(), NULL);
            Expressions *exps = Expressions_create();
            FuncDeclaration *fdpro = FuncDeclaration::genCfunc(NULL, Type::tvoid, "trace_pro");
            Expression *ec = VarExp::create(Loc(), fdpro);
            Expression *e = CallExp::create(Loc(), ec, exps);
            e->type = Type::tvoid;
            Statement *sp = ExpStatement::create(fd->loc, e);

            FuncDeclaration *fdepi = FuncDeclaration::genCfunc(NULL, Type::tvoid, "_c_trace_epi");
            ec = VarExp::create(Loc(), fdepi);
            e = CallExp::create(Loc(), ec);
            e->type = Type::tvoid;
            Statement *sf = ExpStatement::create(fd->loc, e);

            Statement *stf;
            if (sbody->blockExit(fd, false) == BEfallthru)
                stf = CompoundStatement::create(Loc(), sbody, sf);
                stf = TryFinallyStatement::create(Loc(), sbody, sf);
            sbody = CompoundStatement::create(Loc(), sp, stf);

        if (fd->interfaceVirtual)
            // Adjust the 'this' pointer instead of using a thunk
            elem *ethis = el_var(irs.sthis);
            elem *e = el_bin(OPminass, TYnptr, ethis, el_long(TYsize_t, fd->interfaceVirtual->offset));
            block_appendexp(irs.blx->curblock, e);

        buildClosure(fd, &irs);

        if (config.ehmethod == EH_WIN32 && fd->isSynchronized() && cd &&
            !fd->isStatic() && !sbody->usesEH() && !global.params.trace)
            /* The "jmonitor" hack uses an optimized exception handling frame
             * which is a little shorter than the more general EH frame.
            s->Sfunc->Fflags3 |= Fjmonitor;

        Statement_toIR(sbody, &irs);
        bx.curblock->BC = BCret;

        f->Fstartblock = bx.startblock;
//      einit = el_combine(einit,bx.init);

        if (fd->isCtorDeclaration())
            for (block *b = f->Fstartblock; b; b = b->Bnext)
                if (b->BC == BCret)
                    b->BC = BCretexp;
                    b->Belem = el_combine(b->Belem, el_var(sthis));

    // If static constructor
    if (fd->isSharedStaticCtorDeclaration())        // must come first because it derives from StaticCtorDeclaration
    else if (fd->isStaticCtorDeclaration())

    // If static destructor
    if (fd->isSharedStaticDtorDeclaration())        // must come first because it derives from StaticDtorDeclaration
        SharedStaticDtorDeclaration *f = fd->isSharedStaticDtorDeclaration();
        if (f->vgate)
            /* Increment destructor's vgate at construction time

    else if (fd->isStaticDtorDeclaration())
        StaticDtorDeclaration *f = fd->isStaticDtorDeclaration();
        if (f->vgate)
            /* Increment destructor's vgate at construction time


    // If unit test
    if (ud)

    if (global.errors)
        // Restore symbol table
        cstate.CSpsymtab = symtabsave;

    // Restore symbol table
    cstate.CSpsymtab = symtabsave;

    if (fd->isExport())
        objmod->export_symbol(s, Para.offset);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < irs.deferToObj->dim; i++)
        Dsymbol *s = (*irs.deferToObj)[i];
        toObjFile(s, false);

    if (ud)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < ud->deferredNested.dim; i++)
            FuncDeclaration *fd = ud->deferredNested[i];
            toObjFile(fd, false);

    // A hack to get a pointer to this function put in the .dtors segment
    if (fd->ident && memcmp(fd->ident->toChars(), "_STD", 4) == 0)
    if (irs.startaddress)
        //printf("Setting start address\n");
Exemplo n.º 21
FuncDeclaration *StructDeclaration::buildOpEquals(Scope *sc)
    Dsymbol *eq = search_function(this, Id::eq);
    if (eq)
        for (size_t i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
            Expression *e =
                i == 0 ? new NullExp(loc, type->constOf())  // dummy rvalue
                       : type->constOf()->defaultInit();    // dummy lvalue
            Expressions *arguments = new Expressions();

            // check identity opEquals exists
            FuncDeclaration *fd = eq->isFuncDeclaration();
            if (fd)
            {   fd = fd->overloadResolve(loc, e, arguments, 1);
                if (fd && !(fd->storage_class & STCdisable))
                    return fd;

            TemplateDeclaration *td = eq->isTemplateDeclaration();
            if (td)
            {   fd = td->deduceFunctionTemplate(sc, loc, NULL, e, arguments, 1);
                if (fd && !(fd->storage_class & STCdisable))
                    return fd;
        return NULL;

    if (!needOpEquals())
        return NULL;

    //printf("StructDeclaration::buildOpEquals() %s\n", toChars());

    Parameters *parameters = new Parameters;
    parameters->push(new Parameter(STCin, type, Id::p, NULL));
    TypeFunction *tf = new TypeFunction(parameters, Type::tbool, 0, LINKd);
    tf->mod = MODconst;
    tf = (TypeFunction *)tf->semantic(loc, sc);

    FuncDeclaration *fop = new FuncDeclaration(loc, 0, Id::eq, STCundefined, tf);

    Expression *e = NULL;
    /* Do memberwise compare
    //printf("\tmemberwise compare\n");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.dim; i++)
        Dsymbol *s = fields.tdata()[i];
        VarDeclaration *v = s->isVarDeclaration();
        assert(v && v->storage_class & STCfield);
        if (v->storage_class & STCref)
            assert(0);                  // what should we do with this?
        // this.v == s.v;
        EqualExp *ec = new EqualExp(TOKequal, loc,
            new DotVarExp(loc, new ThisExp(loc), v, 0),
            new DotVarExp(loc, new IdentifierExp(loc, Id::p), v, 0));
        if (e)
            e = new AndAndExp(loc, e, ec);
            e = ec;
    if (!e)
        e = new IntegerExp(loc, 1, Type::tbool);
    fop->fbody = new ReturnStatement(loc, e);

    fop->addMember(sc, this, 1);

    sc = sc->push();
    sc->stc = 0;
    sc->linkage = LINKd;



    //printf("-StructDeclaration::buildOpEquals() %s\n", toChars());

    return fop;
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: glue.c Projeto: Enamex/dmd
void obj_write_deferred(Library *library)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < obj_symbols_towrite.dim; i++)
        Dsymbol *s = obj_symbols_towrite[i];
        Module *m = s->getModule();

        char *mname;
        if (m)
            mname = (char*)m->srcfile->toChars();
            lastmname = mname;
            //mname = s->ident->toChars();
            mname = lastmname;


        static int count;
        count++;                // sequence for generating names

        /* Create a module that's a doppelganger of m, with just
         * enough to be able to create the moduleinfo.
        OutBuffer idbuf;
        idbuf.printf("%s.%d", m ? m->ident->toChars() : mname, count);
        char *idstr = idbuf.peekString();

        if (!m)
            // it doesn't make sense to make up a module if we don't know where to put the symbol
            //  so output it into it's own object file without ModuleInfo
            objmod->initfile(idstr, NULL, mname);
            toObjFile(s, false);
            idbuf.data = NULL;
            Identifier *id = Identifier::create(idstr);

            Module *md = Module::create(mname, id, 0, 0);
            md->members = Dsymbols_create();
            md->members->push(s);   // its only 'member' is s
            md->doppelganger = 1;       // identify this module as doppelganger
            md->md = m->md;
            md->aimports.push(m);       // it only 'imports' m
            md->massert = m->massert;
            md->munittest = m->munittest;
            md->marray = m->marray;

            genObjFile(md, false);

        /* Set object file name to be source name with sequence number,
         * as mangled symbol names get way too long.
        const char *fname = FileName::removeExt(mname);
        OutBuffer namebuf;
        unsigned hash = 0;
        for (char *p = s->toChars(); *p; p++)
            hash += *p;
        namebuf.printf("%s_%x_%x.%s", fname, count, hash, global.obj_ext);
        FileName::free((char *)fname);
        fname = namebuf.extractString();

        //printf("writing '%s'\n", fname);
        File *objfile = File::create(fname);
        obj_end(library, objfile);
    obj_symbols_towrite.dim = 0;
Exemplo n.º 23
FuncDeclaration *StructDeclaration::buildPostBlit(Scope *sc)
    //printf("StructDeclaration::buildPostBlit() %s\n", toChars());
    Expression *e = NULL;
    StorageClass stc = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.dim; i++)
        Dsymbol *s = fields.tdata()[i];
        VarDeclaration *v = s->isVarDeclaration();
        assert(v && v->storage_class & STCfield);
        if (v->storage_class & STCref)
        Type *tv = v->type->toBasetype();
        dinteger_t dim = (tv->ty == Tsarray ? 1 : 0);
        while (tv->ty == Tsarray)
        {   TypeSArray *ta = (TypeSArray *)tv;
            dim *= ((TypeSArray *)tv)->dim->toInteger();
            tv = tv->nextOf()->toBasetype();
        if (tv->ty == Tstruct)
        {   TypeStruct *ts = (TypeStruct *)tv;
            StructDeclaration *sd = ts->sym;
            if (sd->postblit)
                stc |= sd->postblit->storage_class & STCdisable;

                if (stc & STCdisable)
                    e = NULL;

                // this.v
                Expression *ex = new ThisExp(0);
                ex = new DotVarExp(0, ex, v, 0);

                if (dim == 0)
                {   // this.v.postblit()
                    ex = new DotVarExp(0, ex, sd->postblit, 0);
                    ex = new CallExp(0, ex);
                    // Typeinfo.postblit(cast(void*)&this.v);
                    Expression *ea = new AddrExp(0, ex);
                    ea = new CastExp(0, ea, Type::tvoid->pointerTo());

                    Expression *et = v->type->getTypeInfo(sc);
                    et = new DotIdExp(0, et, Id::postblit);

                    ex = new CallExp(0, et, ea);
                e = Expression::combine(e, ex); // combine in forward order

    /* Build our own "postblit" which executes e
    if (e || (stc & STCdisable))
    {   //printf("Building __fieldPostBlit()\n");
        PostBlitDeclaration *dd = new PostBlitDeclaration(loc, 0, Lexer::idPool("__fieldPostBlit"));
        dd->storage_class |= stc;
        dd->fbody = new ExpStatement(0, e);

    switch (postblits.dim)
        case 0:
            return NULL;

        case 1:
            return postblits.tdata()[0];

            e = NULL;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < postblits.dim; i++)
            {   FuncDeclaration *fd = postblits.tdata()[i];
                stc |= fd->storage_class & STCdisable;
                if (stc & STCdisable)
                    e = NULL;
                Expression *ex = new ThisExp(0);
                ex = new DotVarExp(0, ex, fd, 0);
                ex = new CallExp(0, ex);
                e = Expression::combine(e, ex);
            PostBlitDeclaration *dd = new PostBlitDeclaration(loc, 0, Lexer::idPool("__aggrPostBlit"));
            dd->storage_class |= stc;
            dd->fbody = new ExpStatement(0, e);
            return dd;
Exemplo n.º 24
Arquivo: opover.c Projeto: Nishi/dmd
int ForeachStatement::inferApplyArgTypes(Scope *sc, Dsymbol *&sapply)
    if (!arguments || !arguments->dim)
        return 0;

    if (sapply)     // prefer opApply
        for (size_t u = 0; u < arguments->dim; u++)
        {   Parameter *arg = (*arguments)[u];
            if (arg->type)
                arg->type = arg->type->semantic(loc, sc);
                arg->type = arg->type->addStorageClass(arg->storageClass);

        Expression *ethis;
        Type *tab = aggr->type->toBasetype();
        if (tab->ty == Tclass || tab->ty == Tstruct)
            ethis = aggr;
        {   assert(tab->ty == Tdelegate && aggr->op == TOKdelegate);
            ethis = ((DelegateExp *)aggr)->e1;

        /* Look for like an
         *  int opApply(int delegate(ref Type [, ...]) dg);
         * overload
        FuncDeclaration *fd = sapply->isFuncDeclaration();
        if (fd)
        {   sapply = inferApplyArgTypesX(ethis, fd, arguments);
#if 0
        TemplateDeclaration *td = sapply->isTemplateDeclaration();
        if (td)
        {   inferApplyArgTypesZ(td, arguments);
        return sapply ? 1 : 0;

    /* Return if no arguments need types.
    for (size_t u = 0; u < arguments->dim; u++)
    {   Parameter *arg = (*arguments)[u];
        if (!arg->type)

    AggregateDeclaration *ad;

    Parameter *arg = (*arguments)[0];
    Type *taggr = aggr->type;
    Type *tab = taggr->toBasetype();
    switch (tab->ty)
        case Tarray:
        case Tsarray:
        case Ttuple:
            if (arguments->dim == 2)
                if (!arg->type)
                    arg->type = Type::tsize_t;  // key type
                    arg->type = arg->type->addStorageClass(arg->storageClass);
                arg = (*arguments)[1];
            if (!arg->type && tab->ty != Ttuple)
                arg->type = tab->nextOf();      // value type
                arg->type = arg->type->addStorageClass(arg->storageClass);

        case Taarray:
        {   TypeAArray *taa = (TypeAArray *)tab;

            if (arguments->dim == 2)
                if (!arg->type)
                    arg->type = taa->index;     // key type
                    arg->type = arg->type->addStorageClass(arg->storageClass);
                arg = (*arguments)[1];
            if (!arg->type)
                arg->type = taa->next;          // value type
                arg->type = arg->type->addStorageClass(arg->storageClass);

        case Tclass:
            ad = ((TypeClass *)tab)->sym;
            goto Laggr;

        case Tstruct:
            ad = ((TypeStruct *)tab)->sym;
            goto Laggr;

            if (arguments->dim == 1)
                if (!arg->type)
                    /* Look for a front() or back() overload
                    Identifier *id = (op == TOKforeach) ? Id::Ffront : Id::Fback;
                    Dsymbol *s = ad->search(Loc(), id, 0);
                    FuncDeclaration *fd = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
                    if (fd)
                        // Resolve inout qualifier of front type
                        arg->type = fd->type->nextOf();
                        if (arg->type)
                            arg->type = arg->type->substWildTo(tab->mod);
                            arg->type = arg->type->addStorageClass(arg->storageClass);
                    else if (s && s->isTemplateDeclaration())
                    else if (s && s->isDeclaration())
                        arg->type = ((Declaration *)s)->type;

        case Tdelegate:
            if (!inferApplyArgTypesY((TypeFunction *)tab->nextOf(), arguments))
                return 0;

            break;              // ignore error, caught later
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 25
FuncDeclaration *StructDeclaration::buildOpAssign(Scope *sc)
    if (!needOpAssign())
        return NULL;

    //printf("StructDeclaration::buildOpAssign() %s\n", toChars());

    FuncDeclaration *fop = NULL;

    Parameters *fparams = new Parameters;
    fparams->push(new Parameter(STCnodtor, type, Id::p, NULL));
    Type *ftype = new TypeFunction(fparams, handle, FALSE, LINKd);
    ((TypeFunction *)ftype)->isref = 1;

    fop = new FuncDeclaration(loc, 0, Id::assign, STCundefined, ftype);

    Expression *e = NULL;
    if (postblit)
    {   /* Swap:
         *    tmp = *this; *this = s; tmp.dtor();
        //printf("\tswap copy\n");
        Identifier *idtmp = Lexer::uniqueId("__tmp");
        VarDeclaration *tmp;
        AssignExp *ec = NULL;
        if (dtor)
            tmp = new VarDeclaration(0, type, idtmp, new VoidInitializer(0));
            tmp->noscope = 1;
            tmp->storage_class |= STCctfe;
            e = new DeclarationExp(0, tmp);
            ec = new AssignExp(0,
                new VarExp(0, tmp),
                new ThisExp(0)
                new PtrExp(0, new ThisExp(0))
            ec->op = TOKblit;
            e = Expression::combine(e, ec);
        ec = new AssignExp(0,
                new ThisExp(0),
                new PtrExp(0, new ThisExp(0)),
                new IdentifierExp(0, Id::p));
        ec->op = TOKblit;
        e = Expression::combine(e, ec);
        if (dtor)
            /* Instead of running the destructor on s, run it
             * on tmp. This avoids needing to copy tmp back in to s.
            Expression *ec2 = new DotVarExp(0, new VarExp(0, tmp), dtor, 0);
            ec2 = new CallExp(0, ec2);
            e = Expression::combine(e, ec2);
    {   /* Do memberwise copy
        //printf("\tmemberwise copy\n");
        for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.dim; i++)
            Dsymbol *s = fields.tdata()[i];
            VarDeclaration *v = s->isVarDeclaration();
            assert(v && v->storage_class & STCfield);
            // this.v = s.v;
            AssignExp *ec = new AssignExp(0,
                new DotVarExp(0, new ThisExp(0), v, 0),
                new DotVarExp(0, new IdentifierExp(0, Id::p), v, 0));
            ec->op = TOKblit;
            e = Expression::combine(e, ec);
    Statement *s1 = new ExpStatement(0, e);

    /* Add:
     *   return this;
    e = new ThisExp(0);
    Statement *s2 = new ReturnStatement(0, e);

    fop->fbody = new CompoundStatement(0, s1, s2);

    fop->addMember(sc, this, 1);

    sc = sc->push();
    sc->stc = 0;
    sc->linkage = LINKd;



    //printf("-StructDeclaration::buildOpAssign() %s\n", toChars());

    return fop;
Exemplo n.º 26
Arquivo: opover.c Projeto: Nishi/dmd
Expression *BinExp::op_overload(Scope *sc)
    //printf("BinExp::op_overload() (%s)\n", toChars());

    Identifier *id = opId();
    Identifier *id_r = opId_r();

    Expressions args1;
    Expressions args2;
    int argsset = 0;

    AggregateDeclaration *ad1 = isAggregate(e1->type);
    AggregateDeclaration *ad2 = isAggregate(e2->type);

    if (op == TOKassign && ad1 == ad2)
        StructDeclaration *sd = ad1->isStructDeclaration();
        if (sd && !sd->hasIdentityAssign)
        {   /* This is bitwise struct assignment. */
            return NULL;

    Dsymbol *s = NULL;
    Dsymbol *s_r = NULL;

#if 1 // the old D1 scheme
    if (ad1 && id)
        s = search_function(ad1, id);
    if (ad2 && id_r)
        s_r = search_function(ad2, id_r);

    Objects *tiargs = NULL;
#if DMDV2
    if (op == TOKplusplus || op == TOKminusminus)
    {   // Bug4099 fix
        if (ad1 && search_function(ad1, Id::opUnary))
            return NULL;
    if (!s && !s_r && op != TOKequal && op != TOKnotequal && op != TOKassign &&
        op != TOKplusplus && op != TOKminusminus)
        /* Try the new D2 scheme, opBinary and opBinaryRight
        if (ad1)
            s = search_function(ad1, Id::opBinary);
            if (s && !s->isTemplateDeclaration())
            {   e1->error("%s.opBinary isn't a template", e1->toChars());
                return new ErrorExp();
        if (ad2)
            s_r = search_function(ad2, Id::opBinaryRight);
            if (s_r && !s_r->isTemplateDeclaration())
            {   e2->error("%s.opBinaryRight isn't a template", e2->toChars());
                return new ErrorExp();

        // Set tiargs, the template argument list, which will be the operator string
        if (s || s_r)
            id = Id::opBinary;
            id_r = Id::opBinaryRight;
            tiargs = opToArg(sc, op);

    if (s || s_r)
        /* Try:
         *      a.opfunc(b)
         *      b.opfunc_r(a)
         * and see which is better.

        args1[0] = e1;
        args2[0] = e2;
        argsset = 1;

        Match m;
        memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
        m.last = MATCHnomatch;

        if (s)
            overloadResolveX(&m, s, loc, sc, tiargs, e1, &args2);

        FuncDeclaration *lastf = m.lastf;

        if (s_r)
            overloadResolveX(&m, s_r, loc, sc, tiargs, e2, &args1);

        if (m.count > 1)
            // Error, ambiguous
            error("overloads %s and %s both match argument list for %s",
        else if (m.last == MATCHnomatch)
            m.lastf = m.anyf;
            if (tiargs)
                goto L1;

        Expression *e;
        if (op == TOKplusplus || op == TOKminusminus)
            // Kludge because operator overloading regards e++ and e--
            // as unary, but it's implemented as a binary.
            // Rewrite (e1 ++ e2) as e1.postinc()
            // Rewrite (e1 -- e2) as e1.postdec()
            e = build_overload(loc, sc, e1, NULL, m.lastf ? m.lastf : s);
        else if (lastf && m.lastf == lastf || !s_r && m.last == MATCHnomatch)
            // Rewrite (e1 op e2) as e1.opfunc(e2)
            e = build_overload(loc, sc, e1, e2, m.lastf ? m.lastf : s);
            // Rewrite (e1 op e2) as e2.opfunc_r(e1)
            e = build_overload(loc, sc, e2, e1, m.lastf ? m.lastf : s_r);
        return e;

#if 1 // Retained for D1 compatibility
    if (isCommutative() && !tiargs)
        s = NULL;
        s_r = NULL;
        if (ad1 && id_r)
            s_r = search_function(ad1, id_r);
        if (ad2 && id)
            s = search_function(ad2, id);

        if (s || s_r)
            /* Try:
             *  a.opfunc_r(b)
             *  b.opfunc(a)
             * and see which is better.

            if (!argsset)
            {   args1.setDim(1);
                args1[0] = e1;
                args2[0] = e2;

            Match m;
            memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
            m.last = MATCHnomatch;

            if (s_r)
                overloadResolveX(&m, s_r, loc, sc, tiargs, e1, &args2);

            FuncDeclaration *lastf = m.lastf;

            if (s)
                overloadResolveX(&m, s, loc, sc, tiargs, e2, &args1);

            if (m.count > 1)
                // Error, ambiguous
                error("overloads %s and %s both match argument list for %s",
            else if (m.last == MATCHnomatch)
                m.lastf = m.anyf;

            Expression *e;
            if (lastf && m.lastf == lastf || !s && m.last == MATCHnomatch)
                // Rewrite (e1 op e2) as e1.opfunc_r(e2)
                e = build_overload(loc, sc, e1, e2, m.lastf ? m.lastf : s_r);
                // Rewrite (e1 op e2) as e2.opfunc(e1)
                e = build_overload(loc, sc, e2, e1, m.lastf ? m.lastf : s);

            // When reversing operands of comparison operators,
            // need to reverse the sense of the op
            switch (op)
                case TOKlt:     op = TOKgt;     break;
                case TOKgt:     op = TOKlt;     break;
                case TOKle:     op = TOKge;     break;
                case TOKge:     op = TOKle;     break;

                // Floating point compares
                case TOKule:    op = TOKuge;     break;
                case TOKul:     op = TOKug;      break;
                case TOKuge:    op = TOKule;     break;
                case TOKug:     op = TOKul;      break;

                // These are symmetric
                case TOKunord:
                case TOKlg:
                case TOKleg:
                case TOKue:

            return e;

#if DMDV2
    // Try alias this on first operand
    if (ad1 && ad1->aliasthis &&
        !(op == TOKassign && ad2 && ad1 == ad2))   // See Bugzilla 2943
        /* Rewrite (e1 op e2) as:
         *      (e1.aliasthis op e2)
        if (att1 && this->e1->type == att1)
            return NULL;
        //printf("att bin e1 = %s\n", this->e1->type->toChars());
        Expression *e1 = new DotIdExp(loc, this->e1, ad1->aliasthis->ident);
        BinExp *be = (BinExp *)copy();
        if (!be->att1 && this->e1->type->checkAliasThisRec())
            be->att1 = this->e1->type;
        be->e1 = e1;
        return be->trySemantic(sc);

    // Try alias this on second operand
    if (ad2 && ad2->aliasthis &&
        /* Bugzilla 2943: make sure that when we're copying the struct, we don't
         * just copy the alias this member
        !(op == TOKassign && ad1 && ad1 == ad2))
        /* Rewrite (e1 op e2) as:
         *      (e1 op e2.aliasthis)
        if (att2 && this->e2->type == att2)
            return NULL;
        //printf("att bin e2 = %s\n", this->e2->type->toChars());
        Expression *e2 = new DotIdExp(loc, this->e2, ad2->aliasthis->ident);
        BinExp *be = (BinExp *)copy();
        if (!be->att2 && this->e2->type->checkAliasThisRec())
            be->att2 = this->e2->type;
        be->e2 = e2;
        return be->trySemantic(sc);
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 27
Dsymbol *Dsymbol::searchX(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Identifier *id)
    //printf("Dsymbol::searchX(this=%p,%s, ident='%s')\n", this, toChars(), ident->toChars());
    Dsymbol *s = toAlias();
    Dsymbol *sm;

    switch (id->dyncast())
            sm = s->search(loc, id, 0);

        case DYNCAST_DSYMBOL:
        {   // It's a template instance
            //printf("\ttemplate instance id\n");
            Dsymbol *st = (Dsymbol *)id;
            TemplateInstance *ti = st->isTemplateInstance();
            id = ti->name;
            sm = s->search(loc, id, 0);
            if (!sm)
            {   error("template identifier %s is not a member of %s %s",
                    id->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars());
                return NULL;
            sm = sm->toAlias();
            TemplateDeclaration *td = sm->isTemplateDeclaration();
            if (!td)
                error("%s is not a template, it is a %s", id->toChars(), sm->kind());
                return NULL;
            ti->tempdecl = td;
            if (!ti->semanticRun)
            sm = ti->toAlias();

    return sm;
Exemplo n.º 28
Arquivo: opover.c Projeto: Nishi/dmd
 * Common code for overloading of EqualExp and CmpExp
Expression *BinExp::compare_overload(Scope *sc, Identifier *id)
    //printf("BinExp::compare_overload(id = %s) %s\n", id->toChars(), toChars());

    AggregateDeclaration *ad1 = isAggregate(e1->type);
    AggregateDeclaration *ad2 = isAggregate(e2->type);

    Dsymbol *s = NULL;
    Dsymbol *s_r = NULL;

    if (ad1)
        s = search_function(ad1, id);
    if (ad2)
        s_r = search_function(ad2, id);
        if (s == s_r)
            s_r = NULL;

    Objects *tiargs = NULL;

    if (s || s_r)
        /* Try:
         *      a.opEquals(b)
         *      b.opEquals(a)
         * and see which is better.

        Expressions args1;
        Expressions args2;

        args1[0] = e1;
        args2[0] = e2;

        Match m;
        memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
        m.last = MATCHnomatch;

        if (0 && s && s_r)
            printf("s  : %s\n", s->toPrettyChars());
            printf("s_r: %s\n", s_r->toPrettyChars());

        if (s)
            overloadResolveX(&m, s, loc, sc, tiargs, e1, &args2);

        FuncDeclaration *lastf = m.lastf;
        int count = m.count;

        if (s_r)
            overloadResolveX(&m, s_r, loc, sc, tiargs, e2, &args1);

        if (m.count > 1)
            /* The following if says "not ambiguous" if there's one match
             * from s and one from s_r, in which case we pick s.
             * This doesn't follow the spec, but is a workaround for the case
             * where opEquals was generated from templates and we cannot figure
             * out if both s and s_r came from the same declaration or not.
             * The test case is:
             *   import std.typecons;
             *   void main() {
             *    assert(tuple("has a", 2u) == tuple("has a", 1));
             *   }
            if (!(m.lastf == lastf && m.count == 2 && count == 1))
                // Error, ambiguous
                error("overloads %s and %s both match argument list for %s",
        else if (m.last == MATCHnomatch)
            m.lastf = m.anyf;

        Expression *e;
        if (lastf && m.lastf == lastf || !s_r && m.last == MATCHnomatch)
            // Rewrite (e1 op e2) as e1.opfunc(e2)
            e = build_overload(loc, sc, e1, e2, m.lastf ? m.lastf : s);
        {   // Rewrite (e1 op e2) as e2.opfunc_r(e1)
            e = build_overload(loc, sc, e2, e1, m.lastf ? m.lastf : s_r);

            // When reversing operands of comparison operators,
            // need to reverse the sense of the op
            switch (op)
                case TOKlt:     op = TOKgt;     break;
                case TOKgt:     op = TOKlt;     break;
                case TOKle:     op = TOKge;     break;
                case TOKge:     op = TOKle;     break;

                // Floating point compares
                case TOKule:    op = TOKuge;     break;
                case TOKul:     op = TOKug;      break;
                case TOKuge:    op = TOKule;     break;
                case TOKug:     op = TOKul;      break;

                // The rest are symmetric

        return e;

    // Try alias this on first operand
    if (ad1 && ad1->aliasthis)
        /* Rewrite (e1 op e2) as:
         *      (e1.aliasthis op e2)
        if (att1 && this->e1->type == att1)
            return NULL;
        //printf("att cmp_bin e1 = %s\n", this->e1->type->toChars());
        Expression *e1 = new DotIdExp(loc, this->e1, ad1->aliasthis->ident);
        BinExp *be = (BinExp *)copy();
        if (!be->att1 && this->e1->type->checkAliasThisRec())
            be->att1 = this->e1->type;
        be->e1 = e1;
        return be->trySemantic(sc);

    // Try alias this on second operand
    if (ad2 && ad2->aliasthis)
        /* Rewrite (e1 op e2) as:
         *      (e1 op e2.aliasthis)
        if (att2 && this->e2->type == att2)
            return NULL;
        //printf("att cmp_bin e2 = %s\n", this->e2->type->toChars());
        Expression *e2 = new DotIdExp(loc, this->e2, ad2->aliasthis->ident);
        BinExp *be = (BinExp *)copy();
        if (!be->att2 && this->e2->type->checkAliasThisRec())
            be->att2 = this->e2->type;
        be->e2 = e2;
        return be->trySemantic(sc);

    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 29
Arquivo: traits.c Projeto: nischu7/dmd
Expression *TraitsExp::semantic(Scope *sc)
    printf("TraitsExp::semantic() %s\n", toChars());
    if (ident != Id::compiles && ident != Id::isSame &&
        ident != Id::identifier)
        TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(loc, sc, args, 1);
    size_t dim = args ? args->dim : 0;
    Object *o;
    Declaration *d;
    FuncDeclaration *f;

#define ISTYPE(cond) \
        for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)        \
        {   Type *t = getType((Object *)args->data[i]); \
            if (!t)                             \
                goto Lfalse;                    \
            if (!(cond))                        \
                goto Lfalse;                    \
        }                                       \
        if (!dim)                               \
            goto Lfalse;                        \
        goto Ltrue;

#define ISDSYMBOL(cond) \
        for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)        \
        {   Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol((Object *)args->data[i]);   \
            if (!s)                             \
                goto Lfalse;                    \
            if (!(cond))                        \
                goto Lfalse;                    \
        }                                       \
        if (!dim)                               \
            goto Lfalse;                        \
        goto Ltrue;

    if (ident == Id::isArithmetic)
        ISTYPE(t->isintegral() || t->isfloating())
    else if (ident == Id::isFloating)
    else if (ident == Id::isIntegral)
    else if (ident == Id::isScalar)
    else if (ident == Id::isUnsigned)
    else if (ident == Id::isAssociativeArray)
        ISTYPE(t->toBasetype()->ty == Taarray)
    else if (ident == Id::isStaticArray)
        ISTYPE(t->toBasetype()->ty == Tsarray)
    else if (ident == Id::isAbstractClass)
        ISTYPE(t->toBasetype()->ty == Tclass && ((TypeClass *)t->toBasetype())->sym->isAbstract())
    else if (ident == Id::isFinalClass)
        ISTYPE(t->toBasetype()->ty == Tclass && ((TypeClass *)t->toBasetype())->sym->storage_class & STCfinal)
    else if (ident == Id::isAbstractFunction)
        ISDSYMBOL((f = s->isFuncDeclaration()) != NULL && f->isAbstract())
    else if (ident == Id::isVirtualFunction)
        ISDSYMBOL((f = s->isFuncDeclaration()) != NULL && f->isVirtual())
    else if (ident == Id::isFinalFunction)
        ISDSYMBOL((f = s->isFuncDeclaration()) != NULL && f->isFinal())
#if DMDV2
    else if (ident == Id::isStaticFunction)
        ISDSYMBOL((f = s->isFuncDeclaration()) != NULL && !f->needThis())
    else if (ident == Id::isRef)
        ISDSYMBOL((d = s->isDeclaration()) != NULL && d->isRef())
    else if (ident == Id::isOut)
        ISDSYMBOL((d = s->isDeclaration()) != NULL && d->isOut())
    else if (ident == Id::isLazy)
        ISDSYMBOL((d = s->isDeclaration()) != NULL && d->storage_class & STClazy)
    else if (ident == Id::identifier)
    {   // Get identifier for symbol as a string literal

        // Specify 0 for the flags argument to semanticTiargs() so that
        // a symbol should not be folded to a constant.
        TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(loc, sc, args, 0);

        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        Object *o = (Object *)args->data[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        if (!s || !s->ident)
            error("argument %s has no identifier", o->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;
        StringExp *se = new StringExp(loc, s->ident->toChars());
        return se->semantic(sc);
    else if (ident == Id::parent)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        Object *o = (Object *)args->data[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        if (s)
            s = s->toParent();
        if (!s)
            error("argument %s has no parent", o->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;
        return (new DsymbolExp(loc, s))->semantic(sc);

    else if (ident == Id::hasMember ||
             ident == Id::getMember ||
             ident == Id::getOverloads ||
             ident == Id::getVirtualFunctions)
        if (dim != 2)
            goto Ldimerror;
        Object *o = (Object *)args->data[0];
        Expression *e = isExpression((Object *)args->data[1]);
        if (!e)
        {   error("expression expected as second argument of __traits %s", ident->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;
        e = e->optimize(WANTvalue | WANTinterpret);
        if (e->op != TOKstring)
        {   error("string expected as second argument of __traits %s instead of %s", ident->toChars(), e->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;
        StringExp *se = (StringExp *)e;
        se = se->toUTF8(sc);
        if (se->sz != 1)
        {   error("string must be chars");
            goto Lfalse;
        Identifier *id = Lexer::idPool((char *)se->string);

        Type *t = isType(o);
        e = isExpression(o);
        Dsymbol *s = isDsymbol(o);
        if (t)
            e = typeDotIdExp(loc, t, id);
        else if (e)
            e = new DotIdExp(loc, e, id);
        else if (s)
        {   e = new DsymbolExp(loc, s);
            e = new DotIdExp(loc, e, id);
        {   error("invalid first argument");
            goto Lfalse;

        if (ident == Id::hasMember)
        {   /* Take any errors as meaning it wasn't found
            e = e->trySemantic(sc);
            if (!e)
            {   if (global.gag)
                goto Lfalse;
                goto Ltrue;
        else if (ident == Id::getMember)
            e = e->semantic(sc);
            return e;
        else if (ident == Id::getVirtualFunctions ||
                 ident == Id::getOverloads)
            unsigned errors = global.errors;
            Expression *ex = e;
            e = e->semantic(sc);
            if (errors < global.errors)
                error("%s cannot be resolved", ex->toChars());

            /* Create tuple of functions of e
            Expressions *exps = new Expressions();
            FuncDeclaration *f;
            if (e->op == TOKvar)
            {   VarExp *ve = (VarExp *)e;
                f = ve->var->isFuncDeclaration();
            else if (e->op == TOKdotvar)
            {   DotVarExp *dve = (DotVarExp *)e;
                f = dve->var->isFuncDeclaration();
                f = NULL;
            Ptrait p;
            p.exps = exps;
            p.e1 = e;
            p.ident = ident;
            overloadApply(f, fptraits, &p);

            TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(loc, exps);
            return tup->semantic(sc);
    else if (ident == Id::classInstanceSize)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        Object *o = (Object *)args->data[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        ClassDeclaration *cd;
        if (!s || (cd = s->isClassDeclaration()) == NULL)
            error("first argument is not a class");
            goto Lfalse;
        return new IntegerExp(loc, cd->structsize, Type::tsize_t);
    else if (ident == Id::allMembers || ident == Id::derivedMembers)
        if (dim != 1)
            goto Ldimerror;
        Object *o = (Object *)args->data[0];
        Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o);
        ScopeDsymbol *sd;
        if (!s)
            error("argument has no members");
            goto Lfalse;
        if ((sd = s->isScopeDsymbol()) == NULL)
            error("%s %s has no members", s->kind(), s->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;
        Expressions *exps = new Expressions;
        while (1)
        {   size_t dim = ScopeDsymbol::dim(sd->members);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
                Dsymbol *sm = ScopeDsymbol::getNth(sd->members, i);
                //printf("\t[%i] %s %s\n", i, sm->kind(), sm->toChars());
                if (sm->ident)
                    //printf("\t%s\n", sm->ident->toChars());
                    char *str = sm->ident->toChars();

                    /* Skip if already present in exps[]
                    for (size_t j = 0; j < exps->dim; j++)
                    {   StringExp *se2 = (StringExp *)exps->data[j];
                        if (strcmp(str, (char *)se2->string) == 0)
                            goto Lnext;

                    StringExp *se = new StringExp(loc, str);
            ClassDeclaration *cd = sd->isClassDeclaration();
            if (cd && cd->baseClass && ident == Id::allMembers)
                sd = cd->baseClass;     // do again with base class
#if DMDV1
        Expression *e = new ArrayLiteralExp(loc, exps);
#if DMDV2
        /* Making this a tuple is more flexible, as it can be statically unrolled.
         * To make an array literal, enclose __traits in [ ]:
         *   [ __traits(allMembers, ...) ]
        Expression *e = new TupleExp(loc, exps);
        e = e->semantic(sc);
        return e;
    else if (ident == Id::compiles)
        /* Determine if all the objects - types, expressions, or symbols -
         * compile without error
        if (!dim)
            goto Lfalse;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
        {   Object *o = (Object *)args->data[i];
            Expression *e;

            unsigned errors = global.errors;

            Type *t = isType(o);
            if (t)
            {   Dsymbol *s;
                t->resolve(loc, sc, &e, &t, &s);
                if (t)
                    t->semantic(loc, sc);
                else if (e)
                {   e = e->semantic(sc);
                    e = e->optimize(WANTvalue);
            {   e = isExpression(o);
                if (e)
                {   e = e->semantic(sc);
                    e = e->optimize(WANTvalue);

            if (errors != global.errors)
                global.errors = errors;
                goto Lfalse;
        goto Ltrue;
    else if (ident == Id::isSame)
    {   /* Determine if two symbols are the same
        if (dim != 2)
            goto Ldimerror;
        TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(loc, sc, args, 0);
        Object *o1 = (Object *)args->data[0];
        Object *o2 = (Object *)args->data[1];
        Dsymbol *s1 = getDsymbol(o1);
        Dsymbol *s2 = getDsymbol(o2);

        //printf("isSame: %s, %s\n", o1->toChars(), o2->toChars());
#if 0
        printf("o1: %p\n", o1);
        printf("o2: %p\n", o2);
        if (!s1)
        {   Expression *ea = isExpression(o1);
            if (ea)
                printf("%s\n", ea->toChars());
            Type *ta = isType(o1);
            if (ta)
                printf("%s\n", ta->toChars());
            goto Lfalse;
            printf("%s %s\n", s1->kind(), s1->toChars());
        if (!s1 && !s2)
        {   Expression *ea1 = isExpression(o1);
            Expression *ea2 = isExpression(o2);
            if (ea1 && ea2)
                if (ea1->equals(ea2))
                    goto Ltrue;

        if (!s1 || !s2)
            goto Lfalse;

        s1 = s1->toAlias();
        s2 = s2->toAlias();

        if (s1 == s2)
            goto Ltrue;
            goto Lfalse;
    {   error("unrecognized trait %s", ident->toChars());
        goto Lfalse;

    return NULL;

    error("%s is not a type", o->toChars());
    goto Lfalse;

    error("wrong number of arguments %d", dim);
    goto Lfalse;

    return new IntegerExp(loc, 0, Type::tbool);

    return new IntegerExp(loc, 1, Type::tbool);
Exemplo n.º 30
void Module::importAll(Scope *prevsc)
    //printf("+Module::importAll(this = %p, '%s'): parent = %p\n", this, toChars(), parent);

    if (scope)
        return;                 // already done

    if (isDocFile)
        error("is a Ddoc file, cannot import it");

    /* Note that modules get their own scope, from scratch.
     * This is so regardless of where in the syntax a module
     * gets imported, it is unaffected by context.
     * Ignore prevsc.
    Scope *sc = Scope::createGlobal(this);      // create root scope

    // Add import of "object", even for the "object" module.
    // If it isn't there, some compiler rewrites, like
    //    classinst == classinst -> .object.opEquals(classinst, classinst)
    // would fail inside object.d.
    if (members->dim == 0 || ((*members)[0])->ident != Id::object)
        Import *im = new Import(0, NULL, Id::object, NULL, 0);

    if (!symtab)
        // Add all symbols into module's symbol table
        symtab = new DsymbolTable();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
            Dsymbol *s = members->tdata()[i];
            s->addMember(NULL, sc->scopesym, 1);
    // anything else should be run after addMember, so version/debug symbols are defined

    /* Set scope for the symbols so that if we forward reference
     * a symbol, it can possibly be resolved on the spot.
     * If this works out well, it can be extended to all modules
     * before any semantic() on any of them.
    setScope(sc);               // remember module scope for semantic
    for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
    {   Dsymbol *s = members->tdata()[i];

    for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++)
        Dsymbol *s = members->tdata()[i];

    sc = sc->pop();
    sc->pop();          // 2 pops because Scope::createGlobal() created 2