Exemplo n.º 1
    inline double UpscalerBase<Traits>::computeDelta(const int flow_dir) const
	double side1_pos = 0.0;
	double side2_pos = 0.0;
	double side1_area = 0.0;
	double side2_area = 0.0;
	for (CellIter c = ginterf_.cellbegin(); c != ginterf_.cellend(); ++c) {
	    for (FaceIter f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f) {
		if (f->boundary()) {
		    int canon_bid = bcond_.getCanonicalBoundaryId(f->boundaryId());
		    if ((canon_bid - 1)/2 == flow_dir) {
			double area = f->area();
			double pos_comp = f->centroid()[flow_dir];
			if (canon_bid - 1 == 2*flow_dir) {
			    side1_pos += area*pos_comp;
			    side1_area += area;
			} else {
			    side2_pos += area*pos_comp;
			    side2_area += area;
	// delta is the average length.
	return  side2_pos/side2_area - side1_pos/side1_area;
Exemplo n.º 2
    double UpscalerBase<Traits>::computeAverageVelocity(const FlowSol& flow_solution,
                                                               const int flow_dir,
                                                               const int pdrop_dir) const
	double side1_flux = 0.0;
	double side2_flux = 0.0;
	double side1_area = 0.0;
	double side2_area = 0.0;

	int num_faces = 0;
	int num_bdyfaces = 0;
	int num_side1 = 0;
	int num_side2 = 0;

	for (CellIter c = ginterf_.cellbegin(); c != ginterf_.cellend(); ++c) {
	    for (FaceIter f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f) {
		if (f->boundary()) {
		    int canon_bid = bcond_.getCanonicalBoundaryId(f->boundaryId());
		    if ((canon_bid - 1)/2 == flow_dir) {
			double flux = flow_solution.outflux(f);
			double area = f->area();
			double norm_comp = f->normal()[flow_dir];
			// std::cout << "bid " << f->boundaryId() << "   area " << area << "   n " << norm_comp << std::endl;
			if (canon_bid - 1 == 2*flow_dir) {
			    if (flow_dir == pdrop_dir && flux > 0.0) {
#ifdef VERBOSE
			      std::cerr << "Flow may be in wrong direction at bid: " << f->boundaryId()<<" (canonical: "<<canon_bid
					  << ") Magnitude: " << std::fabs(flux) << std::endl;
				// OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Detected outflow at entry face: " << face);
			    side1_flux += flux*norm_comp;
			    side1_area += area;
			} else {
			    assert(canon_bid - 1 == 2*flow_dir + 1);
			    if (flow_dir == pdrop_dir && flux < 0.0) {
#ifdef VERBOSE
				std::cerr << "Flow may be in wrong direction at bid: " << f->boundaryId()
					  << " Magnitude: " << std::fabs(flux) << std::endl;
				// OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Detected inflow at exit face: " << face);
			    side2_flux += flux*norm_comp;
			    side2_area += area;
// 	std::cout << "Faces: " << num_faces << "   Boundary faces: " << num_bdyfaces
// 		  << "   Side 1 faces: " << num_side1 << "   Side 2 faces: " << num_side2 << std::endl;
	// q is the average velocity.
	return 0.5*(side1_flux/side1_area + side2_flux/side2_area);
void SteadyStateUpscaler<Traits>::computeInOutFlows(std::pair<double, double>& water_inout,
        std::pair<double, double>& oil_inout,
        const FlowSol& flow_solution,
        const std::vector<double>& saturations) const
    typedef typename GridInterface::CellIterator CellIter;
    typedef typename CellIter::FaceIterator FaceIter;

    double side1_flux = 0.0;
    double side2_flux = 0.0;
    double side1_flux_oil = 0.0;
    double side2_flux_oil = 0.0;
    std::map<int, double> frac_flow_by_bid;
    int num_cells = this->ginterf_.numberOfCells();
    std::vector<double> cell_inflows_w(num_cells, 0.0);
    std::vector<double> cell_outflows_w(num_cells, 0.0);

    // Two passes: First pass, deal with outflow, second pass, deal with inflow.
    // This is for the periodic case, so that we are sure all fractional flows have
    // been set in frac_flow_by_bid.
    for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
        for (CellIter c = this->ginterf_.cellbegin(); c != this->ginterf_.cellend(); ++c) {
            for (FaceIter f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f) {
                if (f->boundary()) {
                    double flux = flow_solution.outflux(f);
                    const SatBC& sc = this->bcond_.satCond(f);
                    if (flux < 0.0 && pass == 1) {
                        // This is an inflow face.
                        double frac_flow = 0.0;
                        if (sc.isPeriodic()) {
                            assert(sc.saturationDifference() == 0.0);
                            int partner_bid = this->bcond_.getPeriodicPartner(f->boundaryId());
                            std::map<int, double>::const_iterator it = frac_flow_by_bid.find(partner_bid);
                            if (it == frac_flow_by_bid.end()) {
                                OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Could not find periodic partner fractional flow. Face bid = " << f->boundaryId()
                                          << " and partner bid = " << partner_bid);
                            frac_flow = it->second;
                        } else {
                            frac_flow = this->res_prop_.fractionalFlow(c->index(), sc.saturation());
                        cell_inflows_w[c->index()] += flux*frac_flow;
                        side1_flux += flux*frac_flow;
                        side1_flux_oil += flux*(1.0 - frac_flow);
                    } else if (flux >= 0.0 && pass == 0) {
                        // This is an outflow face.
                        double frac_flow = this->res_prop_.fractionalFlow(c->index(), saturations[c->index()]);
                        if (sc.isPeriodic()) {
                            frac_flow_by_bid[f->boundaryId()] = frac_flow;
//                                 std::cout << "Inserted bid " << f->boundaryId() << std::endl;
                        cell_outflows_w[c->index()] += flux*frac_flow;
                        side2_flux += flux*frac_flow;
                        side2_flux_oil += flux*(1.0 - frac_flow);
    water_inout = std::make_pair(side1_flux, side2_flux);
    oil_inout = std::make_pair(side1_flux_oil, side2_flux_oil);