Exemplo n.º 1
void FBXSceneEncoder::loadMaterialTextures(FbxSurfaceMaterial* fbxMaterial, Material* material)
    FbxProperty fbxProperty;
    int textureIndex;
        fbxProperty = fbxMaterial->FindProperty(FbxLayerElement::sTextureChannelNames[textureIndex]);
        //FindAndDisplayTextureInfoByProperty(fbxProperty, lDisplayHeader, lMaterialIndex);
        if ( fbxProperty.IsValid() )
            int textureCount = fbxProperty.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>();
            for (int j = 0; j < textureCount; ++j)
                FbxLayeredTexture *layeredTexture = fbxProperty.GetSrcObject<FbxLayeredTexture>(j);
                if (layeredTexture)
                    //DisplayInt("    Layered Texture: ", j);
                    FbxLayeredTexture *layeredTexture = fbxProperty.GetSrcObject<FbxLayeredTexture>(j);
                    int lNbTextures = layeredTexture->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>();
                    for (int k = 0; k<lNbTextures; ++k)
                        FbxTexture* fbxTexture = layeredTexture->GetSrcObject<FbxTexture>(k);
                        if (fbxTexture)
                            if (pDisplayHeader){
                                DisplayInt("    Textures connected to Material ", pMaterialIndex);
                                pDisplayHeader = false;

                            //NOTE the blend mode is ALWAYS on the LayeredTexture and NOT the one on the texture.
                            //Why is that?  because one texture can be shared on different layered textures and might
                            //have different blend modes.

                            FbxLayeredTexture::EBlendMode lBlendMode;
                            layeredTexture->GetTextureBlendMode(k, lBlendMode);
                            //DisplayString("    Textures for ", pProperty.GetName());
                            //DisplayInt("        Texture ", k);
                            //DisplayTextureInfo(fbxTexture, (int) lBlendMode);

                else if (FbxTexture* fbxTexture = fbxProperty.GetSrcObject<FbxTexture>(j))
                    //no layered texture simply get on the property
                    if (FbxFileTexture* fileTexture = FbxCast<FbxFileTexture>(fbxTexture))
                        loadMaterialFileTexture(fileTexture, material);
std::vector<std::string>* findAndGetTextureInfoByProperty(FbxProperty fbxTextureProperty, int midx) {
	std::vector<std::string>* textureFileNames = new std::vector<std::string>();

	if( fbxTextureProperty.IsValid() )
		int numTextures = fbxTextureProperty.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>();

		for (int j = 0; j < numTextures; ++j) {

			// Here we have to check if it's layeredtextures, or just textures:
			FbxLayeredTexture *fbxLayeredTexture = fbxTextureProperty.GetSrcObject<FbxLayeredTexture>(j);
			if (fbxLayeredTexture) {

				int numLayeredTextures = fbxLayeredTexture->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>();
				for (int k = 0; k < numLayeredTextures; ++k) {

					FbxTexture* fbxTexture = fbxLayeredTexture->GetSrcObject<FbxTexture>(k);
					if (fbxTexture) {

						// NOTE the blend mode is ALWAYS on the LayeredTexture and NOT the one on the texture.
						// Why is that?  because one texture can be shared on different layered textures and might
						// have different blend modes.

						FbxLayeredTexture::EBlendMode lBlendMode;
						fbxLayeredTexture->GetTextureBlendMode(k, lBlendMode);
						std::string textureFileName = getTextureFileName(fbxTexture);
			else {
				// No layered texture simply get on the property
				FbxTexture* fbxTexture = fbxTextureProperty.GetSrcObject<FbxTexture>(j);
				if (fbxTexture) {
					// Display connected Material header only at the first time

					std::string textureFileName = getTextureFileName(fbxTexture);

	return textureFileNames;
Exemplo n.º 3
void transferTextureByProperty(FbxProperty fbxProperty, int matId, Material* modelMaterial){
    if (fbxProperty.IsValid()){
        int textureCount = fbxProperty.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>();

        for (int texId = 0; texId < textureCount; texId++){
            FbxLayeredTexture* layeredTexture = fbxProperty.GetSrcObject<FbxLayeredTexture>(texId);
            if (layeredTexture){
                int numTexture = layeredTexture->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>();
                for (int k = 0; k < numTexture; k++){
                    FbxTexture* texture = layeredTexture->GetSrcObject<FbxTexture>(k);
                    if (texture){
                        LOG_DEBUG << "   Textures connected to material " << matId;

                        Texture* modelTexture = new Texture();
                        FbxLayeredTexture::EBlendMode blendMode;
                        layeredTexture->GetTextureBlendMode(k, blendMode);
                        transferTextureInfo(texture, (int)blendMode, modelTexture);
                // There is no layered texture
                FbxTexture* texture = fbxProperty.GetSrcObject<FbxTexture>(texId);
                if (texture){
                    LOG_DEBUG << "   Textures connected to material " << matId;

                    Texture* modelTexture = new Texture();
                    transferTextureInfo(texture, -1, modelTexture);
void UnFbx::FFbxImporter::ImportTexturesFromNode(FbxNode* Node)
	FbxProperty Property;
	int32 NbMat = Node->GetMaterialCount();

	// visit all materials
	int32 MaterialIndex;
	for (MaterialIndex = 0; MaterialIndex < NbMat; MaterialIndex++)
		FbxSurfaceMaterial *Material = Node->GetMaterial(MaterialIndex);

		//go through all the possible textures
			int32 TextureIndex;
				Property = Material->FindProperty(FbxLayerElement::sTextureChannelNames[TextureIndex]);

				if( Property.IsValid() )
					FbxTexture * lTexture= NULL;

					//Here we have to check if it's layered textures, or just textures:
					int32 LayeredTextureCount = Property.GetSrcObjectCount(FbxLayeredTexture::ClassId);
					FbxString PropertyName = Property.GetName();
					if(LayeredTextureCount > 0)
						for(int32 LayerIndex=0; LayerIndex<LayeredTextureCount; ++LayerIndex)
							FbxLayeredTexture *lLayeredTexture = FbxCast <FbxLayeredTexture>(Property.GetSrcObject(FbxLayeredTexture::ClassId, LayerIndex));
							int32 NbTextures = lLayeredTexture->GetSrcObjectCount(FbxTexture::ClassId);
							for(int32 TexIndex =0; TexIndex<NbTextures; ++TexIndex)
								FbxFileTexture* Texture = FbxCast <FbxFileTexture> (lLayeredTexture->GetSrcObject(FbxFileTexture::ClassId,TexIndex));
									ImportTexture(Texture, PropertyName == FbxSurfaceMaterial::sNormalMap || PropertyName == FbxSurfaceMaterial::sBump);
						//no layered texture simply get on the property
						int32 NbTextures = Property.GetSrcObjectCount(FbxTexture::ClassId);
						for(int32 TexIndex =0; TexIndex<NbTextures; ++TexIndex)

							FbxFileTexture* Texture = FbxCast <FbxFileTexture> (Property.GetSrcObject(FbxFileTexture::ClassId,TexIndex));
								ImportTexture(Texture, PropertyName == FbxSurfaceMaterial::sNormalMap || PropertyName == FbxSurfaceMaterial::sBump);

		}//end if(Material)

	}// end for MaterialIndex
Exemplo n.º 5
void Tools::DisplayMaterial::DisplayMaterial( FbxGeometry *i_geometry )
	DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "\n\n--------------------\nMaterial\n--------------------" );
	int materialCount = 0;
	FbxNode *node = NULL;

	if( i_geometry )
		node = i_geometry->GetNode();
		if( node )
			materialCount = node->GetMaterialCount();

	if( materialCount > 0 )
		FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> double3;
		FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> double1;
		FbxColor theColor;

		for( int ctr = 0; ctr < materialCount; ctr++ )
			DisplayCommon::DisplayInt( "        Material ", ctr );

			FbxSurfaceMaterial *material = node->GetMaterial( ctr );

			DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "            Name: \"", (char *) material->GetName(), "\"" ); 

			//Get the implementation to see if it's a hardware shader.
			// Note:: this cause memory leak
			const FbxImplementation* implementation = GetImplementation( material, FBXSDK_IMPLEMENTATION_HLSL );
			FbxString implementationType = "HLSL";
			if( !implementation )
				implementation = GetImplementation( material, FBXSDK_IMPLEMENTATION_CGFX );
				implementationType = "CGFX";

			if( implementation )
				//Now we have a hardware shader, let's read it
				FBXSDK_printf( "            Hardware Shader Type: %s\n", implemenationType.Buffer() );
				DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "            Hardware Shader Type: ", implemenationType );

				const FbxBindingTable* rootTable = implementation->GetRootTable();
				FbxString fileName = rootTable->DescAbsoluteURL.Get();
				FbxString techniqueName = rootTable->DescTAG.Get(); 

				const FbxBindingTable* table = implementation->GetRootTable();
				size_t entryNum = table->GetEntryCount();

				for( int i = 0; i < (int)entryNum; i++ )
					const FbxBindingTableEntry& entry = table->GetEntry( i );
					const char *entrySrcType = entry.GetEntryType( true ); 
					FbxProperty fbxProp;

					FbxString test = entry.GetSource();
					FBXSDK_printf( "            Entry: %s\n", test.Buffer() );
					DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "            Entry: %s\n", test );

					if ( strcmp( FbxPropertyEntryView::sEntryType, entrySrcType ) == 0 )
						fbxProp = material->FindPropertyHierarchical(entry.GetSource()); 
						if( !fbxProp.IsValid() )
							fbxProp = material->RootProperty.FindHierarchical( entry.GetSource() );
					else if( strcmp( FbxConstantEntryView::sEntryType, entrySrcType ) == 0 )
						fbxProp = implementation->GetConstants().FindHierarchical( entry.GetSource() );
					if( fbxProp.IsValid() )
						if( fbxProp.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>() > 0 )
							//do what you want with the textures
							for( int j = 0; j < fbxProp.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxFileTexture>(); j++ )
								FbxFileTexture *tex = fbxProp.GetSrcObject<FbxFileTexture>( j );
								FBXSDK_printf( "           File Texture: %s\n", tex->GetFileName() );
								DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "           File Texture: %s\n", tex->GetFileName() );
							for( int j = 0; j < fbxProp.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxLayeredTexture>(); j++ )
								FbxLayeredTexture *tex = fbxProp.GetSrcObject<FbxLayeredTexture>( j );
								FBXSDK_printf( "        Layered Texture: %s\n", tex->GetName() );
								DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "        Layered Texture: %s\n", tex->GetName() );
							for( int j = 0; j < fbxProp.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxProceduralTexture>(); j++ )
								FbxProceduralTexture *tex = fbxProp.GetSrcObject<FbxProceduralTexture>( j );
								FBXSDK_printf( "     Procedural Texture: %s\n", tex->GetName() );
								DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "     Procedural Texture: %s\n", tex->GetName() );
							FbxDataType fbxType = fbxProp.GetPropertyDataType();
							FbxString fbxName = fbxType.GetName();
							if( FbxBoolDT == fbxType )
								DisplayCommon::DisplayBool( "                Bool: ", fbxProp.Get<FbxBool>() );
							else if( FbxIntDT == fbxType ||  FbxEnumDT  == fbxType )
								DisplayCommon::DisplayInt( "                Int: ", fbxProp.Get<FbxInt>() );
							else if( FbxFloatDT == fbxType )
								DisplayCommon::DisplayDouble( "                Float: ", fbxProp.Get<FbxFloat>() );
							else if( FbxDoubleDT == fbxType )
								DisplayCommon::DisplayDouble( "                Double: ", fbxProp.Get<FbxDouble>() );
							else if( FbxStringDT == fbxType || FbxUrlDT  == fbxType || FbxXRefUrlDT  == fbxType )
								DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "                String: ", fbxProp.Get<FbxString>().Buffer() );
							else if( FbxDouble2DT == fbxType )
								FbxDouble2 double2 = fbxProp.Get<FbxDouble2>();
								FbxVector2 vector;
								vector[0] = double2[0];
								vector[1] = double2[1];
								DisplayCommon::Display2DVector( "                2D vector: ", vector );
							else if( (FbxDouble3DT == fbxType) || (FbxColor3DT == fbxType) )
								FbxDouble3 double3 = fbxProp.Get<FbxDouble3>();
								FbxVector4 vector;
								vector[0] = double3[0];
								vector[1] = double3[1];
								vector[2] = double3[2];
								DisplayCommon::Display3DVector( "                3D vector: ", vector );
							else if( (FbxDouble4DT == fbxType) || (FbxColor4DT == fbxType) )
								FbxDouble4 double4 = fbxProp.Get<FbxDouble4>();
								FbxVector4 vector;
								vector[0] = double4[0];
								vector[1] = double4[1];
								vector[2] = double4[2];
								vector[3] = double4[3];
								DisplayCommon::Display4DVector( "                4D vector: ", vector );
							else if( FbxDouble4x4DT == fbxType )
								FbxDouble4x4 double44 = fbxProp.Get<FbxDouble4x4>();
								for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
									FbxVector4 vector;
									vector[0] = double44[j][0];
									vector[1] = double44[j][1];
									vector[2] = double44[j][2];
									vector[3] = double44[j][3];
									DisplayCommon::Display4DVector( "                4x4D vector: ", vector );
			if( material->GetClassId().Is(FbxSurfacePhong::ClassId) )
				// We found a Phong material.  Display its properties.

				// Display the Ambient Color
				double3 = ((FbxSurfacePhong *) material)->Ambient;
				theColor.Set( double3.Get()[0], double3.Get()[1], double3.Get()[2] );
				DisplayCommon::DisplayColor( "            Ambient: ", theColor );

				// Display the Diffuse Color
				double3 = ((FbxSurfacePhong *) material)->Diffuse;
				theColor.Set( double3.Get()[0], double3.Get()[1], double3.Get()[2] );
				DisplayCommon::DisplayColor( "            Diffuse: ", theColor );

				// Display the Specular Color (unique to Phong materials)
				double3 = ((FbxSurfacePhong *) material)->Specular;
				theColor.Set( double3.Get()[0], double3.Get()[1], double3.Get()[2] );
				DisplayCommon::DisplayColor( "            Specular: ", theColor );

				// Display the Emissive Color
				double3 = ((FbxSurfacePhong *) material)->Emissive;
				theColor.Set( double3.Get()[0], double3.Get()[1], double3.Get()[2] );
				DisplayCommon::DisplayColor( "            Emissive: ", theColor );

				//Opacity is Transparency factor now
				double1 = ((FbxSurfacePhong *) material)->TransparencyFactor;
				DisplayCommon::DisplayDouble( "            Opacity: ", 1.0-double1.Get() );

				// Display the Shininess
				double1 = ((FbxSurfacePhong *) material)->Shininess;
				DisplayCommon::DisplayDouble( "            Shininess: ", double1.Get() );

				// Display the Reflectivity
				double1 = ((FbxSurfacePhong *) material)->ReflectionFactor;
				DisplayCommon::DisplayDouble( "            Reflectivity: ", double1.Get() );
			else if( material->GetClassId().Is(FbxSurfaceLambert::ClassId) )
				// We found a Lambert material. Display its properties.
				// Display the Ambient Color
				double3 = ((FbxSurfaceLambert *)material)->Ambient;
				theColor.Set( double3.Get()[0], double3.Get()[1], double3.Get()[2] );
				DisplayCommon::DisplayColor( "            Ambient: ", theColor );

				// Display the Diffuse Color
				double3 = ((FbxSurfaceLambert *)material)->Diffuse;
				theColor.Set( double3.Get()[0], double3.Get()[1], double3.Get()[2] );
				DisplayCommon::DisplayColor( "            Diffuse: ", theColor );

				// Display the Emissive
				double3 = ((FbxSurfaceLambert *)material)->Emissive;
				theColor.Set( double3.Get()[0], double3.Get()[1], double3.Get()[2] );
				DisplayCommon::DisplayColor( "            Emissive: ", theColor );

				// Display the Opacity
				double1 = ((FbxSurfaceLambert *)material)->TransparencyFactor;
				DisplayCommon::DisplayDouble( "            Opacity: ", 1.0-double1.Get() );
				DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "Unknown type of Material" );

			FbxPropertyT<FbxString> string;
			string = material->ShadingModel;
			DisplayCommon::DisplayString( "            Shading Model: ", string.Get() );