void TransformerSPRINGEMBEDDER::SpringEmbed(Graph& G, vector<float> dimension_limits, IntermediateStepHandler* intermediatestephandler)
            vector<VectorND> tractions;
            int dimensions = dimension_limits.size();

            unstressed_spring_length = dimension_limits[0];
            for(int i = 1; i < dimensions; i++)
                unstressed_spring_length *= dimension_limits[i];
            unstressed_spring_length /= G.NumberOfVertices();
            unstressed_spring_length = pow(unstressed_spring_length, 1.0f/dimensions) / (dimensions * 2);

            // init
            srand ( time(NULL) );
            for(VertexIterator a = G.BeginVertices(); a != G.EndVertices(); a++)
                Coordinates coordinates;
                for(int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
                    coordinates.push_back(fmod(rand(), dimension_limits[i]));

                // should make sure that no two vertices have the same position

            float max_movement;
            iteration = 0;
                // compute movement
                max_movement = 0;
                int i = 0;
                for(VertexIterator a = G.BeginVertices(); a != G.EndVertices(); a++, i++)

                    VectorND traction = tractions[i] * friction;

                    // compute forces on a by the other vertices
                    VectorND aCoordinates((*a)->GetCoordinates(0));
                    for(VertexIterator b = G.BeginVertices(); b != G.EndVertices(); b++)

                        // force on a by vertex b
                        VectorND bCoordinates((*b)->GetCoordinates(0));
                        traction += coulomb(aCoordinates, bCoordinates);
                            traction += hooke(aCoordinates, bCoordinates);

                    tractions[i] = traction;

                // execute movement
                VertexIterator a = G.BeginVertices();
                for(int i = 0; a != G.EndVertices(); a++, i++)
                    Coordinates OldCoordinates = (*a)->GetCoordinates(0);
                    Coordinates NewCoordinates(dimensions);
                    for(int j = 0; j < dimensions; j++)
                        NewCoordinates[j] = max(0.0f,min(dimension_limits[j],   OldCoordinates[j] + delta * tractions[i][j]   ));
                    (*a)->SetCoordinates( NewCoordinates );

                    // for the loop-condition
                    float current_movement = 0.0f;
                    for(int j = 0; j < dimensions; j++)
                        current_movement += (OldCoordinates[j] - NewCoordinates[j]) * (OldCoordinates[j] - NewCoordinates[j]);
                    if(sqrt(current_movement) > max_movement)
                        max_movement = sqrt(current_movement);

                if(intermediatestephandler != NULL)

                if(++iteration > nextincrease)
                    movement_threshold += 0.01f;
                    nextincrease *= 4;
                if(iteration > max_iterations)

            while(max_movement > movement_threshold*unstressed_spring_length);

Exemplo n.º 2
        void ExportFilterRGML::Export(Graph& G, ostream& os, VertexColoring& vertexcoloring,
                                      EdgeColoring& edgecoloring, float dpi, float edgewidth, float vertexradius)
            StringTranslatorXML Translator;

            os << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
            os << "<!-- www.Open-Graphtheory.org -->\n\n";

            os << "<rdf:RDF\n"
               << "  xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\"\n"
               << "  xmlns=\"http://purl.org/puninj/2001/05/rgml-schema#\"\n"
               << "  xmlns:rgml=\"http://purl.org/puninj/2001/05/rgml-schema#\"\n"
               << ">\n\n";

            os << "  <Graph rdf:ID=\"graph\" rgml:directed=\"false\">\n";

            /// declare vertices
            os << "    <nodes>\n";
            os << "      <rdf:Bag>\n";
            for(VertexIterator v = G.BeginVertices(); v != G.EndVertices(); v++)
                os << "        <rdf:li rdf:resource=\"#n" << (*v)->GetID() << "\"/>\n";
            os << "      </rdf:Bag>\n";
            os << "    </nodes>\n\n";

            /// declare edges and arcs
            os << "    <edges>\n";
            os << "      <rdf:Bag>\n";
            for(EdgeIterator e = G.BeginEdges(); e != G.EndEdges(); e++)
                os << "        <rdf:li rdf:resource=\"#e" << (*e)->GetID() << "\"/>\n";
            os << "      </rdf:Bag>\n";
            os << "    </edges>\n";

            os << "  </Graph>\n\n";

            /// write vertices
            for(VertexIterator v = G.BeginVertices(); v != G.EndVertices(); v++)
                os << "  <Node rdf:ID=\"n" << (*v)->GetID() << "\" rgml:label=\"" << Translator.Translate((*v)->GetLabel()) << "\"/>\n";

            /// write edges
            for(EdgeIterator ei = G.BeginEdges(); ei != G.EndEdges(); ei++)
                Edge* e = *ei;
                os << "\n  <Edge rdf:ID=\"e" << e->GetID() << "\" directed=\"" << (e->IsEdge()?"false":"true") << "\""
                   << " rgml:label=\"" << Translator.Translate(e->GetLabel()) << "\">\n";
                os << "    <source rdf:resource=\"#n" << e->From()->GetID() << "\"/>\n";
                os << "    <target rdf:resource=\"#n" << e->To()->GetID() << "\"/>\n";
                os << "  </Edge>\n";

            /// write hyperedges
            for(EdgeIterator ei = G.BeginEdges(); ei != G.EndEdges(); ei++)
                Edge *e = *ei;
                os << "\n  <Edge rdf:ID=\"e" << e->GetID() << "\""
                   << " rgml:label=\"" << Translator.Translate(e->GetLabel()) << "\">\n";
                os << "    <nodes>\n";
                os << "      <rdf:Seq>\n";
                for(VertexEdgeConnectionIterator conn = e->BeginConnections(); conn != e->EndConnections(); conn++)
                    os << "        <rdf:li rdf:resource=\"#n" << (*conn)->GetVertex()->GetID() << "\"/>\n";
                os << "      </rdf:Seq>\n";
                os << "    </nodes>\n";
                os << "  </Edge>\n";

            os << "\n</rdf:RDF>\n";