Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  choice::MpiArgs args( argc, argv );
  choice::Args args( argc, argv );
  int commRank = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getRank();
  int numProcs = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getNProc();

  // Required arguments
  double epsilon = args.Input<double>("--epsilon", "diffusion parameter");
  int numRefs = args.Input<int>("--numRefs", "number of refinement steps");
  bool enforceLocalConservation = args.Input<bool>("--conserve", "enforce local conservation");
  int norm = args.Input<int>("--norm", "0 = graph\n    1 = robust\n    2 = modified robust");

  // Optional arguments (have defaults)
  bool zeroL2 = args.Input("--zeroL2", "take L2 term on v in robust norm to zero", false);

  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactory varFactory;
  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("\\tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory.fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n u - \\sigma_{n}}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma = varFactory.fieldVar("sigma", VECTOR_L2);

  vector<double> beta;

  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////
  BFPtr bf = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  bf->addTerm(sigma / epsilon, tau);
  bf->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  bf->addTerm(-uhat, tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  bf->addTerm( sigma, v->grad() );
  bf->addTerm( beta * u, - v->grad() );
  bf->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  ////////////////////   DEFINE INNER PRODUCT(S)   ///////////////////////
  IPPtr ip = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  if (norm == 0)
    ip = bf->graphNorm();
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling );
    ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );
  // Robust norm
  else if (norm == 1)
    // robust test norm
    FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) );
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling );
    if (!zeroL2)
      ip->addTerm( v );
    ip->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
    // Weight these two terms for inflow
    ip->addTerm( beta * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( tau->div() );
    ip->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
    if (zeroL2)
      ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );
  // Modified robust norm
  else if (norm == 2)
    // robust test norm
    FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) );
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling );
    // FunctionPtr ip_weight = Teuchos::rcp( new IPWeight() );
    if (!zeroL2)
      ip->addTerm( v );
    ip->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( beta * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( tau->div() - beta*v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
    if (zeroL2)
      ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );

  // // robust test norm
  // IPPtr robIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  // FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) );
  // if (!enforceLocalConservation)
  //   robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling * v );
  // robIP->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
  // // Weight these two terms for inflow
  // FunctionPtr ip_weight = Teuchos::rcp( new IPWeight() );
  // robIP->addTerm( ip_weight * beta * v->grad() );
  // robIP->addTerm( ip_weight * tau->div() );
  // robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
  // if (enforceLocalConservation)
  //   robIP->addZeroMeanTerm( v );

  ////////////////////   SPECIFY RHS   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  FunctionPtr f = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  rhs->addTerm( f * v ); // obviously, with f = 0 adding this term is not necessary!

  ////////////////////   CREATE BCs   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> bc = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  Teuchos::RCP<PenaltyConstraints> pc = Teuchos::rcp( new PenaltyConstraints );

  FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  FunctionPtr one = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(1.0) );
  FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );

  SpatialFilterPtr lBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new LeftBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr tbBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new TopBottomBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr rBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new RightBoundary );
  // SpatialFilterPtr leftCircleBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new LeftCircleBoundary );
  // SpatialFilterPtr rightCircleBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new RightCircleBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr circleBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new CircleBoundary );

  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, lBoundary, zero);
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, tbBoundary, zero);
  pc->addConstraint(beta*uhat->times_normal() - beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero, rBoundary);
  // bc->addDirichlet(uhat, leftCircleBoundary, one);
  // bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, rightCircleBoundary, beta*n*one);
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, circleBoundary, one);

  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  // define nodes for mesh
  int H1Order = 3, pToAdd = 2;
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh;
  mesh = MeshFactory::shiftedHemkerMesh(-3, 9, 6, 1, bf, H1Order, pToAdd);
  // mesh = BuildHemkerMesh(bf, nseg, circleMesh, triangulateMesh, H1Order, pToAdd);

  ////////////////////   SOLVE & REFINE   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(mesh, bc, rhs, ip) );

  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
    solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero);

  double energyThreshold = 0.25; // for mesh refinements
  RefinementStrategy refinementStrategy( solution, energyThreshold );
  Teuchos::RCP<RefinementHistory> refHistory = Teuchos::rcp( new RefinementHistory );
#ifdef saveVTK
  VTKExporter exporter(solution, mesh, varFactory);
  ofstream errOut;
  if (commRank == 0)

  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<=numRefs; refIndex++)

    double energy_error = solution->energyErrorTotal();
    if (commRank==0)
      stringstream outfile;
      outfile << "hemker_" << refIndex;
#ifdef saveVTK

      // Check local conservation
      FunctionPtr flux = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n) );
      FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
      Teuchos::Tuple<double, 3> fluxImbalances = checkConservation(flux, zero, varFactory, mesh);
      cout << "Mass flux: Largest Local = " << fluxImbalances[0]
           << ", Global = " << fluxImbalances[1] << ", Sum Abs = " << fluxImbalances[2] << endl;

      errOut << mesh->numGlobalDofs() << " " << energy_error << " "
             << fluxImbalances[0] << " " << fluxImbalances[1] << " " << fluxImbalances[2] << endl;

    if (refIndex < numRefs)
      refinementStrategy.refine(commRank==0); // print to console on commRank 0
  if (commRank == 0)

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // Process command line arguments
  if (argc > 1)
    numRefs = atof(argv[1]);
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  int rank=mpiSession.getRank();
  int numProcs=mpiSession.getNProc();
  int rank = 0;
  int numProcs = 1;

  FunctionPtr beta = Teuchos::rcp(new Beta());

  // test variables
  VarFactory varFactory; 
  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("\\tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory.fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n u - \\sigma_{n}}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma1 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_1");
  VarPtr sigma2 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_2");


  BFPtr confusionBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );

  FieldContainer<double> meshBoundary(4,2);

  meshBoundary(0,0) =  0.0; // x1
  meshBoundary(0,1) = -2.0; // y1
  meshBoundary(1,0) =  4.0;
  meshBoundary(1,1) = -2.0;
  meshBoundary(2,0) =  4.0;
  meshBoundary(2,1) =  2.0;
  meshBoundary(3,0) =  0.0;
  meshBoundary(3,1) =  2.0;

  int horizontalCells = 4, verticalCells = 4;

  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = Mesh::buildQuadMesh(meshBoundary, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
      confusionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd, false);


  BCPtr nullBC = Teuchos::rcp((BC*)NULL);
  RHSPtr nullRHS = Teuchos::rcp((RHS*)NULL);
  IPPtr nullIP = Teuchos::rcp((IP*)NULL);
  SolutionPtr prevTimeFlow = Teuchos::rcp(new Solution(mesh, nullBC, nullRHS, nullIP) );  
  SolutionPtr flowResidual = Teuchos::rcp(new Solution(mesh, nullBC, nullRHS, nullIP) );  

  FunctionPtr u_prev_time = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(prevTimeFlow, u) );

  // ==================== SET INITIAL GUESS ==========================
  double u_free = 0.0;
  double sigma1_free = 0.0;
  double sigma2_free = 0.0;
  map<int, Teuchos::RCP<Function> > functionMap;
  functionMap[u->ID()] = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(u_free) );
  functionMap[sigma1->ID()] = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(sigma1_free) );
  functionMap[sigma2->ID()] = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(sigma2_free) );

  // ==================== END SET INITIAL GUESS ==========================


  // tau terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma1 / epsilon, tau->x());
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma2 / epsilon, tau->y());
  confusionBF->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  confusionBF->addTerm(-uhat, tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma1, v->dx() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma2, v->dy() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta * u, - v->grad() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );

  double dt = 0.25;
  FunctionPtr invDt = Teuchos::rcp(new ScalarParamFunction(1.0/dt));    
  if (rank==0){
    cout << "Timestep dt = " << dt << endl;
  if (transient)
    confusionBF->addTerm( u, invDt*v );
    rhs->addTerm( u_prev_time * invDt * v );


  // mathematician's norm
  IPPtr mathIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP());


  // quasi-optimal norm
  IPPtr qoptIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  qoptIP->addTerm( v );
  qoptIP->addTerm( tau / epsilon + v->grad() );
  qoptIP->addTerm( beta * v->grad() - tau->div() );

  // robust test norm
  IPPtr robIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) ); 
  if (!enforceLocalConservation)
    robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling * v );
    if (transient)
      robIP->addTerm( invDt * v );
  robIP->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
  // Weight these two terms for inflow
  FunctionPtr ip_weight = Teuchos::rcp( new IPWeight() );
  robIP->addTerm( ip_weight * beta * v->grad() );
  robIP->addTerm( ip_weight * tau->div() );
  robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    robIP->addZeroMeanTerm( v );


  FunctionPtr f = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  rhs->addTerm( f * v ); // obviously, with f = 0 adding this term is not necessary!


  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> bc = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  // Teuchos::RCP<PenaltyConstraints> pc = Teuchos::rcp( new PenaltyConstraints );
  SpatialFilterPtr lBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new LeftBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr tbBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new TopBottomBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr rBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new RightBoundary );
  FunctionPtr u0 = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroBC );
  FunctionPtr u_inlet = Teuchos::rcp( new InletBC );
  // FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, lBoundary, u_inlet);
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, tbBoundary, u0);
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, rBoundary, u0);
  // pc->addConstraint(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n - uhat == u0, rBoundary);

  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(mesh, bc, rhs, robIP) );
  // solution->setFilter(pc);

  // ==================== Enforce Local Conservation ==================
  if (enforceLocalConservation) {
    if (transient)
      FunctionPtr conserved_rhs = u_prev_time * invDt;
      LinearTermPtr conserved_quantity = invDt * u;
      LinearTermPtr flux_part = Teuchos::rcp(new LinearTerm(-1.0, beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n));
      conserved_quantity->addTerm(flux_part, true);
      // conserved_quantity = conserved_quantity - beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n;
      solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(conserved_quantity == conserved_rhs);
      FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
      solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero);

  // ==================== Register Solutions ==========================
  mesh->registerSolution(prevTimeFlow); // u_t(i-1)
  mesh->registerSolution(flowResidual); // u_t(i-1)

  double energyThreshold = 0.25; // for mesh refinements
  Teuchos::RCP<RefinementStrategy> refinementStrategy;
  refinementStrategy = Teuchos::rcp(new RefinementStrategy(solution,energyThreshold));


  double time_tol = 1e-8;
  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<=numRefs; refIndex++)
    double L2_time_residual = 1e7;
    int timestepCount = 0;
    if (!transient)
      numTimeSteps = 1;
    while((L2_time_residual > time_tol) && (timestepCount < numTimeSteps))
      // subtract solutions to get residual
      flowResidual->setSolution(solution); // reset previous time solution to current time sol
      flowResidual->addSolution(prevTimeFlow, -1.0);       
      double L2u = flowResidual->L2NormOfSolutionGlobal(u->ID());
      double L2sigma1 = flowResidual->L2NormOfSolutionGlobal(sigma1->ID());
      double L2sigma2 = flowResidual->L2NormOfSolutionGlobal(sigma2->ID());
      L2_time_residual = sqrt(L2u*L2u + L2sigma1*L2sigma1 + L2sigma2*L2sigma2);
      cout << endl << "Timestep: " << timestepCount << ", dt = " << dt << ", Time residual = " << L2_time_residual << endl;    	

      if (rank == 0)
        stringstream outfile;
        if (transient)
          outfile << "TransientConfusion_" << refIndex << "_" << timestepCount;
          outfile << "TransientConfusion_" << refIndex;
        solution->writeToVTK(outfile.str(), 5);

      // Check conservation by testing against one
      VarPtr testOne = varFactory.testVar("1", CONSTANT_SCALAR);
      // Create a fake bilinear form for the testing
      BFPtr fakeBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
      // Define our mass flux
      FunctionPtr flux_current_time = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n) );
      FunctionPtr delta_u = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(flowResidual, u) );
      LinearTermPtr surfaceFlux = -1.0 * flux_current_time * testOne;
      LinearTermPtr volumeChange = invDt * delta_u * testOne;
      LinearTermPtr massFluxTerm;
      if (transient)
        massFluxTerm = volumeChange;
        // massFluxTerm->addTerm(surfaceFlux);
        massFluxTerm = surfaceFlux;
      // cout << "surface case = " << surfaceFlux->summands()[0].first->boundaryValueOnly() << " volume case = " << volumeChange->summands()[0].first->boundaryValueOnly() << endl;

      // FunctionPtr massFlux= Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n) );
      // LinearTermPtr massFluxTerm = massFlux * testOne;

      Teuchos::RCP<shards::CellTopology> quadTopoPtr = Teuchos::rcp(new shards::CellTopology(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >() ));
      DofOrderingFactory dofOrderingFactory(fakeBF);
      int fakeTestOrder = H1Order;
      DofOrderingPtr testOrdering = dofOrderingFactory.testOrdering(fakeTestOrder, *quadTopoPtr);

      int testOneIndex = testOrdering->getDofIndex(testOne->ID(),0);
      vector< ElementTypePtr > elemTypes = mesh->elementTypes(); // global element types
      map<int, double> massFluxIntegral; // cellID -> integral
      double maxMassFluxIntegral = 0.0;
      double totalMassFlux = 0.0;
      double totalAbsMassFlux = 0.0;
      for (vector< ElementTypePtr >::iterator elemTypeIt = elemTypes.begin(); elemTypeIt != elemTypes.end(); elemTypeIt++) 
        ElementTypePtr elemType = *elemTypeIt;
        vector< ElementPtr > elems = mesh->elementsOfTypeGlobal(elemType);
        vector<int> cellIDs;
        for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++) {
        FieldContainer<double> physicalCellNodes = mesh->physicalCellNodesGlobal(elemType);
        BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(elemType,mesh) );
        basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(physicalCellNodes,cellIDs,true); // true: create side caches
        FieldContainer<double> cellMeasures = basisCache->getCellMeasures();
        FieldContainer<double> fakeRHSIntegrals(elems.size(),testOrdering->totalDofs());
        massFluxTerm->integrate(fakeRHSIntegrals,testOrdering,basisCache,true); // true: force side evaluation
        for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++) {
          int cellID = cellIDs[i];
          // pick out the ones for testOne:
          massFluxIntegral[cellID] = fakeRHSIntegrals(i,testOneIndex);
        // find the largest:
        for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++) {
          int cellID = cellIDs[i];
          maxMassFluxIntegral = max(abs(massFluxIntegral[cellID]), maxMassFluxIntegral);
        for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++) {
          int cellID = cellIDs[i];
          maxMassFluxIntegral = max(abs(massFluxIntegral[cellID]), maxMassFluxIntegral);
          totalMassFlux += massFluxIntegral[cellID];
          totalAbsMassFlux += abs( massFluxIntegral[cellID] );

      // Print results from processor with rank 0
      if (rank == 0)
        cout << "largest mass flux: " << maxMassFluxIntegral << endl;
        cout << "total mass flux: " << totalMassFlux << endl;
        cout << "sum of mass flux absolute value: " << totalAbsMassFlux << endl;

      prevTimeFlow->setSolution(solution); // reset previous time solution to current time sol

    if (refIndex < numRefs){
      if (rank==0){
        cout << "Performing refinement number " << refIndex << endl;
      // RESET solution every refinement - make sure discretization error doesn't creep in
      // prevTimeFlow->projectOntoMesh(functionMap);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  choice::MpiArgs args( argc, argv );
  choice::Args args( argc, argv );
  int commRank = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getRank();
  int numProcs = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getNProc();

  // Required arguments
  double epsilon = args.Input<double>("--epsilon", "diffusion parameter");
  int numRefs = args.Input<int>("--numRefs", "number of refinement steps");
  bool enforceLocalConservation = args.Input<bool>("--conserve", "enforce local conservation");
  int norm = args.Input<int>("--norm", "0 = graph\n    1 = robust\n    2 = modified robust");

  // Optional arguments (have defaults)
  halfwidth = args.Input("--halfwidth", "half the width of the wedge", 0.5);
  bool allQuads = args.Input("--allQuads", "use only quads in mesh", false);
  bool zeroL2 = args.Input("--zeroL2", "take L2 term on v in robust norm to zero", enforceLocalConservation);

  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactory varFactory; 
  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v", HGRAD);
  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("uhat");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory.fluxVar("fhat");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma = varFactory.fieldVar("sigma", VECTOR_L2);

  vector<double> beta;
  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////
  BFPtr bf = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  bf->addTerm(sigma / epsilon, tau);
  bf->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  bf->addTerm(-uhat, tau->dot_normal());
  // v terms:
  bf->addTerm( sigma, v->grad() );
  bf->addTerm( beta * u, - v->grad() );
  bf->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);
  ////////////////////   DEFINE INNER PRODUCT(S)   ///////////////////////
  IPPtr ip = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  // Graph norm
  if (norm == 0)
    ip = bf->graphNorm();
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling ); 
    ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );
  // Robust norm
  else if (norm == 1)
    // robust test norm
    FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) ); 
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling ); 
    if (!zeroL2)
      ip->addTerm( v );
    ip->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
    // Weight these two terms for inflow
    ip->addTerm( beta * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( tau->div() );
    ip->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
    if (zeroL2)
      ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );
  // Modified robust norm
  else if (norm == 2)
    // robust test norm
    FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) ); 
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling ); 
    if (!zeroL2)
      ip->addTerm( v );
    ip->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( tau->div() - beta*v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
    if (zeroL2)
      ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );
  ////////////////////   SPECIFY RHS   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  FunctionPtr f = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  rhs->addTerm( f * v ); // obviously, with f = 0 adding this term is not necessary!

  ////////////////////   CREATE BCs   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> bc = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  Teuchos::RCP<PenaltyConstraints> pc = Teuchos::rcp( new PenaltyConstraints );
  FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );

  SpatialFilterPtr inflow = Teuchos::rcp( new Inflow );
  FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, inflow, zero);

  SpatialFilterPtr leadingWedge = Teuchos::rcp( new LeadingWedge );
  FunctionPtr one = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(1.0) );
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, leadingWedge, one);

  SpatialFilterPtr trailingWedge = Teuchos::rcp( new TrailingWedge );
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, trailingWedge, beta*n*one);
  // bc->addDirichlet(uhat, trailingWedge, one);

  SpatialFilterPtr top = Teuchos::rcp( new Top );
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, top, zero);
  // bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, top, zero);

  SpatialFilterPtr outflow = Teuchos::rcp( new Outflow );
  pc->addConstraint(beta*uhat->times_normal() - beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero, outflow);
  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  int H1Order = 3, pToAdd = 2;
  // define nodes for mesh
  vector< FieldContainer<double> > vertices;
  FieldContainer<double> pt(2);
  vector< vector<int> > elementIndices;
  vector<int> q(4);
  vector<int> t(3);

  if (allQuads)
    pt(0) = -halfwidth; pt(1) = -1;
    pt(0) =  0;         pt(1) =  0;
    pt(0) =  halfwidth; pt(1) = -1;
    pt(0) =  halfwidth; pt(1) =  halfwidth;
    pt(0) =  0;         pt(1) =  halfwidth;
    pt(0) = -halfwidth; pt(1) =  halfwidth;

    q[0] = 0; q[1] = 1; q[2] = 4; q[3] = 5;
    q[0] = 1; q[1] = 2; q[2] = 3; q[3] = 4;
    pt(0) = -halfwidth; pt(1) = -1;
    pt(0) =  0;         pt(1) =  0;
    pt(0) =  halfwidth; pt(1) = -1;
    pt(0) =  halfwidth; pt(1) =  0;
    pt(0) =  halfwidth; pt(1) =  halfwidth;
    pt(0) =  0;         pt(1) =  halfwidth;
    pt(0) = -halfwidth; pt(1) =  halfwidth;
    pt(0) = -halfwidth; pt(1) =  0;

    t[0] = 0; t[1] = 1; t[2] = 7;
    t[0] = 1; t[1] = 2; t[2] = 3;
    q[0] = 1; q[1] = 3; q[2] = 4; q[3] = 5;
    q[0] = 7; q[1] = 1; q[2] = 5; q[3] = 6;

  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = Teuchos::rcp( new Mesh(vertices, elementIndices, bf, H1Order, pToAdd) );  
  ////////////////////   SOLVE & REFINE   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(mesh, bc, rhs, ip) );

  if (enforceLocalConservation) {
    FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
    solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero);
  double energyThreshold = 0.2; // for mesh refinements
  RefinementStrategy refinementStrategy( solution, energyThreshold );
  VTKExporter exporter(solution, mesh, varFactory);
  ofstream errOut;
  if (commRank == 0)
  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<=numRefs; refIndex++){    

    double energy_error = solution->energyErrorTotal();
    if (commRank==0){
      stringstream outfile;
      outfile << "singularwedge_" << refIndex;

      // Check local conservation
      FunctionPtr flux = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n) );
      FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
      Teuchos::Tuple<double, 3> fluxImbalances = checkConservation(flux, zero, varFactory, mesh);
      cout << "Mass flux: Largest Local = " << fluxImbalances[0] 
        << ", Global = " << fluxImbalances[1] << ", Sum Abs = " << fluxImbalances[2] << endl;

      errOut << mesh->numGlobalDofs() << " " << energy_error << " "
        << fluxImbalances[0] << " " << fluxImbalances[1] << " " << fluxImbalances[2] << endl;

    if (refIndex < numRefs)
      refinementStrategy.refine(commRank==0); // print to console on commRank 0
  if (commRank == 0)
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  int rank=mpiSession.getRank();
  int numProcs=mpiSession.getNProc();
  int rank = 0;
  int numProcs = 1;
  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactory varFactory;
  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("\\tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory.fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n u - \\sigma_{n}}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma1 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_1");
  VarPtr sigma2 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_2");

  vector<double> beta_const;
//  FunctionPtr beta = Teuchos::rcp(new Beta());

  double eps = 1e-2;

  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////
  BFPtr confusionBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma1 / eps, tau->x());
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma2 / eps, tau->y());
  confusionBF->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  confusionBF->addTerm(-uhat, tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma1, v->dx() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma2, v->dy() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta_const * u, - v->grad() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  ////////////////////   DEFINE INNER PRODUCT(S)   ///////////////////////
  // mathematician's norm
  IPPtr mathIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP());


  // quasi-optimal norm
  IPPtr qoptIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  qoptIP->addTerm( v );
  qoptIP->addTerm( tau / eps + v->grad() );
  qoptIP->addTerm( beta_const * v->grad() - tau->div() );

  // robust test norm
  IPPtr robIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(eps) );
  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    robIP->addZeroMeanTerm( v );
    robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling * v );

  robIP->addTerm( sqrt(eps) * v->grad() );
  robIP->addTerm( beta_const * v->grad() );
  robIP->addTerm( tau->div() );
  robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(eps) * tau );

  ////////////////////   SPECIFY RHS   ///////////////////////
  FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  FunctionPtr f = zero;
  rhs->addTerm( f * v ); // obviously, with f = 0 adding this term is not necessary!

  ////////////////////   CREATE BCs   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> bc = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  //  SpatialFilterPtr inflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new InflowSquareBoundary );
  //  SpatialFilterPtr outflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new OutflowSquareBoundary );

  SpatialFilterPtr inflowTop = Teuchos::rcp(new InflowLshapeTop);
  SpatialFilterPtr inflowBot = Teuchos::rcp(new InflowLshapeBottom);
  SpatialFilterPtr LshapeBot1 = Teuchos::rcp(new LshapeBottom1);
  SpatialFilterPtr LshapeBot2 = Teuchos::rcp(new LshapeBottom2);
  SpatialFilterPtr Top = Teuchos::rcp(new LshapeTop);
  SpatialFilterPtr Out = Teuchos::rcp(new LshapeOutflow);

  FunctionPtr u0 = Teuchos::rcp( new U0 );
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, LshapeBot1, u0);
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, LshapeBot2, u0);
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, Top, u0);
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, Out, u0);

  FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );
  //  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, inflowBot, u0);
  FunctionPtr u0Top = Teuchos::rcp(new ParabolicProfile);
  FunctionPtr u0Bot = Teuchos::rcp(new LinearProfile);
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, inflowTop, beta_const*n*u0Top);
  //  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, inflowBot, beta_const*n*u0Bot);
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, inflowBot, beta_const*n*zero);

  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  // define nodes for mesh
  int H1Order = 2, pToAdd = 2;
  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int horizontalCells = 1, verticalCells = 1;

  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = Mesh::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
                                                confusionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd);

  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh;
  // L-shaped domain for double ramp problem
  FieldContainer<double> A(2), B(2), C(2), D(2), E(2), F(2), G(2), H(2);
  A(0) = 0.0;
  A(1) = 0.5;
  B(0) = 0.0;
  B(1) = 1.0;
  C(0) = 0.5;
  C(1) = 1.0;
  D(0) = 1.0;
  D(1) = 1.0;
  E(0) = 1.0;
  E(1) = 0.5;
  F(0) = 1.0;
  F(1) = 0.0;
  G(0) = 0.5;
  G(1) = 0.0;
  H(0) = 0.5;
  H(1) = 0.5;
  vector<FieldContainer<double> > vertices;
  int A_index = 0;
  int B_index = 1;
  int C_index = 2;
  int D_index = 3;
  int E_index = 4;
  int F_index = 5;
  int G_index = 6;
  int H_index = 7;
  vector< vector<int> > elementVertices;
  vector<int> el1, el2, el3, el4, el5;
  // left patch:
  // top right:
  // bottom right:


  mesh = Teuchos::rcp( new Mesh(vertices, elementVertices, confusionBF, H1Order, pToAdd) );

  ////////////////////   SOLVE & REFINE   ///////////////////////
  // Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(mesh, bc, rhs, qoptIP) );
  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(mesh, bc, rhs, robIP) );
  // solution->setFilter(pc);

  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
    solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero);

  double energyThreshold = 0.2; // for mesh refinements
  RefinementStrategy refinementStrategy( solution, energyThreshold );

  int numRefs = 8;

  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<numRefs; refIndex++)
    refinementStrategy.refine(rank==0); // print to console on rank 0
  // one more solve on the final refined mesh:

  if (rank==0)
    solution->writeFluxesToFile(uhat->ID(), "uhat.dat");

    cout << "wrote files: u.m, uhat.dat\n";

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  int rank=mpiSession.getRank();
  int numProcs=mpiSession.getNProc();
  int rank = 0;
  int numProcs = 1;
  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactory varFactory;
  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("\\tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory.fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n u - \\sigma_{n}}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma1 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_1");
  VarPtr sigma2 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_2");

  vector<double> beta_const;
  double c = sqrt(1.25);
//  FunctionPtr beta = Teuchos::rcp(new Beta());

  double eps = 1e-3;

  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////

  BFPtr confusionBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma1 / eps, tau->x());
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma2 / eps, tau->y());
  confusionBF->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  confusionBF->addTerm(-uhat, tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma1, v->dx() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma2, v->dy() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta_const * u, - v->grad() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  ////////////////////   DEFINE INNER PRODUCT(S)   ///////////////////////

  // quasi-optimal norm
  IPPtr qoptIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  qoptIP->addTerm( v );
  qoptIP->addTerm( tau / eps + v->grad() );
  qoptIP->addTerm( beta_const * v->grad() - tau->div() );

  // robust test norm
  IPPtr robIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(eps) );
  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    robIP->addZeroMeanTerm( v );
    robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling * v );
  robIP->addTerm( sqrt(eps) * v->grad() );

  bool useNewBC = false;
  FunctionPtr weight = Teuchos::rcp( new SqrtWeight(eps) );
  if (useNewBC)
    robIP->addTerm( beta_const * v->grad() );
    robIP->addTerm( tau->div() );
    robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(eps) * tau );
    robIP->addTerm( weight * beta_const * v->grad() );
    robIP->addTerm( weight * tau->div() );
    robIP->addTerm( weight * ip_scaling/sqrt(eps) * tau );

  ////////////////////   SPECIFY RHS   ///////////////////////
  FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  FunctionPtr f = zero;
  rhs->addTerm( f * v ); // obviously, with f = 0 adding this term is not necessary!

  ////////////////////   CREATE BCs   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> bc = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  SpatialFilterPtr inflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new InflowSquareBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr outflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new OutflowSquareBoundary );

  FunctionPtr u0 = Teuchos::rcp( new U0 );
  FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, outflowBoundary, zero);
  if (useNewBC)
    bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, inflowBoundary, beta_const*n*u0);
    SpatialFilterPtr inflowBot = Teuchos::rcp( new InflowSquareBot );
    SpatialFilterPtr inflowLeft = Teuchos::rcp( new InflowSquareLeft );

    bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, inflowLeft, beta_const*n*u0);
    bc->addDirichlet(uhat, inflowBot, u0);

  // Teuchos::RCP<PenaltyConstraints> pc = Teuchos::rcp(new PenaltyConstraints);
  // pc->addConstraint(uhat==u0,inflowBoundary);

  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  // define nodes for mesh
  int H1Order = 2, pToAdd = 2;

  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int nCells = 2;
  int horizontalCells = nCells, verticalCells = nCells;

  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = Mesh::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
                            confusionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd);

  ////////////////////   SOLVE & REFINE   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(mesh, bc, rhs, robIP) );
  // solution->setFilter(pc);

  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
    solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero);

  double energyThreshold = 0.2; // for mesh refinements
  RefinementStrategy refinementStrategy( solution, energyThreshold );

  int numRefs = 9;

  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<numRefs; refIndex++)
    refinementStrategy.refine(rank==0); // print to console on rank 0
  // one more solve on the final refined mesh:

  if (rank==0)
    solution->writeFluxesToFile(uhat->ID(), "uhat.dat");

    cout << "wrote files: u.m, uhat.dat\n";

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  choice::MpiArgs args( argc, argv );
  choice::Args args( argc, argv );
  int commRank = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getRank();
  int numProcs = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getNProc();

  // Required arguments
  double epsilon = args.Input<double>("--epsilon", "diffusion parameter");
  int numRefs = args.Input<int>("--numRefs", "number of refinement steps");
  bool enforceLocalConservation = args.Input<bool>("--conserve", "enforce local conservation");
  bool graphNorm = args.Input<bool>("--graphNorm", "use the graph norm rather than robust test norm");

  // Optional arguments (have defaults)
  bool highLiftAirfoil = args.Input("--highLift", "use high lift airfoil rather than NACA0012", false);

  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactory varFactory;
  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("uhat");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory.fluxVar("fhat");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma = varFactory.fieldVar("sigma", VECTOR_L2);

  vector<double> beta;

  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////
  BFPtr bf = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  bf->addTerm(sigma / epsilon, tau);
  bf->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  bf->addTerm(-uhat, tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  bf->addTerm( sigma, v->grad() );
  bf->addTerm( beta * u, - v->grad() );
  bf->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  ////////////////////   DEFINE INNER PRODUCT(S)   ///////////////////////
  IPPtr ip = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  if (graphNorm)
    ip = bf->graphNorm();
    // robust test norm
    FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) );
    if (!enforceLocalConservation)
      ip->addTerm( ip_scaling * v );
    ip->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
    // Weight these two terms for inflow
    ip->addTerm( beta * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( tau->div() );
    ip->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
    if (enforceLocalConservation)
      ip->addZeroMeanTerm( v );

  ////////////////////   SPECIFY RHS   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  FunctionPtr f = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  rhs->addTerm( f * v ); // obviously, with f = 0 adding this term is not necessary!

  ////////////////////   CREATE BCs   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> bc = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  Teuchos::RCP<PenaltyConstraints> pc = Teuchos::rcp( new PenaltyConstraints );
  SpatialFilterPtr lBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new LeftBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr tBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new TopBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr bBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new BottomBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr rBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new RightBoundary );
  FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );
  SpatialFilterPtr airfoilInflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new AirfoilInflowBoundary(beta) );
  SpatialFilterPtr airfoilOutflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new AirfoilOutflowBoundary(beta) );
  FunctionPtr u0 = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroBC );
  FunctionPtr u1 = Teuchos::rcp( new OneBC );
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, lBoundary, u0);
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, bBoundary, u0);
  // bc->addDirichlet(uhat, airfoilInflowBoundary, u1);
  // bc->addDirichlet(uhat, tBoundary, u0);

  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, airfoilInflowBoundary, beta*n*u1);
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, airfoilOutflowBoundary, u1);

  // pc->addConstraint(beta*uhat->times_normal() - beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == u0, rBoundary);
  // pc->addConstraint(beta*uhat->times_normal() - beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == u0, tBoundary);

  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  // define nodes for mesh
  int H1Order = 3, pToAdd = 2;
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh;
  if (highLiftAirfoil)
    mesh = Mesh::readTriangle(Camellia_MeshDir+"HighLift/HighLift.1", bf, H1Order, pToAdd);
    mesh = Mesh::readTriangle(Camellia_MeshDir+"NACA0012/NACA0012.1", bf, H1Order, pToAdd);

  ////////////////////   SOLVE & REFINE   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(mesh, bc, rhs, ip) );
  // solution->setFilter(pc);

  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
    solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero);

  double energyThreshold = 0.2; // for mesh refinements
  RefinementStrategy refinementStrategy( solution, energyThreshold );
  VTKExporter exporter(solution, mesh, varFactory);

  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<=numRefs; refIndex++)

    if (commRank == 0)
      stringstream outfile;
      if (highLiftAirfoil)
        outfile << "highlift_" << refIndex;
        outfile << "naca0012_" << refIndex;

      // Check local conservation
      FunctionPtr flux = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n) );
      FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
      Teuchos::Tuple<double, 3> fluxImbalances = checkConservation(flux, zero, varFactory, mesh);
      cout << "Mass flux: Largest Local = " << fluxImbalances[0]
           << ", Global = " << fluxImbalances[1] << ", Sum Abs = " << fluxImbalances[2] << endl;

    if (refIndex < numRefs)
      // refinementStrategy.refine(commRank==0); // print to console on commRank 0
      // Try pseudo-hp adaptive
      vector<int> cellsToRefine;
      vector<int> cells_h;
      vector<int> cells_p;
      for (int i=0; i < cellsToRefine.size(); i++)
        if (sqrt(mesh->getCellMeasure(cellsToRefine[i])) < epsilon)
          int pOrder = mesh->cellPolyOrder(cellsToRefine[i]);
          if (pOrder < 8)
      refinementStrategy.pRefineCells(mesh, cells_p);
      refinementStrategy.hRefineCells(mesh, cells_h);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  choice::MpiArgs args( argc, argv );
  choice::Args args( argc, argv );
  int commRank = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getRank();
  int numProcs = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getNProc();

  // Required arguments
  double epsilon = args.Input<double>("--epsilon", "diffusion parameter");
  int numRefs = args.Input<int>("--numRefs", "number of refinement steps");
  bool enforceLocalConservation = args.Input<bool>("--conserve", "enforce local conservation");
  int norm = args.Input<int>("--norm", "0 = graph\n    1 = robust\n    2 = modified robust");

  // Optional arguments (have defaults)
  bool zeroL2 = args.Input("--zeroL2", "take L2 term on v in robust norm to zero", true);

  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactory varFactory;
  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("uhat");
  VarPtr fhat = varFactory.fluxVar("fhat");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma = varFactory.fieldVar("sigma", VECTOR_L2);

  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  BFPtr bf = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  int H1Order = 3, pToAdd = 2;
  // define nodes for mesh
  FieldContainer<double> meshBoundary(4,2);

  meshBoundary(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  meshBoundary(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  meshBoundary(1,0) = 1.0;
  meshBoundary(1,1) = 0.0;
  meshBoundary(2,0) = 1.0;
  meshBoundary(2,1) = 1.0;
  meshBoundary(3,0) = 0.0;
  meshBoundary(3,1) = 1.0;

  int horizontalCells = 4, verticalCells = 4;

  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = Mesh::buildQuadMesh(meshBoundary, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
      bf, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd, false);

  vector<double> beta;

  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////
  // tau terms:
  bf->addTerm(sigma / epsilon, tau);
  bf->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  bf->addTerm(-uhat, tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  bf->addTerm( sigma, v->grad() );
  bf->addTerm( beta * u, - v->grad() );
  bf->addTerm( fhat, v);

  ////////////////////   DEFINE INNER PRODUCT(S)   ///////////////////////
  IPPtr ip = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  if (norm == 0)
    ip = bf->graphNorm();
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling );
    ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );
  // Robust norm
  else if (norm == 1)
    // robust test norm
    FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) );
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling );
    if (!zeroL2)
      ip->addTerm( v );
    ip->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
    // Weight these two terms for inflow
    ip->addTerm( beta * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( tau->div() );
    ip->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
    if (zeroL2)
      ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );
  // Modified robust norm
  else if (norm == 2)
    // robust test norm
    FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) );
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling );
    // FunctionPtr ip_weight = Teuchos::rcp( new IPWeight() );
    if (!zeroL2)
      ip->addTerm( v );
    ip->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( beta * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( tau->div() - beta*v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
    if (zeroL2)
      ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );

  ////////////////////   SPECIFY RHS   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  FunctionPtr f = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  rhs->addTerm( f * v ); // obviously, with f = 0 adding this term is not necessary!

  ////////////////////   CREATE BCs   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> bc = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  SpatialFilterPtr inflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new InflowBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr outflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new OutflowBoundary );
  FunctionPtr u0 = Teuchos::rcp( new U0 );
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, outflowBoundary, u0);

  FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );
  bc->addDirichlet(fhat, inflowBoundary, beta*n*u0);

  // Teuchos::RCP<PenaltyConstraints> pc = Teuchos::rcp(new PenaltyConstraints);
  // pc->addConstraint(uhat==u0,inflowBoundary);

  ////////////////////   SOLVE & REFINE   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(mesh, bc, rhs, ip) );
  // solution->setFilter(pc);

  if (enforceLocalConservation) {
    FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
    solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(fhat == zero);

  double energyThreshold = 0.2; // for mesh refinements
  RefinementStrategy refinementStrategy( solution, energyThreshold );
  VTKExporter exporter(solution, mesh, varFactory);
  ofstream errOut;
  if (commRank == 0)

  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<=numRefs; refIndex++){

    double energy_error = solution->energyErrorTotal();
    if (commRank==0){
      stringstream outfile;
      outfile << "confusion_" << refIndex;
      // solution->writeToVTK(outfile.str());

      // Check local conservation
      FunctionPtr flux = Function::solution(fhat, solution);
      FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
      Teuchos::Tuple<double, 3> fluxImbalances = checkConservation(flux, zero, varFactory, mesh);
      cout << "Mass flux: Largest Local = " << fluxImbalances[0]
        << ", Global = " << fluxImbalances[1] << ", Sum Abs = " << fluxImbalances[2] << endl;

      errOut << mesh->numGlobalDofs() << " " << energy_error << " "
        << fluxImbalances[0] << " " << fluxImbalances[1] << " " << fluxImbalances[2] << endl;

    if (refIndex < numRefs)
      refinementStrategy.refine(commRank==0); // print to console on commRank 0
  if (commRank == 0)

  return 0;