Exemplo n.º 1
    //                                  r u n 
    void CApplication::run()
        ITimer* timer = m_device->getTimer();
        u32 current, last = timer->getRealTime();
        u32 delta = 0;

        m_running = true;
        while(m_device->run() && m_running)
            // calc seconds since last frame
            current = timer->getRealTime();
            delta = current-last;
            last = current;

            m_videoDriver->beginScene(true, true, SColor(255,100,101,140));




        logMessage("Exiting Run Loop");
        stringc msg = "Frame Rate - Avg: ";
        msg += m_fpsAvg;
        msg += ", Min: ";
        msg += m_fpsMin;
        msg += ", Max: ";
        msg += m_fpsMax;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    stringc sceneDirectory, saveDir;
    irr::io::path sceneFileName;
    UserDataSerializer serializer;

    if(argc < 2)
        printf("error scene file name missing:\n");
        printf("    irrbPhysics <input scene filename>\n");
        return -1;

    // initialize Irrlicht
    m_device = _createDevice();
        return -1;

    m_fileSystem = m_device->getFileSystem();
    m_videoDriver = m_device->getVideoDriver();
    m_sceneManager = m_device->getSceneManager();
    m_gui = m_device->getGUIEnvironment();
    m_debugNode = new CDebugNode(m_sceneManager);

    // create debug panel (text area) 
    core::dimension2du screen = m_videoDriver->getScreenSize();
    m_debugPanel = m_gui->addStaticText(L"",rect<s32>(screen.Width-202,0,screen.Width-2,100));
    m_debugPanel->setBackgroundColor(SColor(128, 30, 30, 30));

    IGUIFont* font=m_debugPanel->getOverrideFont();
        font = m_gui->getSkin()->getFont();
    m_charHeight = font->getDimension(L"Ay").Height;
    s32 idx=0;
    m_charHeight += font->getKerningHeight();

    // create help panel (text area)
    m_helpPanel = m_gui->addStaticText(L"",rect<s32>(2,0,202,200));
    m_helpPanel->setBackgroundColor(SColor(128, 30, 30, 30));
    _addHelpText("F1 - Toggle Help");
    _addHelpText("F3 - Cycle Wire, Points, Solid");
    _addHelpText("F4 - Toggle Physics Debug");
    _addHelpText("F5 - Warp To Start Position");
    _addHelpText("F9 - Detach Camera");

    // turn hardware cursor off

#if defined(USE_BULLET)
    m_device->setWindowCaption(L"irrb Collision/Physics example - Using Bullet");
#elif defined(USE_IRRPHYSX)
    m_device->setWindowCaption(L"irrb Collision/Physics example - Using IrrPhysx");
    m_device->setWindowCaption(L"irrb Collision/Physics example - Using Irrlicht");
    m_camera = m_sceneManager->addCameraSceneNodeFPS(0, 100.0f, m_moveSpeed, -1, keyMap, 5, true, m_jumpSpeed);
    m_camera->setFOV(core::PI / 2.5f);

    // save off animator
    core::list<ISceneNodeAnimator*>::ConstIterator anims=m_camera->getAnimators().begin();
    while(anims != m_camera->getAnimators().end())
        if ((*anims)->getType() == ESNAT_CAMERA_FPS)
            m_fpsAnimator = (ISceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS*)*anims;

    // init physics library

    m_displayPhysicsDebug = true;

    // load scene
    sceneFileName = argv[1];   
    sceneDirectory = m_fileSystem->getFileDir(sceneFileName);

    saveDir = m_fileSystem->getWorkingDirectory();

    m_sceneManager->loadScene(sceneFileName.c_str(), &serializer);


    // if the scene also contained a camera, set the active
    // camera to our fps camera and update the fps pos/rot.
    if(m_camera && (m_camera != m_sceneManager->getActiveCamera()))
        ICameraSceneNode* anode = m_sceneManager->getActiveCamera();

        m_startPos = m_camera->getPosition();

    ITimer* timer = m_device->getTimer();
    u32 current, last = timer->getRealTime();
    u32 delta = 0;

    while(m_device->run() && m_running)
        m_videoDriver->beginScene(true, true, SColor(255,100,101,140));

        // calc milliseconds since last frame
        current = timer->getRealTime();
        delta = current-last;
        last = current;

        // update collision/physics simulation


        static char buf[64];
        sprintf(buf, "FPS: %d", m_videoDriver->getFPS());  
        _updateDebugText(0, buf);


    delete m_eventReceiver;    

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
	Update one frame
bool CApp::update()
	using namespace irr;

	video::IVideoDriver* videoDriver =  Device->getVideoDriver();
	if ( !Device->run() )
		return false;

	// Figure out delta time since last frame
	ITimer * timer = Device->getTimer();
	u32 newTick = timer->getRealTime();
	f32 deltaTime = RealTimeTick > 0 ? f32(newTick-RealTimeTick)/1000.0 : 0.f;	// in seconds
	RealTimeTick = newTick;

	if ( Device->isWindowActive() || Config.RenderInBackground )
		gui::IGUIEnvironment* guiEnv = Device->getGUIEnvironment();
		scene::ISceneManager* smgr = Device->getSceneManager();
		gui::IGUISkin * skin = guiEnv->getSkin();

		// update our controls
		MeshMaterialControl.update(SceneNode, SceneNode2T, SceneNodeTangents);

		// Update vertices
		if ( ControlVertexColors->isDirty() )
			MeshManipulator->setVertexColors (SceneNode->getMesh(), ControlVertexColors->getColor());
			MeshManipulator->setVertexColors (SceneNode2T->getMesh(), ControlVertexColors->getColor());
			MeshManipulator->setVertexColors (SceneNodeTangents->getMesh(), ControlVertexColors->getColor());

		// update ambient light settings
		if ( GlobalAmbient->isDirty() )
			smgr->setAmbientLight( GlobalAmbient->getColor() );

		// Let the user move the light around
		const float zoomSpeed = 10.f * deltaTime;
		const float rotationSpeed = 100.f * deltaTime;
		if ( KeysPressed[KEY_PLUS] || KeysPressed[KEY_ADD])
			ZoomOut(NodeLight, zoomSpeed);
		if ( KeysPressed[KEY_MINUS] || KeysPressed[KEY_SUBTRACT])
			ZoomOut(NodeLight, -zoomSpeed);
		if ( KeysPressed[KEY_RIGHT])
			RotateHorizontal(NodeLight, rotationSpeed);
		if ( KeysPressed[KEY_LEFT])
			RotateHorizontal(NodeLight, -rotationSpeed);
		UpdateRotationAxis(NodeLight, LightRotationAxis);
		if ( KeysPressed[KEY_UP])
			RotateAroundAxis(NodeLight, rotationSpeed, LightRotationAxis);
		if ( KeysPressed[KEY_DOWN])
			RotateAroundAxis(NodeLight, -rotationSpeed, LightRotationAxis);

		// Let the user move the camera around
		if (MousePressed)
			gui::ICursorControl* cursorControl = Device->getCursorControl();
			const core::position2d<s32>& mousePos = cursorControl->getPosition ();
			RotateHorizontal(Camera, rotationSpeed * (MouseStart.X - mousePos.X));
			RotateAroundAxis(Camera, rotationSpeed * (mousePos.Y - MouseStart.Y), CameraRotationAxis);
			MouseStart = mousePos;

		// draw everything
		video::SColor bkColor( skin->getColor(gui::EGDC_APP_WORKSPACE) );
		videoDriver->beginScene(true, true, bkColor);


		if ( MeshMaterialControl.isLightingEnabled() )
			// draw a line from the light to the target
			video::SMaterial lineMaterial;
			lineMaterial.Lighting = false;
			videoDriver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, core::IdentityMatrix);
			videoDriver->draw3DLine(NodeLight->getAbsolutePosition(), SceneNode->getAbsolutePosition());


	// be nice
	Device->sleep( 5 );

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
//! Test both the accuracy and speed of Irrlicht's fast_atof() implementation.
bool fast_atof(void)
    bool accurate = true;

    accurate &= testCalculation("340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000");
    accurate &= testCalculation("3.402823466e+38F");
    accurate &= testCalculation("3402823466e+29F");
    accurate &= testCalculation("-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000");
    accurate &= testCalculation("-3.402823466e+38F");
    accurate &= testCalculation("-3402823466e+29F");
    accurate &= testCalculation("34028234663852885981170418348451692544.000000");
    accurate &= testCalculation("3.402823466e+37F");
    accurate &= testCalculation("3402823466e+28F");
    accurate &= testCalculation("-34028234663852885981170418348451692544.000000");
    accurate &= testCalculation("-3.402823466e+37F");
    accurate &= testCalculation("-3402823466e+28F");
    accurate &= testCalculation(".00234567");
    accurate &= testCalculation("-.00234567");
    accurate &= testCalculation("0.00234567");
    accurate &= testCalculation("-0.00234567");
    accurate &= testCalculation("1.175494351e-38F");
    accurate &= testCalculation("1175494351e-47F");
    accurate &= testCalculation("1.175494351e-37F");
    accurate &= testCalculation("1.175494351e-36F");
    accurate &= testCalculation("-1.175494351e-36F");
    accurate &= testCalculation("123456.789");
    accurate &= testCalculation("-123456.789");
    accurate &= testCalculation("0000123456.789");
    accurate &= testCalculation("-0000123456.789");
    accurate &= testCalculation("-0.0690462109446526");

        logTestString("Calculation is not accurate, so the speed is irrelevant\n");
        return false;

    IrrlichtDevice* device = createDevice(video::EDT_NULL);
    if (!device)
        return false;
    ITimer* timer = device->getTimer();

    enum { ITERATIONS = 100000 };
    int i;

    f32 value;
    u32 then = timer->getRealTime();
    for(i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i)
        value = (f32)atof("-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000");

    const u32 atofTime = timer->getRealTime() - then;

    then += atofTime;
    for(i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i)
        value = fast_atof("-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000");
    const u32 fastAtofTime = timer->getRealTime() - then;

    then += fastAtofTime;
    for(i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i)
        value = old_fast_atof("-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000");
    const u32 oldFastAtofTime = timer->getRealTime() - then;

    logTestString("         atof time = %d\n    fast_atof Time = %d\nold fast_atof time = %d\n",
                  atofTime, fastAtofTime, oldFastAtofTime);


    if(fastAtofTime > (1.2f*atofTime))
        logTestString("The fast method is slower than atof()\n");
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
//! Test both the accuracy and speed of Irrlicht's strtol10() implementation.
bool test_strtol(void)
	bool accurate = true;

	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("340282346638528859811704183484516925440");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("3402823466");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("3402823466e+29F");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("-340282346638528859811704183484516925440");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("-3402823466");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("-3402823466e+29F");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("402823466385288598117");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("402823466");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("402823466e+28F");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("402823466385288598117");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("-402823466");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("-402823466e+28F");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol(".00234567");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("-234567");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("234567");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("-234567");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("1175494351");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("11754943512");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("11754943513");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("11754943514");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("-1175494351");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("123456789");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("-123456789");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("123456.789");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("-123456.789");
	accurate &= testCalculation_strtol("-109446526");

		logTestString("Calculation is not accurate, so the speed is irrelevant\n");
		return false;

	IrrlichtDevice* device = createDevice(video::EDT_NULL);
	if (!device)
		return false;
	ITimer* timer = device->getTimer();

	const int ITERATIONS = 1000000;
	int i;

	s32 value;
	u32 then = timer->getRealTime();
	for(i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i)
		value = strtol("-3402823466", 0, 10);

	const u32 strtolTime = timer->getRealTime() - then;

	then += strtolTime;
	for(i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i)
		value = strtol10("-3402823466");
	const u32 strtol10Time = timer->getRealTime() - then;

	then += strtol10Time;
	for(i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i)
		value = old_strtol10("-3402823466");
	const u32 oldstrtol10Time = timer->getRealTime() - then;

	logTestString("Speed test\n      strtol time = %d\n    strtol10 time = %d\nold strtol10 time = %d\n",
		strtolTime, strtol10Time, oldstrtol10Time);


	if (strtol10Time > (1.2f*strtolTime))
		logTestString("The fast method is slower than strtol()\n");
		return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
s32 main( s32 argc, c8** argv)
	const c8* MY_TITLE = "CGUIPlot (c) 2013 by [email protected]";

	video::E_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType = video::EDT_OPENGL;

	// we like to have some choice
	//DriverType = driverChoiceConsole(true);

	/// create NullDevice
	SIrrlichtCreationParameters params;
	params.DriverType = video::EDT_NULL;
	params.LoggingLevel = ELL_NONE;
	params.Fullscreen = false;

	IrrlichtDevice* nulldev = createDeviceEx( params );
    if (nulldev)
		video::IVideoModeList* videoModes = nulldev->getVideoModeList();
        //params.WindowSize = videoModes->getDesktopResolution();
        //params.WindowSize -= core::dimension2du(100,100);
        params.WindowSize = core::dimension2du(800,600);
        params.Bits = videoModes->getDesktopDepth();

		printf("Could not create Null device\n");

	/// create Device

	params.LoggingLevel = ELL_INFORMATION;
	params.DriverType = DriverType;
	params.AntiAlias = video::EAAM_QUALITY;
	params.EventReceiver = 0;
	params.HighPrecisionFPU = true;
	params.Doublebuffer = true;
	params.Vsync = false;
	params.Fullscreen = false;
	// params.ZBufferBits = 32;
	// params.Stencilbuffer = true;
	// params.WithAlphaChannel = false;

	IrrlichtDevice* device = createDeviceEx( params );
	if (!device)
		printf("Could not create device\n");

	MyEventReceiver receiver( device );

	gui::IGUIEnvironment* env = device->getGUIEnvironment();
	video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
	core::dimension2du screen = driver->getScreenSize();
	scene::ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();
	ITimer* timer = device->getTimer();

    device->setResizable( true );
	device->setWindowCaption( core::stringw( MY_TITLE ).c_str() );

	//gui::IGUIFont* font = env->getBuiltInFont();

	/// create some functions of time f(t)

	CSineOscillator<f32> vco_0(1, 0, 3);
	CSineOscillator<f32> vco_1(2, 0, 2);
	CSineOscillator<f32> vco_2(3, 0, 1);

	CRectangleOscillator<f32> vco_3(1, 0.1f, 0.4f, 2, -1);

	CSawOscillator<f32> vco_4(1, 0, 0.5f, -0.5f);
	CSawOscillator<f32> vco_5(3, 0.5f, 3, 0);

	CADSREnvelope<f32> adsr(1,3,0.7,2, CADSREnvelope<f32>::EMTT_LINEAR);

	/// create IGUIWindow as container for CGUIPlot

	gui::IGUIWindow* plotWindow = env->addWindow(
		core::recti( 100,100,screen.Width-100, screen.Height-100 ),
		false, L"CGUIPlot Window", env->getRootGUIElement(), -1);

	/// create CGUIPlot

	gui::CGUIPlotManager* plotMgr = new gui::CGUIPlotManager( env, plotWindow, -1, plotWindow->getClientRect());

	gui::CGUIPlot* plot = plotMgr->addPlot( new gui::CGUIPlot( smgr, env, plotMgr, -1, plotMgr->getClientRect() ) );

	// left, bottom, right, top
	plot->setZoomRect( core::rectf( -1,-3,10,3) );

	plot->setDrawBackground( true );

	plot->setBackgroundColor( video::SColor(128,255,255,255) );

	scene::ISceneNode* smgrRoot = smgr->getRootSceneNode();

	/// PolyLine
		scene::ISceneNode* node = createPolyLine<f32>( smgr, smgrRoot, Functor_f32_f32(vco_0), -1, 10, 2048, video::SColor(255,255,0,0), 0.75f, 0xfcfc );

		if (node) node->setDebugDataVisible( scene::EDS_BBOX );

		plot->addShape( "VCO_0", node );

	/// PolyLine
		scene::ISceneNode* node = createPolyLine<f32>( smgr, smgrRoot, Functor_f32_f32(vco_1), 0, 5, 2048, video::SColor(255,255,255,0), 1.5f, 0xdddd );

		if (node) node->setDebugDataVisible( scene::EDS_BBOX );

		plot->addShape( "VCO_1", node );

	/// PolyLine
		scene::ISceneNode* node = createPolyLine<f32>( smgr, smgrRoot, Functor_f32_f32(vco_2), 0, 5, 2048, video::SColor(255,0,0,255), .5f, 0xffff );

		if (node) node->setDebugDataVisible( scene::EDS_BBOX );

		plot->addShape( "VCO_2", node );

	/// PolyLine
		scene::ISceneNode* node = createPolyLine<f32>( smgr, smgrRoot, Functor_f32_f32(vco_3), 2, 8, 2048, video::SColor(255,255,0,255), 1.5f, 0xffff );

		if (node) node->setDebugDataVisible( scene::EDS_BBOX );

		plot->addShape( "VCO_3", node );

	/// PolyLine
		scene::ISceneNode* node = createPolyLine<f32>( smgr, smgrRoot, Functor_f32_f32(vco_4), 0, 8, 1024, video::SColor(255,0,192,0), .5f, 0xffff );

		if (node) node->setDebugDataVisible( scene::EDS_BBOX );

		plot->addShape( "VCO_4", node );

	/// PolyLine [ADSR-curve]
		scene::ISceneNode* node = createPolyLine<f32>( smgr, smgrRoot, Functor_f32_f32(adsr), 0, 8, 1024, video::SColor(255,192,0,192), .5f, 0xffff );

		// if (node) node->setDebugDataVisible( scene::EDS_BBOX );

		plot->addShape( "ADSR-Curve", node );

	/// [main loop]

	u32 timeLastWindowTitleUpate(0);

	u32 timeWaitWindowTitleUpate(500);

    while (device->run())
		/// Resize-Event

      	if (screen != driver->getScreenSize() )
			screen = driver->getScreenSize();

			scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = smgr->getActiveCamera();
			if (camera)
				f32 aspect = (f32)screen.Width / (f32)screen.Height;
				camera->setAspectRatio( aspect );

		/// if window is active ( can be minimized but still active )
        if (device->isWindowActive())

			/// if window is active ( can be minimized but still active )
			if (device->isWindowFocused())

				/// render all

				driver->beginScene( true, true, video::SColor(255,225,225,225) );




				/// window-title update

				if ( timer->getRealTime() - timeLastWindowTitleUpate > timeWaitWindowTitleUpate )
					core::stringw txt = core::stringw( MY_TITLE );
					txt += L" | fps( ";
					txt += driver->getFPS();
					txt += L" ), poly( ";
					txt += driver->getPrimitiveCountDrawn(); txt += L" / ";
					txt += driver->getMaximalPrimitiveCount(); txt += L" ), ";

//					scene::ICameraSceneNode* cam = smgr->getActiveCamera();
//					if (cam)
//					{
//						const core::vector3df& pos = cam->getAbsolutePosition();
//						txt += L"cam( pos(";
//						txt += core::round32(pos.X); txt += L",";
//						txt += core::round32(pos.Y); txt += L",";
//						txt += core::round32(pos.Z); txt += L"), ";
//						const core::vector3df& eye = cam->getTarget();
//						txt += L"eye(";
//						txt += core::round32(eye.X); txt += L",";
//						txt += core::round32(eye.Y); txt += L",";
//						txt += core::round32(eye.Z); txt += L"), ";
//						txt += L"near(";
//						txt += cam->getNearValue();
//						txt += L"), far(";
//						txt += core::round32(cam->getFarValue() ); txt += L")";
//						txt += L" )";
//					}

					device->setWindowCaption( txt.c_str() );

					timeLastWindowTitleUpate = timer->getRealTime();

	if (device)

	return 0;
s32 main( s32 argc, c8** argv)
	/// we like to have some choice

	//video::E_DRIVER_TYPE myDriverType = driverChoiceConsole(true);

	/// create NullDevice

	SIrrlichtCreationParameters params;
	params.LoggingLevel = ELL_NONE;
	params.DriverType = video::EDT_NULL;

	IrrlichtDevice* nulldev = createDeviceEx( params );
    if (nulldev)
		video::IVideoModeList* videoModes = nulldev->getVideoModeList();
        params.WindowSize = videoModes->getDesktopResolution();
        params.WindowSize -= core::dimension2du(100,100);
        params.Bits = videoModes->getDesktopDepth();

		printf("Could not create Null device\n");

	/// create OpenGL Device

	params.LoggingLevel = ELL_INFORMATION;
	params.DriverType = video::EDT_OPENGL;
	params.AntiAlias = video::EAAM_QUALITY;
	params.EventReceiver = 0;
	params.HighPrecisionFPU = true;
	params.Doublebuffer = true;
	params.Vsync = false;
	params.Fullscreen = false;
	// params.ZBufferBits = 32;
	// params.Stencilbuffer = true;
	// params.WithAlphaChannel = false;

	IrrlichtDevice* device = createDeviceEx( params );
	if (!device)
		printf("Could not create OpenGL device\n");

    device->setResizable( true );

	/// IRunable

	IRunable* runable = 0;

	/// IRenderable

	ICustomRenderer* customRenderer = 0;

	/// create App

	AudioAnimator3d app0( device );

	runable = &app0;

	customRenderer = &app0;

	/// some pointers and variables

	gui::IGUIEnvironment* env = device->getGUIEnvironment();

	video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();

	core::dimension2du screen = driver->getScreenSize();

	scene::ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();

	ITimer* timer = device->getTimer();

	u32 timeLastWindowTitleUpate(0);

	u32 timeWaitWindowTitleUpate(500);

	/// testing CLinearColorGradientTable
	video::CLinearColorGradientTable table;
	table.addColor( video::SColor(0,255,255,255), 0.0f );
	table.addColor( video::SColor(255,255,255,0), 0.5f );
	table.addColor( video::SColor(255,255,0,0), 0.8f );
	table.addColor( video::SColor(255,255,255,255), 1.0f );
	table.setTableSize( 100 );

	/// testing CGUIImageViewer

//	gui::IGUIWindow* win0 = env->addWindow(
//		core::recti( 100, 100, screen.Width-300, screen.Height-300 ),
//		false, L"CGUIImageViewer", env->getRootGUIElement(), -1 );
//	gui::CGUIImageViewer* viewer0 = new gui::CGUIImageViewer(
//		env, win0, -1, win0->getClientRect() );

	/// testing CGUIDataPlot

//	gui::IGUIWindow* win1 = env->addWindow(
//		core::recti( 200, 200, screen.Width-200, screen.Height-200 ),
//		false, L"CGUIDataPlot", env->getRootGUIElement(), -1 );
//	gui::CGUIDataPlot* viewer1 = new gui::CGUIDataPlot(
//		env, win1, -1, win1->getClientRect() );

	/// main loop

    while (device->run())
		/// Resize-Event

      	if (screen != driver->getScreenSize() )
			screen = driver->getScreenSize();

			scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = smgr->getActiveCamera();
			if (camera)
				f32 aspect = (f32)screen.Width / (f32)screen.Height;
				camera->setAspectRatio( aspect );

		/// run injected Application class
		if (runable)

		/// if window is active ( can be minimized but still active )
        if (device->isWindowActive())

			/// if window is active ( can be minimized but still active )
			if (device->isWindowFocused())

				/// render all

				driver->beginScene( true, true, video::SColor(255,0,0,0) );


				// render, if exist
				if (customRenderer)



				/// window-title update

				if ( timer->getRealTime() - timeLastWindowTitleUpate > timeWaitWindowTitleUpate )
					core::stringw txt = MY_TITLE;
					txt += L" | fps( ";
					txt += driver->getFPS();
					txt += L" ), poly( ";
					txt += driver->getPrimitiveCountDrawn(); txt += L" / ";
					txt += driver->getMaximalPrimitiveCount(); txt += L" ), ";

					scene::ICameraSceneNode* cam = smgr->getActiveCamera();
					if (cam)
						const core::vector3df& pos = cam->getAbsolutePosition();
						txt += L"cam( pos(";
						txt += core::round32(pos.X); txt += L",";
						txt += core::round32(pos.Y); txt += L",";
						txt += core::round32(pos.Z); txt += L"), ";

						const core::vector3df& eye = cam->getTarget();
						txt += L"eye(";
						txt += core::round32(eye.X); txt += L",";
						txt += core::round32(eye.Y); txt += L",";
						txt += core::round32(eye.Z); txt += L"), ";
						txt += L"near(";
						txt += cam->getNearValue();
						txt += L"), far(";
						txt += core::round32(cam->getFarValue() ); txt += L")";
						txt += L" )";

					device->setWindowCaption( txt.c_str() );

					timeLastWindowTitleUpate = timer->getRealTime();

	if (device)

	return 0;