Exemplo n.º 1
int ImageRep::MeanHsv(const IntRect& rRect, int channel) const
    assert(rRect.XMin() >= 0 && rRect.YMin() >= 0 && rRect.XMax() <= m_images[0].cols && rRect.YMax() <= m_images[0].rows);
    int sum_v = m_integralHsvImages[channel].at<int>(rRect.YMin(), rRect.XMin()) + m_integralHsvImages[channel].at<int>(rRect.YMax(), rRect.XMax()) -
                m_integralHsvImages[channel].at<int>(rRect.YMax(), rRect.XMin()) - m_integralHsvImages[channel].at<int>(rRect.YMin(), rRect.XMax());
    return sum_v / rRect.Area();
Exemplo n.º 2
void HsvFeatures::UpdateFeatureVector(const Sample &s)
    IntRect rect = s.GetROI();
    cv::Rect roi(rect.XMin(), rect.YMin(), rect.Width(), rect.Height());

    cv::Mat hsv_img = s.GetImage().GetHsvImage()(roi);

    int height = rect.Height();
    int width = rect.Width();

    // continuous?
        width *= height;
        height = 1;

    int ix, iy;
    uchar *p;
    for(iy=0; iy < height; ++iy)
        p = hsv_img.ptr<uchar>(iy);

        for(ix=0; ix < width; ++ix)
            cv::Vec3b pixel(p[3*ix+0], p[3*ix+1], p[3*ix+2]);
            auto bin_idx = compBinIdx(pixel);

    m_featVec /= rect.Area();

Exemplo n.º 3
void ImageRep::Hist(const IntRect& rRect, Eigen::VectorXd& h) const
	assert(rRect.XMin() >= 0 && rRect.YMin() >= 0 && rRect.XMax() <= m_images[0].cols && rRect.YMax() <= m_images[0].rows);
	int norm = rRect.Area();
	for (int i = 0; i < kNumBins; ++i)
		int sum = m_integralHistImages[i].at<int>(rRect.YMin(), rRect.XMin()) +
			m_integralHistImages[i].at<int>(rRect.YMax(), rRect.XMax()) -
			m_integralHistImages[i].at<int>(rRect.YMax(), rRect.XMin()) -
			m_integralHistImages[i].at<int>(rRect.YMin(), rRect.XMax());
		h[i] = (float)sum/norm;
Exemplo n.º 4
PalettedRectIsSolidColor(Decoder* aDecoder, const IntRect& aRect, uint8_t aColor)
  RawAccessFrameRef currentFrame = aDecoder->GetCurrentFrameRef();
  uint8_t* imageData;
  uint32_t imageLength;
  currentFrame->GetImageData(&imageData, &imageLength);
  ASSERT_TRUE_OR_RETURN(imageData, false);

  // Clamp to the frame rect. If any pixels outside the frame rect are included,
  // we immediately fail, because such pixels don't have any "color" in the
  // sense this function measures - they're transparent, and that doesn't
  // necessarily correspond to any color palette index at all.
  IntRect frameRect = currentFrame->GetRect();
  ASSERT_EQ_OR_RETURN(imageLength, uint32_t(frameRect.Area()), false);
  IntRect rect = aRect.Intersect(frameRect);
  ASSERT_EQ_OR_RETURN(rect.Area(), aRect.Area(), false);

  // Translate |rect| by |frameRect.TopLeft()| to reflect the fact that the
  // frame rect's offset doesn't actually mean anything in terms of the
  // in-memory representation of the surface. The image data starts at the upper
  // left corner of the frame rect, in other words.
  rect -= frameRect.TopLeft();

  // Walk through the image data and make sure that the entire rect has the
  // palette index |aColor|.
  int32_t rowLength = frameRect.width;
  for (int32_t row = rect.y; row < rect.YMost(); ++row) {
    for (int32_t col = rect.x; col < rect.XMost(); ++col) {
      int32_t i = row * rowLength + col;
      ASSERT_EQ_OR_RETURN(aColor, imageData[i], false);

  return true;