Exemplo n.º 1
inline Structure* getBoundFunctionStructure(VM& vm, ExecState* exec, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSObject* targetFunction)
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
    JSValue prototype = targetFunction->getPrototype(vm, exec);
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, nullptr);
    JSFunction* targetJSFunction = jsDynamicCast<JSFunction*>(vm, targetFunction);

    // We only cache the structure of the bound function if the bindee is a JSFunction since there
    // isn't any good place to put the structure on Internal Functions.
    if (targetJSFunction) {
        Structure* structure = targetJSFunction->rareData(vm)->getBoundFunctionStructure();
        if (structure && structure->storedPrototype() == prototype && structure->globalObject() == globalObject)
            return structure;

    Structure* result = globalObject->boundFunctionStructure();

    // It would be nice if the structure map was keyed global objects in addition to the other things. Unfortunately, it is not
    // currently. Whoever works on caching structure changes for prototype transistions should consider this problem as well.
    // See: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=152738
    if (prototype.isObject() && prototype.getObject()->globalObject() == globalObject) {
        result = vm.prototypeMap.emptyStructureForPrototypeFromBaseStructure(globalObject, prototype.getObject(), result);
        ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(result->globalObject() == globalObject);
    } else
        result = Structure::create(vm, globalObject, prototype, result->typeInfo(), result->classInfo());

    if (targetJSFunction)
        targetJSFunction->rareData(vm)->setBoundFunctionStructure(vm, result);

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
Structure* InternalFunction::createSubclassStructure(ExecState* exec, JSValue newTarget, Structure* baseClass)

    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    // We allow newTarget == JSValue() because the API needs to be able to create classes without having a real JS frame.
    // Since we don't allow subclassing in the API we just treat newTarget == JSValue() as newTarget == exec->callee()
    ASSERT(!newTarget || newTarget.isConstructor());

    if (newTarget && newTarget != exec->callee()) {
        // newTarget may be an InternalFunction if we were called from Reflect.construct.
        JSFunction* targetFunction = jsDynamicCast<JSFunction*>(newTarget);

        if (LIKELY(targetFunction)) {
            Structure* structure = targetFunction->rareData(vm)->internalFunctionAllocationStructure();
            if (LIKELY(structure && structure->classInfo() == baseClass->classInfo()))
                return structure;

            // Note, Reflect.construct might cause the profile to churn but we don't care.
            JSValue prototypeValue = newTarget.get(exec, exec->propertyNames().prototype);
            if (UNLIKELY(vm.exception()))
                return nullptr;
            if (JSObject* prototype = jsDynamicCast<JSObject*>(prototypeValue))
                return targetFunction->rareData(vm)->createInternalFunctionAllocationStructureFromBase(vm, prototype, baseClass);
        } else {
            JSValue prototypeValue = newTarget.get(exec, exec->propertyNames().prototype);
            if (UNLIKELY(vm.exception()))
                return nullptr;
            if (JSObject* prototype = jsDynamicCast<JSObject*>(prototypeValue)) {
                // This only happens if someone Reflect.constructs our builtin constructor with another builtin constructor as the new.target.
                // Thus, we don't care about the cost of looking up the structure from our hash table every time.
                return vm.prototypeMap.emptyStructureForPrototypeFromBaseStructure(prototype, baseClass);
    return baseClass;