Exemplo n.º 1
int test1(MAP& map)
	using Vertex = typename MAP::Vertex;
	using Face = typename MAP::Face;

	// add an attribute on vertex of map with
	typename MAP::template VertexAttribute<float32> ah = map.template add_attribute<float32, Vertex>("floats");

	typename MAP::template FaceAttribute<float32> ahf = map.template add_attribute<float32, Face>("floats");

	// get attribute and change type (dangerous!)
	typename MAP::template VertexAttribute<int32> ahf2 = map.template get_attribute_force_type<int32,float32, Vertex::ORBIT>("floats");

	cgogn_log_info("example_map") << "ahf valid : " << std::boolalpha << ahf.is_valid();

	std::vector<uint32>* uib = cgogn::uint_buffers()->buffer();

	Dart d1 = map.add_face(3).dart;

	// get cell buffer typed
	std::vector<typename MAP::Vertex>* vertb = cgogn::dart_buffers()->cell_buffer<typename MAP::Vertex>();

//	std::vector<Dart>* vertdb = cgogn::dart_buffers()->buffer();
//	std::vector<typename MAP::Vertex>* vert_b = reinterpret_cast< std::vector<typename MAP::Vertex>* >(vertdb);

	vertb->push_back(typename MAP::Vertex(d1));
	vertb->push_back(typename MAP::Vertex(d1));


	DartMarker<MAP> dm(map);
	CellMarker<MAP, MAP::Vertex::ORBIT> cm(map);


	cgogn_log_info("example_map") << "Darts :";
	map.foreach_dart([] (Dart d) { cgogn_log_info("example_map") << d; });
	cgogn_log_info("example_map")<< "End Darts";

	cgogn_log_info("example_map") << "Vertices :";
	map.foreach_cell([&] (Vertex v)
		cgogn_log_info("example_map") << v;
		ah[v] = 2.0f;
	cgogn_log_info("example_map") << "End Vertices";

	// the method foreach_adjacent_vertex_through_edge is not well defined for a MAP1
//	map.foreach_adjacent_vertex_through_edge(d1, [&] (typename MAP::Vertex v)
//	{
//		ah[v] = 4.0f;
//	});

	// get ChunkArrayContainer -> get ChunkArray -> fill
//	typename MAP::template ChunkArrayContainer<uint32>& container = map.get_attribute_container(MAP::Vertex);
//	typename MAP::template ChunkArray<float32>* att = container.template get_attribute<float32>("floats");
//	for (uint32 i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
//		container.template insert_lines<1>();
	for (auto& v : ah)
		v = 3.0f;

	// access with index
	cgogn_log_info("example_map") << ah[0];


	//	// traverse container with for range
	//	for (float32 f:ah)
	//		cgogn_log_info("example_map") << f;

	return 0;