Exemplo n.º 1
// *****************************************************************************
MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind GtoIO::identifyFile( const MFileObject &file,
                                                  const char *magic,
                                                  short magicSize ) const
    if( magicSize < 4 )
        return MPxFileTranslator::kNotMyFileType;

    const unsigned int magicInt = *((unsigned int *)magic );
    if( magicInt == Gto::Header::Magic
        || magicInt == Gto::Header::Cigam )
        return MPxFileTranslator::kIsMyFileType;

    const char gz_magic[2] = {0x1f, 0x8b}; /* gzip magic header */
    if( magic[0] == gz_magic[0] && magic[1] == gz_magic[1] )
        if( strstr( file.name().asChar(), ".gto" ) )
            return MPxFileTranslator::kIsMyFileType;

    return MPxFileTranslator::kNotMyFileType;
Exemplo n.º 2
MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind NifTranslator::identifyFile(const MFileObject& fileName, const char* buffer, short size) const
	MString fName = fileName.name();
	if (fName.toUpperCase() != "NIF" && fName.toUpperCase() != "KF")
		return kNotMyFileType;

	return kIsMyFileType;
MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind metro_model_translator::identifyFile(const MFileObject &file, const char *buffer, short size) const
	MString name = file.name();
	MString ext = name.substring( name.rindex( '.' ), name.length() ).toLowerCase();
	if( ext != MString( ".model" ) )
		return MPxFileTranslator::kNotMyFileType;

	return MPxFileTranslator::kIsMyFileType;
Exemplo n.º 4
MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind DCTranslator::identifyFile(
	const MFileObject &fileName, const char *, short) const
	const char * name = fileName.name().asChar();
	size_t   nameLength = strlen(name);

	if ((nameLength > 14) && !_stricmp(name + nameLength - 7, MAYA_TRANSLATOR_EXT))
		return kCouldBeMyFileType;
		return kNotMyFileType;
    MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind FileTranslator::identifyFile ( 
        const MFileObject &fileObject,
        const char *buffer,
        short size )
        // Just check for the proper extension for now
        MFileKind rval = kNotMyFileType;
        int extLocation = fileObject.name().rindex ( '.' );

        if ( extLocation > 0 )
            MString ext = fileObject.name().substring ( extLocation + 1, fileObject.name().length()-1 ).toLowerCase();
            if ( ext == "dae" || ext == "xml" )
                rval = kIsMyFileType;

        return rval;
Exemplo n.º 6
MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind ObjTranslator::identifyFile (
                                        const MFileObject& fileName,
                                        const char* buffer,
                                        short size) const
    const char * name = fileName.name().asChar();
    int   nameLength = strlen(name);
    if ((nameLength > 4) && !strcasecmp(name+nameLength-4, ".dae"))
        return kCouldBeMyFileType;
        return kNotMyFileType;
Exemplo n.º 7
MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind CXRayCameraExport::identifyFile (
                                        const MFileObject& fileName,
                                        const char* buffer,
                                        short size) const
    const char * name = fileName.name().asChar();
    int   nameLength = xr_strlen(name);
	if ((nameLength > 4) && !stricmp(name+nameLength-4, ".anm"))
        return kCouldBeMyFileType;
        return kNotMyFileType;
Exemplo n.º 8
MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind atomExport::identifyFile(
								const MFileObject& fileName,
								const char* buffer,
								short size) const
	const char *name = fileName.name().asChar();
	int   nameLength = (int)strlen(name);

	if ((nameLength > 5) && !strcasecmp(name+nameLength-5, ".atom")) {
		return kIsMyFileType;

	return	kNotMyFileType;
Exemplo n.º 9
OSGFileTranslator::MFileKind OSGFileTranslator::identifyFile (const MFileObject &file, const char *buffer, short size) const
    std::string filename = file.name().asChar();
    if ( filename.substr( filename.size()-4, 4 ).compare(".osg") )
        return kIsMyFileType;
    else if ( filename.substr( filename.size()-4, 4 ).compare(".ive") )
        return kIsMyFileType;
    else if ( filename.substr( filename.size()-5, 5 ).compare(".osgt") )
        return kIsMyFileType;
    else if ( filename.substr( filename.size()-5, 5 ).compare(".osgb") )
        return kIsMyFileType;
    else if ( filename.substr( filename.size()-5, 5 ).compare(".osgx") )
        return kIsMyFileType;

    return kNotMyFileType;       
Exemplo n.º 10
	const MFileObject& fileName,
	const char* buffer,
	short size) const
    LPSTR extension = PathFindExtensionA(fileName.name().asChar());
    if(0==lstrcmpA(extension, ".x"))
		return kIsMyFileType;
		return kNotMyFileType; 
Exemplo n.º 11
// Maya calls this method to find out if this translator is capable of
// handling the given file.
MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind maTranslator::identifyFile(
		const MFileObject& file, const char* buffer, short bufferLen
) const
	MString	tagStr = comment(fTranslatorName);
	int		tagLen = tagStr.length();

	// If the buffer contains enough info to positively identify the file,
	// then use it.  Otherwise we'll base the identification on the file
	// extension.
	if (bufferLen >= tagLen)
		MString	initialContents(buffer, bufferLen);
		MStringArray	initialLines;

		initialContents.split('\n', initialLines);

		if (initialLines.length() > 0)
			if (((int)initialLines[0].length() >= tagLen)
			&&	(initialLines[0].substring(0, tagLen-1) == tagStr))
				return kIsMyFileType;
		MString	fileName(file.name());
		int		fileNameLen = fileName.length();
		int		startOfExtension = fileName.rindex('.') + 1;

		if ((startOfExtension > 0)
		&&	(startOfExtension < fileNameLen)
		&&	(fileName.substring(startOfExtension, fileNameLen) == fExtension))
			return kIsMyFileType;

	return kNotMyFileType;
MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind CVsDmxIOTranslator::identifyFile(
	const MFileObject &i_mFileObject,
	const char * /* i_buffer */,
	const short /* i_size */ ) const
	MFileKind retVal( kNotMyFileType );

	const MString &name( i_mFileObject.name() );

	if ( name.length() )
		if ( name.substring( name.rindex( '.' ) + 1, name.length() - 1 ) == MString( "dmx" ) )
			retVal = kIsMyFileType;

	return retVal;
Exemplo n.º 13
MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind atomImport::identifyFile(
								const MFileObject& fileName,
								const char* buffer,
								short size) const
	const char *name = fileName.name().asChar();
	int   nameLength = (int)strlen(name);

	if ((nameLength > 5) && !strcasecmp(name+nameLength-5, ".atom")) {
		return kIsMyFileType;

	//	Check the buffer to see if this contains the correct keywords
	//	to be a anim file.
	if (strncmp(buffer, "atomVersion", 11) == 0) {
		return kIsMyFileType;

	return	kNotMyFileType;
Exemplo n.º 14
// Write method of the GE2.0 translator / file exporter
MStatus ge2Translator::writer ( const MFileObject & fileObject,
								  const MString & options,
								  MPxFileTranslator::FileAccessMode mode)
	char            LTmpStr[MAXPATHLEN];
	unsigned int	i,

	// const MString   fname = fileObject.fullName ();
	MString         extension;
	MString         baseFileName;

	// Lets strip off the known extension of .grp if it is there.
	extension.set (".grp");
	int  extLocation = fileObject.name ().rindex ('.');

	if ( (extLocation != -1) && // no '.' in name
		 (extLocation != 0) && // name was ".grp" -- that's ok??
		 (fileObject.name ().substring (extLocation, fileObject.name ().length () - 1) == extension) )
		baseFileName = fileObject.name ().substring (0, extLocation - 1);
	} else
		baseFileName = fileObject.name ();
		extension.clear ();

	geWrapper.setBaseFileName( baseFileName );
	geWrapper.setPathName( fileObject.fullName() );

	geWrapper.pluginVersion = version;

	// Set the directory at the Dt level
	strncpy( LTmpStr, geWrapper.getPathName().asChar(), MAXPATHLEN );
	LN = (int)strlen( LTmpStr );
	if ( LTmpStr[LN - 1] == '/' )
		LTmpStr[LN - 1] = '\0';
	DtSetDirectory( LTmpStr );	

	// in an ideal world, everything in setDefaults() should be overridden
	// with the option parsing. If the mel script doesn't get run for whatever
	// reason, or neglects to return some values, hopefully setDefaults will
	// enable the export to go through anyway

// Turn off this pesky warning on NT - performance warning
// for int -> bool conversion.
#ifdef WIN32
#pragma warning ( disable : 4800 )

	// Lets now do all of the option processing	
	if ( options.length () > 0 )
		//Start parsing.

		MStringArray optionList;
		MStringArray    theOption;

		options.split(';', optionList);

		//break out all the options.

		for ( i = 0; i < optionList.length (); ++i )
			theOption.clear ();
			optionList[i].split( '=', theOption );
			if ( theOption.length () > 1 )
				if ( theOption[0] == MString( "enableAnim" ) )
					geWrapper.enableAnim = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				}  else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "animStart" ) )
					geWrapper.frameStart = (int) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "animEnd" ) )
					geWrapper.frameEnd = (int) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "animStep" ) )
					geWrapper.frameStep = (int) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "animVertices" ) )
					geWrapper.animVertices = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "animDisplacement" ) )
					if ( theOption[1].asInt() == 1 )
						geWrapper.vertexDisplacement = ge2Wrapper::kVDRelative;
						geWrapper.vertexDisplacement = ge2Wrapper::kVDAbsolute;
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "animTransforms" ) )
					geWrapper.animTransforms = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "animShaders" ) )
					geWrapper.animShaders = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "animLights" ) )
					geWrapper.animLights = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "animCamera" ) )
					geWrapper.animCamera = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "keyCurves" ) )
					geWrapper.keyCurves = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "keySample" ) )
					geWrapper.keySample = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "sampRate" ) )
					geWrapper.sampleRate = (int) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "sampTol" ) )
					geWrapper.sampleTolerance = (float) ( theOption[1].asFloat() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "useGL" ) )
					geWrapper.useDomainGL = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "usePSX" ) )
					geWrapper.useDomainPSX = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "useN64" ) )
					geWrapper.useDomainN64 = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "useCustom" ) )
					geWrapper.useDomainCustom = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "hrcType" ) )
					geWrapper.hrcMode = static_cast <ge2Wrapper::GEHrcMode> ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "exportSel" ) )
					geWrapper.selType = static_cast <ge2Wrapper::GESelType> ( theOption[1].asInt() );
					if ( (mode == MPxFileTranslator::kExportActiveAccessMode) &&
						 (geWrapper.selType == ge2Wrapper::kSelAll) )
						geWrapper.selType = ge2Wrapper::kSelActive;
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "exportLights" ) )
					geWrapper.outputLights = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "exportCamera" ) )
					geWrapper.outputCamera = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "exportJoints" ) )
					geWrapper.outputJoints = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "exportNormals" ) )
					geWrapper.outputNormals = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "opposite" ) )
					geWrapper.oppositeNormals = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "exportGeometry" ) )
					geWrapper.outputGeometry = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "reverse" ) )
					geWrapper.reverseWinding = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "exportTextures" ) )
					geWrapper.outputTextures = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "tesselation" ) )
					if ( theOption[1].asInt() == 2 )
						DtExt_setTesselate( kTESSQUAD );
						DtExt_setTesselate( kTESSTRI );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "texsample" ) )
					geWrapper.sampleTextures = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "texevaluate" ) )
					geWrapper.evalTextures = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "texOriginal" ) )
					geWrapper.useOriginalFileTextures = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "Xtexres" ) )
					geWrapper.xTexRes = (int) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "Ytexres" ) )
					geWrapper.yTexRes = (int) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "MaxXtexres" ) )
					geWrapper.xMaxTexRes = (int) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "MaxYtexres" ) )
					geWrapper.yMaxTexRes = (int) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "texType" ) )
					geWrapper.texType = theOption[1];
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "precision" ) )
					geWrapper.precision = (int) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "format" ) )
					geWrapper.useTabs = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "comments" ) )
					geWrapper.writeComments = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "verboseGeom" ) )
					geWrapper.verboseGeom = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "verboseLgt" ) )
					geWrapper.verboseLgt = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "verboseCam" ) )
					geWrapper.verboseCam = (bool) ( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "script" ) )
					geWrapper.userScript = theOption[1];
				} else if ( theOption[0] == MString( "scriptAppend" ) )
					geWrapper.scriptAppendFileName = (int) ( theOption[1].asInt() );

#ifdef WIN32
#pragma warning ( default : 4800 )

	geWrapper.initScene(); // do some initialization
	geWrapper.writeScene(); // write it to the appropriate files
	geWrapper.killScene(); // clean-up

	return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 15
// Maya calls this method to have the translator write out a file.
MStatus maTranslator::writer(
		const MFileObject& file,
		const MString& /* options */,
		MPxFileTranslator::FileAccessMode mode
	// For simplicity, we only do full saves/exports.
	if ((mode != kSaveAccessMode) && (mode != kExportAccessMode))
	   	return MS::kNotImplemented;

	// Let's see if we can open the output file.
	fstream	output(file.fullName().asChar(), ios::out | ios::trunc);

	if (!output.good()) return MS::kNotFound;

	// Get some node flags to keep track of those nodes for which we
	// have already done various stages of processing.
	MStatus	status;

	fCreateFlag = MFnDependencyNode::allocateFlag(fPluginName, &status);

	if (status)
		fAttrFlag = MFnDependencyNode::allocateFlag(fPluginName, &status);

	if (status)
		fConnectionFlag = MFnDependencyNode::allocateFlag(fPluginName, &status);

	if (!status)
			"Could not allocate three free node flags."
			"  Try unloading some other plugins."

		return MS::kFailure;

	// Run through all of the nodes in the scene and clear their flags.
	MItDependencyNodes	nodesIter;

	for (; !nodesIter.isDone(); nodesIter.next())
		MObject				node = nodesIter.item();
		MFnDependencyNode	nodeFn(node);

		nodeFn.setFlag(fCreateFlag, false);
		nodeFn.setFlag(fAttrFlag, false);
		nodeFn.setFlag(fConnectionFlag, false);

	// Write out the various sections of the file.
	writeHeader(output, file.name());
	writeFooter(output, file.name());


	MFnDependencyNode::deallocateFlag(fPluginName, fCreateFlag);

	return MS::kSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 16
MStatus rtgTranslator::writer ( const MFileObject & fileObject,
								  const MString & options,
								  MPxFileTranslator::FileAccessMode mode)
	char            LTmpStr[MAXPATHLEN];
	unsigned int	i;
	int             LN;

	const MString   fname = fileObject.fullName ();
	MString         extension;
	MString         baseFileName;

    int             TimeSlider = 0;
    int             AnimEnabled = 0;

	// Lets strip off the known extension of .rtg if it is there.
	extension.set (".rtg");
	int  extLocation = fileObject.name ().rindex ('.');

	if (extLocation > 0 && fileObject.name ().substring (extLocation,
			     fileObject.name ().length () - 1) == extension)
		baseFileName = fileObject.name ().substring (0, extLocation - 1);
	} else
		baseFileName = fileObject.name ();
		extension.clear ();

    DtExt_SceneInit( (char *)baseFileName.asChar() );
	// Lets now do all of the option processing
	if (options.length () > 0)
		//Start parsing.

		MStringArray optionList;
		MStringArray    theOption;

		options.split (';', optionList);

		//break out all the options.

		for ( i = 0; i < optionList.length (); ++i)
			theOption.clear ();
			optionList[i].split ('=', theOption);
			if (theOption.length () > 1)
				if (theOption[0] == MString ("v18compatible"))
					rtg_v18_compatible = (int) (theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("timeslider"))
					TimeSlider = (int) (theOption[1].asInt ());
                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("animEnabled"))
                    AnimEnabled = (int) (theOption[1].asInt ());

				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("animStart"))
                    DtFrameSetStart( (int) (theOption[1].asInt ()) );

				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("animEnd"))
                    DtFrameSetEnd( (int) (theOption[1].asInt ()) );

				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("animStep"))
                    DtFrameSetBy( (int) (theOption[1].asInt ()) );

				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("hrcType"))
                    switch ( theOption[1].asInt () - 1)
                        case VRHRC_FLAT:
                            DtExt_setOutputTransforms (kTRANSFORMMINIMAL);
                            DtExt_setParents (0);
                        case VRHRC_WORLD:
                            DtExt_setOutputTransforms (kTRANSFORMNONE);
                            DtExt_setParents (0);
                        case VRHRC_FULL:
                            DtExt_setOutputTransforms (kTRANSFORMALL);
                            DtExt_setParents (1);

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("joints"))
                    // Allow user to specify if the hierarchy should include
					// NULL geometry nodes - usually joints 
                    DtExt_setJointHierarchy( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("exportSel"))
                    switch ( theOption[1].asInt () - 1)
                        case VRSEL_ALL:
                            DtExt_setWalkMode (ALL_Nodes);
                        case VRSEL_ACTIVE:
                            DtExt_setWalkMode (ACTIVE_Nodes);
                        case VRSEL_PICKED:
                            DtExt_setWalkMode (PICKED_Nodes);
				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("texsample"))
                    // Allow user to specify if the textures should be sampled 
                    // with the Texture Placement options
                    DtExt_setSoftTextures ( theOption[1].asInt() );

				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("texevaluate"))
                    // Allow the user to specify if the tex should be eval with
                    // convertSolidTx command or read in if is a file texture.
                    DtExt_setInlineTextures( theOption[1].asInt() );

				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("texoriginal"))
                    // Allow the user to specify if the tex should be eval at all.
                    DtExt_setOriginalTexture( theOption[1].asInt() );
				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("Xtexres"))
                    // Set the X size of the texture swatches to use  
                    DtExt_setXTextureRes ( theOption[1].asInt () );

				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("Ytexres"))
                    // Set the Y size of the texture swatches to use  
                    DtExt_setYTextureRes ( theOption[1].asInt () );

				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("MaxXtexres"))
                    // Set the Max X size of the texture swatches to use  
                    DtExt_setMaxXTextureRes( theOption[1].asInt () );
				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("MaxYtexres"))
                    // Set the Max Y size of the texture swatches to use  
                    DtExt_setMaxYTextureRes( theOption[1].asInt () );

				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("precision"))
					//VR_Precision = theOption[1].asInt ();
				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("verbose"))
                   // DtExt_setDebug ( theOption[1].asInt () );

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("debug"))
                    int levelG = DtExt_Debug();
                    if ( (int) (theOption[1].asInt () ) )
                        levelG |= DEBUG_GEOMAT;
                        levelG &= ~DEBUG_GEOMAT;
                    DtExt_setDebug( levelG );
                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("debugC"))
                    int levelC = DtExt_Debug();
                    if ( (int) (theOption[1].asInt () ) )
                        levelC |= DEBUG_CAMERA;
                        levelC &= ~DEBUG_CAMERA;
                    DtExt_setDebug( levelC );
                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("debugL"))
                    int levelL = DtExt_Debug();
                    if ( (int) (theOption[1].asInt () ) )
                        levelL |= DEBUG_LIGHT;
                        levelL &= ~DEBUG_LIGHT;
                    DtExt_setDebug( levelL );

				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("reversed"))
					DtExt_setWinding( theOption[1].asInt() );

				} else if (theOption[0] == MString ("tesselation"))
					if ( theOption[1].asInt() == 2 )
						DtExt_setTesselate( kTESSQUAD );
					} else {
						DtExt_setTesselate( kTESSTRI );

				// Now come the translator specific options

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("imageformat"))
					rtg_output_image_format = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("fileformat"))
                    rtg_output_file_format = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("vnormals"))
                    rtg_output_vert_norms = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("vcolors"))
                    rtg_output_vert_colors = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("tcoords"))
                    rtg_output_tex_coords = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("pnormals"))
                    rtg_output_poly_norms = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("idxcnt"))
                    rtg_show_index_counters = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("anglesdeg"))
                    rtg_output_degrees = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("materials"))
                    rtg_output_materials = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("multitexture"))
                    DtExt_setMultiTexture( theOption[1].asInt() );

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("mdecomp"))
                    rtg_output_decomp = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("pivoth"))
                    rtg_output_pivots = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("transforms"))
                    rtg_output_transforms = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("ltransforms"))
                    rtg_output_local = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("animation"))
                    rtg_output_animation = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("allnodes"))
                    rtg_output_all_nodes = theOption[1].asInt();

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("script"))
                    scriptToRun = theOption[1];

                } else if (theOption[0] == MString ("scriptAppend"))
                    scriptAppend = (int)(theOption[1].asInt() );


	// Lets see how we entered this plug-in, either with the export all
	// or export selection flag set.

    if ( mode == MPxFileTranslator::kExportActiveAccessMode )
        DtExt_setWalkMode ( ACTIVE_Nodes );

    // Lets check the TimeSlider control now:

    if ( TimeSlider )
        MTime start( MAnimControl::minTime().value(), MTime::uiUnit() );
		DtFrameSetStart( (int) start.value() );

        MTime end( MAnimControl::maxTime().value(), MTime::uiUnit() );
		DtFrameSetEnd( (int) end.value() );

    // Now see if the animation is really enabled.
    // Else we will set the end frame to the beginning frame automatically

    if ( !AnimEnabled )
        DtFrameSetEnd( DtFrameGetStart() );

	// Find out where the file is supposed to end up.
	MDt_GetPathName ((char *) (fname.asChar ()), LTmpStr, MAXPATHLEN);

	LN = (int)strlen (LTmpStr);
	if (LTmpStr[LN - 1] == '/')
		LTmpStr[LN - 1] = '\0';

	DtSetDirectory (LTmpStr);

    // Now lets setup some paths to do basic texture file searching
    // for those textures with relative paths
    MStringArray wSpacePaths;
    MStringArray rPaths;
    MString      usePath;
    MString      separator;
    MGlobal::executeCommand( "workspace -q -rd", wSpacePaths );
    MGlobal::executeCommand( "workspace -q -rtl", rPaths );
    if ( DtExt_getTextureSearchPath() )
        separator.set( "|" );
        separator.set( "" );
    for (i = 0; i < wSpacePaths.length (); ++i)
        for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < rPaths.length(); j++ )
            usePath = usePath + separator + wSpacePaths[i] + MString( "/" ) + rPaths[j];    
            separator.set( "|" );
            if ( rPaths[j] == MString( "sourceImages" ) )
                usePath = usePath + separator + wSpacePaths[i] + MString( "/" )
                + MString( "sourceimages" );
    DtExt_addTextureSearchPath( (char *)usePath.asChar() );

    // Now we can setup the database from the wire file geometry.
    // This is where all the Maya data are retrieved, cached, and processed.
    // Say that we want to have camera info
    DtExt_setOutputCameras( 1 );
    //Now we can setup the database from the wire file geometry
	DtFrameSet( DtFrameGetStart() );

    // Now do the export


    // Now lets see if the user wants something else to be done
    if ( 0 < scriptToRun.length() )
        if ( scriptAppend )
            scriptToRun += MString( " " ) + MString( LTmpStr );
        system( scriptToRun.asChar() );

    // Clean house.

	return MS::kSuccess;