Exemplo n.º 1
static IECore::ConstCompoundDataPtr metadataGetter( const std::string &key, size_t &cost )
	cost = 1;
	if( !key.size() )
		return NULL;

	const char *searchPath = getenv( "OSL_SHADER_PATHS" );
	OSLQuery query;
	if( !query.open( key, searchPath ? searchPath : "" ) )
		throw Exception( query.geterror() );

	CompoundDataPtr metadata = new CompoundData;
	metadata->writable()["shader"] = convertMetadata( query.metadata() );

	CompoundDataPtr parameterMetadata = new CompoundData;
	metadata->writable()["parameter"] = parameterMetadata;
	for( size_t i = 0; i < query.nparams(); ++i )
		const OSLQuery::Parameter *parameter = query.getparam( i );
		if( parameter->metadata.size() )
			string nameWithoutSuffix;
			const OSLQuery::Parameter *positionsParameter;
			const OSLQuery::Parameter *valuesParameter;
			const OSLQuery::Parameter *basisParameter;

			// If this parameter is part of a spline, register the metadata onto the spline plug
			if( findSplineParameters( query, parameter, nameWithoutSuffix, positionsParameter, valuesParameter, basisParameter ) )
				// We merge metadata found on all the parameters that make up the plug, but in no particular order.
				// If you specify conflicting metadata on the different parameters you may get inconsistent results.
				CompoundData *prevData = parameterMetadata->member<CompoundData>( nameWithoutSuffix );
				CompoundDataPtr data = convertMetadata( parameter->metadata );
				if( prevData )
					data->writable().insert( prevData->readable().begin(), prevData->readable().end() );

				parameterMetadata->writable()[nameWithoutSuffix] = data;
				parameterMetadata->writable()[parameter->name.c_str()] = convertMetadata( parameter->metadata );

	return metadata;
Exemplo n.º 2
void OSLShader::loadShader( const std::string &shaderName, bool keepExistingValues )
	Plug *existingOut = outPlug();
	if( shaderName.empty() )
		namePlug()->setValue( "" );
		typePlug()->setValue( "" );
		if( existingOut )

	const char *searchPath = getenv( "OSL_SHADER_PATHS" );

	OSLQuery query;
	if( !query.open( shaderName, searchPath ? searchPath : "" ) )
		throw Exception( query.geterror() );

	const bool outPlugHadChildren = existingOut ? existingOut->children().size() : false;
	if( !keepExistingValues )
		// If we're not preserving existing values then remove all existing
		// parameter plugs - the various plug creators above know that if a
		// plug exists then they should preserve its values.
		if( existingOut )

	m_metadata = NULL;
	namePlug()->setValue( shaderName );
	typePlug()->setValue( std::string( "osl:" ) + query.shadertype().c_str() );

	const IECore::CompoundData *metadata = OSLShader::metadata();
	const IECore::CompoundData *parameterMetadata = NULL;
	if( metadata )
		parameterMetadata = metadata->member<IECore::CompoundData>( "parameter" );

	loadShaderParameters( query, parametersPlug(), parameterMetadata );

	if( !existingOut || existingOut->typeId() != Plug::staticTypeId() )
		PlugPtr outPlug = new Plug( "out", Plug::Out, Plug::Default | Plug::Dynamic );
		if( existingOut )
			// We had an out plug but it was the wrong type (we used
			// to use a CompoundPlug before that was deprecated). Move
			// over any existing child plugs onto our replacement.
			for( PlugIterator it( existingOut ); !it.done(); ++it )
				outPlug->addChild( *it );
		setChild( "out", outPlug );

	if( query.shadertype() == "shader" )
		loadShaderParameters( query, outPlug(), parameterMetadata );

	if( static_cast<bool>( outPlug()->children().size() ) != outPlugHadChildren )
		// OSLShaderUI registers a dynamic metadata entry which depends on whether or
		// not the plug has children, so we must notify the world that the value will
		// have changed.
		Metadata::plugValueChangedSignal()( staticTypeId(), "out", "nodule:type", outPlug() );