Exemplo n.º 1
void CallAndMessageChecker::checkPreObjCMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &msg,
                                                CheckerContext &C) const {
  SVal recVal = msg.getReceiverSVal();
  if (recVal.isUndef()) {
    if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateSink()) {
      BugType *BT = 0;
      switch (msg.getMessageKind()) {
      case OCM_Message:
        if (!BT_msg_undef)
          BT_msg_undef.reset(new BuiltinBug("Receiver in message expression "
                                            "is an uninitialized value"));
        BT = BT_msg_undef.get();
      case OCM_PropertyAccess:
        if (!BT_objc_prop_undef)
          BT_objc_prop_undef.reset(new BuiltinBug("Property access on an "
                                                  "uninitialized object "
        BT = BT_objc_prop_undef.get();
      case OCM_Subscript:
        if (!BT_objc_subscript_undef)
          BT_objc_subscript_undef.reset(new BuiltinBug("Subscript access on an "
                                                       "uninitialized object "
        BT = BT_objc_subscript_undef.get();
      assert(BT && "Unknown message kind.");

      BugReport *R = new BugReport(*BT, BT->getName(), N);
      const ObjCMessageExpr *ME = msg.getOriginExpr();

      // FIXME: getTrackNullOrUndefValueVisitor can't handle "super" yet.
      if (const Expr *ReceiverE = ME->getInstanceReceiver())
  } else {
    // Bifurcate the state into nil and non-nil ones.
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal receiverVal = cast<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>(recVal);

    ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
    ProgramStateRef notNilState, nilState;
    llvm::tie(notNilState, nilState) = state->assume(receiverVal);

    // Handle receiver must be nil.
    if (nilState && !notNilState) {
      HandleNilReceiver(C, state, msg);
void NilArgChecker::warnIfNilArg(CheckerContext &C,
                                 const ObjCMethodCall &msg,
                                 unsigned int Arg,
                                 FoundationClass Class,
                                 bool CanBeSubscript) const {
  // Check if the argument is nil.
  ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
  if (!State->isNull(msg.getArgSVal(Arg)).isConstrainedTrue())

  // NOTE: We cannot throw non-fatal errors from warnIfNilExpr,
  // because it's called multiple times from some callers, so it'd cause
  // an unwanted state split if two or more non-fatal errors are thrown
  // within the same checker callback. For now we don't want to, but
  // it'll need to be fixed if we ever want to.
  if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateErrorNode()) {
    SmallString<128> sbuf;
    llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(sbuf);

    if (CanBeSubscript && msg.getMessageKind() == OCM_Subscript) {

      if (Class == FC_NSArray) {
        os << "Array element cannot be nil";
      } else if (Class == FC_NSDictionary) {
        if (Arg == 0) {
          os << "Value stored into '";
          os << GetReceiverInterfaceName(msg) << "' cannot be nil";
        } else {
          assert(Arg == 1);
          os << "'"<< GetReceiverInterfaceName(msg) << "' key cannot be nil";
      } else
        llvm_unreachable("Missing foundation class for the subscript expr");

    } else {
      if (Class == FC_NSDictionary) {
        if (Arg == 0)
          os << "Value argument ";
        else {
          assert(Arg == 1);
          os << "Key argument ";
        os << "to '";
        os << "' cannot be nil";
      } else {
        os << "Argument to '" << GetReceiverInterfaceName(msg) << "' method '";
        os << "' cannot be nil";

    generateBugReport(N, os.str(), msg.getArgSourceRange(Arg),
                      msg.getArgExpr(Arg), C);
void NilArgChecker::WarnIfNilArg(CheckerContext &C,
                                 const ObjCMethodCall &msg,
                                 unsigned int Arg,
                                 FoundationClass Class,
                                 bool CanBeSubscript) const {
  // Check if the argument is nil.
  ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
  if (!State->isNull(msg.getArgSVal(Arg)).isConstrainedTrue())
  if (!BT)
    BT.reset(new APIMisuse("nil argument"));

  if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateSink()) {
    SmallString<128> sbuf;
    llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(sbuf);

    if (CanBeSubscript && msg.getMessageKind() == OCM_Subscript) {

      if (Class == FC_NSArray) {
        os << "Array element cannot be nil";
      } else if (Class == FC_NSDictionary) {
        if (Arg == 0) {
          os << "Value stored into '";
          os << GetReceiverInterfaceName(msg) << "' cannot be nil";
        } else {
          assert(Arg == 1);
          os << "'"<< GetReceiverInterfaceName(msg) << "' key cannot be nil";
      } else
        llvm_unreachable("Missing foundation class for the subscript expr");

    } else {
      if (Class == FC_NSDictionary) {
        if (Arg == 0)
          os << "Value argument ";
        else {
          assert(Arg == 1);
          os << "Key argument ";
        os << "to '" << msg.getSelector().getAsString() << "' cannot be nil";
      } else {
        os << "Argument to '" << GetReceiverInterfaceName(msg) << "' method '"
        << msg.getSelector().getAsString() << "' cannot be nil";

    BugReport *R = new BugReport(*BT, os.str(), N);
    bugreporter::trackNullOrUndefValue(N, msg.getArgExpr(Arg), *R);
void NilArgChecker::warnIfNilArg(CheckerContext &C,
                                 const ObjCMethodCall &msg,
                                 unsigned int Arg,
                                 FoundationClass Class,
                                 bool CanBeSubscript) const {
  // Check if the argument is nil.
  ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
  if (!State->isNull(msg.getArgSVal(Arg)).isConstrainedTrue())

  if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateErrorNode()) {
    SmallString<128> sbuf;
    llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(sbuf);

    if (CanBeSubscript && msg.getMessageKind() == OCM_Subscript) {

      if (Class == FC_NSArray) {
        os << "Array element cannot be nil";
      } else if (Class == FC_NSDictionary) {
        if (Arg == 0) {
          os << "Value stored into '";
          os << GetReceiverInterfaceName(msg) << "' cannot be nil";
        } else {
          assert(Arg == 1);
          os << "'"<< GetReceiverInterfaceName(msg) << "' key cannot be nil";
      } else
        llvm_unreachable("Missing foundation class for the subscript expr");

    } else {
      if (Class == FC_NSDictionary) {
        if (Arg == 0)
          os << "Value argument ";
        else {
          assert(Arg == 1);
          os << "Key argument ";
        os << "to '";
        os << "' cannot be nil";
      } else {
        os << "Argument to '" << GetReceiverInterfaceName(msg) << "' method '";
        os << "' cannot be nil";

    generateBugReport(N, os.str(), msg.getArgSourceRange(Arg),
                      msg.getArgExpr(Arg), C);
void CallAndMessageChecker::checkPreObjCMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &msg,
                                                CheckerContext &C) const {
  SVal recVal = msg.getReceiverSVal();
  if (recVal.isUndef()) {
    if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateErrorNode()) {
      BugType *BT = nullptr;
      switch (msg.getMessageKind()) {
      case OCM_Message:
        if (!BT_msg_undef)
          BT_msg_undef.reset(new BuiltinBug(this,
                                            "Receiver in message expression "
                                            "is an uninitialized value"));
        BT = BT_msg_undef.get();
      case OCM_PropertyAccess:
        if (!BT_objc_prop_undef)
          BT_objc_prop_undef.reset(new BuiltinBug(
              this, "Property access on an uninitialized object pointer"));
        BT = BT_objc_prop_undef.get();
      case OCM_Subscript:
        if (!BT_objc_subscript_undef)
          BT_objc_subscript_undef.reset(new BuiltinBug(
              this, "Subscript access on an uninitialized object pointer"));
        BT = BT_objc_subscript_undef.get();
      assert(BT && "Unknown message kind.");

      auto R = llvm::make_unique<BugReport>(*BT, BT->getName(), N);
      const ObjCMessageExpr *ME = msg.getOriginExpr();

      // FIXME: getTrackNullOrUndefValueVisitor can't handle "super" yet.
      if (const Expr *ReceiverE = ME->getInstanceReceiver())
        bugreporter::trackExpressionValue(N, ReceiverE, *R);
Exemplo n.º 6
/// Calculate the nullability of the result of a message expr based on the
/// nullability of the receiver, the nullability of the return value, and the
/// constraints.
void NullabilityChecker::checkPostObjCMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &M,
                                              CheckerContext &C) const {
  auto Decl = M.getDecl();
  if (!Decl)
  QualType RetType = Decl->getReturnType();
  if (!RetType->isAnyPointerType())

  ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
  if (State->get<PreconditionViolated>())

  const MemRegion *ReturnRegion = getTrackRegion(M.getReturnValue());
  if (!ReturnRegion)

  auto Interface = Decl->getClassInterface();
  auto Name = Interface ? Interface->getName() : "";
  // In order to reduce the noise in the diagnostics generated by this checker,
  // some framework and programming style based heuristics are used. These
  // heuristics are for Cocoa APIs which have NS prefix.
  if (Name.startswith("NS")) {
    // Developers rely on dynamic invariants such as an item should be available
    // in a collection, or a collection is not empty often. Those invariants can
    // not be inferred by any static analysis tool. To not to bother the users
    // with too many false positives, every item retrieval function should be
    // ignored for collections. The instance methods of dictionaries in Cocoa
    // are either item retrieval related or not interesting nullability wise.
    // Using this fact, to keep the code easier to read just ignore the return
    // value of every instance method of dictionaries.
    if (M.isInstanceMessage() && Name.find("Dictionary") != StringRef::npos) {
      State =
          State->set<NullabilityMap>(ReturnRegion, Nullability::Contradicted);
    // For similar reasons ignore some methods of Cocoa arrays.
    StringRef FirstSelectorSlot = M.getSelector().getNameForSlot(0);
    if (Name.find("Array") != StringRef::npos &&
        (FirstSelectorSlot == "firstObject" ||
         FirstSelectorSlot == "lastObject")) {
      State =
          State->set<NullabilityMap>(ReturnRegion, Nullability::Contradicted);

    // Encoding related methods of string should not fail when lossless
    // encodings are used. Using lossless encodings is so frequent that ignoring
    // this class of methods reduced the emitted diagnostics by about 30% on
    // some projects (and all of that was false positives).
    if (Name.find("String") != StringRef::npos) {
      for (auto Param : M.parameters()) {
        if (Param->getName() == "encoding") {
          State = State->set<NullabilityMap>(ReturnRegion,

  const ObjCMessageExpr *Message = M.getOriginExpr();
  Nullability SelfNullability = getReceiverNullability(M, State);

  const NullabilityState *NullabilityOfReturn =

  if (NullabilityOfReturn) {
    // When we have a nullability tracked for the return value, the nullability
    // of the expression will be the most nullable of the receiver and the
    // return value.
    Nullability RetValTracked = NullabilityOfReturn->getValue();
    Nullability ComputedNullab =
        getMostNullable(RetValTracked, SelfNullability);
    if (ComputedNullab != RetValTracked &&
        ComputedNullab != Nullability::Unspecified) {
      const Stmt *NullabilitySource =
          ComputedNullab == RetValTracked
              ? NullabilityOfReturn->getNullabilitySource()
              : Message->getInstanceReceiver();
      State = State->set<NullabilityMap>(
          ReturnRegion, NullabilityState(ComputedNullab, NullabilitySource));

  // No tracked information. Use static type information for return value.
  Nullability RetNullability = getNullabilityAnnotation(RetType);

  // Properties might be computed. For this reason the static analyzer creates a
  // new symbol each time an unknown property  is read. To avoid false pozitives
  // do not treat unknown properties as nullable, even when they explicitly
  // marked nullable.
  if (M.getMessageKind() == OCM_PropertyAccess && !C.wasInlined)
    RetNullability = Nullability::Nonnull;

  Nullability ComputedNullab = getMostNullable(RetNullability, SelfNullability);
  if (ComputedNullab == Nullability::Nullable) {
    const Stmt *NullabilitySource = ComputedNullab == RetNullability
                                        ? Message
                                        : Message->getInstanceReceiver();
    State = State->set<NullabilityMap>(
        ReturnRegion, NullabilityState(ComputedNullab, NullabilitySource));