Exemplo n.º 1
void PTAStat::callgraphStat() {

    PTACallGraph* graph = pta->getPTACallGraph();
    PointerAnalysis::CallGraphSCC* callgraphSCC = new PointerAnalysis::CallGraphSCC(graph);

    unsigned totalNode = 0;
    unsigned totalCycle = 0;
    unsigned nodeInCycle = 0;
    unsigned maxNodeInCycle = 0;
    unsigned totalEdge = 0;
    unsigned edgeInCycle = 0;

    std::set<NodeID> sccRepNodeSet;
    PTACallGraph::iterator it = graph->begin();
    PTACallGraph::iterator eit = graph->end();
    for (; it != eit; ++it) {
        if(callgraphSCC->isInCycle(it->first)) {
            const NodeBS& subNodes = callgraphSCC->subNodes(it->first);
            if(subNodes.count() > maxNodeInCycle)
                maxNodeInCycle = subNodes.count();

        PTACallGraphNode::const_iterator edgeIt = it->second->InEdgeBegin();
        PTACallGraphNode::const_iterator edgeEit = it->second->InEdgeEnd();
        for (; edgeIt != edgeEit; ++edgeIt) {
            PTACallGraphEdge *edge = *edgeIt;
            totalEdge+= edge->getDirectCalls().size() + edge->getIndirectCalls().size();
            if(callgraphSCC->repNode(edge->getSrcID()) == callgraphSCC->repNode(edge->getDstID())) {
                edgeInCycle+=edge->getDirectCalls().size() + edge->getIndirectCalls().size();

    totalCycle = sccRepNodeSet.size();

    PTNumStatMap["TotalNode"] = totalNode;
    PTNumStatMap["TotalCycle"] = totalCycle;
    PTNumStatMap["NodeInCycle"] = nodeInCycle;
    PTNumStatMap["MaxNodeInCycle"] = maxNodeInCycle;
    PTNumStatMap["TotalEdge"] = totalEdge;
    PTNumStatMap["CalRetPairInCycle"] = edgeInCycle;

    std::cout << "\n****CallGraph SCC Stat****\n";


    delete callgraphSCC;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Call site mod-ref analysis
 * Compute mod-ref of all callsites invoking this call graph node
void MRGenerator::modRefAnalysis(PTACallGraphNode* callGraphNode, WorkList& worklist) {

    /// add ref/mod set of callee to its invocation callsites at caller
    for(PTACallGraphNode::iterator it = callGraphNode->InEdgeBegin(), eit = callGraphNode->InEdgeEnd();
            it!=eit; ++it) {
        PTACallGraphEdge* edge = *it;

        /// handle direct callsites
        for(PTACallGraphEdge::CallInstSet::iterator cit = edge->getDirectCalls().begin(),
                ecit = edge->getDirectCalls().end(); cit!=ecit; ++cit) {
            NodeBS mod = getModSideEffectOfFunction(callGraphNode->getFunction());
            NodeBS ref = getRefSideEffectOfFunction(callGraphNode->getFunction());
            /// ref set include all mods
            ref |= mod;
            CallSite cs = analysisUtil::getLLVMCallSite(*cit);
            // add ref set
            bool refchanged = addRefSideEffectOfCallSite(cs, ref);
            // add mod set
            bool modchanged = addModSideEffectOfCallSite(cs, mod);
            if(refchanged || modchanged)
        /// handle indirect callsites
        for(PTACallGraphEdge::CallInstSet::iterator cit = edge->getIndirectCalls().begin(),
                ecit = edge->getIndirectCalls().end(); cit!=ecit; ++cit) {
            NodeBS mod = getModSideEffectOfFunction(callGraphNode->getFunction());
            NodeBS ref = getRefSideEffectOfFunction(callGraphNode->getFunction());
            /// ref set include all mods
            ref |= mod;
            CallSite cs = analysisUtil::getLLVMCallSite(*cit);
            // add ref set
            bool refchanged = addRefSideEffectOfCallSite(cs, ref);
            // add mod set
            bool modchanged = addModSideEffectOfCallSite(cs, mod);
            if(refchanged || modchanged)
Exemplo n.º 3
    static std::string getEdgeAttributes(PTACallGraphNode *node, EdgeIter EI, PTACallGraph *PTACallGraph) {

        //TODO: mark indirect call of Fork with different color
        PTACallGraphEdge* edge = *(EI.getCurrent());
        assert(edge && "No edge found!!");

        std::string color;

        if (edge->getEdgeKind() == PTACallGraphEdge::TDJoinEdge) {
            color = "color=green";
        } else if (edge->getEdgeKind() == PTACallGraphEdge::TDForkEdge) {
            color = "color=blue";
        } else {
            color = "color=black";
        if (0 != edge->getIndirectCalls().size()) {
            color = "color=red";
        return color;