Exemplo n.º 1
  void Pointcloud::crop(point3d lowerBound, point3d upperBound) {

    Pointcloud result;

    float min_x, min_y, min_z;
    float max_x, max_y, max_z;
    float x,y,z;

    min_x = lowerBound(0); min_y = lowerBound(1); min_z = lowerBound(2);
    max_x = upperBound(0); max_y = upperBound(1); max_z = upperBound(2);

    for (Pointcloud::const_iterator it=begin(); it!=end(); it++) {
      x = (*it)(0);
      y = (*it)(1);
      z = (*it)(2);

      if ( (x >= min_x) &&
	   (y >= min_y) &&
	   (z >= min_z) &&
	   (x <= max_x) &&
	   (y <= max_y) &&
	   (z <= max_z) ) {
	result.push_back (x,y,z);
    } // end for points


Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  if (argc != 3)

  string inputFilename = argv[1];
  string outputFilename = argv[2];

  // pcl point cloud
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr pclcloud( new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>() );
  pcl::io::loadPCDFile( inputFilename, *pclcloud );

  // data conversion
  Pointcloud * cloud = new Pointcloud;
  for ( size_t i = 0; i < pclcloud->size(); ++ i ) {
    point3d pt(pclcloud->points[i].x, pclcloud->points[i].y, pclcloud->points[i].z);
    cloud->push_back( pt );
  point3d sensor_origin(0,0,0);
  OcTree* tree = new OcTree(0.1);
  tree->insertPointCloud( cloud, sensor_origin );

Exemplo n.º 3
int Test::run(){
    int error = 0;
    unsigned int size = 20;

    Map testMap("testMap.map", size,size);

    if(testMap.getMapContent().size() != size) error++;

    for(int y = 0; y < testMap.height; y++){
        for(int x = 0; x < testMap.width; x++){
            if(testMap.getMapContent()[y].size() != size) error++;
            if(testMap.getMapObject(y,x) != 0) error++;

    for(int y = 0; y < testMap.height; y++){
        for(int x = 0; x < testMap.width; x++){
            if(testMap.getMapObject(y,x) != 1) error++;

    testMap.setMapObject(0,size - 5, size - 2);
    if(testMap.getMapObject(size - 5,size - 2) != 0) error++;

    testMap.setMapObject(1,size - size,size - size);
    if(testMap.getMapObject(size - size,size -size) != 1) error++;

    testMap.setMapObject(1,size - 1,size - (size - 1));
    if(testMap.getMapObject(size - 1,size - (size - 1)) != 1) error++;

    testMap.setMapObject(0,size - 1,size - 1);
    if(testMap.getMapObject(size - 1,size - 1) != 0) error++;

    for(int y = 0; y < testMap.height; y++){
        for(int x = 0; x < testMap.width; x++){



    SimulateMap testSim(&testMap);

    Pointcloud pC = testSim.getPointCloud();
    for(Pointcloud::Point p : pC.getPoints()){
        if(p.X != -1) error++;
        if(p.Y != -3) error++;
    return error;
Exemplo n.º 4
  void Pointcloud::minDist(double thres) {
    Pointcloud result;

    float x,y,z;
    for (Pointcloud::const_iterator it=begin(); it!=end(); it++) {
      x = (*it)(0);
      y = (*it)(1);
      z = (*it)(2);
      double dist = sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
      if ( dist > thres ) result.push_back (x,y,z);
    } // end for points
Exemplo n.º 5
Pointcloud SimulateMap::addNoise(Pointcloud pc){
    Pointcloud pNC;
    for(Pointcloud::Point p : *pc.getPoints()){
    pNC.offset = pc.offset;
    pNC.orientation = pc.orientation;

    int cPx = checkpoints[0].getX();
    int cPy = checkpoints[0].getY();

    for(int i = 0; i < pNC.getPoints()->size(); ++i){
        int pCx = pNC.getPoints()->at(i).X;
        int pCy = pNC.getPoints()->at(i).Y;
        int distanceX = (pCx - cPx)^2;
        int distanceY = (pCy - cPy)^2;

        double distance = sqrt(distanceX - distanceY);
        if(distance > (Values::NOISETHRESHOLD/10)){
            //std::cout << "Point distance: " << distance << "\n";
            int intDistance = static_cast<int>(distance * 10);
            int randomXValue = (rand()% (intDistance * 2)) - intDistance;
            int randomYValue = (rand()% (intDistance * 2)) - intDistance;
            randomXValue = randomXValue / 10;
            randomYValue = randomYValue / 10;
            //std::cout << "Random distance: " << randomXValue <<" , " <<  randomYValue <<"\n";
            Pointcloud::Point newPosition =  pNC.getPoints()->at(i);
            newPosition.X += randomXValue;
            newPosition.Y += randomYValue;
            pNC.getPoints()->at(i) = newPosition;
    return pNC;
Exemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char** argv) {


  OcTree tree (0.05);

  point3d origin (0.01f, 0.01f, 0.02f);
  point3d point_on_surface (4.01f,0.01f,0.01f);
  tree.insertRay(origin, point_on_surface);
  tree.updateNode(point3d(2.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f), 2.0f);
  tree.updateNode(point3d(2.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f), -2.0f);

  cout << "generating spherical scan at " << origin << " ..." << endl;

  for (int i=-100; i<101; i++) {
    Pointcloud cloud;
    for (int j=-100; j<101; j++) {
      point3d rotated = point_on_surface;
      rotated.rotate_IP(0, DEG2RAD(i*0.5), DEG2RAD(j*0.5));

    // insert in global coordinates:
    tree.insertPointCloud(cloud, origin, -1);


  cout << "done." << endl;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
 void Pointcloud::subSampleRandom(unsigned int num_samples, Pointcloud& sample_cloud) {
   point3d_collection samples;
   // visual studio does not support random_sample_n
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
   samples.insert(samples.end(), this->begin(), this->end());
   std::random_shuffle(samples.begin(), samples.end());
   random_sample_n(begin(), end(), std::back_insert_iterator<point3d_collection>(samples), num_samples);
   for (unsigned int i=0; i<samples.size(); i++) {
Exemplo n.º 8
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {
  // Usage:
  //   Constructors/Destructor:
  //    octree = octomapWrapper(resolution);  // constructor: new tree with
  //    specified resolution
  //    octree = octomapWrapper(filename);    // constructor: load from file
  //    octomapWrapper(octree);     // destructor
  //   Queries:
  //    results = octomapWrapper(octree, 1, pts) // search
  //    leaf_nodes = octomapWrapper(octree, 2)  // getLeafNodes
  //   Update tree:
  //    octomapWrapper(octree, 11, pts, occupied)   // updateNote(pts, occupied).
  //    pts is 3-by-n, occupied is 1-by-n logical
  //   General operations:
  //    octomapWrapper(octree, 21, filename)    // save to file

  OcTree* tree = NULL;

  if (nrhs == 1) {
    if (mxIsNumeric(prhs[0])) {  // constructor w/ resolution
      if (nlhs > 0) {
        double resolution = mxGetScalar(prhs[0]);
        //        mexPrintf("Creating octree w/ resolution %f\n", resolution);
        tree = new OcTree(resolution);
        plhs[0] = createDrakeMexPointer((void*)tree, "OcTree");
    } else if (mxIsChar(prhs[0])) {
      if (nlhs > 0) {
        char* filename = mxArrayToString(prhs[0]);
        //        mexPrintf("Loading octree from %s\n", filename);
        tree = new OcTree(filename);
        plhs[0] = createDrakeMexPointer((void*)tree, "OcTree");
    } else {  // destructor.  note: assumes prhs[0] is a DrakeMexPointer (todo:
              // could check)
              //      mexPrintf("Deleting octree\n");

  tree = (OcTree*)getDrakeMexPointer(prhs[0]);
  int COMMAND = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);

  switch (COMMAND) {
    case 1:  // search
      mexPrintf("octree search\n");
      if (mxGetM(prhs[2]) != 3)
        mexErrMsgTxt("octomapWrapper: pts must be 3-by-n");
      int n = mxGetN(prhs[2]);
      double* pts = mxGetPrSafe(prhs[2]);
      if (nlhs > 0) {
        plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, n, mxREAL);
        double* presults = mxGetPrSafe(plhs[0]);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          OcTreeNode* result =
              tree->search(pts[3 * i], pts[3 * i + 1], pts[3 * i + 2]);
          if (result == NULL)
            presults[i] = -1.0;
            presults[i] = result->getOccupancy();
    } break;
    case 2:  // get leaf nodes
      //      mexPrintf("octree get leaf nodes\n");
      int N = tree->getNumLeafNodes();
      plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(3, N, mxREAL);
      double* leaf_xyz = mxGetPrSafe(plhs[0]);

      double* leaf_value = NULL, * leaf_size = NULL;
      if (nlhs > 1) {  // return value
        plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, N, mxREAL);
        leaf_value = mxGetPrSafe(plhs[1]);
      if (nlhs > 2) {  // return size
        plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, N, mxREAL);
        leaf_size = mxGetPrSafe(plhs[2]);

      for (OcTree::leaf_iterator leaf = tree->begin_leafs(),
                                 end = tree->end_leafs();
           leaf != end; ++leaf) {
        leaf_xyz[0] = leaf.getX();
        leaf_xyz[1] = leaf.getY();
        leaf_xyz[2] = leaf.getZ();
        leaf_xyz += 3;
        if (leaf_value) *leaf_value++ = leaf->getValue();
        if (leaf_size) *leaf_size++ = leaf.getSize();
    } break;
    case 11:  // add occupied pts
      //        mexPrintf("octree updateNode\n");
      if (mxGetM(prhs[2]) != 3)
        mexErrMsgTxt("octomapWrapper: pts must be 3-by-n");
      int n = mxGetN(prhs[2]);
      double* pts = mxGetPrSafe(prhs[2]);
      mxLogical* occupied = mxGetLogicals(prhs[3]);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        tree->updateNode(pts[3 * i], pts[3 * i + 1], pts[3 * i + 2],
    } break;
    case 12:  // insert a scan of endpoints and sensor origin
      // pointsA should be 3xN, originA is 3x1
      double* points = mxGetPrSafe(prhs[2]);
      double* originA = mxGetPrSafe(prhs[3]);
      int n = mxGetN(prhs[2]);
      point3d origin((float)originA[0], (float)originA[1], (float)originA[2]);
      Pointcloud pointCloud;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        point3d point((float)points[3 * i], (float)points[3 * i + 1],
                      (float)points[3 * i + 2]);
      tree->insertPointCloud(pointCloud, origin);
    } break;
    case 21:  // save to file
      char* filename = mxArrayToString(prhs[2]);
      //        mexPrintf("writing octree to %s\n", filename);
    } break;
      mexErrMsgTxt("octomapWrapper: Unknown command");
Exemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  // default values:
  double res = 0.1;

  if (argc < 2)

  string graphFilename = std::string(argv[1]);

  double maxrange = -1;
  int max_scan_no = -1;
  int skip_scan_eval = 5;

  int arg = 1;
  while (++arg < argc) {
    if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-i"))
      graphFilename = std::string(argv[++arg]);
    else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-res"))
      res = atof(argv[++arg]);
    else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-m"))
      maxrange = atof(argv[++arg]);
    else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-n"))
      max_scan_no = atoi(argv[++arg]);
    else {

  cout << "\nReading Graph file\n===========================\n";
  ScanGraph* graph = new ScanGraph();
  if (!graph->readBinary(graphFilename))
  size_t num_points_in_graph = 0;
  if (max_scan_no > 0) {
    num_points_in_graph = graph->getNumPoints(max_scan_no-1);
    cout << "\n Data points in graph up to scan " << max_scan_no << ": " << num_points_in_graph << endl;
  else {
    num_points_in_graph = graph->getNumPoints();
    cout << "\n Data points in graph: " << num_points_in_graph << endl;

  cout << "\nCreating tree\n===========================\n";
  OcTree* tree = new OcTree(res);

  size_t numScans = graph->size();
  unsigned int currentScan = 1;
  for (ScanGraph::iterator scan_it = graph->begin(); scan_it != graph->end(); scan_it++) {

    if (currentScan % skip_scan_eval != 0){
      if (max_scan_no > 0) cout << "("<<currentScan << "/" << max_scan_no << ") " << flush;
      else cout << "("<<currentScan << "/" << numScans << ") " << flush;
      tree->insertPointCloud(**scan_it, maxrange);
    } else
      cout << "(SKIP) " << flush;

    if ((max_scan_no > 0) && (currentScan == (unsigned int) max_scan_no))



  cout << "\nEvaluating scans\n===========================\n";
  currentScan = 1;
  size_t num_points = 0;
  size_t num_voxels_correct = 0;
  size_t num_voxels_wrong = 0;
  size_t num_voxels_unknown = 0;

  for (ScanGraph::iterator scan_it = graph->begin(); scan_it != graph->end(); scan_it++) {

    if (currentScan % skip_scan_eval == 0){
      if (max_scan_no > 0) cout << "("<<currentScan << "/" << max_scan_no << ") " << flush;
      else cout << "("<<currentScan << "/" << numScans << ") " << flush;

      pose6d frame_origin = (*scan_it)->pose;
      point3d sensor_origin = frame_origin.inv().transform((*scan_it)->pose.trans());

      // transform pointcloud:
      Pointcloud scan (*(*scan_it)->scan);
      point3d origin = frame_origin.transform(sensor_origin);

      KeySet free_cells, occupied_cells;
      tree->computeUpdate(scan, origin, free_cells, occupied_cells, maxrange);

      num_points += scan.size();

      // count free cells
      for (KeySet::iterator it = free_cells.begin(); it != free_cells.end(); ++it) {
        OcTreeNode* n = tree->search(*it);
        if (n){
          if (tree->isNodeOccupied(n))
        } else
      } // count occupied cells
      for (KeySet::iterator it = occupied_cells.begin(); it != occupied_cells.end(); ++it) {
        OcTreeNode* n = tree->search(*it);
        if (n){
          if (tree->isNodeOccupied(n))
        } else


    if ((max_scan_no > 0) && (currentScan == (unsigned int) max_scan_no))



  cout << "\nFinished evaluating " << num_points <<"/"<< num_points_in_graph << " points.\n"
      <<"Voxels correct: "<<num_voxels_correct<<" #wrong: " <<num_voxels_wrong << " #unknown: " <<num_voxels_unknown
      <<". % correct: "<< num_voxels_correct/double(num_voxels_correct+num_voxels_wrong)<<"\n\n";

  delete graph;
  delete tree;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  if (argc != 2){
    std::cerr << "Error: you need to specify a test as argument" << std::endl;
    return 1; // exit 1 means failure
  std::string test_name (argv[1]);

  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  if (test_name == "MathVector") {
    // test constructors
    Vector3* twos = new Vector3();        
    Vector3* ones = new Vector3(1,1,1);    
    for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
      (*twos)(i) = 2;
    // test basic operations
    Vector3 subtraction = *twos - *ones;
    Vector3 addition = *twos + *ones;
    Vector3 multiplication = *twos * 2.;
    for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
      EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (subtraction(i), 1.);
      EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (addition(i), 3.);
      EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (multiplication(i), 4.);

    // copy constructor
    Vector3 rotation =  *ones;

    // rotation
    rotation.rotate_IP (M_PI, 1., 0.1);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (rotation.x(), 1.2750367);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (rotation.y(), (-1.1329513));
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (rotation.z(), 0.30116868);
  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  } else if (test_name == "MathPose") {
    // constructors  
    Pose6D a (1.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.0f, 0.1f, (float) M_PI/4. );
    Pose6D b;

    Vector3 trans(1.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
    Quaternion rot(0.0f, 0.1f, (float) M_PI/4.);
    Pose6D c(trans, rot);

    // comparator
    EXPECT_TRUE ( a == c);
    // toEuler
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (c.yaw() , M_PI/4.);

    // transform
    Vector3 t = c.transform (trans);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (t.x() , 1.6399229);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (t.y() , 0.8813442);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (t.z() , 0.099667005);

    // inverse transform
    Pose6D c_inv = c.inv();
    Vector3 t2 = c_inv.transform (t);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (t2.x() , trans.x());
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (t2.y() , trans.y());
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (t2.z() , trans.z());

  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  } else if (test_name == "InsertRay") {
    double p = 0.5;
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(p, probability(logodds(p)));
    p = 0.1;
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(p, probability(logodds(p)));
    p = 0.99;
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(p, probability(logodds(p)));

    float l = 0;
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(l, logodds(probability(l)));
    l = -4;
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(l, logodds(probability(l)));
    l = 2;
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(l, logodds(probability(l)));

    OcTree tree (0.05);

    point3d origin (0.01f, 0.01f, 0.02f);
    point3d point_on_surface (2.01f,0.01f,0.01f);
    for (int i=0; i<360; i++) {    
      for (int j=0; j<360; j++) {
        EXPECT_TRUE (tree.insertRay(origin, origin+point_on_surface));
        point_on_surface.rotate_IP (0,0,DEG2RAD(1.));
      point_on_surface.rotate_IP (0,DEG2RAD(1.),0);
    EXPECT_TRUE (tree.writeBinary("sphere_rays.bt"));
    EXPECT_EQ ((int) tree.size(), 50615);
  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  // ray casting is now in "test_raycasting.cpp"

  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  // insert scan test
  // insert graph node test
  // write graph test
  } else if (test_name == "InsertScan") {
    Pointcloud* measurement = new Pointcloud();
    point3d origin (0.01f, 0.01f, 0.02f);
    point3d point_on_surface (2.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f);
    for (int i=0; i<360; i++) {
      for (int j=0; j<360; j++) {
        point3d p = origin+point_on_surface;
        point_on_surface.rotate_IP (0,0,DEG2RAD(1.));
      point_on_surface.rotate_IP (0,DEG2RAD(1.),0);
    OcTree tree (0.05);
    tree.insertPointCloud(*measurement, origin);
    EXPECT_EQ (tree.size(), 53959);

    ScanGraph* graph = new ScanGraph();
    Pose6D node_pose (origin.x(), origin.y(), origin.z(),0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
    graph->addNode(measurement, node_pose);
    EXPECT_TRUE (graph->writeBinary("test.graph"));
    delete graph;
  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  // graph read file test
  } else if (test_name == "ReadGraph") {
    // not really meaningful, see better test in "test_scans.cpp"
    ScanGraph graph;
    EXPECT_TRUE (graph.readBinary("test.graph"));
  // ------------------------------------------------------------

  } else if (test_name == "StampedTree") {
    OcTreeStamped stamped_tree (0.05);
    // fill tree
    for (int x=-20; x<20; x++) 
      for (int y=-20; y<20; y++) 
        for (int z=-20; z<20; z++) {
          point3d p ((float) x*0.05f+0.01f, (float) y*0.05f+0.01f, (float) z*0.05f+0.01f);
          stamped_tree.updateNode(p, true); // integrate 'occupied' measurement 
    // test if update times set
    point3d query (0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
    OcTreeNodeStamped* result = stamped_tree.search (query);
    EXPECT_TRUE (result);
    unsigned int tree_time = stamped_tree.getLastUpdateTime();
    unsigned int node_time = result->getTimestamp();
    std::cout << "After 1st update (cube): Tree time " <<tree_time << "; node(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) time " << result->getTimestamp() << std::endl;
    EXPECT_TRUE (tree_time > 0);
    #ifdef _WIN32
    stamped_tree.integrateMissNoTime(result);  // reduce occupancy, no time update
    std::cout << "After 2nd update (single miss): Tree time " <<tree_time << "; node(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) time " << node_time << std::endl;
    EXPECT_EQ  (node_time, result->getTimestamp()); // node time updated?
    point3d query2 = point3d  (0.1f, 0.1f, 0.3f);
    stamped_tree.updateNode(query2, true); // integrate 'occupied' measurement
    OcTreeNodeStamped* result2 = stamped_tree.search (query2);
    EXPECT_TRUE (result2);
    result = stamped_tree.search (query);
    EXPECT_TRUE (result);
    std::cout << "After 3rd update (single hit at (0.1, 0.1, 0.3): Tree time " << stamped_tree.getLastUpdateTime() << "; node(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) time " << result->getTimestamp()
        << "; node(0.1, 0.1, 0.3) time " << result2->getTimestamp() << std::endl;
    EXPECT_TRUE (result->getTimestamp() < result2->getTimestamp()); // result2 has been updated
    EXPECT_EQ(result2->getTimestamp(), stamped_tree.getLastUpdateTime());
  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  } else if (test_name == "OcTreeKey") {
    OcTree tree (0.05);  
    point3d p(0.0,0.0,0.0);
    OcTreeKey key;
    tree.coordToKeyChecked(p, key);
    point3d p_inv = tree.keyToCoord(key);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (0.025, p_inv.x());
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (0.025, p_inv.y());
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (0.025, p_inv.z());

  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  } else {
    std::cerr << "Invalid test name specified: " << test_name << std::endl;
    return 1;


  std::cerr << "Test successful.\n";
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
 void Pointcloud::push_back(const Pointcloud& other)   {
   for (Pointcloud::const_iterator it = other.begin(); it != other.end(); it++) {
Exemplo n.º 12
void scan3d::reconstruct_model_simple(Pointcloud & pointcloud, CalibrationData const& calib, 
                                cv::Mat const& pattern_image, cv::Mat const& min_max_image, cv::Mat const& color_image,
                                cv::Size const& projector_size, int threshold, double max_dist, QWidget * parent_widget)
    if (!pattern_image.data || pattern_image.type()!=CV_32FC2)
    {   //pattern not correctly decoded
        std::cerr << "[reconstruct_model] ERROR invalid pattern_image\n";
    if (!min_max_image.data || min_max_image.type()!=CV_8UC2)
    {   //pattern not correctly decoded
        std::cerr << "[reconstruct_model] ERROR invalid min_max_image\n";
    if (color_image.data && color_image.type()!=CV_8UC3)
    {   //not standard RGB image
        std::cerr << "[reconstruct_model] ERROR invalid color_image\n";
    if (!calib.is_valid())
    {   //invalid calibration

    //const unsigned threshold = config.value("main/shadow_threshold", 70).toUInt();
    //const double   max_dist  = config.value("main/max_dist_threshold", 40).toDouble();
    //const bool     remove_background = config.value("main/remove_background", true).toBool();
    //const double   plane_dist = config.value("main/plane_dist", 100.0).toDouble();
    double plane_dist = 100.0;

    /* background removal
    cv::Point2i plane_coord[3];
    plane_coord[0] = cv::Point2i(config.value("background_plane/x1").toUInt(), config.value("background_plane/y1").toUInt());
    plane_coord[1] = cv::Point2i(config.value("background_plane/x2").toUInt(), config.value("background_plane/y2").toUInt());
    plane_coord[2] = cv::Point2i(config.value("background_plane/x3").toUInt(), config.value("background_plane/y3").toUInt());

    if (plane_coord[0].x<=0 || plane_coord[0].x>=pattern_local.cols
        || plane_coord[0].y<=0 || plane_coord[0].y>=pattern_local.rows)
        plane_coord[0] = cv::Point2i(50, 50);
        config.setValue("background_plane/x1", plane_coord[0].x);
        config.setValue("background_plane/y1", plane_coord[0].y);
    if (plane_coord[1].x<=0 || plane_coord[1].x>=pattern_local.cols
        || plane_coord[1].y<=0 || plane_coord[1].y>=pattern_local.rows)
        plane_coord[1] = cv::Point2i(50, pattern_local.rows-50);
        config.setValue("background_plane/x2", plane_coord[1].x);
        config.setValue("background_plane/y2", plane_coord[1].y);
    if (plane_coord[2].x<=0 || plane_coord[2].x>=pattern_local.cols
        || plane_coord[2].y<=0 || plane_coord[2].y>=pattern_local.rows)
        plane_coord[2] = cv::Point2i(pattern_local.cols-50, 50);
        config.setValue("background_plane/x3", plane_coord[2].x);
        config.setValue("background_plane/y3", plane_coord[2].y);

    //init point cloud
    int scale_factor = 1;
    int out_cols = pattern_image.cols/scale_factor;
    int out_rows = pattern_image.rows/scale_factor;
    pointcloud.init_points(out_rows, out_cols);
    pointcloud.init_color(out_rows, out_cols);

    QProgressDialog * progress = NULL;
    if (parent_widget)
        progress = new QProgressDialog("Reconstruction in progress.", "Abort", 0, pattern_image.rows, parent_widget, 

    //take 3 points in back plane
    /*cv::Mat plane;
    if (remove_background)
        cv::Point3d p[3];
        for (unsigned i=0; i<3;i++)
            for (unsigned j=0; 
                j<10 && (
                    INVALID(pattern_local.at<cv::Vec2f>(plane_coord[i].y, plane_coord[i].x)[0])
                    || INVALID(pattern_local.at<cv::Vec2f>(plane_coord[i].y, plane_coord[i].x)[1])); j++)
                plane_coord[i].x += 1.f;
            const cv::Vec2f & pattern = pattern_local.at<cv::Vec2f>(plane_coord[i].y, plane_coord[i].x);

            const float col = pattern[0];
            const float row = pattern[1];

            if (projector_size.width<=static_cast<int>(col) || projector_size.height<=static_cast<int>(row))
            {   //abort

            //shoot a ray through the image: u=\lambda*v + q
            cv::Point3d u1 = camera.to_world_coord(plane_coord[i].x, plane_coord[i].y);
            cv::Point3d v1 = camera.world_ray(plane_coord[i].x, plane_coord[i].y);

            //shoot a ray through the projector: u=\lambda*v + q
            cv::Point3d u2 = projector.to_world_coord(col, row);
            cv::Point3d v2 = projector.world_ray(col, row);

            //compute ray-ray approximate intersection
            double distance = 0.0;
            p[i] = geometry::approximate_ray_intersection(v1, u1, v2, u2, &distance);
            std::cout << "Plane point " << i << " distance " << distance << std::endl;
        plane = geometry::get_plane(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
        if (cv::Mat(plane.rowRange(0,3).t()*cv::Mat(cv::Point3d(p[0].x, p[0].y, p[0].z-1.0)) + plane.at<double>(3,0)).at<double>(0,0)
            plane = -1.0*plane;
        std::cout << "Background plane: " << plane << std::endl;

    cv::Mat Rt = calib.R.t();

    unsigned good = 0;
    unsigned bad  = 0;
    unsigned invalid = 0;
    unsigned repeated = 0;
    for (int h=0; h<pattern_image.rows; h+=scale_factor)
        if (progress && h%4==0)
            progress->setLabelText(QString("Reconstruction in progress: %1 good points/%2 bad points").arg(good).arg(bad));
        if (progress && progress->wasCanceled())
        {   //abort

        register const cv::Vec2f * curr_pattern_row = pattern_image.ptr<cv::Vec2f>(h);
        register const cv::Vec2b * min_max_row = min_max_image.ptr<cv::Vec2b>(h);
        for (register int w=0; w<pattern_image.cols; w+=scale_factor)
            double distance = max_dist;  //quality meassure
            cv::Point3d p;               //reconstructed point
            //cv::Point3d normal(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            const cv::Vec2f & pattern = curr_pattern_row[w];
            const cv::Vec2b & min_max = min_max_row[w];

            if (sl::INVALID(pattern) || pattern[0]<0.f || pattern[1]<0.f
                || (min_max[1]-min_max[0])<static_cast<int>(threshold))
            {   //skip

            const float col = pattern[0];
            const float row = pattern[1];

            if (projector_size.width<=static_cast<int>(col) || projector_size.height<=static_cast<int>(row))
            {   //abort

            cv::Vec3f & cloud_point = pointcloud.points.at<cv::Vec3f>(h/scale_factor, w/scale_factor);
            if (!sl::INVALID(cloud_point[0]))
            {   //point already reconstructed!

            cv::Point2d p1(w, h);
            cv::Point2d p2(col, row);
            triangulate_stereo(calib.cam_K, calib.cam_kc, calib.proj_K, calib.proj_kc, Rt, calib.T, p1, p2, p, &distance);

            //save texture coordinates
            normal.x = static_cast<float>(w)/static_cast<float>(color_image.cols);
            normal.y = static_cast<float>(h)/static_cast<float>(color_image.rows);
            normal.z = 0;

            if (distance < max_dist)
            {   //good point

                //evaluate the plane
                double d = plane_dist+1;
                /*if (remove_background)
                    d = cv::Mat(plane.rowRange(0,3).t()*cv::Mat(p) + plane.at<double>(3,0)).at<double>(0,0);
                if (d>plane_dist)
                {   //object point, keep

                    cloud_point[0] = p.x;
                    cloud_point[1] = p.y;
                    cloud_point[2] = p.z;

                    /*cpoint.normal_x = normal.x;
                    cpoint.normal_y = normal.y;
                    cpoint.normal_z = normal.z;*/

                    if (color_image.data)
                        const cv::Vec3b & vec = color_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(h, w);
                        cv::Vec3b & cloud_color = pointcloud.colors.at<cv::Vec3b>(h/scale_factor, w/scale_factor);
                        cloud_color[0] = vec[0];
                        cloud_color[1] = vec[1];
                        cloud_color[2] = vec[2];
            {   //skip
                //std::cout << " d = " << distance << std::endl;
        }   //for each column
    }   //for each row

    if (progress)
        delete progress;
        progress = NULL;

    std::cout << "Reconstructed points[simple]: " << good << " (" << bad << " skipped, " << invalid << " invalid) " << std::endl
                << " - repeated points: " << repeated << " (ignored) " << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 13
void scan3d::reconstruct_model_patch_center(Pointcloud & pointcloud, CalibrationData const& calib, 
                                cv::Mat const& pattern_image, cv::Mat const& min_max_image, cv::Mat const& color_image,
                                cv::Size const& projector_size, int threshold, double max_dist, QWidget * parent_widget)
    if (!pattern_image.data || pattern_image.type()!=CV_32FC2)
    {   //pattern not correctly decoded
        std::cerr << "[reconstruct_model] ERROR invalid pattern_image\n";
    if (!min_max_image.data || min_max_image.type()!=CV_8UC2)
    {   //pattern not correctly decoded
        std::cerr << "[reconstruct_model] ERROR invalid min_max_image\n";
    if (color_image.data && color_image.type()!=CV_8UC3)
    {   //not standard RGB image
        std::cerr << "[reconstruct_model] ERROR invalid color_image\n";
    if (!calib.is_valid())
    {   //invalid calibration

    //const unsigned threshold = config.value("main/shadow_threshold", 70).toUInt();
    //const double   max_dist  = config.value("main/max_dist_threshold", 40).toDouble();
    //const bool     remove_background = config.value("main/remove_background", true).toBool();
    //const double   plane_dist = config.value("main/plane_dist", 100.0).toDouble();
    double plane_dist = 100.0;

    /* background removal
    cv::Point2i plane_coord[3];
    plane_coord[0] = cv::Point2i(config.value("background_plane/x1").toUInt(), config.value("background_plane/y1").toUInt());
    plane_coord[1] = cv::Point2i(config.value("background_plane/x2").toUInt(), config.value("background_plane/y2").toUInt());
    plane_coord[2] = cv::Point2i(config.value("background_plane/x3").toUInt(), config.value("background_plane/y3").toUInt());

    if (plane_coord[0].x<=0 || plane_coord[0].x>=pattern_local.cols
        || plane_coord[0].y<=0 || plane_coord[0].y>=pattern_local.rows)
        plane_coord[0] = cv::Point2i(50, 50);
        config.setValue("background_plane/x1", plane_coord[0].x);
        config.setValue("background_plane/y1", plane_coord[0].y);
    if (plane_coord[1].x<=0 || plane_coord[1].x>=pattern_local.cols
        || plane_coord[1].y<=0 || plane_coord[1].y>=pattern_local.rows)
        plane_coord[1] = cv::Point2i(50, pattern_local.rows-50);
        config.setValue("background_plane/x2", plane_coord[1].x);
        config.setValue("background_plane/y2", plane_coord[1].y);
    if (plane_coord[2].x<=0 || plane_coord[2].x>=pattern_local.cols
        || plane_coord[2].y<=0 || plane_coord[2].y>=pattern_local.rows)
        plane_coord[2] = cv::Point2i(pattern_local.cols-50, 50);
        config.setValue("background_plane/x3", plane_coord[2].x);
        config.setValue("background_plane/y3", plane_coord[2].y);

    //init point cloud
    int scale_factor_x = 1;
    int scale_factor_y = (projector_size.width>projector_size.height ? 1 : 2); //XXX HACK: preserve regular aspect ratio XXX HACK
    int out_cols = projector_size.width/scale_factor_x;
    int out_rows = projector_size.height/scale_factor_y;
    pointcloud.init_points(out_rows, out_cols);//NAN点:point初始化(pointcloud成员变量)
    pointcloud.init_color(out_rows, out_cols);//白色图像:color初始化(pointcloud成员变量)


    //take 3 points in back plane
    /*cv::Mat plane;
    if (remove_background)
        cv::Point3d p[3];
        for (unsigned i=0; i<3;i++)
            for (unsigned j=0; 
                j<10 && (
                    INVALID(pattern_local.at<cv::Vec2f>(plane_coord[i].y, plane_coord[i].x)[0])
                    || INVALID(pattern_local.at<cv::Vec2f>(plane_coord[i].y, plane_coord[i].x)[1])); j++)
                plane_coord[i].x += 1.f;
            const cv::Vec2f & pattern = pattern_local.at<cv::Vec2f>(plane_coord[i].y, plane_coord[i].x);

            const float col = pattern[0];
            const float row = pattern[1];

            if (projector_size.width<=static_cast<int>(col) || projector_size.height<=static_cast<int>(row))
            {   //abort

            //shoot a ray through the image: u=\lambda*v + q
            cv::Point3d u1 = camera.to_world_coord(plane_coord[i].x, plane_coord[i].y);
            cv::Point3d v1 = camera.world_ray(plane_coord[i].x, plane_coord[i].y);

            //shoot a ray through the projector: u=\lambda*v + q
            cv::Point3d u2 = projector.to_world_coord(col, row);
            cv::Point3d v2 = projector.world_ray(col, row);

            //compute ray-ray approximate intersection
            double distance = 0.0;
            p[i] = geometry::approximate_ray_intersection(v1, u1, v2, u2, &distance);
            std::cout << "Plane point " << i << " distance " << distance << std::endl;
        plane = geometry::get_plane(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
        if (cv::Mat(plane.rowRange(0,3).t()*cv::Mat(cv::Point3d(p[0].x, p[0].y, p[0].z-1.0)) + plane.at<double>(3,0)).at<double>(0,0)
            plane = -1.0*plane;
        std::cout << "Background plane: " << plane << std::endl;

    //candidate points
    QMap<unsigned, cv::Point2f> proj_points;
    QMap<unsigned, std::vector<cv::Point2f> > cam_points;

    //cv::Mat proj_image = cv::Mat::zeros(out_rows, out_cols, CV_8UC3);

    unsigned good = 0;
    unsigned bad  = 0;
    unsigned invalid = 0;
    unsigned repeated = 0;
    for (int h=0; h<pattern_image.rows; h++)

        register const cv::Vec2f * curr_pattern_row = pattern_image.ptr<cv::Vec2f>(h);
        register const cv::Vec2b * min_max_row = min_max_image.ptr<cv::Vec2b>(h);
        for (register int w=0; w<pattern_image.cols; w++)
            const cv::Vec2f & pattern = curr_pattern_row[w];
            const cv::Vec2b & min_max = min_max_row[w];

            if (sl::INVALID(pattern) 
                || pattern[0]<0.f || pattern[0]>=projector_size.width || pattern[1]<0.f || pattern[1]>=projector_size.height
                || (min_max[1]-min_max[0])<static_cast<int>(threshold))
            {   //skip

            cv::Point2f proj_point(pattern[0]/scale_factor_x, pattern[1]/scale_factor_y);

            unsigned index = static_cast<unsigned>(proj_point.y)*out_cols + static_cast<unsigned>(proj_point.x);//索引是投影图像上所有的点(uncertain)

            proj_points.insert(index, proj_point);

             //std::cout<<"index:  "<<index<<std::endl;
            cam_points[index].push_back(cv::Point2f(w, h));

            //std::cout<<"cam_point:  "<<cam_points[index]<<std::endl;

            //proj_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(static_cast<unsigned>(proj_point.y), static_cast<unsigned>(proj_point.x)) = color_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(h, w);


    //cv::imwrite("proj_image.png", proj_image);

    cv::Mat Rt = calib.R.t();

    QMapIterator<unsigned, cv::Point2f> iter1(proj_points);
    unsigned n = 0;
    while (iter1.hasNext()) 

        unsigned index = iter1.key();
        const cv::Point2f & proj_point = iter1.value();
        const std::vector<cv::Point2f> & cam_point_list = cam_points.value(index);
        const unsigned count = static_cast<int>(cam_point_list.size());

        if (!count)
        {   //empty list

        //center average
        cv::Point2d sum(0.0, 0.0), sum2(0.0, 0.0);
        for (std::vector<cv::Point2f>::const_iterator iter2=cam_point_list.begin(); iter2!=cam_point_list.end(); iter2++)
            sum.x += iter2->x;
            sum.y += iter2->y;
            sum2.x += (iter2->x)*(iter2->x);
            sum2.y += (iter2->y)*(iter2->y);
        cv::Point2d cam(sum.x/count, sum.y/count);//
        cv::Point2d proj(proj_point.x*scale_factor_x, proj_point.y*scale_factor_y);

        double distance = max_dist;  //quality meassure
        cv::Point3d p;          //reconstructed point
        triangulate_stereo(calib.cam_K, calib.cam_kc, calib.proj_K, calib.proj_kc, Rt, calib.T, cam, proj, p, &distance);

        if (distance < max_dist)
        {   //good point

            //evaluate the plane
            double d = plane_dist+1;
            /*if (remove_background)
                d = cv::Mat(plane.rowRange(0,3).t()*cv::Mat(p) + plane.at<double>(3,0)).at<double>(0,0);
            if (d>plane_dist)
            {   //object point, keep

                cv::Vec3f & cloud_point = pointcloud.points.at<cv::Vec3f>(proj_point.y, proj_point.x);
                cloud_point[0] = p.x;
                cloud_point[1] = p.y;
                cloud_point[2] = p.z;
                //std::cout << " pointcloud.points= " <<cloud_point << std::endl;

                if (color_image.data)//每個像素點對應的彩色值,存入
                    const cv::Vec3b & vec = color_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(static_cast<unsigned>(cam.y), static_cast<unsigned>(cam.x));
                    cv::Vec3b & cloud_color = pointcloud.colors.at<cv::Vec3b>(proj_point.y, proj_point.x);
                    cloud_color[0] = vec[0];
                    cloud_color[1] = vec[1];
                    cloud_color[2] = vec[2];

        {   //skip
            //std::cout << " d = " << distance << std::endl;
    }   //while

    std::cout << "Reconstructed points [patch center]: " << good << " (" << bad << " skipped, " << invalid << " invalid) " << std::endl
                << " - repeated points: " << repeated << " (ignored) " << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 14
int Test::run(){
    std::cout << "Enviroment Simulator test begin" << std::endl;
    int error = 0;
    int size = 20;

    std::ofstream testResultsFile;
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        std::cout << "Result log: " << "Log file could not be opend" << std::endl;

    testResultsFile << "Enviroment Simulator test begin" << std::endl;

    //Map not from file
    testResultsFile << "Enviroment Simulator test Map not from file" << std::endl;
    Map testMap("testMap.map", size,size);

    if(testMap.height != size || testMap.width != size){
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        testResultsFile << "Map not from file: " << "Map y size incorret" << std::endl;

    if(testMap.height != size || testMap.width != size){
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        testResultsFile << "Map not from file: " << "Map x size incorret" << std::endl;

    for(int y = 0; y < testMap.height; y++){
        for(int x = 0; x < testMap.width; x++){
            if(testMap.getMapObject(y,x) != 0){
                testResultsFile << "Error: ";
                testResultsFile << "Map not from file: " << "Conntent error. != 0" << std::endl;

    for(int y = 0; y < testMap.height; y++){
        for(int x = 0; x < testMap.width; x++){
            if(testMap.getMapObject(y,x) != 1){
                testResultsFile << "Error: ";
                testResultsFile << "Map not from file: " << "Conntent error. != 1" << std::endl;

    testMap.setMapObject(0,size - 5,size - 2);
    if(testMap.getMapObject(size - 5,size - 2) != 0){
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        testResultsFile << "Map not from file: " << "Object error size - 5,size - 2 != 0" << std::endl;

    testMap.setMapObject(1,size - size,size - size);
    if(testMap.getMapObject(size - size,size -size) != 1){
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        testResultsFile << "Map not from file: " << "Object error 0,0 != 1" << std::endl;

    testMap.setMapObject(1,size - 1,size - (size - 1));
    if(testMap.getMapObject(size - 1,size - (size - 1)) != 1){
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        testResultsFile << "Map not from file: " << "Object error size - 1,size - (size - 1) != 1" << std::endl;

    testMap.setMapObject(0,size - 1,size - 1);
    if(testMap.getMapObject(size - 1,size - 1) != 0){
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        testResultsFile << "Map not from file: " << "Object error size - 1,size - (size - 1) != 0" << std::endl;

    testMap.setMapObject(0,size + 1,size + 1);
    if(testMap.getMapObject(size + 1,size + 1) != -1){
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        testResultsFile << "Map not from file: " << "Object error size - 1,size - (size - 1) != -1" << std::endl;

    if(testMap.getMapObject(size,size) != -1){
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        testResultsFile << "Map not from file: " << "Object error size, size != -1" << std::endl;

    testMap.setMapObject(0,size - 21,size - 21);
    if(testMap.getMapObject(size - 21,size - 21) != -1){
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        testResultsFile << "Map not from file: " << "Object error size - 21,size - 21 + 1 != 1" << std::endl;

    for(int y = 0; y < testMap.height; y++){
        for(int x = 0; x < testMap.width; x++){

    //Save file
    testResultsFile << "Enviroment Simulator test Save file" << std::endl;

    //Map from file
    testResultsFile << "Enviroment Simulator test Map from file" << std::endl;

    Map testFileMap("testFileMap.map");

        Map testFileMap("testFileMap.map");
    catch(int e){
        if(e != 2){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "Map from corrupt file: " << "Excpention error." << std::endl;

    if(testFileMap.width != size || testFileMap.height != size){
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        testResultsFile << "Map from file: " << "Map y size incorret" << std::endl;

    if(testFileMap.width != size || testFileMap.height != size){
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        testResultsFile << "Map from file: " << "Map x size incorret" << std::endl;

    for(int y = 0; y < testFileMap.height; y++){
        for(int x = 0; x < testFileMap.width; x++){
            if(testFileMap.getMapObject(y,x) != 0){
                testResultsFile << "Error: ";
                testResultsFile << "Map from file: " << "Conntent error. != 0" << std::endl;

    for(int y = 0; y < testFileMap.height; y++){
        for(int x = 0; x < testFileMap.width; x++){

    for(int y = 0; y < testFileMap.height; y++){
        for(int x = 0; x < testFileMap.width; x++){
            if(testFileMap.getMapObject(y,x) != 1){
                testResultsFile << "Error: ";
                testResultsFile << "Map from file: " << "Conntent error. != 1" << std::endl;

    //Map from corrupt file
    testResultsFile << "Enviroment Simulator test Map from corrupt file" << std::endl;
        Map corruptMap("testFileMapCorrupt.map");
    catch(int e){
        if(e != 2){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "Map from corrupt file: " << "Excpention error." << std::endl;

    for(int y = 0; y < testMap.height; y++){
        for(int x = 0; x < testMap.width; x++){

    //Simuate test
    testResultsFile << "Enviroment Simulator test Simulate" << std::endl;

    Map *tp = new Map("testSimulateMap.map" , size, size);

    SimulateMap testSim(tp);


    testResultsFile << "addCheckPoint 21 21" << std::endl;

    testResultsFile << "addCheckPoint -1 -1" << std::endl;

    testResultsFile << "Simulate: " << "Lest see" << std::endl;

    Map *pt = new Map("temp.map", size, size);

    SimulateMap testSimEmpty(pt);

    testResultsFile << "Simulate: " << "Lest see" << std::endl;

    testResultsFile << "Simulate: " << "Lest see" << std::endl;

    //Objects behind objects test

    Map *tM = new Map("testMap.map", size,size);
    //right side
    testResultsFile << "addObject 5 8 right side from checkpoint" << std::endl;
    testResultsFile << "addObject 5 9 right side from checkpoint" << std::endl;
    //left side
    testResultsFile << "addObject 5 6 left side from checkpoint" << std::endl;
    testResultsFile << "addObject 5 5 left side from checkpoint" << std::endl;
    //upper side
    testResultsFile << "addObject 4 7 upper side from checkpoint" << std::endl;
    testResultsFile << "addObject 3 7 upper side from checkpoint" << std::endl;
    //lower side
    testResultsFile << "addObject 7 6 lower side from checkpoint" << std::endl;
    testResultsFile << "addObject 7 7 lower side from checkpoint" << std::endl;

    //left up side diagonal
    testResultsFile << "addObject 4 6 left up side diagonal checkpoint" << std::endl;
    testResultsFile << "addObject 5 3 left up side diagonal checkpoint" << std::endl;

    //left down side diagonal
    testResultsFile << "addObject 6 6 left down side diagonal checkpoint" << std::endl;
    testResultsFile << "addObject 5 7 left down side diagonal checkpoint" << std::endl;

    //right up side diagonal
    testResultsFile << "addObject 8 4 right up side diagonal checkpoint" << std::endl;
    testResultsFile << "addObject 9 3 right up side diagonal checkpoint" << std::endl;

    //right down side diagonal
    testResultsFile << "addObject 8 6 right down side diagonal checkpoint" << std::endl;
    testResultsFile << "addObject 9 7 right down side diagonal checkpoint" << std::endl;

    SimulateMap tS(tM);

    testResultsFile << "addCheckPoint 5 7" << std::endl;

    testResultsFile << "Enviroment Simulator object behind object test PointCloud" << std::endl;
    Pointcloud pointc = tS.getPointCloud();

    for(Pointcloud::Point p : *pointc.getPoints()){
        if(p.X == 2 && p.Y == 0){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "Right side object behind object scanned. FAILURE!" << std::endl;
        else if(p.X == -2 && p.Y == 0){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "Left side object behind object scanned. FAILURE!" << std::endl;
        else if(p.X == 0 && p.Y == 2){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "Upper side object behind object scanned. FAILURE!" << std::endl;
        else if(p.X == 0 && p.Y == -2){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "Lower side object behind object scanned. FAILURE!" << std::endl;
        else if(p.X ==  -2 && p.Y == -2){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "Upper left diagonal side object behind object scanned. FAILURE!" << std::endl;
        else if(p.X == 2 && p.Y == -2){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "Lower left diagonal side object behind object scanned. FAILURE!" << std::endl;
        else if(p.X == 2 && p.Y == 2){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "Lower right diagonal side object behind object scanned. FAILURE!" << std::endl;
        else if(p.X == -2 && p.Y == 2){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "Upper right diagonal side object behind object scanned. FAILURE!" << std::endl;

    //PointCloud test
    testResultsFile << "Enviroment Simulator test PointCloud" << std::endl;
    Pointcloud pC = testSim.getPointCloud();
    if(pC.getPoints()->size() > 1){
        testResultsFile << "Error: ";
        testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "Radius failed" << std::endl;
    for(Pointcloud::Point p : *pC.getPoints()){
        //std::cout << "x: " << p.X << " y: " << p.Y;
        if(p.X != 3){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "X wrong" << std::endl;
        if(p.Y != -1){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "Y wrong" << std::endl;

    //save pc
    Pointcloud loadpC;
    //load pc from file
    //make map from loaded pc
        Map pCloadMap("testpC.map", &loadpC);
        //check point
        if(pCloadMap.getMapObject(0,3) != 1){
            testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "Load from file failed" << std::endl;
    catch(int e){
        if(e != 2){
            testResultsFile << "Error: ";
            testResultsFile << "PointCloud: " << "Excpention error." << std::endl;

    testResultsFile << "Enviroment Simulator test done" << std::endl;
    if(error == 0){
        testResultsFile << "Test Succes!" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Test Succes!" << std::endl;

    testResultsFile << '\n' << '\n';
    std::cout << "Enviroment Simulator test done" << std::endl;
    return error;