Exemplo n.º 1
template< int operation( int, int ) > static QImage changeImage( const QImage& image, int value )
    QImage im = image;
    if( im.colorCount() == 0 ) /* truecolor */
        if( im.format() != QImage::Format_RGB32 ) /* just in case */
            im = im.convertToFormat( QImage::Format_RGB32 );
        int table[ 256 ];
        for( int i = 0;
                i < 256;
                ++i )
            table[ i ] = operation( i, value );
        if( im.hasAlphaChannel() )
            for( int y = 0;
                    y < im.height();
                    ++y )
                QRgb* line = reinterpret_cast< QRgb* >( im.scanLine( y ));
                for( int x = 0;
                        x < im.width();
                        ++x )
                    line[ x ] = qRgba( changeUsingTable( qRed( line[ x ] ), table ),
                            changeUsingTable( qGreen( line[ x ] ), table ),
                            changeUsingTable( qBlue( line[ x ] ), table ),
                            changeUsingTable( qAlpha( line[ x ] ), table ));
            for( int y = 0;
                    y < im.height();
                    ++y )
                QRgb* line = reinterpret_cast< QRgb* >( im.scanLine( y ));
                for( int x = 0;
                        x < im.width();
                        ++x )
                    line[ x ] = qRgb( changeUsingTable( qRed( line[ x ] ), table ),
                            changeUsingTable( qGreen( line[ x ] ), table ),
                            changeUsingTable( qBlue( line[ x ] ), table ));
        QVector<QRgb> colors = im.colorTable();
        for( int i = 0;
                i < im.colorCount();
                ++i )
            colors[ i ] = qRgb( operation( qRed( colors[ i ] ), value ),
                    operation( qGreen( colors[ i ] ), value ),
                    operation( qBlue( colors[ i ] ), value ));
    return im;
void ColorPaletteSwatchArea::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)

	//if (event->button() != Qt::LeftButton)

	const int x = event->x();
	const int y = event->y();
	const int w = width();
	const int h = height();

	if (x < 0 || x >= w ||y < 0 || y >= h)

	Image *currentImage = ImageArea::getCurrentImage();

	if (!currentImage)

	QImage *image = currentImage->getImage();

	const int numColorSwatchesXY = sqrt(image->colorCount());

	assert(w > 0);
	const int clickColumn = (int)(x * ((float)numColorSwatchesXY / w));

	assert(h > 0);
	const int clickRow = (int)(y * ((float)numColorSwatchesXY / h));

	currentImage->setSelectedColorIndex(clickRow * numColorSwatchesXY + clickColumn);

Exemplo n.º 3
QImage DetailWindow::imageFromChromagram(const KeyFinder::Chromagram& ch){
  // 64 colours (plus black at index 0)
  // don't draw individual pixels; draw blocks of chromaScaleV*chromaScaleH. Sharpens image.
  QImage img = QImage(ch.getHops()*chromaScaleH,ch.getBins()*chromaScaleV,QImage::Format_Indexed8);
  // get max to normalise
  float max = 0;
  for(unsigned int h = 0; h < ch.getHops(); h++){
    for(unsigned int b = 0; b < ch.getBins(); b++){
      float mag = ch.getMagnitude(h,b);
      if(mag>max) max = mag;
  // set pixels
  for(unsigned int h = 0; h < ch.getHops(); h++){
    for(unsigned int b = 0; b < ch.getBins(); b++){
      int pixVal = ch.getMagnitude(h,b) / max * img.colorCount() - 1;
        pixVal = 1;
      for(int x=0; x<chromaScaleH; x++)
        for(int y=0; y<chromaScaleV; y++)
          img.setPixel(h*chromaScaleH+x, (ch.getBins()-1-b)*chromaScaleV+y, pixVal);
  return img;
Exemplo n.º 4
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ctkQImageView::addImage( const QImage & image )
  Q_D( ctkQImageView );
  d->ImageList.push_back( image );
  d->TmpXMin = 0;
  d->TmpXMax = image.width();
  d->TmpYMin = 0;
  d->TmpYMax = image.height();
  if( image.isGrayscale() )
    d->IntensityMin = 0;
    d->IntensityMax = image.colorCount();
      image.colorCount(), image.colorCount()/2 );
  this->update( true, false );
  this->setCenter( image.width()/2.0, image.height()/2.0 );
Exemplo n.º 5
int player_preview_area::get_colorn_from_rgb(QImage &image, int r, int g, int b)
	QColor temp_key_color1(r, g, b);
	for (int i=0; i<image.colorCount(); i++) {
		if (temp_key_color1.rgb() == image.color(i)) {
			return i;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
void drawMandelbrot(QImage & image, int iterations, QVector2D offset, double size, ComplexNumber critical)
    ComplexNumber fz, c;
    double rx, ry;
    float color = 0.0;
    int wx = image.width(), wy = image.height();
    int byteOffset = image.bytesPerLine() / image.width();
#pragma omp parallel for ordered schedule(dynamic)
    for(int y = 0; y < wy; ++y)
        uchar *scanline = image.scanLine(y);
        for(int x = 0; x < wx; x++)
            rx = (2.0 * ((double)x / (double)wx) - 1.0);
            ry = (2.0 * ((double)y / (double)wy) - 1.0);
            c = ComplexNumber(rx * size + offset.x(), ry * size + offset.y());
            fz = critical;
            //qDebug() << "x: " << z << ", y: " << c;
            //fz = mandelbrot(fz, c);
            int i = 0;
            for(i = 0; i < iterations && abs(fz) <= 2.0; ++i)
                fz = mandelbrot(fz, c);

#pragma omp ordered
                color = (float)i / (float)iterations;
                if(image.format() == QImage::Format_RGB888)
                    *(scanline + x * byteOffset) = 255 * color;
                    *(scanline + x * byteOffset + 1) = 255 * color;
                    *(scanline + x * byteOffset + 2) = 255 * color;

                if(image.format() == QImage::Format_Indexed8)
                    *(scanline + x * byteOffset) = i % (image.colorCount() + 1);// * color;
            //image.setPixel(x, y, qRgb(i % 256, i % 256, i % 256));
            //image.setPixel(x, y, i % 256);
Exemplo n.º 7
void QMacPixmapData::fromImage(const QImage &img,
                               Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags)

    // the conversion code only handles format >=
    // Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied at the moment..
    if (img.format() > QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) {
        QImage image;
        if (img.hasAlphaChannel())
            image = img.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
            image = img.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB32);
        fromImage(image, flags);

    w = img.width();
    h = img.height();
    is_null = (w <= 0 || h <= 0);
    d = (pixelType() == BitmapType ? 1 : img.depth());

    QImage image = img;
    int dd = QPixmap::defaultDepth();
    bool force_mono = (dd == 1 ||
                       (flags & Qt::ColorMode_Mask)==Qt::MonoOnly);
    if (force_mono) {                         // must be monochrome
        if (d != 1) {
            image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_MonoLSB, flags);  // dither
            d = 1;
    } else {                                    // can be both
        bool conv8 = false;
        if(d > 8 && dd <= 8) {               // convert to 8 bit
            if ((flags & Qt::DitherMode_Mask) == Qt::AutoDither)
                flags = (flags & ~Qt::DitherMode_Mask)
                                   | Qt::PreferDither;
            conv8 = true;
        } else if ((flags & Qt::ColorMode_Mask) == Qt::ColorOnly) {
            conv8 = d == 1;                     // native depth wanted
        } else if (d == 1) {
            if (image.colorCount() == 2) {
                QRgb c0 = image.color(0);       // Auto: convert to best
                QRgb c1 = image.color(1);
                conv8 = qMin(c0,c1) != qRgb(0,0,0) || qMax(c0,c1) != qRgb(255,255,255);
            } else {
                // eg. 1-color monochrome images (they do exist).
                conv8 = true;
        if (conv8) {
            image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Indexed8, flags);
            d = 8;

    if (image.depth()==1) {
        image.setColor(0, QColor(Qt::color0).rgba());
        image.setColor(1, QColor(Qt::color1).rgba());

    if (d == 16 || d == 24) {
        image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB32, flags);
        fromImage(image, flags);

    // different size or depth, make a new pixmap
    resize(w, h);

    quint32 *dptr = pixels, *drow;
    const uint dbpr = bytesPerRow;

    const QImage::Format sfmt = image.format();
    const unsigned short sbpr = image.bytesPerLine();

    // use const_cast to prevent a detach
    const uchar *sptr = const_cast<const QImage &>(image).bits(), *srow;

    for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
        drow = dptr + (y * (dbpr / 4));
        srow = sptr + (y * sbpr);
        switch(sfmt) {
        case QImage::Format_MonoLSB:
        case QImage::Format_Mono:{
            for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
                char one_bit = *(srow + (x / 8));
                if (sfmt == QImage::Format_Mono)
                    one_bit = one_bit >> (7 - (x % 8));
                    one_bit = one_bit >> (x % 8);
                if ((one_bit & 0x01))
                    *(drow+x) = 0xFF000000;
                    *(drow+x) = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        case QImage::Format_Indexed8: {
            int numColors = image.numColors();
            if (numColors > 0) {
                for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
                    int index = *(srow + x);
                    *(drow+x) = PREMUL(image.color(qMin(index, numColors)));
        } break;
        case QImage::Format_RGB32:
            for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
                *(drow+x) = *(((quint32*)srow) + x) | 0xFF000000;
        case QImage::Format_ARGB32:
        case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied:
            for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
                if(sfmt == QImage::Format_RGB32)
                    *(drow+x) = 0xFF000000 | (*(((quint32*)srow) + x) & 0x00FFFFFF);
                else if(sfmt == QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied)
                    *(drow+x) = *(((quint32*)srow) + x);
                    *(drow+x) = PREMUL(*(((quint32*)srow) + x));
            qWarning("Qt: internal: Oops: Forgot a format [%d] %s:%d", sfmt,
                     __FILE__, __LINE__);
Exemplo n.º 8
GLTexture::GLTexture(const QImage& image, GLenum target)
    : d_ptr(new GLTexturePrivate())

    if (image.isNull())

    d->m_target = target;

    if (d->m_target != GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) {
        d->m_scale.setWidth(1.0 / image.width());
        d->m_scale.setHeight(1.0 / image.height());
    } else {

    d->m_size = image.size();
    d->m_yInverted = true;
    d->m_canUseMipmaps = false;
    d->m_mipLevels = 1;


    glGenTextures(1, &d->m_texture);

    if (!GLPlatform::instance()->isGLES()) {
        // Note: Blending is set up to expect premultiplied data, so non-premultiplied
        //       formats must always be converted.
        struct {
            GLenum internalFormat;
            GLenum format;
            GLenum type;
        } static const table[] = {
            { 0,           0,       0                              }, // QImage::Format_Invalid
            { 0,           0,       0                              }, // QImage::Format_Mono
            { 0,           0,       0                              }, // QImage::Format_MonoLSB
            { GL_R8,       GL_RED,  GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE               }, // QImage::Format_Indexed8
            { GL_RGB8,     GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV    }, // QImage::Format_RGB32
            { 0,           0,       0                              }, // QImage::Format_ARGB32
            { GL_RGBA8,    GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV    }, // QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied
            { GL_RGB8,     GL_BGR,  GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV    }, // QImage::Format_RGB16
            { 0,           0,       0                              }, // QImage::Format_ARGB8565_Premultiplied
            { 0,           0,       0                              }, // QImage::Format_RGB666
            { GL_RGB5,     GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV  }, // QImage::Format_RGB555
            { 0,           0,       0                              }, // QImage::Format_ARGB8555_Premultiplied
            { GL_RGB8,     GL_RGB,  GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE               }, // QImage::Format_RGB888
            { GL_RGB4,     GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV  }, // QImage::Format_RGB444
            { GL_RGBA4,    GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV  }, // QImage::Format_ARGB4444_Premultiplied
            { GL_RGB8,     GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE               }, // QImage::Format_RGBX8888
            { 0,           0,       0                              }, // QImage::Format_RGBA8888
            { GL_RGBA8,    GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE               }, // QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied
            { GL_RGB10,    GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV }, // QImage::Format_BGR30
            { GL_RGB10_A2, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV }, // QImage::Format_A2BGR30_Premultiplied
            { GL_RGB10,    GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV }, // QImage::Format_RGB30
            { GL_RGB10_A2, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV }, // QImage::Format_A2RGB30_Premultiplied

        QImage im;
        GLenum internalFormat;
        GLenum format;
        GLenum type;

        const QImage::Format index = image.format();

        if (index < sizeof(table) / sizeof(table[0]) && table[index].internalFormat &&
            !(index == QImage::Format_Indexed8 && image.colorCount() > 0)) {
            internalFormat = table[index].internalFormat;
            format = table[index].format;
            type = table[index].type;
            im = image;
        } else {
            im = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
            internalFormat = GL_RGBA8;
            format = GL_BGRA;
            type = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV;

        d->m_internalFormat = internalFormat;

        if (d->s_supportsTextureStorage) {
            glTexStorage2D(d->m_target, 1, internalFormat, im.width(), im.height());
            glTexSubImage2D(d->m_target, 0, 0, 0, im.width(), im.height(),
                            format, type, im.bits());
            d->m_immutable = true;
        } else {
            glTexParameteri(d->m_target, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, d->m_mipLevels - 1);
            glTexImage2D(d->m_target, 0, internalFormat, im.width(), im.height(), 0,
                         format, type, im.bits());
    } else {
        d->m_internalFormat = GL_RGBA8;

        if (d->s_supportsARGB32) {
            const QImage im = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
            glTexImage2D(d->m_target, 0, GL_BGRA_EXT, im.width(), im.height(),
                         0, GL_BGRA_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, im.bits());
        } else {
            const QImage im = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied);
            glTexImage2D(d->m_target, 0, GL_RGBA, im.width(), im.height(),
                         0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, im.bits());

Exemplo n.º 9
static bool write_jpeg_image(const QImage &image, QIODevice *device, int sourceQuality)
    bool success = false;
    const QVector<QRgb> cmap = image.colorTable();

    struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
    JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
    row_pointer[0] = 0;

    struct my_jpeg_destination_mgr *iod_dest = new my_jpeg_destination_mgr(device);
    struct my_error_mgr jerr;

    cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
    jerr.error_exit = my_error_exit;

    if (!setjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer)) {
        // WARNING:
        // this if loop is inside a setjmp/longjmp branch
        // do not create C++ temporaries here because the destructor may never be called
        // if you allocate memory, make sure that you can free it (row_pointer[0])

        cinfo.dest = iod_dest;

        cinfo.image_width = image.width();
        cinfo.image_height = image.height();

        bool gray=false;
        switch (image.format()) {
        case QImage::Format_Mono:
        case QImage::Format_MonoLSB:
        case QImage::Format_Indexed8:
            gray = true;
            for (int i = image.colorCount(); gray && i--;) {
                gray = gray & (qRed(cmap[i]) == qGreen(cmap[i]) &&
                               qRed(cmap[i]) == qBlue(cmap[i]));
            cinfo.input_components = gray ? 1 : 3;
            cinfo.in_color_space = gray ? JCS_GRAYSCALE : JCS_RGB;
            cinfo.input_components = 3;
            cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;


        qreal diffInch = qAbs(image.dotsPerMeterX()*2.54/100. - qRound(image.dotsPerMeterX()*2.54/100.))
                         + qAbs(image.dotsPerMeterY()*2.54/100. - qRound(image.dotsPerMeterY()*2.54/100.));
        qreal diffCm = (qAbs(image.dotsPerMeterX()/100. - qRound(image.dotsPerMeterX()/100.))
                        + qAbs(image.dotsPerMeterY()/100. - qRound(image.dotsPerMeterY()/100.)))*2.54;
        if (diffInch < diffCm) {
            cinfo.density_unit = 1; // dots/inch
            cinfo.X_density = qRound(image.dotsPerMeterX()*2.54/100.);
            cinfo.Y_density = qRound(image.dotsPerMeterY()*2.54/100.);
        } else {
            cinfo.density_unit = 2; // dots/cm
            cinfo.X_density = (image.dotsPerMeterX()+50) / 100;
            cinfo.Y_density = (image.dotsPerMeterY()+50) / 100;

        int quality = sourceQuality >= 0 ? qMin(sourceQuality,100) : 75;
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIXWARE)
        jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, quality, B_TRUE /* limit to baseline-JPEG values */);
        jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, B_TRUE);
        jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, quality, true /* limit to baseline-JPEG values */);
        jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, true);

        row_pointer[0] = new uchar[cinfo.image_width*cinfo.input_components];
        int w = cinfo.image_width;
        while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) {
            uchar *row = row_pointer[0];
            switch (image.format()) {
            case QImage::Format_Mono:
            case QImage::Format_MonoLSB:
                if (gray) {
                    const uchar* data = image.constScanLine(cinfo.next_scanline);
                    if (image.format() == QImage::Format_MonoLSB) {
                        for (int i=0; i<w; i++) {
                            bool bit = !!(*(data + (i >> 3)) & (1 << (i & 7)));
                            row[i] = qRed(cmap[bit]);
                    } else {
                        for (int i=0; i<w; i++) {
                            bool bit = !!(*(data + (i >> 3)) & (1 << (7 -(i & 7))));
                            row[i] = qRed(cmap[bit]);
                } else {
                    const uchar* data = image.constScanLine(cinfo.next_scanline);
                    if (image.format() == QImage::Format_MonoLSB) {
                        for (int i=0; i<w; i++) {
                            bool bit = !!(*(data + (i >> 3)) & (1 << (i & 7)));
                            *row++ = qRed(cmap[bit]);
                            *row++ = qGreen(cmap[bit]);
                            *row++ = qBlue(cmap[bit]);
                    } else {
                        for (int i=0; i<w; i++) {
                            bool bit = !!(*(data + (i >> 3)) & (1 << (7 -(i & 7))));
                            *row++ = qRed(cmap[bit]);
                            *row++ = qGreen(cmap[bit]);
                            *row++ = qBlue(cmap[bit]);
Exemplo n.º 10
void Ui3Reader::embed(const char *project, const QStringList &images)

    QString cProject = convertToCIdentifier( project );

    QStringList::ConstIterator it;
    out << "/****************************************************************************\n";
    out << "** Image collection for project '" << project << "'.\n";
    out << "**\n";
    out << "** Generated from reading image files: \n";
    for ( it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it )
        out << "**      " << *it << "\n";
    out << "**\n";
    out << "** Created: " << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() << "\n";
    out << "**      by: The User Interface Compiler for Qt version " << QT_VERSION_STR << "\n";
    out << "**\n";
    out << "** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n";
    out << "****************************************************************************/\n";
    out << "\n";

    out << "#include <qimage.h>\n";
    out << "#include <qmime.h>\n";
    out << "#include <q3mimefactory.h>\n";
    out << "#include <q3dragobject.h>\n";
    out << "\n";

    QList<EmbedImage*> list_image;
    int image_count = 0;
    for ( it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it ) {
        QImage img;
        if ( !img.load( *it ) ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "uic: cannot load image file %s\n", (*it).latin1() );
        EmbedImage *e = new EmbedImage;
        e->width = img.width();
        e->height = img.height();
        e->depth = img.depth();
        e->numColors = img.colorCount();
        e->colorTable = new QRgb[e->numColors];
        e->alpha = img.hasAlphaBuffer();
        QVector<QRgb> ct = img.colorTable();
        memcpy(e->colorTable, ct.constData(), e->numColors*sizeof(QRgb));
        QFileInfo fi( *it );
        e->name = fi.fileName();
        e->cname = QString::fromLatin1("image_%1").arg( image_count++);
        list_image.append( e );
        out << "// " << *it << "\n";
        QString s;
        if ( e->depth == 1 )
            img = img.convertBitOrder(QImage::BigEndian);
        out << s.sprintf( "static const unsigned char %s_data[] = {",
                          e->cname.latin1() );
        e->compressed =
            embedData( out, img.bits(), img.byteCount() );
        out << "\n};\n\n";
        if ( e->numColors ) {
            out << s.sprintf( "static const QRgb %s_ctable[] = {",
                              e->cname.latin1() );
            embedData( out, e->colorTable, e->numColors );
            out << "\n};\n\n";

    if ( !list_image.isEmpty() ) {
        out << "static const struct EmbedImage {\n"
            "    int width, height, depth;\n"
            "    const unsigned char *data;\n"
            "    ulong compressed;\n"
            "    int numColors;\n"
            "    const QRgb *colorTable;\n"
            "    bool alpha;\n"
            "    const char *name;\n"
            "} embed_image_vec[] = {\n";
        EmbedImage *e = 0;
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < list_image.count(); ++i) {
            e = list_image.at(i);
            out << "    { "
                << e->width << ", "
                << e->height << ", "
                << e->depth << ", "
                << "(const unsigned char*)" << e->cname << "_data, "
                << e->compressed << ", "
                << e->numColors << ", ";
            if ( e->numColors )
                out << e->cname << "_ctable, ";
                out << "0, ";
            if ( e->alpha )
                out << "true, ";
                out << "false, ";
            out << '\"' << e->name << "\" },\n";
            delete e;
        out << "    { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }\n};\n";
        out << "    { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }\n};\n";

        out << "\n"
            "static QImage uic_findImage( const QString& name )\n"
            "    for ( int i=0; embed_image_vec[i].data; i++ ) {\n"
            "        if ( QString::fromUtf8(embed_image_vec[i].name) == name ) {\n"
            "            QByteArray baunzip;\n"
            "            baunzip = qUncompress( embed_image_vec[i].data, \n"
            "                embed_image_vec[i].compressed );\n"
            "            QImage img((uchar*)baunzip.data(),\n"
            "                        embed_image_vec[i].width,\n"
            "                        embed_image_vec[i].height,\n"
            "                        embed_image_vec[i].depth,\n"
            "                        (QRgb*)embed_image_vec[i].colorTable,\n"
            "                        embed_image_vec[i].numColors,\n"
            "                        QImage::BigEndian\n"
            "                );\n"
            "            img = img.copy();\n"
            "            QImage img((uchar*)embed_image_vec[i].data,\n"
            "                        embed_image_vec[i].width,\n"
            "                        embed_image_vec[i].height,\n"
            "                        embed_image_vec[i].depth,\n"
            "                        (QRgb*)embed_image_vec[i].colorTable,\n"
            "                        embed_image_vec[i].numColors,\n"
            "                        QImage::BigEndian\n"
            "                );\n"
            "            if ( embed_image_vec[i].alpha )\n"
            "                img.setAlphaBuffer(true);\n"
            "            return img;\n"
            "        }\n"
            "    }\n"
            "    return QImage();\n"

        out << "class MimeSourceFactory_" << cProject << " : public Q3MimeSourceFactory\n";
        out << "{\n";
        out << "public:\n";
        out << "    MimeSourceFactory_" << cProject << "() {}\n";
        out << "    ~MimeSourceFactory_" << cProject << "() {}\n";
        out << "    const QMimeSource* data( const QString& abs_name ) const {\n";
        out << "\tconst QMimeSource* d = Q3MimeSourceFactory::data( abs_name );\n";
        out << "\tif ( d || abs_name.isNull() ) return d;\n";
        out << "\tQImage img = uic_findImage( abs_name );\n";
        out << "\tif ( !img.isNull() )\n";
        out << "\t    ((Q3MimeSourceFactory*)this)->setImage( abs_name, img );\n";
        out << "\treturn Q3MimeSourceFactory::data( abs_name );\n";
        out << "    };\n";
        out << "};\n\n";

        out << "static Q3MimeSourceFactory* factory = 0;\n";
        out << "\n";

        out << "void qInitImages_" << cProject << "()\n";
        out << "{\n";
        out << "    if ( !factory ) {\n";
        out << "\tfactory = new MimeSourceFactory_" << cProject << ";\n";
        out << "\tQ3MimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->addFactory( factory );\n";
        out << "    }\n";
        out << "}\n\n";

        out << "void qCleanupImages_" << cProject << "()\n";
        out << "{\n";
        out << "    if ( factory ) {\n";
        out << "\tQ3MimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->removeFactory( factory );\n";
        out << "\tdelete factory;\n";
        out << "\tfactory = 0;\n";
        out << "    }\n";
        out << "}\n\n";

        out << "class StaticInitImages_" << cProject << "\n";
        out << "{\n";
        out << "public:\n";
        out << "    StaticInitImages_" << cProject << "() { qInitImages_" << cProject << "(); }\n";
        out << "#if defined(Q_OS_SCO) || defined(Q_OS_UNIXWARE)\n";
        out << "    ~StaticInitImages_" << cProject << "() { }\n";
        out << "#else\n";
        out << "    ~StaticInitImages_" << cProject << "() { qCleanupImages_" << cProject << "(); }\n";
        out << "#endif\n";
        out << "};\n\n";

        out << "static StaticInitImages_" << cProject << " staticImages;\n";
Exemplo n.º 11
static bool write_pbm_image(QIODevice *out, const QImage &sourceImage, const QByteArray &sourceFormat)
    QByteArray str;
    QImage image = sourceImage;
    QByteArray format = sourceFormat;

    format = format.left(3);                        // ignore RAW part
    bool gray = format == "pgm";

    if (format == "pbm") {
        image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Mono);
    } else if (gray) {
        image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
    } else {
        switch (image.format()) {
        case QImage::Format_Mono:
        case QImage::Format_MonoLSB:
            image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Indexed8);
        case QImage::Format_Indexed8:
        case QImage::Format_RGB32:
        case QImage::Format_ARGB32:
            if (image.hasAlphaChannel())
                image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
                image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB32);

    if (image.depth() == 1 && image.colorCount() == 2) {
        if (qGray(image.color(0)) < qGray(image.color(1))) {
            // 0=dark/black, 1=light/white - invert
            for (int y=0; y<image.height(); y++) {
                uchar *p = image.scanLine(y);
                uchar *end = p + image.bytesPerLine();
                while (p < end)
                    *p++ ^= 0xff;

    uint w = image.width();
    uint h = image.height();

    str = "P\n";
    str += QByteArray::number(w);
    str += ' ';
    str += QByteArray::number(h);
    str += '\n';

    switch (image.depth()) {
        case 1: {
            str.insert(1, '4');
            if (out->write(str, str.length()) != str.length())
                return false;
            w = (w+7)/8;
            for (uint y=0; y<h; y++) {
                uchar* line = image.scanLine(y);
                if (w != (uint)out->write((char*)line, w))
                    return false;

        case 8: {
            str.insert(1, gray ? '5' : '6');
            if (out->write(str, str.length()) != str.length())
                return false;
            uint bpl = w * (gray ? 1 : 3);
            uchar *buf = new uchar[bpl];
            if (image.format() == QImage::Format_Indexed8) {
                QVector<QRgb> color = image.colorTable();
                for (uint y=0; y<h; y++) {
                    const uchar *b = image.constScanLine(y);
                    uchar *p = buf;
                    uchar *end = buf+bpl;
                    if (gray) {
                        while (p < end) {
                            uchar g = (uchar)qGray(color[*b++]);
                            *p++ = g;
                    } else {
                        while (p < end) {
                            QRgb rgb = color[*b++];
                            *p++ = qRed(rgb);
                            *p++ = qGreen(rgb);
                            *p++ = qBlue(rgb);
                    if (bpl != (uint)out->write((char*)buf, bpl))
                        return false;
            } else {
                for (uint y=0; y<h; y++) {
                    const uchar *b = image.constScanLine(y);
                    uchar *p = buf;
                    uchar *end = buf + bpl;
                    if (gray) {
                        while (p < end)
                            *p++ = *b++;
                    } else {
                        while (p < end) {
                            uchar color = *b++;
                            *p++ = color;
                            *p++ = color;
                            *p++ = color;
                    if (bpl != (uint)out->write((char*)buf, bpl))
                        return false;
            delete [] buf;

        case 32: {
            str.insert(1, '6');
            if (out->write(str, str.length()) != str.length())
                return false;
            uint bpl = w * 3;
            uchar *buf = new uchar[bpl];
            for (uint y=0; y<h; y++) {
                const QRgb  *b = reinterpret_cast<const QRgb *>(image.constScanLine(y));
                uchar *p = buf;
                uchar *end = buf+bpl;
                while (p < end) {
                    QRgb rgb = *b++;
                    *p++ = qRed(rgb);
                    *p++ = qGreen(rgb);
                    *p++ = qBlue(rgb);
                if (bpl != (uint)out->write((char*)buf, bpl))
                    return false;
            delete [] buf;

        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
bool Q_INTERNAL_WIN_NO_THROW QPNGImageWriter::writeImage(const QImage& image, volatile int quality_in, const QString &description,
                                 int off_x_in, int off_y_in)
    QPoint offset = image.offset();
    int off_x = off_x_in + offset.x();
    int off_y = off_y_in + offset.y();

    png_structp png_ptr;
    png_infop info_ptr;

    png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,0,0,0);
    if (!png_ptr) {
        return false;

    png_set_error_fn(png_ptr, 0, 0, qt_png_warning);

    info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
    if (!info_ptr) {
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, 0);
        return false;

    if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
        return false;

    int quality = quality_in;
    if (quality >= 0) {
        if (quality > 9) {
            qWarning("PNG: Quality %d out of range", quality);
            quality = 9;
        png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, quality);

    png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, (void*)this, qpiw_write_fn, qpiw_flush_fn);

    int color_type = 0;
    if (image.colorCount()) {
        if (image.isGrayscale())
            color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY;
            color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE;
    else if (image.format() == QImage::Format_Grayscale8)
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY;
    else if (image.hasAlphaChannel())
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA;
        color_type = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB;

    png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, image.width(), image.height(),
                 image.depth() == 1 ? 1 : 8, // per channel
                 color_type, 0, 0, 0);       // sets #channels

    if (gamma != 0.0) {
        png_set_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, 1.0/gamma);

    if (image.format() == QImage::Format_MonoLSB)

    if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
        // Paletted
        int num_palette = qMin(256, image.colorCount());
        png_color palette[256];
        png_byte trans[256];
        int num_trans = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<num_palette; i++) {
            QRgb rgba=image.color(i);
            palette[i].red = qRed(rgba);
            palette[i].green = qGreen(rgba);
            palette[i].blue = qBlue(rgba);
            trans[i] = qAlpha(rgba);
            if (trans[i] < 255) {
                num_trans = i+1;
        png_set_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, palette, num_palette);

        if (num_trans) {
            png_set_tRNS(png_ptr, info_ptr, trans, num_trans, 0);

    // Swap ARGB to RGBA (normal PNG format) before saving on
    // BigEndian machines
    if (QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::BigEndian) {

    // Qt==ARGB==Big(ARGB)==Little(BGRA). But RGB888 is RGB regardless
    if (QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::LittleEndian
        && image.format() != QImage::Format_RGB888) {

    if (off_x || off_y) {
        png_set_oFFs(png_ptr, info_ptr, off_x, off_y, PNG_OFFSET_PIXEL);

    if (frames_written > 0)
        png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, 8);

    if (image.dotsPerMeterX() > 0 || image.dotsPerMeterY() > 0) {
        png_set_pHYs(png_ptr, info_ptr,
                image.dotsPerMeterX(), image.dotsPerMeterY(),

    set_text(image, png_ptr, info_ptr, description);

    png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    if (image.depth() != 1)

    if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB && image.format() != QImage::Format_RGB888)
        png_set_filler(png_ptr, 0,
            QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::BigEndian ?

    if (looping >= 0 && frames_written == 0) {
        uchar data[13] = "NETSCAPE2.0";
        //                0123456789aBC
        data[0xB] = looping%0x100;
        data[0xC] = looping/0x100;
        png_write_chunk(png_ptr, const_cast<png_bytep>((const png_byte *)"gIFx"), data, 13);
    if (ms_delay >= 0 || disposal!=Unspecified) {
        uchar data[4];
        data[0] = disposal;
        data[1] = 0;
        data[2] = (ms_delay/10)/0x100; // hundredths
        data[3] = (ms_delay/10)%0x100;
        png_write_chunk(png_ptr, const_cast<png_bytep>((const png_byte *)"gIFg"), data, 4);

    int height = image.height();
    int width = image.width();
    switch (image.format()) {
    case QImage::Format_Mono:
    case QImage::Format_MonoLSB:
    case QImage::Format_Indexed8:
    case QImage::Format_Grayscale8:
    case QImage::Format_RGB32:
    case QImage::Format_ARGB32:
    case QImage::Format_RGB888:
            png_bytep* row_pointers = new png_bytep[height];
            for (int y=0; y<height; y++)
                row_pointers[y] = const_cast<png_bytep>(image.constScanLine(y));
            png_write_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);
            delete [] row_pointers;
            QImage::Format fmt = image.hasAlphaChannel() ? QImage::Format_ARGB32 : QImage::Format_RGB32;
            QImage row;
            png_bytep row_pointers[1];
            for (int y=0; y<height; y++) {
                row = image.copy(0, y, width, 1).convertToFormat(fmt);
                row_pointers[0] = const_cast<png_bytep>(row.constScanLine(0));
                png_write_rows(png_ptr, row_pointers, 1);

    png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);

    return true;
bool ParupaintPanvasInputOutput::exportGIF(ParupaintPanvas * panvas, const QString & filename, QString & errorStr)
		return (errorStr = "Enter a filename to save to.").isEmpty();

	int error = 0;
	GifFileType * gif = EGifOpenFileName(filename.toStdString().c_str(), false, &error);

	foreach(const QImage & image, panvas->mergedImageFrames(true)){

		error = 0;
		bool alpha = false;
		QImage toWrite = convertToIndexed8(image, &alpha);

		QVector<QRgb> colorTable = toWrite.colorTable();
		ColorMapObject cmap;

		int numColors = 1 << BitSize(toWrite.colorCount());
		numColors = 256;

		cmap.ColorCount = numColors;
		cmap.BitsPerPixel = 8;	/// @todo based on numColors (or not? we did ask for Format_Indexed8, so the data is always 8-bit, right?)
		GifColorType* colorValues = (GifColorType*)malloc(cmap.ColorCount * sizeof(GifColorType));
		cmap.Colors = colorValues;
		int c = 0;
		for(; c < toWrite.colorCount(); ++c)
			//qDebug("color %d has %02X%02X%02X", c, qRed(colorTable[c]), qGreen(colorTable[c]), qBlue(colorTable[c]));
			colorValues[c].Red = qRed(colorTable[c]);
			colorValues[c].Green = qGreen(colorTable[c]);
			colorValues[c].Blue = qBlue(colorTable[c]);
		// In case we had an actual number of colors that's not a power of 2,
		// fill the rest with something (black perhaps).
		for (; c < numColors; ++c)
			colorValues[c].Red = 0;
			colorValues[c].Green = 0;
			colorValues[c].Blue = 0;

		/// @todo how to specify which version, or decide based on features in use
		// Because of this call, libgif is not re-entrant
		EGifSetGifVersion(gif, true);

		if ((error = EGifPutScreenDesc(gif, toWrite.width(), toWrite.height(), numColors, 0, &cmap)) == GIF_ERROR)
			qCritical("EGifPutScreenDesc returned error %d", error);

		int fps = (100.0/panvas->frameRate());

		char flags = 1 << 3;
		if(alpha) flags |= 1;

		char graphics_ext[] = {
			(char)(fps % 256), (char)(fps / 256),
			(char)(alpha ? 0x00 : 0xff)
		EGifPutExtension(gif, GRAPHICS_EXT_FUNC_CODE, 4, graphics_ext);

		if ((error = EGifPutImageDesc(gif, 0, 0, toWrite.width(), toWrite.height(), 0, &cmap)) == GIF_ERROR)
			qCritical("EGifPutImageDesc returned error %d", error);

		int lc = toWrite.height();
		int llen = toWrite.bytesPerLine();
		for (int l = 0; l < lc; ++l) {
			uchar* line = toWrite.scanLine(l);
			if ((error = EGifPutLine(gif, (GifPixelType*)line, llen)) == GIF_ERROR) {
				qCritical("EGifPutLine returned error %d", error);

			// loop forever
			unsigned char loopblock[3] = {1, 0, 0};
			EGifPutExtensionLeader(gif, APPLICATION_EXT_FUNC_CODE);
			EGifPutExtensionBlock(gif, 11, "NETSCAPE2.0");
			EGifPutExtensionBlock(gif, 3, loopblock);

	EGifCloseFile(gif, &error);
	return true;
	return (errorStr = "GIF export not available.").isEmpty();
void ColorPaletteSwatchArea::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
	Image *currentImage = ImageArea::getCurrentImage();

	if (!currentImage)
		QPainter painter(this);

		painter.drawRect(0, 0, width(), height());

		painter.drawLine(0, 0, width(), height());
		painter.drawLine(width(), 0, 0, height());


	QImage *image = currentImage->getImage();

	const int numColorSwatchesXY = sqrt(image->colorCount());

	const float w = width() / numColorSwatchesXY;
	const float h = height() / numColorSwatchesXY;

	QPainter painter(this);

	painter.drawRect(0, 0, width(), height());

	for (int y = 0; y < numColorSwatchesXY; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < numColorSwatchesXY; ++x)
			const unsigned int index = x + numColorSwatchesXY * y;

			QColor color = image->color(index);
			painter.drawRect(x * w, y * h, w, h);

			if (index == currentImage->getSelectedColorIndex())

				painter.drawRect(x * w, y * h, w - 1, h - 1);

				painter.drawRect(x * w + 1, y * h + 1, w - 3, h - 3);

			short hotkeyGroupForColorIndex = currentImage->getHotkeyGroupForColorIndex(index);

			if (hotkeyGroupForColorIndex >= 0)
				const unsigned int numberX = x * w + 2;
				const unsigned int numberY = (y + 1) * h - 2;

				if (color.redF() + color.greenF() + color.blueF() > 1.5f)
				// bright color
					// so write text in black
				// dark color
					// write text in white

				painter.drawText(QPoint(numberX, numberY), QString::number(hotkeyGroupForColorIndex));